HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-12-17, Page 1330 471111 Y' a
CLINTON, "d: N,ONreAftUQ, Td URSbAY,. DECEMBER -17, *925
al)c sgr'aething which the public wants lo' bu
YYecrrtsT and Y ecrrt-li c iGiu
The day is Christmas, and the. scene is home.. A
happy gathering of friends a5id'loved ones are •talking
of their gifts. Here and there, a ring sparkles, an orna-
meill .of gold or silver, both useful and ornamental- are
seem:and all are, equally appreciated by thea owners be-
cause they are all GIFTS,THIAT LAST,
ee our ladies' Wrist Watches'in White, Green or Yellow
gad -filled cases . at $11.50;
Geh#tlonicn s Watches, 'Gold -fill .kcases, fancy dials, 15-
,jewtl movements, reliable time= teepers for, $13.00.
Stteeiel---White and Green','Gold Rings set with a beautiful.
Diennond for $20.00
Call and see our stock -Study our window; displays
If von cannot come to town: yvrite or phone your order, it
will have inns ediate attention
Agent for Victor 'talking Machines and Records,
Residence Phone 174J
Store Phone 174W
the very best way of snaring known the fact
in Clinton 'arnd,surrotind ing ,T ownshitas 'rs an ad vertiserrierit in T<he News -Record
ver - Evening
Until Chris pias
Early Christmas Shoppers hay
cleared outmany novelty lines
we expected would have been
sufficient ,for our entire-. Christ-
mas season. We are ,finding it
necessary to :add -new numbers to
qur different departments almost
daily. •
Handkerchiefs, Gloves,' Hosiery, Lingerie and Neckwear.
We will be glad to show you table linens in odd cloths and
sets -at prices which are very attractive.
.••••.r m. ems•..r.
pqcialfor Christmas S
AlI men's and BoY 's'Overcoats,, Suits, Mackinaws, Odd Trousers and Knickers
reduced 20 per cent. for the Cliristmas.Trade..
Now -is your opportunity to save dollars oriYour clothing. " No clothing reserved, every
.g rment goes at a reduction of.20, per cent until December 25th.
`Gift Civitl ''Made Easi
"If,.you inspect our 'lar =e assortment' of the 'followin . articles
MENS'.,, SCARFS—Brush. Wool, Scotch Plaids,
Silk Crepe . 75c, $1.00, $1.50 to $350•
TIES --Swiss Silks, Silk' Crepe, Kited, -
done up in fancy boxes 50e, 75c, $1, $1.50, $2.
RY=''Cotton Lisle., _
MENS,.. IiOSIE , Cashmere,
Silk, Silk and .Wool in plain. colours and attrac-
tivo designs..... .... 25e, 50c, 75c to $1.50
GLOVES Cotton, Knitted, Wash Cape,. Mocha,
Buck etc .. 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.50 to $5.
SHIRTS—In English Broadcloth, Baloon Cloth,
Percales, Bedford .Cords. Some with hard and
soft collars .
. $1.25, $1.50, $2. to $4.50
BRACES -1n Fancy Boxes 25c, 500, $1. to $1,50.
GARTERS—In Boxes, —In Fanc B' single 'and, double
grip .. 25c, 35c, 50e and 75c
SWEATERS -Sweater Coats and V Neks in
some ver•Y choice colourings
• 75c, $1., $1.50, $2., to $7.50
$OYS't KNITTFDD SUITS 52.75, $e., 53.50'
SICATIN JACKETS—In several:p patterns. 'An
ideal' garment for skating • $5.50
U,MBRELLAS :,....... $1.20, $1.50, $2., to 55.00
• HOUSE' COATS- .12.50
$ •5. to $
BATH ROBES'........ , . $8,'to :$12.50
PAJAMAS $2 50, 53.50 and 54.50
p 50c, 75c, $1., $1.25
CAPS—In a :large' range of: patterns to select
from 75e, $1., ; $1.50 to $2.50"
Mens: Borsalino Hats, Brush Felts $7.50 for $5.00
Mens' Brock Hats,
Bresh'Felts$550 for $3.50
.,.i o 2 50
Mens'' Hats,Brush' Felts, $3,50 for $
" A Square Deal for Every Man
Wheat, $1.40' -T
O its, 40e to 45c.
Buckwheat, 65c to 70c
Barley, 60,c to 65c
Butter; 36c: to'37c.
Eggs. 36c to' 60c
Live hogs $11 75
Ansley.- rete ved word last"
week of the death of Aliold friend,
Mrs. Harriet Ryan McRinnon, which
occurred on Nov. 13th at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. W. Orr, of Vera,
Sal,Several of our older citizens
will- remember the Ryan family, who
left here many years a.pe.
Mr, Frank Jenl.,ind ha;' sold his
flour -and feed and gwroce S business
next, door to The Nevi-Rei.erd office,.
carricedop ytnder the tam. name of W.
Jenkins 0�+ , a Son, to, Mr.Harry
Ch it leak r, who is already in pos-
session, rMr. Jenkins found, he had
too much'0iThis'hands .With the green-
house and the uptown business and
will pow devote himself to the fernier.
During the ;holiday peripd he. will
have his flowers in Ta5:lor's store on
the "Midway"
# Mr. Charlesworth is dn. amateur at
this sort of 'business but will no
doubt soon get his hand in. He will,
we hope, prove a good nighbor, as his
predecessors did. There is surely lit-
tle danger' of The News -Record going --
hungry with a grocery at each side
of it.
tiV are sending out /61"M Christmas
number this week. - You will find' it
good-aeading;.clo not -miss any of it.
Clinton merchants are bidding for the
patronage of .Christmas' shoppers and
they have• the goodsgradk of them.
Try them out. Patronize home nner-
chante and help build, up your own
A kindly, vivid, intense spirit bade
farewell to this and entered into the
other life early last Thursday morn-
ing when, after a few weeks' illness,,
Mrs. George Davies closed her eyes
on all earthly things.'
Mrs, Davies had been very ill for
weeks, but so gallant a fight did she
make, so much alive did she appear
when she rallied from periods df ex-
treme weakness, that her friends
fondly hoped she might again regain
health and be Oared `to thein for a
time. But thefrail body gave out
and quietly the spirit fled.
Mrs. Myles was in hei eighty-third
year but so active and alert was she
in both body and mind that one didn't
think of her as old. Her interest in
everything about her was keen right
to the last. She was frail in appear-
ance and for some years her hourly
had failed, which prevented her ming-
ling much with the „public, but she
was wonderfully alert`to the needs of
those about her. The town in general
knew little of her but those who came
in contact with her were well aware
of her generous; kindly? interest. Sho
was never so happy as when .she was
doing something for someone. To be
ill or in need of any kindly n.inistra-
tions was all she wanted to know, her
iiiinistering hand ways outeivetched,at.
once to the limit of her ability. Child-
ren were, her especial care andmany
a little child was remembered at the.
Christmasseason, or on a ibighday,
and it was marvelous how she remem-
bered birthdays. "She was always
good to us kids," was the sincere, and
eloquent testimony of one boy when
he heard of her passing. -
Mrs. Davies wag before her mar-
riage Mary Jane Phillips ,daughter of
the late William Phillips. She was
born in Toronto, her father owning
property on; the Corner of what is
now Mtge and Richniond streets.
Later the family moved to 'Markham
'and later still. to Stanley township,
where for several years they lived
on the, second concession. It was white
there that she became acquainted
with Mr. Davies and they -were mar-
ried fifty-six years agq, Eight child-
ren were born to them, three,having
died and five, four daughters and one
son, survive ' Mrs. Haxt'i4 11 arsh of
«Detroit; Miss Margaret, a deeconnes •,;
Chicago; and Newton, Mae and. Bessie
at ,home. One sister Mrs. M, Walker
of Detroit, and emir ,brobhe`s;,J'ohn
Phillips, Harvey,, . North Dakota,
Henry Phillips, Detroit; Geo, in Cali:;
fornia and _ Charles in Florida, also
survive. The, members of her family
a cl her eistei'.were withher ,ringing
,las ,illness.:.
hep t
Mrs. Davies:. was a member of Was
ley church and she loved to attend -its
services, going regularly until the;
walk became too long for her, the last
couple of years, even though her af-
fliction 9revented her getting the full
benefit of the service.
A number of her Clinton friends
have been listening' in recently to
Jacksonville, Florida, and have heard
Mrs. Howard Humphreys sing. Her
station is WJAX (335.9) and those
having radios: might tune in and hear
her sometimes.. Mrs. Humphreys
says; she is going to give a concert
especially for her C1'4nton friends this
winter, sometime. She will probably
announce the date so that all. who
wish may listen,
At the , last regular meeting of
Murphy Lodge L.O.L. No. 710 the fal-
lowing officers were 'installed for the
coming year:'
W.'M.: 1VI: Hanley.
D.. M.: M. Schoenhals.
Chaplain: " Norman' Miller.
Rec.':Sec.: A. F. Johns,
Pin. Sec.: 11. P. Fisher.
Treasurer: W H Hellyar
Lecturers: A. beeves, E. harness.
D. of C.: Geo. Falco/11er•.
Committee man: Wm. Cudmore.
Rev. S. J. Allis, now of Toronto,
and a former pastor of Ontario' street'
ehui•eh, Clinton, has, beep transferred
Iron the London to the 4'orontt Con-
ference. Rev. Mr,' Alhn s ipeea nivat
ed some years ago.
The group `of ladies who represent-
ed "The. Lion Tarsiers" on' Aug '4th
last,, met': at the home of Mrs Chris.
Venner and presented ^ one of the
"Tamers", Mrs:, McMurray, with
beautiful cut glass flower basket: A
jolly evening was spent. • Much regret
was expressed by the "bunch" at Mrs.
McMurray's contemplated departure.
Huron's W ardenship, according to
a ,plan carried but for several years,
gees this year to a Conservative. Ae..
cording' to rumor there are a number:
of aspirants. Among them 10 Clin-
ton's "own reeve, C. G. Middleton.
Reeve McKibbonnf�•of Wingham; Reeve
McQuaid of )V55Killop; Reeve-Mun
nings of Goderich and Reeve Neeb of
Stephen are also mentioned. In all
of these cases, with the exception of
Reeve McKibbon of Wingham, their.
eligibility. depends upon their being
returned at the coming January elec-
Clintonhockeyteam - has been
grouped up with.Wirnghani .and Sea -
forth, being designated as Group B,
and a schedule of games has been ar-
ranged as fellows:
Seaforth at Wingham on Dec. 30th
Wingham at Clinton on San. 4th,
Clinton at Seaforth on -Sam
Clinton at Wingham on Jan. 11th.
Wingham at Seaforth on Jan. 14th.
Seaforth at Clinton on Jan, 18th.`
The funeral took, place from .liar
late'honne, Huron Street, ow Saturday
afternoon, the services ,at the hoose
and graveside being conducted by the
Rev. A. A. Holmes, The 'pallbearers
were: A. J. Tyndall, E. Ward, W. A.
Grant, H. E. Rorke, C. H.,Venner, and
C. IIeiyer.
The winners in .Group B will play
off with. Group A, Stratford, New
Hamburg and R,itchener,eby February
A Meeting will be held in the Pas-
tinge Club rooms on Monday evening
to organize a town league.
On Monday evening in •the council
chamber a .complimentary banquet
was tendered, under the auspices of
the Boaed of Trade, to Mr. A. J. Mc --
Murray, who is removing to Harris -
ton, after a residence of about eigh-
•teen years in Clilrton.
Between eighty and ninety men sat
down to a bountiful and well -served
banquet, put en by Mr. E. Wendorf's
staff, and when the inner man had
been sufficiently satisfied It short
toast list was gone through, Mr. J.
A. Ford, president of the Board of
Trade, acting as . toastmaster. -
"The" King" was proposed by the
chairman and was responded to, by,
the"`singing of the N'o genal Anthem.
"Our Criiest" was . the • next tgast
awl, in order to cover the activities
of Mr. McMurray during -his residence
here, its treatnient was dieided into
three parts, ' ptiunicip'11, agrieuitural
and sports. Mayer Jackson anti
Reeve C. G. Middleton' spoke of his
municipal career, as eouneillor and es
oiiayor. As to his connection with
the Centre Huron Agrioultural
Society, of which he -has: abecn secre-'
tary for the past dozen'yeai's or se;
Mid:-Fotheringhaun, Mr. II. C. Goe,
president, and Mr. N. W. Teewar•tlia
:spoke, each giving Mr.. MOMurray
credit for very •nnueh of the success of
the annual show held in Clinton:,• For
eeeits Mr, J. Zap£e, Col. H. B. Combe
and A. T. 'Cooper spoke. R•eferenee
was made to Mr. McMurray's par't•in:.
bringing about the success of the an-
nual sports day, -held in Clicton tnd
the unqualified success of the Old
Boy's Celebration heI'd in Clintoislast
Augdst, for which they conceded Me.
McMurray was in a lame.: measure
responsible. His --;church' activities
were spoken of by the Rev. C. J.
Moorhouse: At . the conclusion of
these speeches Mayor Jackson, onbe:
half of those present; made a neat
little speech and Mr. Stothers pre-
sented Mr. McMurray with a cane. Af-
terwards Dr. Shaw. Dr. Gunn S R,
Stothers' ` and S. J. Andrews each
spoke briefly, setting forth the many
excellencies of the man whom they,
at the moment "delighted to honour "
1VIr. Stothers caused a laugh by ex-
pressing sone doubt as tothe truth'
of seine of the good things which
had been safe by former 'speaker.:
The general opinion expressed was
that Clinton was losing a proeressive
and public-s-oirited' citizen in Mr. Me-.
Mnrrav's removal from town
During the evening, a quartette.
composed of Dr. Thomtison and
The annual.At-Homelof the Toron-
to Huron Old Boys' Association will-
ilybe held in the Osldfellows .Temple on
the 'evening,of 'Thursday,:Jan. 21st.
This has become one of the outstand-
i+ tand-ing features_of Toronto's entertain-
ments and in view of the fact that the
Association is helping the various'
hospitals in the county, it is entice:
pated that this event will be very
largely patronized.
Mrs, M. Y. McLean, _widow of the
late editor of -the Seaforth Expositor,
who died in Seaforth on Saturday,
was for a number of years a highly
esteemed resident of Clinton in the
person' of Miss Carrie Roertson. She
was the second wife of Mr. McLean'
and leaves one son. The funeral took
place on Tuesday afternoon. Mr: J.
Cuninghanie and Mr. H. E. Forke of
Clinten attended the funeral.,
Read The News -Record this week
for Advertisements of Christmas bar-
1925 motor l,oenses.. expire Dec.
31st. Motorists may proeure, new
ones any time.
Only 'six more showing days until
Christmas. Do your shopping early—
in the morning,.
Mr, 5. B. Mustard, the Coal Man;
is about and 'attending to business
again after his illness.
Miss Rene Pickett, assisted irn.the
local postoffiee,over the week -end in
the absenoe of the postmaster.
Ice is being formed hi the local
arena and if weather is favorable
there will be skating Saturday..
' Mr. R. Horsley is laid up with an
attack of grippe, or something of a
like nature.' His friends hope he will
soon begin to mend. '
Lieut,'Flead of the Salvation Army
is in the Hospital, having undergone
an. operation. She is now' doing as,
well as can be expected.
Get as many of your Christmas par-
cels -and letters off this week as posy,
siege, . else they may not reach . their
destination until after•. Christ}nes.
Chief Glazier of the 'Clinton Fire
Department would like to remind
citizens to be careful in regard to
fire risks in connection with Christ-
mas decorations which are usually of
an inflamable nature. Constantcare
should be exercisedto. pr•.event fires.
The Clinton Hospital Board wish
to gratefully acknowledge the follow-
ing donations: Prom the Clinton Min-
isterial Association, Thanksgiving
collection, $23.00, from the Central
Ministerial Association, 517.00, a to-
tal of $40.00,' and from Miss E. Hun=
ter, nurse, 55.0.
Baptist Church
'Service on Sunda evenin .. y The g
pastor's subject will be: "God With
Us." ,
Presbyterian Church
Service iii the Baptist church at 11
a.m. (Sabject:: "Man's' Fall ' and.
Man's Redemption."
Sunday school meets at 10 o'clock.
Speeial Christmas service on Surn-
:Among those who were Here -from a.
distance for the funeral were Mr, and
Mrs. Henry Phillips, Mrs. Walker and
MTS. Harry Marsh, Detroit, Mr. W.
E. Phillips, Sarnia;. ;M s ,Margaret
Davies, Chicago; Mrs. W. E. Harris
ton and Mrs. J. McLachlan, Parkhill,
Mrs. George Stewart,.. Seaforth and`
many friends and relatives from Ieip-
pen' and surrounding district., ;
Many beautiful floral tributes were
serif, among them some from the or-
ganizations of Wesley church, from
the Pastime Club, several from the,
church in Chicago with which 515iss
Margaret is . connected, and :' many
from the family and from personal
friends here and elsewhere.
11111r IT
Mr, Davies and faintly wish to ex-
tend their sincere thanks•to-all the
friends and neighbore'for their kind
expressions of sympathy.
who was given a complimentary.ban-
'greet in the Council Chamber ,on man -
day prior•to his removal to Harriston.
Messrs, E. Wendorf 'mid Frank and
'dr Mitch. delighted all by r'nnderinr
a couple of selections Mrs.,, Wendorf
plaving the accompaniments='
The' gat}ierint„ broke up with the
singing of '`_told Lang Syne,"
day, Dec. 27th. .
Willis -Wesley
.Brotherhood meeting at ten o'olook'
ho Willis Bible class room. The sub-
ject, to, be introduced. by. Mr. 'A.. 5.
Tyndall: "Hove May We be,Witness-
es for the• Master?" Moorhouse; 'Dr• Brown, Hawle,
Morning service in Wrllrs church, S :. B :St thorn.
Subject ofsermon: "Christian. Citi..l g,
zenahi . A ineetinrg of the committeewill be
zenshvs,°'' Evening service in Wesley held pry ,:Ontario, street church: this
church, sub sot: ' "The Day Spring."evening,etvhen it is hoped the organ."
OntarioStreet Church zatmnwi11 beebp}ated,and' plans
The classes for' fellowship will meet made for the "winter's campaign; of
Several have already thought of it
for themselves- but in case there are
others who are puzzled as to what to
give for Christmas we would suggest'
,i year's subscription to The News -Re-.
dord. We Could :name several young
Couples in town who would' appreciate
such a gift. We will supply a pretty:
card to send with your good wishes.
Anyone coning in at once inay start
with this week's Christina • number,
Mr. 'C. M. Bezeau of Kitchener, a
native of Clinton, was recently elect-
ed to the city council in .Kitchener.
This was the third election Mr. Be-
zeau had iron in a year. In January
last he polled 1667 votes but was not
elected, rater the election was de-
clared ±]legal and another was held in
February and Mr. Bezeau polled 185a
votes. In the election's recently held
he polled 2458 •votes. Congratula
tions are clue.
Among ,Clinton's oldest citizens is
Mrs. George- Warrener, Mary street,
who on December 9th celebrated her
,eighty-eighth birthday. Mrs. Warren-
.er nnaeages'her own house, doing het'
own work, and during' the summer
takes great pride in her flower gar-
den, where she has a mass of lovely
flowers always in bloom She Tees
about town to call on her friends
whenever she feels like it and eito
gether• enjoys life.
At a cohference'et boys, and boys'
workers in St. Paul's parish hall last:
Fridayiafternoon and evening the,
Rev. J. M. Finlay of. London, Field.
Secretary of the C. S. E. T., addressed
a large number of the boys of 'teem
age, also a number of those interest-
ed in the training and leadership of
the boys.
At the meeting after four; o'clock
the Rev. C. L Bilkey presided and Mr.
,Finlay easelained'the Tuxis and' Trail
Ranger work. He also . urged the
boys endeavor tomake
y v the o roost
of themselves, physically, mentally,
morally and socially.
At eight o'clock the gathering was
eomposed of those interested in the
organization and training of the
boys unci Mr. Finley explained this
work. Rev. C. 5. Moorhouse was 'in
the (that. At • the conclusion of the
address it 'Central Work Coiun ittpe
'was formed as follows:
President: 'N. W. Trewartha.
Vice: A. F. Johns.
Sceretary: L. W. Curren.
The' Taster of ,each church and the
superintendent of each Sunday school
are' also vnembers of the committee;
with two members from :each con-
gregation and the following were ap-
peinted, although, the ocnnmittee is
not yet complete l St.; Pent'S, , Rbv. C.
L'. Bilkey, R. Hunter,' Gordon' Hall.
Baptist, Rev W. Younger, W. Coch-
rane, 5.`Aititen,- Guy 'Jones. Willis,
Wesley, Rey: r, E. Hoge, W, I ;:Ke1.'1-
yar, Dr. Hearns H E:; Rorke;' M. T.
Corlesse Ontario street, Rev. C. J.
at ten o'clock. The morning `message:. "The Dis-
turbing Element; in oin: Responsihil-.-
it.e," Evening subject: "The Dimming
of the Gold." A hearty welcome to
all our home -conning students and
Junior League will. meet en Friday
evening` at '7 o'clock. •
St. Paul's Church
T The. rector's subjects next Sunday
will be: Morning: "The Wonderful
Christi' leveeing: • The concluding
sermon in the series on the Judgment,
"Prepei-e to Met thy God"—an appeal
to desire,
Ate the'ammal meeting of the Junior
Auxiliary, the reports of the year's
work' were presented, showing a very
healthy, state of affairs. ;The super-
intendents ..for 1926 will be Miss: S.
elonan Mrs. C L1.-Bilkey and 1VIrs.
C; Draper. "•:The following officers
were elected: y '
President: klazel Chm chill.
Vice .,President: Jean Twyford,
Secretary: Pearl Churchill.
'rreaaurer: Susie Livermore.
Organists: Margaret.Phnmstcol aid
Susie Livermore.'
-Varna r
Mr•. M. Elliott shipped a mixed cdr
loadoflive stock to Toronto on .Set
urday. .
Mr. C. Epps is very_ busy these
timeb installing radios. ,
The,,W.,-A. and Girls' Guild of St.
John's church shipped `two bales of
quilts, clothing and other comforts
to their former ' rector, Rev,: IL J.
Condell of, Caledonia, to be used or
Me. Russel Taylor has returned to
his home -after spending the past year
in the West.
Miss Welsh spent- the week -end in
-Mrs. Robt. Webster has been ,visit -
ire, friends in Lueknow.
Tho United' church are preparing
for a Christmas treeto be held Dee.
23rd. ,
Mr. 0. H. Beatty has installed ra
Mrs. Wm.:Clarke went to Seaifsrth
on Tuesday to ,speed the winter rite
her daughter, Mrs, Evans. -