HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-10-22, Page 8cs 1VC vY) I Ll%'i STOI E ARRIVED 13)1Eirri 2ttd engin ip price from 52500 to $2,50.00 A Food stock of E er Sh trp Nfld.'s o Swan Pens—the' best pen in the world—at moderate prices. so have the new Phmpa Comb --for Bobbed Ilair or Brush Back Colne in and have a demonstration; ew Ko -Mit Pencils left in both ladies' and Gents'.style. at 25c each. L h'I'b' .GI ASSES AT REDUCED PE/CES TEE', SAME AS LAST WEEif S'. Ike JOHNSON:, Graduate -of Toronto College of Optorrietr -,Fine Jewellery and Repairs 1NNeiit ITovey's Drug Store end Economy Women have ever had ; 'to choose between luxury and econ-,` omy in matters of dress: ,' Al- „ Most invariably' •one must be sacrificed to the other.' ` But hi' Holeproof I-1osiety are 'found the amiury of stylish; snug -fit-. ting hosiery and the economy of B:oleproof silk and lisle 'and Holeproof pure silk $1.50 long service and moderate price. Silk and art. silk plaited $1,00 P1umtee1 Bros. 25, SMALL PROFITS :MORE BUSINESS Germ -laden dust is in -every breath of air we breathe:: The particles are often so fine that they cannot be seen even in the sunlight. Dust grit and dirt in large quan— tities are carried into the home on our clothes and ,:shoes," and are blown: in through open windows and settle in the carpets, rugs, up holstery, draperies, etc. They Me deeply imbedded in the surface when walked upon, and there form a breeding plate for germs. That is why you need a vacuum ' cleaner in your home. The broom was a good servant in its day, hut the modern house- wife demands a 'vacuum cleaner —Why? Because yousimply draw -a vacuum cleaner over the surface to be cleaned and the powerful air force sucks up every' particle of dust above' and underneath carpets and rugs. USE Y 3;UR,-OWN UTILITY— IT` PAYS HYDRO SHOP CLINTON )Iigtree6oiIDaNaiaauanalean\, STA EX ELECTRIC VACUUM tamilemonnesamememea dco Sensation, ear / , � 1. " 16ARt the new Deforest Be Crosley R-5 and you'll renew your 'first wonder at,. a.,, the miracle of radio.Tone so pure, so real= istic, that it's uncanny Simplicity of operators We are Radio such' Inas' never.before been attained in Headquarters radio, You get the' programme you want as Here you are simply as pressing a button gives you •electric aw;.:rrd of corn- light. No howls, squeals, or discordant noises.` peteat service, A rich, two-tone mahogany cabinet (enclos- aeansd,advicR and ing all batteries and wiring), worthy of the complete saris• best setting.' Price $175—complete with 5 eeee n. Westinghouse'Radiotrons, MViusicone Headset, „etc.—theonly„ extras ne,cessa are Antenna Equip/not and Batteries. Ras y payments if desired, Ask tghear it—no obligation to buy. tt�t rdue A(3E'i That's the Night'for a Party Let the Bogie Book—only 10c— plan. your party. A night when-inys- tic spirits are abroad,' A night when witch and goblin (so they say) mingle with mortals in revelry and games, A night when solemn:. owls stare and radiant Jack 0' Lanterns peep' from windows. THAT'S TIIE NIGHT FOR A PARTY Our assortment of whimsically ex- travagant, novelties will help your ar- rangement of the party—coupled with The Bogie Book. Tile W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Mr. J. B. Levis is in Oshawa thi week. Mrs. J. P. Wasman left Tuesday t spend a week .or so in Toronto. Mss Ruby Irwin and. Mies Ida Walk inehaw spent the week -end -wit London friends. Mr. T. R. Gina of Detroit spent th week -end in Clinton w tll his sic ter, Mrs. D." Steep. Mr. J. H. Wylie of Toronto has in rived to spend, a while with hi daughter, Mrs. J. E,. Hogg, at th manse. -Mr. and Mrs. J. Aiken :and Mrs. Cue rie.are the delegates from the Iota Baptist church to the Ontario. an Quebec Baptist convention in Ham ilton this week, Mr. and Mrs. W. W Collyer were i town this week, coming up to at tend the funeral of the fernier' twin brother, the late A. PeOollyee whish tools 'place on Tuesday. • Moe G. B. Haid and -Miss Clark of Th News -Record attended.a meeting o the publishers of the Duffeein an Wellington Press Association, whir was held In Palmerston on Pride last. Mr's. Arthur CanteIon and her daugh ter, Mrs. George Jenkins and littl sn, and Miss Menlo Hudson hdv returned from a motor trip to be trait, where they spent a week vis iting friends. Miss Clete .Ford and Miss Munro 0 ' the Alma College staff, -St. Thomas spent the week -end at the home o the.former'sparents in town. Mrs T. A. Ford accompanied them to London on Monday and -heard Ed ' ward Johnston; the famous Canad- ian tenor, sing that evening. Miss. Graham of the Collegiate staff was called to Kitchener on Monday lowing to the serious eondition of a friend,' Mr, Grant Hibbard, a. young bank clerk, who was accidentally shot with his own pistol in the hands of aefellow employee in the bank. At last' reports he was im- proving, " Mrs 'Ogle Cooper motored up from Toronto on Wednesday Iast, bring-' ing his cousin, Mr.- D. G: Ross of Spokane, 'Wash., who was visiting him, and they spent a few days as ;the guests of the former's sister, Mrs. A. J. Morrish. • Mr. Ross left Friday to meet his wife and daugh- ter in. Chicago. Mr. Ross is a son of the' late, John Ross and was boo on a farm an the London road, that adjoieling where' Mr. E. Waldron now resides. It is over forty years since heleft here buthe paid a:vis- it to the old farm, carrying home -with him' as a souvenir a piece of the door of the abandoned house in which he was born. Mr. Cooper, returned ono T ronton 0 Monday. Miss Winnifred O'Neilur ret nod Fri- day evening last_ from a very en- joyable visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. O'Neil, at Orlando, Florida. She enjoyed the summer weather all the more as she knew she was coming back to the opening scenes of an Ontario winter, but a climate where the mercury climbs up to and .havers around ninety ..in October would' take some getting used to. -Mr. W. E, O'Neil is now also in Orlando and his friend, Mr. Stewart Scott, Miss Delle O'Neil', intends going down also for., the winter. Orlando is principally ;a resort for those retired frons active business, many very wealthy peo- ple leaving homes there, and it is a� very pretty city, Mr: ONoil'it keeping' fairly well and manages to enjoy lire, getting out every day in the air and sunshine. Corner roe4t,te iY FILL FUI.TS And How'e -Specials CASH AND SEttilICE.PRICES "PHIS WEEK The new -fruits are just .beginning to' come In,ire- will, -be pleased to show them to you New "Dates; per lb. 15c Cleaned Currants 19c Loose 'Cocoa, per lb. IOc ' Cream' of wheat . 3 lb. for 25c Corn Meal Seedless Raisins Black Tea '6 lbs. for 25c 2 lbs. for. 25c per .lb. 48e WEEICIEND .SPECIALS 0 :bars P. &- G. soap 55c . IZ'olled :Oats 6, lb. for 28c SPECIALS FOR 'HALLOWE'EN Pop Corn in bulk Pop Corn in, Packages ' 10d "Pop'Cbrn Poppers Chestnuts, per glass 5c Smiles an' Chuckles- per lb. 39c -•- Weare sole -agents for Apex Glass Goods- and Fruits', Iellied Chicken Jellied Tongue New sweet potatoes ,-. Finnan Haddie ` California Grapes Florida Grape Fruit Fresh Sausage Special Price in Sugar by the;` Sack Special on Saturday and Monday only 14 lbs. Granulated Sugar Free Demonstration of Kraft Cheese and -Bran Biscuits; Friday and Saturday;;•. In the Morning First Delivery 9 a.m. In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m. - Kindly Order: Early Cash -and' '� mil ohne' S?ervioe - r 48 L. W. C%i'RRELL-THOS. SHIF*LRY We are now paging highest market price for Highest Gracie- Dairg Butter We have a full stock of -groceries and are very very anxious supply your needs, Kindly give us the pleasure of your valued patronage,. THE C. Si S, GROCERS • Main Store, Phone 125 W., Branch Store, Phone 125..1'. 0 Hoirnesviie The 'anniversary services on Sunday under the auspices of the Brother hood were very well attended an most successful in every way. The discourses by the Rev. W. B. Millson, former president of the London Meth- 'odisreConference, were powerful and were much enjoyed by the congrega- tioes who gathered morning and ev- ening. A mos' obeli- furnished music at both seeeices. In the morning a solo by Mr.Clarenoe Potter was'much appreciated and in. the evening -the the. choir was assisted by the I.,obb Quartette. - , - Now is the time to 'plant bulbs for BULBS d Winter and Spring bloom The fowl supper on Mondayeven- ing'`was not as successful as it might have been,, owing,to the severe wind- storm which' raged all day.'' But a number gathered and those who did. enjoyed a `'good supper. The. -tables were laid in the shed, which had been nicely decorated for 'the occasioli. This- plan was carried out, to save confusion ;while waiting , for service; an•inconvenence experienced other years, places being laid. ,eco- two hundred tot sit down -at once,. An abundance,'of fowl and `all the ether, .things which go to snake up a good meal were Provided and what Was not eaten