HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-10-22, Page 7C
s Farm �alxt? , ax r Stock, I'atipleimes
nd pS tsektold
Furniture, Me', J. 0.
Sclzwtinz 'will sell, bY . nabiic`auct vn,
at Lot-
Lot 94, Maitland cohdession, Coder
kistownship. live -Miles frown Coder-
ieh, on Wednesday, --Nov.:4th, eoin-
nxencing at 1 o'clock share; Horses -
bay team, 9 years old; ''bay driving
mare 3 old;. '1
yearsi brown, horse,`G
-earn old, 1,400' . .
• -3 lbs.; black bpi°se, 10
Year's, bid; brown horse, 12 eais ol
bay mar
evithfoal by her side; so,
driving- h ase' 8 3
'ears old; chest-
t � v
otic horse, , 10 years old; driving
mare; S years -oldf; team of mules.
Cattle -cow, milking, Holstein cow, 8„
years old, fresh In 2 months; Holstein
cow,„ 8 years_old, just bred and milk-
red corn, 9 ,esus old, due March
brindle cow, 9. years old, due Ap-
•ril 1; Holstein cow, 8Y ears old, due
February 28; spotted cow,8:year's old,
due'arch ,.
?\I,. 7,5; Holstein cow, 4 years
old. Implements, grain, ,etc --set of
iron harrows,, 5 sections; set iron bar -
'rows, I sections;. set of iron harroiys,
3 'sections; about 10 gallons lubr'ieat-
ing., oil;' set off 43issel disc- harrows;
new hay rope, car. end :fork; hog feed-
er; Jorge fencestretcher; garden
scuffle,; Massey -Harris hinder, 8 ft.
cut, -4 seasons;, Deering 'binder, new
this year, 8' ft. cut; Massey -Harris No.
2-1 mower; Massey -Harris hay rake;
McCormick hay rake; Oliver corn cul-
tivator; Massey -Harris bean harvest-
er; Nisco:manure spreader: with straw
attachment 'Clinton fanning mill;
Kline fanning' mill; Vessot grinder;
Fleury set- • of. rolls; sloop sleigh;
heavy -wagon; -low. wagon, heavy
spring wagon; 2 walking' plows;'2
Quebec sulky plows, nearly new; Ol-
iver two -furrow plow; Deering seed
'drill, 13 hoe, with fertilizer attach-
ment; Massey -Harris 9 ft. Cultivator,.
!both 7 -inch end narrow teeth; Deer-
ing' 9 ft. cultivator with power lift;
steel roller; Happy Farmer Tractor,
ingood repair; iron• scuffles.; straw-
berry scuffles.; agitate hiller; carbor'
undue power grindstone; about 25
tons 'good hay, Lucerne and Timothy;
a quantity of lumber; cedar posts;
Massey -Harris hay. loader, No. 2; 2
basket hay' racks; Delco lighting.
plant; set of platform scales, 2,,000'
lbs.; set of platform scales, 250 lbs.;
set -of hay beams, 500 lbs.;steei-tired
top buggy; rubber -tired' top buggy;
open rubber -tired buggy; covered cut-
ter; set of team harness; 3 sets of.
plow -harness; 2 -sets of single har-
ness; bag 'truck; bag holder; vise;
wheelbarrow, a number`of bags; ;Vik-
ing cream separator, nearly new; 10
hives :of bees, extractor, bank, and a
nutitber; of empty boxes; 10 horse col-
lars; pesthele.digger; Martin ditcher
and plow Culti packer, nearly new;- a
few rolls ' of wire fencing; _2 tele-
phones; sausage -making outfit • and
lard press;; about 25 tons of hay; 600:•
gallon coal oil tank; .large milk cane'
double-barrelled shotgun, 12 gauge;
large copper kettle with :stirrer for
making apple butter; a number sap
pails with covers and apiles; large
sugar kettle; kettle, galvanized, 40
gallon; side delivery rig; set of 'blocks
with ropes; a quantity of registered
Banner oats; root puller;':Portland
cutter; a number of geese; chills dog;
forks, shovels and, other articles too
numerous °-to Mention. Household
-.Furniture, etc -Wardrobe and- bureau;
home comfort • range; encyclopedia;
kitchen extension table; S kitchen'
chairs; lounge; regrigerator; kitchen
cabinet on well; bedroom suite; kit-
chen utensils; 4 coal oil lamps; kit•
chen clock;- . Florence : automatic 3 -
burner stove with nearly .new oven;;
coal -oil heater; bedroom -chamber set; -
a number of small tables; `Daisy.
churn; vinegar barrels; about 20
'yards rag carpet; 2 rugs; 2 robes, 'one
Saskatchewan and :one . fur; work
bench;' cement : water trough; wood
water .trough; large 2Se-barrel iron
kettle; good riding saddle., Terms':
Hay, 'cash; on other goods all stuns 'of
$10,00 and under,_ cash; over that
amount, twelve months'• credit will be
given on furbishing approved joint
notes. A diseoun e at the rate of 6 per
cent. allowed 'for', cash on credit.
amounts. At the same time the fol-
lowing farins i' not;`already sold, will
be offered for sate: ,Fasips No. 1 ----
Consisting sof 115 acres; lot 94, Malt -
land concession,- Goderich township,
five miles froth Goderich: Farm No.
'2 -Consisting of 115 acres, parts of
Lots 24 and 25, . Maitland Conces-
sion, Goderich. township, ;five miles
from Goderich, The terms, on the
' farms will be made known on day of
`sale. J. G. Sclrwanz `Propyietor, R.
B. No. 2, Clinton. Thos.. Gundry, Auc-
tioneer, . 2S-2
Within the past few years, interest
in travel has constantly been increas-
ing, and personally conducted tours
have become very popular. It is'gen-
erally recognized that travel is a
wonderful educator, and while these,
tours are not confined to teachers in
any way, the teaching fraternities
more than any other class seem to re-
cognize their advantages.
During the season, just past, Mr. A.
E. 'Bryson, Principal of - Silverthorn
'School; Toronto, add id's. - Martin Kerr,
Principal Of Earl ' ;Kitchener School,
Hamilton, conducted a 6,000 -mile tour
across Canada by the Canadian Na-
tional Railways, visiting important
r't'es in Western Canada, Jasper Na
Lionel Park, and Pacific Coast points,
returning through the • United States,
-visiting.. Yellowstone National Park,,
Rocky Mountain Park, Salt Lake
City, Denver, etc. Those who joined
in this trip were so abundantly satis-
fied with this matchless tour that the
promoters have already decided to
repeat it next year with some adclod.
Attractions. :„.
Anyone interested should retake a
note of this trip now, and plan to;,
take "The Trip of a Lire Time." 27-1.
Ani tion , Side
Lazln.S�odk -Id Tniplements yIVIi'.
George Elliott has been instructed to
Sell .By public auction on Lot 13,.:Con-
cession i, half mile south of'Biacc-
field, -on Tuesday, Nov:."8rd, at 12:30
o'clock, pm.. Ilozses-Matched draft,
toyears old; 8 y at good`'drivrug mare,
7 years old, .quiet and 'reliable; 'good
reliable driver. '12 years old, good
single or' double, Cattle Fresh
calved c -ow 8 'ye tris old; Durham cow,
S years' old due February 10th; 'Dur-
ham cow, 3 years old, due Mar. 30th;
dry cow, 5 years old; 2 two year old
heifers; 4 yearling boilers; 2 'year• -
ling steers; 4 spring 'Salves; 'young
calfImplements-6-foot cut Dearing
hinder; 6 -ft: cut McCormick mower;
McCormick manure spreader; 13 -hoe
Massey Harris . seed drill;' cultivator;
steel land roller; McCormick disc hag -
rely; hay rake; Fleury No. 21 walk-,
ing plow; Verity walking plow; Na
tional gang 'plow; set of 3 -section
diamond harrows; ,eecufler; turnip
sower; goodafarm wagon; good low
iron axle Wagon; 2 good` steel :tire` top
buggies; road "eart; 2 Water..troughs;
,set bobsleighs; new, flat- rack; wagon,
box; gravel box; ice 'rack; Set ice
tongs; teamster's , coal box; 14 -fool.
wood reek; : set of 'Gurney 2,000 lb.
scales;' Clinton fanning mill with
.bagger; 5 logging chains; -ditching
scoop; sugarbeet fork; 3 dozen'grain
bogs; roll of wire- 2 grindstones; set,
brass mounted breeching harness; 2
-sets plow harness; set single.goldeen
Mounted harness, set single niekle
mounted harness, several horse:col-
lars; set of new'team lines set fly
nets; several,,_ halters; harness cup-
board; whiffletrees;,neckyokes; rforks;
shovels and numerous other articles
Terms: All sinus of $10.50 and un-
cles cash; over that amount' 12
months' -credit will he given, on furn-
ishing. approved joint notes. A dis--
count of 4 per cent, allowed .off for
cash on credit amounts. Geo. H.
Elliott, Auctioneer._ James Berry,
Proprietor. , 28-1
- Clearing. Auction Sale
Farm Stock and Implements at Lot
11, Con. 3; Stanley township,. 231i.
miles south of l3rucefield on Friday,
Oct. 30th, at' 12:30 o'clock, sharp:
Horses -Grey Percheron filly rising
3 years; -General Purpose horse 6
years; driver, quiet and reliable, 7
'years; General Purpose mare. Cattle
Cow, 6 years old, due to freshen
Nov. 1; cow, 5 year old, due Nov. 4•,;
cow 4 years old, due Nov. 6; cow 4'
years old, due Nov. 1; cow 3 yeprs old,
due Dec; two cows 3 years, due Zan.
15th; two cows 5 years old, due Dee.;
three cows 7. years, supposed to be in
calf; 'three' cows 4 years, old, calf at
foot; cow 6 years old, not in calf;
Sow 6 years• old, calf at font; cow 4
years old, due in Feb.; fresh cow; 2
young calves;.6 spring calves; 2 year-
lings; 4 steak, rising 2 "years; Diir-
ham bull (registered), sow.due to far-
row Nov, 24th; 2 pigs ;125 lb. each; 2
chunks; pure bred Tamworth boar
(registered); 8 young pigs; 13 -young
breeding ewes; 60 barred. rock hens;
60 pullets hatched in April. Quant-
ity of turnips and corn in field. Ire-
plements-McOormick binder; Deer-
ing -mower,
eer-ing-mower, 6 ft. cut; McCormick hay
rake; Massey-l-Iarris hay loader, new;
Tudhope Anderson single riding
'ploug'h''No: 21;;'- Cockshutt plough 2 -
furrow; Bain sleigh; 'Adams wagon;:
stuffier; drilling plough; Massey
Harris 10 -hoe drill; Noxon 12 -hoe
drill; disc harrow; diamond harrow 4 -
_section; diamond - harrow 3 -section;
Fleury cirnsher good as new; '10 -inch
grinder; Maxwell cutting box with,
carriers;. pulper; 160 ft. hay fork
rope; wheelbarrow; -top buggy; dem-.
ocrat; set of team harness, set Of
double driving harness; forge; "anvil;
2 full, sets of taps and dies; drag
saw -with new frame; gasoline engine
1x/r h.p,; steel shafting and bearings;
post hole auger; steel water 'tank;
Prairie State brooder; Wisconsin in-
cubator, 140 eggs capacity;s.wiiiffle-
trees, : neckyokes; forks, shovels,
chains and several other articles too,
numerous to' mention. Tennis: Roots,:
corn,.hens; young pigs and all sums
of $10 and under, cash; over that
amount; ' 12 Months' credit Will be:.
given; on ftu•nishiug approved' joint
notes;' or, a discount of 5 per cent. al-
lowed for cash on credit amounts,
Everything to be sold as proprietor
has rented his .farm. Laurence For --
rest, Proprietor, G. IJ: Elliott Auc-
tioneer. 28.2
(Crowded out last week)
Mr. J. Wilson -received word last
week of the death of his son, Joseph,
in Rainey Rivers ' Mr. Wilson was
well known to many,., having lived
here' for a number of years: He
leaves a widow and three children.
Mr. and Mrs, :Wm. Patterson, who
have beenvisiting in Iowa and Min-
nesota, returned,, to their home here
last week.
The Women's Institute will hold
their October meeting at the home
of-Mrs.,.C,-M. Streughan. There will
be a, demonstration in salad nzakibg.
The hostesses are to. be Mrs. Wilson,
Mrs. 0. McErien and Mrs. Mogridge.
Roil call -Hallowe'en Legends. '
Mr. A.; Robison has sold Isis farm
to Mr. Gordon MCClinchey,, the price
being in' the neighborhood of 57,000. -
Rev. E. Anderson of, Monition.'
preached in Knox church on Sunda}'
Rev. W, R. Alptaking an-
niversary serticses jet Monliton.
The anniversary services. of the
Methodist church will be held next
iSunday,. Oct. 13th,'alt 2:80 and 7:30
p.m. Rev, J. E. Hogg of Willis
church, Clinton, 15 to be the speaker
and the.music will be provided by the
Blyth choir in the afternoon and
Westfield in the evening.
Clearing Assetlen Sales ,
Of 1 arm Stock a'nd Implements
The undersigned auctioneer has re-
ee'ved,instiuctions to sell' by public
fitibir'•'at i,et 22, Bcsfield Line5
miles`"south'wwest of Clinton on Tues-
day, November 2nd, commencing -at
1:00 o'clock sharp: the followin
Horses -,Bay till
y, 4 years
old : gra-
cultural; black percheron gelding,3
„ear•. old; , agricultural mare,:? years
old driving n re
F c _i a , quiet and reliable;
team work ,zorse old, 'years `ld
d, very
reliable; `registered -..'draft mare, 5
years, Princess Royal 48085, supposed
to he in foal to Mnrdocic's horse,filly
colt 5 `month, by its side,: sired by
Murdocic's bores.- Cattle -2 Holsten
heifers, 3.years, fr'esh''in June; Here -
ord heifer, 3 year's; due in Jainarj;
Hereford heifer, 3ears due in No-
vember; 2; J{erefordlieifers,-3 years;
with calf atside; Herefod cow;
years, due - ,in. December; Hereford
cow, 9,ears due in Ju e"2
Y n Hereford
S, 4 Years, due'n'Ma • .Hereford
cow, 7 ,years; due in May; Shorthorn.'
purebred cow, ow, 8 years; Shorthorn
heifer, 3 years gold; 4 -steers 2 years
old; Hereford heifer, 2 years,,^ 3 Here-
ford heifers 1 year; 8 spring halves';
pure bred' Hereford bull, 2 years; 24'
choice breeding 'Leicester ewes;
sheai'ling Leicester ram; 50 hens, Im-
elements'= -Massey -Harris. 'binder 7
ft. cut; Frost & Wood mower, 6' ft.
cut;, Cockshutt hay rake, 'new; set 4
section harrows; Oliver riding plow;
Cockshutt walking plow; Fleury walk-
ingt.plow Deering seed 'drill;. Chat-
ham fanning mill with bagger;
when; gravel box; h'ay rack; buggy;
seuffler• setS
of sleighs, nearly new;
3 drum steel roller; ''Massey -Harris
cultivator; wooden track -car, new;
-steel track car; cutting box, 12 inch;
grinder, 10 inch _plate; 4 h.p..gas.
engine; bean scuffles., and puller mom-:
binsd; cooking' stove; Delaval cream
separator, new; forks, chains, whiffle -
trees, neel.yokes and other articles,
300 bus, mixed drain ;; 800 bus. .oats;
60 bus spring wheat, choice seed,
Everything to be sold as proprietor it'
gat iatg. up; i arming, l ernes:'( All sums
of 510 and under;, cash; over that
amount 12 months' credit will be giv-
en on furnishing a proved joint notes
a discount of5 e e'
ordiscount ,P1 cent., allowed
for rash on credit' 'amounts. Ho ward'
Clark,- ,
.'Elliott,- Atte-
Mellon Sale
Farm S to k-
c anImplements.
