HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-12-10, Page 8Clintoncaro rd a mai; OLINTON'S LEAFING JEWELLERY STORE ,RADIO BROADCASTING HAS BROUGHT NEW HAPPINESS,, NEW ';INTEREST AND PROSPERITY INTO MILLIONS OF RO4ES'!1'ItEWORLD OVER • 3t; provides ' it iout. ,chsree: HOME ENDERTAfNMENP—MARKET QUOTATIONS=CIItJR(II SERVICES—LECTURES----EDUCATIONAL TABIC;SBED- .CIMR;STQRIES—NEWS BIILLETINS—SNORT NEWS the New Marcoi}ilihorie :VI and VII. Radio "Receivers will bring dais ti ist wealth of broadcasted entertainment and instruction to, you better than you could ,:ever heat it befo •e'because they :have— Selecti it_v —Vohnie-Range—Tone-::Pirie Clarity ---Ease of Control R. H. JOHNSON Graduate. of Torontd College of Optometry Ino JeWelloriy and Repairs Next Hovey's Dug Store ratigat Christrnat Gifts For all the Familti Ail those features you seek in a Christmasgift will be found in our list of gift suggestionsand so inexpensive too, :TIPS -Of beautiful silks, crepes fancy CI ristmas boxes. or knitted, Separate or in SHIRTS' English Broadcloth, Bombay Cord or Madras. Tooke' ,andArrow brands. SCARFS -=In Silk and Wool or. the new crepe weaves., 0X7 -::-..Fancy,, cashmere or silk OSE Ladies' or children's; s'lk'lor silk and wool. HANDKERCHIEFS-Sii)gle or boxed. :. BATH TOWELS—Single or iii boxed sets. 'I' HOUSE SLIPPERS, — A new line ,of patent slippers that make a very acceptable gift. HOCiKEY BOOTS - McPher son's Lightning 'Hitch none better. , Also the following --,Gloves, 'Sweaters, 'Sweaters, Pajamas, Arm Bands, Garters, Fancy Parasols or Um- brellas,- - Baby Blankets, Plaid Wool Blankets ` r He1j5 Santo Claus to bre economical by selecting practical gifts that are woitleevehile . Piumsteel Bros. SMALL PROFITS PHONE 25, 'PICK TOCK! TICK TI] K i TICK TOC RSDA liL Ci }IL ril '10 1 i,,,"ir:: Rear, that .clock. , It is saying in. _universal' language that time is passing,' , Cliristmas just aroundthe tl o corner, - Other< legal holidays' come methodic ally—never take you by sure prise but ' `Christmas season niakes..everyone so . busy and seems to leap' at us as a sur- prise, The 'moral of it all is start ,early. In addition to your gifts' don't "overlook Tags, Stickers, Cards and Dec orations. 'Iced and Green Bells,.` • Candles Crepe -Paper and Streamers.,- How • dull, pis th& home without them, they warm the heart to .the spirit of the season and make for joy and. contenfinerit, • T eW. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest-lilways the Best o OIlE' `RLJSINESs L. W. CUSRELL—TI os.SHIPLEY EW, PEELS—Orange, Lemon and Citron. EW FRUITS -Currants, different grades, New Spanish Valencia Raisins, Thompson Seedless Raisins, Sun Maid Puffed Seeded Raisins in bulk, Sun Maid Seeded in, packages, Malaga Table Raisins, New Dates, New Prunes, New Shelled ,Almonds, Shelled; Walnuts. A supply of all kinds of Fresh Rpices and Extracts COURTESY—SERVICE—QUALITY GOODS—RIGHT' PRICES TIE C, & S. GROCERS in Store, Phone 125 W. y' Brench-Store, Phone 125 J. •-^a ..4.0111112. The. Laun-Dry-Ette Way of Washing Means- - No hand rinsing No hand bluing - No buttons broken No hooks bent No fasteners jammed No red hands No hard -to -iron creases No *ringer and no extra . -tabs • Wouldn't youlikc to wash the Laun-Dry-Etre Ways Phone n,' or call. ' . °•11,ft da a earlarsr lYdea t Lama DryStir iltA\ t h .cur n;N Hydro -Shop, ' aiuton. USE YOUR OWN UTILITY 1 —IT RA't S To those who contemplate the purchase of,a Radio Receiving Set - we wish to advise that we have been appointed agents for the Fade .' Radii. We have taken on this line of Receivers Because we believe - it offers the very best for the, money invested. They are all of the neutrodyne type, which is conceded to be the I ighest:WPC of Receivers. • They axe readily logged, will not howl and, bother your neighbors' set. Let us demonstrate these.sets in your home. Prices range from the 3 tube set ate$115.00, complete with 80 a.1e storage' battery, cone„ type loud speaker, large B, Batteries, head seat and antenna equip- " menta 4 tube, ;$150.00;:5 tube, $190.00, same equipment. 