HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-02-05, Page 1The Clinton News -Record Est. 1878
With Which is
Incorporated The Clinton New Era_
NO. 6078 -62ND YEAR
The New Era Est. 1867
They have a four point guarantee and Perfection in every detail
of Diamond quality, in coloring, in cutting, in brilliance and flawless
Jeweler and Optometrist , Residence Phone 174j
spring 1942
You're sure to want several
Dresses when you see the
New Designs.
Every piece Guaranteed Sun
and Tub Fast. .Delightful Pat-
terns particularly adaptable for
Dresses, Children's Frocks and
Aprons. 23c to 45c per yard
Speaking o uilts
Haveyou seen and used our
White Mercerised Broadcloth
36" wide at only 25c a yard
Out Customers agree with us
and say "It's 'a Leader".
Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a
Century in Huron County.
Huron County Objective $1,8U0,000
Huron County Objective for General Canvass halbeen increased
to $1,800,000 from $1,300,000. Considering the amount -of money in
lhe a ks t a 11,s81•1e or muton ..minty to txeeed this objective by
a large amount providing every person accepts his share of the re-
sponsibility. The objective for each canvassing district is given
Quotas for Canvassing districts
Chairmen Canvassing 1941
District Total Sales
- J. Kinkead A. Ashfield Twp. ....... 45,850
B. Wawanosh v14. 47,350
C. Colborne . Twp. 44 Co
D. Goderich Town 333,600
II. C. MacLean E. Wawanosh E. Twp 32,050,
k'. Wingham.159,450
G. Turnberry wp. 41,$50
H. Howick Twp. 150,550
R. Bowman L Morris Twp.. 54,$00
J. Grey Twp. 66,400
K. Brnsseis 61,900
L. Blyth . 25,900
J. G. Mullen M. Tuckersnrith Twp ....
N. McKillip Twp, . 42,050
0. Hallett Twp. 60,100
P. Saaforth . 167,650.
J. C. Shearer Q. Clinton . 132,700
R. Stanley Tim 51,850
S. Goderich Twp. .62,];00
R. N. Creech T. Heinenand Hay E. .' (138,700
U. Zurich and Hay W. . (
V. Usborne Twp.. ... . 70,100
W. Exeter 150,200 .
X. Stephen Twa.. . 76,100
Total:- .
98,500 ,
52,500 ..
2,100,200 1,800,000
Ontario Street Church Annual; Report
Including Turner's Appointment mother and fat
Report of Clerk of Session ndi See-
retary of church by 0. J. Jervis -
number of families on Clinton charge
298. Total number of persons under
pastoral oversight 920, inerease of
106. Membership, resident and non
resident 663, increase of 34. Forty-
eight new members received. Four-
teen removed by death and otherwise,
Baptism 18; meninges 8; burial 10.
One member of official board whose
death we regret, Mr. W.m. Tiplady,
served the church for many years as
envelope steward, his place was taken
by his brother Ralph Tiplady. Mr.
Jervis heartily commended the Pastor
for his hard and successful work of
taking into membership since his pas-
torate 182 members is Clinten and
a 'considerable number at Turner's
', Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Welsh who were faithful atten-
dants and supporters of the church.
Women's Missionary Society -re-
ports givers by Mrs. G. G. Burton,
(president), Mme: Wesley Stevens,
(treasurer). Miss Elva Wiltse (miss-
ion band) and Mrs. Thomas Glaz-
ier (Baby Band): Total receipts of
all these departments amounted to
$536. A bale wash sent to the west in
June with supplies for the hospitals.
eL quilt was givenw ith the white gifts
at Christmas to the Hearst Hospital,
Mrs. Oarrie Jervis reported 250 calls
made during the 'year to different
hones. Mention was made of our
missionary in Japan, Miss Sybil Cour-
tire, prayers being offered for her
safety. Mission Bgnd raised $28 and
`Baby Band $8, while W.M.S.' trees -
church. Thanks was expressed to the urer sent forward $500.
Welsh Family for their generous gilt
of offaling plates' in memory of their ( Continutra on page '3)
Salvage License Plates
During the two weeks, 'February
2nd to February 14th, any service
station will accept discarded automo-
bile license plates. All plates will be
collected and forwarded, freebymem-
bers of the Automotive Transport As-
sociation of Ontario to the Dominion
Foundries in Hamilton. Turn the
plates in to your nearest service stat-
ion. Canada needs the for war pur-
poses and the Ontario Division needs
the money they will realize for its
Annual Meeting of
St. Paul's Choir
1 'The annual meeting of the choir of
St. Paul's church was held last Friday
evening after the usual weekly prac-
tice. The officers were re -appointed
for duties during the year 1942.
They are as follows:
. Pres.: Mrs. C. V. Cooke
Sec. treas.: Col. II. T. Rance
Choir leader: Mrs. H. Bartliff
Members of the choir made pre'sen
tations to Col. H. T. Ranee and Mr.
Robert ,Hunter for long and faithful
services. Prizes for attendance were
work. i also presented at this meeting. Priz-
• ,es for best attendance were given to
Carol Buchanan, Margaret F'remlin,
George Seribbens and Glen James, Col.
Rance had the best record of attend-
It was decided at this meeting to
observe a choir Sunday sometime be-
fore Whitsuntide.
.&t the conclusion of the business-
meeting a social hour was very much
enjoyed by all members present,
During the past month, we have re- I
eeived cards' from the following Clin-
tonboys, to whom the Society cent
cigarettes at Christmas, Harry Ball,
Nick Galajda, R. McCabe, Alex. Os-+"
baldeston, F. G. Thompson, W. Bezzo,
A. Lightfoot, G. Carter, B. Guest, W.
Osbaldeston, C. R. Holmes, Chas.
Gook, Reg Smith, W. H. Langford,
Murray Cudmore, Varden Bossche.
January report from the Sewing
Committee of the local unit: 100 pre.
pyjamas off October Quota; 31 prat
comers (made by Tuekersmith
Group) October quota; 50 garments,
Boys Unit completed, October quota;
50 garments, Girls' Unit completed,
October quota; 42 garments, Women's
Unit, Oetober quota; 13 women's,
nightgowns, October quota; 25 hand-
kerchiefs (donated by Tuckersmith
Group). This makes a total of 311 ar-
ticles shipped.
January's 'Report from the knitting
committe: •25 prs. seamen'slong
stockings; 13 prs. seamen's socks; 15.
Aero Oaps; 12 navy scarves; 3 khaki
scarves; 5 turtle -neck sweaters; 4 prs.
khaki gloves; 9 refugee caps.
Donations: 2 turtle -neck sweaters
and 2 baby jackets, Mrs. W. Oakes.
Cash donations, Mrs. Parker $i;
Mr. A, a. Tyndall, $2; Anonymous] $2;
Anonymous $5.
Ontario St. W.A.
The Womenn'.s Association of Ontar-
io Street Church held their regular
meeting on Wednesday afternoon• with
a large attendance. Mrs. Hlolnnes pre-
sided and Mrs. Kennedy eonducted the
devotional period] A splendid report
was given by Mrs, Nay. Arrange-
ments were made for serving dinner
to the offieials of the Victory Loan
Committee on Feb. 11. A donation of
five dollars was voted to be sent to
the Home Helpers in Toronto. Mise
Harrison favoured ns with two
di whistling songs accompanied by Mrs.,
44 I Wendell, followed by two instrumen-
tals by Miss Edna, Elliott; which were
very much enjoyed. Mrs. Pearson.
closed the meeting with
ladies of St Andrew's, ward were hcs-
L.O.L. Raises $40 For
British War Victims
Murphy Lodge No. 710, Clinton,
sponsored a new and old time dance
in the town hall last Friday evening:
at which they cleared Forty Dollars
and sent to Jim Hunter, in aid of the
British War Victims Fund. The ex-
penses included music $15; prizes $2;
and advertising $9.74, making' a total,
of $26.74; door money amounted to
$60.10, and there was a contribution
of $6.64, leaving proceeds of $40,
Standard Time for C:N.R
The Canadian National Railways'
and its departments have notified
their employees of the change in Stan-
dard Time, effective February 9th,
11942, at 2 a.m. in each time zone.
Standard Time wit be advanced one
hour which advanced time will there-
fore be
herefoie-be the Standard Time for each
time zone shown in the time table.
Entertainment Feb. 21st
Through arrangements With the
County Victory Loan in conjunction
with the Provineial,Committee a very
fine entertainment will be presented
in the town hall here on Saturday. Clinton goal and again with Neilare
Clinton Mission
Services:; Sunday School,, 2 p.m.;
Evangelistic Service, 3 pm., subject;
"Will doing our best get us to Hew-
n?" Speaker T. McMichael.
Cottage 'prayer meeting, Friday, 8
p.m. at Mrs. Wheatley's.
Wesley -Willis Ohtneh
The W.M.S. will meet at the home
of Mrs. 1. A. Sutter on Thursday,
February 12th, at 3 p.m. Man. Me -
Gill's group will be in charge of the
At the evening worship service
Flight Lieut. C. C. Murray of No. 31
R.A.F. Radio School will be the speak-
Ontario Street Church.
The W.M.S. will meet on Tuesday
afternoon, February 10th at 2.30. This
is visitors day and a tea will be ser-
ved at the close of the meeting.
Sunday, Feb. 8th: 11 a.m. subject of
&course,"A O'olony of Heaven;" 12
(noon) Ont. St. Sunday School; 2 pm.
Turner's worship. service, Sunday
School; 7 p.m. Illustrated lecture
with colored elides on the Great Miss
sionary, David Livingstone, Fifty
slides. in all. Children of the Sunday
School are invited. Special. mission-
ary Hymns ora the screen.
Monday, 8 • p.m., Young People's •
Union Recreation Dept. in charge.
Leader Margaret Rozell. Valentine
Wednesday 8 p.m., Night of Prayer
for the Nation. -
Prebyterian Church
The Girls Club will hold their reg-
ulat meeting on Wednesday, Febru-
aty 11th, at the home of Mrs. Jack
The Ladies Aid- social will be held
at Mrs. M. D. McTaggart's home on
Thursday, Feb. 12th, nt 8 p.m. Good
program of games. Friends welcome.
Baptist Church
Hope for the sinner, comfort for
the sorrowing, and strength for the
Christian warrior is available at the
place of worship.
The minister's sermon subject at
the evening service will be: "The Re-
sources of the Christian Life."
"In all thy ways acknowledge Hini,
and He shall direct thy paths" (Prov
eros, 3.6.)
St. Paul's Church
Sunday, February 8th, 1942, Service.:
8 a.m. Holy Communion; regular ser-
vices at 11 a.m, anvil at 7 p.m.; 2.30
p.m. Sunday School.
Cleric and Chief's Salaries
Grant $200 to Local Committee for
International Match •
The regular meeting of council was
held in the Council Chamber last Mon-
day evening with May McMurray in
the chair, and all members of eouneil
present. The minutes. of the last
meeting were read and approved.
Communications were presented in the
following order: (a) The Municipal
Officers Association. (b) E. A. Dan-
by, City Treasurer of Brantford. (e)
The Navy League of Canada. (.d)
The Hospital for Sick Children.. These
were ordered filed:
Regarding a comnnunilcation from
Mr. J. W. Weir, -Inspector for Hart-
ford Fire Insurance Company, con-
cerning Company insurance; the clerk
was authorized to forward a list of the
buildings covered for submission to
the Under -Writers. Trewartha-Butler
"that council invite Mr.. Weir from the
Underwriters Ass'ociation:to visit this
council at his earliest :convenience."
Trewarth'a-Butler,"that the Clerk
be authorized to suscriiie to the Muni-
epal'World for eight copies of their
regular Monthly, a copy for each
member of Council, for the full year
A letter from the Salvation Army
soliciting a, grant for a branch of
their welfare work was ready the fol-
lowing motion was then passed by
Nediger and Walker, "that in response
to the letter from the S'alva'tion Army,
the Council make a grant of $25 to
their organization for their Rescue
Home in Londe.n.
The regular form letter from the.
Ontario Department of Agriculture
concerning the appointment of the
Weed Inspector for 1942 was covered
by By -Law No. 4.
The Clinton Spring Fair was given
a grant of $100.
Mr. Hugh Hill and Mr. 3. 0. Shear-
er were preuent as a deputation from
the local Committee of the Ontario
Plowman's Association. Mr. Hill ex-
plained many features of the under-
taking of Huron County to Completely
organize this affair and solicited a
grant as this municipality will shine
in the project. The sung of $200 was
granted the Local Committee.
By -Law No. 2 for 1942, A By -Law
to appoint certain officers; owe mem-
ber for the Public Library 13oari, and
one member for the local Boards of
Health, was read the 1st, 2nd, and 3m1
time and parked.
Handay, A.Y.P.A- at 8 p.nr. Mr. M. T. Corless was appointed to
Wednesday, 10.30 to 11. a.m.• Broad,- l` the Board. of Health.
cast from the Wingham station. "The Miss M. A. Stone was appainted to
Church of the Aix". A dozen members the Library Board for a term of thine
of the Junior. Choir will sing the Hy- years. The regular grant of $900 was
nee. Mrs. Theo. Frentlin, the organ- given the Library Board.
ist will preside at the piano. The Bib-
le selection will be lead by Lois Dia-
per, The solo will be sung by John
Cook, accompanied by Mr. A. E. Cook,
organist and music teacher from Bly-
Thursday, Prayer service at 7 p.m.
Third Period Splurge
The Seaford' Beavers whipped the
Colts here last Monday night which
puts them in first place in the Huron-
Perth group race; the score was 6-5.
This puts the Colts at the bottom of
the net till we see what they do Wed-
nesday night in their return game at
The Colts started off with two goals
by .Rath and. S'carrow in the first few
minutes of the game. "Gooney" Mc -
Ewan also scored] in the first period.
In the second period the goal -getters
Wein "Punch" McEwan and Jim Rich-
With the score reajling Clinton 5,
Seaforth 1, when the teams took the
ice for the third period, the Beavers
of Goderich, who has been appointed
chairmen of the Huron County Second
Victory Loaii Organization.
. v
As a means of assisting.
in 'the Victory Loan campai-i
gn, as well as acting as a;,
stimulant to recruiting, a.
special Canadian Army tragi'
in will visit on Tuesday, Feb-
ruary 10th, from 3 to 5 in.
the afternoon. The citizens:
are invited to inspect they
Mus. Dres. Beck received a cable
from her husband, Cpl. Beek on Jere-
anuary 23.rd, telling of his • safe arrival
overseas, with the Royal Canadian
Air Force.
Staff Sergeant George Knights of
the London Military Hospital spent
the weekend in town with Mrs..
Knighita and. baby son.
Robert Campbell, son of Mr. and
Mrs. George Campbell has joined the
Highland Light Infantry and is stat-
ioned at the Kitchener Training Cen-
AC. Bruce Bartliff of the R.C.AT'.
at Aylmer spent last weekend in town'
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Cpl. Gordon Monteith of the R.C.A.
F. Dental Corps at St. Thomas spent.
the weekend at his home in town..
AC. Ted Middleton of the R.C.A.F
All members of the Brigade were re -
St. Thom y J was with his parents:
elected antler By -Law No. 3, for 1942. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton of Gode-•
The Clerk and Treasurer's salary rich township, over the weekend.
has been raised to $1000 while the AG. Reg. Cudmoxe of the R.C.A.F.•
Chief of Pollee hos had his s2 ary at St. Thomas spent the weekend at
raised to $900, plus, 10% bonus. his home in how.
Councillor Walker reported for the
street committee; Councillor Agnew
for the .property committee; Council-
lor Butler for the relief committee,
and the cemetery, report was read by
Councillor Trewartha.
Reeve Falconer presented the Fin-
ance statement for January and -mov-
ed its adoption.
A request from residents on Spen-
cer street for better lighting in that Fingal.
vicinity was presented by letter.
This matter was left entirely to' the LAC. Jim Fowler of Calgary, Alta,,.
street committee. and A01. Wm. Douglas of Dauphin,.
Reeve Falconer gave an interesting Man., now stationed at Fingal visited.
report of the frill session of County recently with AOL Alvin Corless• at.
his home here.
ACl. Jack Perdue of the R.C.A.F..
at St. Thomas and Mrs. Perdue were:
weekend visitors at the home of Mr..
Pte. W. A. Craig of the Elgin Regi-
ment now at Camp Borden spent the
weekend with his wife in town, at the.
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Steep.
AC Howard Cowan of the R.C.A.F..
at St. Thomas spent the weekend in
town with Mrs. Cowan and son, Jack-
LAC John Hawkins of the R..G.A.F:.
at Orumlin spent a four deyle leave
at his home in town andis now at -
Council for 1942.
All Canada will go on Daylight and Mrs. W. E. Perdue,
Saving Time next Monday, February Pte. Don Perdue has, been transfer --
9th. • red from the Army Training Centre.
at Kitchener to Camp Borden, and
The Bantams won their return spent the weekend in town with his;
game with Wingham last Friday parents, •
night 3-2. Frankie Ellwoodgot two _ _V
goals. and Roger Garon one.,
staged blitz and at 4 minutes from. I Mrs. John G. Gibbings of SummerCancelled Postage Stamps
den touched off the fireworks.Be- erring letter from a bay on strive ' Wanted
the drop of the ptiirik, Fanner McF'ade hill is in possession, of a very inter -
foe another two minutes had ticked ` service in England', who got a pair
off, he had repeated]. I 03sacks she ltnit.
The Beavers were out to wipe out f The J'uvendier Hookeyj teatm play
the big deficit ,and the Colts, Having "next Tuesday night with Kincardine.
though they had a safe mrugin and staff
Sgt. George Knights of Lon -
were playing defensive hockey to pro- don and formerly of the News -Record
tent Neilans in the net, who lead orae- `staff, took part in e military team
ked ribs from the last gamey realized which conferred the second degree on
that they hada' realfight en their Capt. H. L. Sills at Corinthian Lodge
hands and went into it with their old i A y+, and AYVI. London, Tuesday ev-
time speeds and team work. ening.
Beavers forced! the play, and G. Hil-
debrand 'scored with Neilans flat on
ritory and Hubert drove in the win-
ning counter.
IThe line-up:-
SE.AFORTH---Stade, goal; Hilde-
beand, Hubert, defence; McFacidin,
centre; McGee, Birinie, wings; Ken-
nedy, Roberts, Thompson,, -Hildebrand,
.. Nicholson, Carr, subs.
CLT] P0N-Neilans, goal; Bart's f
-Richardson, defence.; R. McEwan, leen.
tie; F. 14eDwan, H. McE.wan, wings
Rlath, Draper,.` Seep* -''01Nii
Powell, McConnell. Stev n nn,
Referee -Dr, G S. Elliott, Clinton.
his back: The Colts, with but 'a one -
goal margin broke away again and
again but were unable to penetrate
the Beavers' defence, although Stade
was called on to stop many shots.
The play then surged around the
February 2let. This entertainment down, the .puck' went home, with
is composed of outstanding talent, 20 Thompson searing to tie the count ret
artists, and Clinton is indeed, fortun- five -ail, with two minutes to go.
ate to be included) ae one of tlf e th c ' With ivex'y indication of the game
places in the county which will have going into overtime and withonly
the ,opportunity of (seeing this
straw moments lei't to nlay, the Beavers
h for further particulars. ' made another drive into Clinton ter-
Ordinary every day stamps are of
great value to a poor children's hospi-
tal in London, 'England They sell.
them to the manufacturers of dye„
since that article is no longer obtain --
able from Germany. They ask that;
they be cut from the envelope leaving
about 'a quarter of an inch of the]
envelope to which they are sealed,,.
around them. Those without ane herd-
er of paper are still valuable for they
contain certain chemicals which are.
used in the manufacture of splints.
and braces.
The organizer in Stratford, Mr's, A..
E. Long, and' her ecmmitte, have the
schools saving them and the children'
love it. Mrs. Long has arrangements
made tor full shipments of them 'in.
100 pound bats, which she will gather
here once a month. Mrs, Cres Coolc
has been asked to act as o.ganizer
Clinton, and you are asked to bring.
your stamps to her' home or leave;
them at the News -Record office. Your
co-operation will be greatly apprect.