t .leants
on •
Theundersignedhas z•ecoived instrue-`
taons to sell by publics auction at lot-
ot34 Lon. 2 Stanley ,tan y 'hp., 2 miles soutli-
cut of Clinton on Friday, Oct, 23rd,
camzn n in •
e o at 1:00 'q'elocic, sharp;
the following: .;Bay' Agricultural
To be somewhere -ini I+lorida, where'
the sun is always shining;, where the
golden oranges hang in clusters on
the trees, the palms stir gently to
the warm breezes,, and "where the,
magnolia blooms" is the thought in
the minds of hundreds of Canadians
every winter.
Whestna i , s
Ca d an at home are slcat,'
iris and skiing, those in the south will'
be surf -bathing, sun-bathing on the
warm :sands, deep-sea fishing, grif-
ing, etc.
When makingararreentr for the
trip south consult- any agent' of the
Canadian National Railwaysfor 'par-
ticulars of'service.:` Winter tourist
fares are now in effect valid to return
up to June 15th, and good for stop-
over at all important points, as well
as fog diverse routings. ; Direct con-
nections are made at Detroit and.
space obtainable, on the ;following
crack - Florida trains the "Royal
Palm", the "Ponce de ,Leon' ;. and t
"Swanee River Special," ate. 27-2 5
Apse, 101529, ,'Reg. °Durham bull
Carleton Prince '164924,.'uiofng 8, Dur_
ham -.grade cow, 9 years. old, due time
of sale; Durham grade corn', 7 yearn
old, due Dec. 24th: Durham ;grade
cow, 8 years:old, ' freshened J. week;
Durham grade "cow, 2,yeasrs old due
March T; ° Durham grad® cow 11.
years, clue Jupe::.2'7th; Durham grade
cow, 6 year's, due ' Feb. 15th,,
Black cow duo March'
an 7- yearling
steers and lzeis.'ers• 3 fall 1 calves; 'L
spring �cal.
nes, 1`syoung calf, sow due
to far, i
ow n Jan.; 9 chunks averaging
SO lbs. -50 hens-, 25 pssll'eto, 9 young
geese, 2 old geese and gander. Im-
p ts-kleGoz•micic binder, 6 foot
cut, .
Deering. mower, 6 ft. cut, Sharpy.
rake, Cockshutt drill, '13 hoe,: set
diamond harrows, Cockshiitt s prang
tooth'eultivator, a Massey -Harris rid-
ing plow,Sy wester '
g y walking plow,'
z, Adams � wagon;: hay .rack,
rayl o
gravel bog, 2 stock racks rubber;:'tire
topbuggy, ggY, s el tire open buggy,
Portland mutter, ,manur•.e spreader,
disc harrow, steel roller' -Clip on"
t i fan-
nin .m' mill, tl , set of -sleighs, cutting box
grinding stone, hay fork, rope and
pulleys, 2 cars, 2: sets of slings, quan-
tity of: grain bag's, 4 logging chains,
c cut saw, quantityof wood, num-
-of: cedar posts, quantity of inch
lumber, quantity of 2 inchrplan-k, 100
bushelbarley, b r y, 500 bushel of oats,
about 6. tons of good mixed hay, set.
Iso-ceo;' hay A'gizculttir l'''mar, brown
driving horse, quiet and reliable,
Cattle --Reg. Durham cow, Carleton
'harness, set backhand hare=
ness, set of light harness, wheel'b
roW, ul er1 large meal bin,set of
scales 240 lbse ;capacity; Daisy churn;
Delaval separator,, No. 12,, heating
stove, butter bowl and mixer, Moffat
range, sap pails and epiles, quantity
other household effects, whifftetrees,
neckyokes, forks, shovels, etc. Every-
hing : to be sold ^as proprietor -has
old his farm. Terms: Hay, grain
poulj se household 'effects, and all
sums of $10' and undere cash, over
that amount,months credit will
ho given,on-:furnishing approved joint
notes ora discount of 5 per cent al.
lowed for cash on. 'czedlt :an punto,
Herbert `Castle, Proprietor. .G.: H.
Elliott, Auctioneer, 2 2
22 Days
g n -some--brit. skinny
�. '
men, onen and children just -can't
help putting on good h eaIthy flesh
whenthey take tae 1VLcCo 's Cod;Li er
Extr•ac r
Y v
. t aU1et ,
Chock full l
o `,i.
f tanzines-the
that arc r
e e iitrac
ted from the livers of
theoc the�liin
d d that are "a real"bel .
to frai 1
rundown, i
, wi , e ieamie, skinny
men and women,
Try . these sugar cos coated t d tasteless
tablets for. 30 days -if they don't
help greatly get your money one,back.
'One woirianwined'
gten pounds in
da �S4iit ]
Y y tobets; sixty
cents and money y back if not satisfied,'
Ask any druggist Cod
for ';'1V1cCoy 's
Liver' Extract Tablets.
ands formula on each`. box.`
McCoy's the :ori:ge
, gginal and
California as become famous as a
Winter tourist region because of its
excellent climate conditions, 'its_ var-
ied and 'magnificent scenery, .thep os
sibilities it affords for all kinds of out-
door sports and recreations, its splen
did motor roads, sea bathing, eta,
The Canadian National Railways
offers a wide: choice of routes. Travel
one way through Canadian Rockies
via Jasper National, Park and Mount
Robson, to Vancouver and Victoria,
our' oven Pacific Coast resorts, Seattle,
Prrtland,';Saan-Francisco and Lea
g elms.
Any agent of the Canadian IN - -
al 1i always vti'.l be' pleased to ;turn -
full informatio
urn-full:information regarding these:.+
lip 'in
the North woods } :'
the ua3"s
are already bringing in their game
In the district nartb,of the main lure
of. the Canadian ,National Railways
betweenq sic
Q bec and Winnipeg the
moose and doer `season' opened Sep-
tember I?
teinber 15th, and.' will continue:until
November. 15th, Throughout ` this
district which cover
s millions' of
acres, big game is always plen-
y . ,len-
tiful and every hunter, who .goes
north is ahnost''sure 'of bringing "battle
his full complement.
South ofh'
t is line to the French
and fdattawa Rivers, the open season
for deer and mo
ase; is from October
25th to November N tuber 30th, Loth dates in-
clu iv
si e, while in the territory yet fur -
there south i.e., south of the tl e r" r,^.rch
Pickerel and Matta - rivers, wa A vers,. the opeki
season is from November 5th to 20th.
The district adjacent
to the French,
Pickerel and Mattawa Rivers is easy
of access ,and is one of the famous
and popular huntinggrounds oofOn-
tario. Keen,
dyed-in-the-wool 1 '
y oo Mentz -
men go' up to this country of trail,.
river and lakeevery year -and are al-
ways successful.
en be no better vacation than
one spent in these NorthernOnta rio
woods,. Clean., ,your gun,, assemble
your kit, and" get Beady Ier'"a real he-
man.holiday, Any Canadian National
Railways agent Will galatlly supply
you with full.' hunting information and
particulars of special and regular
train service.
Printed leaflet -with details of this
service and general information of in-
terest to' hunters may be had on ap-
Unfair Deal
adian Farmers are Getting
Back in, 1921. we sold the United States agricultural
pfoducts to the value of $146,539,883. After the Fordney
U.S. Tariff of -1922 went into effect in the United States we
sold them ;only $51,337,733 worth.
"' By raising their tariffs the.Uaited,States farmers have put
about 0.00,000,000 per annum more into their pockets and
the Canadian farmers have lost. it.
What is the lesson to the Canadian farmer?
On what terms is the Canadian farmer -competing with
the farmer of the United States? They are `terms. that not
only forbid the sale of his products in the United States
but compel him at the same time to witness United States
farm products' replacing his own in the home markets of
Canada. Let us examine some of -these terms.
For Entrance For Entrance: ...-
into Canada " ,, into the United States
the Americans pay: the Canadians s pay:
Potatoes... - 35 ets. per 100 lbs.
• Eggs .: 3 eta. per do
Butter......... .. , . 4 eta. per ib, '
• .Cheese .. , .., 3 as. per: lb,
Cattle 25%
Hay 12.00 per ton
Wheat Flour , . 50 cts. per baruel
Wheat..... , , ' 12 cts. per bushel
Corn. ...,.,. tree
Certain Fruits 25
50 cts. per 100 lbs.
8.'ets. per doz.
8 cts. per lb.
5 ets. per -lb.
$4.00 per ton -
$2.04 per barrel
42 ets. per bushel
11�55�oocts. per bushel
The United States raised their tariff, in order to protect
the American Fanners, and the purchasing of foreign: farm
products was: reduced. It was, therefore, to the American
Farmer's benefit
And we prove it.. In the next column we list a few
Canadian products imported by the `United States under
the 1921 tariff and under the raised' tariff of September:
21st,' 1922.•' These, figures are quoted from the' "Corn-`
mercial Intelligence Journal" published by Ottawa
Government (26th Septembe-r,' 1925, page 324).
Canadian Farm Exports to the United States,: 11 months ending
August 1921 and 11 months ending. August 1925
Articles U.S. Quantity
Teriff or Value
Horned cattle... Free' $14,970,944
Poultry.. , ... .1c. per lb. 769,060
Sheep Free 1,184,950
Oats (bushel) . , , 6c. per bus. 2,822,129
Wheat (bushel)Free 47,735,082
Fresh Beef
chilled or frozen
(quintals) Free
Potatoes (bushel)Free
Eggs (doz) Free
U.S. - Quantity
Tariff or Value
-134 to 2c, per lb. $2,897,753
plus $2'per head, '
3c. per lb. 611,529
$2 per head 219,878
15c. per 32 lbs. • 389,280
42c. per 60 lbs. 3,408,152,
237,782 3c. per lb. 63,408
2,581,037 50c. per qtl. 566,115
264,676 8c. per doz. 52,887
And now a great reduction' has been made by Ale Can-
adian-Australian Treaty which just went into effect on
October 1st, 1925. Under this treaty Australian (and. New
Zealand/farm products will enter Canada at the following
For Entrance
PRODUCTS, into Canada
the Australians pay:
E gs, per doz Free
Cheese......... ,Free
Butter., . , . , • 1 ct. per lb.
Honey. , . 1 et., per lb.
Bees Wax Free
Fresh Meats...-.. ...... , ct;
Canned Meats. , .. - .: , 15%
Canned Poultry.'...: 15%p
Lard Free
Tallow. 10
.Canned Vegetables.,. , .. Fres
Apples and other Dried
Fruits. 10%
Quinces; Pears &Apricots 25 ets. per 100 lbs.
Canned Fruits.: 34 ct. per lb.
For Entrance
into Australia
the Canadians pay:
18 cts. y
6 cts. per lb.
6sts. per 1b. A;
4 cts. per lb. t
3 cts. per lb.
5 eta. per lb.
40% 5
4 ets. per -lb.
1 et. per lb.
30 eta. to $2.10 per
doz. cans of 4 to
4 pints
8 eta. per lb.
$1.50 per.,100 lbs.
30 ets: to $2.10 per
doz. cans, accord-
ing to size ',
Canada will be flooded with farm products from other cpuntrles at these low
rates, but Canadian •farnrt products are shut out ,of other countries by high tariffs.
Meanwhile half a minion • Canadians have moved to. the United States- because of
the tariff reductions that have closed up or slowed down hundreds of factories.
That is, half a million buyeraJof Canadian farm products have been loat. " The far-
mers are hit twice. "
°ox� the F'arotIn. Indus'
Tim. i'ed,rericy L.iegu. aP i.13 4, 45,0 o,td ea VAt ti Zoorate®.: