HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-01-22, Page 2PAGE 2 rel'. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD ��' ai'i react as ✓ it ra ppe-a•ani o",+`• : re-0es a Eefeen eee9rarepre a e STOKES 46q u WN•U•RELEASE CHAPTER XI" • j his fiance,. DeWitt, his partner De- warrant SYNOPSIS Witt's second wife Fern, his laugh- Thumm brushed her away` as the ;> ter Jeanne and her fiance Christopher door ,opened in his face and Pollux Harley Longsteet, broker, is mut- .Lord, Pollux, Cherry's vaudeville stepped out, saying': "No sense in 4ered on a trolley,,. Cherry Browne. I friend, Ahearn, friend of DeWitt, Ion getting hasty., What's up ?" periale,.middle-aged Latin, and Mich- t "Now suppose you two love -birds ' del Collins, brawny h•ishman, are with tell me where you Were tonight," said The Clinton News -Record him when the murder is committed. Thumm. District Attorney, Bruno, Inspector i Cherry sniffed. "Suppose you tell with which is •InoorPorated Thulium and Drury Lane, retired ns why you've suddenly taken such an THE NEW ERA Shakespearean actor, investigate. Dv-' interest in my affairs." ' TERees OF egenseRIPTION eryone seems. to have a grievance Thumm thrust his hard red face 51.60 per year in advance, to oars- against Longstreet. •Another man is close to hers. "Now listen," he said adian addresses; 82,00 to the U.S:,or later' murdered. He is identified as without heat. Answer me, and cut other foreign countries: No paper the conductor of the death trolley. the society stuff." •disoontinaedi until : all arrears aro Bruno -and Thumm believe DeWitt She giggled. "Well . After the ;paid unless at the option 'of'the pub- killed Longstreet and Wood. DeWitt show tonight Pollux met me and we eaher. The paid e to os hich oteve on subs ubs is tried for Wood's ' murder. , Lane -and we same here," 'label I proves his innocence. DeWitt, home- I "Thetis. hooey, said Thumm. ADVERiiauw RAI_' - Transient ward bound, is murdered on the train. Bruno saw Pollux was frowning, try - advertising 12e :per . count . line. for His fingers are rigidly crossed in ing to signal the woman across .firat , insertion. 8o for ; each subse- death. The tw'o `conductors show by Thu.mnee shoulders. "You got in :fluent insertion. Heading � counts 2 their punches in DeWitt's ticket that around 2.$0. A little before mid - :lines. Small adsereeements not to DeWitt was a frequent g g you -were :exceed one inch, such as "Wanted," q passers er. night both seen in the 'Wee- :exceed "Strayed"', etc., inserted once Doubtless the murderer knew this. , hawken ferry landing on the Jersey lox ass each subsequent insertion I side." 'l c. Rates for display advertising I Cherry and Pollux looked at each arcade known on application. At a quarter after four Drury Lane other in a kind of despair. She said Communications intended for pub- was alone in the DeWitt library. In• slowly: ' "Well, anything, wrong in ilicatien must, as a guarantee of good ,the centre of the room was 0 large that?" !faith, be accompanied' by the name walnut desk. Lane went through it, "Plenty," p .of the writer, ; ty growled the inspector. G. E. HALL - - P roprieter sorting papers, examining documents. "Where were you going?"• Then he went through tier •upon tier "Oh, just taking a ferry -ride." of books, his eyes en the wall -safe. Pollux shuttered: "We'd better give H. T. RANCE He opened the door of the library, it 'to 'em straight, Cherry. It's the Notary Public, Convey• ancer sought out Jorgene and learned that' only way." !Anaemia, Real Estate and Fire .In- only DeWitt and Brooks knew the' She glared at him. "There you go, :mmranoe Agent. Representing 14 Fire combination. I spilling the beans, like a scared brat. :Insurance Companies. The lawyer stroked his chin when We didn't do anything wrong, did Division Court Office, Clinton asked to give Lane the combination. we?" ' "1 don't know that ethically I have,"But Cherry-" Pollux spread his the right to give you the combination.' hands. DeWitt told me he didn't want a re- i cord kept about the house and if bickering stopped as if by magic anything should happen to him he some time he had been eyeing the ;Sloan Block - Clinton, Ont. preferred that the safe be accessible evening bag on the table. Now he only through official channels." "You know ,of course, that I pos- sess the requisite authority. Would ly you prefer the District Attorney?" "Pretty heavy upholstery," grinned 1•Ie was smiling. "I think you had bet- Timm, "I wonder , ." He Me- ter give me the combination." 1 ped the bag open and 'flipped. inside. Brooks hesitated then, with a shrug. Pollux took a spasmodic step forward. 11. C. MEIR murmured a series of numercial syr- I Bruno quietly left the wall and went bols. Lane watched his lips, nodded, l to . Thnm,m's side. The inspector's Barrister -at -Law and retreated into the library, shut- fingers emerged with a diminutive Solicitor of the Supreme Court of ting the door in Brooks'face. pearl -handled revolver. Three chair. - Ontario Fifteen minutes later he closed the Proctor in Admiralty. bers were filled. Thumm wrapped a Notary Public and Commissioner. safe, twirled the dial and returned to handkerchief around a 'pencil rind Offices In Bank of Montreal Building the desk. In his hand' was a small !swabbed the barrel;the handkerchief Hours: 2.00 to 5.00 Tuesdays envelope addressed in long -hand; to emerged clean. He held the revolver and Fridays. John DeWitt and postmarked Grand • close to les -nose and sniffed ,then Central Station, four•months earlier. I.shook his. head and threw the weapon It contained a single sheet of cam- on the table. CHIROPRAC4}DR mon notepaper, bearing the message:.1 "I 'have a permit to own a revoly- Electro Therapist, Massage "Jack! er," said the actress. Office: Huron Street, (Few Doors "This is the last time you will hear Thumm turned to Pollux: "Let's west of Royal Batik) i relents -Wed and Sat. a from by letter. have It. You were trailing the De - appointment "Every dog has his day. Mine will Witt party, What for?" CORRECTION come ,soon. • I'. "I--I.don't know what you're talk- -by manipulation Sen -Ray Treatment "Get ready to pay. You may be ing about." Phetne 207 first. I • e. 1 Thunm's eyes strayed to the re - "MARTIN STOPESee • volver. "You know this gun makes EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Sergeant Duffy was at the door it look bad for Cherry, don't you?" leading into Cherry Browne's suite, 1 :"What do you mean?" Pollux's talking guardedly to the hotel: -de- jnouth sagged: tective when Inspector Thumm, Dis- trict Attorney Bruno and their men I "John DeWitt was shot to death strode down the corridor.., , on the West Shore local tonight." "Anything?" asked Thunnn They looked at each othe} in a daz- "Not a peep out of them," said the ed, . horrified way. "Who did it?" sergeant. i whispered the woman, her full lips be - HAROLD JACKSON ginning to quiver. Licensed Auctioneer "All set, boys?" Thumm rapped on l Pollux Ieaped to'the table and Specialist in Farm and Household the door. There was a delay, then a snatched up the revolver.. Bruno lun-. :gales, murmur, and the door opened a scant ged aside; Thumm's hand shot to his Licensed in Huron and Perth two inches, hip -pocket; the actress screamed, Counties. Prices reasonable; sates- "Who is it?" faction guaranteed.Bat Pollux held the weapon gingerly For information etc. write or phone Thumm wedged his shoe into rho I by the barrel and shoved the grip to - Harold Jackson, R.R. No. 4 Seaforth,. crack, placed his hand against •the , ward Thumm. "Take a good lock at phone 14 -661. 06-012 panels, pushed, and the door gave those bullets inside, inspector! They're grudgingly. Cherry uttered the ghost- blanks!" GORDON M. GRANT Best gasp. "Why, it's Inspector Thumm took the weapon. "Blanks Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Thumm: What's the trouble?" tIley are." reweeslp:ondence promptly ` answered. "No trouble at all," eaide Thumm "I changed then: myself last week," Every effort made to give satisfac- heartily, but his eyes were roving. Pollux's words tumbled over each oth- tion. Immediate arrangements can be The sitting -room was in some' dis- suade er in his eagerness "Chert for' sale dates at News -Record g y didn't Office or writing Gordon M. Grant. array; on the sideboard an empty like the idea of her carrying a load- Gxoderich, Ont. ! ginbottle and an almost empty bottle ed gun around, A woman's carelese THE McKLGLOP MUTUAL of 'whisky; a litter of cigarette butts, about those things. We weren't on a pearl -beaded evening bag on the that train tonight either. We got as table. Her eyes widened at the sight far as • the pier, then took the next of Benno and the silent men in the ferry back to New York." :Frank Fingland. B.A.. LL.B. :Barrister, Solictor, Notary Public Successor to W. Brydone, K.C. - yell DR. G. S. ELLIOTT Veterinary Surgeon :'hone 203, Clinton - lifted it speculatively . . The bickering stopped as if by majic "Give me that,". Cherry said thick D. H. McINNES Licensed Auctioneer For Huron :Correspondence promptly answered, Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 203. Chargee Moderate and Satisfaction Gsaraoteed.' Fire Insurance Company Head Office, Seaforth, Ont. Officers:. President. Win. Knox corridor outside. I Thumm rifled the bag again. "Did Londesboro;Seaforth; Manager and Vice -President, W. IL Archibald, Thumm smiled. "Let's go, D.A.- you buy tickets?" you men stayoutside." `Bruno walk • "No. We didhr't even .Sec, Treas., M. A. Reid; Seaforth. go near the Directors: Win. Knox, Londesboro; ed into the room, shutting the door. ticket office." Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris, , Grinning, Thuman crossed to the "But you: were following the De- 'Leonhardt, Dublin; E. J. Tewartha, bedroom door. The actress intercep-I Witt party?" Clinton; Thos. Moylan, Seaforth; W. tin him and flashed "Where's your A littlenervein Pollux's left eye, R. Archibald, Seaforth; Alex MCEw• g y Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton: Hugh Alexander, Walton. List of Agents: E. A. Yeo, R.R. 1, Goderich, Phone 603r31, Clinton; Jas. °Watt, Blyth; John E. Pepper, Bruce- -field, R.R. No. 1;;,R. F. Meleercher. 'Dublin, R.R. No. 1; J. F. Preuter, 'Brodhagen; A. G. Jarmuth, Bornholm, `R.R. No, I. Any money to be paid may be paid ',to the Royal Bank, Clinton; Bank of !Commence, Seaforth: or at Calvin Cutt's Grocery, Goderich. Parties desiring to effect insur- ance or transact ether business will be promptly attend'd to on applica- tion to any of the ohove officers ad- dressed to their respective post ofii•• ces. Losses insnerted by the director CANADIAN,{ 1 {!:WAYS, . TTM? \ttLE Trains will arriv,• eirt depart from Clinton se 'QWS.: Buffalo and `: o:ierleh Div. Going East, depre t 6.43 a.m. Going East, depa•t 3.00 p.m. Going West. dee (1.45 a.m. going West dee: 9 50 p.m. Lendon--t Teuton ,eiiloing Saute ••„ JP. D.m On the threshold ley the pajama -clad . '•,t ••' his 'shit hand a dull -black revolver. lid began to jump, but he snapped his mouth shut like a turtle. The wom- an stared at the rug., Thumm went into the dark bed- room. He came out again empty-han- ded, and searched the sitting -room vyith ruthless efficiency.' No one said anything. Finally, he dumped heav- ily to the door, "13e on call at any time. No funny business ,either of you. As they went to the, elevators,. Bruno, asked: "Why didn't you take the revolver?" "What good would that do ,us?", Thumm said. grumpily. "The wound was made by a .38. The only gun in that place is a .22." As the police car slid to the curb on West Seventy -Eight street a man detached himself from the shadows of the house. Thuinan jumped out, followed'. by Bruno and, the detectives, and the man said; "Collin's still up- stairs, Chief." On the eighth floor another de- tective significantly 'painted to a door. ,"Cover everything," said Thumm, in a matter-of-fact voice. "He's liable to be rambunctious. 'He pressed the bell -button. Instantly they heard the scuffle of feet and a: man's voice cried hoarsley: "Who is it?" Thumm belolwed: Police! Open up!" "You'll never get me alive!" An- other scuffling of feet, then a shot and the sound of something heavy falling. Duffy and another man stepped. back with Thumm. and the three crashedinto the door. Under the fourth assault it gave with a grind- ing scream and they tumbled into a long' dark hall At the end was a room, fully illuminated. On the threshold lay the pajama -clad fig- ure of Michael Collins; by his• right hand a dull -black revolver. Thumm landed- on his knees beside Collins,. "He's still alive! Get him into that room!" Collins' lips were drawn back in a wolfish ':snare, Along the right side of his head• nothing but matted hair and dripping bloodwas visible. Thumrn's fingers touched the wound and were instantly crimson. "Didn't even penetrate his thick skull," he growled. "Just plowed alongside his head. Fainted from the shock, I guess. Lousy aim. Get a doctor, somebody . . Well, Bruno ,it looks like the end." He picked up the re- volver. "It's a .38 all right." Then his face fell. "Only one shot fired, though." A. detective came in followed by a man in pajamas and robe, carry- ing a black bag. 'Five minutes lat- er the physician rose."He'll need further attention soon, but this will do .temporarily. 'He'll have an ugly headache and a good deal of pain. He's coming to now." A hoarse groan and Collins' eys rolled open, filled incredibly with tears as intelligence slowly crept in- to them. One bloodless hand strayed to his head ,felt the bandage, drop- ped helplessly to the divan. "Collins," began the inspector, sit- ting down beside the wounded man, "why did you try to commit, suicide?" Collins panted: "You've got mel haven't you? I'm ruined any- way . . ." "Then you admit it?" Collins began to say something, stopped, nodded, looked startled, and raised his eyes euddenlyy: "Ad- mit what?" Thumm laughted shortly. "Don't play the innocent victim. stuff. You killed John DeWitt!" Collins strove to sit up, but sank back again under the pressure of Thumm's hand on his chest. "Are you crazy?" he cried. Thumm looked puzzled'.' Bruno said soothingly: "Now look here. Evas- ion won't do you a bit of good." "But I didn't kill DeWitt, I tell you!" "Then Why did you seem to expect the arrival of police and try to coin - mit suicide?" demanded Thumm. "Because . . ." Collins. caught his: underlip. "That's my business, The last time I saw DeWitt he was very much alive." "Then you admit seeing DeWitt to- night?" "Sure I saw him." "How'd you happen to be on the Newburgh local?" "I followed him all evening. I've been trying to see him .for a long timet" "What happened• after you two went out on the platform?" "I asked him to make good Long- street's bum tip. I -I needed that dough. .DeWitt wouldn't listen. ` I almost got' down on my knees, but it was no go. : We were pulling out of a station ,so I ope'hed the door and jumped doeim. I saw him push the door to and go in the rear car." "Did you have your revolverwith you?" "No." "Well, I guess that's about all now. How do you feel?" "A, little better. Head aches like fury." . "I sure am glade': said Thumm. "Thatinane we won't have •to call an ambulance. Get up; and get dressed. now. You're coming back to headquarters with us." (TO BE CONTINUED) "THE PUREST FORM IN WHICH TOBACCO CAN BE SMOKED." THU-RS, JAN. 22, 1942 Red Cross Annual Reports (continued from page' Baianr,:;'.of cash, Dec. 31, '40 107 51 502,18 Expenditures Divisional payments for wool and materials . 219.01 Local purchase of wool and materials . 171.03 Miscellaneous . ... 20.19. 410.23 Balance of cash, Dec. 31,'41 91.95 502.18 ,SOUTH GODERICU TOWNSHIP FINANCIAL REPORT FOR 1941 Receipts Donations and •subscriptions' 4.00 Special Branch Fund-raising • events .. 337,51 Sale of material to work groups 3.64 Membership . ......... 13.44 358,59 Balance' of cash, Dec. 31, '40 169.40 527.99 Expenditures Special fund-raising events.. 50.91 Divisional payments for wool. and materials.. .• .... 207.45 Local purchases of wool and materials . 42.05 Money belts, cigarettes for soldiers . 7.00 Stamps . .. .. .18- 307.59. Balance of cash, Dec. 31, '41 220.40 527.99 PORTER'S HILL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR 1941 Receipts For War Work . 16.15 Donations and subscriptions 27.75 Sale of material to work groups . Salvage, Baking, Teas, Parties 228.41 Blanket Fund . .. 39.50 `310.97 Balance of Cash, Dec. 31, '40 20.27 331.24 Expenditures .16 Divisional payments for wool and materials Local purchases of wool and materials . Parties . . ... General a'd'ministrations Sundry Expenses.. . ...... . 182.67 10.44 20.01 12.12 6.17 231.41 Balance of cash, Dec. 31, '41 99.33 331.24 TUCKERSMITH FINANCIAL REPORT FOR 1941 Receipts • PRIVATE MARY CHURCHILL, A -TS., DAUGHTER OF BRITAIN'S PRIME MINISTER, SCRUBS WITH ' Al SMILE Eighteen -year-old Miss Mary 'Churchill, youngest daughter of Bri- tain's Prime Minister, makes a good job of cleaning out the quarters which she shares with her colleagues at an Auxiliary Territorial Service Training Depot in Southern England. She has joined: Britain's WomensArmy as a Private, and is undergoin g preliminary training in Anti- Air -craft -operational duties. Much of th is work is now being taken over byBritish women, who are proving the mselves excellent at manipulatingsuch delicate machines as range -fin- ders, fire -control units, etc. Parties 31.14 Miscellaneous 6.09 Tickets on quilts, recipes, slips and bulbs, etc. 56.45 146.74 87.59 Expenditures Paid to division for war work 5.00 Paid for materials for quilts, clothing, etc. 52.50 57.60 ,Balance of cash Dec, 31, '41 30.09 87.59 HOLMESVILLFJ FINANCIAL REPORT FOR 1941 Receipts Special branch fund-raising events . . . ........ 222.67 Collections, etc. . 5.88 288.55 Balance of cash, Dec. 31, '40 74.51 Expenditures Special fund-raising events. Divisional payments for wool and materials . Workman and shipping ex- penses . 303.03 35.82 91.68 9.3.15 Balance of cash, Dec. 31, '41 156.32 303.06 WE ARE PAYING 31/i ON FIVE YEAR GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES ISSUED IN ANY AMOUNT An ideal authorized investment for individuals, companies, ceme- tery boards, executors and other trustees. STERLING THE CORPORATION 372 My ST. TO0ONTO WAST ADS Bring ' esults Week after week the News -Record heats • very gratifying reports of the results obtained from Newa-Record Want Ads from people who have something they wish, to sell and want to find a buyer. For a very small sum you can tell hundreds of prospective buyers you have something they are interested in. The eame apples to an articles you wish to buy. Make your wishes known through The News -Record and it will surprise you the number of enquiries you will obtain. Wnt Ads Pave the way for easier living They help to quickly sell trade, rent or buy whatever is the immediate concern or worry. The large number of people they reach always assures the best possible deal on short notice. ACQUAINT YOURSELF WITH THE MANY SEIRVICFS THEY RENDER REGULARLY Read ThP WaDt Ads Today