HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-01-22, Page 5MONUMENTS To those contemplating build- ing a Monument . . Get my u prices before buying. Cemetery , Lettering a specialty. All wort guarantesd< JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARI:11,2 & GRANITE WORK; Clinton — Ontario Successor to Bali & Zapfe 69 tf THURS. JAN:' 22, 1942 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD FOR COLLECTION—TELEPHONE 345, Douglas Garage ate. — DON'T THROW IT AWAY THROW IT AT HITLER! Department of ationai Ottawa ar Services Honourable J. T. Thorson MNnistcr AUBURN I trice having been minister •of Knox Miss Josephine Weir is visiting He was born; at Arthur, ' Ontario, rT -� seventy-three years ago. He receiv- ed- Forest ,spent the weekend with his hie early education there later be- ing employed in the Post Office. He parents Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Fergus- took his theology course in Knox sort. College, Toronto, and in Manitoba Mrs. R. J. Hart who hoe been nurs- College, Winnipeg, from; where he ing her aunt Mrs. 0. A. Howson has graduated. He preached at Keewatin,' -. left for her home in Toronto. !Man., before coming to Ontario in The Young People presented their 1901. His first charge here was at play "Bolts and Nuts in Carnegie Auburn and Smiths Falls, then fol- Hall, Lucknow, Friday night, a large lowed pastorates at Biyth, Hespler, crowd attended. W.M.S. IIiarriston, St. George and Smithville, from where he retired in 1940. He The W.M.S. of l{nox Presbyteitian was later assistant pastor of Mount church held their first meeting in Hamilton United ohrurch, and at the friends m lbr•onto, Mr, Stewart Ferduson ,e church here from 1902-1907. • the New Year at the home of Mrs, time of his passing was preaching in Fred -Ross. The president Mrs, John Olivet United Church, Hamilton, Huston, presided, Mrs, Jas Howitt The United church, Auburn was • offered prayer, The Scripture was built during his ministery here read responsively. The secretary'sSurviving are Mrs. Small, two report was read and adopted. Mrs. � daughters, Mrs. Fred Brook (Jean) Edgar Lawson gave the topic on "The of Smithville and Mrs. Jas. C. Roc- New Tear." Miss Isabel Rollison burn (Marjorie) of Burlington ,and .gave a reading, Mrs. John Huston two brother's William le of Vancou gave the •Bible Study, Mrs, Wes. Vet, and George L, of Winnipeg. The Bradnock favored with a solo Mrs.ed service in St. Giles United! church Jas. Woods closed the meeting with was in eharge of the Hamilton Pres - prayer. A dainty lunch was served bytery Rev. R. H. Somervilel chair - by Mrs. Ross, Mrs. W. T, Robison 1 man president, Rev. A. C. Eddy °f- end Mrs. Bradnoek. fered prayer, Dr, George Little, Toro- B.Y.P.U, Into from a long friendhip: paid a The'.B.Y.P.Ui met, in the Baptist ebautiful tribute to Mr. Small and Dr. church, Sunday, evening with Earl I E. Crossley Hunter added words from Raithby in charge. The meeting OP- his more recent association and, of- ened with a sing song. , Earl Raithby l fered prayer. The final service for led in prayer, Marie Raithby read'' the family was held at Arthur and the Scripture, Frank Raithby conduc- was conducted by Rev. R, II. .Somer ted a Bible quiz. A duet was ren- ville of Hamilton. Rev. P. E. Deeth, dered by Mrs. Earl McKnight and Arthur, Rev. Geo. Thomas, Harriston Miss Amelia McIllwain, Marguerite and Rev. J. A. Wilson, Hamilton, a Killongh gave a reading. Rev. H. C. friend of Iong standing voiced his ',Wilson was the guest speaker and hearts praise of God'e. faithful mini- gave a splendid talk. Mrs. Win. ater. Interment was is Arthur:ceme- Haggitt sang a solo. Earl Raithby tery. closed the,•meeting with prayer. i Death of Harold Reid W.M.S. 1 This community was saddened by Knox .United Church W.M.S. held the passing of Harold! George Reid their first' meeting of the year in ' only son of Harvey Reid and the late the Sunday School room of the church Mrs. Reid of 3rd concession, West with the. president Mrs. Jag Woods in , Wawanosh. Harold who was in his charge. , 1 twenty-third year had only been ill Anual reports were given by the about two weeks with the flu and de - secretaries, .The_president led in an spite 'medical attention passed peace impressive worship, service. Mrs. fully away at his home Sunday ev- Chas Straughan led in prayer. The ening. .second chapter of the study book was He attended Ebenezer Public taken by 1 s+s. Those. Jardin. Mrs. School and Aubiirn Continuation r Harry Wagner gave a reading, on School. He was very active in church temperance and Mrs. IL C. Wilson work, was a member of the Baptist gave a. reading on the New Year. church, president of the; •Mission Mrs. Jas! Roberton offered prayer. Bandl and organist of the Sunday Mrs. Jas' Weide -closed the meeting" School. He was very fond of music B with prayer. I and studied ° music for a number of At a special congregational meet- years. :ing held at1°Knox United! church for; Harold was of a quiet disposition a the .purpose of deciding what shall be friend' of every one and his early done about •the church'dhed. A: buil- passing is mourned. by a , host of t :ding committee' was appointed with friends, u Mr. Mogridge- as chairman, Jas. Rob- He leaves to mower his loss his' p erton, Wm. `:Straughan,' Jas. Jackson father and step -mother. lal{d Harry' Stay l Ther, eunera1 was "held 'Irene the l )Rev. Joln L,.Small, D.A. B.D, who home of his father on Tuesday with i ently passed away f-bllowing a six Rev. A. E. Silver in charge. eks illness Yn '-�amilton Creneral• f The' funeral of Harold Reid was ,., o i1 known in this is- •� as we wer i lw to d he from sF id rem the home of hisfather a her on h Tuesday afternoon and was conducted by Rev. A. E. Silver of the Baptist dhurch who spoke words of comfort to the bereaved.. The many beautiful floral tributes bore mute testimony of the esteem of the departed. The pallbearer were Messrs, George McBride, Walter Washington, Stewart Arent, BEI Raithby, Frank Raithby, Earl Raith- by. Interment took place in Mait- land cemetery, Goderich. Friend's from a distance were Mi. Curie, Mr. and Mrs, B. Currie and daughter Marjorie, Jas. Currie, Mrs. Geo. Gey - ell all of Wingham, Mrs. Al Young, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J, Melntosh, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnston, Luck - now. Women's Institute Mrs. Edgar Lawson presided for the Women's Institute which was held in the Foresters Hall, Tuesday afternoon. The meeting was opened by singing the "Ode", and repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. The In- stitute expressed sympathy to the families who have been bereaved this week. Mrs. J. J. Robertson gave a splen- did paper en "What is Success," Mrs. Gordon Taylor favoured' a solo. Mrs. Wes Bradnock gave a paper on "Hot Supper Dishes." The. roll call was, answered by "Your favorite hot sup- per dish;" Tho singing of the Nation- al Anthem brought the meeting to: a close. A. dainty lunch was served by Mrs. E. Phillips, Mrs, M. Allen, Mgrs. Jas. Woods, Mrs. Lawson. Death of Mrs. Herb Govier The death occurred on Monday af- ternoon of Mrs. Herb Gooier in her 57th year. Mrs. Govier. had been in poor health for the past six years. Formerly Alice Alberta Berryhill, she was born in` Osborne township the daughter of the. late Albert and Behar-otte Berryhill. Mrs. Govier was a member, of Knox Presbyterian church and the Women's Missionary Society. Twenty-two years ago she married Herb Gooier and have resided on the Base Line ever since. Besides het husband she is survived by two sons 1?te. Aubert of Delbert, N.S. and William at, home, also two step -child - en Carl. of Ettest Wawanosh and Mrs. Ed." Sillery (Laura), Exeter. The funeral will be held' from the family residence on Thursday, after- noon. Interment will take place • in all's cemetery. The Annual Vestry Meeting of St, Mark's Anglican church was held on Monday evening. Rev. P. Streeter presided and had eharge of the dexo- Tonal period; healsoexpressed pleas, - re at being appointed `rector of this, wish. A letter was read from Bishop Seager of London, afro, one from St. Mark's church. Regent Park, London, Eng. The Vicar ha$ appealed to all t. Mark's churches in Canada for elp; to rebuild the church which hes CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C V.COOKE FLORIST Phones: 06w and 66J A Good Market We have a good market for your Goose and Duck feathers this month. Prices are considerably higher than last year. Fat Chickens and fat hens are in good demand at better prices. Our eggs are nearly all going ex- port to Britain. Quids grading -ser- vice. N. W. TREWARTHA Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328. Batkins Locker Storage Have you fried ourspecial sausage. We have frozen strawberriee and green peas. We have a large stock of fish of many kinds at good prices. We give a complete processing ser- vice of killing end aging the meat which all helps to improve the meet. WE BUY HIDES "Frozen. Foods are Better Foods" been demolished. It was decided to have a special .offering at the Sim - day evening service on the first Sun- day in March. The following officers were elected: Rectors warden, Jas. W. Medd; Peo- pies warden, Gordon Taylor; Lay De- legate to Synod, Chas. E. Asquith, substitute, Wan. Stewart; Vestry Clerk, Chas, Et Asquith; Select Vest- ry, Rev. Streeter, C. E. Asquith; Al- fredNesbit, The wardens, and presi- dent of Ladies' Guild; Sidemen, R. J. Phillips, Alf Nesbit, Geo. Beadle, Thos. Haggitt; Auditors, Robert Jt Phillips, Gordon Taylor.- It aylor.It was decided by the Wardens to make a special canvass for the financ- es. All the reports given were very satisfactory. Library Meeting The Annual Library meeting was held in the Library on Tuesday even- ing with the president Frank Raithby in charge. The minutes of the last annual meeting were read ands adop- ted. The Librarian reported that 785 books had been read during the year consisting of Fiction 595; Juv- enile, 165; Religion, 3; Sociology, 2; History 10; Geography, 8; Biography, 2. There hat also been a number of books read from the travelling lib- raries. The following officers were appointed on the Library'. Board Mes- srs. A. J. Ferguson, R. H. Munro, Frank Raithby, 0. E. Erratt, Hairy Sturdy, Chas 1}.. Asquith, Rev. H. C. Wilson ,Mrs. Edgar Lawson and Miss Josephine Weir. This Library has joined the Huron- County Library As- sociation and already has received a number of books through it. The Board hopes to secure more new members this year as these books are of a very high quality. Following the meeting the Board( met and the following ofifcers were elected: Pres- ident, Rev. H. C .Wilson; secreiaty- treas,, Mrs. Thos. Wilson; Book com- mittee, Harry Sturdy, Rev. H .0. Wil- son, Miss Josephine Weir; Finance committee, Frank Raithby, C. E As- quith, R. D. Munro. BRI CEI IELD BRUCEFIELD RED CROSS December. 8 Refugee: 3 children dresses; 10 quilts; 1 suit pyjamas, children; 15 slips, children; 15 pr. children bloom- ers; 2 baby nighties; 2 pr. wool mitts; 1 boys coat; 2 lady's coat. Seaman Comforts: 5 areo caps; 6 pr. seaman long stockings;' 5 turtle neck sweat- ers; 5 pr, whole mitts; 5 pr. sox. Army and Air Force: 5 scarves; 6 tin, isle sweaters; 5 helmets; 5 pr. gloves; 5 pr .sox; 2 woollen blankets, December 29 Refugee: 11 quilts;; 172 handker- chiefs; drontated: 2 'towelg; 2 wash cloths; 2 pads writing paper; 2 cans talcum powder 2 tooth brushes; 2 tubes tooth paste; 2 pkg. envelopes; 1 coat size 18 years; 1 coat .size 16 yrs, Seaman Con/feria: 5 areo caps; 5 pr. seaman stockings; 5 turtle sweaters;; 5 pr. whole mitts; 5 pr. seeks. Array andi Air Force Comforts: 5 scarves-; 4 helmets; 5 pr, gloves; 2 turtle sweat- ers; 5 pr. socks. Mara: 20 pair socks; 1 sleeveless sweater, khaki; 6 scarves, blue, -v TUCKERSNIITH The January Meeting of the. Tucker - smith Ladies' Club was held at -the home of Mrs. Jas, Landesborough on• Thursday, Jan, 15 - with twentyeeix ladies present despite the inclemency of the .Weather. Mrs. Lawson the new president gave her inaugural speech and condtreted the first half of the meeting. Thanks was conveyed to Mrs. E. Johns and Mrs. Webster PAGE 5 ROXY THEATRE CIdNToN NOW PLAYING:' "Aloma of the South Seas" & 'Border Vigilantes' MON., TUES. & WED. Merle Oberon, Melvyn Douglas, Burgess IVIexedith & Alan Mowbray A gay romantic comedy that will give you a laugh and chase away the "blues." "That Uncertain Feeling" _ THURS., FRL & SAT. Joan Blondell, Roland Young, Billie. Burke, Eddie (Rochester) Anderson A gay, gorgeous ghost in a Ionely castle, with only timid; Topper to keep her company "TOPPER RETURNS" Coming: James Stewart and Paul- ette Goddard in "Pot O'Gole Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH ... NOW: Joan Blondell and Roland Young in "Topper Returns" MON., 'CUES. & WED. Fredric March, Margaret Sullivan and Frances Dee an intensely interesting document based on the novel "Plateaux" by Eric M. Remarque "Si) Ends Our Night" THURS., FILL & SAT. Ruby Keeler, Ozzie Nelson' and Harriet Hilliard take a•night-club to college for; a Merry medley of fun and music "Sweetheart of the Campus" also Warren William in: "The Lone Wolf Takes a Chance" Coming: "Scattergood Purls the Strings". and "Chartered Pilot" Mat.: Wed. Sat: & Holidays 3' -p.m. REGENT THEATRE S AFORTH NOW: Henry ,Fonda in "The Re- turn of Frank James MON., TUES. & WED. James Stewart and Paulette with HGoddar orace Heidt'sd Orchestra in the prize romatic laugh of the year "POT O'GOLD" Thurs., Fri.. Sat.—Double Feature Dennis Morgan, Jane Wyatt and Carole Landis present a blythe and amusing story with a whimsical climax. "Kisses for Breakfast" Also Tim Holt in: "THE FARGO KID" Doming:- Fred Asta>Ire and Mita Hayworth m "XoulW Never Get Rich. WEEK -END SPECIALS CREAM PUFFS ' DO -NUTS FRUIT BREAD CHOP, SUET DATE & NUT BREAD and ALL GOOD THINGS TO EAT BARTLIFF'S PHONE 1 WE DELIVER MARRIAGES ADAMS—HALF;—In Alameda, Cali- fornia, on Wednesday, January, 14th, when Erma Vivien Hale, youngest daughter of Mrs. C. B. Hale of Clinton was united in mar- riege to James Wilbur Adams, only- son nlyson of Mrs. H, D. Adams of San Diego, California, Chaplain renal, weaver, U.S. Navy, officiated. BIRTHS. GARNETT--Jn Clinton Public Hospi- tal on Monday, January 12th, to Mr. and Mrs, Charles Garnett of Olin- ton, a son. GRIGG--In Clinton Public Hospital on Sunday, January 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grigg, a son. COLLINS-In Clinton Publie Hospi- tal on Thursday ,January 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs.' William Collins, a daughter. 1 DEATHS ' MoTA.GGART—In Toronte on Tues day, January 20th, George Duncan McTaggart, in his 83rd, year. BROWNSON-4n Tnwicersmtth town- ship on Tuesday, January 20th, An- drew Brownson. Funeral service will be held at the Beattie Funeral Parlor, Clinton, en Thursday after- noon, January 22nd, at 2 o'clock. PIOI('ARD—In Clinton on Tuesday, January 13th, 'Kaye Pickard, four months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs,. E, C. Pickard. for a quilt and lining and to Mrs. Wm, Pepper for blocks for another quilt, Two quilts, were quilted at the meeting. Roti call was responded to by donations of handkerchiefs for Red Cross, and payment of foes for 1942. The February meeting; will be in char- ge of Group 1, .and the meeting will be at the home of Mrs.. Fred Pepper. Roll call will be a remedy for colds. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Londesborough, Messrs Jas. Landesborough, E. Town- send, F. Townsend and E. V/hitemorc attended the funeral of Mrs. Bert White at Thamesford on Friday. Mr. Bert White was at one time a resi- dent "of this district. Mrs. frank Crich, Mrs. J. Turner and Mrs. Roy Pepper attended' the funeral of their sister-in-law Mrs., Ernest Crich in Ferndale, Mich., on Wednesday. The late Mrs. 'Crich was we11 known in this district hav- ing visited their relatives here every summer and always attended . the Crich Picnic. p 113.ENEZER Annual reports of Ebenezer United church and its various organizations. read at the annual congretional meet- ing Friday evening . indicated the church has completed a successful year. Rev. H. Wilding pastor, was in the: chair. He expressed' himself as being pleased with the financial con- dition of the various organizations Extensive improvements were made to the parsonage at Holmesville which required financial assistance from all the °bargee of the circuit. Some as- sistence was given in War Worlc as well. The officers' of the. Sunday School were all re-elected and necessary changes made in the members on the official board. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. The Y.P.U. held their regular mon- thlysocial evening on Monday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. H. Oakes. Games and contests were enjoyed and lunch was served. DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT To Roy Mackenzie and his Orchestra TOWN HALL ' CLINTON ADMISSION: 35c and 25c Cliff. Watson, Manager For Sale or Rent House on Wellington Street, Clin- ton, for sale or rent. Hydro and wat- er installed. Apply to J. E. Howard, Bayfield, phone 31-624, 74tf Book your Bray Chicks Early Save time, money, overhead buying chicks that will give you early, heavy production. Higher meat prices should make meatcockerels good in- vestments, order now for early mar- kets. See Bray agent Wilfred A. Glazier, Clinton. Tenders for Wood Tenders will be received for ten cords of hard body maple wood; 16 inches long, to be delivered at the school house of U.S.S, No. 12, Sum- merhill, Hullett and Goderich Town- ships, by April lst, 1942. Tenders to close Janamy 26th. CLARENCE BALL R.R. No. 1 Clinton, Secretary-Treas. 75-2 NOTICE The annual meeting of the Clinton Hospital Association will be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBER on Tuesday, February 3rd next, at 8 p.m. 76-2 'MONSTER DANCE TOWN HALL, HENSALL TuesdaylJanuary 27th Big Door Prize, 25 lbs. sugar CLAYTON STEEPER and his orchestra. Admission: --35c Dancing Opera House, Exeter every Saturday night. . CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Pickard and family wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for the kind- ness and sympathy shown them dur- ing their recent sada bereavement, for the beautiful floral tributes and those loaning cars. Special thanks to Rev. G. G. Burton. Photography For Snap -or Portraits, outdoors; or indoors; day or night ,try J. B. Lobb, Victoria St., Clinton. . 76-2 For Sale One shorthorn bull calf, ten months old} one, 2 -year old heifer to freshen in February. Apply to Frank Mac- Donald, R.R, No. 4, Clinton. 76-1 Hay for Sale ..Phone 19j, Clinton. 76tf. Work Wanted Young woman would like house- work on a farnn where there are no children. Apply to Box 39 ,the Clin- ton News -Record. 76-2 Pigs for Sale Fat Sow and some chunks, also Brood Sow, due to farrow this, month. Apply to George C'olelough, R.R. No. 1, Clinton. 76-1 Lost Reward for the :return of a man's yellow purse containing papers; sum of money, and keepsake coin. Call at the News -Record office. 76-1 Lost Small black, white and tan beagle hound. Last, seen 5 miles south of Goderich. Anyone knowing the whereabouts please notify, Thos. Churchill., Clinton. 76-1 Girl Wanted Ag 'irl or middle-aged woman want- ed to de general housework for family of three, no children. Apply at The News -Record office. 76-1 RADIO SERVICE 1942 Radios are here on display- in- cluding, Rogers, Deforest, Philcos, Westinghouse, Spartans.' I carry a full line of radio tubes, up to : date tube tester, General and Everready Batteries Dominion Wa- shing Machines, all electrical appli- ances and roofing supplies. A. W. Groves, Princess St.. CLINTON 1 Tenders for Wood Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned for about 8 cords of wood, half beech and half maple, cut 12 in- ches in length for School Section No. 11, Goderich Township. To deliv- ered to the school. Tenders will close January 26th. - ROY TYNDALL ' Secretary. 75.2 TENDERS WANTED Tenders for 12 cords of hardwood, 14 inches long, to be delivered at the school by April lst. Also for six tons of hard coal to be delivered at the school in July. Also for caretaker by the year. Tenders to be In by February lst, 1942, S.S. No. 4, Tuckers/Tillie, G. McGREGQR, Secretary, R.R. No. 5 Clinton 76-2 Tenders for Wood Tenders will be received by the undersigned for 13 cords a hard: body, maple wood, 16 inches long, to be de- livered at S.S. No. 2, Hullett, by March 15th. Tenders close February 1st, 1942. F. J. TYNDALL Secretary, R.R. No. 4, Clinton NOTICE I, Chester Glidden, of the city of Toronto, do hereby give notice to all persons supplying any credit to my wife, Mrs. Lillian GTiddon, of the town of Clinton, that I will not be responsible for any debts incurred after this date, January 15th, 1942. CHESTER GLIDDON 76-3 W anted Old horses and cattle for mink feed, If dead phone at once. Will pay ae- cording to value. Elmer Trick, phone 907',5, or Lloyd Batkin 619r14. 45tf e -o -w For Rent Erick house on Princess street, All modern conveniences. Possession at once. Apply to E. Ward, Huron street, phone 155, Clinton. 64tf. Hunters and Trappers Take Notice I am in the fur buying business. again this year; highest market pric- es paid, for all kinds of raw furs. No shipment too large or too small for me to handle. Norman East, R.R. No, 1, Clinton. 66tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Isabella Henry, late of the Village of Brucefield in the County of Huron, Married Woman Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased, are. required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 26th day of January, A.D. 1942, after which date the asests will be distributed amongst the parties entitled, thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. . DATED at Clinton, this 2nd day of January, A.D. 1942. F. FINGLAND,,-LC., Clinton Ont.. Solicitor for the said Estate.