HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1942-01-08, Page 5• MONUMENTS To those contemplating build- ing a Monument . . Get my prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All wort guaranteed. JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE &'GRANITE WORKS C?'.nton — Ontario Successor to Ball & Zapfe 59tf; THURS., JAN. 8, ,1.942 THE CLINTON ' NEWS -RECORD UNUSUAL BANKING IN THESE UNUSUAL TIMES As Canada's war efforts gain length of stride and speed of step, business in general reflects added activity and increases in volume. AS business increases, banking activity also increases.•Ourservice keeps pace with the requirements of our customers, : albeit occa- sionally they may experience slight delays, owing to war -time depletion of our staff. (More than six hundred members of our staff ace already in the Empire's forces.) By experience, increased effort and up-to-date equipment, we endeavour to compensate for reduced numbers, to avoid delays and inconvenience to our customers, and, to conduct all banking trans- actions, however unusual, with everyday efficiency. ��V .fit :�?szzz� p:<'•r�; it BI::IT. INS "BIGGEST 2WEE" INVASION EZiERCI,S1J "Tank, guns, army lorries„ khaki-cladmen; A typical scent over a vast ;era of England recently, when hun-irecls of thousands of Britain's newly 'trained armies took part in the big -gest "invasion" exercises ever held. Every man of the Service took part,snd many weapons and scientific de- , 'vices carne into use for the first time•General Sir Alan Brooke, Commander - in -Chid of Britain's Home Porces,and the Commanders of Polish, Nor- weg'lati' and Czech forcer in Britain,watched the exercises, So did the ex- lnerts of the Soviet Military Mission an Britain, who expressed great ad- miration of the inert and Weapons, TRAINING BRITISH PARATROOPS, The first training jumps of British parachute troops are made from a static balloon. By this means a great saving in time ands-expene is effected, and training' jumps can be made in weather which would pre - \vent an aeroplane being. used. Troops are seen waiting their tura to gq up in the training balloon. CUT FLOWERS. FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion •.CO)KE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 68J A Good Market We have a good market for your Goose and Duck feathers this month. Prices are considerably higher than last year. ,Fat Ohickena and fat hens are in good. demand at better prices. ; Our eggs are nearly all going ex- pert to Britain. Quick grading ser- vice. N. W. TREWARTHA Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328. Batkins Locker Storage We begin a brand New Year May it be one of hope and cheer, Let us save you money again today As in the year just rolled away, Batkins' for choice Beef by the quarter, and Pork by the half. We have a fresh shipment of fish, this week, including fresh herring and Smelts. Sausage making a'specialty. WE BUY HIDES AUBURN New Year's Visitors with Mr .and Mrs. Chas. Scott were , Mr. James Henry of Galt and Mr: and Mrs. Man- sel Cook of Benmiller. Born: At Goderich Hospital on Monday, January 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Hallam, a son.' Miss Mary Houston left on Friday for South Porcupine near Timmins where -she has been engaged to teach. Miss Betty Asquith of Stratford Normal School is practice"tetie'hing in S.S. No. 9 Hullett, and Donald Ross of the same institution is teaching in S.S. No. 5 Hullett. Miss Jean Scott of Parkhill spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Chas. Howson is critically ill at her hone here, Mrs. Hart (Bell Scott) of Toronto is nursing her. Miss Elma Match has returned to Toronto after visiting her mother, Mrs. J'as. Match. - Miss Frances Houston of l{itchener hospital spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Houston. Miss Mary Asquith has returned to the College of Pharmacy' at Tor- onto after a holiday at her home here. Mr. Victor Yungblutt is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, having undergone an operation, Some twenty-five ladies attended a Red Cross quilting in the basement of the Baptist church when five quila is were finished, The following sewing quota was accepted : 100 ,dia- pers; 25 infants night gowns; 25 mothers night gowns; 25 dresses and panties 3, 4, or 5 years. A pot luck supper was served by Mrs. R. J. Phillips, Mrs Gordon Taylor, Mrs. Bert Marsh and Mrs. Fred Ross. `Several school meetings were held in this. district last Wednesday. At S.S. No. 5, Hullett (Auburn) Sid Me- Clinehey the retiring trustee was re elected. The other members of the board are Harvey Ynngblutt and Mrs, John Cowan, 'Lawrence Plaetzer was given the contract for care -taking and Mr. Wesley Bradnock for cleaning. Harry Sturdy was awarded the wood contraet at $8.25. At S, S. No. 9 Hullett the trustees for board for 1942 are Guy 'Cunningham, Roy Daer and Bert_ Marsh. Wood at, $8.50 a cord will be supplied' by Mr. John Hallam. At S.S. No. 3, Colborne (Young's, School) the trustee board for 1942 is Harry Watson, Ross McPhee and Bruce Grigg. Win. Stewart will sup- ply the school with 20 inch wood at $8 a cord. Nero, a pet dog owned by William Raithby abnost lost its life in the Maitland River here. ` Mr. Raithby was skiing with a ntunber of other youths when they called to the dog on the other bank, Instead of running around by the bridge, the animal went down at steep bank and swam a considerable distance under the ice 1 to the opposite shore. It was almost Exhausted when it reached safety 1 after having broken the ice twice to escape. The West Wawanosh council met here and after reading the minutes, tax refunds were ,orderedpaid as follows: Silverwood's Dairies Ltd., two-thirds of business'tax on Dun- gannon store" which was closed on April 1; dog tax, $2 to'Robert Chan/l- acy, and:. Heber Eedy, and Hydro ar- rears of $6.84 to George •Yungblut. In response to a letter from L. E Cardiff, secretary of the North Iiur- on Plowman's, Association, a grant of :$10 was ordered paid. The council decided to make a tax refund of :82.39 to Ross Taylor, due to an error in as - PAGE 5 ROXY THEATRE cUrrrolr NOW PLAYING: Joan :'Bennett and Walter Pidgeon in 'Man Hunt' MON., TIDES. & WED." Cesar Romero, Virginia Gilmore, Charlotte Greenwood and Milton The gayest of all Chicago gang- land comedies, a merry mixup of murders that never game off. Tall, Dark and handsome THURS., TRI., & SAT. Jeffrey Lynn,' Phillip Dorn, Kcar- no Verne. and Mona Maris It will rock you it will shock you . . The picture that took cour- age to make and takes courage to see. A portrayal of conditions in side Nazi Germany: "UNDERGROUND" Conning: Errol Flynn in "Dive Bom- ber." CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE GODERICH S1i:AFORT1t NOW: George Formby in " I See Ice" and "Wagon Train" MON., TUES. & WED. "It Started with Eve" The ancient serpent -and -apple tech_ rogue is given an amusing modern twist Deanna Durbin, Bob Cummings Chas. Laughton THURS., FItI. & SAT. Abbott and Costello with Mischa Auer and Ted Lewis' Band in a shivery riot of fun "Hold That Ghost" Coming:_'Aloma of the South Seas' and "Underground" NOW; Marlene Dietrich in: "Seven Sinners" MON„ TUES. & WED. "DIVE BOMBER" An amazing Technicolor presenta- tion of the scientific side of mod- ern flying Errol Flynn, Fred MacMurray and Alexis Smith THURS.. FRI. & SAT. George Formby England's banjo,uke comedian: slips and slithers through a riotous, ice-capade. • "I SEE ICE" Coming: "A Little Bit of Heaven, Gloria 'Jean, Mat.: Wed. Sat. & Holidays 3 p.m.. Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. WEEK -END SPECIALS CREAM PUFFS DO -NUTS - FRUIT BREAD CHOP, SUEY DATE & NUT BREAD and ALL GOOD THINGS TO EAT BAR Y `JAEF'S PHONE 1 WE DELIVER. MARRIAGES JOtINSTON--BROWN -- In Clinton on Saturday, January 3rd, when Rev. A. E. Silver officiated at the marriage '_of ' Stella Winnifred Brown, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs, James T .Brown of Clinton, and Stewart Macklin Johnston, only son of Mr, and Mrs. Eldridge John- ston -of Blyth, VROOMAN--STIRLING-- In Christ Church Cathedral Chapel, Vancou- ver, B.C., on Saturday, December 27th, when Miss Dorothy Christen Stirling. of Goderich Township and Mr. William Edward Vrooman of Vancouver were united in marriage, by the Rev, Cecil Swanson, BIRTHS CEICH—In Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, January 5th, to Mr. and Mrs,. .1, W. Crich of Tucker- smith, a son. DEATHS HANDSCOMB In- Winnipeg, Man., Mrs. S, T. Handscombe, sister of Mrs. P. W. Peckett of Clit'rton. CALWILLr-In Saskatoon, Sask., Wil- liam Henry Calwill, in his 84th year. sessment, Thomas B. Taylor was ap- pointed school attendance officer for 1942. The road, superintendent was instructed to purchase 54 rools of snow fence and 55 feet of tile for the instructed to purchase 54 rolls of 'road at the township hall. V HULLETT TOWNSHIP At a ratepayers meeting for the Township of Hullett, held in the Lon- desboro Community Hall last Monday afternoon, the gathering, in a -stand- ing vote, decided in the negative on the .continuance of the railway prob- lem, which has been a debatable prob- tem ever since the branch line from Clinton to Wingham was discontinued The matter had been placed before the ratepayers at the nomination meeting held in November, and it was decided at that time, to !sold a public meeting of the ratepayers, in order to get a clear view of the feeling of the Township. , After the Councillors had explained the communications, between them- selves and ,Mr. McGibbon, Kitchener lawyer, who had gone thoroughly into the matter for them, a standing vote was taken to decide in favotu of drop- ping or continuing the investigation, and the vote was almost unanimous in the negative. A bonus stun of $25,000 winch the Township of Hullett had given when the line was inaugurated, and a seem- ingly indisputable agreement with the railway company, justified the Coun- cil in their determination to ascertain their chances "art .recovering the sunt loaned by the. Township, and there was no criticism from ratepayers fox their decision to investigate' the mat- ter fully, DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT To Roy Mackenzie and his Orchestra TOWN HALL CLINTON ADMISSION: 35c and 25c Cliff. Watson, Manager The next streeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, ..Court House, .Goderieh commencing Tuesday, Jan- uary 20th, at 2 p.m. All accounts, notices of deputation and other business requiring the at- tention of Council' should be in the bands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, January 17th, 1942. N. W. MILLER, County CIerk, Goderich, Ontario 74-2 • CARD OF THANKS Mr. Samuel Lawrason wishes to express his heartfelt thanks to his many friends and neighbors of the community for their acts of kindness, and expressions of sympathy extend- ded during his recent sad loss of a dear wife, WANTED Applications• will be received by the undersigned for the position of two Corn Borer Inspectors for the County of Huron. One to work in North Hur- on the other in South Huron. The ,wages paid, to be 60c per hoar, the ac- cepted applications to provide their own transportation in the per- formance of duty. Application to be in the hands of the County Clerk at Goderich not lat- e). than 12 o'clock noon January 20th, 1942. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, '74-2 For Sale Grimm 12 ft. maple syrup evapor- ator complete and 400 sap buckets with coversand spiles. Also a quan- tity of green hardwood. Apply to. Fred Audio, Clinton, phone 362. 74-2 For. Sale or Rent House on Wellington Street, Clin- ton, for sale or rent. Hydro and wat- er installed: Apply to J. E. Howard, Bayfield, phone 31-624. 740 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate 'of Isabella Henry, late of the Village of Brucefield in the I County of Huron, Married Woman Deceased A,11 persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said j Estate, on or before the, 26th day of 1 January, A.D.. 1942, after -which date the asests will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having se - gala), ,only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 2nd day of Jenauasy, A.D. 1942. F. FINGLAND, I .C., Clinton Ont., Solicitor for the said Estate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Tames Henry Lteid, late of rho Village of Bayfield,, in the County of Hurons, Merchant, Deceased , All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased aro required to file the same with the V !Premier Trust Company, London, 'Ont., on or before the 21st day of HOLI@IESVILLE (January, A.D.` 1942, after which date the assete will be, distributed amongst AC. Ivan Je1Vis of Montral is vis- ';the parties entitled thereto, having icing with his parents Mr and Mrs. regard only to the elaims of which Les. Jervis. ';notice shall have been given. The Red Cross will meet at the par- I : Dated at Clinton, this 23rd day of souage Friday afternoon, Jan. 9 . December, A.D. 1941. Miss Grace Goodfellow of Tees- j F. FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton Ont., water was a recent guest of Mr. and Solicitor for the said Estate. Mrs. E. Potter. i 72-3. RADIO SERVICE 1942 Radios are here on display in- cluding, Rogers, Deforest, Philcos, Westinghouse, Spartans,. I carry a full line of radio tubes, up to date tube tester, General and Everready Batteries Dominion Wa- shing Machines, all electrical appli- ances and roofing supplies, A. W. Groves, Princess St..' CLINTON Tenders For Wood Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned for 15 cords of wood; half beech, half 'maple, cut lain. long for School Section No. 10, Goderich town- ship. Tobe delivered by March 15th. Tenders close January 20th, J. R. MIDDLETON • Secretary • '74-2 Card of Thanks I wish to thank all our patrons for their patronage during the past year and to wish them all a very happy Ncw Year, PERCY WESTON Bayfield, Ont. RESIDENCE FOR SALE TO CLOSE ESTATE SUBMIT YOUR OFFER CASH OR TERMS This is your opportunity to own good home. The Executors are offering for sale,, the two-storey frame residence, with land and garage. House has a ; basement throughout, hot air furnace, electric lights, 3 piece bath, and in- sulated. Town assessment $1,400, Fire Insurance $2,000. This residence has a very desirable location ,with entrance to property from both King and James Sts. The plan is appropriate and could be made (at Minimum cost) suitable for a Duplex, Apartment or Tourist Home. For inspection of property, kindly make an appointment with Mr, Ed- ward W. Elliott or Mr. Norman Ken- nedy of Clinton, Ont. Terms—Cash—Or terms with 20% or more down, balance at 5% in equal monthly payments. Immediate pos- session. Submit your offer to G. M. Mc- Kenzie, Executor, 443 Maple Ave. ' Hamilton, Ont. Pound Lady's wrist watch found in Clin- ton. Owner may have same by prov- ing property and paying expenses. Please communicate with Helen Dix- on, Victoria street, 73-2 Lost One small female fox hound, tan and white and answers to the name of "Pat" Lost over near Varna, Pinder please notify. Ellwood Epps or the News -Record. 73tf For Rent • Brick house on Princess street. All modern conveniences. Possession at' once. Apply to E, Ward, . Huron street, phone 155, Clinton. 64tf. Hunters and Trappers Take Notice I am in the fur buying business again this year; highest market pric- es paid for all kinds of raw furs. No shipment too large or too small for inc to handle. Norman East; .R.$., No. 1, Clinton. GGtf W anted Old horses and cattle for mink feed: If dead phone at once, Will pay ac- cording to value, Elmer Trick, phone 907r5, or Lloyd Batldn 619r14, 45tf e -o -w