HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-10-08, Page 341 ALT U -RY' DR. Provincial: Hoard of Health, Ontario. Dr. Middleton will be 'glad to answer questions on Public Healthmate tem :through thio column. .A.ddreei him at;Spadina House, Spadini!, Crescent, Toronto. —their legs become so tough. A1 , S it • 1s Pork i rather, indigestible andyou rn ust eat mustard with it. Mustard aiddi s ashen of g pork' and all other rneats:byimprov- ing the flavor and stimulating the flow of gastric juices, Freshly mixed mustard is essential at every meal A 896 Mow to keep fit in winter is a tinge- ature from day to night is liable 0 ly topic. In this Canadian climate .result in colds or, chills, and sliou'd there is a. tendency—'in fact it is a'. ba avoided.-Rernomber to' -,try and nec`essit' ' to dive. too much indoors tree the r'om y 0 On OLGll yell V@nil - in >%'a superheated atmosphez'e during ateIII and there v'i;l be nogreat neer the cold eveather. - We can't do any city for: _lectin the •temerature of' thing else, but we can try to observe the .room ld o at "lit ht• away bele v some health• facts that may help in. that of the drop' It is movie,,, keepin ', us itt. don't think I ever fresh alt• even i' . n r 1 P. g 1 f of tail, Lyrat 11e,p. read a more reasonable- program for to keep -u t 9.t. The best.: temperature, keepittg'iit-in winter: than that offered for those,who are working, is 63 de by an Illinois doctor G. B. Lake, of Ffor those who' are sitting quietly, 1 1 Yr Highland Park. a trifle tiigher, The fourth Wintercondition cannot be etch fitness rest's. on ftvc` funda- mental principle's: without' :thought and regulation. Clothing; should be -adequate to con - (1) Ceneral physical well-being.!sery Ade2 ,Accustoming the kin t cold. 3 a the densbod.heat, 8 pterspiration”; not heavy uate til e o pe :enough to' cause ,chyle xs perspiration; Adequate ventilation and a `,proper loose enough to permit free movement temperature.' (4) Proper clothing, (5)' Avoidance of infection. The first of these, 'general physical well-being, is attained by regular 'and systematic exercise, moderate and considered eating,ad ua a and re uta' 1 e t r see q s ard. g p, free: slitn{nation by, bowels, kidnetps •lungs,' -,end` satin, plenty of congentas "ds elf Qli S'ift0➢l work, enough rest and 'acre tion to 'relieve the' tension; and abstinence from worry. " • - ,, Y a`ng'r' e 10041,8'Tsai yel'Yu110 Should 'Fake Se '''ly; 7l Pain is ono• of Nate g R�arnings _< if something ;is wrong,; ,with the ;brody. 1ndlgeetion, for -;instance, 1"s cllaractesioed,,by rains in the stomach, ad often about„fife heart; rhenma- tism by'tsharp porins In ithe..11mbs anc1 1 joi its; headaches r a "sign 1,hat the nerves en' stomach tire;,out of order In some ailments; such 'as anaemia, pain_ is not io pt'a{nlne•pt Iiethiseas I�atr Nature's' J D t k e'£o'm i ...*tai t o ,: pallor, to U'el h 1 r 1 e s ' er` sIi b x ss t to g e1 On - a.l ata inti. i of-. ,P �e; heart 1 ) and oss Of appetite, st,°lhato Yel' (01'111 ,then a warnings take, e1 fie' _people will not ignore the fact'; that many diseases h'ave'thheil digin' in.poor-blood, and til n ;when the blood 'is ear lched the trouble--disapieeee. ` Dr.': Williams Pink Pills are moot helpful in such case; beeauSe.they.Purify and build up. the blood to rte normal strength. In this way it tones. up the nerves, re= stores the appetite and gives perfect health: Miss Hazel Berndt, ,of , Arn prior, Ont., Ilea proved the great value of .this 1 ni edicin o • and I am a Y young 'girl and have been working in a factory for the past four years. For two yoare I had been in' such -poor, health that at times I could not work. I was thin and, pale, anti troubled with headaches and fainting. spells. .I dos- toed nearly all this time,- but,it did not help me. My mother advised, Me to take. Dr. Williams' Pink Mlle, and after using then for a while I ovum notice an inlprovenmet in my condi- tion.. ondi tion, I used nine boxes -and can truth- fully say that my health as restored, When I b a n ak t .in eg .the pills 1s I p weighed 97. ponnojs and how .1 weigh 114, I feel thee. I' owe -my good health to Dr. Williams', Pink Pills and hope other ailing people will give them a Novelists' Fortunes.' A cynic once said that: every multi his secret heart 'believes that he can write a novel, edit a newspaper, or govern the country. It is also on the records that an unsuccessful scribe declared that he couldr write plays like Sake Bare' i h s s if he P "had the mind to," and it�muslt,have been the same cynic . who ;replied, "No doubt, if you had the mind." . The reply to the queistion, "Does writing pay? can only, ,be: "It de- pend�• on the writer." If he can` hit the public taste he canmake a fortune much larger that} the $308,625 left by Sir . Rider Haggard. .rind the public taste is an; exceedingly curious gY r , quality. Oharles Garyice left ':p355,000,'but it lane always been an ;'open question whether kis books could be 'called literature in the true sense; of the word. Joseph Cdnrad, who came ;in a widely different.- category, only : left ,$100,000, and Mrs. • Humphry Ward $56,506. Mrs. Ward's earning, how-. ever, were greatly '!n excess of the figure indicated by her estate. One of hor novels. alone, "Hielbeck of Bennis. 'dale," brought. her '$10,000. Even that is by no lneens a remark- able figure for a single boolr, Ros- Mini received $1,250,000 for "Ce -rano de Bergerac",and Daudet $200,000 for "Sapho," On the other hand, George Elliott only made $40,000 out of "11Iid- diemareh' and Beaconsfield received $60,000 each for "Rnymlon" and "Lotha1 ." Charles Dickens, after he had made his name,, was in receipt. of an income of $$0,000 a year from lite books, and; Inc Ieft$400;400 on his dearth. _Tho2iias�• Hardy, .still happily with us, hos been estimated to have made $1,250,000.out'I of his beaks. 'Victor Rage left 51,000,- 000. . On the other hand, •George Mere- dith Only left' $160,000, Edna .Lyall $125,000, .and. Marie, Carelli, whose books enjoyed extraordinary popu- larity, left $120,000. Mr. Wirston. Churchill once admit- ted :that hie war book brought him $75,000, but he hardly„Comes into the category,. - Ci Minard's Liniment used by Physiclgns. It is estimated that 10',000,000 peo- ple in; the British Isles listen -in' to the programs provided by.the B.B.C. Belgium had 100,000 houses de- atroyed during the Great War; when the preseait 'reconstruction scheme is completed, however, there will be,1,000 more 'houses than in 1914. SH/P US YOUI I -POULTRY,GAME,EGGS,. BUTTER AN° FEATHERS 'WB 13u ALLYfAR j'OUND- P'rt t PH( odayfo>+pricas=tvr +raraniea them for a week ahead P. POULINi&Coo. LIMITED 36-39 Donsecour•s Market'- Montreal Vt, STORM WINDOWS o R t j RAY FOR THE/YISiLVES v.i % Slap Fuel tV te, ,h e Comfort With Ste i W d iV'LO Freighe.P d pares,d I i dh„ h:deliti y guaranteed. F e, price: lIse end .e Y ea ming. churl. NALLItiAY ,,, o5r HAMILTQa Why get along without a ftitchen oink any .longer? Here iv a new SMP Enameled Ware Sink, the very latest. Made of. rust -resisting Armco Iron, with three coats of pbreet white enamel nn ne as on bath tuba: Size x 10 x 6' deep with Its hock, 'complete with `°trainer; brap2Eots, all fittinso and directions for setting up. l?ricee, complete, $12.00. The SMP E--natneled Drain Board nhown,above 'is made to fit the SNIP Enatneled Ware Sink or, all standard oinks. Size 20' 24'. Han the'tante material ands enamel.. as SMP Smks and complete with brackets and fitting for netting up.; A great labor sayer. Price, complete, $6.00 For sale by plumbers nrd hardware toren throughout the coma rr or throughout Y, write .. 't.'Sl1E1 i MAL �P1Ot311Ci5 CO. t mice '"ONTI`EAL: TOR a Te WINNIPEG .tak:ONTOe, VANCOI.Vo'n CALGARY 2 t�••a".VlT�•a r0 of all parts of the body; porous enough' to permit air to reach the skin ;:'•and adapted to. the temperature and wea- ther conditions. 'A bigorder.you may Y. say, but well worth considering. When `it is very cold, put on Moro clothes outside, which can be removed on entering the,houee. There is 'no necessity except in the case of people who ere almost continuously out sof doors, to wear fleece -lined' or heavy The second is brought about by ex- underwear, because the temperature posing the' skin daily, to''cold '.,wieter of the average Ca adian home in win - cold air, or both. Begin with a tepid ter is that of 'a summer's day out- or warm' water for one minute and doors, • and under- these conditions, fgradually reduce the temperature .people who live indoors a• good part ront day; to day' until the moat, in- of the time -need onlylightweight vigorating results are obtained—then clothing. -Women aro uch'iinore`sn stop. If cold water is a shock to the sible than -men In this matter of cloth - in worn indoors' rnw'te.” gwen r When it rain p s or snows put on a raincoat and rubbers. The very young, the old, and those who perspire Very ,freely should wear 'underwear containing from 15 to '75 per .cent. wool. To meet the fifth requirement, keep as far away as possible from those who cough, spit and sneeze; avoid crowds, especially indoors,; avoid the chilling of parts of the body which leads to local congestions andopets, the door to bacterial invasion; breathe through the nose day and night, and if this is impossible, see your doctor and have your nasal deformities cor.- meted;; wash out the nose and throat thoroughly after your, day's work, with a solution of.half 'a teaspoonful of common salt in'a glass of warm water; wash the hands frequenty, the face two or `three times a day and the hair often.. If you will follow the above suggestions faithfully and con, sistently every day, you will have no need for a ?'spring tonic." . eystem, better have the water heated to some extent Man': people aimgl cannot stand cold waterontheir boy - dies, especially in winter, time. It. Is too -much of a shock to: the system, In those cases it is better to .leave cold water alone as'far as a shower -or bathing` is concerned.' Two minutes is. about the length of time, a shower should last, and it should be taken on rising in the moxnings, following. about fifteen minutes of vigorousex- ercise in.. a room having an open. win- dow and with the body naked or in night clothes only. Follow the 'bath with, a brisk rub with a rough• towel. For the third ^requirement, there should be sufficient ventilation to' sup- ply every occupant of 'a room with three thousand -cubic feet of fresh air per hour day and night. .. -It is a com- mon but „poor practice for' people to live alk the day in an'overheated and stuffy office or house with all the win- dows closed, and then at night take precautions to sleep with the windows open. This quick change in temper • The Wonder of It. Who of v5 has not rejoiced in the unspeakable gladness that has'conee Into Trip life from books and works of art, the creation of which is as far be- yond his powers as the coloring of a sunset Cloud. And yet this is tiles glory of it; that we Can so largely appreciate and delight in what the great have done, can even summon into our ;pres'- ense-those master spirits of the cen- turies whose `thoughts= stili 11y.e,fer; us upon the printed ,stage,: hold intimate converse With them to our heart's`con- tent, they neVer Wearying of Us, never' frowning at our stupidity, willing , to let us question the meaning of their words over and over again until we Understand. In'bls little book, "Twelve Tests of Character," Dr, Harry E. Fosdick has strikingly em'piiasized; this. He says: "We forget. that, while we may not be able to create those forms of beauty which will last forever, we have an- other ability almost ea wonderful; we can love them when they are created; we can rejoice in then and grow rich because of thele. So browning makes ;ti's Creon Bay: "I have not chanted verse like homer, NO DETER MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Is What Thousands of Mothers Say of Baby's Own Tablets-. A, medicine for the baby, or'groivtng eland—ane - that the mother can feel 'assured is absolutely =safe' as well air effleien•t—is found in .Baby's Own:Tab- , lets. The Tablets are .praised by thousands of mothers throughout the 'country. These mothers. have: Sound by actual experience that there. is no other medicine for little ones to equal. them, Once a,mother has used them for her children she will use nothing , else. Concerning them Mrs, Charles ; Butt, Tancook Island, N,S., writes: "I have ten •chlldren,.the baby, being i just