HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-10-01, Page 5cord
Y? OCT0131 It 1, 145,
OUND business prin.
ciples and a policy of
gradual expansion
inarked the steady growth of
!� this Bank for over fifty years,
�G Today, oneof the largest
® I } and strongest banks in the -'
Ii •.11ld :•. _:.• i
serves every phase''
�„ of business and private
( A /�/
! 1 We at home, and is
ill/111'41'i u
JI tIIul6l ing afeadingpart in the
expansion ' of trade in
foreign markets.
Clinton Branch
The gOya1 Bank
of Canada
R. E. IVMariningy Manager
interest to You
and ' Me ' •
Is. your name on the voters' list'
. Nothing to"hinder anyone voting in
rdhcoming election aswe are to have
-a whole half holiday to do it in.
Rich mines have been discovered in
%Quebec. Not all the resourees'.of this
great country are yet brought to the
* * *
Monday; November, 9th has been
;proclaimed as Thanksgiving Day -in
Canada. It will also be observed as
Armistice ,Day.
" The dining room 'at Knox College
'to be under the control ofthe non-
eoncurrents. Surely. ;this does not
:mean that the Tlnionists are to be
.starved out?
Four weeks front today the electors
.efj Canada will have the opportunity
• of deciding, who will make and admin-
ister her laws for the'anext'four or.
:five yens. 1•s your name on the vot-
:er's' list?
_1'renuer' ming -thinks Providfiee is
:aidingand abettinghim in his effort
oto ;reform .the Senate by removing by
death so many Conseravtive senators:
'The auto who works with Providence
is likely to succeed.
October 4 to 10 115 Fire Prevention
'Weep. It is all very well to take.
special precautions • on special ,occa-
sions but every week of the fifty-two
should be fire prever ion week. Can
:Ada has a very heavy record of fire
Iosses, mostly preventable.
* * * t .
Those New York folk who flung a
"lot of toinatoeos at visiting Italian•
• Parlimentarians should have remelt-
' 'bared that. •the tomato season will
:seon be over. They.inay regret their
:extravagance before Many, weeks,
The Oshawa.' Reformer, which was
recently ,reorgnized, today 'conies
out asa daily paper. ' •It has
been published tri -weekly.' „for soms
time and the publishers believe that
the time hascome, in order to serve
the growing demands of that young
city, to issue daily. We with the,new
daily success. A°city of 16,000 odd
ought to be able to support one. A
weekly will also ,he published, each
Thursday morning. •
Premier Icing - is working out
his desire for' Senate reform by ap-.
pointing"new • members of his own
party. He seems to believe it would
be all right if only it ,always agreed
with him, 'Twas ever, thus. Each
Government in its' turn 'has worked
diligently at: senate -reform by tilling
every empty:trouble
seat with a party su -
porter, The trouble.is that just when
it is nicely reformed the Govern-
ment is turned out and the old game
has to be started all over • again.
A number of ratepayers are beginning.
to think ; the" ;game too expensive.
When all is Said and dope the average
voter can see little use for the Senate
except as` a nice soft spot for tired
party workers to light when their
work is done.
Seaforth: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G.
;Shillinglaw announce the -engagement
of their daughter;. A. Mande, to 1YIr.
George W. Israel, ,also of 'Seaforth,
the marriage to take place quietly iii
Winghams Mrs, James ` Gauley of
the London road, Morris, two Miles
south . of Wingham, was fatally
burned at 'her home when she .en-
deavored to revive a fire in the stove
by adding keroeene The'oil' exploded
and covered her with the burning
fluid. :She ran to the home of her
son nearby but before her burning
clothing could be extinguished she,
was horribly burned and dT died lif-
ter great suffering in about twelve
hours, The funeral too]c niece on
Monday afternoon. Iter husband,
one son: and one daughter survive..
.RF a „ tri ik tit 1.e i
s- y
by 4
Sr�'Ly S C a' ire
fie.,, to
'Sales missed by salesmen on the road
we' close'Saturdrty by Long' Distance"
I�rilcs a,Lumber Merchant •
Taaea E%ts'a
A baa:alat., Cca'c:n
� ... alt th
y`wen,a 1: Price Irl ' iistory .
ti tdsome;
pate: ted 91."rrip1ex Springs
Phone 251
House phone -183
T4YI,OIi-LBAKER-=-In ;S* G.eorge's,
Church, Goderich, on Sept 17th, by
the Rev. S. S. Hardy, Mayy Adel-
aide, daughter of Mrs. Edith Baker,
to Harold A. Taylor, M.D., son_ of
the: late Dr. and Mrs ,Alexander
Taylor, all of Goderich.
Stratford, en Sept. 30th, Kathleen,
daughter of , Mr. George Barclay,
St. ;Marge, to' Frederick Earl Liver-
more, son of Couueillor and 2,Irs.
Fred; Livermore, Clinton,
MUNN- HOLMES-At `''St George's
church, St. Catharines, `on.' Sept;
26th, by the Rev. Canon L. W. B.
Broughall, Loh- Madeline, only
daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. F. 'M.
Holmes, to Dr. Janes; Alexander
Ittunn of Seaforth, ton of Mr. and
Misr A, Munn of Ilensall:
Ii0GGARTH—In Mullett, on Sept.
29th, to Mr; ,and Mrs: Wesley Il=eg-
garth, a son.
WAMSLEY-In Seaforth, on Septem-
ber 24th, to Mr: and Mrs. James
Wamsley, a daughter.:
SCHELL—In Detroit, on Sept. 17th,
to Mr. and Mrs. ' Floyd H. Schell
(formerly Alice Austin of Varna),
0 `son.—Lee Floyd.
LEECH—At .the'liome.of her nephew,
M. W. Howell, "Goderich, oh Sept.,
2gth in her eighty-eighth year,
Jane 11.'Leech,,;widow of the late
William Henry Leech and daughter
of' the late John Holmes of Holmes-
GUNDRY—In Toronto, on Sept, 28th,
Arthur Presland Gundry (Principal
of Galt Collegiate Institute and
formerly of Clinton C. I.) '
SNELL-At Dutton, Ontario, on Sept,
19th,-"Rms. James Albert Snell, son
of'the` late Janies Snell of Exeter,
aged 6] Years:
JOHNSTON - In fond ' and " loving
memory of : Louis Johnston, `who
died ;Sept 29th, 1921.
"Asleep in Jesus."—Mother.-
Constance r
Or,•i1. Cherril of Detroit has been
spending a, week or so with h• is uncle,
Mr. Thos, Pollard:
Mr.'Jatnes• Mann, Mrs, Adain Nich=
olsoii, Mrs. McArthur and daughter,
Hazel 'Berwick of Goderich and. Mrs.
Shunell': Of Detroit are motoring to
Hearst, New .Ontario, to visit the
former's daughter, Mrs.}l+. Anderson,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clark `and' Mrs.
Howard Armstrong ..,and . daughter
spent a few days. visiting friends in
Strathroy, .
A fowl supper will be given the
latter part of October by the ladies
of thechurch here.
Mrs. W. Moore of Toronto has been
spending a week or so with her son
and' daughter, WiII and Mary Moore.
• Master Clifford Britton left on
Monday for the Western College, Lon-
On Saturday last Mrs. Jane Leech,
widow of ' the. late W: II. Leech, .lt
former well-known resident ° of Blue`
vale, died at the home of her nephew,
Mr, hr. W. `Howell of Goderich. Mrs.Leech leas in her eighty-eighth year.
She had been in failing health for
several months and two weeks age
she.feil, fracturing her hip, from tate
shock of. which she never rallied.
Mrs. Leech was the eldest daugh-
ter of the late,John Hohnes, one of
the early settlers in Goderich town-
ship, She was born' on the homestead
Holinesville and spent ',her, child-
hood and 'girlhood there. On Iter
marriage she „went to reside at Blue.
vales but on her husband's ° death,
Which occurred• about fifty years ago,
sheade her home in Goderich and
there, with the exception of a few
years in which she assisted in nurs-
ing her' mother in the old home' at
Etolntesville, site has remained ever
since. 'For-inany'years she had been
with her nephew, Mr, Howell..
Mrs. Leech was a woman of strong
Christian character, was active in
church work and greatly interested in
all that pertained to the furthering.
of Christian influences. For several
years she was organizer' for the Wo-
men's Missionary Society for Goder-
ich Methodist District and Was
as long as her ' health permit-
ter, very regular in atten-
dance at church services. She
was a woman who used her intellect
and was interested- in all public af-
fairs. She liked to know what was
going•"on in' tha''world and read her
daily 'paper. regularly.
