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The Clinton News Record, 1925-10-08, Page 6
nwerest to You aid Me eige,•which has `i,een such a fash- amble color the last few seasons, is -,to have la been eu o blas p p six cenbur age. ` Come to tlzinic lof . it has sort xt. of a faded appearance, Is your name on the 'voters list? Tuesday, Oet. 20th, is your last chanc e. of getting it on. Don't': take any chances, 'see that it is there, It will save +, c you trouble on polling' day.Beginning in ;1.928 Easter is to, be ifixed' date, the secondrlul r • y S a in April, This is the result, ,of aifoits made "'toward the changing of the calendar and is the first step toward 'that end.' When that is accomplished we shall have a . year of thirteen months of exactly four weeks, twen='+ ty:eight days each. All holidays and gall other dates, will then occur on the same day each year and a calendar `yvill last a lifetime. Trains on the C. P. R. lines from ,Goderich to Toronto and from Listow- el to Toronto have ,been cut to one each way a day. • At Goderich the train from Toronto arrives about noon and that ,,going. out leaves at 1:30,. Business men say that this service is inadequate, but the C. P. R. is trying. t0 .economize. The Goderich Signal suggests that if the outgoing train could be held until late in the after moon it would be better accommoda- tion. It is really rather hardon the towns between, which hay.4, to depend entirely an the' C. P. R. for service. Goderich is very well served • by the C. N. R. EAST HURON TEACHERS' CONVENTION A very successful convention was held in W inghain on, Oct..let and 2nd. Rev. Mr. Snell cohdueted-the opening exercises aria also spoke about the recent changes in the regulations per- mitting religions instruction in :schools. Mayor Willis extended the welcome of the town, and also stressed the value of the teachers' work in the -community. The records of the last convention, were read by Mr. A. F, Johns. Miss M. Mellis gave .a very full and •• interesting report of the meet- ing -of the 0. E. A, last Easter, from 'which the following items are quote 'ed: "547 teachers and inspectors' are now on the superannuation list. The amount of the pensions is gradually increasing and as the fund' increases more concessions will be granted. "The problem of the feeble-minded, • child is beginning to occupy the at.. •tention of educators. Two per cent, of the school population of Ontario are mentally defective. The auxil- iary• classes are specializing in work forthese pueils." :Miss B. Carter gave a paper on. Primary Arithmetic, She outlined the various steps she took with a be- ginners' class and..the methods she used throughout the course. She fav- ored extensive avored-extensive use of number cards, pictures and counting of, to get clear ideas of each number and its parts, and the symbol for it. The "►- O.x • , ideas gainedfrom handling concrete - picteriel are more clearly .impressed ion the minds of the pug's. The subject of."Are and Construe- tion Work in Primary Grades" was aliIy handled by Miss R. Sotheran of Winghain Peebles Sehool, Any•subj- jeets for Art ' or Construction work should bethose of interest to the child, and all real effort should receive eneaurageunent; .They will thus gain confidence in their ability to dreier' end construct pictures. Art. can assist greatly•in number work, stor- ies,health posters and reading les- sons. Children's toys and playthings snake excellent models to draw from, a Moths, butterflies, birds, leaves' anal fruits are also good. Each season, and festival offers suggestions. She showed many excellent samples of her .pupils' work. Mr. John Davidson, M.A., B.Paed„ of the Hamil4n Normal -School, gave •a very instructive lecture on "Teach- ing how to think," The teacher should aim to direct the pupils' thinking to specific ends; Ie nature study, 1pup-° els can discover what insects and an- imals are our friends and -ow en- -emies, Iia literature, etc,, supplement what they read and also they can pick out the important facts. Proper -methods of thinking prepare pupils to meet the probleme andemergencies, of life, which 'is just a succession of problems. An, interesting address • was 'givers '.by Dr. john M. Field.,on the education and life of Hugh Miller, as outlined in his. autobiography, "My schools and school.nsasters," Friday Sessions. The, election of officer's resulted' in the following selections: President, N. M. Geddes. Vice -President, Miss Ida -Cornish; Sec.-Treas., A. F. Johns, all of Olin - ton. Librarian, Dr, Field, Executive Committee, Miss Ruby •Taylor, Mr. 01ael. Webster, Mr. Wil- fred . Bisbee, staff of Clinton Public 'School. Auditors, Me. R: J,' i13eattie, zvfr:, :Fred I+'oeviee, Delegate to 0. E. A,, Miss- Mary McNagghton• 8 A geogaaphy 'lesson on the rivers' of Ontario was a very instructive item on the morning progrstni, and WAS ; greatly enjoyed by all. Later all adjourned to the school grounds where a. series of games was Tun off by 11,ir..Poslifi' and. his pupils In his second lecture' Me. Davidson' spoke about "Arithmetic and its Cor- relations'' Re believes that the training received in any subeeet is most useful in that partznultzi 5i1ir- leet Arithmetic ;rie ziiost v'ihiahle a practical subject. ;Many powers, 'of the mind are exercisod i}I;it, and the powers o! analysing azranging,=come hiving ;acts .end habits of, conciseness, cieart ess,u accuracy ,nil rati are f©rzned by it. : Good. Engle proper t i nbbre •� t abbreviations ons 1n d nz cru ti P should always be required 141x. Brackeubes ry, Principal of. t1 Wingliam Iligl; School` gave an i struetive lesson on the "Honey `Be Ie described the various Parte of ti insect; andtheir t u yes snci t told in very interesting manner r�onui pian oi the activ-ties' of the bee in"its col- ony or community life, ` The concluding paper l � p per ' of ;the pro- ga�am was given by 110. Crawford' of S a" e xo•. z th upon , 0 th`i� p subject, Srie17 J "Sep ell He believes the teaching_ e spelling may be improved byteach ing aypx•opriate words in each rale and by a good ,election of words Th �i The new spelling z book is P b written tten. and arranged ed ve• xv systematically g am provides foe' tests, study and review lessons.: Proper pronunciation 'and analysis.of long words, greatly as sists'in: obtaining correct spelling au i Itesf the 'Londasboi?? 15511101 sh, Thursday. D4z on dirt Mrs, ES J. J . It°Ury , �xtsoii and family spent tire„ 'week+and with se friends at Kltchene,.•; and also took a Ile; triad to Niagara. Th, , co Ree c inniuu' it > wasshocked ti toy ze i hear of the death on Tuesday, ,Sept. 29th o a hi•:iVn x i . Roddy d Y in the nos- ys- Y pital t Goderich, Several week, ag'o 1Vlr. Ruddy was internally injured, by a Irick from a cow and was 'taken to the hospital, wbere;he nndeswent an operation. It Was expected he would - be well enough to cone home the lat- fter part of the week, but eontpliea- i tioefi develo ed p ,which: necessitated ,x second c d operation, and in his weakened condition proved too much, for his vi- tlitanis he • s Y> e passed away on Tues. 1 day., The funeral was held from l;is' home in East Wawanosh 'to Wingham cemetery and was very largely at- tended. He leaves : to mourn: their loss his wife and one ,son, Lewis, one brother, Joseph, of Belgrave and three sister's in the West:- The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved ones. Short„welleprepared lessons are us., ually best. Records of errors should be kept for frequent' reviews. The Resolution Committee present, ed the following report: "Tie it resolved that we tender a vote of thanks to the people of Wing - ham who have helped make this con- vention a success. "A vote of thanks to Mayor Willis for his address ofwelcome• "A vote of thanks to all who have taken part en the proceedings,' par- ticularly to Mr. Davidson. "Resolved that a copy of our pro- ceedings be sent to the leading pap- ers of the. Inspectorate. "Resolved that in future every member should make some effort to take an active part in all discussions during the convention.” The singing of the Natierial An- them brought a very successful con- vention to a close. The next conventidh will be held in Clinton. ' A. L. Posliff, President; A. F. Johns, Secretary-tr'esurer. 1926 CANADIAN TEACHERS' FED- ERATION CONVENTION The next Annual'Convennion of the Canadian Teachers' Federation will be held at Charlottetown, Prince Ed- ward Island, in August, 1926. A visit to this Maritime Province known as the "Garden of the Gulf"- must prove infinitely interesting to the education. alist.. It is rich in historic interest, wonderfully fertile and picturesque: Mr. Martin Kerr, principal of Earl. Kitchener School, Hamilton, and Mr. A. E. Bryson, principal of'$ilverthorn School, Toronto, are organizing g per- sonaily conducted tour from Toronto via the-Canad{an National Railways, alai those who have enjoyed some of the conducted educatietal tours in the past will realize the advtntagee e[' this method of travel and keep this occasion in mind for next year; 26-1 Auburn Coderiich Township Miss Kate .,Richardson has re- turned home after being a guest at the home of Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Bow- den, 'Campbellville. She also visited in Toronto and Hamilton. Marriages MCGOOKIN_ RYAN —,At Victoria street church, Goderit, on Septem- ber 29th, by Rev, Mr. Clarke, L. Marion, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Richard Ryan, of Goderich, to Mr: •I•Iugh McGookin, formerly. of Belfast, Ireland, now of Detroit.. SCOTT--RATTENBURY At Bruce- field, an Sept, 25th, by the Rev. C. G. Armour, Emily Alice, daughter of Mre and ilIrs. W. R. Rattenbury, to Ross Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Scott, all of 13'rucefieli4. VINCENT — CASTLE — At Willie churph manse, Clinton, on 'Sept. 26th,"by'the Rev. J. E. Hogg, Annie Mabel, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Castle,' to James #craee Vincent of Blyth. Births CROSS—In Clinton, on Oct, 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cross of Wind- sor, (formerly Miss Isabel Gunn),. a song TER,RW,BEi iff_In Tuekersenith, on September 27th; to Me. and Mrs. Vernon Tereyberry, a daughter — Ida Elizabeth, 4 WATSON—At Alexandra Hospital, :Goderieh, on Sept. 28th, to Mr, and Mrs. E. T. Watson, a son, Deaths HOLMSTEAD — On October 1st, Catherine wife of leHoimst d I(.0., of Sesforth, and eldest daugh- ter of the late Mr. J. P. Brine. • The Rev. Erie Anderson of :Monk -YOUNG --At Detroit, on September on will Elva `Young, daughter of. the late James Young, aged 23 years. STOT.HERS 1n Dungannon, on Sep- tember 29th,. Stephen Stothers, eget? 68 years and 4 months. RUDDY' --In •Goderieh Hospital,: op Sept. 29th, William Ruddy of East Wawanosh, in Ms 6711i year, PAXMAN—In Royal Oak, Miele., on Oct. xst; James H. Paxi ben, £ornn- erly of Clinton. t w l preach in Knox church next (Sabbath at 10:30. r9. bazaar and tea will be held in the basement of ,r church next Saturday afternoth from 3 to '7 pan. under the auspices of the mission band. • Mr. H. Beadle of Detroit spent the weer end with his parents; Mr. and Mrs. C. -.Beadle. Mrs. r. Stewart of Fargo, North Dakota arrived here on Saturday+0 attend the funeral of her brother, Mr. Wm. Ruddy. Mrs. McRae of Sault Ste..Marie spent a few days with the Misses Blair. • White .hauling water in the tank for cement work that is being done on the streets, Mr. J. Lawson's team ran away, throwing hien ' out. thane Lawson had his foot hurt and was badly shaken up. His many friends wish hien a speedy recovery. Mr. Alp of Chicago spent a few days with his brother, Re, W. R. Alp. Miss King of Toronto' is visiting Mrs .3. Johnston. The Auburn Women's Institute vise n„mw IN MEMORIAM DEMPSEee—In loving , memory of Mrs., John Dempsey, who died two years ago, Oct. 141h, 1923. "She lives in our hearts, She will never die; • We hope -to meet her bye and bye. Her Family, leer Sale yFisst•class maple wood, cut 12 melee es long. Apply to B. Waldron, Bruce - field, or phone 11. on d29. 