HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-10-15, Page 8cos' TIrUTtSDQY,OCTOErii it, ;ta2 LINTON'S LE i?$G JE6'ituLLRY STORE J �w ARRIVE. . esspi at>i ohr jai a nas• `� Rani nit'',in •pride fron), $25A0 to„$250.00 ° A "eiood 1stocks of Ever -Sharp Pencils i A1So Swan Pens—the best pen in ,the word—at modeeete prices, I alse,,haye, the newPop Lomb=;Cor Bobbed Hair,pr Bruth`,S3ack Come in and hav e. a dernOnstr ation, 4 iesv l�0 lire; �I enetl s4aett , tn• l 0th lad es and Chants' style a at 25c each, I ILL 53I ll, I1T G`LASS];S Al REDUCED' PRICES THE SAlyi AS LA'S'T' 9EE1f' I �JOHNSON Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry .1Fine •Jewellery and Next IIovey's Drug,Store 11 ' Plu SMALL PROFITS, 0., Women r have ,ever had to choose between luxury and econ omy in matters of dress. ` Al_ most invariably one mustbe sacrificedto the other. ;But:in' Holepreof Hosiery are found the 1i -ix -any of stylish, snrigg-fit- ting hosiery and the economy of Holeproof silk and lisle arid Holeproof pure silk $1;50 • long service and. moderate:' price. Silk and -"art. 'silk .plaited $1.OQ steel PHONE 25. 11IORE BUSINESS '' Germ -laden dust is in every breath o3 air we Ibreathe. The particles aro often, so fine that they cannot lee recti oven in the sunlight. • . :, sy Dust grit and flirt in large quart - ' titres are carried into the home on erm our clothes and shoes, and are ?"•: /1 in through open windows ELCCTtviC !vACUUMYM •' I 3ntlsettle intheea;+,�netsr rugs, up•LFoister-, it aperiesr9ea 4 - They are deeply inibedded in the surface when walked upon; .and there form a broe8ing place for germs. That is why your need a vacuum `cleaner' in your home. The broom was a_good servant in its day, but the modern. house- wife demands a vacuum cleaner —Why? ` Because you simply draw, , a vacuum cleaner over the surface to be eleaped andthe powerful. air force sucks up every particle of Meat above and underneath carpets and rugs. VA1WLaMtibtli 6XIJI,►MtNbnit Now, TJSE YOUR OWN UTILITY— IT PAYS HYDRO SHOP, CLINTON i ne Cana, The Safe Place To Buy We are selected dealers ---appointed . to the DeForest Crosley Franchise. because of out tech - laical knowledge and ability to Five ter. ;vice andsettsfasdon. eatest Radio .Valle x t us ` Demonstrate It? EFORF investing in a Radio, be sure ' and see this New Model R-3 , of the sensational DeForest 86--Crosley series. It offers all that you could want in a radio beautiful cabinet design, a new degree of efficiency, the utmost in rimplicit-. All the new Deforest 8l Crosley refinements. Back of it—the greatest names in Radio! Yet this. fine .loud -speaker model costs only P4, cobs- plete' with three Westinghouse Radiotrons, "Musicone" Headset, Phone Plug and Grid . ' Leak. Demonstrated gladly in your own ,home without obligation. See us today! Easy Payments If Desired Sutter tter a .. Perdue ([' 3'Girl ter erson He pray not own a radio outfit; an ai ton'o'laile or a nooden>leg, but 41'e has a +birthday,' Even women have thein'they had thembefore they got the rote. Ina country the size .of this with only 366 days in thebigegst year,now in usehot,' maityrare there every. day. Everyone loves to be re membered'and to have some evidence of that ,remembrance. A Birthday Card, keeps alive old friendships rex- presses the sentiment you -wish,'how' 'nicely they. caib 'year thoughts gnti' fit the occasion.'We have the Cords, dainty and artistic., Wbuld your, friend appreciate your kind thought id sending one? The po. Fair Cp., often the Cheapest -Always the Best Mr. W. T. Stevenson has been in'Tor- one thin week. Mr. J. Taylor of Toronto has been hi town this week,' Miss Ruth McMath bf Ayr.spent the week -end at her home in town. Miss, Linnie Nediger of Stratford Normal was home for the week -end. Rev. A. A: Hohnes will conduct anni- versary services at ' Weemeter on Sunday. ,• llltss 2enrifi Salter of Alma College, St. Thomas, was home for- the Week -end, Mrs. Albert Vodden and hat -mother, Mrs, Webster, . have, been visiting Londesboro friends. Miss Freda Wallis- of Macdonald In- stitute Guelph, spent the weekend. at