HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-12-03, Page 8Cara 1I1Gw�-1: Oce THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, .1025` CLINTON'S LEAD TG JEWELLERY STORE' RADIO BROADCASTING HAS BROUGHT NEW HAPPINESS, NEW 'INTEREST AND PROSPERITY INTO MTLLIQNS OP .HOMES THE WORLD OVER It provides without charge: II TL ;NT JR AI \ T— ARKCT Q UO TATIO S —CHURCH T _.• - "T � BED-. S>;RS�ICES I,I;G:T-URli✓S—PDUG_-11_ONAL'pAl, S TIME STORIES—NEWS 1313LLETII''S-=SPORT NEWS Mareonip The New hone vi and' VII. Radio•Recetvers Will bring 1 this_vas1 wealth of broadcasted entertainjiiynt and instruction to you Dotter than you could ever hearit bei'ole�.because they have—, Seleetivity—Volume—Range-Tone-True Clarity,—Ease of Control ICI( TOCK!" TIC TICK TOCK! ICK TOCK! 1 R. H. diOHiNISON; Graduate' of Toronto College of Optometry ' ",,„ Fine Jewellery and Repairs Next Hovey's Drug Store 1Regi Clothing :values Must include High-grade Mercnandise as well as low price Our stock of Overcoats and Suits Was selected t� supply the best obtainable at a moderate price: - Ready-to-wear or Ordered Clothing at the very closest price possible and a large range of•patterns and styles to select from Mems Overcoats from -$18 up Men's Suits from $15 up � .. flow about a purr of Goloshes If you haven't a' pair, •you. shout have. ' We have them for men, women pr children and our prices are right. Piumsteel Bios. PHONE • 25, SMALL PROFITS :,MORE •BUSINESS L. W. CURRELL—THOS. SHIPLEY' NEW PEELS—Orange, Leman and,Citron. NEW FRUITS—Currants, different grades, New Spanish Valencia Raisins, Thompson Seedless. Raisins, Sun Maid t'uffed Seeded Raisins in bulk, Sun Maid Seeded in packages, Malaga.Table'Raisins, New Dates, New Prunes, New Shelled. Almonds, Shelled Walnuts. A supply of all kinds of Fresh Spices • and Extracts '" COURTESY—SERVICE-QUALITY GOODS -RIGHT PRICES THE Ce 8..S. GROCERS Main Store, Phone 125 W. Branch Store, Phone 125 J:, wanmaiment Bear that clock. I1'is'saying universal; language that time is passing. ''Christmas is just-around'the corner. Other legal holidays ',conie.inethodic ally -never take you by sur- prise but Christmas season makes everyone so busy and; .seems to leap, at us as a'sur- prise. The -moral of it all is! start early. In addition to ,your gifts don't overlook `Seals, Tags, Stickers, Cards and Dec- orations. -Red and Green Bells, Candles, Crepe Paper and Sti•eanlers' How dull is the home without.themrthey warm the heart to the...spirit of the season and make for joy and contentment.. The W.11 Fair Ca. Often the oteeapest--Always the Best The . Laun-Dry-Ette Way of Washing Means— 'Oil has a winger it hal a Lann•DryGtte' LutWT-R WouIdn't you like to wash the '"� Laun-Dry•Ette Way? Phone 'or call No hand rinsing No hand bluing No buttons broken No hooks bent No fasteners jammed No red hands No hard-to=iron creases. No wringer and no. extra tubs eSoatriwaohln! anmohlno m �• a aaT A W..INGtu.- Hydro Shop, Clinton USE YOUR OWN UTILITY —IT PAYS. To those who contemplate the purchase of a Radio Receiving -Set we wish to advise that we have been appointed agents for the Fada ., Radio. We ha'e',taken on this ldane of Receivers because We believe it offers the very best for the money invested. They are all of thea` neutrod ne type, 1 which is conceded to be the highest type 9f Receivers, y Theyare.readilylogged, will not howl and bother ybur' neighbors' ga ,. , set, Let us demonstrate th'esPsets in your home. Prices range _from the 3 tube set at ,, 115.00, complete with:80 ah, storage battery, cone � p typeloud speaker,large .B. Batteries, head seta and -ante antenna equip- ment. ip- � mert. 4 tube, 3150.00; 5tube, 3190 .00, same ,equipment. 2 Tube. DeForest Crossley, $47.00, complete 3 Tube DeForest Crossley, 395.00, complete: Sutter Perclile Residence 174j. Phone 174w HARDWARE PLUMBING ELECTRIC. WIRING - 6, os. Flour; 6 Boz. Bread Crumbs, stale `'and rolled th. ' Seeded Raisins; % lb. Currants; '5. lb,' Suet. chopped fine; 10 oz. Sugar; 1_ cup of. Molasses; 3 oz. Candied Orange Peel, cut fine; 1 teaspoon grated Nutmeg; 1 teaspoon Mace; 0 SPECIAL—Puddings-in China Bowls, all ready to use 60c 1b. In one and two pounds Decorated and Plain Christmas Cakes. These are very beaptiful and contain the best fruit. Intone and two poundal;,, Bedley's .Almond Paste Icing, per Ib - ..... , , . 50e Cash and Service Price List New Pitied Raisinrs,'per 1b. 15c New .Currants, pelb. 19c New` Dates,:per lb, . • l7 c Candied .Cherries, per ib. 80e' Seedless Raisins, per lb 156 , Candied Pineapple Rings, each 5c and 10c Pure Bulk Cocoa, per Ob • • 12:12c Loose Sodas, broken, :2 lbs for ..• 25e" Corn Syrup, 5 lb. pail Corn Flakes,'3 for 28e • Relied ...Data, 7 lbs. f or 28c Coria Sta'irch, 3 pkgs,,for ' _'25e Heinz Tomato Soup, 2- for 25c - i Eggs well beaten and 2 teaspoons of Salt, 'Mix all together and tie securely in a floured cloth, leaving room for the pudding- to swell and plunge into kettle of boiling water.''. Boil from 5 to'6.hours, keeping. pudding;immersed all the FRUIT DEPARTMENT New California Celery New California Oranges Cranberries Head' Lettuce r New Pecan Nuts Blanched Almonds Assorted French Fruit' "- 'See otii' North Window CANDY DEPARTMENT New Imported Fruit Candy per lb. ..• ... . 40e Speciall lines for Sunday school. and Day school Christmas Trees Charlie Chaplin Bars—Funny•)i'olks—and many- other lines We are opening something, new every day—call and see them Sugar has advanced. We still quote special price by the bag. ,SPIECIAL ASSORTMENT FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS of Chris4e-1Brown's "De Luxe Packages” containing Fancy Cakes, Motor Cars, Ark Cartoons, Oat Cakes and Puddings. These are exceptionally fine and will be sold quickly -will also sell out of the packages.—See our South Window. Mr. D. W. L. Cantelon of Lucicnow spent the week -end with his family in town. Reeve C. G. Middleton is in Goderich this week attending ,the. December meeting of the county council. Miss Jean Hogg has taken a position as principal of the Public school at Cookeville for "the month of De- cember. Dr. J. W. Shaw and Dr..J. C. Gandier attended the meeting of the I•Iuron Medical Assoeiation in Goderich yesterday afternoon. Mr. Randolph Churchill and Mr:. Ern- est Livermore of Detroit spentthe • past week at the home o the form- er's brother, Mr. Thomas Churehill. Mrs. 3 B. Lindsay left Friday last for Toronto, .-where she will visit for a time with heti daughter, Mrs, Clare Elliott, ; and with other friends. Mr, Ed. Lindsay, who has been nn the west for the past' few months, returned last week and spent seine days with his grandmother, Mrs. Perdue of town. , Mrs. Walker ,of Detroit arrived qn Saturday evening to visit her ter, Mrs. George Davies who con- tinues quite ill, although it is ' hoped she is gaining a little. • Mr. A.'.T. Cooper' leaves this after- noon -for New York, where he will meet his brother, Mr. E. H. Cooper of London, Eng., English manager of the Auto Strop Razor Co., who is this side of the Atlantic on a busi- ness trip.'. 2Messrs. C. Draper, C. Venner, Elton' Rozell, T. G. Scribbens F. A. Jen- kins, II. P. and W. J. Plumsteel, A. Castle, S. Thembson, Dr. 3. •S. Evans, H E. Rorke, Gordon :1 -Jail and Harry Ford went to Exeter on Friday evening to attend a meeting': of the Masonic ledge, Mrs. W, C. Henbispn and her dau"gli- ter of Glasgovi;\Nerth Dakota, ar- rived in town ; Friday evening and are now visiting the former's Moth- er, Mrs. George Connell Sr., who resides with her daughter, Mrs. W. Carter of Hallett. `Mrs Connell is now ninety -fire years of age and, while retaining her faculties, to a wonderful degree, is failing' s c me - what. It is twenty 2•pears since Mrs. ITerbison's last visit tothe hone community. California Budded Whlnuts, per lb... Bleached Sultana Raisins FANCY FRUIT BASKETS MADE TO ORDER ,SPECIAL FRIDAYS AND' SATURAYS 2 lbs. Seedless Raisins, 26e 2 lbs. Currants,„25s We expect Santa Claus to arrive,about 23rd or 24th Watch for him. • In the Morning First Delivery 9 a.m. In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p:m.. Cash and Service `$peen. The canvassers who were out .last week in behalf of the Budget fund of St. Andrew's United , church, re• ..sorted good success and the full allot- ment'will be on hand to fully meet the needs entre Church in her great forward movement ''Phis • is a con- Crete illustration of the benefits ac- cruing from unity of purpose. That great $4,000,000 funcl going to the ends of the earth for mission work will do much. -more effective work than if split • im ; into fragments -as formerly. May God speed the good work. - Why is it that there seems to he such a wave of crime going over this country? On Saturday night last some sneak thieves entered Mr. Jas. McOlymont's garage and stole his robe and tools from his ear and took rug' front the ear of Thos. Johns, which was in the same place. And on Sunday night an attempt was made to raid the store of W. E. Butt by forcing an entrance at the front door. le. Butt, hearing some noise, got up and carne into the store, searing the would be robbers away after they had been successful in 'opening the door. Had Mr. Butt not heard the noise and got up there is no doubt but the store would have been looted by . these scamps, who are hitting . the down- ward trail and some day will be caught, and severely pnnished for their cranes. Mr. Alex. McKenzie attended the fatteral of his brother-in-law, Mr.. Thos. G. Straughan, at Auburn on Thursday last. 4' W. carefully and are assured that it isl si not possible to modernize the :present building. The architect who remod- elled the Goderieh Collegiate Insti- tute at 'a cost of some 365,000 • says "No." The condition of our school is such that remodelling is not practic- able. IIURON OLD: BOYS HOLD 25T11 ANNUAL MEETING IN TORONTO Meeting Monday evening in' `the Central Y.M.C.A,, Toronto,'the mem- bers of the Huron 015 Boys' Associa= tion heard encouraging re:mrt1 of the past year's workand elected new of- ficers. It was the twenty filth an- nual.meeting of the association, and in presenting his report of, the work for •tbe year 1025 E. I"loodv Secre- tary, reviewed brlel!ly somo of the as- tivitics oil the ;Old .Boys, and stated, that the membership had reached 1;100. A campaign to increase thi, 'mem- bership of the association olid to raise money i:o'r true four Duren hos- pitals had been very aucccsrl:ful, the Secretary stated. Thefollowingoffi- cers"were elected Honorary dolts, Sir John Willison, T. 5.' Rus., sell,: Ralph 8, : Sheppard; President, Bert S. • McCreath; Vice-presidents, 1 r. A. Cameron, Mr`s. IL. L _Moraish.;and Mrs. -Ii 13, ,Stows; Secretary, E. T oody; Assistant Secretary, . Miss L. Patteson; Treasurer, `John Rob- ertson:, Financial, Secretary, , Miss Lucy -Bowers;:: Auditors, Arthur Forbes and Rober t Bailey Chaplains, Rev. T. W. Neal, and Dr. C A Seaga•. WHAT THE BUILDING OF A '.COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE WOULD ACTUALLY COST The following statement was pre- sented by the C. I. board;, The cost of the proposed school will -not exceed 380,000,' debentures for . will bear interest at the rate of 5% and mature in thirty years. Annual' levy' for sinking fund and interest, $5,426.40; "• 'the County's share of this: amount, ;32,170.40; Alio town's share,, 33,256,00, which equals about 4 mills tax rate. Present tax rate,' 44 mills`,' new:tax rate-, 43. mills. The present -Government grant is about $1,300, this will 40 cut. off if we do notebnild, thereby necessi- tating the &icing of the town's share of this anioUisP"by ihoreaed'taxation of about V mill -making the rate 441/2 milds,,.. A modern school would'entitle •us to a government :grant, of about $2,000, which would reduce the rate by about 7.i✓ mills. The' rate with new school, :exclusive of grant, 48 stills; reduction byincreased: grant, 135 Mills; net rate with 'new school, 40''/o'mills; net ratewith old school; =147%' mills; net incr,ease in the rate, 2 midis, Or an increase in taxes of 32.00 per annum on an assessment of 31,000. 'Stuely not a burdensome matter in view of the utterly ;unisatis- facbm y;condition,of the present build - under re ant 1e,,i-lation the ('Cutty pays its proportionate share, of -eighty per .cent. of the capital expenditure,, according to the ratio' of County pup= ils (by which is meant pupils who ai:•4 not residents of Clinton) to the total number iof pupils. in, attendance, which for a number of years pass"hg been slightly in excess , of fifty par cent. of the enrollment. Concerning the proposed new Col- legiate Institute,` the question is :Ore gyueiitly asked, “.Could not ,tlie present. building he'rcn3odelled,and thus save the expense of a new school?" The board cons:der'eel this matter': very Ate,1Jlline Dance S" ri ag, Dec. .4 COME ONE—COME ALL TO THE PASTIME CLUB BALL Dancing from 0:30 to 1 a.m. Five -Piece Orchestra DON'T MISS IT BE SURE TO SEE THE The Art Exhibit Under auspices of Howe and School Club .December 2, 3,_ and 4 At 7180 p.nu. in ST. PAUL'S CI URC}I SCHOOL. ROOM 200 Art Masterpieces A Program Each Evening Adults, 15e -Children 50 3.-3 DANCE WALKER'S HALL, BRUCEFIELD 00 WEDNESDAY, DEC."'Otlt l.• CALLIN'S ORCHESTRA Admission 75c 34-1 Christmas is Approaching Hubby hint ,Give a that✓ ou weir d like one of our granite roasters for a>Christmas box. We have them in both the sound and oval at .good price, Also a 'few black- ril stets in stock. , The kiddies wou,`ld appreciate a shovel :frorn have thcn just lel e ',Tad's" ' Caro Bros. ,Quebec heaters and Cook stoves at prices for everyone. IARDWARE and P7 TJMVIBING Phone 244 Kindly. Order Early ' Phone 48 Christmas is Rapidly Approaching In planning your gifts . this year why not' figure on Furniture, something that will be Comfortable, Durable and Useful to all mem- bers of the family as well as all your guests. We- will have the finest assortment' of Furniture of all kinds' ever shown in this community, so it will:pay you to drop in and look around, Make Selections early if you wish. • How the Old Folks Would Enjoy A CHESTERFIELD SUITE ' er a good Comfortable Rocker or perhaps a real good spring or Mat- tress. If it is Lamps, Ferneries, Reed Furniture, Cedar .Chests, Bed- room Boxes, 'Smokers, Pictures or Children's. Furniture we are right here with the goods. HARDWARE MORE COMFORT AND ECONOMY We, are sole agents for the Beach Quebec Ranges and Heaters. They are the real fuel savers and heat distributors. Besides- The Prices Are Right We have a few good second -band Ranges and Heaters in stock. REMEMBER—We sell the famous Brantford Asphalt Roofing. The very best made. It is absolutely guaranteed. .Clinton Hardware and FurnitureCo. FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 0e, montaionsasoseemasnanarossiesavranintaassom JUST ARRIVED A complete range of High Grade-'/ Biltmore Hats Also a full line of Fit -u -well caps Specialdemonstration of semi -ready custom tailored clothes on Frncial. , :.Debember: 4th We specialize in Customs Tailoring, Cleaning and Pressing Davis Herman VETERAN TAILORS PHONE 224-W PISPITimcostarelft=a8orieMSZONMETAXIMMIMMIUM1316111761aNCOSMIIIIMMOWW=1211601IESSMSEZEIZZOBILIMEr We ay Sp'..t C sh Eggs feu lefl�Livepo�llt�°y and l�tewlaid Anotlier' fa11 season has arrived and farmers should sell off their surplus poultry that is matured and fat. In other words, sell all•the I Will pa you well oultry you- have now that is fit for market t 1 1 y pr ',. to ntill:feed and crate fatten your cln6kens and fowls and c secu re the special price that we pay for milkfed quality. l farmers a renuum who will deliver their own pout- tileWe also our plant' according to the plan that the. will be glad to explain tr to you if you will phony ou,roffice "Clinton 199". Our .nota ,y price 'list is fl,:ce for the asking and a little cooperation with us will mean real, profit to you. Lams prove it to you. Limited GUNN LA,AlGLDIS �z Co,, L HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL, 2UE. Clinton Branch open each day from '7 am; to 6 p.m. Also open Thursday and Saturday: evenings from 7 to 9• Write, Phone or Call for any further information, you: require GUNN, .LANGLOIS ,CO., ' IMITED. — Ni htPhone254 Day Phoire.l.JO --Always atYour servicee g