26-1 Maid. Wanted For geueraI housework. Apply to Mrs. Robert Smyth, High street. 26-1 F.O.B.• Factory 1 d:'ccs :Crura f t ln'I'ClN STUDIO OPEN Iii EIIY 7 tJPSDAY By BURGESS 'Ile Mitchell 1ePhotographer - WE ARE NOW making photographs toe Ch u5xzna s Gifts,both hat' our Clinton Melee:, i ell Studios, It is ' not too ,eaely to have your 1 otoo- x 1hs taken now an avoid the rush d e .,h later. 12 Photo- graphs shake 12 : good Christmas gifts. Our prices are right and our work will please.:. s We do finishing ng• h and enlarging ' for- amateurs BURGESS PORTRAIT STUDIO Music Lessons S Miss Jean McMurchie, Pupil of Dr. Ernest McMillan PIANO' ars THEORY d H);ORY Apply at house on king street Phone • 54 A. W.'`Anderton Organist St. James Church London " Teacher of Piano and Singing Vacancies for `Pupils ,Studio,' Mrs. J. E. Cook Clinton," Phone 54 HONEY s Pure Beekist Clover Honey, Pure Beekist Dark Amber Honey Pure Beekist Coinb.Honey • ALL STANDARD GRADE WATTS, CUDMORE 8s SCRII3BEN'S CLINTON 21 -of -1-p Farm For Sale 160 acre farm, situated 'in township of Goderich, with extra, good build- ings, close to 'the town of Clinton, red brick house with furnace, large bank•barn with water in stable, never failing spring , near been,young or- chard: The farm is a clay loam and level, all seeded down- but ten acL;es, and in, a good state of 'cultivation. Apply to .David T. Churchill, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 611-x.31, Clin- ton central. 26-tf Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Stock and Implements The undersigned auctioneer has re- ceived insert -idiom .' to sell by public auction at. Lot 28,, Con. 4, ,Stanley township, 5 miles south-west of Cline ton on Thursday, Oct. 15, commencing at 12:30 o'eloelc, sharp,, the following; Tloyses•—Droit mare, '8 years old; aged Mare. Cattle -12 cows, due in, Dec: and Jan.; 6 Polled Angus steers, 2 years old; 6 Polled Angell heifers, 2yoars old; 12 Polled Angus heifers and steers, 1 year old; 12 Polled An - gas spring calves. Iinpleaaents— Niassey-Harris binder, :7. foot :'cut, nearly new; Massey -Harris mower, 6 foot cut, nearly new; Masse -Harris cultivator .and seed box Combined Sharp rake, seed drill, set of harrows, 4 section, steel roller, 2 good farm emelt wagons, 3 inch tire, hay rack, 2 gravel boxes, circular saw, Bell cutting box, arched knives, 20 feet of carriers, Jolliett grinder,. 10 inch plate, walking plow, set of scales, 2,000 lbs. capacity, 2 furrow plow, fanning mill, sot of sleighs, flat rack, long sleigh, Stock • rack, stone boat, log boat, 4 rack'sills, 16. feet, 2 inch by 10 inch, 10. doubletrees, 3 pieces rock elm, 6x6 inches, 25 hemlock logs, 12 feet, suitable for "lrunber, 100 cords hard wood 12 inch, eold in blocks to suit 'purchaser', set of double harness, 3 setsof whiffletrees, 2 bar- rels, 2 logging chains, ;forks, chains,' neekyol£es and numerous other art - Wes. Every article advertised will positively be said without reserve, no outside -stock Terms --All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on fug'nichingapproved joint' notes or a discount of . per Cent. allowed for cosh .on credit amounts. Adair Stew- art, Proprietor. G, H. Elliott Auc- tioneer. 26.b Gardens Plowed The undersigned is prepared to plow gardens at reasonable rates.. Roger Pepper. Phone 139w 2544 " For Sale ' Radio .Sets and S?tpplies. Before buying a radio set hear the Bremer - Tolley. ; A three tube set `which has then all boat fee distance, volume, selectivity and price. Range, depend- ing on weather .conditions,, from 1,300 to 2,200 miles on loud' Speaker. I tuned in 45' stations on 27th of Aug- ust, all on loud : speaker except' two or three. Three of ties station"§ were in .California, Inc coming in on loud speaker. Everybody welcome any evening. II. A. Hovey, Clinton, phone 37. 25 -if Safety Resor Blades Sharpened (Satisfaction guaranteed or 'money refunded,; Single edge a"c. Double edge, 4e. J, E. Bovey, there -gist, age e, Clinton. 26,8 Silo Filling Ani prepared to 2117 a number of silos at roasonablo rates. Also have a qn entity of good.epy apples or. Sale. C R. /Tolland; R. R. No, 5, Phone 15 915 607: 28 4-p. Boar Ij'er Service Tamworth boar, select bacon type, l,Xernsan. Tyndall, 11. R. No.4, Phone 11 on 0`16. 21:4. Cli9t iUnHigh Crude Egg and Poultry -Howe Now 15 the time 7 to cult: your flocks. o1 laying hens for winter eggs. To promote this winter's egg. production we offer our , services ' x°ree to the' poultry owners. Kindly + �• y P bane o-li ce 21 4J ( fol 7 artcu • p laxs,, etre, We 'appreciate;our y lit;siness and our are anxious to:' give services ervices iii relearn Milk -fed spring chicks a end boiling fowl :retailed `at our plant. Eggs bought according to Goveirn- mnnt: regulations and highest trhest prices paid. Phone for our prices before marketing your eggs. N. Trewartha -. ?sones-_-Offiee,'•214j Residence, 214w The Wise Man Insures his property -against' loss by fire The Wiser Man Does, s net stop 'there but ' insure � ' s his Life also.. How much are you .worth to your family?, All Lines of Insurance Agent -for Huron County u Y fox The Sun Life Insurance Co. of Canada H. E. RORKE Office at .residence, Cor. Mary and Orange Streets; opp, the rink Phone 253 90-' . Free Tickets For Star Theatre One thousand half fare tickets are being given away: With every purchase, of one dollars worth of goods at Watson's seed s Grocer Y • Phone 111 Clinton Shrepshires For Bale Some big, strong shearling rams, also -ram and ewe •iambsr,and a few breeding- ewes. All registered. W. G. Ross, Londesboro. Phone 26-15, Blyth central. 23-47p Rouse and Lot for Sall Brick cottage, corner of. Dunlop and Fulton streets,, in good repair, elec- tric lights, town water, furnace. Good garden with small fruits and apple and plum strees. Miss Elizabeth Mc- Tavish, 15-tf Agent'fo1 LifenceInsurance 'to take over good territbi'y. Good Co.,on- tract for the right than. Apply Drawer 11, Clinton, Ont. 17 -ti ' Farm For Sale 100 acres, good clay loam, 13 acres hardwood bush, 18 acres fall wheat. 30 acres for spring crop, good young orchard, goad buildings, 9-roenied house, :bank barn 36x78, driving shed, hen house, etc., well watered, well fenced. Apply on premises, Lot 11, con. 3, Stanley, to Lawrence Forrest, Brucefield, P.O. 23-7-p For Sale Comfortable house, 8 rooms, lights, town water. Good stable and small fruit ,'orchard in connection. This prgeerty is in a good location and would Inake a comfortable home, Would also consider renting by year. Apply at News -Record.: 18-t1 Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and re- paired. 'Woolen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's barber shop, W. J. Jago. 83-11 `C iii 'rr 19S a `rid e'#i t DIDN'T ORDER NEAT FOLKS llf0''THC FROST WAS ON THE COR A SADDER AND A WISER MAN ;. Nr ROSS THE -MORROW MORN If you •want to try the one surest way to start, the day wrong, just shiver down to , lirealcfast the first snappy cold morning and face the wife with the astounding admission that you have neglected to lay in your Winter's supply of, "Heat Folks. Shell doubtless make it hot for you, but in a way that won't arouse any. wenn feelings in the heart of either. Yet, its coming to you, old man. You knew yon'd need coal. Yeti meant to order. But you put it off. If yon get caught this way, instead` of going in to breakfast, you'd better sneak: out the`,back door, and j Call the( 'tr13;; for good, dean coal COMPANY 1. CLINTON COAL PHONE 7 TIIITR,SDA OCTO1;ERee 125 The Mi ler announces n.