HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-10-15, Page 2THE WEEK'S MARK` Yd' TORONTO Smoked. xnout • t_, I1r , ONTARIO Manitobai wheat—No. 1 Northern, 32c; Cooked hams 4 'q 8cmokd, s e $ .$1%; No. 2 North.,S1 Mb'Y•i.; No. 3 rolls, 2204 collate, i0 5c; bream'. North„ 51.263,, Prices e.i.f., bay ports., ialt brealeba o bacon, 38 32 t3 lto s39c;al brand' 1 hicks, man, oats, No 2 CW, nominal; No, 'to 42o. 3 CW,, 4552c•.Na 1 feed, 43'ne;''No., boneless,' 36 ' Oared meati hang clear baron, ,50 2 feed, trot quoted. to 70 Ins $22, 70 to:90 .bs., $20 60 Ani,-•corn„-crhbk,. Toronto—No. 2 20 albs,. and, up,. 519.50, Uglitweight yel?olv,94e' colla rn barrel 343.5,0; heavyweight Millfele`d=Dol;, Montreal freights, rolls, 853,1.50 -per 'bbl. bags"included. Bran, per ton, $-t''-a Lard (Put'g"tticeo, 18 to 1855; tubs, aborts, per ton 130; 'midd•angt, $30;.18,%A to 1.9c; awls, 19 to 1934c; prints Ont, , good feed flonr6 pea• bag, $a.30. , ' 20 to 2,1 c' palls -19 1'3'/Se; Ois-30 to 400, f.ob. shipping r hg tierces, tubs, 14c,-pai.z,, 14 /2c; b.oclksyrl0 to ems of Subscription—$2 00 Per Tear fn advance; to Canadian addresses; 82.50 to the t):S, or other foreign duntries. No .Paper discantinueii 31 all arrears fro pai3 un Des at the option' of -the publisher Tao slate to which every sttiisC1'iptionfis paid is denoted'onthe, 3abol,' Advertising Rates lrauflent adver- tising, 12c per count line for 'drat ,insertion, Se fru each subsequent insertion. 13eadirt6 -counts 2 .lines. S all advertitemente, not to exceed • one inch, such:. as " Wanted,” "Lost „Strayed," etc.,'. Inserted puce -• tor 35c, each ,subsequent insertion 15c Adverteerne s sent tri without lu- structions as to the )5505b05 of in- sertions wanted wilt ruairnntll order' eI out and will be clzargest accord - ugly. Rates for• display advertising inade known. on plicnttbn. a Comniunicittions intended for: pubtl� cation. must, as a ,guarantee of good faith, be- accompanied by the name' of 1 the writer. G. 30, 3ALIJ ' ;M ;30. CLARE., Proprietor. Editor. G. D. HeTAGGART M. D. 1ScTAGGART PilePAG I Ss..' BANKERS.", A general Banking Business transact. ed: Notes Discounted.•„Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed on Deposits. -Sale Notes Purchased. H. T. RANCE Notary, Public Conveyancer. Financial, Real Estate” and Fire Yn suranee Agent. Representing 14 Fire insurance Companies. Division Court Office, Clinton. points; u Omt. goad rriii ing wheat -51.04 to 15?to ' 1.12, -1 o.b. shipping points according Ileavysteers choice, $8 to $8,35; to freights. do, Uood ' $7 to '57.0; • butcher Barley--Maltinw 65c. steers, choice. $6.75 to 57 • do good, Buckwheat—No. 3, nominal. 56 to 50.75; do med., $175 3i, $5.25; Rye -No, 2, nominal. do ram.,53.75 to 54.75; butcher cows, `San, flour, first. pat., 50, Toronto; choice, 34.50. to -55,25;' do, fair to' goad, clo, second -•pats:, $750, Toronto.; Pas- $4 to 54.50; butcher f bulls, good, 54.50 tr flour;- bags; $6.30. to $5.50;' bo:fignas, ,4.25 to . $5.50; Y canners and ,cutter.., 2 to 5 do, Ont: flour—Toronto, `90 per cent.:r � $2. 0; tat:,,,per at' is oronto fait', ,$40, 00 540;. springers, choice,, barrel, in curio T $0:26; seaboard, in bulk, $5.'10, 590 to 100;`calves, choice, 512.50 to Straw—Carlots, per ton, • 49 to 513; do, good; $11.to 512; do, grassers, 59,50, • $5 to 55.6'0;. good light sheep, x0.50 "cr 'recleaned, f. to $7.50; hea5ies'and. bucks, 64.50 to b eonings-Stundarcl; xe " � a• b.b. bay ports, per ton, 518.