2 Tube Deforest Crossley, $47,00, complete • 3 Tube DeForest Crossley, $95i00, complete Phoned 174w HARDWARE r Residence 174j PLUMBING ELECTRIC WIRING Miss Peenl Churchill spent ttieeeveek° end withel'Iensall friends,' Mr. Albert Creager of Moorfield was. the guest of Mr. eneMrs. W. S. Misses Clara Steep; and Viola Liver- more were- in Goderich. over the week -end. - - Mrs. Downa"i Sr., of Iona Station its a guest at the home of her sons Mt. W. S. Downs. Mrs. 'Joseph Clegg and Master Jack of MVIorris, speee a week with the ,lady's "thother, 'Mrs. G. M. Fat- quhar of town. Mr G: I). Roberton' attended a meet- ling eet- / ng of the London: Life Ins. Cep„ in ;Kitchener on Wednesday. .. Mrs. John Heard of Bayfield visited hover the week -end withher; son, Mr. Leonard Heard of town. Downs on Friday last while bete in connections with the Chul`eh Prop- erty Commission meeting. Mr. T'. W. Johnston returned home, the beginning of the week fronto business trip to Winnipeg. Mrs. Harry Marsh `has returiref to her home in Detroit after spending a week or so with her parents, Me. aiid Mrs. George. Davies. Mrs. 5, Murch of Sarnia was the guest of Mr. E. 0, Courtice and Miss Hattie over the week -end,- Miss Margaret Davies. of Chicago come home on Tliursdety last ow- ing to the illness of her mother. Mr. el. 0: Elliott is spending a few weeks.at thehome, of his parents, - Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Elliott of town.. Miss Elsie Hiblieet. left on 'Monday 'to: take a position as assistant in the Children's .-Shelter, Woodstock. Miss Ettaileardy has been home from Maniblia, her school having been closed on account of an epidemic of scarlet fever. Messrs, .Helen Ladd and'`Pearl and Rghy Churchill and Jessie Cress ate tended -a dance in Bensatl ins ,Fri- day day evening last.• Miss McKenriee who addressed ; a• meeting in Wesley church last Wednesday evening on , African' missions, was the .-.guest _while in, town of Mies Mary Walls. Rev. Dr. -.Stewar;t and ' Miss; matjr" Siiewart, having accompanied the: remains of Mrs. Steweet, ' which were interred in Clinton cemetery, yesterday,' remained over until to- day. i.� Mr. Enos Colquhoun and Mrs. George. Drone of Moorefield visited their' aunt, Mrs, Margaret .Colquhoun on their way to the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. Edward*.Colquhoun last week. : Mr. - and -Mrs. McMurray, lifr. H. Fitzsimons and, •c Mrs.: Elizabeth Kennedy attended :the funeralof their sister-in-law, Mrs. 'Edward -Colquhoun of Science Hill on Sat- urday last. Mrs. Haber of: Detroit: is here on -aa' count of the illness oh her father, 1VI1... Thomas Mason,, If Mr. Mason is recovered sufficiently,. to travel. he and Mrs. Mason will accoanp`any; Mrs. -Haber to her home for a few weeks' visit, ' - Mrs; Agnew; sr., Mr. and Mrs. °Mor- gan Agnew, Mr, ` and. Mrs. Geo. PIlelait and Mr. and; Mrs. Sours at- tended the funeral of the forme•'s grand -daughter, Mrs. W. E. ;'Yorke of Toronto, daughter of. Alderman'. Harry Clarke and Mrs. Clarke of ,Stratford, on Saturday. tr, and Mrs. Weekes, who have been in 1 _ Clinton for seine . lime, 3D. Weeks having change of iherei'ap- 1 orator I9ft. for their hoino in`Ittosel N. ' on' Tuesday. Mrs We'elle,, lits: been quite ill for some:tbne:� but was .suRieiently i ecov'ered to urtlnrta e,,the journey hozno a; • 'o--be.Gi ref -Away ,C COI D15JtY TS -To ,the: custemei' purtlhasrng, for cash, the biggest amount of groceries (excepting, sugarr-aiid flour- by the sack) -between 8' o'clioclil December' :lath, and ' 9 o'c1oc1 Chtistmas Eve This'. beautiful Ivory :Clock' will be given away: Kindly keep yowl -counter, slips and turn 'thein in ;q I us (4jre'iviil' net hula ourselves responsible for then) Our regular two -weekly. and, monthly customers ;have ,the ,sank privilege.. 'Puhhc institutions'' are not included,, strias Eve at 9 o'clock.'': SPECIAL CHRISTMAS NEWS We expect Santa Claus to arrive Wednesd i an a d Thurs.: about�•three O'clock, 23rd and : -24th, He wants'to inset all the children, their parents and everybody. Do not miss, him, Santa Claus has his Candy House 11 ea'dy now "tonins spection, It eentains—Chocolate Little' Folks; ;Chocolate Circus Wagons, Christmas Stockings;,. Candy Potatoes; Pea- nuts and numerous other novelties. , ash. andService Christmas Price Lis Mixed- Nuts, "0er lb •2 l lewDates, per. lb 11Ya .Year's'Dat'eC per Ib 100 Eloiida. Grape Fruit—California. Celery,--Granberries7zHead. Lettuce, --Assorted Freech ee. Candied Pineapple mCaatid'delecdaneilye.rries. These are Iseautiful to decorate 'Home New Peeen Nets --New Blanched Almonds CANDY DEPARTMENT Smiles an' Chuckles in bulk, per lb. .. 39c Smiles an' Chuckles in Red Boxes, eereb 60c Other Christmas C,andy jUst arriving, ,We will an- nounce complete list next Week, • • ' FISH DEPT—Fresh Fillets, Haddie, Snacks and Oysters. t A Calendar will be given with all orders received from : CHRISTMAS OLIVES ---VERY SPECIAL Large (Veen Olives, per ehottle 29c Stuffed Olives, per bottle' 30c FANCY FRUIT BASICETS MADE TO ORDER JUST ARRIVED ---Our first shipment of Christmes Crackers From 25e to $2.50 e in oue Cluestrpeeewieebyvs ablaut the 15th or leth; just as seen as onceOlvestinas Ftuits• arrive.—Do neteeiss them. In the Mornihg First Delivery 9 a,m. In the Afternoon kirst Delivery 2.30 p.m. Kindly Order Early Cash and Seriice MONDAY WAS BYLAW NIGHT (Continued From Page 1) . Dunlop, R. Ceee, James Cook, $102.60. No. 16 tonsoildated the above and provided for issuing of debentures for the,raising of hinds and the' ProPor- tron of payment necessary. eac.h year. No. 17 provides ewe the nomination alle election, ifeetteYi as follows: nom- ination to be held in the town hall on the evening of Dee. 28th from 7:30 to 8:30, the election, if pall be de- manded, to tArbold. on Monday, Jan. 4th, at the following places: Sr. And- rew's ward, town hall, G. E. Saville, -sample vooms, :A; F. thiamin% Johies Ward, Levis' Shop, E. G. Cour- St.. George's Weed, Cameron's •shoni poll clerk, Deputy Taunting ,oeficere are to receive $4 for their services, use qf the several boothe. Clerk Macpherson read the report of the local IVIedical Officer of Health, in which he teitetated the assertien that the towse, eouneil were the 'worst sinners in regard to sanitation. Reeve Middleton eeporeed the clean- ing of Albert street, eleaning of Mary streee draM and other necessary Chairman Rozell reported that the firemen had not yet moved into -their new'quavtees but it was hoped they -would soon be. Cleek Macpherson reae the haw betweeit the Public Utilities Commission and the Fire end Water committee, extending over a peeled of ten years, at a yearly rental of $180; payable in four instal- ments. This includes lighting and ebeeeing. On motion of Councillors leoiell and Livermore the lease was aPPrOtred by the council. MASTER OrHAYENBARTON FARM AND WEI1-KNOWN zens ,passed away on 'Monday .when James' Snell or nayepbartitu Farm, liye'stock breeder and .flarnieri died after a few months' '• Mr Snell waS born on the farni on whielt.he died, heing-a,son of the late. 'Buni,Phrey Snell, one of the „pioneers O:f Hallett, who came to the township, in 184'4. Theefarin is said to be the session of the family by which it was first taken lee. . • Mr. Shell's father was a breeder and al, the eazly -age of nine years be accompanied his father to the fairs where he was exhibiting stock. When, lie grew to manhood he continued it and 'his ,stoelt, especielly his. sheep, have ,an international reputation. For years he attended the great ‘live. stock 'shows, at Guelphy Toronto, Chicago and Toronto end London Exhibitions. London was the last fafr he was,able to attend this year and never did his stock do better than during the, sea- somjust past: His sons are the third generation of stockmen. 'The Shells have done'very mueh to make Huron county know'n as 0 stock raising Mr. Snell served 'on the council of, his native township for several years also as reeve and for a time as Coun- ty Commissioner He was a member Of the Oariathan Order of Foresters and of the Workmen of the World. He ,19,1s a verY genial, sociable 1111111 and made friends wherever he went is survived by his wife, who eves i 511 formerly Miss Jane Elcoat of Tuck- et:smith, four sons, William of Lon- don, leeward of Ttfakersmith, Humph- rey of Hullett and Ephislain on the home farm, and one daughter, Mary, a.gradtutte nurseewho has been with ber father -since August last. One brother, Witham, else' tesides on the home farm. The funerall takes place this after- noon from Hayenbeeton Farm, the serytees to be conducted by the Rev. B. Snell of Londesboro United, form- erly Methodist, church, with which the family have been connected for several years. On Monday evening friends of Mr. their home to offer their congratula- tions and good wishes ed Mr, And- rew Meeee and his bride, who eepect te be leaving the eonamunity in the near future. A most enjoyable even- ing. was spent in cards and dancing. The young couple were the eecipients of many beautiful and useful gifts. 'Me, Noble Holland has just com- pleted -Veen threshing, having threshed reser ninety barns this sea - A Christmas Suggestion • To out °customers away front home Say It With Flowers AT—CHRISTMAS TIME TO THE HOME, FOLKS Write or telegraph us -and your order Choice Plants and Cut Flo ers Wreaths Ete. Cuninghame Florist The Flower Shop on• the Midway Phones 176w and 31 Greenhouses on Huron Street Christmas is Approaching Give Hubbe a hint, that you would' like one of our granite roasters for ,Christmas box) We have them in both'the round and ,, oval at good 'Price. 'Also a few. black roasters...4a The lciddies would appreciate a shoyel £rom Santa, we have them Quebec: I -Looters and Coolc stoves at prices' for everyone,. Aid.1) ARE an PLUMBING Phone 241 Ph rte 48 WAWA We have a splendid stock of Pyrex ware—Rogers 1847 Old Colony design in' cutlery and carviug sets in stainless steel—Aluminurn of In Elecerie &tepees, we have Irons, Heaters, Toasters, Haie Dressing Sets and Curlers. Don't forget our special in eleetric light bulbs, 25, 40 or 60 watt lamps at 5 for Vele). . Keep. your children healthe—Give them Skates. Skating Is the most invigorating exercise they can get. We also belie assortMent of Ilockey Sticks and Pucks. ' ilh the Furniture Department Our stock was neves better your selection of Christmas.. Gifts. The list would be too long to mum- _ Grate, so ,you will le 'wise to cinne in and look around. Make selecticies if you wish and we will deliver any- thing you want before Christmas. It -will pay yoa to look ever our Electric Lamps. They are dandies. Kiddies Toy Sett and small Furni- ture. Clinton Hardware and FutrnitureCo. FUNERAL DIRECTORS MOlitTIVIENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 UST' ARRIVE A complete range of High Grade Biltmore Hats -Also a full line of Fit7u-well caps we specialize in Custom Tailoring, Cleanidg and Pressing - VETERAN TAILORS PHONE 224-W for Live Poultry and Newlaid Eggs Now is the thne to market your live and dressd poultry, do not wait for the Christmas rus.h. The market, is as high novr ,as -it NV111 We also pay fartrie.rs preMilim, who will deliver their own pouI. try to our plant according to the plan ;that we will be glad to explain to yoti if you will phone our office/Clinton,190". Our ooultry price lisf is free for the asking and a little cooperalien with us will Mean real profit to Yon. Let us prove it to you. , ' HEAD OFFit MONTREAL, QUE. .Clinton.Branch open each day from 7 .m. to- k-3 1.)M. 'Also open Thursday and Saturday evenings froM te `te, Phone or Call for any further information you 'require " Day .PhOne e.