HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-10-15, Page 3o' he na ,gra to ' quality �xRed Roser ' ORANGE PEKOE le ?a extra ee, try <et .Nothing, T'he English teacher asked her ciasu to writo•a theme on. what they would do' if they had a X1,000,000• ALI heads bent over their -desks _grave one..1-1`enry; sat doing. nothing. "•fi ii .the papers . 'Were collected, he -banded -"1n a blank' paper. "I -low is •this?" asked• tha`teaeher. "All the 'others have written two pages while you -have, done nothing." replied IIeniy "that's what I would do if I were a millionaire," rit flying ,is forbidden over the • ITouses of"Parliament, Westminster Abbey, St. Pauls Cathedral, and'other of Loaxdoii's"histeric buildings." Loo, for it on the tinfoil. '! It is your guarantee of -quality and flavor, .o.totD] AVOID tt I M- 'ITA To ' o• zNs.'' Minard's Liniment deed by Physicians. The largest egg laid' by any Eur.) opean bird .is that. of the swan; the smallest' that of the golden -crested Send me free reales beak S :IP H LIS Y'OL! 'POULTRY;GAME � OiAl�l lr o EG GS, BUTTE'RAND FEAT ('ERS' -WE /3urALL YEAR ROUND' Jfrnle todayforpriees we wtfarrefitee Hell' for a /welt ah9ad. ` OUILIIN t'r'C®: 1i�0ITEiD. 36-39 lionsattohurr More Montreal 1c,7x. r,.3.: i.'Tiokk Increase THAs Westerf Wheat Producers, the Ontario honey men and others, Maio nxade-co-operative aollilir a marked succeee. They have stabilized prices. and increased their profits br 'standardized grkdhng , and shipping methods ; sand applying efficient salesmanship and seal 'merchandising to the disposal,:ot their trope. By these methods the poultry producers, .too. eau secure these benefits. The outstanding proof of this is 'Pence thirteen ;stand, where, for the hint manshn aen lied tooco-operefficient-sales. tive m rke fag, hes applied thousands of dollars annually for the lionitl9 , farmers and parmuncntly- stabilizedtheir markets, None e sj'. . Naturally,- to; ba •'successful. co- operative marketing mu0t 'be handled efficiently. Prow to foray and operate successfully a -local -organization is de-... tolled jn the FRE bcoldet: "Co-oper- ation an Marketing Poultry Products", issued by the Department ofAgriculture at Ottawa. This is one of over five hundred'help2uipamphIcte on' farmsab- jecte. To obtain it. together with corn - Plebs tl p to d FREE urrz2 it pamphlet., free to in The Pudlicaticri Branch Depnrtmen$,of Agriculture Ottawa Ontario A It, R;No' Post Olive I°rouinco Om Grandmaeongale If English is -,ll iton why,, of course,,An grandinother language,/:'.-- ino ilex of the Eng rah me tell a, few of the intereal that #001.be, fold, of this rv, Tn - 1 ".ys t Place,she •be:ongs, very ebCltt and .respectable .ftt She 18 .taAst i of the Latin,anilai,, tongues,''and possesses certaiit,,stti family' traits. ' For ,instance, our grandmotlie -tot}gt~e has, like -those of her two.si The Pyramids by, Moonlight. This silver sheen ot• light • IZ41s . Made a:, mystery,. of stern. and. Idee rt a12, from' seine far lonely; li i x Scentl8s3 alight, pSp l ng shadows noving slowly lt''camels preaa against all argent; 1 6' s- -fere, -to s, dac:lrnsions forthe 'nouns an eonluga,tions for --t 10 -verbs It ti• axe no less than four of t;he f, rnie while there .,re five Cases -instead i•hree only as in Fn ish ' The,re ai three •ganders for adjectives, and,fo he personal' pronouns three; number With six conjunctions and, a