$G; good lambs,' $12.50 to ., 12.75; do, Baled hay -No, 2 per ton, $15; No, med., $10.50=to $11;- do, bucks, $10.75 3, per ton, 814 to $14.50'; mixed, per to 511; do, cu11s, $9 to $10; hogs, thick ton, 418 to' 814; lower grades, $6 to smooths, fed and watered, 312.85 do, $9. f.o.b., 512.25; do, country points 112; Cheese -New, large, 26e. twins, do off cars;.: 51325; select premiums, 26%c; triplets, 27c; Stiltons, 28c. Old, 52.04... large, 300; twins, '3042c;, triplets, 31c. MONTREAL. Butter—Finest ' creamery prints, ,47c; No. 1 cieainery; 46c; No. 2, 44 to Flour—Man. spring wheat pats., 45a Dairy prints, 33 to 45c. firsts, 58; do, seconds, $7.50; strong bakers' $7 30; winer , :Eggs—Fresh extras, in cartons, , ,t pats.; choice 5'4e; loose 52c; storage extras, 44e; :$6,30. Roled'oats-bag of 90 lbs„ ' g Braid, storage `firsts, 41c.;: storage seconds, $3.25.' $28.25. Shorts,' $30,25. 31i to 36e, �` Middhrigs; '$36.26. Hay—No. 2, Per. i ton, ear lots, 514: Dressed: poultry Chickens, spring, - ,.' Cheesi I'i estPweste 25- toy 25i/sc' lb., 30.ao134c; hens, over '4'to 'S -lbs;, n , — , 24 to 28c; do, 3 to 4 lbs., 22c; roosters, do, easts.,:241/2 to 248/a, Bn1£er No., 18e; ducklings, 5 lbs. and. up, 27 to 1 pasteurized, 45c; No. 1ocreamery 30c. • 44c; seconds; 43c. Eggs—Starage.ex- hand-picked Beans—Can , lb,; 612c tras,.45c;'do, firsts, 40c- do, seconds, primes, Be: ' 1 34.to 35c; fresh extras,'60e; do, erste, Maple"-produce—Syrup,. per imp. 44c. Potatoes—Quebec, per bag, car gal., $2.40;• ped 5 -gal, tin, $2.30 per lots $1 to $1.10. gal. Maple sugar, lb., 26 to 26c. Fair quality veal calves, $10 to Honey -60=1b,, tins 12% to 13c ib.; $11.50; lambs, $11 to 511.75; hogs, 10 -Ib. tins, 12% to 13c; 5-1b. tins, 13 mixed lots, $12 to $13.10; 'selects, to 13"%e; 2% -lb., tins, 14% to 15c. $13,50;.sows, 510.50 to $11.5,0. • W. BRYDONE Barrister, Solleitor,- Rotary .Publle, etc. Office:. SLOAN BLOCK • CLINTON DR. 1. DR..J. C. -GAN'DIER 6.30 Unice ,fours: --1,30 to 3.30 pen., , to 8,00 p.m, Sundays, 12:36'to'1.30 p m. other -hours by appointment ondy.' Office,. and Residence -- Victoria' St. DR:: H. S. BROWN, L 1Vl:C C, 'Office. Hours L30 to 3.30 p.m. 7.30 to 9.00 p.m. Sundays 1,00 to :2.00 p.m. Other hours by appointment Phones, efface, 218W hones,O1ace,.218W Residence, 218.0 DR. FRED G. THOMPSON Office and Reeidenoe: Ontario Street Clinton, Ont. One door west of Anglican' Church. Phone 172. Eyes examined and glasses fitted. DR: PERCIVAL.HEARN Office and -Residence: Huron Street Clinton. 'Ont. Phone 60 (Formerly occupied, by ' the late Dr. - C. W. Thompson), Eyes Examined ane -Glasses Fitted. I3r.tANewton lBlrady,' Bayfneld Graduate Dublin University, Ireland.; Late Extern Assistant Master, Ro- tunda Hospital for•Woinen,and Child. ren, Dublin. Office at residence lately occupied by Mrs, Parsons, Iiours:-0 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 pm. Sundays -1 to 2 pm. - D. H. MCINNES ChIroprecto1-Maaseur or Winghatn, will be at the Commerc- ial .Inn, Clinton, • on Monday and Thursday forenoons each week. Diseases of all kinds successfully ban lied. GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County .of•Huron. , Correspondence promptly ensivored. Immediate arrangements can b'e made for' Stiles 'Date at The Nesee'Reoord • Clinton, or by calling Phone 203, _ Charges' Moderato and• Satisfaction 4uaranteed ' .,; B. R. HIGGINS Clinton, Ont. a General Fire and Life insurance. Agent. for Hartford windstorm, Live Stock Automobile and Sickness and Accident insurance. Huron,andErieantf -Cana- da Trust Bonds, ,Appointments made to 'Meet parties' at 13ruceLold, Varna and itaylield.- ''Phone 57. • OSCAR KLOPP 1lgtto1' Graduate Carey Jones':Natioaal School otAuctloneering, Chicago. See• edea course taken in Pure Bred Live Stock, Real' Estate, Merchandise and Farm Sales. Rates in keeping with prevailing' market 'Satisfaction as. sired ,Write f 7 t h - Ph A glimpse of the ceivn ti•inity eatio i on October 21, .