The Clinton News Record, 1925-11-26, Page 1CY. 23-33
471133 Year
't I
THE I -11310I1
0 have something which the public wards to baa , the very best way: of "malting known the fact
in Clinton and -surround ing °T ownships is an advertisement ip The News -Record
Vats and '9nspeet our Jteek
'Give a serious thought to Christmas now. The, Holiday Season •'
with its many time-consuming activities, will be uponus in a COM
oara iv
elY short ,time. Shopping
time, 7f it is to,bo
Iplished in a satisfactorymanner. Why not start when stock
complete with suitable ifts for
Any goods selected by your will be held for you until wanted by 11
paying•. a small sum on 'same.
Our Stock consists of tip -to -date Gifts That Last, We, have--
.�E. iEellgar
For Christmas Gifts
The price of linen which advanced so greatly during' re-
cent Years is backto alinost pre-war prices. Our new ,stock
for Christmas selling is very attractive: , We will be glad to
show it to you while the range is most complete:
On Sale at Half Price
8 only damask (Union) table cloths, slightly soiled sizes
2x2-ards and 2x2 yards. These willbe on sale on Friday
at half price.
The balance of our stock of Winter Coats are offered at
special sale prices,; some at half regular price.
1 It UT 1 N
Phone (96) your re4luirements
and Extra Trousers
$22,50 to $25.00
and Extra Eniekers,
$8.90 to $10.00
For the man who
is tired of a conser-
vative Black and Ox-
ford mixed"
we have somethipg
These coats are
made in rich mixtures
in: `a variety : of col
Beautiful lapel's, perfectly formed shoulders, some with velvet collars
endo'lined and
checked back
$13.50 O $18 5.
There ie nothing g harsh or loud in a single pattern g p In of these new
Goats. The colorings are all soft'and pleasing to the eye, and they
'<viIl 'be 'much worri-this'season.
Boys? Overcoats
to $12.00
R fer•s $3.00 ® o $6.00,•
Square p
ayfor „BVer
Baptist Church
Service at seven o'clock on Sunday
evening, the" pastor's subject being;.
"The Church as Viewed from the New
Testament '
Prayer meeting the church esti,
Wednesday evening' at 8 o'clock.
Presbyterian Church
Rev, A Macfailalie' B.D. Minister.
Communion service in the Baptist
church on Sunday at 11 a.m. Sermon
subject: "Commemoration and Wit-
herr-bearing.."1, Preparatory service
on Friday evening at 8 o'clock, con-
ducted by the Rev' James Foote, Ex="
A supper and Christmas Tree enter-
tainment for the Sunday' school will
be held.on Friday evening, Dec. -18th.
At the service last Sunday refer
epee was made to the death of the
Queen Mother Alexandra and -the
congregation stood in 'respectful sil-
ence while the organist, Mrs. 114c84ur-
chie, played the Funeral March:
Tile W. A. and W. M. S. will meet
at the home of Mrs. A. Moirr'}'s on
Tuesday afternoon next, Dece-ist.
St. Paul's Church,
Rev. C. 'Llewellyn � Bilkey,
n Bike
B.D., Rector.
During the season of Advent the
rector will preach a series of •ermor s'
on the `Second. Coining of Christ" at
the evening services. Next Sunday
evening he will begin the series, his
subject being: "Prepare to meet Thy
God, An Appeal to Prudence."
.A. meeting of young people was
held in St. Paul's Parish Hall last
Wednesday evening. The rector,. Rev.
C. LI. Gilkey, acted as chairman, It
was decided to organize: a branch of
the A. Y.P. A. and the.foliowing of-
ficers Were eleoted:
President, Miss S. Siouan.
Vice -President, Madelon Hawkins.
Secretary, Ernest Hunter.
Treasurer, Norman Counter.
Editorial Secretary, Gordon Hall.
Pianists, 'Miss E, Wase and Miss
M. Hunter. �•
It was further decided to have
weekly meetings, the opening one to
.take the form tiof a social,
Ontario Street Church
Morning: classes at 10 'a.m.
Morning -message, "When the
Churel .gets the Cart. Before the
Hoese,i and Badly Ste" Evening• sub
feet, 1`Tlte Ear," the first of a series
for the evening,
On Monday evening the League
were entertained by Ms'.; S. B. Stoth-
ere. He presented "As`•You Like It"
with the moving picture machine.
There was a fine attendance.
On Sunday morning a'.deputation
of laymen from Stratford gave ad-
dreseee on the Maintenance and EX -
tension Fund. Mr. Stuart gave,the
`first address.' He beganbysaying
when he wanted a 'wife he cane to
Clinton. c He gave a very clear-headed
address., Mr. Manning :of the Strat-
ford, Normal staff gave'the second ad-
dress. He called attention to the
marvelous comment of • the British
Weekly on the possibilities of the
-United. Church and then dealt with
the present appeal. -Mr, Manning is
a son of the Rev. R. M. Manning,
formerly; pastor of Wesley church.
Wallis and `Wesley' Churchds'
.Brotherhood meets at ten o'clockIn
Willis church. Mr. H. E, Rorke will
introduce the subject: "Thetunday
,School and its Relation to the
Church." The election of officers will
also take enlace. ,
Morning -service
in Willis church.
The sermon subject will be: "A New
Testament Mountain."
The evening service in Wesley
church. The, sermon subject will be:
"Somg Reagens why the Church Must
go Forward." e
Junior League in -Wesley school
room on Friday evening at seven
The date of the Christmas tree en-
tertainment has been changed to Dec.
18th, to suit a number of students.
At the morning . service in Willis.
church ori Sunday last the Rev. A. A.
Holmes preached; taking as his sub-
ject "Co -Workers With God." After
the sermon an installation service
Was .gone' through for the teachers
and officers of 'the United Sunday
school Rev, Mr, nogg conducting it.
Nearly all the officers and teachers
were present.
At the evening service in Wesley
church the memorial tablet, erected ;n
honour of the men who gave their
lives in the Great War by the Ladies'
Aid of the church, was unveiled. The
Great War veterans, under conlzn'and
Of Col. Combe :.and Col. Ranee at, -
tended the service in a body and oc-
cupied the centre front pews. The
Rev. T. E. Hogg preached, his subject
being "A Warrior Poet's Thanksgiv-
ing," based upon some poems of a
young English poet PhilipBrook,
written in the trenches. the tl e eon
elusion of, the sermon Rey. Mr.
Holmes called Col. Combe to the
platform and he spoke briefly of the
bravery of the Canadian boys and said
it was fitting _that their navies should
be held' inremembrance as_thoh' Iives
were the price paid, for the safety and
f eedont cif Canada. He Suppe o:f-`tire
unusual fact that on the tablet about
to be unveiled appeared the
b others
from each
1 01 Iwo fa -
dies, sons of Mr and Mrs --D. Centelon
and of the late Mrs. Goan'.,. Ho then
asked Mrs, W. J. ire
'Ver a
,n � d ,eu -Ind Mrs. A.
0.. attieen, the mothers of two of
the boys, 10 unveil the tablet, the cone
gregatioin standing. Immediately at
Wheat, $1.30.
Oats, 38c -to 40c
Buckwheat, 65e' to 70e
Barley, 60e to 65e
,,Sutter, 40c to 42c
36c to 60e.
Live 'Hogs, ` .11 0.
� v
The last,issue of The Onward, the
paper for eenior scholars ie the Sun-,
day schools of the United Church Of'
Canada, contriined- the story'which
was awarded the first prize by the
financial. departmbnt 'of 'the Church
for the hest story on Christian Stew-
ardship. .It was written` by a Huron
County lady, Miss Nellie Medd of Ex-
eter, who is -very well known in Clin-
ton, ]raving. attended Collegiate here
and- having visited hese (frequently,
This is the second time Mies Medd
has tken a prize/for her literary of-.
A very quiet but pretty .wedding
was solemnized at the parsonage,
Killarney, Manitoba, on Nov. 16th,
the ,Rev. Mr. Spence • officiating,
when Janet -Pearl," youngest,iaughter
of Mrs. Clara Carter, of Bannerman,
Man., anethe e
David rd Cartei;.of
Clinton, Ontario, was united hi the
holy bonds of .matrimony to Willard
Burnell Kempthorne, son of Mg. and
Mrs. Tronas Hempthorne, Desford,
Man. -They .were attended by Miss
Della and Mn, John Carter, sister
11011 brother of the bride. After the
ceremony the young couple left' on a
short honeymoon to Winnipeg and
other points. • On their return they
will reside on the groom's farm, west
of Desford.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Emerson -of
Kincrdine, who have been visiting at
various points in the west, ealebrat-
ed the 80th anniversary of their wed-
ding on Nov 6th at"the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. McNair, 373 Polson
Ave., Winnipeg. The . rooms were
prettily decorated with wedding bells,
festoons, etc„ and the huge' dining
table was centred with he .wedding
calve. The guests entered the dining
room to the strains of Mendtlsson's
wedding -march, played' by Mr> E.
Wialsh. Mr. J. A. McNair acted as
toastmaster and the gifts, were pre-
sented in a gaily - decorated basket
by little Misses McNair and M. Stew-
art. The gueetslwere ,Mii: and Mrs, J.
Emerson, Mrs.'R. J. Cluff, Clinton;
Mrs. J, Walsh, Mrs. J. A. Bradley,
Mrs, M. Gore, Mrs. L. HeathenMr,
and ,Mrs J, Britton,.Mr. and Mrs.
r and Mrs.. Metregor, Mr.
and Mrs. J, J. Magee, Misses I. Lidsiy,
E. Cooke, SI Magee, M. Sinclair, I.
Gore, M. Stewart, M. McNair. Messrs.
E. Walsh, W. McNair, 'G. Stewart, J.
Gore, L. Bradley, T. Bloomer.
Mr, and Mrs. Emerson were the
cousins with whoa. Mrs. C1uff wort
on herwestern trig earlier in the fall.
Last week The News -Record made
mention of illnessinthe home of Mr.
We W. Burgess . of Mitchell, who for -
Some months past has been spending.
one day a week' at his Ciinton'photo-
graph studio. Monday evening's
Stratford Beacon -Herald .had the fol-
lowing regarding. tate death of Mrs.
Burgess, which occurred on Sunday.
Mr. Burgess' friends in Clinton will
sympathize with him bereave-
It is doubtful whether there ever
was a nlueh `sadder home in this town
or conitnunity than that of W. W.:Bur-
gess, at the present time. His daugh-
ter (Muriel) 1. 1VIrs,'''erg. Buck; who
has been living at her parental.-horue
on account of"nnt11 health, had been
given the best of, care and 'attention
by her mother.- Ttvo weeks ago Clare,
the little six-year-old daughter of, Mr.
and Mrs. Buck, was taken, ill with
pneumonia and for° days g 5he lay at
the, point of death, hilt she has, taken
a' turn for the better and her reoov
ery is now expected, Ab'ont six days
ago Mrs. Burgess,, her grandmother,
who had been nursing her, took
pleureepneumonia, , and - en Sunday
morning at about •'twenty minutes to
six :o'clock she passed 'away. During
her illness Mrs. Burgess was 011,110-
tered to with loving solicitude by a
trained nurse, her husband and
daughter, Irene, and .other relatives
and friends, The late Mrs, Burgess
had not only performed the faithful
duties e.f a mother,to her own children,
but that responsibility also fell on her,
to a great °extent, in, caring. for her
three grandchildren.
Mrs. Burgess (Nettie Thorne) was
the youngest of the family' of the late
Mr, and Mss.. William Thorne. She
was . born in : Mitchell and had: lived
there all her life. The deceased :won,
an will leave to mourn their lass her
husband,, two daughters and- one 'son,
Mrs. Buck, Miss Irene Burgess .and
Macklin. Five brothers and two sis-
ter's also survive' William H,, Eg-
her't, Ernest and Mrs. Robert Chewer',
of London, and Richard, Mrs.- W. J
Levy and Charles of Id) cheiL 'The
late 'Mos. Burgess was 51: years old:
The funeral, 'which wilt' be pt' ate,
will take place from the family home
on Water street, on Tuesday after-
noon. iThe''services wiI1 be ie. charge
of Rev, H. D. Moyer„ nae. or of the
Unite 1 Church.
ter Mr. Morgan Agnew sounded -the
Last Post," and.ah
o tafter a ..elf' minutes
1 �
of silence, the "Reveille." ' The coo
gregation taxed the, eapacity of: they
church and the ^Servide was, r veryhn-
preseiye 011e. • , .:-.
' Last- week we made mention -of a
deer which was seen: by Dr. Brown
'on the Gravel road north of Clinton.
Mie, Harry Connell tells The News
Record of seeing a -large deer an the
Tarin of Mt'. 'E, Stephenson henson of Stan-
ley ley township one day last, week,
Young Connell and his brother' were
plowing in Mr. Stephenson's field
'when a deer ran -Dirt of the woods
nearby, ran., across the -field and into
another clump of trees, '(It would be
rather a nice thing if deer were en
'couraged to stay around here' and' the
hoods became populated with them,
We would suggest that nothing be
done to frighten then away.
St. Joseph's Dramatic Society put.
on a ^social evening in the parish hall
on Tuesday evening. The,committee
was thrown into some consternation
when, at the last minute, almost, it.
was found that'- the orchestra "could'
not be present to furnish music. Into
the ,breach, however; came Prof. And=
eiton of London, who, although un
accustomed to dance playing, offered
his help and ina few minutes rein-
forcements -arrived in the ;person' of
Miss Helen Roberton These, together
with Mike
.: Cookand
ken nd Roberton,
furnished such "peppish" music that
many declared this to be one of the
most enjoyable of evenings.
Huron Cdunty Coutieil meets in
Goderich on Tuesday, Dec. 1st.
The Pastime Club'.treated'itself to
a fowl supper yesterday' evening.
1VI'is. R. A. Bell, who has undergone
an operation itr. Oiinton Hospital, is
now improving, her ; friends will be
glitel'to hear.
A number of Masons and their
wives and sweethearts went dot to
Londesboro on Friday evening fast
to the .at hone.
Councillor S. Ifemp has bought the
residence of the date Mrs. Richard
Cole in Ontario street. Mr. Kemp
may move into the hoose himself, al-
though he has an offer to rent it,
Mr. J. V. Munro, of London, whose
advertisement as an architect will be
found on another page, designed and
supervised the Methodist church at
'Crediton, which replaced the one de-
stroyed by fire,: two or' three years
The Ladies' Bowling Club held their
annualmeeting the other evening
wheat' the following officers were el-
ected:President:' Mrs. J. Zapfe.
1st Vice; Mrs G. D. Roberton,
2nd Vice: Mrs. Clara Runsball,
Secretary: Miss Afny Rowson.
1 Treasurer: Mrs. W. 3. Stevenson.
Convener Ganes: Committee; Mrs..
J. Mohlurchie.
Convener Social: Mrs. M. D. 1VIe-
Taggart. ^ •
Convener I'.itoperty Mrs. N. W,
Trewartha. ' '
It was decided to hold a euchre and
dance early in January.
At this meeting the 'retiring presi-
'dent, Mrs. W. D. Fair, presented to
the ,winners the prizes she offered to
the two rinks making the highest
plus during, the season. These rinks
were: Miss Granger, Miss Clete. Ford;
Mrs. W. J. , Stevenson, e Mrs.. J. Me -
Murchie, skip. ,Mrs. C. Rumballs-Miss
Freda Wallis, Mrs. 'Trewartha and
Miss Howson, skip,
.B S
On T
hursday • 'evening )asst. the
teachers and officers of the newly
united Sunday schoois',of Wesley and
Willis churches sat down to a banquet
in Wesley hall at hall past six: The
banquet was all that could be desired
and when it( had been enjoyed short
addresses were given by the joint
superintendents, Dr. Hearn and Mr.
W..;I ` Hellyar and other officers of
the school. Rev. A. A. Helmes ,acted
as chairman. All ' pronounced it. a
most enjoyable function.