six months old, I Have used Baby's Own. Tablets for them; for the I past 20 years and can . truthfully say_ that I ]snow of no better medicine for 14ttle ones. I always "keep''a box of the Tablets in 'rho"house and would a advise all other mothers to do so." M Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all medibine dealers or will be mailed ,up•. on receipt of price, '25. cents per boa; by The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co,, Drpckviile, ,-Ont, A little booklet,• "Cara ,of the Baby in Health and Sick - nese;" will be seat free to any mother 00— Nor swept string like Terpandor, no— _:nor carved And painted men like Phidias- and. his friend; ' I am not great as they. are, point by point. But I have entered into sympathy With these four, .running these Into one sour Who, separate, ignored each other's art,. Say, is it notating that I know them all?" Hoped 1-1e Could Keep It Up. "Pie's triad°` e. splendid start with his,flyiug-rnachne." ' "Tine—leope ho can keep it lip." Mlnard's Liniment for Distemper.•' Educated iars., Who, in traversing ar eon eraed .bay Oft rt4'ydr tluri77� ;a neavy fop has not. ntajm$od at lip skillpf the mean in She pildliw'iinse 2tiozo linea• are. loo od, and 't1'i$ hatx dtno gs Troia' hor slip. ? It ( yny, this threading the way, som'btIfr(50'' at high speed < tltrough't.li e impeaietralile mist. 1.'t)ssongers on deck cannot see their -hinds before. them; As' for the captain,'thsr'e is, `first the coinpalss. 1n clear`vt-eatlier' ho studied and noted the compass Course. -There': is also ilia captain''s:watch,:for. he` knows he" speed of his boat and e lin ''brig it tidies to cover- a given di^ - f tante ":Along'" vit.h '" v tom hiss and watch, 1 the man in the in:o5 house mtzsl. have stirs=good ears, Thero are tUo warn - I Ing,-ivlristles oZ other' .malt. and: the limns of the ,buoys and on the wharves along r 'the 'wa no front, oat, each bell .with its own peculiar tone and stroke. One-thi'ee-one, tolls a 'hell, and on" hearing the 1-3-1 the captain knows that he is opposite a certain wharf. . Then there is the echo; 15 was the ability to read echoes that saved the captain of a North River ferry Boat from eerie -fie mishap. Echo-reading'Is something that one man can neither Orplain nor impart mart to ariother� Yet P one can become .very clever at -it; as the Writer *learned while crossing the river in a fog, r There, was a, medley of whistles and belles on the water; it seemed a chaos of sound to the inex- perienced guest in -the pilot house -Three minutes out of the slip,' the captain put his weathered face out over the top of the lowered window, at thesame time sounding the whistle. His face was tense. Suddenly, a Took of perplexity on his face, he rang for slowed engines: ` Almost immediately heslall n ed for'' g eve ed engines. rk nes. .His g trained ear had detected something that caused uneasiness. The' whistle shrieked out a warning 'blast. 1lad their been a ,boat out there, the other captain' should' have answered.: There was no answering slgdal.>'The layman concluded that nothing was amiss. '."There's -.something dead ahead o' me," declared the pilot with °envie- tion. ;!Thelce'le no answer—but I know •I'm right. I get an' echo from some- thing" With that the: captain rang for all speed astern, and the boat, windows all a;tz'einble, came to a stop and then. began to back away.. • "There! Look!" The fog had lifted a little. On deck came 'cries from frightened' passen- gers. Just 'ahead, not ten feet from the bow, towered a huge steel- SCOW - boat. It was one of a long tow of_ - .empty barges, and It had broken. loose. The lumbering craft drifted across the ferry boat's bow and off into the fog. When the mist had lifted and the captain was 'no longer under a strain the landsman remarked that he had heard no , echo resounding back from the scow. The pilot -chuckled. ' "Bet it was plkin enough. God gave us ears, but we don't' alawys train them, It's a matter of 'an. educated bearing, Sometimes: my boys- get tired of school♦ Then I admonish them that trained mind and facilities make the difference between getting ahead in the worl1d and just•,dragging through." You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box'from Tite Dr. Widliama' Medi - eine Co., Brockville, Ont.. The Man Who Pays—An - : Appreciation. The will to pay ish ereditary, just as much as red hair or buck teeth. It is a common fallacy that a man pays h£siilebtsobecause he bas money. This is not necessarily true. On the contrary, the matter of paying has only a'reniote relation to money. ' On the one hard le your friend with abundance of money, -who cannot be cajoled, threatened, beaten'oregesaed into, paying the moat ordinary debt: On• the other nand, the poor fellow without a visible dollar—you know him—who is Johnny on the Invoice. Money has little to do witirelther ease.'. It is the breed of the man. The man who pays 1s the man 'whp thinks in advaece. FIe never flashes a roll; he does- not drive a car and, carry a mortgage at the same time; he does not hang up the butcher, or the grocer, for food' that he can not afford to eat; he never lights: the fire without 'wondering where -, the coal Man geto off. 'Be- nev'er`..throws the Bull,' nor pitches, the Bluff; nor writes cheques dated tp'morrotw, but when the bille conte in, he is there with the coin of the realm, God bless him. Sometimes he feels sore at the rest. of us. He does. not see that he gets on any better than the fellow 'Who eking as he goes, Still he goes on and on, pays and pays; simply because it le an the bread. ` And after all, the World does think a lot of his br'eed,. The men who page la the bulwark of Society. FIe is the balance wheel of civilization. He is the mainspring of comtherce. BUS- l-oess blesses him and he has honor mong nen for all time.—W, 11. H. aclieller', • Safety Birds. A birdf fancier was in the' net of sending out some carrier, • pigeons when he was approached by a, passer-, by, who r'eivarked: "Excuse' me, but how far do your pigeons fly es a rule?" Oh thousands of miles some- times!" replied the fancier. . "And don't ally of then ever., got lost?" inquired the stranger, "Well," answered- the other; decicl ing to end the de„nitbiy conversation, t'you see, I used to: lose one now and then,'Uut I've done away with that now. I've had all may pigeons -crossed with'parrots, so- that, ehould they lose them, elves they 'can `aslr the way home." A.rSquare .Meal. t; I've not had a square mealfor clays," groaned the tramp, ''• "I'm indeed yin a most sorry plight." "FIere's a :cubo of meat extract,." the housewife replied, "And that • 10 a - equate' meal all right!" THE MERCHANTS' CORNER Determining -The 520 inches of :newspaper space per- mits you to•a;lvertise every week in a 1'o -incl' space. During some Weelca, it may be logi- cal for you to advertise more heavily titan other tinges. ' Suppose there are twenty such weeks. Heaping your:Te- gular schedule for 32.'weolcs,• and doubling the amount of that space ,for 20 weeks would require about ?20 inchesfor the year. ,For - five months durifig the year .you 'give your -adver- tising extra stress, and for seven months maintain an effective constant slowing, yet the total is a eonserya- tive 'amount --of' space -foil even, the. small business.... . It 18 a truth demonstrated many times over that the small ll business can advertise pa'ofitably in the uows- .Aiaiount of Space.;' Tenor, To do so is simply a platter of intelligent planning. Effective news- paper advertising can be done with a small appropriation. -:llloney 80 used brings no more prcfgtalgle return'-,tI %t Prom any other uao to which it can be put. By etudyeng the business 01 the ad- vertiser, a schedule of advertising can be arranged so that both the constant frequency necessary for any advertis ing success, and the extra stress ad- visable at cert€eel seasons, can be se- emed within : an appropriatioai. the business is warranters in making.' The editor of this paper is at your service for such planning; Such :con siltation' ' 1 1s part of the sorviCewe are glad: to reader. It is 'given without cost cr obligation, 'BEAUTIFY IT WITH , '"DIAMOND DYES" just Dip to Tint or Boil to Dye If you'd Ilk are • ustt .. The salrie $B iHF Hope'.