- Roots f nok, as physicians prescribe for ail' marts of the bleed, stomach, liver anti'_ kidneys aro combined in Ilo,od'o Sarna pati11 );-- -„, Sarsaparilla , Mandralco Yellow Dock Dandelion Ursi. Stlllinitia Uluo Flau Pipsieaewa Guaiac Juniper Berries, Gentian Wild Cherry and other excellent tonics, thus mak- ing one of the n Dot successful of all ;oledicines. ,,67 t Dally, food's: Bark 60;COO Filgrims 1.© Lamle* - Shii_ne in Single Dsy A. desp telt from Paris saye:— TWenty seven special trains were re- quired recently to carry the pilgrims of one day to Lourdes, the "nMiracie town' of France, where the Virgin u,raanan-�+nm.�+'` Mary is said. tq haw=e app4arod to a child in 1858,,atid' where a n nifioent ronto'°tlie'u tonna nl avlz.en �FilE be mai ked :with a.spKc rid � chru'ch 'now stands ,on: •the sur, � cycle , 1 site of°that apparition.; Pilgrims doc10 thither, hoping for miraculous :cures 'LECTRIC FLAMES OUT I FROM VICTIM'S FELT Mrs. Perm'lli'ar rIO nga1 ist4, boin:ln Liriec,n ivaunty ,aanl sold to be the t oldest :woman in Canada,in ruminative puff. Photo of Mrs. Fitch and her grandson, William Fitch, aged 70• Wadlaceburg • `Masn "May Re-, cover Frena 'Burns Caused , by Contact.With Live ire. A. despatch from Wallaceburg, Ont, says ee.:-John' T. Rankin, a local carpenter",, had a miraculous escape from death Thursday afternoon while working oh the deinolition'of the old town' hall, upon which- site ;will bei_ erected the new Hydro building. He was in the act of throwing over a steel cable to attach it to a chimney,,' when the cable became entangled in a high voltage Hydro cable, the severe shock knocking Rankin to the ground' and rendering him unconscious, The accident was witnessed by a little girl, who called for assistance, and Provinciaj; OfficerW. C: Q:'iver, who lives close by, was early an the scene and rendered first aid to the victim, from whose feet he found elec- trio flames shooting out. Several of the injured man's toes, one arm and both handswere very badly burned, end although his' condi- tion is serious, itis believed that he will recover. 1t was some time after the accident that he 'recovered con- sciousness. AUTOS IN HEAD-ON SMASH AT BR"ANTFORD Two Detroit Men in Hospital as, Result With Their, Car Held in Charge. A despatch from Brantford, Ont, says: -Two cars;: one small, driven by John Ludlow, rural avail carrier on the Hamilton Road and the other a larger one, driven by Roy Benweil of Detroit, meeting head on, sent two' mon to the hospital Thursday after- noon. '`Tho two are Roy Benwell, De t `t, and Albert B •sseau also of De - v- - United States Tourists Bring Canada Increased Revenue A deepatrh from Ottawa says:— Tourists ays a-• Tourists from the United "States brought 5160,000,000 -'in, revenue to Canada in 1925, according to esti-1 of government officia-s.This sum is equal to a' quarter of the Value of the Dominion's wheat crop and ap- proximates the values of the'.annual mining output of Ontario, Quebec end British Columbia. combined. • More than 2,000,000 American automobiles, it is estimated, have crossed bite Canada already this yeas.. They carried approximately 9,000,000 t tourists, ar orie.tourist for every man, woman and . child in the Dominion• Every province shared in the tourist business. Ontario received the larger •.. traffic. ' Last year 1,376,988 cars from Sir' GeoSe t;loyd, former governor • the United States entered Ontario: of Dambay+'svhb succeeded Lora (Cien- thirty8 ea which. stayed frometwe to steal) Allenby e, British, high' comtnis� thirty days, 1,646 from one to six stoner In Egypt. Be has hada ;long Months and the remainder shorter i diplomatic career. periods. London -Paris, Air Travel Has Shwn Great Gains A deepatch from Paris says:•-• Passenger airplane traffic between Paris and London is iiicteasing so' rapidly that officials at Le Bourget, the French starting field,. are confi- dently predicting that within • three years planes will be leaving through- out the day on a half hour schedule and during the summeri'months night flying will he inevitable. Neither the British nor French companies .now have enough planes to cope with the rot a of , demands made upon them, and over troit,-both of whom were in -;the big holiday week -ends, such as the recent August bank holidays, it is impossible Mothers' Allowances for NUTTING EXPE Nl 'ION throng 10 ; n , September Totalled $150,363 'LOST IN rROZPN• NORTH . The 'day .way that .of the Nativity e,f tike Virglnr ank thenunibor;of visa. estimated t C 60,000..' The i..ti Rl 'lar est group: vvas, on Bain Land - Rouen; 2,5.00. frons, Coutanoes, which has' a populattopdf°'tin1y;7,0'00, and , A despatch from Montreal says:— 1,100. from Grenoble, "No trace has been found in, either From abroad :eanse 120 'pilgrims Baffin Land or Greenland of the Nut• from England,; including fifteen trip tin expedition." This is the message les several:'ot these being Protest - that came over the air from Inspector ante; 1,200' pilgrims' from Italy, in- ed Royal Canadian Mount eluding 400 sick, and 600 from,.Portu- ed 'Pollee, on board the C.G.S. Arctic, gal, thirty by whom were seeking which assed Father Point Thursday cure". Each, of the French parties p morning, returning from its voyage' brow ht ou s. of lame and sick, g 1T gr P to the Arctic Circle to relieve poliee'varying from four';hundred to forty: posts in that part of the Dominion, se... --e----- • na can O Ce Ol'i rC 1C g e' of 0,000 from, Re Ort :Fn'laitl@a8: Frsearch. in C unbrai. and others were. ' A•despatch from Toronto says:—A sum of 5150,363 was expended, in mothers' allowances during' the month of September, 4,194 mothers through- out the;Prov-ince'with 12,850 depend- ent children,in their care participated. 'The,number ofchildren in each fam- ily ranges from ;two to eleven. 0f the beneficiaries:'3,394 are wid- ows; 521 are wives of incapacitated husbands; :168 are deserted mothers where the period of desertion is five years. and upwards; 111 are foster enethers . to orphans, Toronto benefi- ciaries 'numbering 812' share $32,399. 8,500 from i? a Messages sent out from the broad- British ll -Tr, 3e Prince Will e; ;;e Y per o ra e started last Christmas Eve,' and the � casting stations KDKA and WBZ P• .C1 P• f "I• d appeal was broadcast every other day A despatch from London says:— for a couple 'of ;weeks, giving a de-1Bi business in Great Britain is scription of. the Nutting ship,' its' hoping that the Prince of Wales will course, and the places where it 'was • -Pied last seen; in the hope that some trees eornmercial orders instead ofpchildren might be found of the ship and its.. following in his hotnewardwakeacross crew. The Nutting expedition sailed , the ocean. On the American yacht Lief Ericson, Even before he went to South An- and was under the command of Wil-, erica those' Were criticisms h the Liam Nutting, tile other members of erica he Common`s about hie beingg the crew being "Arthur Hildesbrand, Homused as a glorified commercial'druzn- John Todahl' and Mr, Fliescher, the i mer, as well ae sit ambasse8or of the . latter a Norwegian. empire, and now that he 'is homeward Tbe. boat sailed from Norway, and bound there is a great, deal beingg'w it; when it left rd of oa $opt. 8,1924, ten and said about' the prospects' of wh_n it left J Greenland,' on -the south- British trade in Argentina being given ern shore of Greenland,• and headed Neck Broken When His Car Plunged Down Bank A despatch from Orangeville, Ont, says:—White returning from Gree- tnolc ;iuesday•evening, Nelson Lew- rence, a -we:l-known• cattle buyerof Honeyh c od, met death when the car he was driving left the road and'cata- pulted down a steep twenty -foot em- bani+.izient on the River Road' near Creemor+e. Iiia body was.found Wed- nesday morning, his neck was broken. IHe is survived by his wife- and one daughter. ear. inc larger car eras proceeding east to make snore than a preteztco of and turned out to pass a load of hay. handling the traffic, The other' car, driven by the mail car-; ` 'Two years ago; according.to reports rier was corning west, and they met from the - airplane compan:es, five Lead, on with a crash that threw Lud- passengers a day was considered good low through.the windshield onto the business; but throughout this summer road. Ther he escaped serious injury travel has averaged something :ilce is considered a miracle. Penwell was sixty passengers daffy nem London herd in his :• car by „the steering wheelie Paris and forty from Paris to and was severely injured in the •abdo-, London: Alen. Mrs. C. Martin, in. Led'-ow's I car, escaped injury. 'The Detroit men wen@ held. by• the police and their eariNobel Awards to Set is in charge. Total at $4,000,000 Furnaces Burning Continuous» a ,lnsn;trh from Staelcholni says: ly for, 1 t/2 Years Testing Prizes of about $4,000,000, given to, • 125 winners, will be the record of the Filets. l'Foundation on the occasion of Nobel rt © or wire, .ur c ,Ant. its t�ypnty-fifth annual awarding of i ue 18.93.- 1 - Two standard domestic hot water of furnaces have been in Operation, night prizends the tend? foundation now am' half Pu - The . lollopMutual are insurance �,v pant' bead Ofgice;,St t orifi;Ont DIRECTORY., R President,, James' Connolly, Goderich; Viet), James Tovans;- Deechwood; Soc. Treasurer, Thos. E. Hays, Seaf t th. pirectors: George McCartney Sea. forth; D. F. McGregor,. Seaforth J. G: Grieve, Walton; Wm. Ring, Seaforth; nc wen: Clinton; Robert Ferries,. -Flarlock';'John penile}weir i3rodhagen;; Sas. Connolly, Gaderlrh. Agents: Alex: Leitch, Clinton; J. W. Yeo. (loderlch _'301, Hinchray, Sea, forth; W. Chesney,;Egniondville; It. G.'•Jarineth, Brodhagen. Any, money to be paid in may be paid to •Moorleh Clothing Co..' Clinton,. or at. Cutts Grocery, Goderlch. Parties' desiring to affect Insnranco `or transact' other business Fwill be -promptly attended to on application to any'ot the above officers addressed to their respective post' office ' Losses -inspected by the Director who lives nearest the scone. t A foam. of craft, which has re-cent- ly been invented, can run on the sur- face or sink to any depth and travel level ;AWN?. and day; for over one and a es es.e at the Fuel Testing laboratories 'a° Dunt to s_igh`tly over $8,000,000 .and be given this year will Dept. o Mines, a rm various kroner each,or about ; lues of the various118,166 domestic feels available in Eastern 000• Besides- the five regular prizes Candaa. This ie in accordance with the of 1925, three were held over from campaign o . o Dominion uBoard,1024 the awards in physics, chemistry p` aria the peace .prize. thef Sfi d tc i the the prizes to g 531 be relative heating values f th D o Fuel 10 an, effort to improve the situation O£ the prizes awarded during'the in the domestic fuel markets of the. years 1901-1024, eni,ne have. gone to byth I America and d Central Provinces encouraging e seven to Sweden. Goa- t -Ise of various `available ; substitute i many tops 'the list with twenty-six fuels, ' razes, closely followed by France with These furnaces, the sag tests, are twenty -ono and England with four - constantly under supervision of dean awards. t engineers and are fitted tip four - competent g to approximate, as closely as possible, actual'operating conditions"in house ideating. In,this way not only are ;age heating qualities .of the various fuel% accurately compared, but the best op- erating conditions, such as' "draft ,re- quirements, re- 1 c uiremefts, depth cf fuel on gra'ei, `and 'frequency of firing ars cl t't„tin- ed ,far each, fue:. The fuels under tzst ;isd:ude, all tho domestic 50010. available for consumption in Pastern Canada and the tests will indicate the methods that muse be employed to Obtain the best results. These experiment, are succe s..a::y ' determining the methods and cai:da,, I flans whereby the. various fuels able can be most . C.1510011y u..1ic'd, Answer to last week's puzzle RA T..•— B0i'lA R 1, f�`5121) CROSS -WORD PUZZLE OTtli' NTcI1NAT*ONM, SY110i ?T[: SUGGESTIONS' FOR SCLVINO CROSS -WORD PUZZLES Start out by filling in he words of•which syou, feel reasonably sure. ' These will ' give you a clue to other words crossing teem, a pec ' In ' .turn to still others. A letter belongs in: each wljite' space, t, w pace, words starting at•tiio.numhered squares and, running either horizontally or vertically or both, ,,HORiZONTAL. 1—One who eon:mantis 6.-9egin dIscussion about 11-e-eattlo '12—Destroy 14 --Net to be effaced 16—Small portion of food 19* -,Portion of tree trunk 20 --Upstarts 23—Pointers 247 -Jogging pace ' 26 --Poem 26—Gratuity.. 28—A, fish •29• -••Part of body ,31. --Lover for foot pressures 33—Cautious '84—W ild beast '35 --Ruler of•Hadeo te--Presram 28: -.Looked 'attentively 40—Dross trimming. -. 43 ---Headgear 4 --Guided 45—Observe 46—Tumult 49—Attar of eminence 49—Primitive missile 61 --Away from C3 -Clenched hands 84 ---Triose who. vote '.twice '. .57—Placa in. difficulty ra Netlen Fq ocred to a Roman Godaoss 64 Cxpan•lo VERTICAL 2—Brief satires 3—Prong, 4--L !mit 6—Stagger. 6--Two•masted vessel 7: -.Polish 3 ---Lubricants • 9r-Conoornin9 lir-A vegetable fibre.” 13--Plecrust • '16—Cared for 17—Military assistant 1£ --Onlooker 21-Muslclans 22—Wild animal 26-4ndomeaticated 27—Made comfortabie 30--R e l ata ooeh ip. • 31—Wooden pin 02—Boy 33—A Joker 10—Concise' sententious, exp tttlon 3T—H.ldin9 place 39 ---Wild equine animal 2—Human-. being 1.1--Cepa1 name for l4reni3 es--Flhre for cordage 50—Part of 'verb -"to 1, " @.1•--•Percelv+t thtough'Souc°i D. 5,Ci1l inn name, 53.-U nreeltral nest 'Eo --V epetat•.I net ,e (abbr.) west, a fillip. by his visit. e.rte The correspondents who acoompan led him ther`e'kept their eyes open for Natural Resources Bulletin. . trade news' and sent home reports as to how and where and why the Ger- The Natural Resources Intelligence nane, Americans Italians and others Service of the Dept. , of the Interior were getting more and mere export at Ottawa says: business from _South American sus - One of the areas of Central' Can- toners than.they Might if the British ada of which heretofore comparatively houses tried a little harder to please little has been known is that north of potential buyers, Lake Superior and extending to the 0'- -- w Manitoba border, known as North- " western Ontario.This territory in - eludes the four provincial districts of Patricia, Kendra, Rainy River, and Thunder Bay, and contains approxi- mately 220,400 square Miles. From a farming standpoint) al- though Northwestern Ontario is more or less of rocky formation, with min-. erul and forest wealth' undoubtedy its main features, there are many promising agricultural _sections, , The most important of these are around Thunder Bay, the Rainy River Valley, and around Wabigoon Lake. -. In the vicinity of Port Arthur and -Fort Wiliam, and extending, in •a southwestern direction to the' inter- itational boundary, is an alluvial belt consisting chiefly -of clay and clay loam, with varying 'amounts' of grav- elly end sandy loam; The area, . is suitable for mixed farming,: dairying, market gardening and the growing of small fruits. Seed potatoes grow lux. uriantly and are free from blight and. diseases common in other part's of the province.' "-Hay and -'clever grow in abundance. Turnips, mnngeis, carrots, beets,, cabbages and other vegetables are all' profitable, and smell, fruits, particularly strawberries do well, Apples of Russian varieties, cherries and plums with excellent flavor are being.suecessful-y' grown on e. small stale on almost every farm. Many townships have bean opened to the sett:er and good progress has I'been made, This is evidenced by the many prosperous looking farms, good roads, schools and churches. Although there are a number cf lots open for settlement in the district, „the town - 510p of •li'orbes s the 'b st opyortun- ity.left Ler prospective, lamas. Markets are available for all farm products in the cities of Fort William and Port Arthur. Bearing Forces. A despatch. from Seward; Alaska, says:—Captain • Louie Lane, Arctic mariner, has arrived here with his 40 -foot whaler Gunnar, ready to be- gin a new venture' in Northern waters. Ne plans to use Kodiak asa base and operate onwhale expeditions, selling the sea beef -to blue fox farmers for food for the fur bearers. r There ate now more than 200 islands with far farms, and the great problem of the owners is that, of obtaining fresh meat, Foxes,thrive on whale and seal' meat, so'. Captain Lane 'will harpodit whales, shoot sea lions and net fur' seels.for the fox farmers. SerlOus Floods, F in Quebec from Hearty Rainfall A despatch fromQuebec says :.—Tho heavy rain that' has been general throughout the Province of Quebec in tbe'putt•month has given rise to fears' of ileode in the northern strtions. 'Hunters in the Laurentian Mountains report that the water in lakes and rivers is very high. iN' ll;,'TIh1E `TABLE:,; ' 'Trains will rrive at abd depart I: la 'sfllinten,"as follows: au'ffato and Goderich Div. Going; East. depart 6,25 a.m. Ar. . it 26 hr,'L1 . p.m. Going Welk, ar:` 12G-1.551210 1aan. 663 dD .10 p•iit., are 10.01' pan. London, Huron es Bruce' Dlv. Going South, ar, 7.56 d9. 7 41500 p tna.m.. 44 Going North, depart 6,50- Pe se ,' 11.05 1113 a,tm, "iso more headache for you ---take these { Don't Slut "au:other" the headdebe without'removf,5.'thel cause;. ?- Take Take Chambetlein'e Stomach :and Liver Tablet.. Tse)• not'only euro tha bmducho butSivo You a buoyant, healthful foaling:bea,iee ChM' tone .the3lvor. aweoten the otomncii and cleenae;iho bowO.le. Trythom. Ai! Crania., TSc.. a 1,00111 i CHAMBERLAIN M°D10155 co.' . Tomite. Qat 19'.'.. ...-^-.�. iy oo 7b ,rile"' have done oa tori Jo 1 In your Spare tmo What these men Y *St r Saleyau c. Whatever y or0:pe lone of selling that sever ..-Sour ay he coil Whatever oti,r or not roe hes k you can sell—' ell •. dust may he Ulla question: Are Acer or not yeti n, to rani; ear. a ° ),test arsv•er ro10 touch Art 0o t onieou to earn 510,000 a, year? ho INen get in i anon 11, nto at Daae i t ill pros¢ to tau without costar oshow ion that you wen sty'becomeTroia n Stnd Suleamnn. 1 will show you hot th Salesmanship Train nR and. .5rue Ltnplorneot Service of the N 8.7'. A. will help imu;t6 gnlak success to Selling. i.0000 .A -Year Sellnhig Secrets i The Secrott 1 1 mn n s it n4.Ird 0I h0t1)" N. . 5, T ..0. it s eoa4 d thousands, .o,e t t 00111111tthe d; ,11'! end II', Y oi 1 tl Y h, that is 1 eYI,0,) 1 n:rr Jyrnea 1)c fcid of uIli,c effort ,onu.bIG10,,,.:0011l f c Read Theea Assam) •• 9iorica of 5u cele 5l'tlosial Sale mesas Treinine seasocietie. t,nnu,iii 1,1c., no Win 'l