HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-12-17, Page 5The an. years probe they The 'bue in Memel of "7 e row The appoin iS vrea , haps t his tre now 111 knows It is Ibsen p Lords have 01 -est eio very it „ zemarl that L then f morniti The S. was With 101 apenin Wm. D ..givene man a the off , year: Haugh; bury; second tray, Mrs. G (Rev.) tary, IV • ers' see , ant, M • 3013137,- A. T. S Mrs. • a beau was In os ett• , S011: The xj Scott recover -1 Mies --er, And guests this we St Quite in Miss burn) I . amount A Ch bY 'the S. S: N ' 21st, at given in - free, sm 1\11,s. visiting- , ;lured in weeks si Miss end in • Mr. J. •1, horse la had a lil The TI -‘11oad of Mr; 11 neeuding • vicinity. Mrs; • came on few days • Mise friends i Miee spending eets. bliss I Ring he) Roes. The co - the Unit • be held i • evening. • dialogues • : mines, qr. Messrs ' left laet Mrs. II .Goldtinori • spend ,the points in Miss 11 • 3eh on T The co Trinity c given ` 111 1 -,'Dec. 29010 program -,The Oro IVIr. an Mise Flo "'Talbot's 6 on Frida Arthur P lso assis At the •FridaY la very instr respiratio .Jhe secon :queen 033 from "He rethainder contest The 1101it on janum. Mr, an Mr, W .0 • Thursc 6.-71intee s-Reeir=aci ITURSDAY;, , rest ..t Li ., and ' M , 3 now1111POSSib,10 to . do your ams shopping' early-, tuhless you nd do it etrly in the morn- 'eel( from today will be Cl st- . !ye. Sombocly suggests that hu , . r is ,not rolling- the stock lags nry this yeaV. .. !Mennonites Indio left the Ciria& . . •st for Mekico a couple OP three ago aro canting baek. They- dy- found that goiiag• , farther )11.,,, "fared, -,voTSe,". - •• • , ., talkin,g nikths • • , . SEELEY-In Clinton; on Dee, ,14 --to Mr. and.',IVIrs. Wilfrid Seeley, ,. son. ---William, Alhort Ford. TANNER-L:1n Wallacehurg, on 'Dee, 12th, to Mr, and Mrs, W, Tanner, (forrn,,erlY GraCtt -W31kt-'2) 11. `5.3)4' - :•,15e a th e im-m___,-1„ -11-i„nett 1 ,,Dec ,J.3t1, s..„ I J ' ins , widow o f - tir, I- t- , , , , , Ocorge Hid; in, her 70th year. Exeter on Deeem r.,1 7th, G-rme-Bis'sett; relict of the late • ja:Ts•Cr"0301-1, aged 82 years, CAIVIPI3EIA., -- At ; ,City Hosnital, Hamilton, on December -5113, Edith M. Campbell, daughter of Mr-, WI- ijou,„ compucn, Godetich. . . : Burgess' Portiait Studio, Clinton TO THE PEOPLE OF CLINTON AND VIQPNITA a ' ' ' - ' '•f , '''Irtt saY tIt'''''''t: 1 'ort3t.i- it' imr.0.`"" ,, B , ' N ' 8 f .192S 0 ‘ or , • . ' the Tow- --' Cluntoril 0 ' Xi 0/ ' • . I clintonle01- .'. - HIghest•I fiC b` Pad lasir '• ' ..., ' ' . Reliable IVIerchanc sible to ibe in my Clinton' Studio again before Christmas, But will open again boil,' ;fter ,Clarithri's I wish to is;hank jai; customer; f el; t'beir patron- ago- since f opened ' the- Clinton Studio,. , _ , , ..,- - , . , " W W Blue ess, Photographer . . . . , MITCHELL AND CLINTON' A By-LaVi 0 • -, coiFieugnido:Stef,orthe ' Ereth in t etilding , -- . , . WHEREAS it , hm.: oeen made to , 'creSirabie, N eW I -aid Fags a . j.,,,,,..erything points to g'oed , prices for the Avinter egg.', Coil anti ask for , th e recipe ' f or our. egg poo lucing , • , . mash -free ,by calling at our office. , . , . Now is the time- 'to put as inanV eggs P on 'the market while tile' .. ,. . , • price -'1,"3 soaring. ,, t, %/Vele M SaVill / ------.... - . - ---s, . There ] .: ;1 IL i'vf i''' pleasing -. ''' things' to' 4.41.)#. ,,, , i .--' -a q ! -,„ .21. our veil aPpear that .a. new Oolleg- iate InStitute hUil.dir.g.' ,should. be - .. : . A13 '403 nt the 'market 10)' g°04 . , 0 ,,,.,;,„,,_./, _.,,,,_ yoil'11 f J. VICAR MUNRO _ ,ARCHITECT Plans .SpecificatfOns -,,eepared for , . . Reoidenoeo, churches, Schools, etc, Best references, '. Rooni.„S, Chambers , .„ erected am the Town of' Clintem, and to meet the cost' thereof that -the sum . .. . of eighty thouszind dollars ($80,000.) should be 'borrowed on the' credit of the Corporation: " . . AND WHEREAS, in thereto ,clualiti poultry ..„ ;me our office 2141 for prices , ,,, VV. Tirelivartha . " • - • ' • Phones -Office, 2143 Residence, 214w -- .0,,,...,,ze sues a -...F-''''(1 '. f cti ..!-.-.-.....:. , t,...,...- ,. ----..--tae'' . '''''''.7111-.F.--..4 1 attte:nti' s*h..1 lee' '1: qeeee. ial, , e„,•e .`e -e.= ,g, - , "'n'vel .VV't only wai T.are of erecting. a sta- Queeds.park Teeonto, to the T of - Alexarder Muir, Liuthor e Maple Leaf." Why not plant ef maple trees? . ' • London haberclas eis ale dis ted heause„.the Prinee .of Wales ring last, .*ar,e overcoat. per„,„ le Prince spent so much during . . .vels th,at he lifts to CC0601111ZO at he's home where •eVeryboily . ,, him. , HENSALL' CHURCH PROPERTY. - '•• cAsn SETTLED , - The.Hensall TJnionists have offered, the Church Prope, rty Conunission the foriner Methodist church; for use. of the non••coneurring PresbYterians, and the .„offer has been gratefully an- ..., - cepted by the Commission. Thus the Hensall case has been' settled. The . • • , . , .... ‘ applicants asked .for tfte toimer rres- i31Yi1 akin ,ehureb, which the 'Unionists are themselves using. Coote . .mleket . . order , , , eaee,„ Lane 1,0. ntioa,_ '• ' • ' '' . 82_11 ' / ii, .w.ni he necessary to issia. dehen- tures' Of the Town' of Clinton for the 61.1111 of 1;80,000.00 as hereinafter c___ W. JACKSON member but eve . ' The Clinton ,-- - -- pro-,' videcl. . ' AND 1Y,IIEREAS • it . is desirable that the said debentures' shall be pay- . OWN AGENT' C.P.R. . as now located in Die famil tr',,r.,-.wr_411 -,. . „ .. ' ,, -. • Flobr Ilitills , ti s Have fori.sale, now . • . . • A CAR OF WESTERN OATS ' . , ALSO A LOT OP GOOD .SIIORTS , 'able hi, thirty years and shall .bear in- terest at the rate of five per cen,tum per annum,. payable half yearly, and shall have 'coupons for such interest attached. . . ' AND WHEREAS the .ainount of the whole rateable property of the . - • said Town according to the last re- , , • II. T.-RANCE'S OFFICE . RATTENBURY ST. . . ,. . Through ticketg issued' to all - , points in the West . , ' ' ' 43-4 ' (1: ' ' TELEPHONE 1•111.nd P 1-11,,,wia,d,P8.6.16:4 .53 / ar -$Wta , . „ CHI -N said that.since amplifiers have ut. in the , British, gnus° of the dlifatinguished members. ) be ver.3r -careful, as.Mhe slight- rd 'can he heard. .It would. be. wkward if one titled member ed -to a' neighbor sitthig near 33(1 —7- was lima -ass," and. nand it published in the next g's Times, - . * . . TY E. INSPECTORS SPEAK ' PLAINLY REGA.RDING , ' COLL,E. GIATE IIIIII.DING The attached extracts' from Inspee- tT's TePorte, extending „ovek .a period a elArel1 years and submitted by the.. board, • ehourd ibe read . by everretepeyer. When, it k• is raalia9 that the present' C., O. I. building was practically condemned as obsolete .eleven years ago, seine idea can be Chopping= Wednesdays and -vised assessment roll i's•-, the sum of i et _ -... Per bag . $828,375.00.",, ,,, ,7e e AND WHEREAS the amount of , Chnstrnas Oranges r,- _. the. existing• debenture debt of the . . . , , • Christmas 'Tree Entertaiament • Wesley -Willis Sunday sc, ool wilt hold• its aanual Christmas tree and entertainment in Wesley ' church on Friday even -in • liee - 18th at 7-30• g, • 7 _ • . A gOod Program . is, being prepared, ,All•weicerne. Suudery school seholars free,: adults .15c, • ' nen ----1'• Corporation, exclusive of local im- provement debts secured by special rates or 'assessmentm s' $162,205.60, and no part of the ,principal or inter- est li in arrea14.• • ' • ' ' THEREFORE. THE :MUNICIPAL CouNoir, or THE CORPORATION OP TIIE T,OWN OF. CLINTON-EN, ACTS. AS FOLLOWS: ' ' Grapefruit ' ' , ... „ , Cranberries & Grapes fro e 1 Lanny and Nuts Also Frnzen 'Halibut and SahnUn ARROW -.1,i ., , BARR ISTER ' .., . will be at his offiee . e . in Clinton each ..-- MONDAY • Having erected have on hand fu immediate deliver able. ' R. J. • • • Orders taken at r ' ' uonthly meeting -of the W. M. held on Wednesday, Dec.. poi; ks. 3. Addison as leader. The. : prayer -was- taken by Mrs, my. Interesting readings were , , , 1ST IVIrs. McDonald, Mrs.. Was- M. Mrs. • Dow. .Frillowing,are leers elected for the corning Honorary president, Mrs.. C. president, -Mrs. Wm, Rotten- het ' vice, . IVfes. J. Hazelwood; vice, Mos. J. „McQueen; seem, Mrs. 3, Addison; .: treasurer, .Bro,eka press secretary; Mrs, 0. G. Armour; library' seem- rs. W. Douglass; .Iiirme Helps •etary, Mi.'s. 'H. ZaPfe; assist- a, 3.1Vrooclie; strangers' see- Mrs. W. Dew., Assistant, Mr. eott. . , ' Armour. played and sang ;mit .obri.,... , .. . seams ,,r-iymn, waren eh, eppreciated. The meeting. • vith prayer by Mrs..j. Addle , . , . . rnlaY friensis • ' of las" Will"- in he glad to hear that bhe ie mg from her reeent illness. Aggie Beattie and. her broth- cew, of Westminster were. the ef Mr 'and MI'S • A. T. Scott3 ' ' '. .. geined of its present conditions and the roblem which faces the -board in' dealmg with the mtuatione .. , InsPetter WethersA.mareh .1.914: "The School Building is fair behind the times. he -old (part of he etre& , . tare is exactly forty years old. The rear" addition is twenty-nine Yeans old. The time is fast approachina when the. Department. of • Echication should press urgently for a new Mod- ern building." Irispecter.Levan, ..Itino .1913- Th I: '`---,.. building is quite ' te.b• small for t.he present attendance, and the aceemm9- . dations are veryTheadequate. The Scienee -Laboratory 15 CraMped• and his poor.faellRies for storage ot• all- Paratus. ,. . . Spice for the. cap-reores hae, been provided by- partitiening oit a portion of the.halle,4witli the'result that the latter are en•iall, and vulva& The floors are old and badly worn, and their projecting knobs make un- oomfatable' -walking. The walls and Ceilings of the whole interior are -, , thabby•and are in nee .0 .re ecora- e 1 d . . on. . . . But, as.••1 have elsewhere po nted out, the oonditiOn of the. ae• commod.ations is anything but. med.- itable, The need' 01 iniprovement is . growing. acute, aed the problem will have to be facedein -the not remote- fetart. , „ *. ' Inspector Levan, June 1920 -"So Air es the .aceinnmodatione ale cot- Conditions! here . .. Notice win the ,verty „wile has volumes 2 and of Everyman's. Encyclopedia . . . . . . . . 1, That for thepurpose aforesaid there shall be borrawed , on the credit of ...the- Corpo_ration the_ sum eof. • *'s Cirocery VVatsoli Ph'one 111 From 3 to 6 p.in . • 304f. ,.. CO Owingcoal belongng to S..S, No. 4„Tuckersmith $80,000,00'• and debentures shall be , ciinton . to the hard kindly return the same at once, All library books. out are to be returned before school closee. Trespassers 0e. school property will in future be Pro - secuted. - By order of the trustees. G. R. Fear, Secretary. •36..1 ' issu_ ed thete,efor ibearing 'interest at the rate of 'five per contain pee an- num, arid having coupons attaclied thereto for the payment a intereste 2. he debeaures ehall bear th same -date and shall be issued within two after the date -vollich TRAPPERS TAKE NOTICE ' Goons, Foxes, Mink and Weasel skine have advanced in price so don't seri your -fureato travelling dealers untilyou,. get ., my prices, WhiCh are auls"leraoe+Y nigher' tlUm they ......, FLOUR, FEED AN ' ° -SEE!) . • ee II. aY.e a car load -"of. Hominy Feed erhes is feed , b ut w Soft Coal, Coke a ALSO SO E. li Phone 155. , • Hard Wood Wanted, • 10 or 15 'eorde of sound, green, heed maple woerl 12 or 14 inehee years on thiS By -1403' IS paseed and nary, bear date within, such two ware and ailY - `' shall be payeble hi thirty can gay. I. A. Hovey Clinton.- Phone • ..,' ' 9 34-tf : a made 'rout the heart 01 0116 com, cooked and saturated=with malt and sugar. The strongest feed on the niarket, feeding... Try 1 . 1 A Teniii3 :of i ' delivered Deeerriber, January or February!. eireb oe delivery, mete Bea lee, °errant . se„p. yeaes after' the d t a SUPiS a 4, -• " - ' .3: The deiientures ae to•both prin- eipal and iriterest shall be made .pay- Itn on s ospi a Cr t 1 Fl 1 I , . . For Stck Furniture. yet safe • , „ . it on those pigs you are finishing or for fattening chickens. 'Special price for the next two weeks for cash.. - - - New singer 4 How would a new • wife for a oe .1Parin'For Sale ' ' In •Goderich .township, on the Pro- vindai Highway,' 6 :ulnae .eaet of God_ erich 0 mike :west of 'Clinton adiae ' . - . ..• :'' ;-:-.- ent to ehul'ell and sehool conversing 7 . 30 acres of first class land, well tile- drained. Good cement block' l•room house, bank barn 40x60, driving house able at the oNice of the Treasurer of the Tow11 ef Clinton, ,and shall,be signed by the 1Vlayoe and Treasurer of the said municipality and shall • have-Dtached thereto,. the Corporate f .th T i. . ... • Seal o e own of C mton. Tee de- • . bentures .hall have attached to them ecrup,ons for the payment of the inter - est, which coupons shall be signed by , _Operatiens of „healing performed ....,.. , daily - , . Our Slogan-' Than New" • Don't let that broken chair. or other a .ti e de occupy _space. 'anothee day without reaYing tent. , Upho/steriag • just received a carload . of oyster shell. By: buyingethese feeds in oar lots we get special epricee and offer them to you the seine way.. , ... . ' Also Tanicagee,"••• Beef Scrap ancl At , • 1 1 imaecoa . < SPECIAL • " e , ZAISO full stoc _ ' repair: W. bii,a) ' Phone,1713 PJ and garage' 30x50. 'Orchard . of 66 good winter apple trees, NeVer-fail- mg -Water supply. . For Anther par- .6. .. . . . • R milers apply to Osweld Girm„ R. to. 1, Goderich. , Phone 16-603, God- rich Central. 0041-5025 __,.___ ' the Treasurer of the TOWII of Clinton, The sight:teed ,cif the Treasurer :to such. coupons , may •"; be written, stamped, lithographed ' -or 'engraved thereon. • • • 4, That upon the praising of thig. By-law ' • We have also a nice line of -tap- eetr7 upholstering' material 8511(1 015 . that shabby surto -or eouch enclehave ,it recovered and be in shape for your Cluistmas entertaining.' Prices the • - Have a few bags of No. 1 Ontario Variegated Alfalfa and are offering it at $12.00 per bushel, while it lasts. :If you have any money to spare You will find it`will pay you well to buy voquireraead for d 11/1. RA: , Will pay. the higl for , . ' HORSE HIlDES a• ". killeg Township- , . • - a successful ceneert *as he1d1 Eveida Talbot's school MOY- Let Friday, evening: Proceeds e . , . 