mq d r,. of e r s Mos delicate .subjunctive- mood and pent of tense, every shade of `meaning ina ba expressed, the Sisters -Latin an d Creek :scarcely ec'ipsn „ our dca grandmother in this beautiful aeatur `Unlike the French, Angio -Saxon Inflected; and like the German, th of the words in the sente.nc as they fall from our, grandmother Ips .need to he changed into' our tf0 ish arrangement. It will be a good thing i'f-the stud f our. grandmother tongue. lie. mor eneraiy introduced into schools an e°lieges. It would be as good disci ine as that -of her relatives of Gre nil Italy, and far more useful. Te' teachers' of" gramnnar, en :ac rainta ace with the of -h' d ad would q < y partieulariy beneficial Pew teacher ever 'know 'that "loved" is s i fie -y retracted form of our grandmother' ove-did;'that "methinks" is not poet - cal English at all, but;' on the- con teary, Anglo-Saxon prose, and means to me it seams"; and that, in'•"he •went a -fishing," the ie .the preposi- tion on—''he went en fiehing.id. In set, nearly, all our present grammar- cal;forms come from this respectable ncestOr. , i he e Eng P fl s a oc be eo 1, f f a Keep Minard's Liniment to the house., Including Alsace-Lorraine, France is now prdbably'richer than she was hefore'the Great War, . REr STORM W/A' OWE 1 i;) .4F:.Wnw,1oos.� "1 wFt,ght: Pmd' endia1 zed; I tif dndd74 r,ueedg• maFre. pore .. 15471,74"tiAMILT011 IS Buy Through Our Catalog Beautiful durable designs. Big choice, ready to install "1;7,Sold all over Canada , Below all others in price.' For exampre. this fixture elle or $10.p. 0ilrprice $699 Sand for- Free'Caiacog Orders Prepaid 11e+1: .. .Q ILECTRiG FIXTURE •00. 12anlscourt and St. Clair Ayes, Toronto. tl arg I rots • wires'' 1y„ ch ed„ w r u� dI9d1 1 i eettin u rnilam e.4 n: a,�: t+cies an «,thai uiiri,dd� hitt tl cause is+ (fie * 1sloo i."and„'to r,3 3 lief, 12,nii b;i tea ithrouph t blood - `d;a p o 4lr ,il`deg aril qor ton1G 79 a +.dqk '1'.111, are'ir rutpaes'ed art ,Qp a t,e,ason do u fail.tu'gire xielfP a ...natio' saffe cis 'ikon given-? I trf�al. Arson the noel matte 's Gteas ° who - ha; proved tho gre 'tl\Ilal'ue Cr.this rned trice is, Mrs. Simeon T.• 'ration, India Bead,, Sask., who sdys:—'Noir eve two Sears I was. an Intense suffer from rheiunatisinand until:.I begaath use•.ef -Dr ' Williarngr Piizlt 'Pills; n 'treatment that'I took helped me any. The -trouble gi•ew.s_o,..ball that I could net more arqunih rho house' without hole' and fina11y.1 had t0 Sive,up and go to bed 'Words cannot tell liow much I pufte,eci, and 1 could not bear to have' -enyoue'come near Me. Final- ly one of my neighbors strongly urged are to.'tsy Dr: Williams' Pink -Pills, and I decided to do so. In the course of 'a few weeks I could feel tau improve or ”"-' • d • P,c rnonumeoitsi of King p u hoped.to live eteraarly in steno,; e RI o up zuaisstic _tenxibl3' aione, c,t Eaeft of becret 'things, . ho Ilaco;is a shenco and e space -s0 vaat vQ Thatrlrile has sighted` and. trodden • softly past, at And then .as, new, .Men Iffy With 'wistful, upturned eyes , That o ought to, probe, i 13e3'ond the- etar-ethrown depths of God's'dark-robs; - ✓ And then, as• now, 1 a',' they er 1BEon'; given only Beauty in reply„, t Beauty—rind the night wind brushing. o by' went, and IWas able to got up. I,lce on taking the pdaa until all traces' of the. trouble were, gone and I could again do my housework;. feeling like a newr' potion. 