HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-12-31, Page 540'1In/crest to Yoar; arad lie New Veaz's Eve. e you made your New Year's "ohitioiis yet?, 1 We extend to all our readers a Happy and Prosperous illi leu. tV. II. Price said ttt:a gather- St. homes the other: day that nada should manufacture her own •odndts; Ho struck the nal or: the ad• Canada will never bedtt ee a eat nation by shipping her raw ma - rials into another country to be annfactiired, andthen buying back. o finished product at an advanced >ax One of_ the resolutions which 0n- rio should make is to discover dun y 192d why Ontario cannot bby the which she needs and Alberta has sell, but must be denendoht upon a reign country for a necessary pro - [et, That there is a reason not ap- rent on, the surface is the opinion a good many people. Let surae- dy unearth the reason'and0rag'i the light. The development 7Sf Al- rta coal fields would mean added asperity to. both` Ontario and the et. Since our last :issue two Huron 'nty.• newspaper men, •Rev. F. J. Snowdon of the Seaforth News,and n W. Vanatter of the Goderich it, have crossed the Great Divide. Snowdon, had been ill for some, the and his death' was not unex d, but Mr. Vanatter's death • was to a stroke, although he had not 1 in good health for several weeks. Snowdon, had been connected with News "since 181.6, having conte from Littl Ouiz•ents Manitoulin nd, where "he 'i had conducted e spaper for some time. Mr., Van-: i• was the senior i_-iartner in the • of Vanatter and Naftel of The having been conneeted with the !James Mitchell in the same pub - ion for many year prior -to the is retirement. Hunan county ' two good citizens and the press uran two valued members in the ing of these -two veteran news- r hien. Our sympathy is extend the surviving relatives. Constance. Sidney Dulmage 'Of Detroit Christmas with his 'wife and ', and also 'visited his mother, Jas,. Mann, hi the village. and Mrs. Thos. Riley of Olin .ent Christmas' with his parents, nd Mrs, 'Geo, Riley, .• and Mrs. D. ' Tudor spent niay in Clinton with the letter's ts, Mr. and • Mrs. W. Stanley. . Christmas tree entertainment, in Christmas, . Eve was well: at d, The- proram consisted of a s by the younger members, reel- s, drill by the 'King's Daughters t piece entitled "I-Ioly Night'' out, Afterwards the gifts from •ce were distributed by- Santa. te a . number around here nt- d tile',: nominations at. Landes - on Monday_ s Myrtle Lawson of Toronto. 'Christmas with her parents, tnel Mrs. Rebt. Lawson. St. Helens and Mrs, John Woods and Miss' of Pathlow, Sask., are renew-. cl•,acquaintances around here at it, afteran absence of seven - Geo. McRoberts, Mr: Chas, Ilion and Mids Beatrice Mc- in left , on Saturday to visit Mary MCQuillian'in Muskoka. Theinas'Alexander of the ninth siert had the 'misfortune while g logs to get both his legs 1 below thp, knee. He was me - to Wingham "Hospital, where being eared for. d was received here last week . death of Mr. Pat McGlynn gf inter. Mr. McGlynn was a 'r -in-law ,of Messrs„ Cornelius, on Foran.., '., Alex. Stuart left last week for t with her sister, Mrs, 'Muiray can. She also .went to Toronto ind Christmas with her daugh- nna. Buckingham is spending the on at her home near Lochalsh. following are among those who 'ending their vacation at their Jive homes here:, Misses W. D. -ford of Timmins; Mabel Words an Clara Woods, ' Guelph; Win- Woods,- Galt;.