The Clinton News Record, 1925-10-01, Page 8CLIIV'TON'S LEADING JEWELLRY "$TORE AftRIVED ne Dispiato of DkailliCilli143 Ranginr,- in price from $25.00 to $250.00 good stock of Ever Sharp Pencils Also Swan Pens --the best penin the world—ar,, moderate p0iees: I also have the new Pompa>Comb—for Bobbed hair or Brush Back Come in and have a' demonstration. A few Rio Mio,Pencils left in both ladies' and Gents' style at 25e each. Ili ILL STILL FIT -GLASSES AT REDUCED PRICES 'THE SAME AS LAST WEEK ® Ho JOHNSON Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Pine Jewellery and Repairs Next Hovey's Drug Store uxury avd Beano ! Women have ..ever had to choose between luxury and econ- omy in matters of, dress. `Al- " most invariably '• one •must be sacrificed' to the other. ' But in Holeproof Hosiery are found the luxury of stylish, snag -fit- ting hosiery and,theeeeonomy of Boleproof silk and lisle. and - Holeproof pure silk $1.50 long service and moderate price.. Silk and art.'silk plaited $1.00 Plumsteel .Bros. — = PHONE 25. SMALL PROFITS MORE BUSINESS aret elite fotg Iionffis Clinton flews. - c THU,RSDA • The increasing chilliness, of the days and nights brings the folks into the house .from the ,outdoors where for months they have lived amidst ■ the bright surroundings of" nature. - i L. W. CURRELL—THOS. SHIPLEY • We, Ain to- dive Satisfaction amt, We require your cooperation, - In other words, we desire therivile a of supplyingour rocer P. gY grocery requirement,• Do us the honor of, phoning,' sending or'bringing,your orders to us and we will assure you of careful attention,.,'courteous treatment, prompt service and fresh, choice goods' at prices that will not fail to satisfy. THE C. & S. 'GROCERS Main Store, Phone 125 W„ Branch Store, Phone 125 J. ESS 'YOUR, COAT shut out the penetrating storm winds and,keep you warm even, in severe weather?' If not, 'why not order where an ever coat of -seasonable weight TAILORED in a practical style that will give sevice several seasons. You viill find` it ra "worth- Whilo" investment, How "about a new business suit?" We are scde agents in Clinton foe 'Semi -heady Suits. Over 300 patterns in Fall . and: Win- ter Suitings and Ovel'eoatings. Dav,is VETERAN TAILORS PHONE 224=W is. the 2)9 - Install arltica y s "Sunshine" Furnace %i e to . talk ,over y®11r Hcan.- ting- !1tm' and get the most heat frons the least ai n®nnt of fuel Sutter ,HARDWARl1, PLUMBING 'ELECTRIC WIRING Sunny skies, , sparkling . wavelets`,' green trees, gayly plumaged birds and brilliant flowers, then the in- doors—no '-‘„exier n-doors—no.'woner : the wails look a bit dowdy and uninteresting. Let us' bring some of this summer freshness e � into the house and store it up for use during tlfe long wintermonthglby means of new wallpaper, the most economical wally covering 'known. It's a, case of Beauty,' Service and Econ- omy going hand in hand. The W. .Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best id6 ttf-t VII 555flmmsxaumumugti Mr. Arnold Vennak has gone to Tor - tante; Normal. Miss Eileen .Atkinson was up from London over the week -end, Misses B. P. Ward and. M. A. Stone were in London. on :Saturday, Miss Zenda Salter is attending Alnia ='College, St. Thomas, this term. Mr. and Mrs,. G. H: David left yester- day for Exeter, where they intend spending the winter. Miss Winnifred 'O'Neil leaves today for Orlando, Pia., to visit her par- ents for a week or so. Miss Kathleen Livermore of the staff of the Wingham ,Hospital spent Friday at her Home in town.. Mise K. Parke 'left ' yesterday for New York after spending a couple of months with relatives here. Miss- Carrie Pratt of Toronto spent a few days last week as the guest of Mr.' and Mrs.. -James Livermore. Miss Arthur and Miss Inksater of Paris visited the. Misses Welkin - shave of town during•thepast week. Mrs. W..3. Miller, Sr.,- has returned home after spending a month or ;so 'With "Mr. ands Mrs. IL Rossiter, London., Miss Bessie Irwin has gone to Hamil-- ton to -,engage in Deaconness worlr. in connection with the Italian anis -sign in, that city. Mrs. (Rev. Dr.) Medd;of' Diu"tton and- Mrs. Ainsley of Leamington, are', • visiting their brother,:IVlr, W. Hiles?' of town, and also Mr. and Mrs, J G. Medd. e Dr. J. W.. Shaw, Mr. G. D.MeTaggart Mr. and Mrs. W. Brydone and M Reynolds of .tloderich went to Gal yesterday to attend the .funeral of the late A. P. Gundry. Mrs, W. Jenkins has retulmed from a judging trip. She has been judg-, ing at fall fairs at Shelbourne, Palmerston and other places in that section. Next week she goes to Rodney.I Mr. and NM V. k'.Gillies and Miss Mar :5n' of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Andrews and babe o Toront8 spent 'the week -end at the parental' home, that of Magistrate and Mrs. Andrews. ' Mr, and Mrs. 3, A. Ford and. Mrs: W. Piekard went up to W ingham Sun- day on Account of thedeath'of'their cousin, Mrs. J. ,Gauley,who died as the result of burns on Saturday. Mrs. Pickard remained for the fun- eral on Monday, Mrs. A.-Vateher and little son Chen - ter,, who have been visiting the, lady's parents, Rev. A. A. and Mrs. Holmes, at Wesley parsonage for several weeks, left Fridayfor Tor- onto on their 'return journey to their home in St. Johns, Nfld. 'Mr. F. -C. Elford, . Poultry,, Husband- man at the Experimental Farm, Ot- tawa, visited Clinton, and Holmes Mille friends aver' the week -end: , Mr. Elford -had been in Chicago on a business trip and just' ran up here on his way home. 'His friends here; are always glad -of any, excuse that brings the . genial "Fred" hither' wards. , Mo. John Torrance, Jr., and Mrs. Cranston have returned front a vis- it in Toronto and are . now with; their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Torrance,' Sr. They leave next week for the west, the former for Lethbridge, the latter for Port Ar- thur, MVIiss Edith Torrance accom- panies them as far as Port Arthur for a little visit and little Misses Joan 'and`. Edith Virtue, who have 1 been visiting their grandparents here for some months, will return withMr. Torrance to their Koine in Lethbridge. Cilult)n's ()eery Of iOBEA• 1 5825. his : is the Grape Season and will be short.-. We are Tilling al our canning/orders this week. he quality is the very best. Leave your orders today. Early _Fall Fruits Gash: and Service Specials Ne r lt';i.1iies, ew Puffed: Raisins Seedless • Raisins ,Dates-: 2 lbs.- for 35c per pkg. 1'5c 2<lb. 23c 2,1b. 23c Three Pig Leaders, ;still on Sale. 3 pkgs. Corn Flakes 28c, 1.0 bars soap 55c, Cocoa, ib 1.0cWEEK-EN ® SPEc'IAL,S Sweet Potatoes, Finnan Haddie, Beacon .Brand, Celery, Grape Fruit New Dutch Cocoa, per tin 30c We are sole agents for Apex Canned Goods and Fruits In the h)fornigg •First Delivery 9 a.m. In the. Afternoon First Delivery 2.30"p.m. Kinc)ly Order Earty col Gash and n O'NeiI . - 4$ Germ -laden dust is in every breath df air we breathe, • The particles_ are often so fine. that they cannot be seen even in the sunlight. - Dust grit and dirt in large'quan- tities are carried into the home on our clothes and shoes, and are "Vi'' . A E. blown in through open windows. ELECTRIC VACU1jt.M andsettlein the carpets, rugs, up- CLANK holsters, .draperies, etc. They are deeply imbedded in the surface when walked upon, and there form a bxeeding.place for germs. ' That is why you need a vacuum cleaner in your lionie. The broom was a gdod servant' in its day, but the modern house- wife demands a vacuum cleaner —Why? Because' .you Simply draw a vacuum cleaner over the surface to be cleaned and the powerful air force sucks up every particle of dust above and,underneath carpets and mugs. USE 'YOUR OWN: 'fITII,ITY— IT PAYS HYDRO SHOP, CLINTON. CONCERN ,• ttCLINTON SCHOOL ' FAIR t THURSDAY„ OCT..:8. TOWN HALL, 8 p.m. --. A programme ,consisting of speech- es ,from -pupils in the Public $peking Competition; Choruses •.by 'schools and - demonstrations in First Aid will be given. ,>• Harry McGee, Auburn, Comedian f Hot Fowl Supper Wall be , given under the auspices of theladies of St. Joseph's church in their parish. Hal on the evening of Thursday, October 8th will assist Beginning at 5:30 Adihission: Orchestra in "atte dance .School Children, 5c. • .Reserved Seats, 25e, ..Dancing commencing at 8.30 Under Auspices ' of Home and 'Scheel .ADMISSION -Supper; .50c Dance, 25c - Club. and School •Fair Committee 24-3 Coderich Township '1,6, Alvin Townshend left ,on Mon- day onday q'or' Toronto, where -he, will be engged in research chemieal work. The election is now the- chief topic of conversation. The candidates"have already' been eanvassing in . this' sec- tion. Miss Cora "Jervis from Palmerston was home for over the week -end. Mr: Glen Ferguson has returnecl to the' 0. A. C, to take dris second par Cbrn cutting and silo filling are the order,of the day. Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas and fent- ily-;of Guelph spent the week-end'wit]i the latter's sister,,Mrs.'R. R. Sloan. Mr,.. -and Mos. `Albert "' Harris and son, ,Billy, ..,of Detroit, are visiting' with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. McDougall. Porter's Hill held their school fair on Wednesday of last,week, a large crowd being in attendance. Mrs. Emmerson had the misfortuno. to fall and break 'her leg last week. W(le hope' she willsoon recover. Mr. and Mrs. T. Wurin of Zurich .spent Sunday. at Mr. James Blairs: Mr, Erland Betties oC Plattsville: is spending. his , holidays at his home here. the To replenish your• • supply of. graniteware. We have 'all kinds at good prices." Look ours over before you buy. T le time is coming when you will soon need a new stove. We have a -new one.,whichwill attract everyone, and will be pleased to show it to anyone. awkins HARDWAEE and PLU.NIBING t.,, Phone 244 J o'w•About Some R.eaa1 Comfort Now. that the long, cool evenings are here you will .naturally. spend more time indoors, so you may as well .be comfortable, We have a wonderful stock of Upholstered furniture that almost spells Rest. We are offering special discounts .on Reed Furniture while our present stook lasts.,. 'In Chesterfield Suites, Electric Lamps and Silk Shades of all kinds. It will do you good to see them, as they are great values. We also have a splendid; assortment of Dining Room 'and Bed Bora Furniture in all the latest designs ,and finishes, HARDWARE MORE COMFORT AND 'ECONOMY We are sole agentsfor the" Beach Quebec Ranges and Heaters. They are -the real fuel savers and heat distributors. Besides— The Prices Are Right We have a few good seemed -hand Ranges' and Heaters in stock. R'El1E1VIDER—We sell the famous Brantford Asphalt Roofing. The very best made. It is absolutely guaranteed. Clinton, Hardware and FurditureCo. FUNERAL DIRECTOR MONUMENT DEALERS -Furniture Phone: 104 • Hardware 195 We ' Pay Spot Cash f` Newlaid Eggs , and Live poultry. - Now is the time to market your old Roosters; old Bens; old Ducks; old Tom Turkeys; also Young 1)uckli.ngs and Broiling Chickens. Qur price list is free for the asking, also our "Cooperative Mar- keting" information. Write- us today, or phone.•"Chnten 190,- if you cannot call at cur Clinton buying station•yourself. Your neighbor •can tell you that it pays to cooperate with ns, 'LET US PROVE TO YOU THAT WE PAY A PREMIUM FOR QUALITY GUNN, LAIN. GLOIS & Co Limited Head Office. • - Montreal, Que, 'Clinton Branch open each day from:7 a,m;'to 6 1i.m..' Also open Thursday and -Saturday evenings from 7to 9 • Write, Phone or Call for any further information you require ' , l . W. WARD, Branch. Manager Day -Phone 190 Night Ph4ne' 254 sic Lessons Miss Jean McMu chie, • Pupil of Dr. Ernest McMillan r PIANO and`THEORY' ' Apply at house on King street:: Phone 154 �. W'. Anderton Organist -St. James Church' London Teacher of Piano -and Singing Vacancies for Pupil's Studio; Mrs. J. E. Cook Clinton Phone .54 Sheep for ale T will be at, Clinton stock yard on:: Friday afternoon and all day Satur-. • dry, Oct', 2nd' and 3rd with ,a, choice - load of ;young breeding ewes, also several good breeding rams, Terms, to'Stiitpurchaser.' " 25-1 WM, A. TOWNSIIRND O. ,... Pure Beekist:Cloyer Honey Pure Beet -est Dark Amber ,Honey .Pure Beekist Comb ]Honey ALL STANDARD GRADE WATTS, O'UDMORE & SCRI1IBENS:: CLINTON 21-tf-1-b: