The Clinton News Record, 1942-02-05, Page 3HUr '•e FEB. 5, 1942 THE CLINTONNEWS-RECORD PAGE 3 lia1. 1. tjL1NrION ,EARLY IN 'rah tekiNriURI47 Some NoUni t> f The News in 1917 FROM THE CLINTON NEWS- which was packed in the building next RECORD Must it, Fire started in the chimney and must ' have 'been started some tilne FEBRUARY 1ST, 1917 • before it was founcll out. The following poem was sent, birin- Mr. an•d Mr's. William. 7I. Lobb of ted on a postcard, to Mr. William C .i i:.lt township announ0$ the M. Snell by his son, Pte. E1i1uiani .Snell, I:;e;e.tenE of their .daughter, Elsie who. is with the 161st, in England at May; to Mr. George Ieircterson of present: 1. die' en, eosicy Gori of Mr. J. T. Hen- Dear odd Dad; when 01c1 England dor=on of Pas is,. Ontario. The rear- called, 1iag•e will take place this month. Ooi me to corse up with the Boys; Rev. J. E. Hogg of Southampton I thought of you and' my clear old has accept:l the invitation to become home; rel tor of Wills clutch and his And the scenes of my childhood joys.• trarreer• was approved by the Bruce Presbytery last week. He will be It's up to ice to go out ancli help, inducted into the new charge here on The other brave chaps• at the font, March 2nd. Never let it be said I was ono that I Fibbed Word was received on Tu.esday that While •others bore the brunt . , Arthur Grant, a member of the Huron Battalion, younger son of Mrs. L. When "Ours.", go where this. picture Grantof town, had been killed in ae- tells tion in France on. January 21st. An And I hope that won't be long; older brother is also at the front. We'll get the Huns well on the run, The Clinton Ladies? Hockey team To the tune of our marching song. • ,played a match in Mitchell on Friday Memories of Rome and illy Dear evening last, defeating- the team of i Ones, that town in a score of 5-1. The xa Clinton' players were the following: Are ever with• me night and day, Eva Stinson„ Stella Copp, Shirley and Those happy trines I shall never for: Ilia B'awMargMabel Cantelony Mar - get, aret Sehoenhals and M. Bramfield.While in England or over the way. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Ephriani Frown, Hullett was the scene of a When The Present Century pretty wedding on Wednesday after - neon of last week when their second Was Young. daughter ,Elsie, was united in mar- riage with Mr. Edward Yungblut, son of Mr. Frederiek Yunghlut. 'Owing to the stress of the times, scarcity of paper and etc., the lien - sail Observer has suspended publica- tion for the time being. FROM THE CLINTON NEWS - RECORD JANUARY 30TH' 1902 Clinton curlers defeated Seaforth on Friday by 18 shots, N. Fair's rink Announcement is mads of the dea- by 6 shots and W. Spalding's by 12. th at New Westminster, B.G., January On Tuesday Stratford won by 20 26th, of Mrs. Luvis, only daughter. of shots. the late Sutherland Malcolmson, for- merly of Goderich. In the late six- Mr. A. J. Grigg sent eighteen of ties Mr. Malcolmson practised law in his Exhibition Games to the Owen Clinton, and the deceased lady was Sound poultry show last week and born here. The family moved to Gode won nine firsts and five second prizes. rich when Mr. Malcolmson was ap- 1 Mr. Alex. Macpherson died in pointed Local Registrar of the Surro- Stratford on Tuesday of last week, gate Court. I aged 76 years. Twenty-five years Kyle—At Parr Line, Hay, on Jan- ago the deceased was foreman in the uary 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas woodworking department of the Glin- Kyle, a son. eton foundry and John Macdonald Miss Amy Howson has taken a pos. bookkeeper. Aiboet that trine they ition on the Molsons Bank staff and Pulled up. stakes, here anal started starts upon her new 'duties today. ! the manufacturing of threshing mach - Miss Jennie Robertson was promoted tries at Stratford. The firms was to theledger some weeks ago. Both dissolved about a decade ago and now local banks now have woshen ledger- both of its founders have passed keepers. 1away. The deceased was ae uncle of Messrs. D. E. and D. L. Macpherson. of town. FROM THE CLINTON NEWS ERA 'I One of the old . residena of East FEBRUARY 1ST, .1917 i Wawanosh passed away in Wednee- • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Grealis and day of last week in the person of family leave Sa±urday for Toronto Mrs. Maty Cassels, aged 68 years, re het of the late Mark Cassis. The where they intend residing. deceased went from Clinton about 24 Miss Leila Ford, who has been tak- e, years ago ands settled with her hus- Iioa nurses.' training at Wellesley band on the farm adjoining Wingham, Hospital, Toronto, has decided to give where she lived until after his death lip her course and returned home on in 1897. Saturday. 1 Miss Orfa Miller, who for the past Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Caning - three yearn has held. the lucrative pos- hame spent Tuesday as the hesLake ition of head milliner in one of the Mr .and Mrs. Ii. ± Neftel at the. Lake l leading establishments in the city of Shore, Godericha township. Victoria, B.C., returned Iasi week. Pte. Bert Blacker of the 4th, �',M• She will spend a couple of weeks at R., Hamilton, sperm the weekend at the parental home, My. and Mrs. J. the home of his brother, Mi:. E. Miller's, and then go to Toronto for Blacker of town. This is supposed to the millinery openinge be his last leave before going over- Mr• George T. Hiscox, of London sem' I was in'town on Monday on a visit to Mn and Mrs. J .}?ere, Coley who his brothers-in-law, Messrs. I. and J. have been spending the winter with Rattenbury, and other relatives• before friends in Michigan and hereabouts his departure for Southern California• since disposing of their farm fast fall, • He leaves for the sunny .south on leave on Monday to take possession Saturday accompanied' by Mr. Ike of their new home en the 3rd, of Rattenbury and will be absent a sou- ' Tucketsmith• Miss Ruby Potter, nurse, left for ole of monihs or more. They go out the' New York Polyclinic Hospital on by the southern route and purpose Wednesday where she will take a returning by the northern inorder to visit Mr. Will. Rance in Great Falls, post graduate course in nursing. Pte. F. W. Stone, a member of the Montana. Princess Pats, who arrived at his! I Miss Nellie Walker returned from home Inc Essex a few weeks ago; on !Detroit on Monday night, having been sick leave is the guest of his sister, I called home by the illness of her father, Mr. Har Miss! A. Stone of the Clinton School' Walker. W Commerce. He was wounded in Mrs. W. 5. Harland has returned of Com s endin a month with home after P g the left arias in September ,.and has been inth.e hospital up to the time of his arrival in Canada. Fire was discovered in the frame building where Thos. Watts has his shoe repair shop, better; known as' the old post office, early Wednesday morning and. before the firemen got through with it considerable damage was done to the building, Mr. Watt's stock and furniture of Mr .Doig, friends in Toronto and vicinity. "THE PUREST FORM IN WHICH TOBACCO CAN BE SMOKED." ti The World's News Seen Through • THE CHRISTIAN' SCIENCE MONITOR An International Daily Netusjiapei' is 'truthful—Constructive—Unbiased—Free from Sensational- ism -- Editorials Are Timely and Instructive, and Its Daily Features. Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor ati Ideal Newspaper for the Home. The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston,' Massachusetts- ' price $12,00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, $2.60 a Year• `Introductory Offer. 6 Issues '25 Cents.' • i Name Address a -- SAMPLE, COPY ON REQUEST ~ • A VICTORY BOND is the promise of the Dominion of Canada to repay in cash the fullface value of the Bond at the time stipulated, with half -yearly interest at the rate of 39 per annum until maturity. A Victory Bond is the safest investment in Canada. The entire resources of the Dominion stand behind it.. A Victory Bond is an asset more readily converted into cash than any other security. National War finance Committee, Ottawa, Canada A40 Ontario Street Church Annual Report (Continued from page 1) , Trustee Board stating aseests of Misaionar y and Maintenance Funk i $36,860, Liabilities, nil, endownment, —Treasurer Mr. Howard Trewartliw $1250, insurance on all buildings of said $1005 raised for the year 1941, $27,000, acted and $860 ,sent .forward to the Trees- I Mrs. W. 5. R Holmes reported urer at Toronto. War Saving Stamps for the Soldiers Welfare Fund. Christ Certificates as a loan to our country 'arias ,parcels) had been sent to all our and as a gift to our church accounted i soldiers overseas. In sending these for $144 which was forwarded to gifts $23 had been expended. The headquarters. This makes a total :pastor read letters of appreciation, missionary effort to our cheetah. of • he had received from the men of the fifteen hundred and forty diallers. I armed forces. Sunday School Reports—by Wm. 'Dramatic Society:— Walker, Supt., Geo. Shipley, see., E. Mitte)treas., and Mite. Hannah Ship- National War Effort of the Church • I f Cradle Rae member Sunday S'chool donated:— Treasurer of church, W. Moffatt Aiken. Secretary of committee of stewards, Russell Jervis. Auditors, T. Hardy and Russel Jer- vyn Lobb were re-elected for three Years' ears. I The Department of Agriculture is Vote of appreeiation oe thanks for also ergieg that farmers swing in be- . their work—To Rev. G. G. Burton for Elders: Lewis' Tebbutt and John 'hind the Voluntary Agricultural War his untiring service and! planing the Turner, re-elected for three years. I Committees being formed in every church in such:a sound, healthy condi- Total for the whole Pastoral charge county. These coinmtittees are mak- tion, moved by Mr. W. 5, R. Holmes raised by Clinton and Ttunerls ex- ing a survey, the results• of which and seconded by Moffatt Aiken. clusve of balance and loans amounted will enable each neighborhood ihrough planning and organization, V o secure the maximum use of avail- able labour and equipment in the corn - Sunday School $9, $115 from meagre -1 downs and long delays and loss. of- gation. Young People's of Turner's time of men and equipment can larg- have ,on hand $40. ely be avoided by a careful overhaul Stewards: Gifford Erich and Mer - of farm equipment during the Winter months. A'. J. McMurray moved a vote of to, $5781.52. thanks to the director of the choir, Mr. B. J. Gibbings; organist, Mrs. 3M. Wendotf and Miss Elva Wiltso, pian- Impleme t Repairs Limited I.munity. Jet, seconds d by Mr. Frank Powell. Vote of 'thanes. to the Auditors, This Year I Great Britain needs more food from Thomas Hardy and Russell Jervis', Canada. Supplies for domestic .con - who so.willingly cared! for the Woke "Check Up and' Order Now„ Urges sumption in Canada are short. The Ex essions of thanks to Arthus. Ontario Department of Agriculture ' Maximum in production can only be Knight, Mr. Fines and Mr. Ralph The Administrator of Farm and ley, super. o reached by making the best possible ship 280. Raised by the School for Telegram War Victims Fund! ...$25 Tiplader for their devotion as Envelope, Road Machinery has' announced, that use of what we have in every county, the year Pill. i War gifts for soldiers .. .. • . • . Stewards d where a lot of ai ous 10 en the basis Young People's Work --Reported) by The Queen Elizabeth Fund of 1940 sales mane ac u township, community and upon every 25 work was done.. ers of farm equipment are limited farm. Gift War Saving Certificates 16 in production ranging from a decree - Miss Edna Ford for YP.U;; Mrs. I Soldiers Fund 5 Vote of thanks to Ladies who ser- se of 500 on certain types o£ less decree - Chas. Elliott for C G I Ty and Mrs!, 1 Club -- vee refreshments. I essential implements to an increase Kenneth Elliott, treasurer of Drama War Saving •Ce'rtific'ate 8 Meettrug closed with prayer by Mr, of 200% in the case of milking mach - tic Society of the Young People. To- . , , 4 Oliver Potter, silent prayer for• Boys ices and cream separators. The pro - Red Cross . , tel money raised' by all amounted to Soldiers Welfare Fund 23 overseas and singing of National An- , duction of attachments and repair $66. Woman's Association War S. Cert. 48 them. parts is limited to 104�'o of 1940 Girl"e Club—Report was given by Other source! War. 5•• Geri. 82 I sales. This means that 1942 prodlxc- Miss Lucile Grant. Total receipts WA. British Cheer. Fund • • 10 1 tion will be slightly less than the• re- $75. Donation's we're given to W.M. 1 Turner's Church cord` sales of 1941. S., War Saving Certificates Com A Total contribution to the war and. Red! Gross and Sunday School. 'Moat indirectly or directly of $256• Turner's church annual meeting I Although supplies are limited; .iin- Benevolent Fund—given by Mrs. E. Elections— The following ;Bidere took place at Tuckersmith, Jan. 19th. element manufacturers and dealers Rumball totalled $34.63. ! re elected for three years, W Treasurers report was 'given by John are hopeful that all orders for spare wereer and Mrs, G. Mc-. arts can be filled, providing m. . . g they. Treasurer's (Report—Treasurer; W Walker, U: 5. Hawke,• F: H. Powell, Turner, treasur , p k en howl the 'congregation o. Shi Chas E., Elliott; James Gregor, .Tin. Sec. Total receipts know in time what the dennands are Ge P ey, condition: with $640.23; expenditures $584.53, balan likely to be The Ontario Depart- Moffat Aiken s finances in a healthy Miller. ce on hand $75.70. • meat of Apiculture'urgesthat every lastelected f the years yll' Potter, eteryfund raised $82 balance • on his equipment, Depart - balance twice as, barge as a year. Stewarts, a ec or ee - - farmer should) without delay look over fetal receipts 8954 expenses $36dd; James Livermore, Dr. T1'iempson, (ov Samuel Whitmore reported for rem- f ' r to binder and i P $ tractor b. 9 balance on hand320,62. erseas), FJ. Hitter), William. 'o er, � '•' outfit' even bo the hay or cMurra chairman of Miller David Kay, Robert Trick; hand $44.62: In the Trust Fund. $800, spray , , • the e As' tJt e Y,Win, > mute of the Steiwarts' gave and• Harolds Orittienden to take the Sunday School; Mrs': Fletcher .To . and'a�ppo and Wire foe Retchinghis ro uire.- eea acum e a resume of.the whole financial jibs= lac@ of the late"Wm. Tiplady. wngendy suet:, reported menthe2'slt?p ay�p!;?btform his dealer of q P'Y`his,is a matter of suprentie .. � m�..mieun.'•ts .. Maximum Tarin produce titon of the church; pointing`out that P7eiv-e.„ elected: Roy Tyndall, of one httirdlred scholars and offs alI -departments elmeeed' 'balances, Howard Trewarth , Harold Crittenr R'ai9ied $74, balance on hand $15' 75' uiipo anee. *hid% were, favourable'; '• : All debta''den, : Missionary gunge of the chureh'w'ere team ie required. Prompt delivery of • were paid. Every bill liquidated., . Chairman of Committee of. Stew- high, having sent forward, $129. repair' Parts cannot be guaranteed af- Mr. B. J. Cabins reported for the ares, A. J. McMurray. Young People's Soc. gave $5 and ter Spring work starts. Costly break - WE ARE PAYING 31/2% ON FIVE YEAR GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES ISSUED IN ANY AMO.U,NT An ideal• ainestmentuthorized t. v for individuals, companies, ceme, tery boards, executors and other;',: trustees. C TRUSTS- �STSRLYFt • ,CORPORATION. 372 BAY ST. TORONTO