- May Cameron, :o; Dorothy Webster, Ashfield: Duxnin, Dungannon; Muriel Wingham r and Mr. ' Alvin Toronto. • e a 'number of thechildren here have had attacks of , ng cough and measles. Loldesboro United; formerly Methodis, S. its annual Christtnas tree and hrinent on Christmas. night. It decided success and very• Large lilted, farmerlY Pr es ovte1 _ 'day school held its Christmas: the Community hall last Tites- ning.' This program was also Mont one: !'Dime spent;' "the week -end hone of 'Miss S. Barr on the Snell p: Toronto is spending ation with her parents at. the '3 e, rad Mrs. J. Armstrong spent 15 -ivIth Cons' ncc friends. r Mill of Myth yisited friends ds and'ti . Brigham of Star City, Sask., in re esenl; visit p his 5 parents, Win. Brigham. The (leder 1 1 and he speaks very, high; ni,it, B3,t:. stili it does hail good to see 1na11j*"of his school 'mates and old tiaeiids, ag tin, Nlr, and Mrs.' Hooper of Si, Marys anent the Christmas holiday at' the home of Mr. and Mrs; J. 7 llisy. The inonthl;,' . Meeting „ of ,the Wo- men's:Institute , will be, .held -in the Community hall on Thins/MY, des, Jan. nth I. tivell e"Cul; Day" ry th ;i. '}t c r Program and Tench by`'the Burgess' Portrait Stirdio• Clinton will be "open on uesdag, Jan,5 and each Tues day following • hours 11:30 to 2:30 Highelass Portraits a Specialty, annus, Burgess, Portrait Studio -,irITCIIEL5 AND CLINI'ON .ltl COLE,GGlATI: INSTITC;'1'II 13'URA) INGS ^. Editor News -Record; -During the past low months Clinton has been considering the building: of ¢t new Collegiate Institute aad T have been interested in reading the various ;et- to s that have appeared in your Upon arriving home' to spend .t Christmas vacation, I -was asked my father and several other - Parti if I would make an inspection of t school buildings with a view'to 'e pressing my opinion on the advisabi ity of remodeling. the present buil ings to put thein in a suitable ccsid Lion to -meet the requirement of Collegiate Institute for this town, • It is now five years since. I grad uated from the' Clinton ColIegia+ Institute and even at that time it we quite apparent that something week' have to be done. Now I' return after having. been actively.interested in the construction of school buildings at irarious places' in Canada•and in the United States. In looking through the building T find the condition of the school is more deplerable than I had expected to find it. My father and: I inspected the school's construction from basement to attic and fdunil that not only the floors, interior' walls and ceilings were in bad shape but also that the iuiderflooring, joists, etc,,, were in bad' Condition and quite inadequate to sup- port new floors. The windows, as well as being, very poorly located for the proper lighting of classrooms, were draughty and would need to be 'replaced by new frames. and sashes. The heating : system is in such had condition that a complete new heating and ventilating,system would have to be installed. In: short, ebout'the Duly thing about the school 4liat we found apparently in :good condition were the masonry walls and when alters• tions get in progress it is quite pin - slide that even the brick w`lls 11111 hihie to be repaired. The present' requirements of 'a school for this town would he, seven classrooms, ail auditorium, one or two science laboratories and.gymnasirun, es well as the teachers' rooms, offices, cloak -rooms toilets, etc., whieh would be necessary. Tlie present walls will by no means ever be made to snr- mound these necessities. Even by ex- tending certain of the masonry walls to make space the planning can still. be nothing' but awkward• and incon- venient avid the cost of doing this will be found to be very high. •,` From limy Ienneviedge of the cost of malting ailterations, I „would say that, the Bost of ,remodeling the old school. building to put it in anything like a permanently satisfactry condition as against the cost of building an entire- ly new school will,. by comparison, make it: quite inadvisable+to attempt an alteration scheme. My father was aIeo quite convinced of this fact. I should` like to see ' Clinton equipped with ,a school that will cit- able her to keep up the high educa- tional standard that has been .maiii- rained under a great Handicap iri the 'past. -FRED- 7. WALLIS, Salgfieici Miss Lola EIiiott returned , to De- troit on Wednesday aftef having spent Christmas with. her mother, Mrs. M. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs.: H. Lord and Miss Gladys Davison of London spent Christtnas' Day with "-their mother, Mrs Jno,•Davison. • Mss. G.M. Woods and Miss Anna. Woods left on Thursday to spend the Christmas vbeation with Rev, and Mrs. Crosby id Courtwr•ight. Mr. A. Ford King: of Toronto spent: Christina± with hi parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ' King -=1t1iss Mina Proctor, also of Toronto, was the guest, of. her aunt, Mrs. {ing. Misses Annie and Winnifred I Iliob;t of Toronto are spending the vacatiiin with Mr. and Mrs.: John Fraser.. ' Miss Betty Elliott of Toronto spent Christmas with her parents, l\1 , and Mrs T. II. Elliott. Mrs. Jas. Ferguson returned nn Tuesday after having spent CliriSt- ina 111 'n • r s WI g3 am, 311ss S. M. Ross returned lo Wood- stock on 'YID I r nc a 'after. spending Y e1 do r P g Christmas with: hen her parents, Mr. Ind Mrs. M.Ross, Miss Irene Roti .,of Buffalo was also home for the 1'nen- 0ioi1. Mr. and Mrs. L. 11. Smith of Lon cion are spending the Christmas va- cation with the hettcr's parents, Mr. and Ills'5 ` C, Parker, T_ 'Miss Margaret Balser at Toronto, Mrs. Victor. Bunt. and children and Mr, I'I irry Baker of London were all home to spend Christmas with their parents, Mr- and rM's. F. W. l;alcer. Mr, Ernest Brown .of the Standarc1 Bank spent,.;Christmas with relatives in Toronto. re M r C. Bander is spendini the Christmas ;season Willa Mr. and Mrs. II'. Brandon in London. Messrs. Lawrence ;and Fred.FowIie spent ,Christmas at their home,; Fred remained foe week's vacation, Mr. -George Blair' of Detroit is home for the Christmas holidays. '0 Miss Lucy McLeod and Mr. Charters "Plater, who motored from Detroit ancl. spent Christmas with the :tram- en's parents, Mr. and Yrs. W. J. 14fe- Leoci r t euineMonday. cl ozr Miss Rut Higgins Ii m T S Of i bin g do'ispent Christmas week end with her parent,,, Mi, Fred .Davison .of Detroit Spent Christmas with,,. his rnoil ei Mrs, .i, T3avbs1nr' tic 'Nest agreed with him Mrs. l urea and son Geor; e it AT ,.i 3. VICAR MUNRO 'ARCHITECT Plans, Specifications, -prepared for Residences,, • Churches, Schools; etc. Best references Room 8, Coote Chamber s Market Lane, London 32-11 Music Lessons Miss Edna Teacher of Piano and Theory Special Mites for Beginners Studio at home ill Ontario street, Clinton, Phone 163-j 33.2-p ton, Alta., Mrs. Johnston and Baugh: -ter-Maeion of St. Solace, John and James Stirling' of .Pickford, :Mich., Miss Maud :Stirling of Kingston and 'Mrs. Hugh McLaren of Port Elgin. are guests this week of their mother, Mrs. (!.:Stirling. Mise. Ethel Jowett went to London on Tuesday to attend a reunion of the ex -normae students of that school." Mr. and •Mie. Barrett and sons of Waterloo spent Christmas evith,their daughter, Mrs. Thos. Brandon, Miss L. Reid spent a week"with friends an Lnek'noiv, . Mr. and 'Mrs. Jack Stewart: of Stratford are spending a few' days with the 'letters parents, Mr'. -ans bin's, John Pollock. , Dr and M s: A,. Neteton-Brady. tnotefed to Goderich, and ..spent Christmas with the Tatter's parents' Mr. and Mrs. D. McDonald. . Births LOB/3 -.In Goderich township, -on Dec,'2Sth, to Mt and Mrs. 1i'rank Lobb, a son. SAVAGE—At the Genertal Hospital, Geneva, N.Y,, on Dee. 22nd, to' Mr. and Mrs. Owen Savage formerly Miss Lyda Livermore, .:1 daughter —Dolores Marie, Deaths SHEPHERD—Suddenly at Saskatoon; - on Dec. -24th, James Shepherd; eld- est son-gf Mrs. Junes Shepherd of Clinton, •COJRTICE At Reemesville, on Dee. 80111, Janet Annan, wife of Mr. A, T, Gourtiee, in her 77th year. LAWSON--1n tHullett, on Deo. 22nd, William Lawson, in his. 73rd year:, RU'TLEDGE—In London, on, Dec. 80th, .Susan Elizabeth Ford, widow of the late William 4, Rutlodge, of Goderich township. - For Sale Heifer calves, grade Shorthorns, a few days old. Apply on A. E. Durnin farm, " 38.1 Skating Party A skating party will he held in the Arena on Tuesday evening: Jan., 121h, under the auspices,ofthe young people of the Presbyterian .church. Everybody most cordially invited to tha'first skating party of the season. Admission: Adults, 25c; children, 15c. Hot doge,•,sandwiehes and coffee will be served,- - 3d'-2 Farm For Sale In Goderich township, an the- Pro- vincial Highway, 5 mile, oast of ,Cod- ei.•ich, 6 miles .west of Clinton, 'adjac- ent to Church ani.school, comprising 30 Beres of fn•st'class land, well,tile drained,'Good cement block 7'rbom house, bank barn 40;50, driving fit use. and garage 30x511. Orchard of 55 good winter apple•treess `;TTeverfail ing water supply. For farther -;par- ticulars apply grthel:;partienlars.aipply to Oswald Ginn, No. 1,..Goderieh. Phone 16-608,;God-, rich Central,'„ ti4f=5025. Farm For Stile 150 acres first class soil, go'tld building's, '36. acres fall ploughing. done, 4 acres Mit plougla:ed, fit for roots, 14 acres,: r 1lardw be( i ,bush 91 1, acres alfalfa timothy and, sweet clo- ver, 5 acres covered with orchard and buildings; 4 miles •east of , lintodil and 3"11 miles west of: Seaforth`; on the best gs'avel highway 7n` Ontario. Wild 'be sold on very easy terms; Apply` to Geo. Ai; Sxldall,, broker, Tuck now,: Oct, • Di; 'FOREST CROSI os ,l.3 ti lz+.ltxo Rey'yeup DeForest CrosIe .v Radio setrom'II A. Hovey: Lev me instal a'thre 'three -tube set in your hoiiic FREE for r one week.. I I fon .v are rine s'ti.iSJ, .Tied after:hetain'c it for a wee, that: it 15 the hest set yea ever •listened -10.` .I Witt take it out aud it will` not ocst . you a cent. Price, with Very 'best. equipment, 5142.00." 1 also •have in stock one ;five -tubal set with Mozart lo'tid speaker, 80 all: storage battery, 43 tubes, nntena etc., price compiete 1125.00. f..1 have installed at the StaraTheatre a Lull line' of radio parts, all kinds of tubes, B batteries, A Batteries, sock- ets, rheostats, condensers, it r secs aerial Wire and other parts too numel ons to men- tion I have also in stock several 3 - tube sets; priced et $100 to 1125, coin ieletc, II, A. Hovey, Agent:for 15e Forest Cr'osley Radio Sets, ,Phone 89. 1'rl Winton We' « i<deec i Applications Wanted The Home and School Club sanc- tioned by Board of Trustees, ask' for applications Cor emeicel n stius-, tion in the Public' School of Clinton: Applications received until San,, Sth' 1916. Address Mrs. J, G. Chower „ convener or Musical e ,mrrnlittge 37-2'J Skates Sharpened_ First class skitte'shar•penine. All work. guaranteed, Clinton ITardware. Co Earl l Crich. - 37-1.3 • Bard Wood Wanted 10 or 15 cords of sound, green, hard, d maple wood, 12 of 14 ,inches, delivered December, January or 'February. Cash on delivery.. Write Box 174, Clinton,. To Electors of Clinton: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN; 1earl i ` g ,Y appreciate the confidence rrr•eposed+in me by the people of Clinton in returning me for the third ye.tr as reeve of the town, the second year by acclamation. I can 'assure then' that I will do my ,best to serve thein,faith- fully and as'well tis it is possible for me to do. CHARLES G.-MIDDLETON. To 'tae Electors of. Clinton I am a candidate: for Councillor for 1926 and respectfully, 0211510 your vote and influence 04 Ls . sle FOR COUNCILLOR FOR 1926: Vote Samuel FOR COUNCILLOR If elected .Z will do my best to serve the town and see that alI cor- poration work and fundre properly handled. - Your 'Vote Sud influence solicited for r Bert . Langford 'FOR COUNCILLOR FOR 1.028 if elected I will conduct the town's bnsinesi`with .promptness and without partiality.. Wishing everyone a HapPY New Yeav, . To the Elects rs of Clinton LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: My name is before you as a Candi: date for the ;municipal council of 1926. If elected I assure the rate- payers that I will serve their inter - este to the best of my ability, Thank- ing' ,you in anticipation of your sup-, port at the polls, I ani, Yours to serve, L. W. CTIRRELL To the Electors of O•oderich Township LADIES Awls GENT•L3sMEN: e I-Iaviig decided. to., -stand:for the reeveshiip I respectfully solicit your votes on Monday, Jan, 4th, If elected I shall endeavor to; serve you to the best of my ability. HARRY COREY 38-1. 'a.the Ratepagers of Goderich Taavnshi LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: I take this oppor'timity,of soliciting your vote and: influence for the ,posits tion of Reeve' 'of. your townsltip, I" served eight . years at' ,your• cblrneil board, being reeve for the year 1908; and I trust that.niy experience may be of some benefit' at- this time; If you .elect ale for the €omnia .yvear.. I will de my best to reduce e ince elle -tax' rate, awl. will give everyone a square deal. Wishing each. and all the colnpli•• • inerts : of the Season Respectfully yours, HARRY L. SALI(PLD. 38-1 To the Electors of Goderich Twp. LADIES ,AND GENTLE•1VIPN: Having • been nominated for the of- fice of reeve of the .Municipality .3 have decided toallow my name to go before the electors. t am not without experience as you snow, having served five years at the council board,. and if el - s . elected will endeavor .: neavoxi,oaeyse your interests tothe best o1 nyyatl>'"1- ity. IIFILIBERT C. COY. ,. To the -Electors of Httliett' Township .T ADI12S AND GENTLEMEN: Having served your interest as Reeve forh t a year 1925, 1 solicit y o r support sufficient to elect^:ine tor tt;.c unnln•a' year. If elected, I will safe- guard your, interests to the ,best of ply 3ibi1103'.: . ROBERT C:LARKE. Cthlton Poliflrtll't Highest'Prices Paid for New .. La d E Everything points to Eggs prices for the winter eggs. Call and ask for the. recipe for our egg -producing mash—free by calling at our office, Now is the time to put as many eggs as possible on the market while the price is soaring. Always in the` Market for "good quality poultry °a Phone oar' 'office 214J for 'prices N. W. Trerwa tha Phones -Office,, 3145 Residence, 214w e Wish our Customers .. a Happy and Pros 'emus New Year Watson's s Grocer Phone 111. Caton The Clinton lVlills Have for sale now A CAR OF WESTERN OATS ALSO A LOT OF GOOD SHORTS Chopping Wednesdays and, Saturdays 7c per bag, 36-3 NOTICE Notice is hereby given,that James • Thomas Young of the Town of God- erich, in the County of Huron, Ma- chinist, will apply to the 'Parliament of Canada, at thenest session there- of, for a bill of divorce front his wife, Leona Christena Young, of the said Town of Goderich, on the ground •of adultery and desertion. Dated at the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 21st day, of- November, A.D. 1925. Hays &; Rays, Barristers, etc., Haai- ilton' street, Goderich, Oot„ solicitors for the .applicant. 33.6 TRAPPERS TARE NOTICE Coons, Foxes, Mink and Weasel ,skins have advanced in price so don't sell your -furs to travelling dealers, until yon get my 3rices .which are: considerably higher than they can pay. H. A. Hovey, Clinton. Phone 89. 34-tf LIVE AND DRESSED POULTRY WANTED .And Featheis Weiay highest Iiriees. Write for price list. Crates Ioaned. We are buyers '12 months in the year. Established over 30 years A. Stork & Sons 25 St. Patrick'., Market, TORONTO 33-10 CIothes Gleaned"and Pressed CIothes Opened pressen and re- paired. Woolen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's barber shop, W: J. raga' •-334 Clinton is O DARK mops 'iNTHE HEAVENS SNOW IN me, AM HEAT fora<5 iN THE RAM SO Y111 SHOULD HE tARE. HAPPY NEW *SEAR1, Have you made any good resolu- tions? The best, one you can make is to resolve to turn over ,your fuel worries to the Ileat Fonts. Our reso- lution is -Co give you another' year of good' service and good coal, strike or no, stiike. We can' furnish you with the best grades oh genuine Pocahon- tas 'Coal and of Coke' for your im- mediate e' needs. And we will • .have Sour favorite grades of Anthracite as .Soon a5 WCcan get them.. Call the. for good, clean' coal q u.. „ COAL PANY P'llfl I! CCIIUI1SDls v DEJI1MB Thevrami a,Chris- Irl' Touches 1 eart• That the Christmas Spirit which comes front -giving may 1111111 thr•ougli'the entire year—thatyou, that we, that all men may s even more fully, may give even noire freely of the best that isi is the Christmas Mge, the Newessa g Ywish ears wrsh which we bel will bring`. a more xe complete and lasting happiness than .' PP i can be veyed by me>;•e wishes for a_Hanpy Chrisrtmae: (i11r Hardware Rowland's Old Stand TELEPHONE' 53 CHINAMEL ST F. R. DARROW BA..._ RRi5TE R will be at his office in Clinton each MONDAY From 3to6p.m, 3041, .FLOUR, FEED AND SEED Have a ear Toad of Hominy Feed. This 'is a feed made from the heart of the corn, cooked and satttrated with malt' and sugar. The strongest feed on the market, yet safe feeding. Try - it on those pigs you are finishing or for fattening chickens: Special price for the next two weeks for cash, Tush received a carload of oyster shell; By buying these feeds in car lots we get special prices and offer them to you the "same way. • Also . Tankage, Beef Scrap and Charcoal. SPECIAL Have a few bags of Ne.;1 Ontario Variegated Alfalfa and are offering it at 112,00 per bushel, while It lasts. If you have any money to spare you. will find It will' pay you well to buy your requirements for spring now. a A,' FORD & SON Phone 123 Flour and Feed Merchants and .Grain Buyers COAL® - Having 'erected new coal s have on hand full stock of immediate delivery. Prices able, -, R. -J. MILL Orders .taken at residence, p COAL,. Wishing out Friends and A MERRY CHRISTM .AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NE E. WARD Phone 155. Hur A,TenrDag 8 of New Singer Sewing How. would a new multit wife for a Christmas Also full stock of nee repairs, etc. W. GLEN Co Phone 171T P.O. Box 20 M. RAMEA Will pay, the highest mar for. HORSE HIDES and BEEF SCRAP METAL GEESE and DUCE FE.,i Deliver to my reside Opposite Cameron's Carri Or. Phone 137 and I wi a Happy Newrr'Year 1926 To our Friends and Patrons, One and all, we send a Heart; Year's Greeting! We aro very thankful, for the many favors shown usduri past year and we feel that our efforts to -furnish the best'df wear, at the lowest possible prices consistent with good quality been fully appreciated, This thought affords us the greatest faction! •' We are not content with battles already -won, how ever, and during the Coming year, we shall press' far ward to still greater achievements in Shoe Selling. Again we say A Floppy New' Year. They Big Shoe Store Opposite the To C. H. V -E NNER .'Elecfric Electric . ri a sages, Fixtures, Beelbs, Irons, Fans an Appliances Wiring and'Repairs. Ph 5 - have a quanFlour and 1`‘e tity ua t of Bran Shorts,Whole i q Y and C Corn, Oatmeal bysack, Beef scrap, Beef meal O ste p Y Royal Purple Stock Foods and Oil Cake. meal, Five Roses, ... s, -Maple Leaf North Star, Clinton Maple Pe pe Pastry Flours, ,Monarch Snow Flake and Pie Crust f A choice line of fresh groceries We will buy,. - go. y u quantity of good oats...•. harlesworth SUCCESSOR TO W. Jenkins Son PHONE 19.9'