HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-12-10, Page 3THURSDAY, DECEN BE. 1.0;1025 ei; _ New 2 Record yhf ice ins for Come with the Crowds to -Cooper's Variety Store. BOOKS The. best selection we have ever shown. Every Child expects Santa Claus to Bring Toys. Don't dissapoint them. Many lilies of Christmas Books are beim,-',offered at about half price to clear,. Most of the. new books are shown- and hownand any others will be produced. Chinaware Fancy dishes of all kinds also Glassware, Brass_ Goods,, Ivory • and • • Silverware in this Department. Leather Goods Purses, Bags, Music Rolls, Tie Cases, etc: all 'moderiately priced. , Christmas. Cards Greeting, Cards as low as 3 cents each.dnderful selection At. 5, 10, 15 and 25c. .Calendars and Book Marks, 'Stationery The Cllristrnas boxes of :paper and " Envelopes are very tastk^ and priced from $230 to $3.50. Seals, 'Tags and decorations of all kinds for your: parcel and Christmas Tree. he Christ HsrS re Vas lira -Mr, Wilmer• Reid is so ending. the week in Toronto: The school concert, which was .giv, en in the township hall Friday night. last,' was a decided success. Great credit' is due both teacher ..and pupils 'for the, splendid program. The pro- ceeds ninounted to about $38.00. The many friends •of Mrs. Witi, Clarke will be sorry to hear that she is still confined to her bed, but we hope soon to hear' of her recovery. Mr. C. Epps installed a radio for Mr. Russell Erratt this week. • Mr..and Mrs. L. McConnell accom- panied by the latter's parents, Mr. and' Mrs. D. J. Stephenson, motored to Marlette, Mich., Friday last to spend the week with relatives and friends. , .:! Mr. Win..Taylor and son Garnet, shipped two ear loads • of citttle9 tb Toronto on Saturday. f,. Miss Welsh of Kincardine; ,who has been visiting her sister, Mise K. elsh, and assisting her,a the, soh ol, o , ncert returned to 'her hone Soni ay. n. .. Cippeno' Setter' and Perdue of Clinton have ust completed' the installation of a :essure system in the residence of . A. "$ell. ' _ l nomination dor reeve. and .four tour Goderieh Township Mr, W. H. Lobb returned last night from a trip up Listowel way, where he bought a load of cattle, which• he will sell by auction on Friday next, Mrs.; R. Y. Cox, who has been ill for a couple of weeks, is .now imueli better.,Master Lloyd' F4ellford of Clintois visiting with his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. George Laithwaite, who have been • visiting , relatives in this township • for several months, left last week for Detroit and will go on to their home at Edinburg, North Dakota. S. S. No. 4, Goderrich,`will hold• their, annual Christmas entertainment Fri- day evening,- liec. Tfilth, at 8 o'clock. A geo'd,li'rograrli , is being prepared, Ali are cordially invited to attend. Mr. James Switzer has moved' onto an adjoining !'arm and his son, Ehrl, is' coining' back to the 'old homestead. Mr. Clarence .Cole and'wife motored. 'over' frons' Flint; Mich'iga"h, 'and the visiting .old friends arorind: Ctlinton, : - Messrs. Fred,' -John and C B. Mid - (Beton have installed radios ilr their homes..' The council met on Monday, Dec. 7th in Holmes' Hall at 1.p.m. •Bylaw No:08, authorizing, the issuing of 4 $1;099,-, debonttires,' 'matif ing in 10 year's ,to, pay fpi+,itlre'school ' erected in S. S. No. 1 was passed. , Also Bylaw No, 9, providing for By -La >r.''Nd. 8 for 1925 of tear. Town of Clinton A By Lar,. to Provide Funds for the Erecting of a Collensiate Institute Building -WHEREAS it has. been • made to appear desirable that",a new Colleg- iailo:: Institute building '• should' be er ected MAhe Town of Clinton, and to meet the cost thereof that the sum of eighty thousand dollars ($80,000.) should be borrowed on the.credit of • the Corporation... ' '® AND WHEREAS',in order thereto it 'will be necessary to issue deben- tures of the":Town of'Clinton 'for the slim of $80,000.00 as hereinafter pro to le} 'Township Mr. Samuel Hohner visited friench in Seaforth.one day last week, Mr. ThonjasSnowden was in,Ged Crich on Saturd•iy •': Mr."Geo, Williams has been busy` this week :helping M., , H. Penhalo move a building which he purchased from Me; Baechler. Mr, Geo. Hammond anddMr Erwin Hobson of St. Thomas are visiting friends' in `Stanley -Tp. Mr: John Penhale who has been in the West for the `past few' months, has now returned home Mr. J.'Geaber, who moved frou Indiana about a year ago'and Fettled' on the Brunson line, is' now returning to Indiana, • Mr, Albert Townshend of Clinton was the guest of Mr, Will Scotchmer on Sunday last, • Mr. E. Baechler of Goilei:ich was in Stanley on'business on Saturday last AND WHEREAS it is desirable that the said debentures shall be pay-, able in thirty years and shall bear in- terest at the rate of five per .centum per annum, payable half yearly, and shall have coupons for such interest attached, ` ; AND WHEREAS the .anoount''of the whole rateable property of the said Town according to the last re- vised assessment' roll is the suer of $828,375,00: AND WHEREAS ..the amount of the existing debenture debt, el! the Corporation, exclusive of local im- provement -debts secured by special rates or assessments -is $162,235.60,' and no part of the principal or inter- est is in lii'rears. THEREFORE 'THE MUNICIPAL. COENGIL 'OF' THE CORPORATION. OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON EN- ACTS AS•FOLLOWS,: 1. Thatfor the purpose aforesaid there shall. be borrowed on the credit of the Corporation the stun of 180,000.00 and debentures shall be issued 'therefor bearing interest' at the rate of five per centum \per' an- num,* and having .coupons attached' thereto for the payment of interest. 2. The debentures shall bear the same date and shall be issued -within two years: after' the date' en which this'By-law is passed andonay bear any date within such two years, and shall be payable in thirty years after, the date of issue: Auburn Mr. and Mrs. Frank Straughan left, last Tuesday, for their home in Ore- gon, gon, going by Buffalo" and Chicago: Mr. W. King and his sister, Miss M. King, spent the week -end with friends 'at Zitchener. The Women's Missionary Society presented -Mrs. J. J. Washington with a Life Membership Certificate and an address at their last meeting. They also packed two splendid bales of guilts and clothing for .the needy in Toronto. , Mrs., T. Straughan left last week to spend a few weeks with, her daughter, Mrs, Williams, near Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. .Shaw left on Thoth - day for a trip to,Los Angeles, Calif.. Death came with startling sudden- ness to Mr. George Clark on Tuesday,. Dec. lst. , Ie left his home be the 8th concession of Colborne in the marring ; apparently , iii his usual, health and, drove to Blyth, ' ,Leaving his car at the roadside he wentto pay a Ball, the road to the house be- ing uphill it is supposed he over- taxed his heart as- he fell between the road and the house. Dr: Milne, who was called said that death wasdue to heart failure. Mr. Clark's wife pre- deceased him just five years..,... He leaves.. to mourn their loss two sons, who have been his constant eompan- ions, two brothers, Dr. W. F. Clark of Goderieh and Mr..John Clark of Col- borne, The funeral was held from, his cillors for 1926; . and the subsequent eellent lunch was served by Mrs. F. election, if any, including the places Little, Mrs.•Maine, Miss L. Mains. of polling deputieg and poll clerks Mrs. (Rev.) Abrey, who spent the u Was passed as follows, ' Nb. 1, Orange past two month's with her daughter , Mrs. J. Watt • of Toronto, returned last Saturday. N 3 h Mrs. Quinn is -spending a few weeks with Toronto friends, ., o to The W. A. held their meeting at the home of Mrs. McCrae last week. Mrs, T. Moon was -on the sick list a few days !hist week: Mr. T. Fairservice. has opened his Hall, Chris, W. Johnston, Geo. Fal - toner; No. 2, Rause of H. Sturdy,'I.l, Sturdy, W. J. McCabe; o, ouse of John Johnston, W. Emmerson, John Johnston; n; No. 4,house of W. 11. Lobb, W. a Lobb, L. Anderson; No. 6, arouse of Bert . Murphy, B. Murphy, Bert Lobb; No. 6, house of Robt.' Rowden Robt. Richardson, Robt. Row; den, ! butcher shop again for the winter 11ir. D. Gliddon was re -appointed months. The community. is glad of chief school attendance'. officer for this. Mr. Fingland• and:.,: Mr."E•. Adams were at Constance on Mohday. l,f Mr. and . E. Adan1s and Miss fx,.` Brigham and Mrs. Wiii 'Biigham spent last ;Wednesday in Winghanr.: Mr, and Mrs. Ford of London called R. G. Thompson, clerk, salary; $116;' an friends here last Thursday on R, .G. Thompson,,.census to P. S. I, ,their' 1vay'to�Owen Sound. •$2.50;S. J Andrews, tile and &Mont, `''.Mss,'B Little spent last weeli with, '$29.05; News -Record,. adv,, ': 1,00; 1,6.. giste>,.:Miss„Cowan.,near• Blyth:: Municipal World, :supplies, $32;;72 F : Wasrnan, rep. scraper $7.40; ;Jas. •. • Blair, sheep, 'claim,., $12:00; . Allex.";McCoy's Cod Liver Ixtract , •Tablets 1026. Trustees please note. The-fo118wiilg accounts were ord= eret paid, councillors, services. at board, $140,00; J. E. Whitely,. treat, urer's ;salary,' $100.00; Reeve, clerk and assessor, selecting jurors, $10.00;, Lig 0 Yr �s Spelled ;: l� Our,purest made; candies,. are the ever welcome gift, for. Christmas, or any 'other' day,. ; To young or old :candy is food forkappiness or Joy retest of sweets Our holidaycandies are'read , The sw •. Y , oucanput in the kiddies stockings or hang on the Christrnas y•. tree. Young, , sheep claim, $15-00,. Root• Celcreugh, nails, '59, cents, A, Hill, rep. 'Colborne' bridge, -$43.20; holland, reosirs, $2:85; Fred Leonard,, dog tax error, .$4 00; Board, of Health, $66.80;'Sam, Emniersott,.,siYpt:;`'61.50;. Council 'adjourned to toeet Dec. 15th: at 10 am: for the final ineetilik of 1905. —R. G. THOMPSON, Cleric. The Boa xi of Health met n'1!ori- day, -Dee. 7th in Holmesvi1lefor the •I.1ast regular; meeting ;for the year. The township has been` 4':ccepti Bally free : from contagious' diseases fon; the yekr,'Aheret being' a" few -cases Of 'Measles in' the early part of the yeah,. 'The usual precautions were taken and an epidemic 'was avoided There are at present three:eases and it is hoped that in these' eases also,the quaran- tine' and furnigation will prevent any Co is$anc The taxinan was in ora• village an ationday. • The Sunday 'school is going, to have a "White Gift" service on Sunday, Dec. 136. • • - Qne day last week while' Mr: Jas. Mann was gritting "a -load of straw at Mr. Chas. Dulmage's• he slipped and fell !back off the, load, hurting lids back. 1! Mrs. Geo. Stephenson is ilnpraving nicely, -we are -glad tfs'repoot. Mr. • Frank Riley]iasgone back to Brussels to resume his work there. Mr, Geo. Laws is here for the n in eoidesbo o Fine for Thin Underdeveloped Kids :Children:4,9yd Thein iDeeatuee They s• Are Sugar Coated,aAnd, as. Easy t6 Take as Candy,: Tt's.youri.duty,,Mother,:to see that the frail, peaked,- sidloly.r.youngster grows up "torte .strong in body, -,keen mind,and r obust•. in health. • • .:!Extracted front': the., livens: ofthe lowly' codfish are -tire- lhealth• weight and ' strength pi educing • vitamin's that are found in McCoy's Cod Liver 'Extract Pallets, ' iWliich - nue sold by 'Pharmacists' all over •North and South Attierrca:'1 '� Doetbi"s know about them and so dries any''druggist"and if potir child'; ren need building ntr ask for these 'tablets today if yoyu`want to give your loved ones 'a good appetite' and put pounds of good health flesh on their pones` But; be. sure and got McCoy's..., ',They aro not expensive--0b'tablets` -6,0 cents and if'3?ou",aro rot,`plV`ased With the iinpropentent •after 30 days =;Your inon6y backs 'A very Sick'y child ahra 9;- ;tined 12" pounds "m ever!' merit .";; a -td' i3 - strong and':"htnitny.l. One skinny woman gained 7_pomrds 3. The debentures yrs to both !prin- cipal and interest shall be made pay- able at the office of the Treasurer of the Town of .Clinton, and shall be signed by the Mayor and Treasurer of the said municipality and- shall have attached thereto the' Corporate Seal of the Town of Clinton, The de- bentures shallhave attached to them coupons for the payment of the inter- est, which coupons shall he signedby: the Treasurer of the, Town of 'Clinton. The signature of 1 the Treasurer to such , coulions may ' be written, stamped,., lithographed or engrered thereon: 4. That upon the passing of this By-law the'kayor and: Treasurer are lfereby authorized •' and' directed to. pay over to the Collegiate Institute Board of the said Town of Clinton from time to time such sums as shall be required ,by the said Board for tlie purposes aforesaid, not ,exceeding in ail the stun sof $80,000.00 so to he raised. `\ The monthly meeting of the Womr en's Institute was held in the Com- munity hall ,on Th,irsday,last with! forty-five in -attendance, the presi• dent in the .chair. After the opening exercises the. -business part , of,,the meeting' was transacted, followed by a duet by. Mrs. S. Carter and Mrs. ,i. Manning, °piano duet by the Misses Brown. Miss S. Barr gave her re porl, o£ the 'convention held `in, ton - don,; which was enjoyed by all. All repaired,., ,to basen'aent, where an ex• late home'in Colborne .on Friday of ternoon to Colborne cemetcty. Rev W• R.'Alp and Ret. W. Hawkins tor ducted' the 5. That during the, currency of the said debentpres there shall be levied and 'raised on all the rateable !property of the Town of Clinton the sum of $4,000.00 to meet tlie annual interest on ,the said debentures and the sum of '$1,426.41 (less such sons as may be payable, during the current Year by the County of, Huron or any other municipaity contributing to - .wards the ,cost, of the said building to provide a sinking fund -for the pay - l! the said, ,debentures at the maturity 'thereof. - 6, The votes el the electors qual- ified. to ual-ified-to vote on ?this By -lain shall be taken: en Monday, the, fourth day:, ,of January, 1926, commencing at : 9 o'clock • a.m. and .. continuing until. 5' o::clock p.ni. at the same places .and by the same Deputy Returning. Officers as are appointed for the annual elec- tion of the Municipal Council of the Town of Clinton.; - 7. On the, second day of January, 1926,; at 11 o'clock a rn ilia Mayor will attend at the Clerk's; office -to appoint persons to attend at the said palling places and at the,final sum- ming up of the votes on behalf of persons interested iia, and promoting or• opposing the passing of this 'By -1 law. 8. The Clerk will attend at his.of- fice ori Tuesday, the 5th day of Jan- uary,'1926, at the hour of .11 o'clock a,ni.otd sum• no the number -of votes !given •for and against ..this By-latv.. 9 This By-law serail some into force and ,take effect immediately upon` the final passing thereof, ;.. DATED at the Council, Chamber in, the Town of Olintonr this Scbenth day o f. December,1925. Rhealnratie,Pairis Go Swollen joints Vansil Twisted ti swollen,. unsightly joints: are rapidly, freed ''from pain and breitght back to normal with'Rheuma. Larne people walk without aid; hieep corner to those, who have been unable- to lie in bed; handsthet were helpless because of, ,terrible'aheuma are new able to do tlieit' share `for the support of the family.. Rheuma is a'vvonderful remedy four rheuniatisni, gout, neuritis, lunpbagp 'and neuralgia It - is a wonder -work• er . it never £al- ters,,never gives uip until every yes tige of poison is expelled' front the body. Rheums sets on stomach, liven, kid- neys' and id-neys•and .bladder'''all `at ronce olid quickly ibriigs•long;prayed "for coni - fort to ` distressed sufferers. 3: E. Havey and, all good druggists 5511 it with guaran{tee Of:money back if °it isn't satisfactory. 1 : • Mayor. Clerk. NOTICE • Take notice that the above is a' true copy of a proposed by-law which ht's beentaken into consideration and whidhwill be filially passed by the Council- of -the' 'Municipality •(in the event of the . assent' of : the electgrs; being - obtained ltVi eto) after one month frosty !Fie'first publication in The Clinton News -Record, the date of 'which publication was Thursday; 'the tenter day . of December, 1925, and that the votes of the electors o£`:the said municipality will be taken there- on on the day and at the hours and places tlierenr ,£fixed. Tenants whose leases extend for the tittle for which the debt is to be created 4incl who have coven=uited to pay ,ell' Municipal taxes ID -respect <of the property must file their bleellira- tions notlateb than the tenth day be- fore the day appointed for taking the ore. D. L..'NIACPHER.SON, Town Clerk:''; !; Dated this seventh day 'of' December, 51w - o Pie can. be Beller than its Crost, use PURITY FLOUR If: your pie -crust ,isn't always what you would like it to be, don't blame. the recipe, or the oven—' • chances are it's the, flour that's wrong. Purity _Flour,- milled from the finest hard wheat, ',silk sifted and oven tested, is f ui 1 y worthy of your ..talent for baking. With ,Purity Flour you can always make flaky, golden -brown, delicious tasting pie crust.: ' Ask your favorite retailer. all ,®i.rhake Get the PURITY COOK BOOK 'Send 30e in stamps for the Pa ,'i3 Floar 180 - page Cook Book Sent Portpaid. WESTERN CANADA FLOUR MILL. Co.. Limited Bond Office: TORONT , Branches from coast to roust ' 7 lib e`� �L �aia`.;:I� i:its a y 'fiy and I "` tSs r., . sti��1�•use �- aor fat a Iligdware Merchant • firLfrhy take a week to sell custoiTters who can be sold in a horning —by Long Distance e • ales the Overs That Solves the The questiontellor.niada'appeaisnce, : 7'hequestion of adjustab lity totiny size:leg, The gtresticin of protecting* skirts,from buekle.tenrs. The question of buckles opened by coat bottom. The question -of perfect:fit, warmth and lightness. The question of concealed fasteners.,' 'the new e4djuslo" Overshoes•madu cyclusivelyh3 tlus,firm, only answer all these questions but inquality,; fit and appear$nc far out.,distaace ptlier.ovelshoes tlrathhere is no cocuparisou.... Gaod'deslers all ecer cell "Adjaste".0aersltoe3: '" There is iio substitute for them ask for them lry'natue. Made only , the akers of Lif(6buo.37:R. r Fcootw TSE . KAUF MAN. RUB.B It CO., II Ilb!ffi t 1Ej� 3 c•• ONTI . ><TC�IE� • Sok.: