HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-12-03, Page 41t11UR'Slat Sl1 cr TvlI 1 925, eWDrd' Sanr, - i l' a: uarters The jolly old chap has supplied us with :lots of toys tads year a they are now on display on the second floor. Chinaware Dept Suitable gifts.can be purchased in this ' department' wliicli is i'oaded` --down, with the' newest •in China- ware of all kinds,., Ch. INice Glassware Tumblers,'Bowls, Candy jars, Sher- bert glases, ,Goblets, etc., of all kinds. Wearwell Hosiery -for Christ 'OS • A pair of hose is always acceptable Wool, Silk and Wool and Silk, in many varieties..' A 1 and-othe Adains assi i Ipr flA patterns Silverware always acceptable We quote you the best prices Big variety from $1.00 to $10.00 - Books, Calendars and Christmas Cards Choice Christmas Papetries 2be $, Fish i1J tre • Auburn • A. quiet weddjmg tookplace at the Manse on «Wednesday, Nov. 25th, when Miss Gladys Roberton,' daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Roberton, became the bride of Mr. Burton Mills of Goderich, son ,of Mr. 1r.• Mils of West Wawanosh, The ceremony' was performed- by ;Rev. W. R. Alp. The young coin-rle will reside in Goderich and take with thein the ,best wishes of` a host of friends- in Auburn. The choir and young people of the ' United church called at- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McClinchey on Monday evening and presented them with two chairs and a fern stand,. ,We are pleased to see Miss Annie Sturdy is intprgaing, as she spent' Thursday afternoon visiting her sis- ' ter, Mrs. J. Laidlaw.. Miks'Alma Mutch':has returned,' to her 'home hare, • after' an extended visit with her brothers in Albeirta, and a trip to the Coast. ' • Miss S. Irwin is visiting her sister, Mrs,.Rudd i. Last Monday: evening the young people of • the village called at the homelof Mr. and 11its.: Rojretton and presented their daughter, Miss' .'Gladys, with' a rocking chair and table , Hel ,Sunday school • class at the salve time presented her with some silverware. Mr. ]Fred Plaetzerreceived word that a quantity of lumber at his null at Cargill had .been destroyed by fire. 'We understand- it was insured. The hne'nbers, of the Women's In- stitute entertained their, husbands ,in the forester's hall .on, Friday even- ing.; Tho hall: was tastetally decor- ated' for 'the occasion. Gaines .were played and a dainty Lunch seised. The regular meeting of the Wom- en'sInstitute is to he held at the "home of Mrs. 0.' E. Erratt on Tues- . day, Dec, 8th: The subject "Christ- mas Gifts" is to be taken by Miss W. -Howson. The hosetesses are to be Mrs. Washington, Mrs., Shaw, Mrs. dean and Mrs.• • Frgatt. There passed to his rest on Monday,, Nov. 23rd,' at his home in Auburn, one of the pioneers of this County, Mr. Thomas ,Gatus Straughan. -Deceased' Was born in Beverley tewnshiprfMay 22, 1841. His parents were of Eng- lish birth. They moved in 1851 to' .Colborne, which was then a wilder-. ness, Mica he shared with his parents the hardships," attendant on,pioneer_ life- `•-There were nine in'tbe•family. Of -these but two,,remai Mrs. Bran- der of '`Macklin Sask., and Wm. Straughan of Bennhiller, Ont. In 1874 he was married to •Margaret' Young, daughter of 'George Young of Col- borne. To,this'uhiion were born eight ',children, Ellen, the, eldest,'' died in early woman'lhoocl Mrs. Wm. -May- The'w of Thamesville, Mrs. A. Bennet ,of St, Thomas, George'''of Coeur de Aene, Idaho; Charles M. of Hulled; Vis. C. Williams of Goderich„ Tp.; William on the homestead and Frank of Kul'inath Falls, Oregon, all being present' at the funeral except George. Mr, and Mrs. Straughan began their married life in Colborne, but 187$: moved to the second concession of East WaWanosh where they' i re- mained 'until some fourteen veais -ago, when they retired horn active', work anti sane to reside",in 'Auburn. In 7924 they celebrated their golden wed- ding on the gold hone farm -in East ,r. Wawanosh, all the children' and grandchildren. being present, except the youngest son, Frank, of Etilinatt Falls, Oregon. Mi;. ;Straughan was the oldest surviving member' of Knox church and was a member of the, building committee wihen the present church' was built, He was a regular attendant until less than two months ago, when his health began to fail. The fnnelal, which was held from Iinox church to ' Balls .cemetery on Thursday, Nov. 2Gtlh, was largely at- tended by former neighbors and friends, sheaving the esteem in which he was held by.all who knew him. The pallbearei's'were ,J. Arthur, J: Mach, T. Anderson, W. Anderson, Sas., Straughan and G. Cowan, the four last being nephews. He leaves to mourn their loss, his partner in life, seven children and twelve grand- I children, to' whine the sympathy of the•community',,goes• out. 9 YOUNG STANLEY FARMER ' WEDS MORRIS TP.•GIRL The marriage -'•took place at the. homeof the bride's parents, Morris, at high noon on Wednesday .of.last week, of Edna: Alberta, only daughter of Mr. 'and, Mrs. ''John Cunning df Morris township to Clifford lames Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fen- wick Stewhrt of --Stanley township. The bride ;.wore 1 pretty wedding. frock of sand silk canton crepe and carried a bouquet of white carnations and fern, ''The couple were unattend- ed and the ceremony was performed by the RAY.' Dr.-Pe'rie of'Wingham. Miss Annie. Stewart, the bridegroom's cousin, splayed the wedding music. At the conclusion of the ceremony and when the young couple had received the 'congratulations of the assembled guests, which included only immediate relativbs and a few friends, • the bridal luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart came home' the saline evening, and will reside on the second of Stanley. They have the good wishes of a'large circle of friends for hsppi- nese and good fortune, in` the future. REPORT- OF HOG SHIPMENTS Report of hog shipments. for week ending Nov. 26, 1925.,. Clinton—Total hogs, 77; 'select ba con, 26;'thick smooth, 41; heavies, 6; shop hogs, 3. ' Londesboro—Total .,]hogs; ' 163; se- lect baboni;•;63; thick ..smooth, 87; heavies,-6;,:shop hogs, 2.' Huron County—Total, hogs, 2,102; select bacon, 639, •thiole•smooth, 1199; heavies, 119; extra •heavies, 3;-• shop hogs, 68; lights and feeders, 15. For FALL&wlRTIEIf1Vlonths Wlie xY y'^A OT Takeout an .egency for Notsiny Stock •with a good firm, yon can snake goad money and add matcriahly to your present income. We Pay, Our AgOrtte' weekly or monthly, supply canvassing o largest tack of Cannisi and ro the ar e s etc. Write itf r cony SF>ruirs etc. writcrFoi particulars._ -' i PELHAlVl NurtsgpY TQnONTO 2, OroT. Established 4e years, 000 ocreq, i t 'a ruWaFA'ia F -EMP . ...,s„�99 News of Happenings' in the Caltrnt j and District Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Janes Dean of this town celebrated the fif- tieth anniversary of their wedding on Monday of last,week, when their -five Hiring children and seventeen sof their twenty-six grandchildren were pre- sent to --assist ln' the celebration. A very happy time was spent by the members of the family and a num- ber of intimate friends. Mr. aria Mrs. Dead aro enjoying excellent health and entered into the merry -making with zest. They were the recipients of many.' handsome gifts including eighty-five dollars in gold and ;a' gold. cream and sugar set, the latter from the Catholic. Women's League. Mr: and Mrs. Dean' were marriedin Clin- ton in 1875, the' bride was formerly Miss Mary Hanlon and her home was in Clinton for some years, •'Mr. Dean was bort in Goderich township. They have lived in Goderich for the -past thirty-five years, Seaforth: •The Huron -Plowmen's Association held a meeting on Seta - day afternoon, Nov, 21st, in the' Town Fail, Se'aforth.. A, good number from tlie.-north side' of the County 'attend- ed, also a'nunhberof the most promin- ent men from the south west part of the County. The'object 'of the Meet- ing was_to pla ,e u rciiresentative of each, township on the, Directors' Board, but owing to the fact thin there' was not rd'presentative south• of Seaforth present, it was impossi- ble to • carry this out. However, the meeting went with •a• good swing; Reeve Beattie was there to welcome the Plowmen to.Seafotth, giyingthein an invitation to hold the next snatch near Seaforth ,also extending to them a welcome to . hold meetings in Sea - forth at any time. Mr. Daly ,declared his willingness to 'assist : in any way he could to help make the Huron Plowmen's Association a success', ' in fact there was a sympathetic co -roper ative feeling through the Whole Meet- ing and•ithe plowmen be assured that the County are ,behind• them' in this enterprise.' $296.00 was paid out in prizes this year and it is expected next year's match will be•even better. Goderich: Tenders are being asked for the building of a -new town -hall: Plans and specifications' have been received and a bylaw will be subnhit- ted at the `Januaryelections to pro- vide for -the necessary funds. It is proposer] to have ,all the municipal offices in the,building, hydro offices, fire hall,'etc:. and over the fireball living apa.•tmentsr:for 'resident fire - Seaforth: Anniversary services will be held in First Presbyterian church on ,Sunday, when the Rev. Dr. A. S. Grant will be the speaker. A tea -meeting will be held on the +Mort-` day evening following. Hensal1:'- MI's. Robert' Caldwell, a popular and well-known ,resident 'o f this town, died suddenly; •Eroni .heart, failure Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Cald- well attended a concert on Friday night and complained of illness after- wards. She load previously been in good ]health, and her death was a shock to everyone who know her. The funeral took place on Tuesday to the Union Cemetery, ,-Hensall,. Mrs, Smith, of Toronto, mother .of.the de- teased, was here for the funeral. Mrs. Caldwell before, her marriage, was Miss Ida Coed,' eldest daughter of Richard Coati, a.: prominent merchant of the •=town,.-• She was' in her 40th year, and is survived by her husband and a daughter, Quick Releif for Rheulnatics Local Druggists Sell i.liebnia on' Money4-Back Plain If you suffer from•.torturing rheu- matic 'pains, swollen; twisted 'joints, and suffer intensely bueause your sys- tem is full of nano acid, that'danger- ous iSoison` that makes thousands helpless and kills, thousands years be - 'fore' .their time, then you meed Rheuma, and need it now. tart taking it t ..day ,Rheuma acts at' •opce on kidneys, liver, stonu h and blood, and you can sincerely ex, claims "Good riddance 'of bad rub- bish." Malty people, the most, skeptical. of 'skeptics right in this , city Lind in the country hereabouts; bless the day when. J.•E,r}tovey :and other good hvggists offered Rheuona to the af- flicted at a small price and 'guaran teed hoiiey refunded if not satisfied. If you have rheumatism get 11. bottle of i1lipuma today..--Advt. -C6`A tt Il j News Aalttit The. month 'of.November, #sr percd It 'iSagistra•to;Reids,court, siva a decrease in eases and '.fines lxghL'Mladt year, 26 Cases and $570' in, files beirg .the reeord this year, as e0m,pared with 30 cases and $673 infines uh November 1.9241. Of, the 26 c4.es,f22,werc_ convictions and four `disimissals. Sixteen of the in,foima- tions were „for ,bieachesof the O.T.A. and 1500 in fines was coileeted,,;iinder the act. There wero no, jail sentences this month, being the ,first for many months. , .. Seaforth: Mr, F: T. Fowler, of McKillop , uear''Seaforth, delivered to Mr. I': A, Sullivan, at Seaforth sta- tion on Thursday, one of the largest and' best lots or hoes that have been seen here in a long time, ' There were 55 head 110 the btancll, and they weighed 11,'330 pounds, for which Mr. Fowler received • a cheque for $1,360. Huron• Expositor. v SNT'LL'S PLOCIt 1)0128` Vas made in order to get to Toroi in daylight Godei•ich Soar: WE'LL Al GIIIC.afO FAIR The io1lowin .dispatch was received from Chicago on Monday tram Ute big "fair, where James Snell ' & Son of Hallett have been exhibiting sheep: CHICAGO, Nov, 30, -- Canada scored seveual important victories in. the - Sheep Divisions , of the Interna• tiorial Livestock Exposition`liekc this morning with James Snell, 01; Clinton, Ont, capturing most of thc`:award;:. Snell's yearling was chosen, chain - pion Leicester wether, while his damb wase elected 'reserve_ champion. His pens of three wether 1ainbs who also •iven,first place. In :glade and cross- bred class Belvoir Stock farnhs ofDelaware, Ontario,', showed well, plac- ing second in , the yearling: wether class, C. G. Brodie, 01, Stailfrville, Ont., was third in the pen of wether 1ambs di inion NO' LONGER ON THE MAP ' "What makes you so late?" asked Tim's father, who, in the .boy's ab h tosee to the venin Bence -had had evening' chores himself. "Teacher kept nae in:" "What •for?" ; "'Cause I cooidn't,,find 'Moscow on the map." .- "Could.' find"Moscow, And I'd like, to., fhow who could their! .'W'hty, I remember hearing, tell o' Moscow being burned when I was a boy] It's an outrage to put such nonsensical euestons to children what's there to leant something useful. I'll look in- to that, and let yer teaelief know 1 ain't'been_ ` elected to. the school board for nothing!" He. Earned a Bonus .But It ]didn't Pay Iuspeetor PeiIow "Takes, Ftiur and a. Half Tons of Booze to `Iorouto The beer and whiskey which was seized at the warehouse at the' dock some time ago was, taken to Toronto to the Government dispensaries yes- terday. The' .shipment made a truck load of 4/z tons and Inspector Pellow accompanied the load, , An early start , LINGANNON, MAN TAILS IN EFFORTi TO GAIN CUSTODY OF CJJILDIREN Vancouver; Dec. 1h, --Habeas corpus proceedings launcI'ied by 'Lawrence 'Smiley; 'OS Dungannon, Ont., ',seeking custody' .od-his ' two little daughters,. Francis; 7 and Jean, '3, failed before Mi! Justice Morrison in 'Supreme: Court today when the court granted an .order 'giving the mother, Marie Smiley, of Vancouver', possession of the two children.' ' Too Much. Hockey. Ruined Donald':.; Health It 1s often said that tears:. aro Just, a step removed from Joy, Poo •Donald ]knows that, At the age of JO •he was:. attending high school, playing /'n a hockey team,.going to 'turtles' ani do- ing all; the things that a red-blooded youth wi1L do: When Joy was at its height gloom spade its appearance in the shape of consumption. Then -was nothing to do, tate doctor said, but drop everything and go to 'the Muskoka Hospital ,for a thorough rest andskilful, oenstent treat0rient: Donald has now forgotten his resent- nlent at.fato in his happiness over the news that he is soon to be sent" home—better; Contributions may be sent to icon. W. A. Charlton,President, .:223 Col, lege Street, Toronto 2, Ontario. Ile had a Job with, a big Transport Company, driving a team, and han, dling big notes in all kinds of weath- er. His motiher was -a widow and there were_ilve to be fed. 'I made $17.50 a week anile bonus of 55.00 a month for e,'ttre. loads. S used to get wet through, but if I didn't stick it I didn't get the bonus. One day I fell off' my load, and they satd•I had fainted, and the doctor - said my chest was weak I. had to go to work in the 'morning when my suit wouldn't be dry, ,A, few weeks more of work 'and I got another spell and they sont inc up here. • " In the Muskoka Hospital for .Con- sumpthves, Herb is finding rest, care and good food beyond anything he ever experienced. The Doctors and Nurses Tike this quiet helpful- chap, o 0and have hopes that' •hehlth and ' . strength wilt Come back 'to him be-, fore long t • • , • Contribbnttons may' be sertt-to Hon. •W, A. Charlton, :President, 223 Col • - lege Street, Toronto 2, Ontario. • Gained 10 pounds in 22 days That's /going solve—,but skinny men, women" and children just can't help' putting on" good„ healthy flesh when they take; McCoy's Cod Liver. Extract Tablets. ` Chock full 'of vitamiines, the kind: that are 'extracted from -the livery of the cod; -the, lcind that.are a real help' to frail, rundown; aneamic,,skilijly nien and women. "Try these sugar Boated tasteless tablets for 30 days—if they don't help greatly get your money 'back; One }roman gained' .:ten pounds<in twenty-two days:" Sixty ;tablets, sixty cents, and money back if€not satisfied. Ask any druggist for 'McCoy's Cod. Liver -Extract Tablets_ Directions and formula on each box. "Get ' McCoy's the original and gen, �' nine."=Advt. Re -unroll--- t? After Years of Separation MM''s 10: cherished fn ' plaen ns Cor her family's future. Her four girls were all bright, clever 'children Who seemed.,. free to .travel through life: without a Single. handicap, - But. that was years ago. In the,, meantime Mrs. H. developed cons0Mp. - tion—and died. Iellowin'g quickly Upon this disaster thhe.:eidest girl showed -signs of,'iv ak lungs and Was promptly sent aWfvy to the Me:Atoka Hospital for Consumptives. In • two,: • year's she returned Fused:: But .:.that was not'the :end, The other '.sisters, except the youngest, alsofoil in the Wayftuberculosis. 4 P They are now Mu feea,'ad mak— itig.thti737fimerogress that their eisl tsr med' The fathor, theoldest girl• and youngest,.. girl are nowat home: preparing tor... the coming: day. of re union, ' Contributions ma be sunt to Icon. W. .A• Charlton, President, 223 Col- lege -Street, Toronto 2, Ontario. 66 LIP { 1 �t ?'i y' a AI�® " tom _ 'Oti will never know how good your recipes are—and how well you can make pies, cakes, puddings and' bread, until you've used Purity Flour. Your. dealer knows. Ask him. 'END FOR TFFB 'aRIrr FLOUR COOK BOOK. ' --S,sdOorfcrthr180Paga-Farit,. El r0 ek Baok. Seeriortpaid WESTERN CANADAFLOVR MILLS C.O. LIMITED Head Office—TORONTO iir_,all your" a -ng Branches from coast to coast • C Jd.li I S M CARDS \Now -is the iirne to choose personal Greeting Cards 'to send. your .friends at.Clristmas. You can have them printed with a nice, ,cheer, message and your own l in en cl es name,. placed t�elo� _ and all ready to .mail when the time comes. ' This is a much better plan than to wait until the last minute When you'll ,be too busy to Y Y give proper attention to either the choipe of the card or the greeting to be printed on it. We have some exceedingly Bice samples. Come in and see then; The News Recur A' Life -Buoy Overshoe ''That Sollies the Qnesto®n o `,The question of tailor-made appearance. The question of buckles opened bytcoat bottom. The question of adjustablllity to any size leg. The question of perfect fit, warmth and lightness. 'The question of protecting skirts from buckle tears, The question of concealed:fasteners. The new'Ad I•ulio .' Overshoes, spode eeclusively;by this firm, not only answerall these q.uestions_, but in quality, fit and appearance so far outdistance other overshoes -that there is no comparison. • Good dealers alieveraell"Adjusta'Oselshoes, There is no substitute forLife-Bungs--ask for tem bgnaine' . Made only by the makers of 2 'LIFE -BUOY' RUBBER I FOOTWEAR,. alae: AUFMAN ROBBER CO., i.11v9ITl D PSs0srAPruuFen •.� Ds)lsNRCOISTERE Kitchener, Oetdrao:'' M v .3Uv: �5s+9.It . F ..F a ('t+ • iY Over0 •cy rp ,, rc;ks velzs _-.-tJ?': a''�c'rM:i S�,