<es a change in its 'I3USINESS'POLICY rt, eau a wa's been 5 the policy of this- rte 7e to give its customers stomersthe benefit—of the lowest(�sioprices ftndarl.nerchandise;consiste t with a -fair and reasonable profit, but: NOW, Weare going i iu� g sLi lt titer Beginning Sept. p .1st we will adopt they prelacy ,chandise' om a cash' basis, new cy s selling cads table lla s, and under this new policy we ° will be a to give our customers still GREATER VALVES, +est prices given, anyvrhere except inUBS, st fact the store, p the eery: .largest of City stores, where business is done on the same basis. There i� •s nm store doing business today, , iamder t y the e cr i that can sell goodsas CHEAPLY ed+ t system, because a merchant doing as those who .sell for cash: only, - g business that s lessee mark long mer.` chandzsin at a„ lessee sufficient to offset the lessee duet T. standing and. in same instance's uncorrectable, accounts. o "Dag out-' • ts. • CONSEQUENTLY, in eliminatingthe busines "WE sad in, the future a are going to be able to serve doing lower rices, an in the est ro at much p with a fair profit to the stove„and a real saving ti you. who telco advantage of them. ` a r:•ardomee TELEPHONE 53 Old Stand 53 CHI-NAMEL STORE COAtOAL D • Having erected new coal sheds ;will have on hand full stock of coal for imableni.edlate delivery, Prices reason - R. J. ~MILLER Orders taken at residence, .phone 119 Gold Medal Twine either eight orfive 'lb balls. `Special price for cash to July 1st. FEEDS Have complete stock of Bran, Shorts, Screenings, Cracked Corn, Fine and Coarse Chick Feed, let us know requirements as feed will be quite scarce before new crop. ROOFING Agents for Toronto. Asphalt p1tst Roofing ng this is the best by test. We guarantee every job, carry complete stock and several colors See ours before buying. J. A. IORD & SON Phone 123 • Flour and Feed Merchants and Grain l3,uyers We have a 'supply of Furnace, Stove; Nut and Soft. Also some good -dry slabs, Leave -orders at residence. E. WARD Phone 155, Huron Street., SINGES SER1NG MAC ZINE Having taken over the agency of the Singer Sewing Machine 1 am pre- pared to supply the wants of anyone requiring machines, parts, needles, etc. Machines sold on easy terms, cid machines taken as cash. W. GLEN COOK Phone 1713 P.O. fax 201, Clinton 09 CREAM WANTED The demand for our butter is in- creasing. To supply this demand we require mo3a cream._ We request you to ship us your cream. We, guarantee you the Highestr Market Prices, accurate tests and prompt service. Our Ennis known to you and needs no further recommend. We pay all express charges, furn- ish eream cans and pay twice each month., Write for cans or furher informit- tion to the THE SEAFORTU CREAMERY GO. C. A. BARBER, MANAGER • end the pain quickly, safely In one minute yyon can end the pain of corns with Dr: Scholl's Zino -pads. They end the misery of corns by eliminating the cause, frictimlpressure. No danger of infection from cutting or cwrrosieo acids. Zino•pads are trifle; antiseptic, water* proof. They protect while they heal.' Sizes for corns, callouses and bunions.•. Call today and 'get a box of this nem magic corn' treatment. ) &hoJJ Zino:pads° Put one on -the para is goner 'Masa carry a c m,stat, Una eV?. S`chairs Foot Cpmfora Appllancce grad k aaoad'�os Footwearrand Foot Comfort F E ACKSON The Big Shoe Store Opposite the Town Hall gg C. H. VENNER, Eiectrician, Electne Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and outer . Appliances Wiring and repairs. Phone 15Tty .sem Poultry and Stock Supplies p 6'V Bulbs for Fall ng Plants and Ferns of' all Kinds '""Greenhouse Open Evening;