her home in town. Mrs, A. Allison and little Miss Wilma ,of Beamsville is visiting this week with Mrs. W. Jenkins.' Miss Edna Wise has, returned to re- " struma her studiesat the Conserva- tory of Music,' Toronto. Mrs. Warrener of Hamilton is spend- ing a fortnight as the guest of'herr brother, Mr. W. J. Nediger. Principal N, M. Geddes of the Clin- ton Public. school spent the week= end at his home at Belgrave. IvI'ss Annie Hill of Smith's- balls is visiting with her aunt' and grand mother, Mrs., F. W. Andrews and, Mrs. Hill.. Rev J. E. Hogg will take anniveree eel services in the United (form- l erly Methodist) church et Auburn. on Sunday. Mrs. Meitey of Toronto has been the guest during the past week or so of Mrs. W, Pickard and Miss Geor- gina Rutnball." Mr. Anthony Yesbec, who • has ' b"een visiting his brother '•and other friends in town, has returned td Los Angeles, Cal, Mrs. G. Burrows of - Goderich and, Mrs, KuIow and little Miss Juiie'of -Detroit were, the guests on: Friday last of Mrs,' H. Pennebaker, Messrs. Mervin Farquhar and Robt. Benton of Detroit were week -end guests at the hone of the former's; mother, Mrs. Farquhar of town. +.. Miss .Lillian Kennedy, chief over- etor ln, the Bell Telephone local' ext. change,'has been. upending- a Ample ;of weeks' vacation with her sister? at' Mildmay. Mr. W.'Jackson and Mr. M. G. Hans; ford and Mrs. John Randford Ieft •.Saturday for Winnipeg, wlierd the Canadian' Ticket Sellers Associa tion' met this week. Rev. D. N. and Mrs. , McCamus of London , were in town for. a tear hours on-Tbesday on their way to Goderich. A number of their friends were glad to meet and greet them. IViiss Florence Cuninghame left to- day on a trip up through' Northern. Ontario. She will visit in North :Bay and Latchford and will be ale - sent ten clays ortwo weeks. "Idiss Cuninghaine's object is to see the jnortlr country at its most beautiful, when the leaves are turning. Miss Maude Torrance, who left last. week for Port Arthur, returned on Monday. Her little niece, Joan: Virtue, who was returning, with her little sister and her uncle, Mi'. John Torrance, tO Lethbridge, was taken suddenly ill on the boat and had to be taken, off at .Sault Ste. ,' EVIarie, and Miss Torrance returned. home. It is hoped the winsome lit- tle maid, who seenned in tate best of health when the 'jotu'ney'stetted, and indeed, right up to•the moment serious symptoms were noted, will' speedily recover. She ;s now in the Hospital et the` Soo, , special ane iri..chocolates, regular 60c a lb. -o be so O. for 39c " hese:^are a real treat. CASH AND S:ER=VICE, SPEsbIALS Tew Prune ' Puffed, Rice . Seedless :a=si.rs --Dates ' 2lbs. ,for 35c pkg. 15c ;2 lbs. 23c 2 lbs. 23c THREE BIG LEADERS STILL ON pkgs. corn flakes 28c 10 bars soap 55c S� ocoa, lb 1Oc, WEEK -END, SPECIALS" Sweet Potatoes, Finnan Haddje, Celery, Grape Fruit - Cranberries New Dutch Cocoa per tin 30c We are sole agents forApex Canned; Goods and Fruits ".11t the Morning First Delivery 9 a.m. In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.in • Kindly Order Early Cash. and Servi e': Phone 48 mime 1u.AMY4AodNll o Li. W. CURREL4J--TH S. SHIPLEY We are new the highest tarket price fa Highest 'Oracle Dair j .Butter We have a Full stock of groceries and are very very anxious to supply your needs, Kindly give us the pleasure of your valued patronage. THE CI & S. GROCERS Main Store, . Phone 126 W., Branch Store, Phone 125 J. • PLOWING MATCH Whatever You Do DON'T MISS. A GRi1AR° SUCCESS The Huron -County Pidivmen's Association special prize for the old•: eat man participating in the annual match at Walton on Thursday last, was won by Sandy McCurt:rie, aged 73 years, of fowiek td'wnship, The youngest plowman was J. San - dors, aged 12, of Ethel. • The ]atter was awarded the Lyle Gordon prize. Dbspite the, unfavorable weather, 5,000 people. witnessed the events, which were keenly contested- •and. proved ,the ability of Huron County men' and ,boys with horses and.. trac- ters. ' BULBS Now is the time to plant bulbs for 'Winter and Spring bIooen PAPER WHITE NARCISSUS EACH' S•c EACH I7asily' grown