Yesterday evening the adult mem-
bers, of the united co"ngregatior,cotn-
prising over two hundred, people,
gathered for a congregational supper
in the lecture, room of Willis church.
,The banquet was well cooked and
well -served and a remarkable spirit of
good -fellowship 'prevailed throughout
the evening. At the conclusion of the
supper the :tables Were cleared and
speakers frein: each department of
work; addressed . the gathering.; Mr.
Rellyar spoke for the 'Sunday school,
Miss Ida Walkinshaw for the Girls'
Club Mr. A. F. Johns for the Young
People's League, .
pMiss 'Stone for the
C. G. I. T., M•rs. Cooper for the W. A.
and Ladies' Aid, Mrs. Iio for or 'thc
W. M. S., Mrs. ' Trewartha for the
choir, Mr•, .Scott ,for .the church publi-
cations, Rev. Mr. Holmes for the ses-
sion, Mr Manning for the finances and
Dr•.-Gandier, in an earnest and; coil
prehensive,;though :brief, address
called the congregation to\an honest
,grappling' withthe work which ,dee
mands its attention.
Rev. J. E. Hogg acted as chairman
and during the evening Mrs.' Corless
and Mrs.' IL Fitzsimons sang• 11 duet
and Mita Ferrol Higgins rendered a.
solo, .
The Phelan,
y beautiful selections durius• ilre
ct tint, their err sources being' inurh ap-
preciated, and,. Mr. Morgan! Agnew
gave a cornet solo,
•' iV2i°
V. McEwa11, rp.'a 17ohtspeecl7,
Moved a vot0 of thanks to tho,.ladies
`who' had provided the fire hanrlur0t
and to the-or611ee,tla,
The W' C. T. U. ladies would like'
householders to save for them all
Surprise soap Wrappers These' wrap-
pers are sold back to the manufactur-
er and themoneyfor them
sis used
by the avelleis Aid department.
Wrappers may be sent to Mrs W.
Walker, or if householders will not-
ify Mrs. Walker arrangements will
be made to have someone call for
them, Only do not burn the wrap-
The L, 0. B. A. met on Tuesday ev-
ening for the election of officers,
which resulted as follows:
Mrs. G, B. Hanley.
Deputy, Mrs. J. E. Cook,
Chaplahi,' Miss Viola -Lo 0111101 e.
Rec.-Secretary, Mrs, Geo. Hanley
Ftn.=Secretary, Mrs, E. Finch.
Treasurer, Mrs. Rt Fisher.
Lecturers: ',Miss ?Kathleen ,Taylor
and Mrk. 3, W. Shobbrook.
D. of C.,' Mrs, McClinehey.
L, _G,,; Mrs, G. Taylor,
0. G., Miss Jean`IVliller
• Committee of Five: Miss 1i'. Judd;'
Mrs, D. Harness, Mrs. E. Steep; Mrs.
Folland, Mrs., 18 Managhan,
Auditors, Mervin Hanley, W. Fol -
Pianist, Mrs. Swan.
Assistant, Misa= Beth Rogerson.
General W. B. I{ing, D,O.C. of Mil-
itary District No. 1, accompanied by
Major Lawless, also of London, vis-
ited'Clinton on Friday evening last
and inspected "Ci"' Company of the
Huron Regiment, which: has been un-
dergoing: drill for the past couple of
The Company was almost . 611
strength, two of the men being ill
could not be present, and two have
removed from town. Major Sloan was
absent, 'having leave of absence.
The company was put throughthe
customary drill movements : and the
non -toms also slid spine drill work.
General King addressed the melt,
commending then warmly on their
improvement and efficiency over last
After the inspection at the arena
the officers and non -toms were put
through a theory examination at the
Rattenbury House.
The following is -a complete list of
the' Clinton students ' at present at-
tending the University of Toronto. In
addition .to this there are a number
attending the Western, London. Clin-
ton is well represented in the higher
halls of learning. :
?First Year Arts—W. N. Hovey,
Trinity College; N. McNeil, Victoria;
Elmer Paisley, Victoria; F, G. Me-
Taggaet, University College; Miss B.
M. Salter, Victoria; Miss E. Le-Tre-
wartha, Vietor)a; Miss W .A. McMath,'
Victoria, •
Second Year .- Arts- Miss • A.'3.
Combe, :St, Hilda'0 College;. Miss IL
R. Higgins, . University College; Its,
G. Hunter, Victoria; Miss A. F."Reid,
Victoria, - •
Faculty of Applied Science—j..145..
Higgins, first' year; C, J. Salter, third
year. ;i
Sohool of Graduate Studies --A. K.
Theology at Wycliffe College R,
G. Thompson,' 1 -.
Dente "College•=;Spence Jackson,
Bert Marshall, first year
Osgoode Hall -E. S. Livermore.
e kfiew former rxn
-resident de rt of
Clinton massed away at the 'home of
his son in Hensall on Friday last in
the person of Mr. Isaac Jackson, who
was in his ninety-sixth year,
Mr. Jackson was a native of`Eng-
latid but came to this Continent in
1855, first settling. at Rochester. A
few' years later, he came to Clinton
where other members of his family
had settled. Here he livedor many;
years, acting as village constable, tax
collector and he it ,was who looked
after the building of some of Clinton's
first sidewalks. Ile only left when
his son moved, first to Goderich and.
later to Hensall, 'some fouror five
years ago. .
Mr, Jackson was twice married but
for some years he had been a widow-
er. He is survived by six, sons: John.
and Alfred of Winnipeg; William of
Brandon; ;Harry of Calgary; Howard.
of Chicago,_,and Ernest of Hensall,
with whom he made his -home, and
four daughters: Minnie, who has'
made her home in England since her
childhood; Florence, Mrs. Germaine,,
of. Portland, Oregon; Lillian; Mrs.
Hyslop, Detroit and -Edna, Mrs. Peel,
Buffalo., ` The two latter, . with •their'
husbands, ':and` Mr. Ernest:, Jackson
were here for the funeral on Monday.
Mr. Jackson had :reached a voner-
ab"le age;` and for some months had
been failing, but he retained his alert
carriage "and the use of his faculties
almost to the end.' Before Ieaving
Clinton itwas often remarked how
alert of step he was and how sltraight:
and erectly' he carried himself. Ho,
wearied, however, and expressed a .do.
sire to go before the end came.
The remains were hrought to Clin-
ton for interment, the funeral tilting.
la e 1 t r
n from he res tine h
d o f is niece,
o le e
2z5 lIM Steep R1 i
ennuv9t1 et
Mond,v afteino''5 The selvl1" at,
.house and ors fide we,' e conducted
by the Rev. A. A. Holmes o'f T re sI ev
'l' 1 rh, with which',` 01 Iaeicscu '1.15
beeir conned ed during his life. The
G, A,'R.olie5)011 01») '1. -Shipley.
A tablet to the memory of the boys
of Wesley church who fell in the
Great War or who died as a ,wolf of
their service, was unveiledin the
Su day evening last The
the ins
t e followin names:
Lieut, Ray Cantelon, Pte. David A.
Captelon, M.M„ Pte. Newnan' ('lufi,
Pte, Edgar Pattison, Pte. W. S. Grant,
Pte A. II. Grant, Pte. C. Austin Nedi-
ger. The tablet was a gift from the
Ladies' Aid Society of the church.
It pays to advertise. A couple of.
weeks ago Mr. J. B. Lavis advertised
for a horse which had strayed away
from his „place in town. Last Sethi.. "-
day he got word that the animal was
being eared for up near Blythand
he went up and brought- him' home:
It came' about this way. A couple aI
people went to make an evening call
on someneighbors and during the call
mention was made by one party of
the fact that a ,horse was being'. ad-
vertised in, --The News -Record. ' The,
..other party then remembered that
The Blyth Standard was 'advertising
a horse which had strayed to the
premises of a fernier . They put two'
and togetheret
he, and deckled that'it
wasne a hsame
o n thehorse, and
d Mir.
Lavis was notified. So it will be seen
that -if there is anything better than
advertising . in one newspaper, it is
advertising ho two. -
The'.Christmas tree entertainment'
will be 'held on the evening of Tues-
day, Dec. 22nd.
A very pleasant time was spent at
the bonze of Miss Tillie Colelou gh yes-
terday, when the members of the
Hiallping: Hand Class and the Ladies' -
Aid of Halmesville church made up a
little surprise party and went' out to
visit her During the evening Mrs.
J. Yeo read a nice little address and
Miss . Elva Proctor and Mrs. E.
J. Trewartha, on behalf (!if the two or..
ganizations, presented her islth a
pretty fernery. This was done in an-
ticipation of a . certain happy event
which is to take place soon: A plea-
sant time was spent by all present.
.Mies Frances Potter spent • the
week -end with Goderich friends.
' Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lobb and Mr.
and Mrs, Lorne Jervis visited Mitebell
relatives on Sunday.
Lonciesboro .yt:
Mr. and Mrs. Jas, McCool spent
Sunday with friends near Milverton -
Family Night was well patronized
last Friday. The football match be-
tween the young people and the teen-
age groups was full of interest, re-
sulting in a score of 2-3 in favor of
'the latter,
Next /Friday night the young people -
are ,prepring for: a Moe1rElection. The
registration booth will be seen dux
ing the evening, giving intending vote opportunity. to get their names
on the voters' list., The Maintenance
and Extension Fund will be the chief
topic for discussion.
The Sunday school workers of tha
village are practising for their Christ-
mas entertainments,
Mr, 13, J, Crawford returned hone
on Monday after spending a.'week
with his daughter, Mrs. Fred, Prest'of:
London. •
The W. M, S. held their -regular
monthly meeting last Wednesday, at
the home of Mrs. W. Lyons. ' Mrs. 4.
Tamblyn, the president, presided.
There was a splendid program ,and at
the close Mrs. Lyon served a ten
cent tea.The ' meeting was very
eg a v y,
largely attended. '
g Y n . ,
Mr, and Mrs. J. Radford spent lash
Saturday at Stratford,°
Mrs. W. Radford of Fordwieh' is 'at
present the guest of Mrs. J. -Radford.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter, also Mr.
and Mrs, D, Carter, motored to•Strat
ford and spent the week -end
Mr, R. Townsend has recently built,
a new garage at his dwelling.
The members of the beef ring met,
at the. home ' of :Mr. Wm. Grey last
Thursday and had an oyster supper.
All rejsort having a very enjoyable
Mrs. J. Tamblyn' who spent last
week at the home of her'.brotheri Mr.
W. Hiles of Clinton, has returned.
Mr. and Mars. J. D. Elsley of the
18th con. spent Sunday at the home
of 1VIr.:7.. Elsley;
Mrs. (Rev.) Snell is in. London this
week. ;!She is ` spending .sometime'
with .her sister, who underwent an,
opertion on 'Monday in: Viotoria° hos-
pital, We understand ;the;bperationp
was„,very successful.
The monthly meeting of the Worn -
en's Institute will be held in the.Corn
Munity Hail en 'Thursday,, Dec. 3rd,
Sacral afternoon„ duet, Mrs. Carter,
'Mrs. Manning, piano duet, ' Misses
Brown; reading, Miss 'Alfie Moon.
Hostesses: Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Mains,
IVlrs. "1!. Little' and Miss L. Mains.,
The Masonic Lodge, of Londesboro..
gave an "At Horne" in the Connnunity
Hall 'Friday y night, About t0 mein,
hers of the 'Clinton Lodge, with their
wives and lady friends, also members
of the Blyth Lodge, were guests. The
hall was tastefully decorated with
blue and white streamers and orange
shaded lights. The early part of the
evening was devoted to'ouchre, after
whichthe guests repaired to the
basement where a 1 ost delicious
banquet was spread. 'Mums, carne -
tions anti roses added to the attrac-
firmness in f
t of the o tables. Dancing fel-
lowed the banquet. the Music being''
fiirrrished by the Belgrave''Orehestra.
A. most: enjoyable. . tmre was spent lJy"
all present tei:.i'.u.,