HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-01-22, Page 1'The Clinton News -Record Est. 1878
is Incorporated The Clinton New Era
NO. 6076 -62ND YEAR
, MEN SAY: -
Better Late Than. Never
Better Never Late.
We tarry a large Stock of the
Big Ben family.
Save Money by being up in the
Morning on Time.
Jeweler and Optometrist Residence Phone 174j
Of;Prints, Broadcloth, Flannelette
Towelling, Shirting, .Gingha'ms
Dressgoods, Cottons, Bleached
and unbleached.
To clear at Halt Original Prices
Many Colors and Styles, for
Children and Misses.,
Sale of Wools Continues
Don't Special re- overlook our
ductions for January,' on Wheel-
ing, Scotch Fingering and Crepe
Corll Fiower Cryslal
We havejust received another shipment of lovely
featuring Plates of all sizes from 7 inches to then
large 151/2 inch Hostess piece. Also new celery and'
relish dishes, Rose Bowls, Candelabra, Cream and,.
Sugars, Fruit Juice Jugs, Vases ere. Water Gob-
lets, Sherbets and Plates, and Fruit Juice glasses,
are also in stock if you are planning to start a Set
'or complete or add to what you already have. We
carry only the Genuine Corn Flower Crystal.
We have recently added several new
again have a most complete showingof all the.
and gp
newest patterns. Most of them are services for
eight and the prices like the silverware are most
attractive. We advise you to call for one of our
folders. and make your selection soon.
Remember Watch Repair is a Job for Experts.
Our Work Assures Your Satisfaction.
Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over [Half a
Century in Huron County.
The following' figures represent the.
work accomplished by the Clinton
Red Cross Society and its eight co-
operating Units, for the year 1941:
Number of workrooms operate& 5
Nnmber of volunteer workers... 223
Number of knitted articles sent
to Ont. warehouse. .....:.,.2041
Number refugee articles sent to
Ont. warehouse .. .1485
Number of hospital supplies sent
to Ont. warehouse 312
Number of blankets sent to Ont
warehouse.. . 18
Number of .quilts sent to Ont.
warehouse 192 and 3 comforters
The following donations have been
,most gratefully received:
Clinton Red Cross, Mrs. Thos Mas-
on $1.00; Russian Relief, Mrs. Alex.
Morris $5.00.
Red ' Cross Annual
FOR 1941.
Mrs. Wm. Jenkins, Treasurer
Balance on hand, 1940 $ 21.32
Balance on hand $ 21.32
Social Functions . 155.55
Membership Fees. 4.00
Salvage Collection .. , . 19.00
Miscellaneous .. 6.21
Bank Interest . .21
Donation Clinton Red Cross
Social Functions
Dry Goods .
Miscellaneous .
Total ...
Total Receipts
Total Ekpenses e
Balance on Hand ...100.06
FOR 1941
Mrs. Frank Finglandy treasurer:
Donations ,and .subscriptions: 578.26
Grants . 487.75
Miscellaneous . 30.85
Special Branch Fund-raising
events 1214.31
Russian Relief and Blanket
Fund, Handkerchiefs . 164.00
Sale of material to work
groups . . 56.86
Meinbership'Fees, . 18.00
Fees -Horne Nursing Classes 11.35
Total 2561,42
Balance of cashy Dec. 31,'40679.76
Paid to Div. for wax' work ..
Special fund raising, events.
Russian relief, blanket fund,
handkerchiefs . 432.09
Div. payments for wool and
materials . 1170.47
Local purchase of wool and
materials , .. .,'132.82
Workroom and shipping ex-
penses . 18.51
Cigarettes for soldiers 31.18
Campaign expenses • 21.60
Sundry expenses, stamps,
stationery, etc, ....,., 19.47
Home nursing classes. 10.03.
Nutrition service „... • .90
200 00
Total . 2039.02
Balance of cash, Dec. 31, '41 1200.16
Miss' Isabel Pickett, Treasurer
Donations and subseriptions . 156.98
Special branch fund-raising
events... , 481.22,
Balance of cash, Dec. 31, '40 553.54
Div. payments for wool and
material . .... ., 377.2E
Local purchase of wool and
material , . , 34.64
Miscellaneous . 3.12
memgeney and Distaster
relief .. , , , . , 30.00-
Balance of cash, Dec, 31, '41 746.72
Mrs: Olive Ball, Treasurer
Donations and Subscriptions 59,50
Parties, S d .
e a v Calleetian
Special branch funderaisung
events . ......... 204,07
Ten cent tea at each meeting 91.42
(Continued on page 2)
The New Era Est. 1867
JANUARY 22, 1942
Engagement; Announced
Mr. and Mi s+ '''H". C. Stanton, 161
Province St Hamilton., announce the
engagement of 'their daughter, Eileen
media to ;Aireraftsman Glenn Nethery
McGill, R.G A F,, Uplands, Ontario,
eon of Mr. and Mrs. James' McGill of
Clinton, the wedding to take place
in Grace church,' Hamilton, the early
part of February.
Board of Education
The Board o • Eduoation held a
special meeting in the Public School
on Monday evening.; They decided to
engage Mr. GI E. McGee B.A. of
Rockwood, to teke the place of M.
G. R. 3{endall, BA., who has resigned
in order to enter the Royal Canadian
Air Force on Ppb. 1st.
Huron Frul t GrowersHold
Ho od
At the executive meeting of the
Huron Fruit rowers' Association
held in the age. cultural office, it was
decided to hol ' the annual meeting
here on March 1. The treasurer's re-
port showed the association tobe in
a sound finanel condition with cash
of over $68 and a Victory Loan bond
of $50.
It was recominended that the Fruit
Growers arrange fora fruit display
at the International Plowing Match
in October, with Mrs. D. A. Smith,
Stewart' Middleton, Clayton Laith-
waite, D. J. La'ssaline and Thomas
Salkeld in charge.
A nominating committee composed
of J. R. Stirling, George Laithwaite,
lsirs. D. A. Smith and J. C. Shearer
was appointed to arrange a .slateof
officers for 1942, and to report at
the annual meeting. The executive
recommended that the assoeiation af-
filiate with the` Huron Federation of
Agriculture and the' Ontario Fruit
Growers' Association, and that J. W.
roynt represent; the association on the
former and Mrs. D. A. Smith the
latter organization. The program for
the annual meeting will be arranged
by Mrs, D. A. Smith and J. R. Stir-
Annual Meeting Of W.M.S.
Huron Presbyterial Held
''R"'Ili Clinton
The annual business meeting of
Huron Presbyterial W.M.S. of the
Presbyterian Church in Canada was
held on Wednesday, January 14th, in
Clinton Presbyterian ebut•ch, with
morning' and afternoon sessions. Del.
egates were present from Blyth, Clin-
ton, Exeter, Goderich, Hensall and
Seaforth,and were cordially welcom-
ed by the Presbyterial president, Mrs.
H. Jack 'of Seaforth.
The morning session opened with
the singing of a hymn, followed by
the Scripture reading by Mrs. C. Hudll-
son of Hensall ,and prayer by Nil's.
J. Thompson -of Seaforth.
In+ her presidential address Mrs.
Jaek suggested that it might be a
good thing for each member to look
back and, ask herself the question,
"What made you begin to take an
s in missions'?" ssronsY It may
been a talk from a missionary, when
you heard of the great need for the
Gospel of Christ in other lands. Per-
haps you heard of the unwanted bab-
ies ]eft to, die or babies who
are fed opium, se they will
sleep while the mother goes' to work
in the fields, or of the thousands who
die every year through ignorance al'
neglect, who might have been saved.
Sometimes it is the: influence of a
mother with •a living faith in God who
inspires us to carry on, but what-
ever our motive we must go forward
in this new year, with the determin-
ation that the work of our Church
and our W.M.S. will be -carried on.
Any sacrifice we are called upon to
make is small compared with the
sacrifice that Jesus made for us. He
went about doing good. Let us try
our best to follow His example."
The minutes, of the last . annual
meeting were read, by the secretary,
Mrs. M. A. Reid of Seaforth, followed
by reports of the work done in each
department of the W.M.S.
Officers for 1942
The officers' for 1942 are: Hon.
president,` Mist H. Arnold, Hensall;
president, Mrs. H. Jack, Seaforth; 1st
viee-president, Mrs. D. J. Lane, Gede-
rieh; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. B. F.
Andrew, Clinton; 3rd vice-president,
Mrs, E. ' Lawson,. Auburn; 4th vice-
impresident, Mrs. H. C. Dunlop, Gode-
rich; corresponding secretary, Mrs.
M. A. Reidy Seaforth; treasurer, Mrs:.
T ,Swan Smith, Seaforth; Y.W. se-
ta y, Mrs. A. D. McEwen, Reneroir
Mission Band secretary, Mre. W.
Weir, Hensall.; home helpers secre-
tary, Miss L. Jeckell, Fleeter; welcome
and welfare secretary, SI s, C. Hud-,
son, Hensall; student secretary, Mrs.
A. M. Boyle Blyth; life membership
secretary ,Mrs, G. Walker, Hensall;
Glad Tidings secretary, Mrs. F. )lo s•,
Auburn; press secretary, Mrs. A. Tey -
lm., Gocleiieh; exchange, Tibia
literature secretary, Miss E. Sonnr.r-
ville, Goderich.
Good Crowd Sees Home Game With
Goderich Flyers To 'Play
Here Friday Night
A. ten-minute overtime scoreless
period left the Clinton Colts' and
Waterloo Siskine game played here
Tuesday night a tie. The ice was soft
making stiekwork difficult. .rens
were loud: in their praise of the man-
ner in which. Referee G. Muir of Sea -
forth, handled the genie. It was one
of the cleanest games played here
with no minor snuffles breaking out.
"Timmer" McEwan led the Colts at-
tack, scoring three of the five goals.
Scoring honors also went to "Cooney"
McEwan and Cee, 1VI.cConriell.
In the first period the Colts open-
ed the scoring, "Timmer" McEwan
doing the trick on a nice pass from
"'Izzy" Powell. R. Cotey evened the
score in a solo effort and R. Vogt.
put the visitors one up at 15.30 when,
teaming with Hanes, they maneu-
vered the puck from the face-off.
With less than a minute left in, the
first frame, Harris made it 3-1 for
the Siskine. Kumph was penalized
in this period for tripping..
After four minutes of the second
period, "Cooney" scored from Danny
C'olquhoun's assist; then Harris coun-
tered! at 16 minutes • to keep his team
well in the lead. With two minutes
to go, Timmer and Rath reduced the
deficit to one goal. C, Vogt was
penalized for bodying to the boards.
The third period was tense with
the Colts forcing the play to the vis-
iting goal when Timmer and Punch
teamed up to tie the score. The raf-
ters fairly shook when McConnell put
the Colts one up. But within a scant
10 seconds of the final bell C. Vogt
found an opening when Neilans fell
in attempting to block.
Both teams set a hot pace in the
overtime and there were almost sure
goals turned aside by both goalies.
Fust two penalties were handed out,.
to the visiting team. We missed Bob
Draper, who is in bed with the flu.
The lineup:
Waterloo-Dahme, goal; Clair, Wil-
lis, 'de'fairce;' 8. "Cotey, centres Lang
Solomon, wings; alternates, Harris,
R. Cotey, C. Vogt, R. Vogt, Pearson
and Kumph.
Clinton-Neilans, goal; Rath, Cob
quhoun, defence; Powell, centre; H.
McEwan and F. MeEwan, wings; al-
ternates, McConnell, R. McEwan,
Bartliff, Pickett and Hardy'.
V --
Rev. B. F. Andrew
Appointed Chaplain
Rev. B. F. Andrew, minister of the
Presbyterian churches at Clinton and
Bayfield, who signed up for service
at the outbreak of the war, has re-
eeived his''call to report for duty. He
is assigned to chaplain service at the
Royal Canadian Naval base at Equi -
malt, British Columbia, and will lea-
s here on January 27th.
v ua
The Presbytery of Huron have
Y rS'
granted him' leave of absence for the
duration and the interim -moderator,
Rev. Hugh Jack of Seaforth, has been
instructed to secure a Stated Supply.
Mrs. Andrews and, the children,
Heather and Janet, will continue to
occupy the manse.
Pte. H. R. Fremlin of the R.C.O.C.
at Kitchener spent the weekend, at
his home in town.
A.C. 2 Ted Middleton of the R.C.A.
L. at St. Thomas. spent his weekend
leave with his parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Fred Middleton, Goderich, township,
AC. Dick Dixon of' the R.C.A.F. at
Toronto spent his weekend leave at
his home in town. ,
Pte. David Kennedy of the Kitch-
ener Training Centre spent the week-
end in town with his parents, Mr. and
Kis. Will. Kennedy.
AC. Wesley Hodder of the R.C.A.F.
at Camp Borden is spending a two
weeks leave at his home in town.
Glue J. E. (Dick) MacDonald of
the R.C.A. at Petawawa spent the
weekend et his brother's hone in
town ,that of Cpl. Ron. MacDonald.
Lieut. L. McKnight ,C.A.S.P. Wood-
stock training centre, epent the week-
end with his wife and family and at
his parent's home.
Corporals'Everett Lobb and Frank
Heard of the R.C.A.F. Dental Corps
at Newmarket ,spent the weekend in
town with their parents.
Cpl. Ronald MacDonald of the R.C.
A.F. at Port Albert will spend the
weekend at his. home in town.
AS. Richard Fraser of H,M.C.S.
Laurier visited Lis grandmother Mrs.
R.W nito, on aW while on
ern.' Melvin Steep of the : Elgin
Regiment has returned to Sussex,
New Brunswick ,after spending his
rer'ouch it, h.i' home on the Bayfield
Rags, papers and metals are to be
'collected monthly, with the first col-
Aection on 'Saturday, January 31st.
Arrangements have been made to use
the barn back of Peter Douglas' gar-
age; telephone number 345. Mr:
Douglas has very kindly loaned his
barn and phone number for this ser-
vice, and the Salvage committee of
the War Service Association are
keenly appreciative of hist co-oper-
Householders are requested, to have
all papers and magazines bundled
separately. Further information will
be given next. week. For information
telephone Mr, Glen Cook, number
New Books In Library
Shadow Of The Pines -Duffield.
Help' Yourself to Love -Dern.
Garden In The Sky -Carew.
Above Suspieion-MacInnes
Wakefield's :Course ---De la Roche.
Star In our, E• es -Lorin
Stare X y g.
Snow Goose -Paul Gallica.
Drum Goes Dead -Aldrich.
The Frightened Girl -Michael ' Cram -
Inconstant Star -Adelaide Humphries.
Summer Tempest -Dor is Hume.
Good-bye My Heart -Peggy Dern.
Mortgage On The Moon -Peggy Gad-
Highway To Valour -Margaret Duley.
•Mrs. Appleyard's Year
Pray For To -morrow -Parrish.
Fay's Folly
An Amazing Summer -Gibbs,
Berlin. Diary-Shirer.
This Is The Victory -Leslie Weather -
head'. ,
Middle East -H. V. Morton.
Where' Stands A Winged Sentry -
I Have Loved England - Alice Duel'
And a New Earth -Tyrer.
Canada -Lady Tweedsmuir.
Mansion House of Liberty-Bottome.
Elizabeth -Spencer.
With Love And Irony -Lin Yutang.
Inside Latin Ainerica-Gunther,
Two Ends To Our Shoestring -Kath-
erine Pinkerton.
-_.: Juvenile
I Met Some Little People -Brooks.
My Friend Flicks -O'Hara.
Lake of Gold -Buchan. •
Golden Book of Bible Stories-Bertail.
Mystery Of The Jasper Jewel Case -
Adventure In The West-Colver.
The Back Dog Mystery -Queen, Jr.
Michel's Island,. Hunt.
Adventures With The Telescope -
- Headstron. -
When The Root Children Wake Up -
The Crimson Shawl -Shoats.
Mystery At The Little Red School-
house -Orton.
The Well Of The Star-Goudge.
Ugly Duckling -Disney.
St. Pauls Church
Sunday, January 25th, 8 a.m. Holy
Communion, other services at 11 a.m,
and 7 p.m.; Sunday School at 2.30
Monday, A.Y.P.A. Social Evening
program in charge of Gerald Elliott,
Thursday, 7.30 pmt, prayer service.
Presbyterian Church
Thursday, January 29th, The Wom-
en's Missionary Society will meet at
the manse at two o'clock.
Clinton Mission
2 pan Sunday School; 3 p.m. Fel-
lowship Service; Alex. Sparks, super-
8 pan. Friday ,J;an. 23rd, prayer
meeting at the hone of Mrs. Wheat-
ley. cordial o
y A col' d a welcome to all.
Baptist Church
The Ladies Aid will hold their re-
gular meeting on• Wednesday evening
January 28th, at 7.80 o'clock. The
key cord is, the valley 'of life. There
will also be a sale of articles.
Hope for the sinner, comfort for
the sorrowful, and strength for. the
Christian warrior is ,available .at the
place of worship.
The minister's sermon subject at
the evening service will be: "The
Stewardship OS The .; Unspeakable'
Plan to hear the Rev. Harold: Step-
hensoru in the church on Thursday
evening, at eight o'clock when he is
to giye his timely lecture on, "How
London Stood The Blitz."
Ontario Street Church
Annual meeting of the eongregee
tion, Wednesday, 7.30 pan., Jan. 2S1h,
reports and election.
11 a.m., topic, "The Christian's
Allies;" 12 noont .�
Srnday School; 2
Turners church: service ;7 "Christ
Our Guide," Triumphant Song Book
will be used.
Monday 7.45 p.m., Yonn' Pc p
Union Skating Night; meet -t c
7.30 p.m.
Annual Meeting Of
St. Paul's
St. Paul's . church annual vestry
meeting was held on Monday evening''
January 19th, in the Parish Hall with,
a goodattendance and much interest.
In is opening remarks' Rev .G. W.
Moore spoke feelingly of the mem-
bers of the parish whohad, passed
away during the year.
Mr. W. L. Johnson gave the finan-
cial report showing :receipts of $2973.
23 with $602.00 contributed for Mis-
sionary work.
The reports of the different organ-
izations were given by the following:.
Junior W. A., Miss Ruth Williams;,
Little Helpers, Mrs. George Walker;
Sunday School by Post, Mrs. Robert.
Thompson; Sunday School, Mr, Henry
Montan; Women's Auxiliary, Mrs. C..
Epps; Ladies Guild', Mrs. M. Elliott;.
Choir, Mrs. C. V. Cooke; Chancel.
Guild, Mrs'. John Zapfe. All erganiz-
ations reported good work done and.
cash balances on hand.
The following are the .officers elec
ted for 1942: Rector's Warden, Mr..
W. L. Johnson; People's Warden, Mr.
H. M. Monteith; Chairmen of Sides -
men, Messrs. 'John Hartley and Bar-,
rett Taylor; Lay Delegates to Synod,.
Messrs. W. T. Hawkins and C. G. Mid-
dleton; Substitutes, Mr. Monteith and
Col. Combe. In addition to the above
officials the following were added to
the Board of Management, Messrs..
Caryl Draper, Morley Counter, C. V.
Cooke, George McLay, John Zapfe, G:
E. Hall, E: Ellwood, Mrs. Bartliff,
Mrs. Epps, Messrs, Ken. G. Waters,.
Robert Thompson, Gordon Scribbins,
George Walker, E. Mortisen, John
Morgan and Col. Rance.
.At the close, the ladies under the
leadership of the hostess, Mrs. Mc-
Innes, served a dainty lunch.
Special Meeting of
A special meeting of the Pre,eby-
tery of Huron of the Presbyterian
Church in Canada, was' held in the
Clinton church on Tuesday evening_
The Exeter congregation had presen-
ted a call to the Rev. John Galloway
of Mimico which was enanimiously
.signed by- the congregation, The.
Rev. R. C. Mc Diainid, and Rev. J. B.
Rhodes were asked to support the.
call in Toronto Presbytery.
I' Rev. 'B; F-:Ahdd°e v iiep`olted a -calls
to the chaplaincy in the Royal Cana--.
dian Navy at Esquimalt, British Col-
umbia. The Presbytery therefore de-
cided to grant a leave of absence for-
orthe duration. Mrs. Andrews allowed: '
the use of the manse and Rev. Hugh/
'Jack of Seaforth, be interin-modera-
tor. Rev. Jack was instructed to se-
! cure a Stated Supply.
Prayers were said in Presbytery on.
behalf of Rev. Andrew, ,for the guid-
ance and mercy of God in his daties',,
and that he may return soon.
Wesley -Willis W.M.S..
The W.M.S. of Wesley -Willis Uni-
nited church held its January meeting
at the home of Mrs, A, Lane on Thurs-
day afternoon last. The president,
Mrs. Chowen, opened the meeting
with prayer, and Mrs. Fowler er and.
Mrs. Addison participated in the -
worship service, following which Mrs.
Hearn contributed a pleasing vocal
solo accompanied by Moe: Agnew.
Gratifying reports of the various:
departments and committees were
presented, and Mrs. Sutter ,the tress -
user; announced that the financial al-
location had been exceeded.
Ai the close of the meeting re-
freshments were served' by the hostess,
and u social hour spent.
The Women's Missionary Society*
held their annual meeting on Tuesday,
afternoon of last week. Mrs. Burton,
the past prey. opened the meeting -
with a hymn and the Lord's prayer•
repeated in unison. Annual reports,
were presented by the different sec-
retaries and were very satisfactory..
The usual amount $500 was raised and.
sent to the Presbyterial Treasurer..
The new president, Mrs. Aiken, then.
took charge of the meeting. Mrs:,
Shipley led the devotionaI period and. •
Mrs. Burton offered prayer. The roil;
callwasanswered by a verse of scrip•
ture containing the word faith. Afters
a business discussion Miss Maude Wil-
, tse
i],tse introduced the new 1942 study
book with Miss Rena Pickett and Mrs..;
M. Turner assisting. Mrs. 'Hawker
closed the meeting with prayer and,
the benediction.
v -
Airman Breaks. Ankle Whiles'
Corporal Gordon Thomann, on, medi
cal orderly with the Royal Air Force -
lime, had
orce'ltere,•had the misfortune to fall whiner
learning • t ok sate at the arena last:.
Friday evening, and sustained a broke•
en ankle. Cpl. Thompson eaught his•
skate in a erack in the ice and' int
falling lands u on hi'= :tnkll. He.
was taken to the London Military
Hospital for X-ray and l,one.setting