in either water or' soil • Also JIYACIN'TIIS, DAFFODILS, CROCt3,s, Etc. Prepared Soil -delivered for 150 a pail J- Cuninghame Florist Phones—Store, 31, Greenhouses, 176w, .253• ,IHCf��ilt l azanr, in the Town Hail Get. 15th,, at -:2: The, following; booths will be man aed g by the different women's organ- izations of the > community: "TOUCH' AND TARE" -•+Girls' Aux- iliary, Mies Hawson, convenor. CANDY--C,G.LT., Miss Carol Evans. MISCELLANEOUS -..Unity Club, `Mrs. Glen Cornish and.3Vlrs. Bert Murphy. PRODUCE—Mrs. Saville. i RUMMAGE==-Itss Barden. APRON--Wonlen Bowlers; Mrs. Fair. HOME-MADE BAKING Women's ' Institute, Mrs: Flynn. TISH POND—Mrs. W. J. Elliott aril Mrs,' A. 3, Grigg. HANDKERCHIEF ---Mrs. W. 3. Stev- ` 00300. CHRISTMAS GIFT—Hospital Board; Mrs, McMath. • TEA ROOM—hospital staff, Miss Grainger, IN THE EVENING A social' evening will be given, cn n- niencing at S o'clock. Cards. and Old Pine Dance.. Airs. W. Mair, itis . Iii h. Combe and- Ms's:, N. W.,Trcwasihzt in charge." Ticket's, 35c 4ENk" STRATTON' PORTER'S Production of her own ,l^amous Book "A Girl of the Linlberlost','- • at the Star Theatre - October, 19, 20 and 21 Under auspices of Home and School Club :Admission,'"35e - Weer Tax, 2c 26-2 Harvest' Hae :•. Supper! ST. PAUL'S PARISE BALL Tuesday, Oct. 20 Commencing at 5 p.m. Menu includes: . Roast Dressed Pork, Roast -Beef, • Salad, Jelly, Pie, Tea or Coffee.- ' "Ali for the small suns of • 35c iO ivering Then see us about new fur- nace or furnace repairs. Now is the tine to prepare for the winter. Get our price before you buy. Onr specialty , is Clare Bros.' ,. 66H.ECLA99' We also carry their stoves and heaters at prices reasonable enough for all pocket books. "vti;n'bY�nti cos.- std .il l•- y( ,1111II1',,� A REAL BEAUTY . The Same Suite Gibbards are Advertising at $247 This is the Solid'• Walnut Dining Room Suite that Gibbards are featuring in their national advertising right now, and which we and other leading dealers have agreed with. Gibbards to sell at $247 in,; order to convince people that Gibbard Solid Walnut is obtainable at a moderate cost, This suite is a beauty. Artistic Queen Anne Design with hand - carved decorations on the buffet doors and the side panels of the china_ cabinet, also .on the chair Backs. This hand- carving is a dis- • tinguishing feature of Gibbard Solid Walnut Furniture. The Suite is well built. Dust -proof divisions beneath drawers. Ample cupboard, linen and cutlery space. The Gibbard Guarantee Tag is attached to the suite. TABLE MAT INCLUDED With this :suite is inalttded an excellent Asbestos Table Mat with- out extra charge - The Gibberd• Furniture Shops only build ,a limi' ed quantity of each suite. The special price will make this one sell rapidly: I£ you desire this suite, secure it without delay. , HARDWARE MORE COMFORT AND ECONOMY We are sole agents for the Beach QueSSec Ranges and Heaters. They are the real fuel savers and 'heat distributors. Besides'-- - The Prices Are Right " We have�a few good second-hand Ranges, and Heaters in stock,. REM'EMBER—We sell the famous Brantford.Asphalt Roofing. The very best made." It is absolutely guaranteed. • Clinton Hardware -and FurnitureCo. FUNERAL DIRECTORS `' MONUMENT i?EALb7lLs Furniture Phone. 104 Hardware 96 ItDi ARE 3snd Pi ?'Il Il3LNG. Ilione 24.1 poiy.:spot Cash, Live Poultry tri nrr;:d Newlaid Eggs Now is the time for fanners to get rid of any Broiler size chick- ens of the small breeds, such as Leghorns, also Ducks and Fowls of all kinds, as well as your heavy chickens that are fully matured or nearly, so, If you will advise us what yon have to offer we will tell yon' how and when to deliver your live poultry to us to get the ,best returns: Try it and let us prove that this is to your advantage. GUNN7 LANGLOIS & Co , Limited ' Head Office e Montreal, Que. Clinton Branch open' 'each ,day front 7 am, to 6 p.m, Also open Thursday and Saturday evenings from 7 to 0 Trite,: Phone or Call 'for- anyfytrther information you require GUN-, LANGLOIS &-,O0, LIMITED - 11. W. WARD, Branch Manager • Day Peon 90 --- Al ways at your service Night ,Phone 254