was afterwards sold. After the supper a program.yeas given'in the church, the pastor, the Rev. I.; Kih' patriek, occupying the chair. ' The; Brotherhood choir Sang a chorus, Miss Annie Stewart of Clinton contributed Several solos:. in her usual charming style; Mrs: Morgan Agnew 'being her accompanist. The Rev. J. B. Hogg of Clinton delivered an excellent address, abounding in both wit and wisdom, and Mr J: -G. Schwanz gave a read- ing. ' The program :was, enjoyed by all. The receipts cel is a' h f the P ,supper and the Sundry collections amounted to about 'WO. Countg . News Seaf. r — o t h Walla ce Parke e left last week for his home in:Norvrith, Eng- land. : After x•eceiying ;his discharge. from the -Plying Cross' pili .•Which he served driving the war, Mr. Parke came to Seaforth, where he has been a resident for five years. Ile was a Well known and popular figure in- the younger set, who hope he will decide to return to Canada. He was accom- panled'; by P. Calder, formerly of the Dominion Bank, staff here, who is re- turning tp his home in Scotland for the n Brusswiter,els: Miss Edith Keys, 'daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Keys, of Cranbrook, had the miiisfortune'to break one of her legs on Tuesday of last' week, As Miss Heys has suf- fered broken bench' over a dozen t' nes prCevious occasions it is art a Hely",experience for her. PAPER WHITE NARCISSUS EA.CfreFC EACH Easily grown in either water" or soil Also HYACINTHS, DAFFODILS, CROCUS, Etc. Prepared Soil delivered for 15e a pail Cuninghame, 'Florist Phones—Store, 31, Greenhouses, 176w 26-3 Huron County Fruit Show Clinton, Nov. 2 and 3 LIBERAL PRIZES Write Secretary for Prize List '. R. R. Sloan, Pres. S. B. Stothers, Sec. Bayfield Clinton, 28-2 bitering Then see us about a new fur nace or furnace repairs. airs. Now is the time to prepare for the winter. Get our price before you buy. Our specialty is Clare Bros. 6 I-IECLA" We also carry their stoves and heaters at prices reasonable enough for all pocket books, .IRS HARDWARE and I'LLl0 1hone 244 10. I�If71_ � � �j�jghtllt�'?lkii `�°un ' i A REAL BEAUTY The Same Suite ibba►rds are Advertising at $247 This is the Solid Walnut, Dining Room Suite that Gibbeeds are featuring in`their national advertising right now, and which we and other leading dealers have agreed with Gibbards to, sell at $247 in order to convince people that Gibbard +Solid Walnut is obtainable at a moderate cost. This suite is a beauty. Artistic Queen Anne Design with hand- - carved decorations on the buffet 'doors and the side, panels of the china cabinet, also ,ore the Chair backs. This hand Carving is a dis- tinguishing feature of Gibbard Solid Walnut Furniture. The Suite is well built. Dust -proof divisions beneath drawers. Ample cupboard, linen and cutlery - space. The Gibbard Guarantee Tag is attached to the suite. TABLE MAT INCLUDED • With this suite is included an excellent Asbestos Table Mat with- out extra charge. The, Gibbard Furniture Shops only build a limited; quantity of each suite, . The -special • price will 'snake this one sell rapidly. If you desire this suite; secure it without delay. HARDWARE MORE COMPORT AND ECONOMY We art sole agents for the Beach Quebec Ranges and Heaters. They are the real fuel savers and heat distributors, Besides— The -Prices Are Right , We have a few good second-hand Ranges and Heaters in stock.; f`R14IEMBBI4,--We' sell the famous Brantford Asphalt Roofing. The very best made.Itis absolutely guaranteed. Clinton Hardware and FurnitureCo.. FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS, Hardware 105; Furniture Phone: 104 We aSpot - Cash.-" FOR--'- Live Poultry and Newlaid: Eggs • � aa. Now is the time for farmers to get rid of any Broil ns of the small -breeds, 'Broiler size chick- ens a such as Leghorns, also' Ducks. and Fowls of, all kinds, as well as your heavy chickens that are fully matured or nearly so. s If you -vill advise us what you', have to offer 'we will tell you, how and when to deliver your live poultry to ttS• to get the best returns, Try it and let us prove that this is to your advantage, U N, ;LANGLQIS & Co., Limited Head,Office Montreal, Que, `.Clinton Branch open each day from 7 ens, to 6 •p,m, Also open Thursday and SAturdtay, evenings from -7 to 0 Write, Phone or Call for any further information you require 0tINN, LANGLOIS & CO; LIMII'Ep 1 R. W. WAIL)), Brandi Manager Day Phone 150 -- Ahvays at your cervico — Night "I'hoes 26,