HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-12-17, Page 9' You can never go :wrong when 'you select a wxr t sx-atch toxo any
gift ocvasian k,ntit is ospeci illy agptopriate t 'Chriatnihs Lune.
Ever q won an wants a wxist'':watch" ther e a0 friendly sentiment; Li\
its tiny: dais tiness. that no woman car r esisr, " it endures indeiinitely
—and possasses a'cha m thatat no• as the year go by.
•]fere you willfind a vide selection in gold whitegol�l and s.1-
vex orno';se1 with tiny, gents—others engraved: 1., err•"•5vutch gai-
antc e i. -
o . �6D1LYlgS N
Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry'.
Fide Jewellery and Repairs • Next' Hovey's Drug Store
'raticai Christmas Gifts
I or .,ati .the: Famiily,
All those featuresyou, seek in a -'Christmas gift will be
' found in ourlist of gift suggestions and so inexpensive too,
TIES -Of beautiful silks, crepes BATH TOWELS --Single oi• in
fancy Christmas boxes, ' boxed sets.
or -knitted. 'Separate or in
SHIRTS -' English Broadcloth,
Bomber Cord or Madras. Tooke
and Arrow .brands.
SCARFS—In Silk and Wool or
the new crepe weaves.
SOX --Fancy cashmere or silfc
and wool,
HOSE — Ladies' or children's
silk or silk and wool.
line of patent z, slippers that
make a very acceptable gift.
son's Lightning Iiitch- none
Also the following—il loves;
Sweaters, Pajamas, Arm Bands,
"Garters, Fahcy Parasols or UM
beetles, Baby Blankets, ]laid'
Wool .Blankets.
Help. Santo Claus to be economical by selecting practical
gifts that are worth while
P1umste1 Bros.
PBOUiE 2s,
Full Line of Christmas Candies and Nuts
at Best Prices,
Oranges,. all sizes and prices -Grapefruit --• Lemons -Table Raisins-14ia1-'
ago Grapes -Animal Biscuits in„packeges—Christmas Stockings—Boxes of
Chocolates-Christie's special Christmas •Gift Boxes—Christmas Cakes—
' Christmas' Puddings in different sizes—Red Motor Trucksfull of animal
bisouits--'Eating Figs. •
Best. Olives—Marmalades and Honey
Main Store, Phone' 126 W. Branch Store, Phone 126 J.
,gorn.rr�e.r.v datorgratmarion#�
The Laun-Dry-Ette Way
of Washing Means—
°' No hand rinsing
• No hand bluing
No buttons broken
No hooks bent
No fasteners inward
No red hands
No hard -to -iron creases
No wringer and no.
extra tubs
” U]} p� Wouldn't you i'ke to wash the
lltl" � x15, . Latin-ney•Ettc Way? •Phon ,
retire wa.h ua tmeaal n®
n or at
Hydro Shop, Clinton:
Give Something
For example the electric iron
illistrated here , is a fine and
useful gift. Give one to mothr
Or to your wife, or if you think
they would prefer it,. 'give a
curling iron, or a, boudior lamp.,
Everyone who hasn't a radio.
is missing something good every
minuted Come in and tune in!
Let us Demonstrate.
Radios and Part,
Phone 174w-
Residence 174j
its o one Week eek
from Christmas
' o
-t0 New Year's, -.but it's -fifty-one
times that far £roa't New Year's
to Chx'istmas. A logical', moral to
deduce is—make ' the very best`
use of the season while•it.is with
us. and help others do the 10010 -
Otu Uohday Stocic may be of set-
vaee' to you, it has 'the .merit of
varietywith a consideration giv-
ento each ;article and to the
stock as a whole' to .see that it is
well balanced as to the range of
prices and range -;of arIlcles suit-
able for children, for men, for
The'Red Line
Each article natty, good value and
perfectly boxed
The W. D. Fair Co
Often the Cheapest `Always the Best
,„07:11• lm/ IISIIN1,u11111911alillily
Misses Helen and Gwen Holmes spent
the week -end with Barrie friends,
Miss Marion Gibbings is hone from
Ottawa for the Christmas vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McMurray left
yesterday far their new home i12
Mr. and Mrs. J. IC, Wise and Miss
viola of Gode ich were in Clinton
on Tuesday.
Mr. E. Phillips:of :Semis was in town
Saturday, coming to attend the fun-
eral of Mrs. George Davies.