'd to $50.90. •.'istnicis: concert will be given' inpils of .S. S. No. 4 N. and o 4 $. on Monday, December 8 pan. -The eoneett -will be the South SChool. .Children' all fee windie Charged 'adults, ,hall -ventilation cerned, aro, raost une Setisfactory.,The attendenee has out- grown the capacity of the building., The classymem eaceounnodation is ill- sufficient. . . . The is but One, Seience Laboratory, which is cramped and crowded, and has Veryincidequate ., , , provision for the storagd• of appa- rateis, -The Halls have been narrowed to provide for err -II -rooms. The lain- elpal's private rOOTO has been carved fgoin the ball on the inain floor, and d waiting -room for the girIS from the on the second floor. Lighting and are bad, and the class- • 'ranee For Sale 150 ac•res filet class soil, good buildings, 36 acres fall ploughing done, 4 acres not ploughed, fit 4'or roots, 14 Ilardwood the, Mayor and Treasurers are hereby autherized and directed to pay over to theCollegiate Institute Boiled of the seid Town of Clinton from tine to tiose such 3011138 as shall elosesto .. ' ' W. S. powNs, CLINTON. • Opp, Ontario •St. Church Sheds, Phone 95 . 32-4•p , your s ve now, pe 1 e . -7--- -1-''''''''--- . ,1 A. FORD -St SON. SCRAP GEESE and DIJ. — Deliver aeres bush, 91 •e It ILI; tie othv and -sweet el 'tooes a . a . 1 . -0- yer, 5 acres covered with orchard and buildinge, 4 miles east of Clinton and 344, Milos west of Seaforth en the be required by the said Board for the purposes aforesaid not exceeding In , , . , all' the: sum of $80,990.00 so to be„,, raised: • ' ' . • 5. That during the eurreney of " ',urn AND DRESSED . • POULiTRY °WANTED' / . Phone in ' Flour Ana'reed Merchants and - Grain Buyers to n Opposite Cameron Or Phone 137 • tVOSIMMLIAMIIMIMSMIAMMISO best -gravel highway in Ontario. Will be sold on very easy terms. APPIY •te Geo. A, Siildall, broker, Luckaow, Ont. '8.6-4 • the • said: 'debentures there shall- be levied and raised oh all the rateable propeety of the • Town of Clinton the Sum of .44,000.00 to meet the annual • And Featherp. We pay highest prises. Write for ' le fls. Cr t loaned. "Ar tve• p ice m . a es. e 1, bnyers 12 rnontha in the . ar „.............-,...........-........... .,, Practic ,l • .. ,Ilonsie.For Sale' Huron' street, 'bait, two- storey .briek, 9,roomed•house. Good lighting and town water. One half . acre of land with good ' bare :and orchard. Apple” to Geo. 1,1911and. 35-2-P interest on the said debentures and the sum of $1,426.41 (less stick sons a$ may be .payable during the'eurrent year by the Connty of Huro13 or anY other, municipaity contributing, '. to- wards the cost :of the said building to -provide ailnking fund far the 'pay- year, - Established Over 30 years ,,.., . ' . . -::. ' A. • A. btoric Ak'Sons 26 St. 'Petrick's Merk.et,• TORONTO 83-10 • • . . • Ctiristitias Gi - room Doors are badly worn. . Auburn "'These conditions have eontinued ... . ,or mene.time and are not improving. aine's' is at Exeter this' iveek .AS -the -town is preparing to- erect 'a Mrs, Mollard, who : was in..' inhch needed' PublieSehool building, . . . . • A , an antemobile accident a few the 'present ' secommocistIons should rice,. e ' •. ,' be adcepted for the cuerent: year; but ,. Zee ' Andrew spent the week- It ShOtild be understood - tht-is new ocierich. . . ' . building will be required in the. not ' Nieholscni lost ' a Valuable remote future." . rt week, IVIr., 'Minim, •Wilson • Inspector Houston,, Match 1921---. e' misforturre. • - "A, stove has been set111)iu the Gym, . . . Fe°, are getting in a ear- but the gitls wen wearing their -coats alt this week, during Physical. Training," :, ' .. _..e._ - ' And'in- NO IC . • • ' t,' 6 • -Will all ' parties having aecounts' against ,the Clinton. OlcV Boys' lie- union Committe.e. please be good en•-' ough to.'have, .these turned in at once.' : e 0 Seceetary. "25.-e,, ment af the said debentures at the 'nativity thereof. ...'• ' . 6, the votes a the 'electors' qual- • • 111ed to .vote on this lify-law,- shall , be. ...ta ken. 011 Monday, the fourth'. day of January, 1926, comme.neleg at - 9 „ . . . ' Mathes Cleaned and Pressed .- Clothes . cleaned preseed and re-• paired. , Woolen 'goods dry cleaned. - Roans over Beard's barber shop., W. 3. jag°. - ' -8341 1 • ' , . . We ask- the consideration of people who are , . . the most sensible and practical of all 41',1 1, ...-- Caistrna • ible to give to a Man Wotnen; Girl, Boy, P. . ' . 1-'c . . p,' .B. Stahel's, . (meek a.m. and continuing, until 5, h ' ' Our C me Fo tw , , Young Ilog For Sorviee• Yoinig Yeekahire hog of select bar .. am type., ' aeady • for service= .10145115 61.25. J. W. ,Crieh, E•uren , road, Phone 23-.617. - . • . 25-2-P . , . " ' . ' -1926, o'clock pen. at the•Same erleees and by the same, Deputy Returning .Officera as are appointed for the annual elec. Von of theMurricipeleCouricil ef .the , . Teem a olintor,, ,. \ • .7; on the second day of. January. _ . • Hit 11 S , _ '--9 . ' itheilti 3 , 4 • There are Shoes for comfort, Shoes for Service , dress. Seautiful leathers and leather combinations for, and Children!' There is footevear for the „dance and a e full dresuftmetions. In Slippers we've a host of good Boots and Rubber DootS for the Boys. Shoes for Hoc ' . Deigfield - . -• , , . .Mciahou.se of London.is S, faW (Jays h'untieg • in -t'lle 7.,•% ' '. , ' ,.....• .' •- dice ---Tile.n1P.8011, .of Otelei'ich...p21:enlarirtig,,the VInirsday lest 'to, .epencl, a'. iii. the village!, ,.. , ' ' Iora Venereal.. is . visiting' 1-4.endem ... • " , , . 4iiii,:wicitny .9E 'Toronto is her , holidays with her par- , .. .• , , teem Ross of. Boffalo is.. vis- „pkents, Mr., end Mrs. M• • :. . . rieekt under the .aiispiees of • . . 4 Ch,urch Sunday echeel Wdl. '4 the .to,wri lizill on.,..Frid. ,he Peograid•Will eonsiSt 0 ,...drill,s, - recitations.panto- . . arteftes, etc. , , - ...IVIcileohn and Charles T ores week for Port, .Maitland. ' ' . . .,A.•. Stott • and 1VIr. ,J. Q. ,0 left on Thursday last to 'winter in Frange and other, „ - -• Europe,. . • ..• • . arY• Kinfer. returned 10 Z0:11'.- ., ,. . dir,e.dayelast. •• , . iceet tinder the auspices of rureh Sunday" school will be 11131 town Fail -on TuesdaYe , . , . , ,..,,The maidefeature of the will' bO a cantata, entit z _ , -. led !teeing ,of Christmas." . le IVirs. Lloyd' Making ,-,11,1. . , • Edwards attended Mise, -Fe , IVleirele 1922--e"As noted bee fore, the Gymnasittra is indire-.a men, ace to, health than anything ' cite ow • ., big' to lack of heet,!! • , , . Inspector Rogers', June 192- Poo 'sonally : I feel tliat it Woald he bad eebnorily '''',iii . siefiel 'erre":-Inenb enemy- •••• preeent building." ,, Inapector Leyan; October 1924- .E`The acconimodations here , aye. not only inadequate, but also quite nii- suitable for A school al this, size: a ramshackle .building • dingy, elaie.) . rooms, peer- lieatinglighting, wail,: ation, eraMped and miaow halls .1111,- •peding • the, free movement of glasses' from room to ,.room , an out-of=clate. ,„ seienee . taboratoey, ,and :). gymnasium that cannot -be.used in -winter, mak- . ing it combination that.fayourS• neith, .- er •health 'rum -education: At least one.. class,. consisting, 01 ,over 40 pupils, is ;crowded into a small•rooni with little more thhn half - the, air space .„that .Tow» should be.: provided. These, conditions are net new and' are not-credrtable.. If they ' were generally realized 'in ' the town,- 2 am convinced they would not e tolerated. be - - . . .. , , "The present building has outlived ilton its 'Usefulness and should. be replaced with a .new •one p/anned to Meet the needs Of ,..moclern education. When young: people are under obligation 150 attend Selmoi," they 'should be 0111'... , . ... rounded, withi wholetome conditions. , set l The Boar i d •510010, . nrel-e conclitions known and seek ,raehns of remedying a them" : • - tor • . fied . . . • *--r------.. '•• .' .''' 'Bush .For Sale- , , , .will ' .0n Let 18, ,Maitland con„, -doderich. townehip, 1% miles from •Helmesville, 2 pieces of besh, one 15 acres, the other. 25 atres, are offered:Tee' ealee . . . For particulars, apply, to,..Jerecene Be- ,2:11;_opposingt...the dard, • • . „ .at 11 o'clock :arm: the Mayor 310411341 at Mlle Clerk's" offiee "to a.,,,,,mat.,percoAs 16 ...attend...a the aid& .. " ' polling plaeee and at: the final -sum.- Ming" Op ef the '1Votea. on .,13elealf ' el , poisons ..1in. te ree te• d ,ri ' 1 'aile„ I' prom'o ting. , , . Passing .of •-thiSety- „ . , • : ' .. • , - • HAPPY '131HE HOUSEt-MC TOAT KNOWS THESE - MEkeY SOULS. , 11-1EY city,E,Noy games. • • .. . • 1 • ..:. Cone inand sea hew rrianY good .things eanbe e from Our lihe of Choke Footwear tha will,. be just ' Christmas. , • - • . PRICES ALWAYS AS LOW' AS GOOD QUALITY' W • • •-• . .Courtwright, Oat. ' 33-14' .1e. . . - • • ',' . .ileAT 7 ApLENTy•, • . NOTICE 'Dee . "-,----- .Notice is hereby. e•ivea that 331131553 Thornas Young,, of the ToWn of God- 'given eeich, in the Couritief Hurcin„, Illa-. chiu:lsir will apply to the Parliament of Canada,' the. ftext there-, 8. The..Clerk will attend at bis of-. • , - . , on Tuesday, the 5.th day of Jan, uary, 1926, at the .hotir' of 11 o'clock dm. to. sum,n'nu o the niber of votea .for and against this -Bylaw. - 9: This , By-law shall come into force and -take effect' immediately, ...,., . ., wrntA MINIMUM Qr COAL.S • ,q1:.. , . • FRED JACKS° , . The Dig Shoe Store Opposite th ... , , at session of for a hill of divorce from his wife, Lorie, Cheistena 'Storing, of the said of Goderich, 'on' the grmind.. Of 'Ot ethiltery.and desertion. ' • ' . Dated at the Town Of GoderiCh; in County of 'Huron; this 2.180 day of Novembeie"-A.D. 1925, 1 ''''''' m & el B , ,.• t . ee ays ays, arms eis, ole., am- street Goderich, Ont., Solicitots , , oi,..the applicant, v... 33.0 upon the firail passing therea. . ' DATED at -the Council Chamber in the Town of Clinton this Seventh daY December. 1925. • ' ' ' " ' ' ' ''' " ' ' ' " ' ***** ' ' .. • Mayor. ' • ''''' * ' ' • . ' , Cimic, - . NOTICE ' ' ` Christmas Take notice that the • . ..e .1 tee,- " tiats0m-,z, .., You.' wouldn't :feel like celebrating , IDay „ way in ka cold - noose. But C•VE Hl . NNE E ee tri 9 . Electric Ranges Fixtures, Bulbs., Irons, Fan 4 ' ." Appliances . Wiring and .ftepairs, • . truacopY DE FOREST ogosLE,Y RADIO llias ' " . :,,. .' ' 1 : , 13ny you Delsorest Crosley Racho 4, . • .: ' Coulee. 10111 H. A. elovey. Let me instal three -tulle set in your -home FREE event , , • being one 'emu( - It e . you er . not sat's-, month after hearing it tor a Week••that • ' • . - . . The is the best set 'yeti eVer lietened to. ' . . . . which will take It out and rt evril net cost ,.' ,.,.1 • , tenth ecn"' ''''' 11'1" veaY • ''''" . that --'., • ' .... 8h.1{1 III e in st el one five -tube also. 01/ 0 c. . on with "Mciecirt loud speaker, 80 -al. places 'battery, 5 tubes, enteria, etc., above is a you , . of a PriVesed' by 1w which cheerless been taken into Consideration and with which will be finallY',,.. passed ' by the meat . . • •• • • . of the Municipality On the have of the assent ' b.f.'. ihe" electors -P •• • - • - • • • • obtained thereto) after one of from the filetpiiblication in - . - - . . . . . . , ,. oi Clinton News -Record, the date of . ' • , • • e'clei• - i • 1 ..Y pubbeationewae- nrscay, t le • . • ... ' , ,day of -December, 192o, ano the votei• Of the. electors' of the municipality will be taken there- ' , ' a on the day and at. the home an 'therein fixed. • • , Teminte 'whose leases extend. for - , nsedn't ' worry about facing 'a heatless Christnias. Even the coal strike unsettled for the perks ere aill on the job. We ' . ' ' • - •-' . obtamed, a supply of genuine a ion as .coa and' o e e, 1 t '1 e - ok either °° - • . . which can be used ,m, grate, range • f , IN ready • to fill ..innace. . e otir 'orders • ' • ' • Call the ttriallelifft, , , ..... , , or good, cletot iqoal u 11110 ' ticerne 1-1. T-1 urcha'secl the Flour nd Feed and GroceT,1; . --a -ng P .. , ti• , . , ' w a -' rl R I wonld res ectfull solicit a co =4. ealkuis , and -0n, .. P. Y • the patronage accorded them. • ' . ) I am repared to'contillue the. business as in the p endeavor to satisfactorily supply the neede of those re thing in the above lines, • • ' ,.., • •, , .., ... . _ , Trusti,n,glo he :favored vrith a ,share• of the pationag•I - - - ing public of Ciinto» and. vicinity, '. - oneert at .WeYbilrn schont • • • e . last. Messrs. A., Dunn, echrand Harold Scotemner. ted• with the ')Program. ' -- Meeting 01 -the Y.; P. .S. on , . • it; Dr. a , ' • . it .. Salvation .Army Cirri:Ames Tree . ' C Aed Entertainnient in S. A, hall on Tuesday evening' l)cc. 22nd at 8 Y°11.`. eauipment o'clockf. Admission, 25e. Every body - ' ' 'weleoine. '3 6-•1 set ,Newtoii-Brady-gave uctive 'talk On -the organs of 1. •:IVfiss' Lucy :Woods i gave 1.topie,' -"Carmen %dye-, a io' Mothered . her beople," 510402 our Homelands."' The of the, eVenibg 'Was ,sPerit ; and' 'a geography match. -eguler, ineeting Will be held y ' -' • . . • xi, Will 1.,,,..,„..)„ and. weidock w,cre in the 'Village lay. bast. ' • . '',', .. . . Attention Ladies! - storage , I am prepared, to do any line ,of piece Hair Dressing,(and Beauty Culture _at my home in 'Joseph street. Call for a an information in these lines. Hot tubes,- , Oil .-.. seek.) treatments, sharnpooing, ets, -water ,and ' finger waVing, artistic and . Manicuring with • oil,. hair cuttitg, 'Wen. 1926 bob frOM TI-- •S., marcelling and tube einlincr facial treatments, Ivith Mc- iplete. Lfaighlan,. !bridal bloom.--myrilo Id, Forest Main 86-1-p complete, ,$125.00. ' the 1 hav.d installed at the 'Stai• Theatre created full line of radio parts, all kinds Of pay B batteries, A Batteries, Sock- the rheostats, eondensees, aerial. wile Lion% other parts toe numerous to rnen- fore ., , " I have also in stocic sevc1011 8- vote, sets, priced at $100 to 4125, coM.- , H. A. Hovey, Agent fot De Cros-ley Radio 't8..etS4 P11011O llli„ Baton ' , 84--tf 1025, time fa which the debt is to be and who have covenanted to all nuardeipal taxes, hi respect of pro erty, must file ,their declaya. eot•leter-than the tenth day be- the 'day epreeintee for 4,1;-,m8,, the . , ,.,, • D. L. MACPHERSON, ."," -Town Clerk. tiMs se7en0h (...ay .m. D,,c,„robc,/, , , ; ) DAL COMPANY i . 11 , , INTIIM , . . 1 . ., , 3 .11 , 1-1 Charle • • . . th swot , izecessor„. , . . ._..,.., • . L. -- j EAKINS , ...a... -