HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-02-26, Page 1The 'Clinton News -Record Est. 1878
NO. 6081 -63rd YEAR
Which is Incorporated The Clinton
Diamond Rings
Bridal Wreath
They have a four point guarantee and Perfection in every detail
of Diamond quality, coloring, in cutting, in brilliance and flawless
Jeweler and Optometrist Residence Phone 174j
New Dresses
For Spring and Early
Summer -War
Sizes 13 to 44 and halt sizes.
In Fabrics of Courtaulds
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A Great Variety of
Colours and Designs
And So Reasonably Priced at
$4.75 and 4.95
A BULOVA Watch is a lifetime
inVestmentt Long after yoccr bonus
check is forgotten your BULOVA
will be paying happy dividends of
pleasure and dependable service.
Remember- Watch Repair is a Job for Experts.
Our Work Assures Your Satisfaction.
Counters for Finer Jewelleryfor Over Half a
Century in (Huron County.
Test Pump Has Arrived
Retires After 18 Years
The test pump bas arrived for the With G.N.R.
PublicUtilities ?Commission and is.
being .set up on the well drilled early Fred Huisees, who for the past lE
this winter. This well will soon be in Years, hare been a valued employee on
operation which will relieve the heavy the Canadian National' Railways, was
tax on the two wells working now. honored' at a gatheriing in Clinton re -
There has been some difficulty in get " Gently, when nth employees Pres -
ting this pump owing to war produc-:
v is,s tr et
tion and if everything a sfa pry
a good skinny of water is; assured for
Clinton and No. 31 Radio School.
1 '
Thieves At Large
Several reports have been madd at
this office of thieves stripping clothes"
lines in town at night. ' This is one
of the meanest and lowest ants any
human could perform. We understate➢
also that there have been other minor
robberies. One lady asks us to make
the following announcement, "Will
the person or persona who took the
pants from the clothes lines in the
yard's of citizens of St. John's Ward,
kindly return the same as the weather
is cold." Yours for sympathy. Shiv-
ering Lady.
Juveniles Win But Bantams
Clinton Juveniles defeated. Lucknow
Juveniles by 6-0 in their game which
followed the Bantam game at Luck -
now last Thursday evening.
Lueknow Bantam Hockey Team won
their group by tying -Clinton Bantams
in a closely contested game 3-3. Fran-
rankie E1lowood-scoring all the goals for
Clinton. They were also three men
short, but they were just put out of
the group by one goal on the round.
The Juyeniles play their first play-
off' game with New Hamburg next
Tuesday night in the local arena at
8.30 o'clock. Come and cheer them
to victory.
Elaborate Variety Show
From the elaborate and spectacular
patriotic opening with twelve lovely
.dancers in R.C.A.F. uniforms, plus the
remainder of the 'oustanding cast of
twenty-five footlights and radio fav-
ourites, "Sing Out the News" was
one of the most rousing and sparkling
revues to be• presented in Clinton, last
Saturday evening to the town hall
This splendid, revue was presented
under the auspices of the Victory
Loan Committee, with the entire sup-
ervision in the hands of Erie Green,
wood, who has just returned from
New York to contribute his services
to this invaluable phase of his coun-
try's war effort.
Sing Out the,News was replete with
talent ranging from dance teams to
rousing quartettes, song and dance
soloists, and Ted Rust, the famous
ventriloquist, and many •other out-
standing artiste.
The Red Cross Soeiety will meet
on Monday, Martell, 2nd, at three o'-
clock ,in the Council Chambers.
Please bring your extra coat hangers
to this meeting, as they are needed
at the Radio School, Any donations
of this kind will be very much appre-
entad him with a p se of money. Mr.
Huiss r is retirin andwill remove
to Seeforth.
The following address was read:
"Dear Fred: Onfthi's your last day
of work for the Cknedian National
Railways' before your retirement, we
thought it only apeeeopi•iate that We be
gathered here today to voice to you
our thanks. and appreciation for the
kind co-operation you have phown at
all times during the years you have
been associated with us. We feel that
your willingnesIsi iperformmg Wf
your duties and genial disposi-
tion ;during all those years that you
have been associatell,with ue, should)
not go unnoticed oil• this . your last
day: Therefore, in appreciation, kinds
ly accept this: •sniaili token, and we all
sincerely hope that you will live for
many years to corgie to enjoy your
coming pension. Tlie Gang."
World Day Of Prayer
observed Here
The World's Day Prayer was ob-
served here last Fadayy afternoon by
a service held in Wesley -Willis United
church which was attended by women
of all denomination's, who filled the
auditorium to capabity.
Mrs. Chowen, president ,of the
Wesley -Willis Women's Missionary
Society presided. Those taking part
in the service were lyfrs. B. F. Andrew,
Mrs. W. J. Stevenson, and' Mrs. Sny-
der of the Presbyterian church; Mrs.
A. Lane, Mrs. A. T. ,Clooper•, Mrs. Geo-
rge VanHorne, Miffs. J. Sutter and
Mrs, Frank Fingland of Wesley -Wil-
lis church; Mra. W. M. Aiken of the
Ontario Street United church; and
Miss Mary Holmes; and Mrs. IL M.
Monteith from St. awl's Church of
England. A. solo I sung by Mrs.
W. A. Oakes, with r:gan accompani-
ment by Mrs. M. J.;Agnew.
Wesley -Willis Church
The ministers' sermon subjects will
be, 11 a.m., "The Real Issue;" 7 p.m.
"Springs of Power."
The Women's Association will hold
their March meeting' next Wednesday,
the 4th, at the usual hour. Mrs. Hp
W. Gould'e group will be in charge:
Baptist Church
Come to church. The church needs
,you, you need the church.
At the evening service the pastor
is treating a series of sermon meg-
gages dealing with the future life.
The subject for this Sunday evening
service will be: "Words of Jesus Con-
firming a Future Life."
Be in your place in the Sunday -
school, remembering it meets at
two -thirty in the afternoon.
Presbyterian Church
"God never works through a dis'.
enuraged man:"—Dwight L. Moody.
S.S. and Divine Service as usual.
The Women's Association will meet
in the Sunday School room of the
church next Wednesday. afternoon,
March 4th, at 2.30 o'clock,
Clinton Mission
The Soeiety is planning a bridge Services: Sunnday School 2 p.m.;
and tea for Thursday, . March 5th, so Evangelistic 3 p.m.: Cottage- prayer
kindly keep this date free, as your meeting, Friday, 8 p.m. For what
hostess will be calling you in the very shall it profit a man, if he shall gain
near future. the whole world, and lose his own
Donations — District of Hallett,' soul? Mark 8, 36.
L.OL.; $5.00,
The February shipment of knitted Ontario Street Church
comforts i5 its fellows:12 pts. Longi 11 am, topic: `More than Conquer -
seamen s socks; ors, 12 (no)n) Sunday Sh;socks; 13 turtle-nd:ek tuck -
.7 prs. airforce gloves, 4 pr. khaki p,m. Turner's Church Wocrshipool7
gloves; 6 sleeveless sweaters; 24 pr. p.m. Hymn Singing, Songs of the
airforce socks; 22 aero caps; 12 re- I Cross"; Topic, "The Four Crosses."
fugee caps. Civilian Defence Work-
ers: 24 prs. two-way mitts; 23 prs.
whole mitts; 30 pre. khaki socks.
Many Attend Beacom
The "Beacon Fires of F;tieedonn"
ceremony was held last Friday at twe-
lve o'clock noon when a company of
Royal Canadian Air Force men and
their officers and approximately four
hundred public school and collegiate and did eat and drink .,and went in
pupils with their teachers stood( at at- the strength of that meat." 2.30 p.m.
tention as the torch: was lighted and
;addressees were delivered by Mayor A-
J. McMurray and Wing Commander
A. W. H. J. Cocks, of the Radio
School, R.A,F., Clinton. The massed
Monday, 8 p.m. Young People's Un-
ion, Christian Fellowship Department
in charge. Principal Geo. H. Jeffer-
son of the Public School to be guest
Speaker. Miss Rama Ford convenor.
Wednesday 8 p.m. Prayer for the
Nations and for all the people.
Wednesday 2.30 pp.m.: The W.A. will
meet in the church.. `St. James Ward
will serve. ,
St. Paul's' Church
Sunday, March 1, 1942: 11 a,rn.
Holy Communion, Text: "He- arose,
Sunday School, missionary program;
7 p.m. Evensong text: "Who say ye
that I am?"
This Saturday, Feb. 28111, the S..S.
pupils' meet at the parish hall for a
stuaent body and teaching staff, sang sleigh ride (if' weather and roads not
"0 Canada" above the bluster of the suitable, for a social hour) followed•
cold wind ands unfortunately one of by is program and lunch.
the stormiest: days of this year. Tuesday, 3 pan., Ladies Guid.
The front of the town hall was well Thursday, 7.30 p.m." Prayer and
decorated with flags for the occasion. Bible Studio.
Among the officers present was an of- Monday, March 2nd) A.Y.P'.A. at 8
firer of the United States Navy. All p.m. Program in charge of Jean Tar -
business places- were closed at 11.50 ker. An address by LAC. G. N. Wil-
a:m. and a sizable crowd from stores son of the R A.F. Radio School, "Gib -
and factories attended the .ceremony rattan . and the Far; East."
The New Err. Est. 1867
Here are the Names of Those from Clinton and District who
Have Offered their Lives for the Defense of Our
Liberty and Freedom.:.,
Aiken Willard
W d
Bezzo, Williams
Ball, Harry
Bateman, Maurice
Bartliff, Brace
• Cuanore, Reginald
Cooke, Thomas C.
Counter, 'William
Corran, James
Cudmore, , Charles
Cook, Reginald,
Colquhoun, Donald
Corless, Alvin
Campbell, Robert B,
Castle, Samuel
Colquhoun, Laurie
Cowan; Howard
Cook, Robert
Carter, Ross
Cartwright, Duncan
Cooper, Clayton
Cook, Charles
Cook, William
Carter, George
Cuninghame, John
Cudmore, Murray
Cudmore, Wilbur
Dinnan, Albert
Douglas, Dr. R. P.
Dixon, Dick
Elliott, Cecil M.
Fitzsimons, Norris
Fitzsimons ,Norman L.
Fulford, Charles
Fremlin, Richard
Galajdo, Nicholas
Glidden, Cannan
Gordon, Terry
Hawkins, John
Hawkins, Hugh
Hovey, William
Hovey, Ernest
Harris, Gerald
Haddy, Wesley
Hunking, Elwin
• Hanley, Murray
Henderson, J. Clifford
Heard, 'Frank
Hewson, Ralph
Hall, Kenneth
Hovey, Fred
Hovey, Weldon
Relines Cecil
Hearn, Gordon
Johnston, David
Kennedy, Stanley
Kennedy, David).`
Knights, George
Kennedy, Clyde,
Lawrason, George
Laecson, Harold
Langford, Harold
Lobb, Everett
Lockwood, James
Monteith, Gordon
Mittel), Ernest
Murray, Gordon
Monaghen, Hartley
Morrison, James
McMichael, Charles
McKay, Ferguson
MacKenzie, Douglas
McTaggart, Fred
McGill, Edward •
McCreath, Ted.
MeGill, Glen
McDonad, Ronald
McDonald, Edward
McKnight, Leonard
McDougall, Bruce
McFee, Herman
Monteith, Rolfe
Muteh, Charles
McCabe, Dick
McIntyre, Dr. A. H.
Nickle, Jack
Nickle, James
Neilans, Elwin
Neilans, Chester
OsbaIdeston, Alex.
Osbaldeston, Walter
O'Connell, Thomas
Perdue, Jack
Perdue, Donald
Pickett, John
Resell, Clarence
Rorke, W. Kenneth
Sperling, Phillip
Snider, Melvin
Steep, Joseph
Schoenhals, Stewart
Seeley, Harold
Smith, Reginald
Steep, William
Ththnpsony Dr. F.
Thorndike, Douglas •
• Venner, Gorden
Vanderburg, Kenneth
Williams, William H.
Ward, Douglas
Hawkins, Madeleine
Neilans ,Mrs. Clarence
Seeds, Bernice
Bradley, Frank
Butler, Alfred)
Brundson, Melvin
'Craig, Alfred
Castle ,Thos.
Carney ,Bartram
Cowan, George
Dewar, James
Deeves, John
Ring, ;Ted.
Fisher, Gordon
Glidden, Clarence
Garrett, Ernest.
Haig, Jack
Higgins; Brown
Hopson, George
Jervis, Ivan
Johnston, Walter
Johns, Laurie
Johns, Pete
Lightfoot, Allen
Little, William
Middleton, Ted.
Monaghan, Wilfred
McLeod, Bob
McLeod, John
Osmond, Alfred
Ross, Erwin
Richards, Gyril
Radford, Nelson
Stock, Lloyd
Steepe, Melvin
Scotchmer, Alfred
Scotchmer, Thos.
Sturgeon, James
Snell, Gordon
Sprung, Donald
Scott, Kenneth
Wilding, Bill
Whitmore, Fletcher
Westlake, Lloyd
Ynn'gblutt, Stanley -
Surely we can Offer our Dollars to help There
Buy the lin ictory
Miss Helen Welsh ef the School of
Commerce is, working in the Goderich
office of the Huron County Victory
Loan Committee.
The teachers and pupils of the Clin-
ton Public School are presenting a
Victory Loan Concert in the Town
Hall this Friday evening, Feb. 27th,
at eight o'clock. It will feature chor-
uses, plays, drills and pageants. The
C.0.I cure and diplomas for athletics
and studies will be presented also.
Miss Ann Shaddock, daughter of
Mrs. William Shaddock of town, had
the misfortune to. fracture her atm
while playing at recess at school Mon-
day morning.
Cousin Dies In Active
Mrs. M. T. Corless received word
this week of the death of her cousin,
Pilot Officer Ray Golqulroun of
Moorefield. Re was killed in active
service at Frishman Health Berkshire,
England on February 11th, and was
buried in Broekwood cemetery twenty
miles from London.
A memorial service was held for
him last Sunday at Moorefield church
where he formerly took an active part
and will be greatly missed. He is
survived by his father and mother,
Mr. and Mrs. Enos •Cblquhoun.
February' 25, 1942
Clinton News -Record.
Dear Sirs;--
irstIt would be appreciated, if you
would give valuable space in your
paper for 'a few observations on the
Second Victory Loan.
In aid' •of thin Loan a number of
matteas of public interest have been
undertaken. A Sacred Service was
held in: the Town Hall on Sunday ev-
ening, the 15th instant, and while the
attendance was not large, we believe
that those who attended, were deeply,,
grateful to Rev. W. A,. Beecroft .of
Wingham for his enaauraging and
stimulating message. •
Unfortunately, the weather was
very bad' at the holding of "The Tor-
ch" etremonies in front of the Town
Hall on Friday, the 2Oth instant, but
again our thanks aro dtte to Wing
Commader Cocks for his interest and
cooperation in malting these cere-
monies se. c:ssf.,1. The presence 01
the school children' gave additional
interst in these ceremonies.
