HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-10-22, Page 5atter
n'c tMe
"seho 1
o a trust's5-
n �97iake a bed as • well as
;ate. of a Domestic Seiende
lut :perhaps he has Inant
.intng 'at home for soiree
, yley lii�-. Alf ' of,Ci'ails,
tic ' nI fired o$ Sgitchcner,
lb5rt h4�uneral took place en gSaturday'
,�a:short service at her la
ly � Afte 1 to 1 tome;
conducted by her rest r, RCN': G. tLl.
fter- Billcey, ' the •fnneril• proceeded -o
Trinity church,'`
Ba fief
Sd ti•1i=
Y c'i
lar e crowd g had assembled ,to'renden•
-,r. ! their last respects to one. they hada
the honoured in life, It'.was here she
1 was baptized, here she 1
he. laboured in the
1 S1., Here she was married and it was
and from here that she shad -wished' -to be
ext Thursday' is election. day. It,
have neglected to have. your
e placed or,.thevoters' list you
et son sane. t v ' •h
t ;.� o ouc
,`•{4Qn and te .deputy returning of-,
•i t
will. give you a baiiev. When
our ,ballot ntari:` it, for the
,.. 170,:. V•1 -
.I 01t ; the . policies
.n, p. 1
believe will build e tI t
x a d t G•
Can -
No mater how the voting, goes on
'Thursday •next it is to be hoped that
whichever party obtains a' majority
will have sufficient majority to form
strong government,' Then let the
government asstnn0 responsibility fol•
its acts and answer for then to the
people.'. Whatever merits group goy-.
.ermnent may have they seem to be
t weighed by ,the. fact that it forms
an excuse for:weak, irresponsible ac
tion on the part of a government.
The ,erstwhile enemies,' ` Germany
and France, at the conference at Lo-.
'earn,' Switzerland, entered into a cov-
enant of .peace, all; differences to be
submitted to arbitration. ' Britain and
Italy undertake to go to the assist-
ance of the party,; attacked if the
peace agreement is violated by either
partyrThis is hailed as the: biggest
step toward a permanent peace taken
•since the war and it. is hoped that' it
is brit one 2 of many -more, until war
Shall be ruled out of- the civilized
world. It is' about time the 'civilized
- nations stopped fighting each other
and began using their energies to
promote civilization.
It seems that rural mail couriers
Bre suffering .some hardship; espee-
ially when weather is disagreeable,
by the habit box holders have of
'leaving unstanfped letters for them to
take up and stamp. The money for-
'the„ stanp is left all right, but the
courier has to' pocket the coppers,
take the letters and see that they are',
properly stamped before being de-
livered at the 1oosteffice, ; This is, it
appears, not at all.within the duties of
_the courier, Indeed, he is not sup-
posed to take up an tmstamped 1et-
-ter. But they are -good-natured fel-
lows and cannot refuse. Box holders
.could greatly aid these faithful pub-
lic servants by; having .their mail
properly stamped when, they. give it
ta: the' courier.
"People go to the stores•to bey;
but people decide in their own homes,
lay their own firesides, under their
own reading Imps,' what store to "go'
to. 'At home the feet are not tired,.
cfowds do not distract, decisions are
unhurried. Newspapers and cata-
logues are' perused with deliberation,
Live merchants, , know this: and • are
more and more presenting' their of
*fsiings through the medium of_print-
ed :natter which 'can be studied at
home. No printed :natter enters the
home that is more closely read than
the hole paper. The` advertiser in
the home p'a'yer is snaking a direct
appeal to the buying need, and news
papet readers should,;.; appreciate the
direct message which > is thus. being
made •by home people to home people.
,The next few months are the buy
in monthsof
t the ea • a i
gt red live ricer-
hants are e presenting their wares fore the the public through the - medium
of the hone paper." -Exchange,
Mr: and Mrs. Geo.. Copeland of
Sprueedale were guests of Miss E. 3,
Stirling; having conte to spend; a few
days. with their many friends andat-
tendthe'snarriage of their eon, Al-
feed, to Miss Mae Pollock of the
Goshen Line. -
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Sturgeon and
family moved»to Grand Bend on Mon-
day. where M. Sturgeon] iritends
carrying on his business of - fishing.
Mrs. Thos. Brandon, and children
returned' on.. Monday eventing after
having visited in• Wingham.'
Mr'. Robt. Delgaty„ spent the week-
end with friendsin•I-Iensall.
Miss Anna_Eiliott of Toronto spent
the week -end with her . aunt, Mrs.
-John Fraser. We are pleased`. to re-
- pont ,that Mr. Erases: is improving in
'health after his recent illness.
Miss Nina Heard was home for the
'week -end,
Mr•, 'and Mrs. Fred Scotehmer and
fancily of Kitchener visited, over the
week -end with the. :former's"sister,
Mrs. Was: Heard, having come to at-
tend the, funeral of their -sister, the
late Mrs, Albeit Townshend,
Mr. John Howard 'returned` from
the. West on Monday evening.
Mr. Rbbt. Penhale left on Monday
for Saskatchewan with a car .load of
The terrific .gale on Monday has
done a great deal of damage_ to the
winter apples which were not picked
in this locality,.
Mr. Frank Erwin returned to lilt --
o ener'on" Saturday h S td y after•".having
spent1several-days hunting in 'the vi-
ciuity; While here he was. the'guest
of his; aunt. bion, F. A. L,'dwards.,
Mr,' and Mrs.Dixon and Miss Car -
lee Dixon of Galt motored to the vil-
lage and spent Sunday with their
daughter, Mrs. Paull. Rev. F..10 and
Mrs. Paull accompanied on their
return on Monday and proceeded to
'Toronto to attend the opening of the
noir*'-Trinity, College;
Mr. and Mrs. E. Callow o.f. Beams-'
vtlle were -the guests of Mr, William
h �i f h 1st concession,
l I o i sGoderich
slit t oven t 5 c-
a n he week-encl.
el enol.
N and Mrs. Winslow of Montreal
guests at the Ritz last week.
`Oib.aunual meeting of the Y. P. S.
wilitt•lhe held in the basement of St,
AntNew s.chti teh on Friday night. It''
s, A
oVWn'shend 'took place :'irorn Tr
chtiich, Bayfield, on Saturday -a
.noon last, The service was condue
by the Rev. C. L. Bill ey of'Cli
Yft•s."E, II. Paull and Mrs, N
Woods sang a duet. The syniAn
of the community is extended to
bereaved husband and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Townshend';
fat it
V of 'Manilla spent '
with Mrs. Townshend's parents,
and Mrs. T. H: Elliott.
A nitinber or ther n s
.f e d of
Mt Lloyd Jlakins`'g'athered
the town hall on Monday evening, A
ter all had assembled the bride
groom were serenaded at their home,
and then driven' to the hall, where
they received the congratultions and
good wishes of those present and af-
ter. some lively' games they were
showered with rniscelaneous gifts.
Mr. Colin Campbell read- the follows
ing address on behalf of those
present, to Which the groom made a
very suitable reply. The bride also
thanked their friends for the many
handsome and useful gifts which ;they
received; after which lunch was
served and the rest of the evening
spent in a social time,
"To -'Mr..and Mrs. Lloyd'Malcins,
Dear Friends; We:are gathered
here tonight, drawn by a spirit'.of
good will and ;sympathetic fellevy
ship in the bond of love and outward
ordinance :that ` has made you one.
And while this is • true.' still we do
not feel that we are in any way far-
ther removed from the' intimacy and-
riendship that -we have enjoyed
with you, in the past. This being
more especially true as, for the pre
ent at;least, "you are still with us.
s true' friends it is our desire to
ejoice with you in this your hour
f happiness and sunshine. Nor
ould our interest in your welfare
red here, rather'may it, be a fellow -
hip which will grow with the years
that in your joys.and sorrows,
hrough the clouds'and through the
nshine you.. play ever find in us a
sympathy, a keener appreciae
ton of all that the future holds for
on. We feel that this • will not be
all impossible for during the time
at we have known you, you:have.
ell merited . our.loyalty as friends,
„hilt otir meeting here tonight on'
ueh a happy and joyous occasion as
is may bring to all df us a sense
unalloyed ha$piness,;and pleasure,
t we'would:not forget, both we and
u, that life is real and life is earn -
t and that not enjoyment and not
is our destined"end or way
t to aet that eaeh tomorrow .find
further than today.- And so as
outward expression of the septi-
rets and feelings of our -hearts we'
uld be very pleased to have. you
Sept this miscellaneous shower, per-
ils conveying to you an individual
El personal goodwill which a larger
d perhaps inore substantial gift
ealld fail to de, Again we wish .the
t that life has to ,offer. Not only
uld we extend our many wishes
we look up to the All -Loving
they and say: "God Bless. You."
neo on behalf of „,your friends:
sic Westlake, Vera Doevson, Bessie
tson, vanISteckle, Colin Camp-
carried x ed by"he
z sonsefour
1 1., last
Mt. resting place: A. Beautiful service
was' conducted by Rev. Mr. Bi11cey of
Clinton assisted by the Rev, Mr.
Paull of Bayfield. At' the close of
at the service initerment';•.took place at
A1-2' the 'Hayfield- ,cemetery.
and Amongst those fromn a distance who
attended the funeral were; Mr;' and
Mrs. Fred Scotehmer and family of
Ilitchener, Mr.. Scotehmer having
made a hurried trip from the west to
be ,present;. Me. and Mrs. J. `Scoteh-
mer and Mr. Raba. Scotehmer, ;Stan-
ley;' .Mr. and 1VIrs. Win, heard, Bay
field; Mr. and Mrs. E. Sararas, Mr.
Alf. Sararas and Mrs. Isobel 'Sararas,
New Dundee;' Mrs. A. Cochrane,
Waterloo; Mrs. L. Martin, Mrs. N.
Thoznan, Mrs. 'H. Sheard and 'Mr: T.
Sheard, Kitchener; Mrs. Bone,. Mrs.
R. Smith' and Mi, Alf. Cochrane,
Brussels; Mrs. Fred Elliott, Mitchell;
Mrs.. J. Eagleson, Sault Ste. Marie
and, Mrs., Porter and Mrs. Ada Halli-
day, 'Goderich,
Mr. Townshend and family wish to
ex15.r,ess i; heir''thainlcs for the, kind-
ness of their -friends and neighbors
during their sad bereavement.
• 05
The inesllbes's of the Y. P. S. re-
peated their plays, 'Frank' Glynn's
Wife," and "Miss Molly" at the fowl
supper at 'Union church in Goderich
township on Friday last. • There was
a crowded auditorium, despite the•
heavy rain.,
The men of the parish. of Bayfield
met at the Rectory Wednesday ,even-
ing of lash Week and enjoyed • a social
time. During the evening a men's
club was organized. The following
officers were elected: Hon, -President,
Rev. I'. I3. Paull; president, Morton
Elliott ,of St. John's church, Varna;
vice, ;Charles Middleton of St.'James'
church, Middleton; secretary-treasur,
er, Leslie Elliott of. Trinity church,
Bayfield. The next meeting of the
club will be held at Varna' on the, ev-
ening of November the nineteenth.
During the evening Mrs. Paull served
Mr, Tlios. Clark '1of Dresden has.
purchased the house and lot 'owned by
Miss Ellen Richards andis now hav-
ing it improved.
Mr. Wits. Dixon ,has moved • into
Mrs. Af McLeod's house on Louisa
St. Mrs, McLeod has had her house
raised, a -verandah added and new
siding 'put on, which adds 'very much
to its neat and comfortable appear-
In they grey dawn of the early
morning of October 14th, the .spirit
of Hannah Enuiiy Scoter -liner, beloved
wife of • Albert Townshend slipped
'peacefully away to that heavenly
home, where Main and sorrow is no
01055, '
Mrs. Townshend was a woman with
a ,quiet, kindly disposition, beloved by
all with whom she came in contact.
She saw gond in, everybody and spoke
ill of no one. A true wife and most
devoted,, mother, she (strove', -to instil
in her children those principles -.which
snake life really worth while. Front
her earliest lest childhood,she was pos-
sessed of a '_ beautifllfaith in her
Master, a' faith which was her eetic-
eour during the long years of 111
health, a .faith which enabled her,
when the.
end came,` surrounded by
her family, to meet death with a
beautiful smile upoat'her face.
Sho is survived by her husband, one
daughter and four sons, -Ernest of the
Bayed elcl Line, : Coderich, •township,
.Mrs Nelson. Crich, Tuckersmitii; Still
o1' Manilla,' '
ti t Alvin
of, TOPOrt�'
s and
Jack of Hamilton, t
Ia ut]to Also s
o by her aged
father, Mr. Alfred 'Septclnner, three
sisters andlive brothers, Mrs, Wm.
'Ie I i 5£iell
Goderich; Mrs. Myeon `Butler, Goner
icli Tp.;, John, Robert and W111 Scotch -
street prsonage, on Oct. 21st, 'by
the Rey. D. J. Moorhouse, Eva
daughter hter of Mr
g Mrs.
Thomas Glazier, • to Archibald
Theodore' Dale,. son. .of John F.
Dale, all of Hallett township.
JERVIS-WITMER---At' the Evan-
gelical parsonage, Zurich, an Oct.
21st, by the Rev, Mr. Dengis, Adeil
Maude, daughter of Mr, ' and Mrs.
Sylvanus Witmer of Zurich, to Wil-
fred' C. Jervis, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Al`Jervis of Goderich township.
COOKLIn Clinton, on Oct. 16th, to
Mo. and Mrs. Charles •Cook : a Son.
MUNROE-4t Auburn, on October
17th, to Mr. and 3V1rs. R, D. Mun-
roe a daughter. --Zeta Pearl..
CHARLES -At. Victoria Memorikl
hospital, Toronto, on 'Oat 10th, to
Mr, and Mrs. G. A. Charles (form-
erly Lillian Hutchings of Goderich
township)' a son.
Death 2
FOWiLER-In Hullett, on Oct. 14th,
Elizabeth Runciman VanEgmond,
wife of Mr, John Fowler, aged 78
SMITH -Accidentally killed,. in De-
troit, Mich,, on Oct, 16th, Lydia
Snaith, formerly' of Clinton.
COLLYEli-Suddenly at Sprisigbank,
near London, on Oct, 17th, Augus-
tus P. Collyer, formerly of Clinton,
aged 46 years.
CLUFF-;In Goderich, on Oct. 10th,.
'Samuel? Clufi, in his 71st year.
A Sault SON- t ul
t Ste.x'
Ma ne on
Oct. 13th, Annie Garrett, widow of
'the late William-Brundson, forsi7er-
ly-of Lendesboro, aged 83 years..
y •
CLARKE-At Hanover, on Oct. 20th,
Lily E. Clarke, wife of S. B, Clarke,
Hanover, and sister, ofthe late W.
J. Mitchell of Clinton.
Masquerade and Hard Time Dance
Thursday, Oct, 29thsin Clinton IKnit-
ting Co. Club rooms.. -Peerless Har -i
stony Orchestra Ladies, 25c, gents,
50c. Dancing 9 ,to 1. 28-2
• _ For Sale
Massey -Harris •bean cultivator .and
puller combined, also some: rock 'pul-
lets. ' Mrs. Fred Stirling, phone 22 on
609, Clintan centrah 28-2-p
Potatoes Wanted
Must he No. 1 grade, in bulk. Leave
sample bag . at ,H, Wiltse's grocery.
store. One dollar will . be paid for,
sample bag on delivery. • Will buy
'any quantity. Also cars"of assorted
turnips. Jas; Steep, Clinton. 2/3 -if
• Pullets For Sale
Well bred Rock pullets, Apply to
M. J. Butler, R. R. No. 2; Clinton or
phone 24 on 604. 28-1
Farm For Sale
On north half of Lot 5, •concession,
2, Hullett, containing 50 acres. There
are on the premises a good frame.
house and kitchen, bank barn 34x52
and shed 12x52, one acre of orchard,
apple, nitint and pear trees. The
farm is well -drained and fenced and
five miles .Croat ',Seaforth and 2h
miles from Constance. School across
the road. Apply to Mrs. ' Mary
Brown, adsuinistratrix, Brucefield, oe
W..I3rydone, Clinton. 28-tf
For Sale
One good Leicester : ram, three
years old, 11. C.' Cox, R. R. No. 2;
Bayfield. ' 28-2-p
For Sale or hent
'A six roomed cottage on Bron
street with electric light and town
-water. There is a good garden -in
connection. with the property. Inn-
inecliate t;ioseeesion: ..For, particulars
apply to W'. Brydone. • 28-2
A. Scotch collie el c l up, yellow hurl
and white ruff. When lost was wear-
ing a Goderich' license tag. A Iibeial
is offered .:for his return to
Dr, Taylor, Godericlt,'or forinforma-
tion as to his whereabouts. 28-1
sft�f l ': ' Ol o rtraits
It is only 9 Weeks until Christmas,
;that t meati ,• v"
� lin 511,., 8 lucsdays that
will-have to sit for photos at Miry
tan studio. do.
'Vire are finishing orders, now for'
Christmas. Gifts. ,'Sit 'noW and we
Will finish your ,photos and;:, by Pa"
ing a deposit, we will hold your
Photos until you, want them.at Christ -
Inas. -
From' 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 pm; •
'Our Studio will b'eiva2m', d
.zt all .into,,,
Pure Beekist_Clover Honey
Pure Beekist Dark Amber`. Ilene'
Pure Beekist Comb Hone
• ALL'
Tanks For'Sale'.
Ones gaivaized-', tank, 370 'gallons
capacity and two, 40, gaIlon_.capacity.
Inqnits at News -Record office. 27-2-p
l'er Salo
Four purebred Oxford ram lambs,;
Prices_ reasonable. Frank Reid,
Varna: Phone 31 an 022, Clinton cern-;
tral. 00 ,
Notice to Creditors,
Inthe , "
estate of Eupheinia Caro-
line VanEgmond, deeeased.
Notice is hereby given that all per-
sons having claims against the estate
of IuP
,Caroline Va
nE m
of -the town of Clinton; in the
County of H)aron,•spinster, deceased,'
who died ost or about the 13th day of
June A.D. 1925,are 'required to de-
liver to Earl VanEgmond and Foster
T. Fowler, the executors of the said
estate or their solicitor,_on or before
the 31st day of October A.D. 1925, a
full statement of their , claims to-
gether with particulars thereof, and
the nature of the securities, if any,
held by them all duly verified by af-
AND TAKE NOTICE that after
the said last mentioned date the said
executors: will proceed to ,distribute
the estate of the said. deceased
Amongst the persons entitled thereto
having a ng r egard only to such claims as
they shall have received due notice
and in accordance therewith.
Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this
14th day of October A.D,'1925.
"W. Brydone, Clinton, Ontario, Sol-
icitor for the said exeeutoro. 27-3,
Farm For Sale
160 acre farm, situated ib.township
of Goderich, with extra, good build-
ings, close to . the town of Clinton,
red brick house with furnace, `large
bank barn with water in stable, never
failing spring near barn, young or-
chard. The, farm is a clay loan: .and
level,, all seeded down but ten acres,
and in a good state of cultivation.
Apply to David T; Churchill, R. R.
No. 3, -Clinton. Phone 611-r-31, Clin-
ton central, 26-tf
Safety Razor Blades Sharpened
'Satisfaction guaranteed or money
refunded. f ed. .S'
sng g .Single edge
3e. '
d Double
edge, 4c. J. E. Hovey, druggist, agent;
Clinton. 26-8
Auction Sale
Of Farm, Farm Stock anis Imple-
ments: The tindersigned . auctioneer
has received instructions to sell by
public auction at Lot 15, Bayfield
Road, Xa-mile 'west of Varna on Mon
day, Oct 26th, commenting at 1:00
o'clock, sharp,the following; Horses
-Team of -draft horses, 9 years,, old.
Cattle -Cow, 6 years, -due to freshen,
in April; thoroughbred Hereford cow,
6 -years to freshen in April; farrow
cow, 7 years old; 4 feeding steers; 2
yearling steers; heifer, 2 ' years; 5
yearling calves. Implements -.Deer
ing binder, 7 ft. eut; Deering Trower,
6 It. cut; stiff tooth ealtivator; John
Deere hay leader; Cockshutt drill, 18
hoe; corn planter; steel rake; steel
roller; top buggy; light wagon; set of
light sleighs; cutter; grind stone; set
of 4 section harrows; set of 3 section
harrows; 2 wagons; gravel box; hay
rack; walking plow; fanning till:
low farm truck wagon; wagon box;
Gurney scales, 3,000 labs, capacity; 2'
ladders; hay fork, tar,' rope end gal-
leys; set slings; Melotto cream" sep-
arator; scoop shovel; bag truck; roll
of chicken wire; poli of fence wire,; 2
applepresses. set double harness; -'qct
single, harness; several horse collars;
road scraper;: wheelbarrow; dirge
cedar posts; set small pulleys and
rope; quantity of lumber; 3 sugar.
kettles; 2 barrels; 3 ladder 'poles;.
quantity of hay;•.whifflotrees;•` neck -
yokes; forks,- Shovels, and other art-
icies, Household Effects - Heating
stove, bedstead,' couch, cupboard,
cream Cans wash stand,dresser, large
spinning wheel, extension table,,din
nee? bell, sap pails, kitchen.tabland
other a>.•tieles At thesame time and'.
place lot 15, oonsisting,,of 86 Stn es'
more or less, will`be;offered for sale.
On the prcrnises'is,erected •a .••lendid
barn; with'Ston '
e fou red ,a`i t of , 1 at g•e
stone house, farm is well watered and
drained, ei good bearing orchard, the
farm is in a high state-ofcultivation;
suitable for grain or, grazing, Also
east half of lot 1:3, consisting. of 40
acres more or less,- all seeded, clown,.
watered by goo,d:Wiodmill' with large
water tank
very desirable as grass or
grain farm. Terms:` On farms --10
per cent. of purchase money on day
of sale, balance in 30 days. On stock,
implements, e
1 n e is t ens. All
sums of $10
and under, cash; ove •
s that amount,
12 months' , credit will he given on
furnishing approved ;joint nobes, or a
disa.Sunt•• of 6 per cent. allowed . for
oasis. on credit`- amounts. Mrs. Alex.
Mitchell, Proprietress.' 0. I-1, Elliott,
Auctioneer. 27-2
Cli aloin High Crade Egg a
PouH ry-Hilust,
Now is the time to cull your flocks �
of laying hens ,!or winter eggs. To
lprompte this winter's egg.production
we offer
s V es'h t
1 ce t
to he
(21,471 for particulars, etc., e
We appreciate your business 'and
are anxious to`,,give 012r,`setvices:m
Milk -fed spring chicks and boiling
tour plaint
Eggs bought according - to Govern-
mnent regulations; and 'highest prices
paid, Phone for our prices before
marketing •
Your eggs.
Nf. W. Trowartha
Phones -Office, 214j Residence 214
The i
se Man
Insures +,his property 'against loss
by fire'''
The liV.iser Man
Does not. stop there but insures his.
1' f
s a also. How much ate 'you
worth to your family?
All Lines of Insurance -
Agent for Huron County. for
The Sun Life Insuganee Co. of Canada
Office at residence, eor.: Maryand
Orange streets, opp, the rink
Phone ,253 90-'•
Free Tickets
�r ll
One thousand halfa •�
£ 7 e tickets
are being given away:
With every purchase of one
dollars worth of goods at
Watson's.C1' .
Phone '111 Clinton
• For Sale
Radio Sets and Supplies. Before
buying a radio set hear the Bremer-
Tuldey. A. three tube set which has
them all beat for distance, volume,
selectivity and price, Range, depend-
ing on weather conditions, from 1,300.
to 2,200 miles on loud speaker. I
tuned in 45 stations on 27th of Aug-
ust, all on loud speaker except two
or three. Three of these stations
were in California, one coming in 00
loud speaker. •Everybody welcome
any opening. ,13•; A. Hovey,' CIinton,
phone 87. 25 -ti
Gardens Plowed
The undersigned is prepared to
plow gardens at reasonable rates.
Roger' Pepper. Phasfq.130w • 25-4
House and Lot for Sale
Briek cottage; coiner of Dunlop and
Fulton streets, in good repair, elea-
tric lights, town water, furnace. Good
garden with small fruits and apple
and plum stoees. Miss Elizabeth Me -
'ravish, 15-tf
Farni For Salo
100 acres, good clay loam, 13 acres
hardwood -bush, 18 .acres fall wheat,
30 acres for spring crop, good young
Richard, good buildings, 9 -roomed
house, 'bank barn 36x78, driving shed,
hen 'muse,
w 11 watered,
Apply- ori premises, Lot 11,
con. 3, Stanley, to Lawrence Forrest,
)3rucefield, P.O. 23-7-p
Por Sale
Comfortable house, 8 rooms, Iights;
town water. Good stable and small
fruit orchard in connection. This
pre perty is . in a good location and
would retake a comfortable home.
Would also eonsider renting by year.
Apply at News -Record. . 18-tf
Clltitot s
We believe slate is something for
roofs -n
of for z furnaces -so we see
that oar • o c al has none of it. When
you burn this coal, dowry groes the 'up-
keep. on ' your furnace; You'll never
burn out the bearings on the raker.
Here is clean coal clean through It
is packed with heat and fancy-free
.from sla a
g ndalate. When you want'
coal' tliat will deliver red hot heat
down to the last piece of ash -
Call the E, s.:t
g od, clean ,co -al
_ ltd
HU1iSDAy, 001Gl;I,
. , Hardware toinpa
announces .
a change in its
It has
aiwa e been the policy' of thisstore to .' ive it
s customers
ehebenefit of the lowests possible =prices for 'standard n5rchndise,consistent with a fair and reasonable profit hot`
are going still lfrther
Ben' ;
emt n •Selit. 1st we -will
adopt the elle'
chandise-on a es o of seing our mere
e ash basis, and under this new;polnc • we will" '
to give . our customers still , GREATER VALUES, `n beaeet
prices- given an where •
fact the stwest
Y except 'a the very largest of city stores,' •
y'i'l.ere. business is done "on clic ,same basis.,
There is no store doing business "today under the cr
tthat can 'sell goods as',CHEAPLY 'th a syonly,
because a :merchant ding business as ose who sell fan cash only,
• ehandise at a rice' l •g that thewlosses d e to his mut-
p sufficient -to offset , losses due o long out-
standing and in some instances uncellectable accounts.
CONSEQUENTLY in n eliminating 'this additional '
busines, WE are going to b • cost of doing
lower riceswith, e t toe bo serve you in the l future at inyrou`.
p age of profit to the store ,null a, real
who take advantage of them._ • saving i� you-
Miller itar4wareC�-
Rowland's Old ' Stand'.'.
Argent for Life Insurance Co., to
take over good territory. Good con-
tract for the right Irian. Apply
Drawer U, Clinton, Ont. 17-tf
Having erected new coal sheds will
"have on hand full stock, of 'coal for
immediate delivery. Prices reason-.
• on' 55.
P 119 e 1
Clothes Cleaned, and Pressed
Chilies cleaned' pressed and re-
paired. Woolen goods dry' cleaned.
Rodms over Heard's barber ` shop,
W. J. Jago.
We have a supply of Furnace, Stove,
Nut and Soft. Also some good -dry
slabs. Leave orders at residence.
Huron n Street.
Orders taken at residence, hone
Have a ear load ..of '-Hominy Feed
This is a feed' made from the heart
of the cern, cooked and saturated with
malh and sugar. The strongest feed
on the market, yet safe feeding. Try
it on those pigs you are Entailing or
forfate '
en7ng chickens. Special price
for the next two weeks for cult.
Just received a carload, .of'oyster
shell. By buying these feeds in car
lots we get special prices and offer
them to you the same way,
Also Tankage- Beef Scrap and
Have a few bags of No. 1 Ontario
Variegated Alfalfa and _are offering
it at $12.00 per bushel, while it lasts.
If you have any money to spare you
will find it will pay you well to buy
your requirements for spring now.
Phone 123
Flour and Feed Merchants and
Grain Buyers
Having taken over the agency of
the Singer Sewing Machine I am pre-
pared to supply the wants of anyone
requiring machines, parts, needles,
etc, Machines sold on easy terms, old
machines taken as cash.
Pb'one 1713 P.O. Box 201, Clinton
The demand for our butter is in..
To supply this demand we require
more cream.
We requestyou to ship us your,
We guarantee you the Highest
Market Prices, accurate tests and
prompt service.
Our firm Is known to you and needs
no further recommend.
We pay all express charges, furn-
ish cream cans and pay twice each
'Mite fon cane or furher informa-
tion to the
e Cheapest
-Gives you the longest service,
__Keeps you dry and comfortable,
-r-Maintains its good appearance as long as you wear it
Wd know whereof we spear: when we say
Our Doctor's Special
is the snost economical shoe to be lied.: We have proved this by twee
ty-five years. of • actual test ' The men who started using' this shoe
twenty-five years agotare' still Pissing then: and, will accept no other.
We have just receiveda shipment fresh from ;the factory. Get into
a pair of these and•'save money on your shoe needs.
The Big Shoe Store
Opposite the Town Hall
C. H. VENNER, Eflectricjailx
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs,. Irons, :Fans and other
Wiring and Repairs. Phone Y5fur
To -our usual line of .Floor and Feed we have added a full line
oC groceries of the very best quality and 'we will`e'ndeavor:to serve
you satisfactorily.
Bran, Shorts, Mullfeed and Clio always
FiveP on,. hand
Purity, Roses, Maple -Loaf ancl•Nox'th Star Manitoba wheat flour
Jeeves, Maple Leaf, blended wheat -flour'
Monarch and Pastry Flour ;
`A.tull line of Specifics, R
p , cup .Cure, Laying. ivlasii,� Fattening Mash,
and Poultry Leg 'Bands
Vsu .
Greenhouse Phone 141-r-3 •
Greenhouse Open Evenings
axas+rN.at..n i-, mAV ;ak a:w•sun.a+ -. .,,avv.a,eri, smrarmanomaa.
i �"