HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-02-05, Page 4PAGE 4 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., FEB. 5, 1942 YOU'LL LIKE OUB VALENTINECARDS ' SELECT EARLY FOR FEB. 14 TWO IMPORTANT AGENCIES • SIIMPLICI'TY PATTERNS Stock now consideraLly enlarged -1500 Patterns in Stock. No Bette:.° Cleaners than LANGLEY'S :OF TORONTO We Axe Local Agents --.A T. 0 0 0 i. E R.' Phone: 36w Main Store, 36j Second Floor YOUR FIELT1 IS THE NATIONS BEST ASSET Never was a time when our nation needed your best and you owe it to the nation and yourself, to keep yourself in the best Physical condition. Now is a dangerous time for coughs and colds. Have the remedy handy use: •CERTIFIED BRONCHIAL SYRUP for the hardest coughs and colds, maintain your health and vitality by using: • CERTIFIED COD LIVER EXTRACT Build up your resistance by taking CERTIFIED VITAMIN CAPSULES Regularly. W. S, D:IN�IOLi�PIMA. P. CLINTON, ONT"ES �Erci� scar PHONE 5r • Come in and see our complete line of Sporting Equipment Ski Boots with steel shank reinforced — Ski Poles $1.50 on up Skibs Froin $4.00 and up Keep your skis in shape this year by using "Ski Spred" .. SKATES NEW AND SECOND HAND FOR BOYS AND GIRLS . . WILL PAY CASH FOR, YOUR RIFLES AND SHOTGUNS • REGARDLESS OF CONDITION EPPS SPOKT SHOP Headquarters For All Sporting Goods RINmwIxaillaltiall3LOW otos Sales Chevrolet — Oldsmobile Passenger Cars—Chevrolet Trucks Sales a ay Y. vice TELEPHONE 234 GODERICH, ONTARIO 1940 Chevrolet Master Coach with heater; like new. 1939 Deluxe Dodge with heater; guaranteed. 193.4 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan. 1929 Essex Coach with new tires. 1929 Ford Coach. The LONDON ROAD London Road Club held there January meeting on their regular day at the home of Mrs. Geo. Henderson.' The president's place was taken by Mrs. Anderson. We opened our meet- ing singing "0 Canada", followed by the Creed. The roll call was answered with 11 members and 2 visitors! pres- ,ent. 'It was decided to buy flannelette far layettes. The programaef r. the year was made out. The February ~ eeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Moffet on February 19. The meeting was closed by singing the : National Anthem. The hostess isler ved lunch. PORTER'S HILL On Sunday owing to icy roads ,not so mapy:attended divine service, Sun- day, February 15 the church 'service will be changed to 3 o'clock, daylight saving time. Herb Corbett of Dundalk visited b8 i sister r Mrs.. J. S. Lockhart last eek. I ilto Woad entertained a s, a number of ladies at a quilting last Wed. afternoon. 5. Mr Roy Wilson has.been on the sick list the past three weeks. Word was received by Mrs. Thos' Elliott that the Christmas box of treats sent by the Porter Hill ladies to Morris Frame had, been received' by him in Englandr Christmas Eve. Two other of our boys, .Les. Stirling and C. Proctor each received their boxes. Mrs. Stewart Sch'oenha.ls and baby Paul left last Mond'ay to take up re- sidence in Long Branch where Sgt. Scheenhals, has been stationed the past year. The Red Cross'• scioial held at the home of Mr. Reid Torrance, Friday last Wats well attended There were 22 tables of ,euchre,; those who did not play enjoyed the; evening social chat, Mas. Dell Gardinerwas high l'ad'y'; Reg. Midler, high gent. At midnight lunch was served, after which dancing was enjoyed' till quite early. Weston Brothers supplying the enusip accom- panied by Mrs. Greennled at the pia- no. The next social evening Mwill be, at John Torrance, Friday evening Feb. 13. RED CROSS NOTES Below is a list of ladies from the Red Shield Red Cross. Society who are 'expected to he present on Thursdays and :Sun- day evenings in the Recreation Room )Nil'1 these ladies please be responsible} for their evening. If unable to be present kindly arrange for a substi- The7 regular meeting was held at the home of Mrs N..W. Trewartha in the form of a pot luck supper with 23 members and 7 visitors' present, The finished articles brought in were 20 pair socks; 1 suit pyjamas; 3 sweat- ers; 1 pair wristlets; 1 pair knee war- mers; and One Dollar donated by Mrs. Ross Fitzsimons; and 3 pair, gloves donated by Anita C'uiokshanks. The Huron Road East club will join with the Red Shield next welt at Mrs. C. E. Elliott's home. This is packing .day. Subscriptions .amounted to $8.35. Perth County Solicitor Appointed The Perth County Council at its meeting last week appointed Mr. H. G. Meir, Barrister, of Seaforth and Clin- ton, • as the County Solicitor for the County of Perth for the year 1942. Mr. Meir has had considerable ex: perience as a municipal lawyer, hav- ing been City. Solicitor for the city of East Windsor for same years be- fore comng to Seaforth. He is now solicitor for the Town of Seaforttiand the Township of McKillip- Before entering the private practise of Law, Mr. Meir was for several years, the solicitor for the Canadian Manufac- turers Association, and;has had considerable experience, in Corpora- tion and Municipal Law. --V Joint Meeting of Huron Second Victory Loan Held Here A joint meeting of the Publicity Committee and the Chairman and the. Viae Chairmen of Huron County Sec- ond Victory Loan Organization was held in the Town Hall, Clinton, last Thursday evening. The meeting was very 'largely attended by representa- tive-3from all arts of the County. Mr. Charles Saunders of Goderich, Chainman of the Publicity Committee, presided and delegates were welcom- ed by Mr. G. L. Parsons, County Chairman. In opening the meeting Mr. Saunders: stated that the war had to be won; and to da that money had to be obtained. "The tremendous ex- penditure necessary cannot all be ob- tained from taxation; therefore this, loan will have to go over—or else," he sued, indicating that if tho)ee able to subscribe did not do so more drastic means would have to be found for ensuring their support next time. "Huron County has always gone ov- er the top before and will do, it again this time" said Mr; Saunders. Arrangements were completed whereby a travelling entertaimnent unit of twenty petformerte would, ap- pear in Wingham, Goderich and Clin- ton, February 19, 20 and 21 to ad- vertise the Victory Loan. Details' re, garding `this will be announced in, these columns later Opinion was ex- pressed at the meeting that this will be one of the best shows to visit Hur- on County in recent years. The Goderich Lion Club is spon- soring the Goderich performance. Mr. W. W. Armstrong of Wingham andMr. Fred Ford of Clinton are approa- ching the Lion's Clubs of these Towns to ask them to sponsor the sale of tickets for entesstainments in their Towns. Receipts and expenses are being pooled with those of other cen- tres where the show appears in order that the greater receipts in the cities may assist in transporting the player, throughout the Province. Through the co-operation of Mayor McMurray and the council of Clinton, the international Harvester Compllny and Mr. Cliff Watson ,the Clinton performance will be held in the Town Hall. The Goderich performance will be in the Capitol Theatre through the co-operation of Mr, Sutherland, while the Wingham ,show, the first of the three, will be in the Town.' Hall through the co-operation of Mayor and council. It was agreed .that the business Wheels in the County be asked to de- corate one window for the Victory Loan Campaign. Mr. Creech' of Ex- eter, Mr. Middleton of 'Tensall, Mr. Robert Bowman of Brussels; Mr. Ortrickshanks and NIT. Armstrong of. Wingham and others submitted, esti- mates covering' the number of posters needed in their area. Distreetls which have not yet submitted estimates are asked to do so. Arrangements were made for• a poolof speakers in the County to be available on request for Victory Loan meetings. Mr. Mickde of Hensall, Mr, A. Y. McLean, and Mi. Mullen of Sea- forth and Ma. H. McLean of Wingham asked for speakei;sl for meetings al- ready arranged in their .district. Mi. Saunrdera requested that all districts keep in touch with Huron County Headquarters regarding ten- tative meetinge in order that conflict of dates during tine Campaign may be avoided. He ,also announced) that sound movies could probably be ob- tained any nights but Monday and Thursday if et least a week's notice were given to the Publicity Commit tee, through the cooperation of the Huron County Flying Training Schpoi. One hundred per 'centco,operation by radio station C'KNX and the news. papers of the County was assured- by the `presence of Mr. Crui,•.k ..a newspaper; editors from all aver the county. trite:. 4un., Feb. 8, Mrs. Cuninghame, Mrs. Shanahan. Thurs., Feb. 12, Mrs. Bert Fremlin, Mrs. Carrie Jervis. Sun., Feb. 15, Miss Eva Cluff, 'Mrs: Adams. 1 T8uus., Feb. 19, Mrs. 'Monteith, Mrs. Chowen, 'Jr. Sun., 'Feb., 22, Mrs. Oakes, Mrs.. G. Miller. Thurs., Feb, 26, Mrs. Cree Coak, Mrs. Paisley. Sun., Mar. 1, Mrs. Jefferson, Mrs. Herman. Thurs., Mar. 5, Mrs., Wilson, Miss Shirley Bowden. Sun., Mar. 8, Mrs. Haddy, Mrs.' AEA Knight. • Thurs., Mr. 12, Mrs. Cameron, Mrs. VanHorne. Sun., Mar. 15, Mrs. D. Thorndike, Mrs. Mervin Elliott. Thurs., Mar. 19, Mrs, Wheatley,^ Mrs. C. Connell.. Sun., Mar. 22', Mar. Patterson, Mrs., Agnew. Thurs., Mar. 25, Miss Brigl m, Mrs. Will Pickard. Sun. Mar. 29, Mrs. Ken. Waters, Mrs. F. VanEgmond. Thurs., April 2, Mrs. W. J. Miller, Mrs. E. A. Rumball. Sun., April 55, Mrs. MoLay, Mrs. Mc- Innis. Thurs., April 9, Mrs. Geo. 'Roberton, Miss Agnes Stirling. Sun., April 12, Mrs. Bart Levis., Mrs. Maltby. Thurs., April 16, Miss Wiltse, Miss H. Courtice. Sen., April 19, Mrs. R. H. Johnson, Mrs. George German. Thurs., April 23, Mrs. Geo. Jenkins, Mrs. Howard Cowan. Sun., April 26.,Mrs. W. J. Rozell, Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes: Thurs., Alppil 30, Mrs. McTaggart, Mrs: Thompson. Sun., May 3 Mrs. Zapfe, Mrs. Moore. Thurs., May 7, Mrs. Ford; Mrs. Fox. Sun., May 10, Mrs. Fingland, Mrs. P. Manning. Thurs., May 14, Mrs. Chrte Veneer, Mrs. Geo. Elliott, Sr. Sun., May 17, Mrs• R. P. Douglas, Mrs. Jack Morgan. Thurs., May 21, Mrs. Chowen Sr., Mrs. Hearn. Sun., May 24, Mrs. Andrews, Mrs. Wilfred Seeley., Thure., May 28, Mrs. Burton, Mrs. Radford. Sun., May 31, Mrs. W. Walker, Mrs. Lane. Thurs., June 4, Mrs. Hudie, Mrs. Joe. Silcox.. Sun., Jture 7, blisv,B:pa Pickett, Miss Lucy Grant. Thurs., June 11, Mrs. Geo. Walker Mrs Ed. Nickle. Sun., June 14, Miss R. V. Irwin, Miss D. Cantelon. Thurs,, June 18, Mrs. Trewartha, Mrs. Addison. Sen., June, 21, Miss A. Andrews, Miss A. McDonald. Thurs., June 25, Mrs. Silver, Mrs. Cudmore. Sun., June 28, Mrs. Forrester, Mrs. Chas. Cook. WEDDINGS f3ituiNIDEii—CURRIER A pretty but quiet wedding was solemnized at the parsonage of East Colborne on Tueisday, December 23rd, when Mss. Ruth Elizabeth Currie of Clinton and Leading Aircraftsman Guy Carl Bren- der, of Northport, Nova Scotia, were united' in marriage. The ceremony was performed by the bride's brother, Rev. F. Darnell. The bride chose a•dress, of air force blue crepe with accessories to match. They were unattended and after the ceremony left for the home of the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Brender of Northport, N.S., where a reception followed. Mile. Brender has returned to Clin v' County Council Committees The following committees were ap- ponted at County, Council Session, the first named is chairman: Legislative -William Thom, T. C. Wilson, V. Falconer, J .Ferguson, J. J. Evans. - Executive—W. L. Weir, R. Ratz, R. J. Bowman; P. Passmore, 3. B. Rath- well. County. Home—F. Watson, I3. W. Tuckey, W. H. Merritt, 3.'R. Rathwell, S. Ii. Whitmore. Childuien's) Aid Society—A. F. Me - Donald, J...1. Keane;' George Arm- stkong. Finance J. J. Evarus, 11, E. Turner, D. L. Weir, A. McCann, S. 11. Whit- tier*. Warden's Conlmittoe—R,. J. Bow- man, R. E. Turner., P. Passmore, T. C. Wilson, W. J. Baker. Property—T. C. Wilson, William Thom, G. Frayne, L. L. Weir, N. R. Derrai de. Education—J. H. Scott, J. Bt Rothe well, A. Alexander, 11. Grain, J. E'er- guson. Agriculture -R. Grain, J. H. Scott, G. Frayne, W. H. Merritt ,A .,Alexin der. Equalization—F. Duncan, V. Fal- conor, R. Rabe, J. B. Itethwell,eA. F. Mcbonald. Police—A. McCann ,F. Duncan, k`. Watson. Good Roads—R. R. Redmond, R. C. Shaddick, Thomas ,Web$er. TO HOLD ANNUAL PRESBY- TERIAL HERE The Executive of Huron Presbyter- ial of the Women's Missionary Society of the United) Church met in Ontario Street church on Fel,3, with the President Mrs. 11; G. Nay, Fordwich, in charge. Encouraging reports were given by the various (secretaries. The Treasurer's report showed et substan- tial increase. Arrangements were made for the annual meeting of the Presbyterial which • is to be held in Wesley -Willis Church, Clinton on May 5. OBITUARY MRS. J. B. ROUSE The death occurred Isere on Thurs- day ,January 29, of Sophie Robinson, wife ,of I. B. Rouse and mother of Mrs. Bernice Hearn ,in her 82nd year. She v'as the daughter of the late Samuel and Josephine R'dbinson arid' was born on the 24th of July, 1860, near Alliston. In May, 1889 she mar- ried 1. B. Rouisb and they lived 'in Hamilton for 40 years, until Mr, Rouse retired 10 years ago. For the past fifteen months • Mr: and Mrs. Rouse had lived in Clinton with their daughter, Mrs. Hearn. Besides her husband and daughter she is islurvived by five grandchildren. A. funeral ser- vice was held at the Clinton residence Friday evening, conducted by Rev. A. Lane of Wesley -Willis United church. On Saturday the body was taken to Hamilton where it rested at the Rob- inson funeral parlors until 2 p.m. on Monday, when interment took place in Hamilton cemetery. v MRS. ERNEST M. CRICH Rev. Williain 0. Moulton of the Bret Methodist Church; Ferndale, Mich., conducted prayer service, Jan- uary 21st, at 12.30 in the residence, 373 E. Maplehurlet for Mas. Catherine M. Crich ,aged 55, who died Sunday evening January 18th, at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Pontiac, after a two weeks illness. The body was taken Tuesday after- noon- to the residence from the Spaul- ding andr Son Funeral Home, 500 West Nine, Mile. Funeral services were held' January 21st at 2.30 in the Meth- odist church Marlette Mich. The Rev. G. Everett Ashton pastor of Lincoln St. United church ,Windsor, Ont., a cousin of Mr. Crich gave the message. Assisted' by Rev. W. 0. Moulton and Rev. Chas Bragg . of Marlette. Mrs, Crich is survived by her heesband Ernest M., local manager of the Con- sumers Power Co„ a daughter Mrs. Gilbert Brawn, Pontiac. Three broth- ers Edgar and Henry Moons of Pon- tiac; William Moors, Bay City ,a half brother Cecil Wiltse of Plymouth and two grandchildren, Jack and Helen, Pontiac. Those atter-wing the 'funeral from this district were Mr, and Mrs. Roy Pepper, Mee. John E. Turner, Mrs. Frank Crich, Mrs. James Carnoeban, Tuekersrnith; Mi. and Mrs. Melvin Crich, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Wallis of Clinton, Miss Irene and Mr. Greely Wankel of London. V FREDERICK 0. McCONNELL Frederick Orr McConnel, a well- known resident of Stratford and train dispatcher with the Canadian National Railways there died in the Stratford Hospital on Friday evening. Mr. Mc- Connell became ill with pneumonia seven weeks ago, and death followed a heart attaek. Born in Clinton, Mr. McConnell Was , a son of the late Mr .and, Mrs. Charles McConnell, and went to Stratford as •a boy of eight years and has lived there continuously since that time. He was in his 50th year. Mr. McConnell completed thirty- three years service with the Grand Trunk Railways and the Canadian National Railways' last Christmas. At the age of 16 years; he entered the : employ of the Grand Trunk Railway as 'an assistant telegrapher at Baden, During later years he served at St. Marys junction and Listowel, and sin- ce 1914 he had been employed as train dispatcher, located in Stratford. An enthusiastic Mason, Mr. McConnell was a life member of Mocha Temple; London. He was also an elder of St. John's. United church. He, is survived by his wife, the for- mer Myrtle Stubbs, whom he married in Sarnia 21 years ago, and one son Neil. He was the last member of his immediate family. V '111(.10 ERS.Mi'I'B Death of Alexander Wallace The death occurred in Tuckersmitle on Friday morning of Alexander Wal- lace in his. 65th year. He had been ill almost two years; although he had been up and around until a few days before his death. Mr. Wallace was born in Hibbert the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Will- iam Wnhece,•andi lived there until the age of nine, when they moved to Es- sex county. In January, 1905, he married Mable Jane Detut and they lived in Essex until ' 1913, when he pureluesed a farm) on the 5th conces- sion of .Tuckersmith, where hecontin- ued. to live until his death. He was' a faithful member of the Egmondville United: church and was also an elder' ;lo-. church. Surviving besides hiln wife a'r'e sev- en daughters, Mrs. Wesley Rowe (May), Blyth; 'Mas. Norman Walker I (Mildred), Brueefiehd; Mrs. Orville Blake (Iana), Clinton; Marion Weed. stock; Jessie, Staples; and'Gra;e nd Ruth at:home, two. sons, Donald and Dough 4, , apt horn ; 'rind' one "brother,'; Imeseemelar AVE % GRADED WHILE YOU WAIT By. Mechanical Electric Grader You Will Like The Service Can _.ti a Packers Ltd. PHONE 145 CLINTON The Toggery Shoppe Says THANK YOU! LADIES' TAILORED SUITS and COATS Ready to-wear—See these -also err samples of Made to your Measure COATS or SUITS For the response we have re- ceived during the first few days of our opening under the new ownership. Our end'eaver is to serve you courteously .with Quality Mer- chandise and dress you well at' no extra cost—so , our 'slogan will be:— Service; Quality; Style; Popular Prices MEN'S WINTER OVERCOATS Quality all wool clothes that will give years of service at no extra cost. See these in sizes 36 to 44, various shades—reg- ular 22.50 and 24.75 values. 19.75 SPECIAL Mens extra heavy Black Den- im O,verhalls, Erand, "The Fam- ous." $1.98 pair All sizes, with bibb HAVE YOUR Dress or Suit Dry Cleaned THE NEW TEX WAY Bring them in: MONDAY'S er THURSDAY'S so they can be called for on WEDNESDAY or SATURDAY TAILORED TO YOUR MEASURE SUITS by W R. Johnston's approved Clothes or Fashion Craft or Warren K. Cook Over•300 Samples to choose from — A Perfect fit guaranteed Buy with confidence at "The Toggery Shoppe" 1 1 rrett i.. • s;�.s Investat gat See Aides 58 King Street West, $ITCHENER, ONT. Telephone 8-8425 310 Royal Bank Building, LONDON, ONT. Telephone Metcalf 3601 The ,executives of our OIL ROYALITY department have many years of experience in this highly specialized line of investment both in Eastern and Western Canada. We invite you to make full tee of ourmany facilities which bring us the latest information daily direct from the Alberta oilfields. WE ARE ASSOCIATE UNDERWRITERS OF MAJOR OIL INVESMENT NET PREFERRED ROYALTIES Upon request we will mail you, without obligation, our weekly bulletin "'The Investment Supervisor," which contains all the latest news from the Alberta oilfields. 11lail the coupon shown below: See R. A. Price, Agent, MacKenzie Hotel, Chuton GARRETT & BASUN 58 King Street West Kitchener, Ont. I wish to receive your weekly bulletin "The Investment Super- visor." Name Address asr^ Adam, Windsor. The funeral took place from the Egmondville United church on Monday, February 2, at 1,30 p.m. Rev Mr. Gardiner of that church [Conducted the service and in- terment was made in Egmondeille cemetery. • The February meeting of the Tuck- ersmith Ladies Club was held on Wed- nesday Feb. 4th, at the home of Mrs. Fred Pepper. The president, Mrs. the meeting opened with the adefol- the meeting .opened with the code fel- leered by the Lord's prayer. Discus- sions followed on ways, and means of making more money for Rede Cross' and, the making of garments. The Club treasurer reported a .balance of 2.43 and the Red Cross treasured reported $21.73, on hand. There was a draw on the Butterfly Quilt and Mrs. Herman Crich • was the lucky ey. The club finiehed'its 8th, quilt for 1942. The March meeting will. be held at the home of Mrs. L. Lawson with group two in charge. The roll call to be answered, by ways and means of economizing ou sugar. The knitting c9nsi ,nor handed in her 1941 reports, which are as Poll vs: 17 pr. eimeaceeeemeeeeamamme seamen's long socks; 34 pr. army socks; 4 turtle -neck sweaters; 3 pr ankle socks; 10 navy smarfs; 3 ladies pullovers sweaters; 1 moss -stick scarf; 3 ladies toques; 6 ribbed hel- mets; 2 mens pullover sweaters; 10 pr. 2 -way mitts; 3 ladies white vests; 1 pr. ladies gloves; 13 pr. whole mitts; 3 pr. rifle mitts; 5 khaki scarfe; 12 pr. ,seamen shore socks and 10 aero caps, Mr. Goundhog would likely see his shadow so we may expect six weeks more winter. Me. and Mrs. Wilmer Wallis were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 5. 11. Whitmore. Mr. and Mrs. E. Crich were Sunday visitors with relatives in Clinton. Mrs. Giff Crich is under the Drs.. care. We hope for an early recovery. Mr. Melbourne Ball of Sarnia was a weekend, visitor under the parental. roof. Mr. and Mr's'. F. Townsend were, visitors In Goderich on Tuesday with friends and relatives of the late Mr. and Mrs'. Jas. Salkeld who were killed M an aesiident near London. on Sat- House' of Hobberlin made to measure Suits and Overcoats Spring Samples now in Tweeds and Serges, Blues, Browns, Greys and greens. All the latest styles. and colors. i• LAST YEARS PRICE'S . , .. $25.50 TO $50.00 Cloth is getting harder to get so don't put off ordering your suit too long. DAVIS`& HERMAN CUSTOM TAILORS —Be Measured by a Tailor. Come in and see our complete line of Sporting Equipment Ski Boots with steel shank reinforced — Ski Poles $1.50 on up Skibs Froin $4.00 and up Keep your skis in shape this year by using "Ski Spred" .. SKATES NEW AND SECOND HAND FOR BOYS AND GIRLS . . WILL PAY CASH FOR, YOUR RIFLES AND SHOTGUNS • REGARDLESS OF CONDITION EPPS SPOKT SHOP Headquarters For All Sporting Goods RINmwIxaillaltiall3LOW otos Sales Chevrolet — Oldsmobile Passenger Cars—Chevrolet Trucks Sales a ay Y. vice TELEPHONE 234 GODERICH, ONTARIO 1940 Chevrolet Master Coach with heater; like new. 1939 Deluxe Dodge with heater; guaranteed. 193.4 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan. 1929 Essex Coach with new tires. 1929 Ford Coach. The LONDON ROAD London Road Club held there January meeting on their regular day at the home of Mrs. Geo. Henderson.' The president's place was taken by Mrs. Anderson. We opened our meet- ing singing "0 Canada", followed by the Creed. The roll call was answered with 11 members and 2 visitors! pres- ,ent. 'It was decided to buy flannelette far layettes. The programaef r. the year was made out. The February ~ eeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Moffet on February 19. The meeting was closed by singing the : National Anthem. The hostess isler ved lunch. PORTER'S HILL On Sunday owing to icy roads ,not so mapy:attended divine service, Sun- day, February 15 the church 'service will be changed to 3 o'clock, daylight saving time. Herb Corbett of Dundalk visited b8 i sister r Mrs.. J. S. Lockhart last eek. I ilto Woad entertained a s, a number of ladies at a quilting last Wed. afternoon. 5. Mr Roy Wilson has.been on the sick list the past three weeks. Word was received by Mrs. Thos' Elliott that the Christmas box of treats sent by the Porter Hill ladies to Morris Frame had, been received' by him in Englandr Christmas Eve. Two other of our boys, .Les. Stirling and C. Proctor each received their boxes. Mrs. Stewart Sch'oenha.ls and baby Paul left last Mond'ay to take up re- sidence in Long Branch where Sgt. Scheenhals, has been stationed the past year. The Red Cross'• scioial held at the home of Mr. Reid Torrance, Friday last Wats well attended There were 22 tables of ,euchre,; those who did not play enjoyed the; evening social chat, Mas. Dell Gardinerwas high l'ad'y'; Reg. Midler, high gent. At midnight lunch was served, after which dancing was enjoyed' till quite early. Weston Brothers supplying the enusip accom- panied by Mrs. Greennled at the pia- no. The next social evening Mwill be, at John Torrance, Friday evening Feb. 13. RED CROSS NOTES Below is a list of ladies from the Red Shield Red Cross. Society who are 'expected to he present on Thursdays and :Sun- day evenings in the Recreation Room )Nil'1 these ladies please be responsible} for their evening. If unable to be present kindly arrange for a substi- The7 regular meeting was held at the home of Mrs N..W. Trewartha in the form of a pot luck supper with 23 members and 7 visitors' present, The finished articles brought in were 20 pair socks; 1 suit pyjamas; 3 sweat- ers; 1 pair wristlets; 1 pair knee war- mers; and One Dollar donated by Mrs. Ross Fitzsimons; and 3 pair, gloves donated by Anita C'uiokshanks. The Huron Road East club will join with the Red Shield next welt at Mrs. C. E. Elliott's home. This is packing .day. Subscriptions .amounted to $8.35. Perth County Solicitor Appointed The Perth County Council at its meeting last week appointed Mr. H. G. Meir, Barrister, of Seaforth and Clin- ton, • as the County Solicitor for the County of Perth for the year 1942. Mr. Meir has had considerable ex: perience as a municipal lawyer, hav- ing been City. Solicitor for the city of East Windsor for same years be- fore comng to Seaforth. He is now solicitor for the Town of Seaforttiand the Township of McKillip- Before entering the private practise of Law, Mr. Meir was for several years, the solicitor for the Canadian Manufac- turers Association, and;has had considerable experience, in Corpora- tion and Municipal Law. --V Joint Meeting of Huron Second Victory Loan Held Here A joint meeting of the Publicity Committee and the Chairman and the. Viae Chairmen of Huron County Sec- ond Victory Loan Organization was held in the Town Hall, Clinton, last Thursday evening. The meeting was very 'largely attended by representa- tive-3from all arts of the County. Mr. Charles Saunders of Goderich, Chainman of the Publicity Committee, presided and delegates were welcom- ed by Mr. G. L. Parsons, County Chairman. In opening the meeting Mr. Saunders: stated that the war had to be won; and to da that money had to be obtained. "The tremendous ex- penditure necessary cannot all be ob- tained from taxation; therefore this, loan will have to go over—or else," he sued, indicating that if tho)ee able to subscribe did not do so more drastic means would have to be found for ensuring their support next time. "Huron County has always gone ov- er the top before and will do, it again this time" said Mr; Saunders. Arrangements were completed whereby a travelling entertaimnent unit of twenty petformerte would, ap- pear in Wingham, Goderich and Clin- ton, February 19, 20 and 21 to ad- vertise the Victory Loan. Details' re, garding `this will be announced in, these columns later Opinion was ex- pressed at the meeting that this will be one of the best shows to visit Hur- on County in recent years. The Goderich Lion Club is spon- soring the Goderich performance. Mr. W. W. Armstrong of Wingham andMr. Fred Ford of Clinton are approa- ching the Lion's Clubs of these Towns to ask them to sponsor the sale of tickets for entesstainments in their Towns. Receipts and expenses are being pooled with those of other cen- tres where the show appears in order that the greater receipts in the cities may assist in transporting the player, throughout the Province. Through the co-operation of Mayor McMurray and the council of Clinton, the international Harvester Compllny and Mr. Cliff Watson ,the Clinton performance will be held in the Town Hall. The Goderich performance will be in the Capitol Theatre through the co-operation of Mr, Sutherland, while the Wingham ,show, the first of the three, will be in the Town.' Hall through the co-operation of Mayor and council. It was agreed .that the business Wheels in the County be asked to de- corate one window for the Victory Loan Campaign. Mr. Creech' of Ex- eter, Mr. Middleton of 'Tensall, Mr. Robert Bowman of Brussels; Mr. Ortrickshanks and NIT. Armstrong of. Wingham and others submitted, esti- mates covering' the number of posters needed in their area. Distreetls which have not yet submitted estimates are asked to do so. Arrangements were made for• a poolof speakers in the County to be available on request for Victory Loan meetings. Mr. Mickde of Hensall, Mr, A. Y. McLean, and Mi. Mullen of Sea- forth and Ma. H. McLean of Wingham asked for speakei;sl for meetings al- ready arranged in their .district. Mi. Saunrdera requested that all districts keep in touch with Huron County Headquarters regarding ten- tative meetinge in order that conflict of dates during tine Campaign may be avoided. He ,also announced) that sound movies could probably be ob- tained any nights but Monday and Thursday if et least a week's notice were given to the Publicity Commit tee, through the cooperation of the Huron County Flying Training Schpoi. One hundred per 'centco,operation by radio station C'KNX and the news. papers of the County was assured- by the `presence of Mr. Crui,•.k ..a newspaper; editors from all aver the county. trite:. 4un., Feb. 8, Mrs. Cuninghame, Mrs. Shanahan. Thurs., Feb. 12, Mrs. Bert Fremlin, Mrs. Carrie Jervis. Sun., Feb. 15, Miss Eva Cluff, 'Mrs: Adams. 1 T8uus., Feb. 19, Mrs. 'Monteith, Mrs. Chowen, 'Jr. Sun., 'Feb., 22, Mrs. Oakes, Mrs.. G. Miller. Thurs., Feb, 26, Mrs. Cree Coak, Mrs. Paisley. Sun., Mar. 1, Mrs. Jefferson, Mrs. Herman. Thurs., Mar. 5, Mrs., Wilson, Miss Shirley Bowden. Sun., Mar. 8, Mrs. Haddy, Mrs.' AEA Knight. • Thurs., Mr. 12, Mrs. Cameron, Mrs. VanHorne. Sun., Mar. 15, Mrs. D. Thorndike, Mrs. Mervin Elliott. Thurs., Mar. 19, Mrs, Wheatley,^ Mrs. C. Connell.. Sun., Mar. 22', Mar. Patterson, Mrs., Agnew. Thurs., Mar. 25, Miss Brigl m, Mrs. Will Pickard. Sun. Mar. 29, Mrs. Ken. Waters, Mrs. F. VanEgmond. Thurs., April 2, Mrs. W. J. Miller, Mrs. E. A. Rumball. Sun., April 55, Mrs. MoLay, Mrs. Mc- Innis. Thurs., April 9, Mrs. Geo. 'Roberton, Miss Agnes Stirling. Sun., April 12, Mrs. Bart Levis., Mrs. Maltby. Thurs., April 16, Miss Wiltse, Miss H. Courtice. Sen., April 19, Mrs. R. H. Johnson, Mrs. George German. Thurs., April 23, Mrs. Geo. Jenkins, Mrs. Howard Cowan. Sun., April 26.,Mrs. W. J. Rozell, Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes: Thurs., Alppil 30, Mrs. McTaggart, Mrs: Thompson. Sun., May 3 Mrs. Zapfe, Mrs. Moore. Thurs., May 7, Mrs. Ford; Mrs. Fox. Sun., May 10, Mrs. Fingland, Mrs. P. Manning. Thurs., May 14, Mrs. Chrte Veneer, Mrs. Geo. Elliott, Sr. Sun., May 17, Mrs• R. P. Douglas, Mrs. Jack Morgan. Thurs., May 21, Mrs. Chowen Sr., Mrs. Hearn. Sun., May 24, Mrs. Andrews, Mrs. Wilfred Seeley., Thure., May 28, Mrs. Burton, Mrs. Radford. Sun., May 31, Mrs. W. Walker, Mrs. Lane. Thurs., June 4, Mrs. Hudie, Mrs. Joe. Silcox.. Sun., Jture 7, blisv,B:pa Pickett, Miss Lucy Grant. Thurs., June 11, Mrs. Geo. Walker Mrs Ed. Nickle. Sun., June 14, Miss R. V. Irwin, Miss D. Cantelon. Thurs,, June 18, Mrs. Trewartha, Mrs. Addison. Sen., June, 21, Miss A. Andrews, Miss A. McDonald. Thurs., June 25, Mrs. Silver, Mrs. Cudmore. Sun., June 28, Mrs. Forrester, Mrs. Chas. Cook. WEDDINGS f3ituiNIDEii—CURRIER A pretty but quiet wedding was solemnized at the parsonage of East Colborne on Tueisday, December 23rd, when Mss. Ruth Elizabeth Currie of Clinton and Leading Aircraftsman Guy Carl Bren- der, of Northport, Nova Scotia, were united' in marriage. The ceremony was performed by the bride's brother, Rev. F. Darnell. The bride chose a•dress, of air force blue crepe with accessories to match. They were unattended and after the ceremony left for the home of the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Brender of Northport, N.S., where a reception followed. Mile. Brender has returned to Clin v' County Council Committees The following committees were ap- ponted at County, Council Session, the first named is chairman: Legislative -William Thom, T. C. Wilson, V. Falconer, J .Ferguson, J. J. Evans. - Executive—W. L. Weir, R. Ratz, R. J. Bowman; P. Passmore, 3. B. Rath- well. County. Home—F. Watson, I3. W. Tuckey, W. H. Merritt, 3.'R. Rathwell, S. Ii. Whitmore. Childuien's) Aid Society—A. F. Me - Donald, J...1. Keane;' George Arm- stkong. Finance J. J. Evarus, 11, E. Turner, D. L. Weir, A. McCann, S. 11. Whit- tier*. Warden's Conlmittoe—R,. J. Bow- man, R. E. Turner., P. Passmore, T. C. Wilson, W. J. Baker. Property—T. C. Wilson, William Thom, G. Frayne, L. L. Weir, N. R. Derrai de. Education—J. H. Scott, J. Bt Rothe well, A. Alexander, 11. Grain, J. E'er- guson. Agriculture -R. Grain, J. H. Scott, G. Frayne, W. H. Merritt ,A .,Alexin der. Equalization—F. Duncan, V. Fal- conor, R. Rabe, J. B. Itethwell,eA. F. Mcbonald. Police—A. McCann ,F. Duncan, k`. Watson. Good Roads—R. R. Redmond, R. C. Shaddick, Thomas ,Web$er. TO HOLD ANNUAL PRESBY- TERIAL HERE The Executive of Huron Presbyter- ial of the Women's Missionary Society of the United) Church met in Ontario Street church on Fel,3, with the President Mrs. 11; G. Nay, Fordwich, in charge. Encouraging reports were given by the various (secretaries. The Treasurer's report showed et substan- tial increase. Arrangements were made for the annual meeting of the Presbyterial which • is to be held in Wesley -Willis Church, Clinton on May 5. OBITUARY MRS. J. B. ROUSE The death occurred Isere on Thurs- day ,January 29, of Sophie Robinson, wife ,of I. B. Rouse and mother of Mrs. Bernice Hearn ,in her 82nd year. She v'as the daughter of the late Samuel and Josephine R'dbinson arid' was born on the 24th of July, 1860, near Alliston. In May, 1889 she mar- ried 1. B. Rouisb and they lived 'in Hamilton for 40 years, until Mr, Rouse retired 10 years ago. For the past fifteen months • Mr: and Mrs. Rouse had lived in Clinton with their daughter, Mrs. Hearn. Besides her husband and daughter she is islurvived by five grandchildren. A. funeral ser- vice was held at the Clinton residence Friday evening, conducted by Rev. A. Lane of Wesley -Willis United church. On Saturday the body was taken to Hamilton where it rested at the Rob- inson funeral parlors until 2 p.m. on Monday, when interment took place in Hamilton cemetery. v MRS. ERNEST M. CRICH Rev. Williain 0. Moulton of the Bret Methodist Church; Ferndale, Mich., conducted prayer service, Jan- uary 21st, at 12.30 in the residence, 373 E. Maplehurlet for Mas. Catherine M. Crich ,aged 55, who died Sunday evening January 18th, at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Pontiac, after a two weeks illness. The body was taken Tuesday after- noon- to the residence from the Spaul- ding andr Son Funeral Home, 500 West Nine, Mile. Funeral services were held' January 21st at 2.30 in the Meth- odist church Marlette Mich. The Rev. G. Everett Ashton pastor of Lincoln St. United church ,Windsor, Ont., a cousin of Mr. Crich gave the message. Assisted' by Rev. W. 0. Moulton and Rev. Chas Bragg . of Marlette. Mrs, Crich is survived by her heesband Ernest M., local manager of the Con- sumers Power Co„ a daughter Mrs. Gilbert Brawn, Pontiac. Three broth- ers Edgar and Henry Moons of Pon- tiac; William Moors, Bay City ,a half brother Cecil Wiltse of Plymouth and two grandchildren, Jack and Helen, Pontiac. Those atter-wing the 'funeral from this district were Mr, and Mrs. Roy Pepper, Mee. John E. Turner, Mrs. Frank Crich, Mrs. James Carnoeban, Tuekersrnith; Mi. and Mrs. Melvin Crich, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Wallis of Clinton, Miss Irene and Mr. Greely Wankel of London. V FREDERICK 0. McCONNELL Frederick Orr McConnel, a well- known resident of Stratford and train dispatcher with the Canadian National Railways there died in the Stratford Hospital on Friday evening. Mr. Mc- Connell became ill with pneumonia seven weeks ago, and death followed a heart attaek. Born in Clinton, Mr. McConnell Was , a son of the late Mr .and, Mrs. Charles McConnell, and went to Stratford as •a boy of eight years and has lived there continuously since that time. He was in his 50th year. Mr. McConnell completed thirty- three years service with the Grand Trunk Railways and the Canadian National Railways' last Christmas. At the age of 16 years; he entered the : employ of the Grand Trunk Railway as 'an assistant telegrapher at Baden, During later years he served at St. Marys junction and Listowel, and sin- ce 1914 he had been employed as train dispatcher, located in Stratford. An enthusiastic Mason, Mr. McConnell was a life member of Mocha Temple; London. He was also an elder of St. John's. United church. He, is survived by his wife, the for- mer Myrtle Stubbs, whom he married in Sarnia 21 years ago, and one son Neil. He was the last member of his immediate family. V '111(.10 ERS.Mi'I'B Death of Alexander Wallace The death occurred in Tuckersmitle on Friday morning of Alexander Wal- lace in his. 65th year. He had been ill almost two years; although he had been up and around until a few days before his death. Mr. Wallace was born in Hibbert the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Will- iam Wnhece,•andi lived there until the age of nine, when they moved to Es- sex county. In January, 1905, he married Mable Jane Detut and they lived in Essex until ' 1913, when he pureluesed a farm) on the 5th conces- sion of .Tuckersmith, where hecontin- ued. to live until his death. He was' a faithful member of the Egmondville United: church and was also an elder' ;lo-. church. Surviving besides hiln wife a'r'e sev- en daughters, Mrs. Wesley Rowe (May), Blyth; 'Mas. Norman Walker I (Mildred), Brueefiehd; Mrs. Orville Blake (Iana), Clinton; Marion Weed. stock; Jessie, Staples; and'Gra;e nd Ruth at:home, two. sons, Donald and Dough 4, , apt horn ; 'rind' one "brother,'; Imeseemelar AVE % GRADED WHILE YOU WAIT By. Mechanical Electric Grader You Will Like The Service Can _.ti a Packers Ltd. PHONE 145 CLINTON The Toggery Shoppe Says THANK YOU! LADIES' TAILORED SUITS and COATS Ready to-wear—See these -also err samples of Made to your Measure COATS or SUITS For the response we have re- ceived during the first few days of our opening under the new ownership. Our end'eaver is to serve you courteously .with Quality Mer- chandise and dress you well at' no extra cost—so , our 'slogan will be:— Service; Quality; Style; Popular Prices MEN'S WINTER OVERCOATS Quality all wool clothes that will give years of service at no extra cost. See these in sizes 36 to 44, various shades—reg- ular 22.50 and 24.75 values. 19.75 SPECIAL Mens extra heavy Black Den- im O,verhalls, Erand, "The Fam- ous." $1.98 pair All sizes, with bibb HAVE YOUR Dress or Suit Dry Cleaned THE NEW TEX WAY Bring them in: MONDAY'S er THURSDAY'S so they can be called for on WEDNESDAY or SATURDAY TAILORED TO YOUR MEASURE SUITS by W R. Johnston's approved Clothes or Fashion Craft or Warren K. Cook Over•300 Samples to choose from — A Perfect fit guaranteed Buy with confidence at "The Toggery Shoppe" 1 1 rrett i.. • s;�.s Investat gat See Aides 58 King Street West, $ITCHENER, ONT. Telephone 8-8425 310 Royal Bank Building, LONDON, ONT. Telephone Metcalf 3601 The ,executives of our OIL ROYALITY department have many years of experience in this highly specialized line of investment both in Eastern and Western Canada. We invite you to make full tee of ourmany facilities which bring us the latest information daily direct from the Alberta oilfields. WE ARE ASSOCIATE UNDERWRITERS OF MAJOR OIL INVESMENT NET PREFERRED ROYALTIES Upon request we will mail you, without obligation, our weekly bulletin "'The Investment Supervisor," which contains all the latest news from the Alberta oilfields. 11lail the coupon shown below: See R. A. Price, Agent, MacKenzie Hotel, Chuton GARRETT & BASUN 58 King Street West Kitchener, Ont. I wish to receive your weekly bulletin "The Investment Super- visor." Name Address asr^ Adam, Windsor. The funeral took place from the Egmondville United church on Monday, February 2, at 1,30 p.m. Rev Mr. Gardiner of that church [Conducted the service and in- terment was made in Egmondeille cemetery. • The February meeting of the Tuck- ersmith Ladies Club was held on Wed- nesday Feb. 4th, at the home of Mrs. Fred Pepper. The president, Mrs. the meeting opened with the adefol- the meeting .opened with the code fel- leered by the Lord's prayer. Discus- sions followed on ways, and means of making more money for Rede Cross' and, the making of garments. The Club treasurer reported a .balance of 2.43 and the Red Cross treasured reported $21.73, on hand. There was a draw on the Butterfly Quilt and Mrs. Herman Crich • was the lucky ey. The club finiehed'its 8th, quilt for 1942. The March meeting will. be held at the home of Mrs. L. Lawson with group two in charge. The roll call to be answered, by ways and means of economizing ou sugar. The knitting c9nsi ,nor handed in her 1941 reports, which are as Poll vs: 17 pr. eimeaceeeemeeeeamamme seamen's long socks; 34 pr. army socks; 4 turtle -neck sweaters; 3 pr ankle socks; 10 navy smarfs; 3 ladies pullovers sweaters; 1 moss -stick scarf; 3 ladies toques; 6 ribbed hel- mets; 2 mens pullover sweaters; 10 pr. 2 -way mitts; 3 ladies white vests; 1 pr. ladies gloves; 13 pr. whole mitts; 3 pr. rifle mitts; 5 khaki scarfe; 12 pr. ,seamen shore socks and 10 aero caps, Mr. Goundhog would likely see his shadow so we may expect six weeks more winter. Me. and Mrs. Wilmer Wallis were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 5. 11. Whitmore. Mr. and Mrs. E. Crich were Sunday visitors with relatives in Clinton. Mrs. Giff Crich is under the Drs.. care. We hope for an early recovery. Mr. Melbourne Ball of Sarnia was a weekend, visitor under the parental. roof. Mr. and Mr's'. F. Townsend were, visitors In Goderich on Tuesday with friends and relatives of the late Mr. and Mrs'. Jas. Salkeld who were killed M an aesiident near London. on Sat-