HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-10-22, Page 2CLINTON
Teem'cf'ut)F•criPtIcdi---V.°0 pin' Ye Fr nce and Ger71DaIly Make COVertant of Boundary 'Line
•dv,t1t.ce, ta •'Canadian' addresses;
to the U.S. or other foreign Forever Inviolable to Invaders—lEtritain and hay P'ro-
countries. No tallier disegutlau" =se to Go to Military AsSistanne- of Either Nation
until all arrearsr.re paid unless at
the option of the publisher, The Which is Victim a vioation Of Thin Pledge'.
' date to which every -subscription is
mod .14., denoted 0i, the. hthtd, ,A despatch from- Loearno, Switger- as they qeem necessary for the main
Advertising Retea-Traidiout" 'adver" and, says :----Just as the armistice tenance of right and justice. -
ti -$111,g, 12o per count line for idrst ended the Great War'iUr80 on ThSda- The Perinanent Court of Interim-
japortioo, to for rook 6,,,,b,eqiimt muking, history, tre.stes were adop.,te'd' tional Justice, Boards of Conciliation,
Insertion, Headigg counts 2 linos. and ,the League Council are all 'magi-,
... -salon advoi.w.„.onients, riot to oacied at Locarno designed to render impos- bilities for arbitration of ail disPutes
bne Mob, such as "Wanted," -"1.4.,St,"
sible any reopening of that Great under the pact, and ar'aitration is
"Str-2Ye.d." etc., inserted' once for War. Germany and the Allied powers obligatory. .
35o, each a,,hoqueat tnaortion lc approved the ,thxt of a' security poet Besides the Rhine pact,' art ttlire.-
AdvertiseinetitYi tout in without in. dutlawing War. • . - ment was reached on collateral arbi-
struc,tions as to the number of in. Whon • word - of the agreeni.ent tration.treaties between Germany and
,orttoos wanted win rat, „am order, spread. front inouth to mouth, Iike Franco and, Germany and Belgium;
ed out and Witi be charged accord some wireless dash, this pe-aceinj spot, these- interlock with the pact itself.
ingly, Rale t 'for display advertising ne'stling at the lakesid4 beneath tow- There will be, in addition, arbitration
made known on application, ' ering mount ' - d • -
seeme to pu.sate treaties between Germany and her,
06.MPutnications intended for publi- with the thrill of countless multitudes ,eastern neighbors, Poland and Czecho-
cation must, as a guarantee of •good dwelling throughout theworld,Slovakia:
faith, he'. accompanied by tlie natnas Qf ' The 'Rhine pact of- security adopted
These, are expected to be concluded
the writer. ' , ' : ' , on Thursday and initialed on Friday, at once, and will follow. the same Beene
ali, E.' liALL, 11, R. CLARK, isiicdgas as signatories, France, Ger_ as the western treaties. There will
proprietor. rs Dditor.
manY and Belgium, not to attack or also be separate conventions betweOn
G. D. BeTAGGART . invade one another's territory and -th oFtIrteanecineg,'aFndrain'erre tehaesterlonhtaltiojese'otngle'atro-
abstain from war. Great Britain and
stand as giiarantors Of this e _ the assistance of Polarid or Czecho-
gIt:gelyme.nt and promise to throw.thl SI°vald'''.10
,• case they are subjected to
&roes away -from the parties which ai'LuanotPlry°voleoda'tilhaeggraolnittleaattleanc,ka'agrdo,
violate its textile.
trance" is ' meat, whereby Great Britain, France,
allowed to keep certain
rights embodied -in the Treaty of Ver- 'Italy and Belgium • inform- Germany
thheat stes e that no penalty centrum -
sallies, and, notably, take immediate y interpret tile cdnvenant in
A gentling Banking Business transact. action should Germany coMmit a hos"- tions eau be expected from members
ed, ',Netes Dieco ted' Dr fts leaned.
• tile act by constructing fortifiCatfons boond
either on the left. bank of thes Rhine the members' means. 1337411s
- Interest ` Ali6vred on Deposits. - Bale or within 50 kilometres (about thirty statement, which will take the :form
Notes Purchasad. tones) of its °ask bank, or keep armed of a letter, Germany Is relieved of the
'forces within that area, fear that the operation of League
t sanctions Might embroil her With
' The pact'eengeis to. hold Nvhes cern- Russla,
bined penalties against -any aggresSor , The various treaties will probably
nation are ordered- by the League Of be signed at London within a fort -
Nations, or When by -virtue of Article' night and League of Nations offihiala
XV. of the League covenant, and by here for the closing conference, see no
reason of failuee of the cettneil to reason ..wliy, -with the treaties ratified
reach unanintity on ay dispute, the by December, GerroanY cannot enter
Teaguesmembein martake such fiction the 1,eagueeby the end of the year.
BAkKETts '
Nistxri conveyancer.
Financial, Real Estate :and Fire In.
Suranee Agent, , Representing 14 Fire
Insurarice' Compidelbs.'
Division Gtetert Office, Clinton.
Barrister, Soficiter,.Notary" Public, etc.
Office Hours: -1.30 to '330 mare 6010
t'a 800'p..,Sundays, 1230 to 130 jaita.
Other hours by appointment ertlY.
Offioe and Residence -•-:4" Vietaria „St,
DR, H. &BROWN,' L.M.C.C.
. sOffiee Hours'. *
1,30, to 330 '7.30 to '9.00' p.m.
• SundayS 1.00 to 400 pan.
Other hours by appointment,
Phones .
Oftlee, 21$W Residence,, 9133
"Ofilee and Residence:
Ontario Street - Clinton, gut.
One door west of Anglican Church.
• ,Phone 172, .
Eyes examined and glasses eitted.
Office dad
Huron Street Ont.
• Phone op ••
(Formerly ,00eueieo., by. the late Dr.
0. W..Thonnusen), ,
• Eyee aat,nlisitil and Gidssee Fitted.
'134.. 11.-`,McINNES,
chiropractor -masseur -
Of Winghtun, will be at the Commerc-
ial inn, Clintom on MottdaY tual
Thursday forenoons each Week. -
Diseases of all- kinds inicoessfully
Licensed Auctioneer for the' County
'Correspondence proniptfy answered.
Immediate .errangenieuts eats be made
' tor Sales Date -at' The News -Record,
• Clinton, "or ceiling Phone, 203,
Charges, Moderate 'nod' SatLstaesesu
uaranteed. '
General Piro and Life Insurance. Agent
soy Hartford. Wintletorni, strive Stock,
Autorhobile and Sickness and Accident
Indurance. Huron Mnd 'Erie bad- Gana.
da Trust Bonds. Appointraents Made
to Meet peities at Bincelleld,• Verna
anii,Dayfield. "Phone 57.- •
Honor Oraduate Oarny Jon'est National
School of Auciloheerlag, Chicago, Sp°.
Mil course taken in Pure Bred Live
Stock, ,Beal Estate, Merchandise and
Farm Sales. ' -Rates in keeping with
, ,
prevalling markeL • Satisfaction as-
sured, Write or -Wire, Zdrich, Ont.
1.1tope 18-93,
Head (Ace, Seaforth, Ont.
' • 01 REGTORYg
President, lames pentiolly,,Godei•ich;
Vice, -James .Evans,.' j3eeChwood; Sec.:
Tr,easurer,' Thos. Hays, Seriforth.
'Directors: George McCartney, sees
for,th;.D, McGregor, -Settforth: 2.
Grleve,, Welton; Wm, Ring, Seaforth;
M. lvicRwein, moron; '11Chert Ferries,
Harlock; Sehn Benneweir, Brodnagen;
Iris, Connolly", "Geticriem` ' -
Agents: Alex. Leitch, Clinten; W.
Yeo, Otiderich; Hinebray, Sea,
forth; W. ChasneY, Egmonthtflj. 33.
0.14rirmutb," BrOdhagen. •
Atilt, money to be paid in may he
Paid to Mooriah-ciothing• co., clinton,
or at Cutt's Ore -eery Godetiell.
. Parties desiring to effect ,Insurance
or transact -"Oilier buidness will be
promptly attended to en application to
'• say of the above ofacere addressed to
theirerespective pest Oftica, Losses
, inspected bi.""the 'Direefor vfho liras
neareert the scone.
1r -011,6'14d- Bad Weather in
West Hits Alberta Especially
A despatch from Winnipeg says: -
Serious damage M the grade of the
Western wheat crop because of delay
in threshing, operations occasioned by
continued bad weather, is indicated
in a special report of threshing condi-
tioris published by The Manitoba Free
Press on Friday. The Province of Alberta has been
hardest hit by the bad Weather, the
report says. Twenty pointii lying
south from Lacombe M Milk River
and east practically to.the- provincial
border "reported that from 60 toe80
per cent. of the threehing remains to
be done. In the Coronation district,
the report states, threshing has been
resumed and the best grade so far is
No. 2 northern tough. At Hanna
wheat is reported to have lost two
grades. Threshing has been' delgYed ,
seven weelta 'at smite points, with Cant, Rene Pamir, French ace,
delay sof three weeks reported from credited with bringing dowe 96 Ger-
practicallysevery point queried. Con- man planes during the war, -who le
dtions in the aorthern sections of the competing in the internationl air races
piovince were reported better, at britclieli Field.
-In Seslcatehewan the report indig
bated that along the Hee of the C.P.R.
'southwest and southeast of that fine,
'20 to 60 per cent. of the threshing
remained to be done. North Of the
main line and along the North
Prince Albert brarieli of -the'-C.N.R.
unthreshed grail' was reported to total
45 to 76 eser.cent; of the crisp. The
wheat is reporteVto have lost, from
one to two -grades in -the average de -
'lay of -three weeks. .
Natural Resources Bulletin.
The Natural Resources Intelligence
Service of the Depart. of the Iriterior
at Ottawa -say% t •
London -New York 'Converse -
tions Made Possible by Wire-
, lesS After Years of
A deepatch from London says: ---
After years of -research work a Lon-
don -New York wireless telephone ex-
change it about to become n reality
The telephone transmitting station at
Rugby has been finished and this week
;is being taken over by the British
post -office. Transmission tests to the
The value of any 'natural eesouree United' States are likely to take place
depends to a large extent upon ,its within the next few days.
accessibility. This applies to any -one When: the serince starts, a London
of the largo number with which Cans subscriber sein ask 2„ a long dia.
oda has been act generously endowed. twice nail to New York as he now
Our foresit areas 'are enermous, not tisks re'r one te Birmingham. The
unarniteizi 08 sOme optimistic sPeakers charge for a three-minute call from
would have the public believe, but London. to New York will probably
not exceed one pound.
' For -tome' tirne past` the high-power
Anierican transmission station at
Rocky Point, LI., hat been .sending
test messages to' theBritieh receiving
nevertheless of very _ daige extent.
Much of the area, hoWever, is situat-
ed beyond the range of commercial
exploitation, and ie therefore of po-
tential value only.
A large portion of our mineral re- station at Chedeoy arid they havirig`
sources, likewise is outside the limits proved= eatisfactory, Jim station has
of profttable development, owing to been enlarged to beeothe eventually
distance from . markets ' Or lack" a the terminal where incoming cal:s will
transportation facilities. An eviderice be sent to the London exchanges,
of this is the oil wells at •Norman, IN ' '-
the Mackenzie- district,. or :the- rich .
copper area on the Arctic 'coast. - "in Remembrance of The
Water -powers, also, are reported to , Brave and True"
be in abundance and of great extent in the areas beyond reach pf develop- A despatch 00 Board H.M.S. Re-
ment, hlthough rapid -progress is be ,puise says :-Nearing England on his
ing made in long distance transmis- voyage from -South America, the
sion of electrical energy for light and Prince of Wales oh Thursday morning
power. " carried out a touching cereniony,
iludson Bay, es a fishing ground, ingupon the sea a wreath from the
has been practically -untouched, while Women's Patriotic League of Argen-
mitny of the more northerly hazes and tina, inserfisecl: "In remembrance of
rivers have never as yet -been fished, the brave and true who died a dett,th
or at least only- in the winter when of honor and departed im the Hope of
sleighing was sufficiently good to Resurreaion and Eternal Life."
allow ,of the fish being hauled to the Seamen and marines with band
nearest_ railway point, -sqiiietimeS:a., were drawn..up on three- sides of' a
matter of 200 miles or more ,
With the grotirtie of the populatiqn,
hOwever, settlement gradually
te;rd fUrther north, and ;eventually
;what die today ",valualile =reSources
will became the triainatay of Canadian
industry, as the, natural resources of
the more floutholy portions of the
country aro- at •prteent. While de-
velopment is 'being ittensively pushed
Time ,r1-4kei,e - in the mere aeceCsible areas, however,
Tealtis eirti'Ve at and Aspart fyoas 'Canada is thus' holding maey of her
Clinton. as' t -*.cerces for Caradian of
• natural les
Suflail6 and °odor -10-01v. thd future.
Going East, depart d.28 0,20. -
Going ar
" " '212 1"11. Feeding English'Rats Costly.
,. 11,10 .adia. r
" or.6.08 dp, 6.53 p.m.
" - 10.04 3.1n.
London, HtironA Scuso. DIV.
00,1,na SP,901.-T.,' 766 dP. '1.651
6.50 a.ta. 10 010 tO4ltd elffitgEt 2arld does not include harvest season. Tilos' were fined 99, ,
11.10 ant, s• d gaild
tirrela 0 doe.
Going North., deport -
. 011.06,
square on the quarter-deck.' At the
rail stood, the Prince,- ReareAdmiral
ilalseyeteptain Hope, with the other
offrgerep and .the chaplain, who' con-
ducted an iinpressive service.
A passage •from Ecclesiastes was
read, after which the Prince stepped
forward and recbunMd in a few words
the circumstances a the ceremony,
concluding: "1 therefore commit these
dowers to the deep."
Fine Harvesters Who Quit.
A despatch from Winnipeg
The firat;tines to be recorded in. Man -
A. despatch' from Lonthm ithba for refusal to obey orrip.oyers'
Rat experts estimate that it costs instruchiortit were assessed against
kinglatt'd 470,000,000, oteabout $350,- three hervest hands•Who sbeedoned
000,000 it pear 10 feed its rats.. This their -work during the height- of the
BY BRIIISH PECtie'LF.. DistriCtFonnaj .
°theial Creltrl°nietl Qt:irehhe'3e ISiaar belta.YWiRthIVitirthed1P'LLLteLYee°rf
, FolloWed by, Tour of London
A. Sdetsirpat'cl:7friAoren71-1.Low-dndbon3F eahys : :2:111Y'd:e%:51,t:rf:aeli•nvhdry:Cb::101°-$::vtne:is:
gets te
asoputaee. pArficrehientfn4rreasitlsdehapreOcrhsarerne,teiy tchoeninD:etitAxike-
great -welcome greeted the Prince of ,plan.t, at st, jo,loph dtA1100.
Wa.c4 on his leturn freni a stx; Price Brothers are erecting a newh-
lAlif°rnitchab'al:dustothLeu:ActuNaVterleteanofd S808‘14-ittlhi PeOriOtittomnsi.11 NAvittliPo'irtaA411:YereedaPtahceit,YP0orft
Ainoric PePteise, which _Alfred Pulp and-Papet Co. are erect -
brought the l'rmco home, leached '1 iflg. a 1,4 Mill of 100 ton, daily otit,„
BortsruOuth at 1L30 o'clock PridaY- put. At Caron Falls the Aluminum
The firer. of the,ho
Day rixtrer hi
Lod Lawson of Penn,"phY,Sidian of
the king,,who,.ivilli Lady Dawson and-
their•daughtor, has arrived in Canada.
A Gratefill Tuurist.
As tourist, -business is the na-
tior,'s business arid as the Canadian
people ore Canada; they will be seed
to know 'that the Natural Resources
Intelligence Service has received many
lettiTrs of gratitude from tourists who
have visited Canada the past summer.
Herewith, are twb,letters Which, while
they were sent to the above branch,
were 'really intended for the Can-
adian people. Names will not be
mentioned, but the let-Cers arod:oo good
to be just buried in -files. •
'Early in -Angust an American thus-,
ist wroth:: '
"I am leaving here on Monday,
Ang. 241h, and will go through Can-
ada from Detroit to Quebec. ' Then, if
roads are good up. into that country,
on into Riviere dit Loup and down to
to Halifax. and Saint
John, N.B. Could yen suggest •ana-
wei particularly for me to go and find
better roads?
"I thank you for any•help you maY
be able to give me, and. for .your
trouble in this,"
-The Natural Resources Intelligence
Service supplied the "writer with a de-
tailed route, which was evidently sat-
isfactory, if one may judge by. the
next letter: •
"'We have just returned from what
has been one of the most bit/nesting
motor trips we have ever had. I want
to thank you for your aid in planning
our trip, and this very clear maps you
so kindly sent nie.
'"While oh the subject let mo compli-
ment the different provinces of Can-
ada on the good condition and upkeep
of their highways, 1s� ;the evidenee
all along tem touring route of contin-
ued improvements to these -roads:. „
"We will hod very pleasant mem-
ciies Of our trip, due to the many
courtesies of your government and.
the people we met in Canada." I
It is just such little. courtesies as;
were received by these visitors along '
their route that make friends, and I
Canada and the danaditai people can.'
Not have too many friends:
King George Reads Chapter
of Bible Every Day
A despatch from London sayie7-
"Xing George hes.Iet'it be known that
he reads a chapter of the Bible every
.day of his life" Rear -Admiral A. R.
Eindin said to -day in a Speech at a
and Empiee" deinenstintion
held at -liVernbless under the auspices
a the World Dvangedieal Alliance
Admiral Emdinie speech was a con-
denination of Bolshevism on -account
of iti3 rejection of the 13 ible.
Yogr 13lood Goo
r and Watery?)
You tell by the way von feel.
TI:n7Aulte. nveorudr hillordar'iChS, 4r'etl'BaPtt'aerdilplutt°e,
, and 'day out, if .yoUr appetite is
poor, sleep, unretreehing,..- for
humors, boils, eruptions, scroide,
-•aileumatisin, headaches, , nervone
prestralion. 11 simply 'wonderful
to give strength to your whole body. .
vethe'figt atgor"taabh"e°,' Palne'ds4enmt haonddieTna.
TOrig.tried -and 10dt:id-tele- fel-Mille.
mg came an irnaieTem,mng,.treet: • anada IS constructing a hYd1Q- One Bicycle for Every
0 Posing u • in i c,egtrie plant with a capacity of SOO,- ,
ndia,ev:siederiatif ttiangsPaorirtdsTinalthtini:iladc5r,ewals1 a00 em.sepowor, to be followed by an Seventh Peron
in Franc°
drawallp on deck for the P,,,, • ' aluminum Plant which' It le Will
emp oy from 0,000 to 9,000 hands. A despatch from Paris saye:-
The Duke of York and Prince Henry Fifteen hundred men are now entploy- France can boast of one bicycle for
went hboo.rd the- Repulse to'give their ed 00
isrother a welcorim. As manY aPecta-
tors as possib:e were allowed places couti.oi Pulp
the clearing work. In the iro- every sev'enth elan, woman and child
near the landing stage, and there was me eudtilar:le:"Ytavhdiil°eGinoPi.nrghicat:srrBairtlo:1113711e' rt4shie haveC°1hlit: o3u7fr0e12,t5s4f4Dernititceihmeas3pe' population,
la: ifi.jol'ari. t:b2oilncYsehle°° swf fite7tshieralet fli0gsr--
thaegy7s:aavlao/fafillcida,lm'gurneiectiipnagisaffrrtoeinerem.,ili- pulp and paper mills at - Kenogarni sued, an inerase of .,532,721 °Ydr 1023.
and Jertquiere.. • _ • ' -Virtually every workman in France
But the chief welcome took place in
London. The Prince arrived at Vie-
Mria Station end mot the King and
Queen and Princess Mary with other
members. of the Royal houeehold.
Prime Minister Baldwin, his .Cabinet
and other high officials also ,asseznbled
at the station, but the occasion was
made as much of a family affair as
After that the Prince- was delivered
over the public,: It had been areanged
in order that as many 'as possible
might see him, that he would drive to
Buckingham Palace, not by the short.
est and most direct routh, but down
Victoria Street, past the Certotaph,
through the Admiralty Arch and along
the -Mall. He sat in itelandau along-
side the King, and was treated -with
the honore of Visiting: •Iloyalty.
The crowning scene was outside
of Buckingham's', Palace. There .the
PririceSetresenMd hiniSelf to the popu-
lace on the -balcony ahd, with the King
and .Queen beside, him, responded to
their cheers. He stayed at Bucking-
ham Pa -lace an; ,hour and than pro-
ceedeetthis home at York House, a
quarter of a mile away, where he
dined With ri few friends.
Women Ride Eskimo Isle
Even Sanctioning Suicide
A despatch" from Name, Alaska
says: -Mere man has little voice in
governing affairs on Eskimo inhabited
Little Diomede, an Mend cut' in two
by the international boundary line
across Bering Sea, between Alaska
and Siberia. 'Women ahd children do
most of the Ailing. 'Before a man can
make a Irede or purchase he mnet get
his wile's consent. If a mother is
living with a married daughter el
son her advice must be courted. '
'Welth there is estimated in skins
and ivory and the well-to-do provide
for the poor and needy by community
funds. Official suicide is provided for
the aged who have reached the period
of utuSeular• inactivity. When one Of
the men tires of 'fishing or hunting
and desires to end his existence Ite"
makes formal application to governing
women for-„permissiers to end his life.
Just how the end eomes is a mystery,
for the old men simply vanish, accord-
ing to white traders who have visiMd
the islethd-this year. -
A Horsepower.
A horsepower is equivalent to rais-
ing 33,000 pounds one foop.a. minute.
Four Bo_rcier ivlunicipaiities owns a eraistse Queen," as they call
_ , their wheels.
Approach 100;00 Papulation Monument ..to Fulton:
.. . — , . A monument to Robert Fulton,
A desPateh from Windsor says:- American Inventor of the steamboat,
Four border municipalities -Windsor, is to be erected in a small French
Ford, Sandwich, and Walkerville---are' town where ho conducted tests with a
rapidly neaeing the 1_00,000 mark in miniature steamboat In 1802.
population, according to estimates of -
numicipal officials. lVfayor PittnIc J. Victoria, B.C.---Plants for cleaning
Mitchell, estimates Windsor'S Impala,' timothy will be established at Burns
Lake and Smithers, Central British
Columbia, by the :agricultural depart-
ment of the proginci& government.
Quite a number of farmers in that
part of the country are now engaged
in the production of timothy seed for
the market. The seed grown there is
of an exceptionally fine quality and
there is a" big demand for it
tion as now approximately 69,000.
Ford's" increase of more thaneR2,000
this • year brings the town to nearly
11,000, while Sandwich and Waiker-
ville have had,decided Increases
during the year, -Wilkerville being
estimated at 10,000.
Synod Selecting Names
foi Bulgarian Children Answer to last weeks puzzle:
• A despatch from Sofia, Bulgaria',
says :-Tho- office of the Holy Synod,
the head of the Bulgarian Church, is
preparing a list of names for use: in
baptizing children.. The largest num-
ber of names thus far selected come .
'front the Rely Scriptures. Next on
the list are the "names of flowers, and
following these the names of persons
famed in Bulgarian history, e
It is intended to give -the new gen-
eration, as far as possible,' purely
Bulgarian names if they are not
christened for persons- of Scriptural
origin. '
f. 1111111:10112101ZIIIIIII '1111
tdESEI aamoi
s 1
ace301:101 111;113-1-:0111E11114
,6101313: 1111:71i1113
15113Wiii1201- amenmeier
Manitoba Wheat -No, 1 Northern,'
;1.31%; No. 2 North., $1,28%; NO. 8
North., $L25%; prices c.i.f. bay ports.
Man. oats, No, 2 CW, nominal; No.
3, pot quoted; No. 1 feed, 44%e; No.
2 feed, 42e,
Am. corn, traels, Toronto -No. 2
yellow, 95e.
Milifeed---Del , Montreal freights,
bilge included.' Bran, per ton. $28i.
shorts, per ton, $30; middlings, 986;.,
good fecal flour, per bag, $2.30. ^
°tett:Oats-47 to 41e, shippipg
polOnt. good salting 'wheats -41,10 to
9103, f.o.b. shipping points, according
to freights.
BarleY-Malhing, 66 to 87e.
Etickwheat--No. 8, nominal.
. , orn •
Man. Sour, first pat,, $81 Toronto;
do, second pats., 87.50, Toronto,Pas-
try Sour, bags, $6.80.
Ont. flour -Toronto, 90 per cent
pat, per barrel, in collets, Toronto,
$5.80; seaboard, in bulk $5.15.
Straw-t-Carlots, par ton, la to
Screenings -Standard, recleaned, 1,
o.b..bay -ports, per ton; 9181 -
Baled hay -Not 2, -per ton, 916; Na.
2, per ton, $14 to 814,60; mixed, per'
ton, 913 to $14; loWer grades,:$6.to
Chtese-New; large, 20cr twins;
26%c; 27a; Stiltons, 28e.'01d,
large, 30c; twins, 304c; triplets, 31.c.
,13utter-Einest creamery print,
47c; No. 1 creamery, 40c; No. 2, 44 'tt.
AU. 1)airy prints, 40 to 42e.
Eggs -Fresh extras, in cartons,
54c; loose, 52a; storage extras, 44 to
4130;storage firsts, 41. to 42c; storage
seconds, 36 to 87c.
Dressed poultry--zChickens, spring,
lb„ -82c; hens, over 4 to 5 lbs., 24 to
g8e; do, 8 to 4 lbs., 22c roosters,
130; dueiclings, '5 lbs. and. up',- 27 to
Beans -Can. hand-picked, lb., 61,4n;
Maple produce -Syrup, per imp.
$2.40; per 6 -gal. tin, .$230 per
gal. Maple sugar, lbe 26 to 26e.
Iloney-60-:b, tins, 1241 to 13/ lb.:
10-'..b, tins, 1236 te 1.9c;"5 -1b, tins, 13
to 13%c; 2%. -lb. tins, 145. to /5e, -
Smoked meats -Hams, med.. 81 to
82e; cooked 'Mimi, 45 to 48c; smoked
rolls, 22c; cottage, 28 to 26c; break.
fast bacon, 82 to See; special brand
breakfast bacon, 33 to 39c; backs,
boneless, 83 to 40e.
"Cured meats -Long cleat bacon, 50
to 70' lbs.; 922; 70 to 90 lbs., 920.90;
20 lbs, and up, 919.60; lightweight
rolls,'.in barrels; 243.50; heavyweight
rolls, Ssg.s0 per
Lard -Pure -tierces, 18 to'18?,4 ; tubs,
18% to'ffm; pails, 10 to '19%c; prints,
20 to 20Sse; shortening tierces, 13%c;
'tubs, I.4c; penes -14%e; blocks, 15 to
15%e, • • .
Heavy Steam choice, 98 to $8.25i
slo good, ' $7 to 97;60; butcher
ateeria, choice, 96.50 to $7; do, good,
416. to 96,25;" do, med.," 94.75 to 96.25;
do, com., 98.75 to 94.751 butcher heif-
ers, ch'oice 96.25 to 96.79; do, good,
95.75 -to' 96; -de, med., 94.50 to 95; do,
eons, 93.50 to 94.50; butcher cows,
choice, $4,50 te,95,25; do, fair to good,
1* 94150; bUtsher bulls, good, $4.50
to 95.501 'belognaa; 93.25 to 93.60;
crinners and cutMrs, .92 to 92.50;
springersechoice, 990 toh$1.00; do, ftur,
940 to 00; Calves; olusice, $12,25 to
912.50; do, sped, $10 1o.912; do, grass.
ers, 95 to 95.25; good light sheep,
96.50 to 97.50; heavies ana•bucks,
94.50 to 98; godd Zombie, 912 to 912.25;
do, med., 910.50 to 91.1;•do,.bucks, 910
to 810,25; do, culls, 98.90 to 99.90;
hogsilltick smooths; fed and waMred,
912.35 'to 912.60; do, f.o.b., 91L75 to
912; do country points, 911.50 to
91L75; 'do, off cars, 912.75 to 913;
select preraluins, 92 to 92.05.
Flour -Man. spring wheat pats.,
firets, ef VI db, seconds, 97.50; strong
bakers', $7.80t, winter pats., choice,
86,30. Rolled ()MEV-bag of 90 lbs.,
83.25. Bran, 827.25. Shorts, 929.25.
Middlings, 985.25. Hay -No, 2, per
tea, ear lets, 914.
Cheese -Finest wests., 28% to 24e;
do, oaks., 23% to 23%e. Butter -Ns.
1 pasteurized, 43c; No, 1 creantery,
42%c; seeoods, 41%c. Eggs -Stor-
age extras, 45c; do, firsts, 40e; do,
seconds, 34 to 85c; fresh extras, 93e;
do, firsts, 44e. Potatoes--Quihece,
per bag, car lots, 91.25 M 91.35,
Celves, cogs and med,, V.0.50 to
$1.J ; fairly good, $1L60; hogs.
aniaed lots 913. do selects, 913.60.
tric tercitatertONAlt ,ISYNtaaAr8*
Start out by filling in the words of which you feel reasonably
...sure. These 0211 give you a duo to other words crossing them,
. and they in turn to still others. A letter belongs in -each whits
Sparc, words starting at the numbered squares and running either
horizontelly ,or vertically or both.'
3 -Definite article
6-4t the peasant time
P-Tviteisve. dozen
12 -To uncles& (poet.)
14--topoivishical Engineer (ahbr.)
19 --in this, Ir that manner
10-Man'e Mune '
18 -phot ito much
20 --,French t or
22.-eTribei -poopio
gs-.-ono of, British loco (abbr.)
24-4 femillor oareen flower
' •
27 ---To 'rend asunder by forco
28-A vetsiey .of mete', ' • •
32--A velcene it; Blelly •
33.-A 'use (abbr.) .
84 -Girl's tiaras
28-4. mustal note,
57-Intiox-a1al of a graduated circle
Sa--Preposition '
41-4. ,cbin et' Portugal and I,Eir„ zit
44 -Scotch Ipord fo0 ,"one" ,
.45-:-PoInt of cOnWmaa (a03131..)
49--Peefix sea:setae: osssteo
49--rinsetitii) Word,cor "ono*,
49 -To (alter ,
5.1---Par4 of',',.m.^b‘"to bo"L
- Uoitod nStitte,a Sbnata, (4
?.ta a)'al8Ne
2 --colors
3-cit3' in hl. a. mail,
$-Noted r)antifacturIntl oity in
7 -Sy word of mouth
8-A patio of a 130012
0 -Latin 'Word fer- "droP" (abbr,)
19 --Cardinal point of.ttio eompass
11 -Alight boat
13-,1°uture intsery os'the condition
: Of thi ind dolte" •
17-Delive00nce •fierri iin and •
' " • PettaRli• • -•
19--.Expatidisi •dervelOptt
27 --:-Prefix Meseta° 'teed;
22,8tiv141 run ei charge (p2,)
T,isttayi&t" zind: tiattir41.
Int (18174£182) ' '
30--pesire witii7eSpectation
it•-'•Aliures • '
;43.--,4itt05ee084ve pronoun
45 -L. -Point of .eptawisei (,.8131.•1
7-,Com,juncti on
80-LIAt' word /of
-tables 9.
if you feel bilious, l'headachY" and itable-
for that's a Riga pour liver is -out of 'order. Your
food is not digestipg-it stays In 110 storriadi a soar,
Termented-intistsesoisoning the System. 31fetteke a
dose ot Chainberliiiies Stomach and Liver Tablets -
they' Make 'the liver' do its work -they cleanse and
:fseivocicizte,on titatahtomo roattogiag. to;,zto rue dvroillloe 2"asteiy:ontoy m...`11Y,foro.u,11
C13E14141'1261'. Medicine CompitaY. Toteeto- 34
.11earl Thaiti Astittisit
.SIod.a.of S.,:tan •
Ithir had.
tav Oa:1y *VD
Vita these' ran 1500 tIone, you van dol In yotonpara Limn
Ste' 2o13,sn. nariili,aert h eer io,fablloinekt,Iwttevtr;t.,oprfetotilrat,
you may to doing now--whothor•or not von tkstreybit ea.
Just answer thia quotioin Ara ydu amttiouYAOAvrh $10.000ra
Year? Thcas4 tooth with ale sat °noel •I wia,1*oro to'you'
avithout."cocit thnt 502 0011 ksily become 4 Sttir
Salesman. I will thMY yOo tow the .ale,iniiiilship'irriniely optl
Free Employment Service of (ha N. 5.31 Atilt teIp yor to emelt
auezetS in Sailing'. • '
.$1.0 000 A Year Selling,SO ere
.trao Seerele ,ot Ylor ffelermenste, re' Wight Wirriltrel.'''Yr"
upthhtl Ottituttntlf aboont hvernittAk to la,ra 1,05100 (01
lout tntall as 0 1.111,1,111dy .to14 that Ida .14.411ert. 140
:toao 4nItt5.,.44 fie./ 0 stilihtt you a ro-itt /et., 1,0 tfitt. fat"!
NM:104yd Salcime'n's Training Association