On Saturday evening a variety show
was put on in the Town Hall. We de-
sire to make it clear, however, that
this entertainment was iii no way fin-
anced or sponsored by the Govern-
ment. The idea of sending a travel-'
ling show through the Country belong
to a number of Toronto fines, who'
have undertaken this plan at their
own risk. These firms are British
American Oil, Canada Bud, G.C.M.,
Canada Packers, Canadian Acute'
Screw & Gear, Canadian General E1-'
ectric, Chrysler Corporation of Can-
ada, Coca-Cola of Canada, Cosgrave's
Dominion Brewery, Dominion Stores,
T. Eaton Company Limited, Imperial
Oil limited, John Inglis Co. Ltd, John
Labatt Go. Ltd., Laura Secord Candy
Shops; Lgblaw's, Massey -Harris, Mc-
Coll.Frontenac, Mercury Mills, Nei-
lsson's Chocolates, O'Keefe's Brewery,
Scythes & Co. Ltd., Silverwood's
Dairies, Simpson's' Ltd., Standard Fuel
of Toronto, Toronto, Daily Star, To-
ronto Elevators Ltd., Vi -tone Sales
Don't forget the School Concert on
Friday night the 27111 instant, hi the
Town Hall, Messrs. Jefferson are)
Durin advise us this promises to be
one of the finest concerts ever put on
by the seehool children. Let us en-
(courage •the youth in their endeavor
by being present at their concert. •
The response to the appeal for the,
sale of Ronde by the factory employ-
ees in Town has been very gratifying.
Arrangementes were made by the ma-
nagement of each firm for the em- I
ployees tq hear a specially well in-
Formed speaker. Our thanks ate clue
all those who so wholeheartedly made
these successful.
The response to the appeal to buy
bonds far the Sand Victory' Loan has
been very gratifying to date. In the
First Victory Loan floated in June
last, the people of Clinton subscribed
just over $130,000.00. Our quota on
that occasion was $65,000.00, so that
there was subscribed just slightly ov-
er 200% of cur quota. This time the
Clinton quota is $1161650.00 We can-
not afford to fall below the: amount
subscribed last June.
The need for money is ever greater
.and greater se our Country gathers
its. strength for war. Our fighting
Forces must be adequately equipped—
as good or better than the forces of
the enemy. Many of the finest of our
Canadian manhood have, and wl'1
make the complete sacrifice. Many
will have their lives spared if they
are equipped with the bent that scien-
ce can devise and, money, can produce.
It is na sacrifice to buy Dominion.
of Canada Bonds. But we should•
all sacrifice luxuries, comforts.
and even some necessities, so that.
the fruits of these sacrifices may be
put at the disponi of the Govern --
mend and so that it in turn may ad-
equately equip our Forces, who, in
turn are prepared to the end that the
war may be kept from our shores.
Help tis to be sure Clinton is at least
as good as in June last. We have
quite a way to go. Buy more Bonds.
Signed' on behalf of the Local Com-
The Clinton. Colts defeated the
Goderieh Fliers stere last night in the
last scheduled game of the season.
This game had no bearing on the
play-offs as the Colts had no chance
of entering the finals -despite their
winning 9-5. The game was unevent-•
ftil with no fights and enly two pen-•
alties going to Young and Davidson of
Goderich. Play seemed to drag
throughout and the Colts were minus.
Punch McEwan, Ken Pickett, Bola
Draper and Red Rath. Ed. Stevenson
of the R.C.A.F. played, goal and Neil-
ans on defence an arrangement which
worked well. Izzy Powell was back. in
centre again.
Cooney McEwan, and Seau«row .eadlt
and Young the remainder.
got three goals while Timmer Me -
Ewan, Doug. Bartliff and Danny Col-
quhoun accounted for the others. W.
Westbroolce of the Fliers. seared two
of their goals and McKay, St. Aman
The London Road Club held their
i February meeting at the home of Mrs.
Moffat. There were 15 members and
14 children present. The meeting op-
ined with singing, The Slpanisli: Cava
alier,•followed by the Creed. The rol'C
call was answered by a Valentine 'ver-
se.; It was anoved that all bilin be
paid. A dollar was: donated: by Mrs.
Labeau for War Service. Work.. Twos
quilt tops and .linings were brought:
in. It was decided to have a dance
and euchre in the Old Time Dance
Hall• on March 4: (sod' Save the King
was sung. The, hostess served' a
,dainty Iona":