HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-02-19, Page 8PAGE 8 By way of a change Try an order of Mock Chicken Drum. Sticks at { 5 e each DELICATED STEADS ARE DIFFERENT FROM ANY.OTi•--IER• AND COST NO MORE. We have some BL to sell for 14c and 16c lb. by the 1/ Just the thing for those that can it. PORK by the side 17c ib. HOME-MADE LARD 16c lb. LAMB STEWS 20c 1b: Young Lamb, Baby Beef, Roast Chickens for Weekend. CONNELL.TYND AUL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162, Albert Street ,,..=...seem .crarif . lkM hl 1L� 11'. , ' yti V ill 9 /(viii/i� �'� ,*� PAaINT � Don't forget we carry 'a full line of C.I.L. Paint and Varnish 011 and Turpentine. Brushes and everything needed to make a good job, Give C.I. L. a chance. r SUTTER el PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS 'PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT, All Winter Overcoats Priced to Clear No Reserve Every Coat a Bargain Coat We have a nice assortment of styles and sizes and you can save a lot of money .by buying one of these coats during the next two or three weeks.. MENS COATS, Regular to 19.50 to clear $14.95 MENS COATS, Regular to 24.00 to clear $19.95 ALL OUR BEST COATS to 35.00 to clear $24.95 MENS WOOL UNDERWEAR A lot of clearing lines at greatly reduced prices—See our clear- ing line at $1.19. Plumsteel ros. Arrow Shirts — Adam Hats — Scott & McHale Shoes for Men Agents Tip Top Tailors. Don't take your Freedom for granted Canada's, sons are fighting with all their might to preserve your freedom as well as their own. You roust fight too --fight with your dollars and carry ,Total War to the enemy. He has asked for it. Let us see to it that he gets it. Buy the new VICTORY BONDS r. SPACE DONATED BY HARDWARE and 1� PLUMBING Ph BAYFIELD Misses Lorna Westlake and Elsie Leitch of Hespler spent the, weekend with their parents. Mr..Grenrville Atkinson ie spending a few days in Detroit. Mina Jeanne Dunn of London was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.. L. Makins over the weekend; Jahn McLeod who enlisted in the Royal Canadian Navy in London: last- week astweek spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs, Louie! McLeod John is the second son oleMr. and Mrs. Mc- Leod to join the Navy, Robert the eld- est is en Patrol. Duty' on the Atlantic. Miss Elsie McLeod and 'Sergi. O. Leatherland of London spent Sunday with Mr .and Mrs. John McLeod Jr. - The 1ted Cross Dance in the Town mall on Friday evening last was a huge success, winners at Euchre were Ladies 1st, Mrs. Wm. Parkr, Consol- ation Mrs. Wm, Osmond. Gents 1st, Lloyd Scotchmer, consolation, Leslie• Elliott. The OKNX Ranch, Boys sup- plied the music, the ' Finance Com- mittee • are planning to holds .another da. poe oav Friday, March 6th. , , On Tuesday, of this',week the, Red - Cross Society held an ' exhibition of work and tea in the Orange • Hall, which in •spite of the inclement wea- ther drew a large crowd both in the afternoon and evening. The exhibit was a large one, covering all .branches of the work, and has allbeen done since the beginning of the New Year. v VARNA World Day of Prayer will' be obser- ved in the United church, Varna, at 8 p.m., Friday, February, 20th. The International Demonstration. was held in the Hall, Tuesday after- noon and night, there was a fair at- tendance. The pupils of the Pair Line School with their teacher Miss Silk, were en- tertained by the teacher Mrs. Beatty and pupils Tuesday afternoon. The pupils of both :schools enjoyed' the views put on in the hall by the ;Inter- national Demonstration. , Mrs. Bill Bail and infant son of Clinton spent Sunday withthe for{n. er'ss mother, • Mrs. •Mose'ep Miss M. Reid of Bayfield!'cosh, pany'with Mr. Ed.:'Mm Merrier called.` Sun- day evening on Mende in the village. THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD' "Who does the, hest his circumstance allows, does well, acts toMMy. Angels could do no more" —Young. In a world torn by war, alarm, dis- quiet, worry, hardship and uncertain ity exists. Buy Victory Bond's and shorten the duration of these distrac tions. Be a:'lendthrift! Your purchase of a Victory Bond is the way to do it. Buy Victory Bonds and get right into the fight yourself. Lend for freedom and to live,` Enlist your dollars -put them in uniform A Victory Bond in grow treasure box will do it. Your purchase of a Victory Bond will help to secure your right to live— work--think ive—work think and worship freely, Keep alive your hope of a .broaden- ing life for yourself, millions of others and approve, endorse and put your hope in action by the purchase of a Victory Bond;, Bobby Pins — Sugar — Gas—Steel — Rubber Paper - Aluminum -- Brass — Copper Agriculture — 24 Hour Piodu.etion are doing what they can to hit Hitler, Join with, these material things by buying a Victory Bond. Come On Clinton and Vicinity! Help Make Secure Your Life and Liberty; The Wv 0. Fair co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best o � off, o rJtl!IIFIIII mlo r �u�ltl I ,1111114 II - -,III �� Miss Evelyn Hall is visiting in Tor onto this week, Miss Shaw returned Iast week from a visit with her sister in Montreal. Mr ,Bruce Tasker of Kirkland Lake was a weekend visitor at his home in hewn. Mrs, R ,Graham is the guest .of her niece, Miss Sadie Elliott of London, this week. Miss Lottie SIoman of Hespler was a weekend visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Silcock.' Miss Eva Rapson of Toronto spent a few clays in . town this week, with Mrs. T. Cardwell. Miss Florence Rorke' of Toronto was a weekend guest at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mas. H. E. Rorke. Mr. and Mrs. George McLay and daughter Katherine spent the week- end in St. Marys with the lady's parents, Mr .and Mrs, Lancaster, Mr and Mrs. Fred Leonard returned home last Thursday after spending three months in Milton at•the home of their son Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Leonard, Councillor N. W. Trewarthe spent the weekend visiting his two daughters, the elder, Mrs. (Rev.) A. P. Addi- son of Haileybury and the younger, Miss Wilhelmine of Toronto, While in the city on Monday he was a caller at the Parliament Buildings renewing a number of •old aequain.- tanees, also a caller at the Depart- ment of 'Municipal Affairs. in an endeavor to keep up to date in Council affairs, v MILITARY NEWS Pilot Officer Ellwood Campbell of the R.C.A.F. at Rockcliff, and son of Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell of town, is a member of the Ottawa Fliers hockey team. Also on the team: are Milt Schmidt, Bobby Bauer and Woody Dumart, the famous Kraut Line, late of the Boston Bruins. The Fliers are favourites for the Allan Cup this year. Lieutenant W. IC. Rorke of Camp Borden spent the weekend in town with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.' H. E. Rorke. AC2. "Howard Cowan of the R,C.A,. F. at St. Thomas spent the weekend at his home in town. Kelso Adams and F. Fretwell . of the Aircraft School at Galt spent the weekend in town with the formers' mother and sister Mrs. Ernest Adams, and Miss Donelda. LAC. Jack Hawkins and LAC Clar- enee Massey of the Bombing and Gun.- nery School at Fingalspent the week- end with, Mr .and Mrs. W,. T, Hawk- ins. A01 Kenneth Vanderburgli, of the R.C.A.F. at Toronto spent the week- end at his home in town. LAC. Bruce Bartliff of the R.G.A.F, at Aylmer was a weekend visitor at. his home in town. Sapper Norman Fitzsimons of the Royal Canadian Engineers at London was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Fitzsimons over the weekend'. AC2 Reg. Clldhnore of- the R.O.A.P. at Ste Thomas spent the weekend at his home in town.' AC2'' Ted Middleton of R C:A',I . at St. Thomas was a weekend visitor at•te' home Of -his parents, in Gorier- ich Township. BUY BRITISH. Spring bloom grown from Brit- ish bulbs now at their best. We are offering in cut flowers: DAFFODILS JONQUILS SNAPDRAGON TULIPS CALENDULAS ROSES AND CARNATIONS Don't Forget Your Shut-in and Sick Friends "Say It With Flowers" F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral order's: ?hones 176 and 31 easiromeirer Quality Meat Market SPARE RIBS 20c lb. HOMEMADE SAUSAGE 20c lb. RIB BOIL of Beef 18c Ib PORK CHOPS trimmed 30c lb. FRESH BEEF AND PORK LIVER 15e lb. PEAMEAL BACON , , ., , , 40e ib. Quarters of Beef and, Sides of Pork for Sale. Highest prices paid for hides 11055 FIT1SIMONS PHONE 76 WEEK END SPECIALS SUNKIST ORANGES FOR JUICE 6 Extra Large Oranges - 25e Med. Size Oranges at 33c, 29c 19c doz. 7 GRAPEFRUIT 25c 1 doz. LEMONS 35c 3 lb. COOKING ONIONS 20c 3 pkg. CORN FLAKES and Tumbler 25e 3 cakes LUX, CASHMERE 130U- QUET, Palmolive Toilet Soap 20e 60 CLOTHES PINS 15c 1 Bottle JAV197t •. 15c 2 cans LIBBY'S PORK AND BEANS 20 oz. 19c 2 Cans LIBBY'S SPAGHETTI ..15 oz. 19c 1 Can LIBBY'S SAURKRAUT14c 5 lb.. pail BEEHIVE or CROWN SYRUP , 59c 4 Ib. WHITE BEANS 25c W. L. JOHNSON PROMPT SERVICE GROCER PHONE 286 Superior Stores PRONE 121--CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR Feb. 19, 20, 21st. AYLMER VEGETABLE on 'Po- MAT,O SOUP 10 oz. 2 tins .... 15c ST. 'WILLIAMS STRAWBERRY JAM 2 jar ...............'31E VAN CAMP'S G.B. CORN 2 tins 23c AYLMER. PEACHES 15 oz. 2 tins 29s SNOW FLAKE AMMONIA pkg.. 5c IVORY SOAP Igo. bar 10c LIFEBOUY SOAP 2 bars • 15c AYLMER PEAS No. 4, 16 oz ' 2 tins, 23e AYLMER DICED BEETS 2 tins. 19e GOLDEN NET SALMON r/Z's tin 18c SWEET MEATY PRUNES 2 lbs. 25c MACARONI OR SPHAGHETTI .:. lb. .. ..5c ORANGES for juice doz.. , .. 19c GRAPEFRUIT good size 6 for . 25c LEMONS large size doz........ 35c CELERY HEARTS 2 bunches . 25c IIEAD LETTUCE large 2 for 23c Tprilps i ISraw f Bvars N CONSTANCE The regular;, meeting of the W,A. was held in the basement of the chur- ch, Thursday afternoon February 12. With the Vice -President Mrs. John Carter presiding, The meeting open- ed' with hymn 308, Mrs. Carter led in prayer. The minutes of the last meet- ing were reads and approved The roll call was answered by a verse of scrip- ture and the paying of fees. After the business was transacted, Mrs. Carter took charge` for group 2`in the absence of Mrs. Frank Riley. Jean Wakefield read the 'scripture lesson taken from 124 psalm. Readings were given by Mrs. Bugill, Mrs. E.. Lawson, Mai. Verne Dale, and Mrs. Lorne Lawson. Mrs. Geimoldby sang a solo and was much enjoyed. The meet- ing closed by singing the National anthem and the Lord's Prayer in un- ison, - Lunch was served. The regular meeting of the W.M.S. was held in the basement of the church February 12th. With the ,President Mrs, Britton in the chair, the meeting opened by singing the hymn Tell Me, the Old, Old Story. IVIrs. Britton read the Theme. Miss jean ,Wakefield read the sdripture lesson. After the business was dis- cussed lira. John Nottingham took the Study Book, which proved very interesting. The meeting closed with hymn 338. Mrs. Nottingham and Mrs. Britton closed with prayer. Lun- ch war served. Mrs, -Geo. Leitch is spending a few days in Seaforth. We are very sorry to hear that Mrs. Alfred Buchanan was removed to Seaforth Hospital, We hope: she will soon be able to return home. Mr. Geo. Leitch spent a couple of days with his sister Mr -s. W. Jolurston of Clinton, V HURON ROAD. The Happy War Workers Ciub held their first meeting since being organ- ized at the home of Mrs. William Ball on Thursday ,February 12th. There were fifteen presenrt. With Mrs. No- ble Holland presiding and Mrs. Al- bert Glazier at the piano the meeting opened by singing 0 Canada, Fol- lowed by the Club Creed and the 23rd Psalm in unison. The roll call was answered with a Valentine verse, The minutes of thelast meeting were read and adopted. Mrs. R. B. Carterdon- ated $2. Five nightgowns and four pair of socks were delivered to the Red Shield on February loth. Mrs. Harold Glew was appointed to look after the yarn. It was decided to hold, the meetings on the first Thursday of each month instead of the second. A. wool blanket which was donated by Mrs, Tom Smith and Mrs. Noble Holland will be given at a draw made at the dance which will be held on February 27th, in the Old Tyrie Hall. The March meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Noble + Holland when the roll call will be answered by Things I have made. The THURS., FEB. 19, 1942' SPECIAL VALUES FEBRUARY 19, 209 21ST CAM:PBELLS TOMATO SOUP 3 tins 25c FALCON CUT WAXED BEANS tin 10c GAM:l'IsELLS TAMATa JUICE 3 tins 25c GTtEEN•`�RIPE PEAS tin . 0c YOUR. NUKE reW19c lb. APPLE AND STRAWBERRY' BEAVER JAM 2 lb. alar ....:, 29c FLOUR 24 lb. bag 69e PRIDE OF T1133 VALLEY TIP TOP GOLDEN BANTAM.. TOMATOES 2 tins 23e CORN 2 tin 2Sc GARDEN 'FRESH FRUITS AND VEOETABL CHOICE HEARTS OF Celery 2 for 27c JUICY LARGE Lemons 39c doz. TEXAS SEEDLESS Grapefruit 6.25c CAULIFLOWER RHUBARB , TOMATOES NEW CARROTS NEW BEETS NEW CABBAGE SPINACH PARSNIPS RADISHES CHOICE LG. HEAD Lettuce each 10c SUNKIST Oranges 19c, dim CHOICE WAXED Turnips 5' lbs. 10c C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON' remainder of the afternoon was spent in quilting. The material for which was donated by Mrs. George Glazier, Mrs. Elmer Dale and Mrs. Harold Glee. The meeting closed by sing- ing Gocl Save The King. V LONDESBORO , The W.M.S. meeting was held .on Thurs. of last week with the president Mrs, Wm, Lyon presiding. Meeting opened by singing the National An- them, followed by the Lord's• Prayer. Roll call was answered. by a verse of scripture with the word "Work," the word for the next roll call is to be "Do". There was some discussion on the Easter Thankoffering meeting re speakers. • The World's Day of Prayer will be held on Friday afternoon. All lad- ies of community are invited to be present Mrs. F. Tamblyn .gave a splendid reading on "Christian Stew- ardship Praying and giving" Mrs. Fangrad an interesting reading on temperance. Miss L. Young was ap- pointed as the new Kew Woman. The meeting was then taken over by Miss Ruth Shaddick •and Mrs. N. E.. Manning. Solo, Mrs. Fangracl, "He knows the way." The 3rd chap. of the Study Book was ably taken by Mrs. Geo. Moon. Miss Mary Cald- well took up the offeeing.: A hymn, was sung and Mrs. Caldwell' dismise, sed the meeting. The. Bingo which was held in Com– munity Hall on Friday night last was: a success, and $45 was realized which, will be used for Red Gross work, All' those who have tickets on the quilt. are asked to hand them in on or be-. fore Feb. 27th, The draw to be on Feb. 27th. CLINTON WOMAN GIVEN AWARD NOT COVERED IN WILL Although they were only awarded a "keepsake" in the will of Miss Ella. May MacMath, retired Toronto school teacher, Mrs. N. W .Trewartha, Clin- ton and Mrs. E. Alexander of Knox- ville, Tenn„ (sisters), will each re-. ceive their share of the $9,107.35 which the deceased failed to dispose of in her will, as a result of an order - issued by Justice R. G. Fisher, at Os-. geode Hall. v .. STANLEY Mr. Hugh; McKenzie left this week for Moose Jaw, Sask., where he in- tends to visit for a few weeks. i9th to 2lst 19c lb. Minute Tapioca 2 pkg. Blue Ribbon Baking Powder 1 lb. tin 4 ..,,.,.,,, 23c Pea Soup 28 oz. tins 2 for ' 19c Tomato Soup C. and B. 101/2 az tins 3 for 25c Special 4 lb. tins Strawberry and Apple Jam 55ctin, Van Camp's Tomatoes 3 tins 25c Prunes at 2 lbs. for 19c, 2 for 25c and 2 for 1 29c Forest City Baking Powder with premium' 23c tin, Blue Ribbon Tea 85c lb. with a 4 oz. tin Baking Powder Free FRESH VEGETABLES Carrots, Head. Lettuce, Celery, Cabbage and Cooking Onions . CCNCMY Giant Package 69c ',IN FRUIT ORANGES at 19c, 29c, 39c doz. Grapefruit, Lemons, Bananas and Good Apples MAPLE LEAF Pressed Hari' 40c 113. Macaroni and Cheese Loaf 29c lb. Head•Cheese - - 22c 11, Bologna 20c lb. in piece Fresh Picnic Ham 23c lb. Fresh 'Sausage 25c 1b - Fresh Weiners , 27c CANADA'S FIN ST 2 Bars 11e THE, „STORE :THAT SAVES 'YOU MONEY. s S-4:34 g ••:• mo-.. .