She is survived by one sister, Mrs,.
Mary A. ^Howell;, Goderich; , and one
brother, J. R. Holmes, Holmesville,.
hers being thethird death ` in the
family in,the past year and a half.
The funeral took place .from the
hosne o1' Mr. Howell on Tuesday' of
ter:noon, Rev. C. 5':. 'Claik pastor of
North street .church ,assisted by Rev.
5, E. Ford, also of Goderich,-and the
Rev. Mr, Kilpatrick 02'Holmesville.,
The remains were laid to rest in
Maitland cemetery, beside those oi'
the husband of, her youth.',
Up in the North'. woods- the boys
are already the,
in, then game.
In kilo district north of the main line
0fh• Canadian 07the, C n idian National Railways
betwemi 'Quebec and Winnipeg the;
;noose and deer season opeuecit Sep-
tember 1.5th,
eptember1.5th, and will continue until
November 15th, . Throughout this.
district "which covers millions of
tic, es, lig frappe is always very plexi-'
L 6if st arid' every' hunter' :who goes
Cl pl "1POl DIO
The M•zitchell. Photographer
making pictographs`' fox , Christmas'
Gifts, both at our Clinton and Mitch-
ell Studios.'.lt is not too early to
have your ^ photographs 'taken now
and avoid the rush=:later. 12 Photo-
graphs make 12 good Bhiistmas
'gifts`. Our prices are right and our
work will please.
We do finishing and enlarging
for amateurs
north is almost sure of bringing hack
his ;full complement.
If. the huntsman feels that he can-
not afford
ar:not"afford the time to make such al,
extensive trip, there is no need for
hint to give- up his hunt, Froin INo-
vemlier 5th t6 20th the season is open
for deer shooting inthe country south
of the French and Mattawa; Rivers,
and from October 255th to November
30th in that territory lying north and
west of the ..French and Mattawa
Rivers, This, district is easy of ac-
cess and is one of the most famous
and popular hunting grounds of Co-
terie. I{een, dyed-in-the-wool hunts-
men go- upto this country of trail,
river and lake every year and are
always successful.
There eon be:6'e-better vaetion than
one-spentain1'these Northern Ontario
woods. clean- :your;,- g}zn, assemble
your kit, and get ready for /real he-
man holiday. , Any Canadian' National
Railways agent will `gladly supply
you with fill hunting information and
particulars of special and regulai
train service. 25-5
Gauntlet Lost
Ladies' motoring. gauntlet, ,black
and brown, on 'Vinegar Hill. 03' Huron
road.' Pinder please leave, at News -
Record office. 25-1-p
Foi Sale
6 li.p; gas engine and 8 inch grind
.er. Inquire News -Record Office. 25-1
Range For Sale
A Crown Huron range, burns wood
or coal. Also a' 2 -burner Perfection
coal oil stove. Call, any afternoon
after four o'clock. Mrs. M. Ford,
William street. 25-1-p
Gardens Plowed ,
The undersigned is prepared to
plow gardens at reasonable rates.
Rogen Pepper, Phone 139w • 25-4
For Sale
Radio' Seta and Supplies.. Before
buying •a radio set hear the Bremer-
.Tu11ey. A three tube set Which has
them all beat for distance, .vollune,
selectivity and price. Range, depend-
ing on weather conditions, from 1,300
to .2,200 miles on loud speaker. I
tuned in. 45 stations on 27t1i of Aug-
ust, all on loud speaker except two
or three. Three of these • stations
were in California, one coining in On
hind ;•speaker. Everybody welcome
any ,evening, H. Al Hovey, Clinton,
phone 37. • 25-tf
Safety Razor Blades Sharpened
lSatisfaction guaranteed or money
refunded. Single edge Se.""'Double
edge, 4c. J. B. Hovey, druggist, agent,
Olinton. 26-8
Mortgages — Bonds
Funds' wanted to take'. up foarm
mortgages._ Dominion of 'Canada
bonds are still obtainable at subscrip-
tion price, W. ilrydone. 25-1
Furnace For Sale
A`Ilecla furnace, good.•as new. Ap-
ply Wilbur Welsh, James Street, Clin-
ton. 24-2
Mission Band Bazaar
Willis church Mission Band will
hold its annual bazaar and afterneson
tea on Saturday, Oct. 3rd,' commenc-
ing at 3 o'clock pan., in the school
room of "the church. Home-made-bak-t
ing, fancy work ,and candy 'booths;
fish pond. 24-2
Sir$° Filling "'' ,
. Ain prepared to fill a number" df
silos at reasonable rates. Also'have
a quantify of good spy apples for sale.
C. R. Holland, 11. R. No. 5, Phone 15
on 607. , s '23-4-p.
" Auction Sala •
Of Residence And . faots, in Clinton
Mr. C. B—Hale has given instruc
tiosis for the sale of his residence to
be held at Public Auction on Friday
the and of 'October, 1025;( at 2
o'clock, p.m., at the premises, lot 699
on the South side of Rattenbn y
street, West, Clinton, there willlie
Parcel 1. Lots '690 and 691, con-
taining 2-5 ofan acre of land on
which is, erected a comfortable S-
teens frame house on stone founda-
tion with good cellar, all in good, ie-
pair,. with a garden and. small, fruit
orchard of pears, plums, apples, }etc,
Parcel 2. Lotsi 672 and 673 on the
North side. of Huron;, Street on which
there is a bearinst orchard of good
fruit trees, principally apples, -at; the
most profitable age—a niost.desirabte
building lot '<
On the same ddv'at'the hour of 3
o'clock there will be offered for sale
at auction at the office lately' occu••
pied by Mr: Hale, the ofltce building
and appurtenant lands being part of
town lot No. -.180 on the North; side
of Huron street, Tills 15 a good of-
-Tice location, baring been so used ,for
inure than fifty years. And the lit -rill -
mg is' well arranged and in good con-
dition. The building 'could be re
modelled into a small and comfortable
dwelling house.
TERMS: 10 per cent. at time
sale; balande in 30 days thereafter.
Geo. H. Elliott W. Brydone;
Auctioneer. Vendor's Ageni,
Boar: For, Service.
Tamworth boar, select baron type;
Norman Tyndall, R. Rs N6; 4, Phone
on 030,, ' 22,-4?
C°,irfott High Cratle Egg a
Poultry -House
Now' is the time to cull your flocks
of laying hens for winter eggs. To
promote this winter's egg production
we oilier our services free to the
poultry owners. Kindly `phone office
(214J) for ,particulars, etc.,
We appreciate your business and
are anxious to give our services, in
Milk -fed spring . chicks and honing
fowl retailed at our plant.
Eggs bought,according to Govern-
ment regulations and highest rices
g prices
paid. Phone for ;'our prices before
marketing 'your eggs.
N. W. . i'r e'inr a r t lfia.
Phones -Office, 214j Residence, 214w.
Wise Man
Insures his property •against loss
by fire '
The)Wiser 'Man
Docs not stop there but insures his
life also. How much are you
worth to- your family?
All Lines of insurance ,
Agent for Huron County for
The Sun Life Insurance Co.;of Canada
Office at, residence, cor. Mary and
Orange Streets,opp. the rink '
Phone 253 ,, 90-'
Free Tickets
. ar Theitre•
Onethousand half fare tickets.
are being given away;
With every purchase 'of one
dollars worth of goods at .
} at..0 ons. Grocery
Phone 111 Clinton
Shropshires For Sale
Some big, strongshearling rams,
also ram and ewe Iambs and a few
breeding ewes. All. registered. W.
G. Ross, Londesboro. Phone 26-15,
Blyth centra]. 23-4-p
House and Lot for Sale
Brieic cottage, corner of Dunlop and'
Fulton streets, in good repair, elec-
tric lights, town water furnace. Good
garden with small fruits and apple
and plum strees, Miss Elizabeth Mc-
Tavish. 15-tf
Agent for Life Insurance Co., to
take ever good territory. Geed con-
tract for the right man. Apply
Drawer. U, Clinton. Ont. 17-tf
Farm For Sale
' 100 acros, good clay loam, 13 acres
hardwood •bush, 18 acres fall wheat,
30 acres lop spring crop, good young
orchard, good' buildings, 9 -roomed
house, bank barn 36x78, driving shed,
hen house, etc., well watered, wellfenced, ..Apply on premises, Lot 11,
con. 3, Stanley, to Lawrence Forrest,
Brucefield, s'.0, 28-7-5
F6r Sale
Coritfortable house, 8 rooms, lights,
town water. Good stable and small
fruit orchard in connection. This
prgperty'is in a good location and
would make a comfortable home.
Would also consider aenting by year.
Apply at News -Record., 18-tf
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned pressed and re-
paired. Woolen goods dry .cleaned.
Rooms over Heard's barber shop,
W.. J. Jago. •-83-ti
.1400 is
The rules of our yards are rigid.
Every •load' of coal that enters must
give %the countersign—"14 let. Solid
Coal and Clinker free,"
Wo know What the Heat Folks will
do for you, because what ain't corse
in, can't go out. The ,;neat Folks are
a set of jolly elves, that trim 01d
Winter's. claws, ,
They spareyour purse and disposi,
tion. They will turn a winter cold as
ice into a summer warm and nice, ,
Call the'
for good, clean coal
NE 7, CLll�b ON.
The -Miller'. Hardware Company
announces achange in its
It has always' been the policy of this store to give its c s
fisthe benefit of he lowestpossible prices for standard merchandise,
consistent with so fait and reasonable profit. but:
NOW, We are going stilt further
Beginning Sept. let we will adopt the policy of selling our mer„
charidise on a cash basis, and under this new policy:we will be able
to give our customers ;still GREATERIVALUES', in feetthe lowest
prices given 'anywhere, except in the Very largest of city stores,
where business is done on the same basis.
There is no store doing' business today under the
that'ean sell,. goods as CHEAPLY as those who° l e. credit system
....because a merchant doingbusiness that way ser for his only,
y smarls ton out-
at a price sufficient to onset; the losses. due 10 Jong out-
standing and in some instances. uncollectable accounts.
Q LY in elimi
this addi "
g tson
busines, WE are going' to be able to serve al cost' of doing
lower prices with a fair profit to the storey and a real saving e future at much
who take advantage' of them.;, to you
-111iller Hardware -0o.
Rowland's Old Stand
Having erected new coal sheds will
have on hand full stock of coal for
immediate delivery. Prices reason-
Orders taken at residence, phone 119
Gold Medal Twine wine either eight
or five;: lb balls. Special price for
cash to July lst.
Have complete stook of Bran,
Shorts; Screenings, Cracked Corn,
,Fine and Coarse Chick Feed, let
us know requirements as feed will
be quite scarce before new crop;
Agents for Toronto Asphalt
Roofing this is the best by test.
We guarantee every job, carry
complete stock and several colors
See qurs before buying,
� v
Phone 128
Flour and Feed Merchants and
Grain Buyers
We have a supply of Furnace, Stove,
Nut and Soft. Also some good dry
slabs. Leave orders at residence.
Phone 155. Huron Street.
Having taken over the agency of
,the ,Singer Sewing' Machine I am pre.
pared to supply the wants of anyone
requiring 'machines, parts, needles,
etc. . Machines sold on easy terms, old
machines taken'as cash.
Phone 1715 P.O. Box 201, Clinton
The demand for our butter is in-
. To supply this demand we require
mere cream. •
We request you .to, ship us your
We guarantee you the Highest
Market Prices, accurate testa and
prompt service.
Our firm is known to you and needs
no further recommend.
We pay all express charges, furn-
ish cream cans and pay twice each
Write for cans orfurher inform&
Hon to the
end the pain
quickly, safely
In one minute yon can end the pain of
corns with Dr, Scholl's Zino -pads. They
end the misery of corns by eliminating
the cause, friction -pressure. Noo dr
of infection from cutting or wrrtVa
Zitio-pads are Min; antiseptic, water-
proof. They protect whlle„they, heal.'
,Sizes for corns, callouses and bunions.`
Call today anti get a box of this pan,'
magic corn treatment.
Da Screen `s.
Pat one oa—the pain's gone!
Moho carry acompels lino ofDr. Se re
Fool Conder, Ajiilames exd d7J;Yt lel
Footwear and Foot Comfort
The Big Shoe Store
Opposite the Town Hall
C. H. VENNE , Electricia
Electric [Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other
- Appliances
Wiring and
,1v110ne I51w
Flour and fee
Poultry. and Stock 'iOullm for Fall Planting-
Plants and Ferns of all Kinds
Greenhouse Phone 141-r-3
Greenhouse Open Evening