�for Graasslaagrperr;. alLsaiSed Adve1'tiselrliealt� Perhaps if .you were asked to..name - Ii �y owe. .eheY res:'zxmrnesn vert .. p anz~ci the moat remarkable fact soon �"'9 nmrcr.: tvo.et,o e t grass rs no • kn'e'e 3011 work mroncourse, ,tey, effctiv gnwhop hoppers, you would neutron their oarsnhop, Toronto,' +orrytis moor Want: —that they are found on the front legs, and'that the great green groes hopper has iiia: under hie knee, But here issomething more remark- able. The grasshopper would poem •to have nothing in common -with the'sea gull, 'yet grasshoppers have been pick - Da up in swarms at sea, 1,200 'miles from the nearest land!' The African grasshopper, according to good k aut oaitd as ha' been' en lcnowa to cross the Red and Mediterranean seas in restructfve numbers, and'eveit to fly to the Canary Islands. For the most, part these grasshoppers: are •of a migratory specles (gchds5Ocera tar- tarica), noted for its great ilighte. The bodies- are about four inches long and are equipped,with large air sacs: in addition to the usual breathing tubes. These'sa8ks buoy-up'the insect so that it is able to stay in the air for trays at a time, exerting practically no effort: During flight its ;speel varies from threeto twenty y miles an hour. When. it grows tired It rests on the water and is borne along on the waves.' Ask for MInard'a and take no other. Her Long Suit. . Cook—"L can't break the ice, mum." Mistress .— "That's very strange, Bridget,. Did you try letting It fall?" ••Makes old Illto New' REFLEX FLOOR WAX RENUALL FUR-NITURE POL.1gt-i Tho Cepa Pollster., Ltd„ Hamilton rdves 1x0OnOaaANnOa anW CO..Ta. 0 DUHOne 8T. W., TOnOHTO To Get the Straloht Dope. "Don't' you: think -a man's ollanvacter can be found out by rending Iris p:elm?" • A better way Is to ask his neigh- bors, I eighbors,I think." • •Making Music Well -Balanced F'eafittie-in Sunday SC ool. "A.very essential feature in a Well, ordered Sunday ;School Is the iults'ie," claims a t<iuperiritenclent who.. ie. u :a good position to.' • judge, "Theme is a vast difference '^ire claims, "between Jingle and nusia" ' "Tho very best thrid .01 nitmSic only," die says, "s,hould be found in• the•school. Thele is .se muc11 nfeaningless sniff printed under the name of good music, "which Is only jingle, There ie no in- spiration to be found lirwords err tune. Music which•causes%the feet; to move anis the body to away should 'be,avoid- ed in the Sunday'school service. This is ;characteristic, of't11e'jingle stuff, and le but;ailothor means, -of adding'to the disorder of, the' Sunday'ealieol lif e. Por orianrplc, eve have not infra- guently seenaboys during the reading of, 't}10 lesson, and r.eeitation peeled hum one of these catchy songs, and., keep tithe by'nloving their. erns and swaying -thou •bodies and stamping with their feet, much to tli'n :amuse went of the other Ieaclnere and the an- noyance of the teacher. Stich, antics not only addled to the disorder of the 8811001, bu::at the seine time prevent ed serioil1s 0Ludy, We need. bright mu sachn I);he 8811oo1, but worshipful, iilspnatnonal cans dignified, rausi4, Which will'tnstih within the Soul that spirit of reverence".::'. Why I5 it that t g t t 11c ;v nn r,epholle. numbers ,,.. n, b1.1S .5 Each 15 -cent pack age contains direc- tions so simple' any woman `can tint soft,: delicate Shades or dye rich, permanent oolors in lingerie, silks, ribbons, skirt% waists, dresses, coats, stockings, sweaters, draperies, covering', hangings --everything!' Buy Diamond Dyes—tie Other kind'= and tell your druggist whether the 'material' you wislh to color Is wool' or silk, or whether. it is linen, cotton or mixed goods., Cheerful Either Way. Anxious Old Lady (on riVeae Steam• or)—"I say, my good man, Is this boat going up or flown?" , Sault' Deckhand—"Well,. she's 'a leaky old tub ma'am I 1 -- 't n, SO 'e lou n wonder if she was, ,going, down, -Then, again, her balers ain't nolle too good; 'u she 'night' go tip." Keep Minard's L:fnimentIn the house. Germany's Steei,.Workers. In normal tunes'- the great Krupp` 'steel works at lessen employs 50,000 men. WE WANT CHURNING Wo supply cans and pay express, Charges.. We pay daily by express money orders, which can be cashed anywhere without any charge. To obtain'. the top 'price, Cream must be free from bad flavors and centa!n• not lees than 30 per cent. Butter -Fat. , Bowes Company Limited, Toronto For references—Bead Ofilce, Toronto, Soni' of Montreal, or your Ideal banker, Established for aver thirty,; years. QIIYok nun )h%sfir Oat•e-worn, 1lea'Va cxllaiisted• women need Bitro-Phosphate, a, pure organic 'phosphate dispensed' by dritg'isLs that New York and Paris physicians pie-; scribe to increase wolght anri:strength. and to lrss'i.ci youi:liful lodes:aOs feel- ings, Price til ,finer' Pkgs. _: 1rrew Chomicai CO., 25 Front St. East, Toronto, Ont. ISSUE No. 40—'25. amTe:oL vencouv1H. T. mal, H.11. One: Moro Effort Needed. 'I can't remember the words' of that'. new song," said the girl, "That makes it easier," returned her father. "Now all you've got to de to make home happy Is to forget the tune." ":O " tl t) URI/; New EyeS -' "_ �. ®til you can Promote g�- ' 0 Cleaa,ldcallhyConditloe Ilse 1 ht cot Eve mega dpY �� � ' � 'Nicht cud Momkts�' Sleep Tour and Healthy. Write for Free Eye Care Book.. E4hlie6CHQi;gtgiLflyC¢ea9,:aslObioSitCQliC cosi DOThERED WITH ECLEMA IN PASH Face Was D'sflgured.• . Heaped by Cuticura, "Some time ago I was bothered with eczema - which broke out on my face in a rash. I took no notice of it at firer until the trouble began to spread and the 'irritation caused me to scratch. My face was 'disfig- ured and the trouble lasted about three months. "I tried different remedies but none seemed, to do any good. I heard about Cuticura Soap and Ointment and purchased some, and after using three cakes- of-Cuticura Soap and: one box of Cuticura Oint- ment I was completely healed." (Signed) Mies Gladys Pahl, 353- 31st St., N. Milwaukee, VYis., Sept. 29, 1924. Ilse Cuticura to clear your skin, 9aarpte naola Free by Mdl, Address Canadian Depot: 5taahoe,a Ltd., Montreal:. Price, Soap 250. Ointment 25 and 50o. Talcum 25c. Cuticura Shaving Stick 20e. HSR NERVES.. BETTER NO Received Much Benefit by `Taking. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound i Chatham, Ontar'o.—"I started toet weak after my second. -child was' born, and kept on getting worse until I could notdo my own house- work and was so bad with my nerves that I was afraid to stay alone at any time. had a girl working for me a whole year before I was able to domywashing again. Through a friend 1; learned of Lydia B. ?inkhorn's Vegeta Vegeta- hie Compound and took four bottles of it. I gave birth to a baby boyy the 4thray . day of September, 1022. i am still dein own workand don't feel well every ay because f don't etmyrest as the baby is so cross. -But when I get my rests feel fine. I am still taking the Vegetable Com- pound and am going"to keep on with it until cured, My nbrves area lot better since taking it. I can stay alone day or night and not be the least frightened. You can use this letter as a testimonial and I will answer letters from women asking about the Vegetable Compound." —Mrs. CIbu cuig CARSON,, 27 Forsythe Street, Chatham, Ontario. Mrs. Carson is willing to write to any girl or woman :suffering from female troubles. CORNS d I da washing. .Cord Wood Saw Users Write Simonds Canada Saw Co., Limited, 1550 Dundas St. West, Toronto, Ontario, for prices on Simonds Special Circular Oord. Weod Saw Of course Rub them frequently I •- with Minard's and get speedy relief. m .* YI ., . t°$ YY L Fs. it#! . l �rr< a e., JJ ?a'`ry, z t ea 10110 OF PARI" Proved safe by millions and'pl'escribed by physiciatis for • Colds Hea tache' Neuritis` ' Lumbago Pain ral i 1 el Toothache .1 g a g oothac_Ie Rhelllnatis Ill D ES NOT AFFECT, ACCP Accept only� "Bayer" package ,�. lI go which l it containsprovenovon directions. Handy `'Bayer" Boxes of IS tabletslic Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggieta. Acpitin is the hale mark U. registered in Cauncn) of Stayer lfennfoelure of Nononettie-' ncl0e,ter of 5lilollictcld (aAcetp 5a11cyilc .Hold 'A. S. A.",1„ Mile 11 le Well known that Aspirin means gager manufacture, 1a novlit Ili,' Palate ngales) lies talons; the Tahlois el Barer Coaocin, will to etnatpcd with their'lgeiert}l 1.345 Merit, the llayer OroiSi"