HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-02-05, Page 8PAGE 8 TRY OUR NEW. MOCK CHICKEN '.DRUM- ' STICKS ,,, ^„ ,,,,;,, ,, ,,,,, 5c each: DELICATED STEAKS AT, REGULAR STEAK PRICES CHOICE FRONT ! a BEEF 15c ib. S'ee us if you are in the market for Pork by the half or any -other quantity. LAMB, VEAL, AND ROASTING CHICKENS FOR WEEKEND Our meats are now kept at the proper tempera- tures for thoe who enjoy the best, by our newly in- • stalled most modern Refrigerator in Town. LADIES OVERBOOTS•-The seasons smartest Rubber Footwear CONNELL et TYN ALLI " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Pbone 162. Albert Street MENS HEAVY RIBBED UNDERWEAR -Shirts and Drawers Truly�z Canada's No. 1 Refrigerator Only Frigidiare has the Current year it has been improved, because BIGGER, ROOMIER• NEW FRIGIDAIRE foods Safer and Freezes Faster. Yet they use less Current than Less than half used by most economical YOU SAVE MORE ON ,OPERATING TO FRIGIDAIRE,. MENS OVERCOATS -A nice assortment to choose from in sizes 30 to 44. Prices are very low. See our coats at: , i �\ N Vii" .„ s ,x �• � y � �,ts } � s� ,,,, . , _ k�, 4 x , Saving, Meter Miser, year after • of these improvements, the have more power to keep any previous models, actually • models just a few years ago. COST WHEN YOU CHANGE SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. Sale Continues Clearing out all broken lines, odd sizes and Counter soiled goods. DON'T MISS THESE SPECIAL PRICES SNOW BOOTS FOR GIRLS -Smart and Servicable, sizes 12 to 3 -Sale price $1.95. Sizes 4 up $2.29. ' '- LADIES OVERBOOTS•-The seasons smartest Rubber Footwear As low as $1.95 pair. MENS HEAVY RIBBED UNDERWEAR -Shirts and Drawers Broken lines to clear at one price $1.19 garment. MENS OVERCOATS -A nice assortment to choose from in sizes 30 to 44. Prices are very low. See our coats at: ^,14.95, $17.95 and up CIIILDRENS STOCKINGS -A Real Bargain 19e pair WOMENS GALOSHES -Odd lines 490 up BARGAINS FROM EVERY DEPT. FOR THE NEXT FEW WEEKS Plumsteel ros. Arrow Shirts - Adam Hats - Scott & McHale Shoes for Men Agents Tip Top Tailors. THE CLINTON -harms •mism, Love 'Gives Itsif But is not Bought -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow St,' Valentines Day, Feb. 14th is a day of Love andp Chivalry and while'. Longialow says in effect "love is not Nought" which is quite true„ you may yet purchase a beautiful Vanlentine. with suitable veiise to express' your sentiments. What loved face domes to your mind when you see the pink roses and true lovers`_ knots of Valentines Day'? Is it a curly -headed lassie with a dim- ple in her chin? Oh a, charming wife with gentle voice and love lit eyes? Is it perhaps an older sweetheart of your baby days your dear old moth- er? Or is it your boy -big or little -Your Boy? The pretty custom of selecting some charming person to be your valen- tine -and declaring your devotion - has not died) out with time! Rom- ance still lives, and most of us, sec- retly or openly, like the idea of rom- ance. Send Valentines this year, we have them, whether its a special one for Mother, Dad, . Sister, Brother Sweetheart, Teacher, Friend or a fun- ny one to send to the personwho al- ways sends: you such a comical card. If you have someone in the Service, and most girls have, we suggest one of our special valentines comprised expressly for the occasion, Have •a Valentine Party? Let us come to your aid with Nut Cups, Seals Gut Outs, Place Cards, Tallies, Napkins, Tableelothes and other de- corations with Valentine motifs. NEW BOOKS NOW •IN STOCK Corn in Egypt -Warwick Deeping .... $2.75 Pied Piper - NeviI'le Shute - $3.00 Columbus-Raefael Sabatini - $3.00 The W. D. Fair Co WHEN IN NEED OF ANY Hardware or. Plumbing call 244 Pyrex Dishes and Sets are still in Stock. HARDWARE and s IIawkins PhoneI 244 G i + Health re the care of patients in san-. GODERICH TOWNSHIP 'l atorium this was forwarde to Dr. The South End Red Cross' Unit Graham, Medical Health Officer, Hos will hold its' regular meeting Wednes- pital for siek children• asked a grant, day, February llth, at the home of $5 was voted. Ontario Association of Mrs. D. A. Smith. There will be a Rural Municipalities asked for mem- handkerchief shower, also a quilt on bership, no action. Dept. of Munici- hand. All ladies of the community pal .Affairs re; the bonds of officials, are urged to attend. this was signed by the Reeve ,and re - The S.S. No. 4 Unit of the Red turned. Gross Society met at the home •of Royal Bank form instructing them Mrs. Fred Lobb last week with a that all cheques to be signed by the good attendance. Mrs. F. Jones pre- Reeve and Treasurer. County Trees - sided at the ,meeting which was open- urer tent a list of lands, to be offered ed by singing a verse of "0Canada", for sale for taxes. Mrs. McPhail re - followed' by the Lord's Prayer Tepee- quested some brush on the road to ted in unison. After the minutes were Blue Water Beach to be cut, this was read and adopted, other items, of bus- referred to the Road Supt.. iness were discussed. Finished art- The Collector's time was extended ides were brought in and two quilts until next meeting. were quilted. Mrs. Robt. Thompson Mr. Cliff Holland's deposit cheque, donated $2 to the blanket frmd. The was returned to him the work having meeting was closed with the National been completed'. Anthem, Lunch was served by the hostess at, the close of the meeting. , Accounts paid: Grant to the Pro Next meeting is to be at the home of vincial Plowing Match $100; HoSpitad Mrs. A. Hebden. • for Sick Children, grant, $5; R. J. Council Meeting Loell Co stationary supplies .$7.38; Ommoil meeting: C'ouneil met in R. G. Thompson registering birth, Ilolmesville at the home of Miss Ach- marriages and deaths, $6; Reg. S•tuu- eson. The building of a community dy valuing sheep $1.80; Miss Ache hall was discussed but no decisiori son, use :of house for 'council meeting, made. Mr. Hugh Hill and Mg. Jas. C. $5. • Shearer interviewed the council ask- Council adjourned to, meet' on Mon- ing;for•a grant to the Provincial. Plow- day, Mar, 2 at' 2.30 daylight saving' ing Match, $100 was voted. ` Dept. of time. Often the Cheapest -Always the Best 1 NEWS -RECORD , Send Flowers, the perfect Valentine Carnations Roses Daffodils Austrailian. Marigolds, etc:' F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del As Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral, orders. "cones 176 and 31 Mrs. W. T. Herman and Miss Phillis spent the weekend in Toronto. Mr. Kelso Streets of Toronto spent the weekend at his home in town. Miss Lurena Snyder of London spent the weekend at her home in! town. Mrs. Jos. Morgan of Windsor is the guest of Mr. G. E. Hall and Miss Evelyn. Mr. Norman, Elliott of St. Catherine's spent the weeTiend in town with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. David Elliott. Miss Madeleine Hawkins of Taranto spent the weekend in town with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Haw- kins. Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Holmes. of To- ronto and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Car- negie of London spent the weekend with Mr. and, Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes. AC:1 Alvin Corless of the Bombing and Gunnery School at Fingal is home on seven clays furlough and spent the weekend with his broth- er at Acton. Air. and, Mrs. Winner Wallis were in Goderich on Wednesday attending the funeral of the former's cousins, Mr. and Mrs. James Salkeld, who were killed in a car accident. Miss Gladyrs Radford, Reg.N., return- ed to her duties at the Children's Hospital in London after spending the weekends in town with her par- ents, Mr .and Mre', J. C. Radford. V HOLMESVILLE On Wednesday afternoon of last week the Holmesville branch of Red Cross met at the home of Mrs. Bill Jervis with a good attendance. Mrs, E. Yeo, the pros,, opened the meeting with the National Anthem and prayer repeated) in unison. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved'. It was decided that we remain in groups until the end of this year. Dur- ing the afternoon two quilts were quilted. Mrs. Jervis served a ten cent tea in aid of the society. On Tuesday afternoon the following Red Cross artless were packed ready for shipping: 9 quits; 2 crib quilts; 21 pairs socks; 27 pairs boys pyjamas; 7 girls dresses; 1 girls skirt; 1 tam; 1 seaman's scarf. Miss Alma Trewartha, of Woody ham spent the weekend with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. p. Trewartha. Mr. .and M•s .Porter of Atwood stayed with. Mrs. M. Elliott and family last week while Mr. Elliott was in Ot- tawa On business. The W.A. and W.M.S. will meet at the home of Mrs, S. Walter and Tues. afternoon Feb. 10 , On January 25th, there passed away an old Hoimesville rrssidlent, Stillwell Phipps' of Nipawan, . Sask. He was ill only a few weeks. His wife,, the former Miss Fannie Black- well, also of Hoimesvilie, died some five years ago. There survive the family of eight daughters, and two dons, all of whom visited him during his illness. Mrs. Will Potter is visiting in Gode- rich at the home of her daughter, Mrs,• Mike Meliarlane, Miss Alma Trewartha spent the weekend at the" home 'of her parents Mr, and Mrs. E. Trewartha. Mrs. Ed. Grigg Jr, and son, has re- turned home from the hospital. • Mr.W '.ill Grigg hasoneto Ottawa, gone where he has secured employment, Mr.'Melvrlle Elliott made a trip to Ottawa last week. Ladies Guild Officers Elected The Ladies'' Guild of St. Paul's' church met in .the Owen Memorial Hall on Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Clifford Epps presiding. After the opening devotional 'period, reports were heard from officers and. conven- ors. Several letters ,expressing plea- sure and thanks for Christmas boxes received by members of St. Paul's church now serving overseas, were read. The cooperation of all the ladies uaa the Guild was. asked' in order that quilts may be quilted each month for the Red! Cross. The days for quilting'. will be the second and fourth Wednes- days of each month: The Visiting Committee was asked tomake a special effort to invite the new members of our congregation to attend the meetings. This concluded the business and refreshments were served by Mrs. H. B. Combe and Mrs. M. G Counter. The 'officers for 1942 are as fol- lows: ol-lows• President: Mrs. Clifford Epps 1st vice pros.: Mrs. J. Shearer 2nd vice pres.: Mrs. G. Seribbens 3rd vice pies.: Mrs. Hudie Treas.: Mrs. J. M. Elliott Secretaries: Mrs. J. Siieock and Mrs: A E Fremlin Con. flower corn.: Mrs. W. J. Elliott Con, mem. Nom.: Mrs. C. V. Cooke Con. of teas': Ides. A. J. Holloway Soc. Hostess: Mrs. D. H. McInnes Asst. soc. Hostess: Mrs. Cl W. Draper Con. of Tables: Mrs. C. Sturdy, Mrs. Quality Meat Market FRESH HOMEMADE SAUS- SAGE , 20c lb. SPARE RIBS .. 20c Ib. FRESH PICNIC HAMS 23c Ib. CHOICE ROASTS of beef 20c Ib. RIB BOIL of beef 18c lb. Let us do Your Custom Killing SAUSAGES MADE AT 2'/ c lb. • Let us do your killing and be sure of a Good Clean job. Highest prices paid for hides ROSS FITZSIMONS PHONE 76 WEEK END SPECIALS SUNKIST ORANGES SWEET AND JUICY AT SPECIAL PRICES 6 Extra large ORANGES 25c 1 doz. large ORANGES 39c .OTHERS ,AT 19c, 25c, 33c per doz.. 7 GRAPEFRUIT , 25c 4 ib. GOOD G'OOKING APPLES 25c 3 Ib. No. 1 COOKING ONIONS . 20c 5 lb. pail BEEHIVE CORN SYRUP . 59c 2 lbs. GINGER SNAPS 25c 2 large pkgs. CORN FLAKES with Tumbler . 25e 3 cakes CASHMERE BOUQUET 1 bottle JAVEX BLEACH 15c Lux Odex or Palmolive toilet soap . 20c 1 pkg. SUPER SUDS with bowl 28c 1 lb. MORNING CHEER COFFEE , 43c W. L. JOHNSON PROMPT SERVICE - GROCER PHONE 286 Superior Stores PRONE 111-CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR February 5,6, 7th LII3BY'S PORK & BEANS 20 oz. 2 tins 15c NIBLETS CORN 14 oz. 2 tins 23c P,IIKED BISdUITS lb 17c LIBIBY'S C00KED SPAGHETTI 15 oz. 2 tins 17c LIBBY'S DEEP.I3ROWNED BEANS tins . l0c LIBBY' CATSUP ige. bottle 17c LIBBY'S SAUER KRAUT lge. tin 14c LIBBY'S ASPARAGUS TIPS 12 oz. tin . 22c ZEST SWEET MARMALADE, LEMON, ORANGE AND GRAPEFRUIT 2 Ib. jar 29c ST. WILLIAM'S RASPBERRY or STRAWBERRY JAM 2 lb. jar 35c SODA BISCUITS Hillcrest 2 lbs. 25e ORANGES size 344's doz. .. . 19c ORANGES size 288's 2 doz; , . 45c LEMONS large size doz. 35e GRAPEFRUIT ige. size 5 for , 25c Turnips, Carrots, Parsnips, Sweet Potatoes and Celery R. 1 Free Delivery PSON T Con, of Silver: Mrs'. J. Zapfe ar Representative to Board of Manage- ment: Mrs. H. Bartliff Canvassing Com.: Mrs. A. J. Hollo- way, Mrs. D. H. McInnes, Mrs. G. Taylor, Mrs, C. V. Cooke, Miss A. Bartliff, Mrs. G. McLay. Convenors' .of quilt corn.: Mrs. E. Morrison and Mrs. G. Walker Souvenir conn.: Mrs. C. W. Draper, Mrs. J. Zapfe, Mrs. J. E. Hovey Visiting coin.: Mrs. G. Taylor, Mrs. C. W. Draper, Mrs. T. Churchill, Mrs. T. W. Herman, Mrs C. Sturdy, Mrs. H. Thompson Mrs. H. Bartliff, Mrs. M. G, Counter, Mrs. K .Waters, Mrs. D. H. McInnes. 1`HURS. FEB. 5 1942; SPECIAL VALUES FEBRUARY 5, 6, 7T11 LII;BY'S ;PORK AND BEANS 3 tins 2e QUICK -QUAKER OATS pkg. 23e CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP, 3 tins 25a - CROWN CORN SYRUP 2's tin 25 5c 'SOAP Lady Godiva cake „. YOUR `CHOICE 19c Ib. CORN FLAKES Kellogg's with Tumbler 3 for Z5c DEWKIS'i Choice GOOD HUMOR No. 4 2 tins Puffed Sc CHIPSO PEAS 23c Wheat pkg. Lg. pkg. 25c GARDEN FREg i FRUITS AND VEGETABLES IRMI•MIMMOOR... 'STORM,. MOON.. VOMMORMOMS Lettuce head 10c Bananas lb. 1 pc x. ' A SP 'CiAL g. Oranges doz 3.9c Turnips lb 2c Parsnips ... Sc Ib. GRAPES GR. ,ONIONS RADISHES GR. BEANS APPLES CAULIFLOWER Sr11N MAI. PINEAPPLE NEW CARROTS Celery hrt's 15c Lemons doz. 390 b2:r'uLl`:5.7• 6 for Grapefruit 25c Carrots 4 lb 19c Tangerines 25e C,-4. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON - V LONDESBORO Dr. Arthur Lyon of Windsor visited with his parents, Mr .and Mrs. W. Ly- on on Thursday last, Mr. Chas. Hall and family of St. Marys visited his parents here recent- ly, they were accompanied. by Mrs. F. Hall's sister of Clinton. Mrs. H ,Lyon is spending a week or two with, her daughter and family, Mrs. A. Kerslake near Exeter. Mr. Cliff. Sundercoek and Mr, E'd'- win Fothergill of Niagara Fa1Is: spent the weekend with their mothers. litiss Thelma Scott of Toronto visi- ted with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott over the weekend. Miss Elva Snell has taken a position in the store of R. N. Alexander. The February meeting of the W.M. S. will be held on Thursday, Feb. 12th. Group 3 will have charge of the pro- gram. All are welcome. The following books have been or- dered for the Public Library and are expected to be on the shelves for the use of the Community in a few days: White Cliff -Miller; Home for Christ- mas -Douglas; Forgive us aur Tres- passeet --Douglas; Keys of the King- dom -Cronin; Drums go. Dead, --Ald- rierh; Mother Nfason-Aldrich; Juice of Pomegrante-Dell; Honey Ball Farm -Dell; Raido City-Spenee; Pve been to London -Bailey; In tune with wed- ding Bells --Hill; My Son, My Son - Spring; How Green was My Valley - Llewellyn; Yellow Briar -Salter; My Friend Flecka-O'Hara; Sound of Wings --Goodrich.; Western Union - Grey, Boys and Girl's Books: Jack and Jill Alcott; Young Churchill -Knott; Oliver Twist -Dickens; Billy Bunny - Gorey; Five Little Peppers -Sidney; Animal Stories for Tiny Folk - Strange. Mrs. W. T. Brundson and Mr. Wm. Lyon have been quite ill and are slow- ly invprowing we are pleased to report. In a recent hockey game with Ben - miller the score ended 5-3 in favor of the home team. STANLEY Miss Mary Forsyth of Wilkie, Sask.,. visited her cousin, Mrs. James Thom- pson last week. Mrs. Neal Gilmore and Mrs. Agnus Gordon of Shepperton are visiting their sister, Mrs. Thos'. Baird Sr. who celebrated her 82nd birthday on Jan. 30th. v Retired Minister Still Active It might interest some of aur read- ers to know' that Rev. T. W. Neal, formerly of Clinton and Londesboro, although supposed retired) finds some. things to do. Rev. Neal: is an un'ele to Mr. Russell Neal of the Base Line. Last year he supplied Fairlawn, • which had been founded! by Dr. Neal twenty-five years ago. The church' having been born in the barroom of Bedford Park Hotel ,and had as its 1 first pastor, Rev. H. M. Manning, . formerly of Clinton. In addition, he has preached at Kew Beach while their minister was ill. On January let, 1942 ,the Toronto • West Presbytery appointed Dr, Neal supply minister at Dixie until July 11942. Dixie was Ma. Neal's first field, where he conj7nenced his, ministery in the "gay nineties," and now after for- `ty-eight years service in the ministry, • spent mostly in Toronto, returns to finish where he began. CLEAR NCE E Of Broken Lin at greatly red recd prices Womens Motor Boots with Fur up front, Black, Brown and Grey colors Special price per pair $2.59' Black Motor Boots with zippr up front and fur around top, full range, of sizes per pair $3.25 Misses Brown Motor Boots per pair ,.. $1.98 Childs Brown Motor Boots per pair ,., • Mens Zipper Wool Jersey Overshoes per pair .. $1.89 $2.49 Me;.ls One Buckle Overshoes per ,pair ,.. ,. $1.29 Mens Hip Length Rubber Boots . $4.25 Youths Two Buckle Cashmerette Overshoes per pair "$1.29 Boys Two Buckle Cashmerette Overshoes per pair $1.49 Mens Lace Work Rubber with Red Soles $1.69 Mens Work Rubbers Blucher cut with red soles per pair $1.85 Boys Work Rubbers, lace 6 eyelets • sizes 1 to 5 per pair $1.49 Youths Work Rubbers lace eye- lets sizes 11 to 13 $1.29 Childs Work Rubbers. lace 6 eye- lets sizes 6 to 10 91Zc IhTolllens Knee Length Rubber Boots per pair $'1.69 We have a good stock of Men and Boys Knee length' Rubber Boots. Buy now, we have been informed by oar wholesale house that:next seasonul boots will be 6 inches, shorter and there will not be.Fur.Trimined Motor Moots. 5 TT -TF, •STOPF .; Ti AT SA.i''1;S "'(OU 4'Y Wi' ',c,.: .1,4,1}dlfii' t 1 ,,:. r '4,43 �`=•Ys,?' ,c , .h.is l .,:,z