'Three years have passed since that.and there has never been the slightest return of the ta'otible, so` that I feel safe in saying: that the re- lief brought Eby this medicine is:.'per Yap can get the pills from your druggist, or by ma11'2t 50 cents-riabox' from The'Dr, Williams' IVf`ediclne Co., Brockville, Out. 'e. —Ade10 De Lemur. The Gleaning Bell. -' ,In many parts of, rural England one may"still hear the' gleaning bell being. sounded, at morn and eventide; to"tall the country folk when they may begin. gleaning and when they _must "cease. : ,The eastern is of considerable . an- tiqult'y,-being mentioned by•Tusser'in the -year e ear t Y Itis 7 As Pimp a s'ule thsb e211 i s sounded Prom the belfry r e y of the pariah. church, and the ringer le entitIeil to a penny for the Whole period from eacl family that goes, gleaning, In some parishes, however,• a crier perambulates the district with a. hand- bell;` while in others a gong, suspend• ed fee's e tripod on the village green, is utldlzed. • Tallow From Trees. In ,Sierra Leone grows the cream fruit tree, the fruit of which has the taste of cream and le very agreeable to the palate. In Ceylon there is a bread -fruit tree, from which a type of bread is made. . It issaid to compare favorably with the: ordinary article. In South America' we find a milk Liao, and a tree that grgws In: Sumatra is known as the vegetable tallow tree. Probably the Eskimos .would like to get this to grow' fa the .Arctic regions, cosi.,, the early AretiF, exphirers had a task to keep these people from de- vouring all their'candleaas dessert al- ter Ilieals. Excellent candles are made from the berries of another •tree which grows 1n South Africa and the Azores., Ask tot Minard'e and -take no other." The black opal has been adopted _ as the national: stone of Australia. GOlaaf 1 _ IT PAPA WAS -ONLY WITH us'. Now \N TORONTO HE COU1.0 ' SNOW.. 6ET'TER:. ' st,tuO 114/41 THAT. SALEgdMEINI W'a o1fer'steq.dy°.en'hploynfent andpay weekly .to soli.our canlpiete and exclu- sive lines of guaranteed quality, whole root, fresh -dug -to -order trees and -plants. Attractive illustrated samples find fug co-operation, a lnoney-make mg opportunity. Luke Brothers Nurseries Montreal ' HE1-1.0 F62.,i 1 YOU WONOEP:PUL Crr1ZEN9 OF 032r \O - THE Ht+illleR, PROVINCE OF CANADA -THE PROVINCE 'WAN 20A9� .- be0RE BEAUTY SPOTS .131292 �=' A LEOPARD - rT WAS YOUR TELEGRAM THAT 6RDU0HT' MS ePC' -TNE EY., 1534 `• Telsegma , THE 42 50 TNAT'9” READ Evt R`fWasaa It2 ONYAMO.i. eta' GOIN4 TO GIVE -'402, A DOZeta LAUGHS A 0AV 11'A `40‘.1R OWN FAVOTRS S'- i1D.WSAAPE2-oHt - EYENmau-tuaGRAM OM GOODY 1 PAADIS OAttc 1t1 'TORONTO AGAIN sr,stla , ry eve , ling i ; ne Telegram To REIGNS in the Gump household again ! ` Andy, /lie b1'endwwil ser . back in T'ohonto agtiin—tlifs eI '53 I been found. w th a bagful of > ideas, tlnlc, in .Pile r'�clull,;•'.Lc;lcgr:zrll. And file's ]lei;e to seta of nei' ideas, every 911e of ,thein 11 ,Sure la,ue•11-producer. y .. . . A NOY has been lnissecl. No doubt of that. 7de's the most fanxoas comic strip rhar- r, d� r„ �T L",1)r,C.ab to say, ',l'lle: Evening Telegram' atter in the world. But the days of weary• is.pl'otd of its latest conic strip, Andy's are over. livery evenibg„ , Chester and admirers. 50 legion. Everyone in Toronto — are Min will enter, , in'.Ontario-knoii's' flim.:' Everyone. entertain your in rhe I;