Mire. •Ben Cole has gone to Ypsilanti,
Mich., to visit her sister and wi11
probably be 0014 all winter,
Miss Nellie Ifeane has returned from
a visit -with .friends its the west.
She went as far as Vancouver.
Mr. and: Mrs: W. F, Beatty of Spook-.
din, Ont,, are visiting the former's
Mt. JaNes Cornish of town,.
Mr. and Mrs. James Scott rent a
few days over the week -end with
their laughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Adams
of Windsor.
Miss Ella `Rutledge of Wallaeeburg
• is with her mother and sister,' Mrs.
W. A. Rutledge and Mrs. Wilfrid
Seeley, for the holiday period,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Phillips of De..
troit cam_ up for the funeral of the
fornter's sister, , the late Mrs.
George Davies, and-qemained in
town over the week -end.
Mrs. Carl' Mair and little Mise Muriel,
who have been here owing to the
iiluess of the'former's mother, Mrs'
R., A, Bell, have now returned to
their home at Allendale. ,
Mrs. 1larry Marsh, who had been.
home on accoun`of the illness and
subsequent death ofher mother,.
Mrs. George Davies, returned to her
home in Detroit on Monday.
Milo Margaret Davies 4eaVes today
to resume her duties' as-deaconness
in canneetion with a large • Metho-
dist church in Chicago. She carne
home ;a fortnight age owing to her
mother's illness.
Mr. and Mks. E. W. Rodaway left,.
Friday last for Walkervi1le, where
they will visit their daughter, Mrs.',
Yah Loon, for some „weeks and will
later go on to Chicago. They will
probably beabsent all winter.
Miss Florence Rorke spent the week-
gni with her sister; kiss Dorothy,:',
at Alma College, St, Thomas, a d
remained over for the Chrieien
Pageant :" on Tuesday evenrng, ,rat
' which Miss Dorothy gave a. reading.
Mrs. Harrison and Mrs..'McLachlan
of Parkhill were with Mr. George
' Davies and family ovsr 1rhe week
end, having conte to atfend,t e fun-
eral of their aunt Mm, Davies,
which took place on Saturday of
tet noon....
Tlx regular monthly meeting of the
'W. ' M. S. of Burris. and I riox church
es, miat the home. of Mrs. Leo Watt
with a large attendance..w•Mrs, Allan
presided, Meeting opened with si'tlg-
followed by prayer:, The sc"i -
tore lesson was read by Mrs. S. Me-
Vittie, thenthe roll call, the aerie-
tary's and treasurer's reports., A'solo
by ,Mrs. Geo. Watt was much enjoyed,
Mrs. Norman Shepherd gave a splen-
did paper 011 "Where is 'Tie." Matt.
2:2, ?Mrs. Leo Watt read' a very : -h-
teresting story. Another interesting
item was the piesenthe b'£ a life`
nzembersh'ip to Mrs. S. McVit-ie. The
officers were elected' for the corning'
year. Meeting closed with the Lord's'
Prayer. . very dainty .lunch was
served by Mrs.' Watt., The January
1t; 1-
(1)0 all ready now for Santa Claus: when he arrives,' Wednesday and Thursday, 23rd and 24th from Coder_
ich writhe three train. He wants Mr Cree to meet him with his red and white sleigh (just like Santa himself) and
bring him up to O'Neil's Christmas Store where he will have Candies Nuts
and Oranges galore at wonderful values
just for Christmas.' Everything in this line to clear out next week.
Oranges r�
Large Juicy Florida Orangee,`per doyen and 31e
Large Juicy Grape Fruit . • "..2 for 25c
These are from our own Grote in Florida, ripened on the,
trees and i1xcellent flavor
Also Tangerines, per dozen , ... , . , . • 50e
Then our California Navels (Seedlessand beautiful
color) per dozen ..... .. . " 2ec
Ms at 39c, 49e and 59e fortiarger sizes
We have never had fitter -Oranges at as reasonable a price
to offer.the trade
Nuts in Shell, mixed (including Peanuts) per lb....24c
Nuts, in Shell, No. 1:••mixture;,, per lb... ... 29c'
All Separate, Brazils, Filberts, Walnuts, per lb. , 29e:
California Budded Walnuts per Ib 40c
Shelled Walnuts, per;