HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-10-08, Page 5mageamovartatonuelw
est ®f Prize Waffariers
(Continuedfrom Page 7)
Bushel. •Small White Peas • - C.
Truemner, M. Rader, '
Bushel Barley -(E. and R. Snowden,
M. Rader,
Bushel White Oats --R. Turner, C.
Truemner. „
Ralf Bushel Timothy _ Seed R.-
Turner, A. Johnston & Son.
Half Bushel Red Clover Seed-
Thos. Johnston, C. Truemner.
6 Ears Yellow Corn -E. and R.
Snowden, G. Lindsay.
6 Ears Dent Corn -E. and R. Snow-
den, Thos. Snowden.
6 Ears Sweet Corn -A. Johnston &
Son,. Mrs. P. Clark.
6 Ears Any. Other Variety. -Thos.
Brownett, Thos. Snowden,
IBushol Field Beans -M, Rader, C.
Collection of Grains in Head --G.
Judge -L. W. Williams, Zurich..
3 Field Turnips -E. and R. Snow-
den, C. Truemner.
3 Sugar Beets -J. R. Stirling, Thos.
Snowden. p'
3 Winter Radish -Thos, .Snowden,'
6 Salsify -E, and R. Snowden, W.
F. Metcalf.
2 Heads :Cabbage -R. McMurray, F,
2 Heads Cauliflower -F. Barker,
Mrs. P. Clark,
3 Heads White Celery -Garnet Jac-
2 Muskmelons -J. A. Murray, Mrs.
(Rev.) McLeod.
2 Watermelons -,Robert Penhale,
Thos. Snowden.
2 Citrons -J. R. Murray, E. and R.
Best Pumpkin for table use -Mrs.
P. Clark, Thos. Snowden.
Best Squash for table use - A.
Johnston & Son, Mrs. P. Clark.
Largest pumpkin for feed -J. A.
Murray, C. Truemner.
Largest 'Squash for feed - C.
3 Peek Large English Potato On-
ions -Mrs. P. Clark, Mrs. W. H.
12 Large White Onions -F. Barker.
12 Large Red Onions -F. Barker,
R. Turner.
12 Large 'Yellow Onions -F. Bark-
er, R. Turner.
12 Large Red Tomatoes -W. F.
Metcalf, Mrs. W. H. Tremblay.
12 Large Yellow _Tomatoes -Mrs.
W. H. Tremblay, F. Barker.
Plate Peach Tomatoes -Mrs. Bran-
Largest Head of Sunflower -J. R.
Stirling, Mrs. W. H. Tremblay.
Colection of Garden Herbs --W. F.
Metcalf, Mrs. W. H. Tremblay.
Plate of Peppers -Mrs. N. W.
Woods, W. F. Metcalf.
Plate of Cucumbers -Thos .Snow-
den, Mrs. W. H. Tremblay.
Vegetable Marrow -Mrs, W. H.
Tremblay, J, R. Stirling.
Green Hubbard Squash -A. John-
stn & Son, F, Barker.
Yellow Hubbard Squash -M. Rad-
er, A. E. Erwin.
Judge -W. S. Johnston, Zurich.
Six Bunches Grapes, one variety
Mrs. (Rev.) McLeod, Geo. Laithwaite.
Collection of grapes -Mrs. (Rev.)
Plate 12 Peaches -F. Barker.
Plate Plums -F. Barker; C. Truem-
Plate Prunes -Thos. Brownett, F.
Plate Yellow. Crabs -Thos. Brown-
PIate Red, Crabs -Harold Penhale,
J. Richardson.
Collection -. of Pears, five of each
variety -J.' R. Stirling, Geo. Laith-
Plate Fall Pears -J. R. Stirling, E.
and R. Stirling.
Plate Winter Pears -H, Penhale, J.
R. Stirling.
Collection of Apples, four fall and
six of winter, find of each variety -
Gee, Laithwaite, J. R. Stirling.
Winter Apples, four varieties, five
of each -'Geo. Laithwaite, J. R. Stir-
Fall Apples, four varieties, five of.
each variety -Geo. Laithwaite, 3. R.
Plate of Baldwins -Geo, Leith
'waite, J. R. Stirling.
Plate of Mann Apples -E. and R.
Snowden, R. Turner.
Plate of Spitzenburg--'. Keegan,
.J: R. Stirling.
Plate of Northern Spies -J. R.
Stirling, Geo. Lindsay.
Plate King of Tompkins -R. Turner
Geo. Lindsay.
Plate of Greenings-J. Richardson,
J. R. Stirling.
Plate of. Ribston Pippins -F. Kee-
gan, J. R. Stirling.
Plate 20 Ounce Pippins -J. R. Stir-
ling, G. Lithwaite.
Plate of Wagners-3. R. Stirling,
F. Keegan.
Plate of Golden Russets -3. R.
Stirling, Thos. Brownett.
Plate of Blenheim Pippins -J. R.
Stirling, R. Turner.
Plate of Snows -F. Keegan, J. R.
Stirling.' •
Plate of Ontario -J. R. Stirling, J.
Plate of Wolfe River -G. Laith-
waite, J. R. Stirling.
Judge --3. Porter, Goderich, W. H.
Lebo, Clinton.
1 Peck. Early Cobbles -M. Rader,
R. Turner.
1 Peck Early Potatoes to be named
-M. Rader, F. Barker.
1 Peck Green 'Mountain -M. Rader,
R. Turner.
1 Peek Late Potatoes, to be named
-M. Rader, E. and R. Snowden.
3 Mangolds, long red -Thos. Snow- Woods, W. F. Metcalf.
den, C .Truemner. Roman Cut Work -W. F. Metcalf,
3 Mangolds, yellow globe -M. Rad-
er, Thos. _ Snowden.
3 Intermediate Mangolds-M. Rad -
e, Ed. Foster.
6 Field Carrots -Root. Penhale, M.
6 Table Carrots -J. A. Murray, M.
6 Table Beets -Mrs, P, Clark; F.
Ladies' Knitted Sweater, wool -H.
A. Fuss, Mrs, Ross.
Ladies' Crochet •Sweater,
Mrs. Howrie, Howrie, H. A. Fuss.
Knitted Cal and Scarf -H. A. Puss,
Mrs. Howrie..
Crochet Cap and Scarf --,-Mrs. How -
xis, H. A. Fuss.
Pair Men's ,'knitted Sox, coarsa-
Mrs. Ross, Mrs. John Toms.
Pair Men's Knitted Sox, fine -Mrs.
Ross, Mrs. Howrie.
Pair Men's Woollen Mitts -Mrs.
Ross, Mrs.'Howrie.'
Pair Ladies' Knitted Mitts -W. F.
Metcalf, Mrs. Houston.
Pair Ladies' Bedroom Slippers -
Mrs. Ross, W. F. Metcalf.
Baby's Knitted Jacket and bonnet,
wool -Mrs. Brandon.
Baby's Crochet Jacket and Bonnet,
wool -Mrs. S. Houston, Mrs. Ross,
Baby's Crochet Booters, wool -Mrs.
Ross, Mrs. T. Houston.
Baby's Knitted Bootees, wool--.
Mrs. Ross, Mrs. S. Houston.
Embroidered Collar and Cuff set,
washable -Mrs: S. Houston, H. A.
Tuxedo Collar and Cuff set, wash-
able -Mrs. N. W. Woods, Mrs. N. W.
Pair Day Slips-MVIrs. (Dr.) Mac-
Kinnon, Floy Edwards.
Irish Crochet Lace --Mrs. Ross, G.
darobi. •
Fillet Crochet Lace -J. Cameron,
R. Scotchmer.
Fancy Apron -J, H. Reid, Mrs.
Plain Kitchen Apron -G. Jacobi,
Ada Galbraith.
Eyelet Embroidery -Mrs. N: W.
Lunch or Tea Cloth, embroidered. -
Mrs. Ross, J. II.' Reid.
Lunch or Tea Cloth, crochet -Mrs.
N. W. W nods, R. Scotchiner:
Lunch or Tea Cloth, Lace - Mrs.'
Ross, Mrs. N. W. Woods.
Washable Tea Cosey-Mrs. N. W.
Woods, Mrs. John Toms:;'
Embroidered Sofa Cushion -W. F.
Metcalf, Mrs. S. Houston.
Crochet Trimmed Sofa Cushion -
Mrs. John Toms, 3. Cameron.
Four Modern Mand -made Handker-
chiefs -Mrs. N. W. Woods, Ada Gal`
Tatting -Mrs. Rose, Mrs. , (Dr.)
MacKinnon. '•
Pair Curtains, hand -made -Mrs.
Houston, Mrs. Ross.
Table Runner -G, Jacobi, R. Scotch;
Fillet Crochet Yoke -G. Jacobi,
Mrs. N. W. Woods,
Pin Cushion, washable -Mrs. Ross,
Mrs. 'John Toms.
,. Embroidered Centrepiece white -•W.
F. Metcalf, Mrs. Ross.
Centrepiece, " colored - G. Jacobi,
Mrs. Ross.
Set hand -made Bed Linen -G. Ja-
cobi, Mrs. N. W. Woods.
Three Embroidered Towels -Mrs.
N. W. Woods, J. H. Reid.
Three Crochet Trimmed Towels --
Mrs. N. W. Woods, Mrs. Howrie.
Bath Towel -Pars. N. W. Woods,
Ada Galbraith.
Ladies' Underwear, strictly hand.
made -Mrs. N. W. Woods, Mrs. Hoy,-
Men's Cotton Shirt, strictly hand-
made -Mrs. Ross, Mrs. S. Houston.
Applique Bed Spread - Mrs. S.
Houston, Mrs. McKinnon,
Bedspread, crochet inset - Mrs.
John Toms, Mrs. S. Houston.
Child's Dress, made from old gar-
ment -Mrs. •S. Houston, Mrs. Ross.
Woman's Dress, made from old gar-
ment -Dias. Ross, Mrs. N. W. Woods, Skein, Twisted Yarn -M. Rader.
Embroidered Dresser Scarf -Mrs, Skein Woolen Yarn, ten knots or
Ross, Mrs. A. Brandon.
Sampler, showing specimen o'f'
straight bias and three cornered darn-
ing -Chas. Penfound, Mrs. Ross.
Sampler, • showing patch hemmed -
Mrs. Ross, J, R. Stirling.
Darning on Worn Sox -Mrs. N. W.
Woods, W. F. Metcalf.
Patched Quilt, Cotton -Mrs. A.
Brandon, Mrs. S. Houston.
Patched Quilt, cloth -Mrs. Bran-
don, Mrs. Ross,
Braided Mat -Mrs. Ross, Floy Ed-
Hooked Mat -Mrs. S. Houston, M.
Fancy hand -made Hand Bag -W. F.
Metcalf, Mrs. Ross.
White Skirt or Shirt Waist -Mrs.
N. W. Woods, Mrs, MacKinnon.
Biome Dyeing -Mrs. Ross, Mr's. W.
H. Tremblay.
Plain Sewing -G. Jacobi, Mrs. Ross
Modern Beading -A. Johnston &
Son, W. F. Metcalf.
Laundry Bag -H. A. Fuss, W. F.
Collection of Neddlework-H. A.
Fuss, Mrs. Howrie.
Camisole -E. Talbot, Mrs. Ross.
Library Set -Mrs. Howie, W. F.
Lunch Set -W. F. Metcalf, Mrs.
Servettes-Mrs. Howrie, Mrs.
Buffet Set -A. Galbraith, Ross.
Table Mat -Mrs. Ross, H. A. Fuss.
gonias -Mrs, McLeod, Mrs. N: W.
Collection 6.f Asters -Mrs: N. W. •
Woods, Floy Edwards.
Collection " of Petunias -IP. Bao ken,
W. F. Metcalf.
'Collection- of House Plants -Mrs.
McLeod, Mrs, P. Clark.
Collection of Colens-F. Barker, W.
F. Metcalf
Collection. of Gloxiana-F. Barker,
F. Barker.
Four Varieties of Annuals -Mrs.
McLeod, IL • Penhale.
Colored Gladioli -,F;; (Barker; Mrs.
N. W. Woods.
Collection of Gladioli-Mrs,1VIcLead
Display of Coarnos-Mrs, N. W.
Woods, Mrs, McLeod. •
Collection of . Zinnias -.W. F. Met-
calf, Mrs. N. W. Woods.
Collection of Verbenas -F. Barker,,
Mrs, W. II. Tremblay.
Judge -W. Hardy, 'Seaforth.
Landscape, original, oil -W. F.
Metcalf, A. Johnston & Son.
'Still Life,' original,, oil -Mrs. How-
rie, H. A. Fuss.
Landscape, original, water color -
W. F. Metcalf, Mrs. Howrie.
Fruit, original, water color -W.. F.
Metcalf, J. R. Stirling.
Flowers, original, :water dolor; -'--Mrs.
Howrie, Mrs. Ross. •
Pen and Ink Drawing -Mrs. How-
rie, H. A. Fuss.
Drawing, Crayon or Lead Point -
Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Howrie.
Water Color Painting, on silk or
satin -W. F. Metcalf, Mrs. Howrie.
Hand -painted China, 2 pieces -Mrs.
N, W. Woods, Mrs. W. F. Metcalf.
Stenciling on Fabric -H. A. Fuss,
Mrs. Ross.
Judge -S. Govenlock, Seaforth.
Single Harness -John Tippet.
Set Double Harness-lJohn Tippet.'
Mrs.: N. W. Woods.
Hardanger Embroidery --' W. F.
Metcalf, Mrs. S. Houston.
Etching or Outline Stitch -Mrs. S.
Houston, Mrs. Ross.
Modern Cross Stitch -A. Johnston
& Son,' Mr's. Ross.
Braiding -Mrs. S. Houston, Mrs..
Drawn Work --Mrs. Howrie, G.
6 Parsnips -F. Barker, Geo. Lind -Jacobi.
'Best Quart Jar Soft .Soap -Thos.
Brownett, E. and R. Snowden.
Best 2 Bars Hard Soap -Mrs. N.
W, WoodHusk s sRk. Faner,Door
Corn Mat -M. Rader,
Thos. Brownett.
Home-made Article of Furniture -
Mrs. Ross, H. A. Fuss.
Collection of Weeds, mounted and
named -Marie Grainger, Merton Mer-•
Best Drawing, Perspective -Doug-
las Geminhardt.
'Best Drawing,. still life -Douglas
Best hand -sewed Garment ,Apron -
Marie Grainger.
Best Bird House -D. Geminhardt,
Mrs. W. II. Tremblay.
Judge -J. Connelly, Goderich.
1st, John Decker, Zurich, "Peter'
Useful"; 2nd, John Hey, Zurich,
"Tony Barr"; 3rd, M. McDougall,
Porters Hill, "Helen Mack... 3 heats.
Best 3 heavy horses from any
township -Ralph Stephenson.
Best Matched Team -Win. Decker.
Judges -W. J. Dickson, Jas. Arch-
ibald, Seaforth.
Crochet Set -J. Cameron,
Slumber Rug -H. A. Puss, J. E.
Men's Sleeping Garment -G. Jacobi,
Mrs. Ross.
Buttonholes --Mrs. S. Houston, Mrs.
Boudoir Cap -4G. Jacobi, Mrs, A. E.
Erwin. •
Judges -Grace Stephens; Seaforth,
Mrs. L. Williams, Zurich.
Bouquet, large -Mrs. (Rev.) Mc-
Leod, Mrs. N. W. Woods.
Bouquet, small -Mrs. N. W. Woods,
Mrs. McLeod.
'Geraniums -Mrs. McLeod, 8'. Kee-
Collection of Dahlias -Mrs, McLeod
Collection of Fuschias-Mrs; (Rev.)
McLeod, F. Keegan. •
Collection of Pansies -Mrs. N. W.
Woods, Mrs. Howrie.
Colection of Tuberous Begonias-
Mis. N. W. Woods, 'Mrs. McLeod.
,Collection of Fibrous Rooked Be-
gonias -F. Barker, Mrs. McLeod.
Collection of Ferns and Foliage Be
What promises to be one of the
best and most interesting of wild life
study series commenees in the Otto.
bar issue of Rod and Gun, just pub-
lished. The series is written by the
well-known n t u r alis t, Raymond
Thompson, and the first article is a
lengthy and very interesting account
of the beaver. Judging by the mater-
ial contained in this article, the rest
of the series should prove valuable
and interesting reading ratter for the
lover of wild life.
Appropriate to the season a num-
ber of hunting stories are included in
this fall number. The regular articles
and departments coverings birds,
dogs, outdoor life, shooting and fish-
ing seem even better filled than uausl.
This is especially true of Fishing
Notes, which contains in addition to
the articles of Robert Page Lincoln,
stories by G. P. Sladen of Toronto,
goes to make a splendid section for
the angler. The open seasons for
game birds' in Ontario are included in
the issue. Rod and Gun is published
monthly by W. 3. Taylor, Limited,