The Clinton News Record, 1925-10-01, Page 2SALT
�uh`snrlptton-fit 00 Per • -year
'adv& e, to. Canadian addreszeeti
2,50 'tar, the 'U S or other or alga
centilitres, No paper -dloeou tnned o
until all arrears tre Anil ul_les• ,'rpo --- --�
tho(opeiclr of the publisher,bn`ts ABOUT' 1'IM BLUDDERI IN
date -tri which every subscript:,
P0111 is denoted ou the label. BY WII. 1 BL
Advertising Clare Tranaloiat advct-
tieing, 12o nor count flue for first 'rim B:uddeiin kicould Lever do any- inter do Fountain when it's on do rise.
l ,r When you go uptov n this morning, ing I o _ c 1 3 Wants
Insertion. Sc tor each subsecluen� tlliug• except in the way he had boon Yer + rui'n•derii tweeshackkebones ov
Insertion. 13eadln6 counts 2 lines. .accustomed to do tern i ;lit ,round .an' go down to der
Smii 1 nave, �1 ogents, not to.exoeea. nil Bridge el.`- +o v ntsdt n `t
ona-inch,.such its nsertted;' "Lost Y at ' 'mine. wirl vrar• breif :in er.:Y:c1 effi1't
!ur vvlil,y0a go t0 5ltsrnrnr-s and �g., six Y ,
"Stitt, ed " :eta Inserted once. , ,,
Y r aomo' i:o'cr dat'.�'I+ountain�dazi� os •
bars of }vhzte Russia soap for me. 1�a�elRts�ta!+ar.;
35c, each subsequent n wet _tor:: 15c _ �:.. h' •ud- f ' l de-ILo l Bea, an ei'. ger
ut in- ca.led hos neighhox•; ?tire. A# ul.ins, P •e to,.e n t c3 .t ho'l�landc; Amundseir's v e.aStil,.iv
#dvortisehients setae^ in without
tries a it." 'III
be jos' 'l;out'dat nmch �t
froth, her back-kitchen;door One "morn nus lcces it 1 attem st drit't over iii
iti - let' ov yer asp wso lot' ,i' dem 'Gip i '
Ptructions as to the vumeer of in-
sertions wantc"/
nsertions:wanted wiffrnn until order-
ed n' - out will be charged ageorcl-
u a d v
ir;siy. Rates for display auvei:tising
made lcno'gn;on application.
Commuulcatiens Intended for;publl-
f good
guarantee. P g
CdtiD:l must, as a 1
faith, be accompanied by the name o
the wr!tor.t
Proprietor. Editor.
A general Bankdngt Business transact.
ed, Notes Discounted. Drafts 'Issued.
Interest Allowed :on Deposits. 'Sale
Notes. Purchased,
Notary Public Conveyancer,
Financial, 'Real Pstate. and• -Fire In-
eurance 'Agent. '•Representing 14 Fire
Insurance Companies.:
Divlslon :Court Office, :Clinton.
I never go past' Shtimian s when
shuns—fin' tial wasn'tnuffin?;but some year ago'
dead bodies' on de sera -silo' ' Ye better... •
I g0 uptown," answered Tial,. " i 101- „
Wo- o straight u T-- strut" ' turn :roup 1 T.
Wo -Y0 g g P
• W. BR 1oI
Barrister, 8ollcitor, Notary•Pub41c, etc.
Office: •
OPiee flours:'-1.30'tc 3'30 pan., 6,30
Us 8.0'0 Sundays, 12,20 to 1.30.p.m.
Outer hours by appointment only.
Office and „Residence — Victoria St.
Office Hours -2 - to 4,5 7, to' 8.
Other hours by appointment,
"DR. H. S. BROWN, L.M.C.C.
office Hours
1.30 to 3.30 pm. 7.30 to 9.O0.p.m.
Sundays 1.00-Co•2,00 p.m.
'Other hours by apiiointnient
Phones '
Office, 218W Residence, 218J
1- But I always gothis 'way' 0101(1
But :it is only two doors town II— "
e er went around Pour,
Tr v
'V i
fx m�T— called Mrs. Wilkins streeto
"not more than a, dozen steps ,out mile Brtdgo in shy
of 3'0111 way;" Yer loonier 'n 'ole Joner was when
he went de way he -wasp t tole ter go
"I never go thatway" said Tim, and e '"e thiiilc
he walked off, wandering that an one `exclaimed Lne,e Ike, I y,
f; Y
could be so unreasonable as to ex ect
him' to,walk a dozen steps' down H—
street When he had" never been known
to do such a thing:
One day, another• -neighbor saW Tim
in his half -acre' lot, ,elsax•ing, away
stories. The .neighbor , watched- him.
et•SOme time, puzzling tis,, raril over u his horses and went straight ahead.
Ti 's manner of doingthe work. He [ P g
yec'll fin' a. -whale ter swal!le0 ye when
yes tumblin' rouii'de Fountain, I think
yen' mistaken • in de range where dem
critters feeds. 21e'I can jes' go whirr
ye please," he continued, turning into
his cabin !"tein` none o' my fun'rel
now of ye do git drovmded.''r
Of edurse Tim Budderdrfn whipped
f t' I' 1 ' b "
Ile had always forded the stream be -
111111 !lee, 1(ut In at Ai,• Ila:;tvxn•
c/ ut a
e North Pole. She startetl.out three
Wena' P tz�;c r
azic e� c Blond
To be strong, well, el ji 1 to demand/1
of lronrei-soolety, office or shop;
11 ie a fact proven ivtkrdusancls of
,grateful letters that ;Mood's Sarsa-
parilla is'rem trkably: beneficial Lo
young or olds women,
hto mOF,,f comrrmn ailments of
'Ironton drain and-wealeei the system •
and some -dines result iu zncin_a, nen-
Vous weakness,genertil break -down,
G Vtli'D.MCUt SCetp 'Bid0 O0 I-Inod s Sarsaparilla gives the blood
more vilality"and bateet color, makes
Q Karel c t 1 :1"zS. to gir stronger nerves, and -cos .lributee to
et"'erat'S't➢rte Ott I4aliaxerax'1':
the length and ei,joyanent of life,
Efforts soon w111 he alsade to• exploit I"i,746. log Geld by Hfi;iCeotA.
i i -_ ra - ca it of the DOS S ' Tho Possibility ot^ti:til ng '011 ' ti
vee,, ill I sal yc
,l•, earth by wireless is'Yorcithadeived by.
end Pal stip the r"case cc'rirt��
e• e,- ,." _" Sir Robert N. Ifotie the well -knows..:.
the World o
1 Mining en engineer.
x some c i 5 ,
well -knows -
'begin to yield, 111. � f t ,1
Sir Robert declares'that 111 the fu_'
A government :nnouncef-1ent'says
that 111 vidvi ot"ethe existence 'n the
•v,aters of the dead Sea of certain min-
.. •there any WIlO can oak beth' Spanish orals: the (,v!nning and' maehsting of
aitch Italian'?" which for eomnrerclah purposes is ±0-
Eero is another. "My irother 1 he.', crown
� ,loved to bn'Izzac,ti:,ailiie, the,
r tee"I-�lta,tio walked frbin I3yfoi•d -
�'I�T � u�,a.J'>F�SF�y
s t r thocclondeB . a
a out o g
Voo 'to -da who er es crit is I had
� d z 1. 1
Y tf
y Y.
h eating. u�
half of t e e ,
- i
the sn sfor tune :to break :1i i i1 '
✓• ' i' b. Curr era pz spared tot receive applications glieds; from tkiis,: winch limb`. -he . '-
To guide them `htto the most 5111 fol the.grant of ri.Glits,, to undertake
Lure—say, 100 or 200 year's lienee -true
science ',of geolopy'vy111 reveal:•the gas
1 o the earth to a„d011tl; of a -mile.
qgy_, Y
1 -Te bellores that: methods will -be
hereb geologists "tvi11 be
devised. W Y % g
the crust of the
into t s
able topeep
ad succeeded
earth„ They'had 'Already s n
transmitting: speech underground by
wireless, which meant" that when wire-
less orlaves were used. the. cruet or the
earth Was transpa:rant,
Sir Robert suggests' that an anpar-
atns using' ensu wavers' might be de-
vised which could see into the earth,
and what would he "opaque” would be
ore` deposits, and with a refinement of
this principle the ftrtilre: geological
prospector, could dot&rmine the nature
andthe size of the deposits, -
Hopeless' Case: ' -
A Hope
Willie, who was nearly five, and his •
Mother were sitting' at home one.
night. At;:the: .table his sister, aged'
seven, was doing her home;wbrlc, •Such•
denly mother looked up fwnd. saw Wil-
lie' watching Itis sistest
Willie "shes said, will not
"Well. , TVt 11e;
be long 'before you will !have to go to,
"Olt!" said Willie "its no use send-
ing me to school.
"How is that?" asked hie mother.
nie to
t'What s;, the use of sending'
school! - exclaimed Willie. "I don't •
know_ anything- and, I can't read or
faults." -.
able career,- - one thouso,nd London
school children are being subjected::to
Ilsycholc,gicail tents':
John is younger than Hob, but John
is ->older than Hob's yoiingor brother_
William.. Which is flys oldest? It
seems a trivial guestign. Yot-'fife
seed with which' you can grasp and
reply, to this schoolboy's problenl gives
th , 1 t -t a airl• ac urate indica-
Plebltbly brolte—right atm, left arm, operations.
sight re or left leg?" The ni:,olli-
g, g t '-The volumes of rho Dead Sea is some -
gent ansevev s1 of couiise, "Probably where in rho ueigltborhood `of 120;060,
too left arm ---since he -,Walked and 000,070 cubic nictels. rloeilce,thel'area
wrote a letter so soon niter the acct. ontains,- toughly, .30;000,000,090j^ tons
dent:, ' o1°-70:011.1-01'5:6O-
-41010ad salts-, of which pcssiblY 1
If you thinyour boy late an eye to 50,000000 tons, are p. tassium chlor
figures, try °this on ilei The salts occur as a strong. Urine,
93987 739548 579361 4 7188 "' l read .101 ova oration
8 2 itnmoa}ata Y y, p
378.252 179428 .268794 %'988567 acid metallization for the production
Th'e. uesti'on is lie
in his'•arms-as` roan as he could fore, he had never been around by titer of year generel,mental powers. q , . ,v many t e
y Four -mile Bridge, and ho should odoes the figure .6 occur, and an Intern-
carry—and walking to a certain"featce g + g One girl in every eight leaving Lon -corner at the further end of the field, dons elementary schools becomes a gent boy should be able to run down a
deposit theta on a . huge stone -pile;
*en habit he`: would go fox _;another
armful, and' so he Was patiently clear-
ing the .field, and making or himSelf
much unnecessary •hard labor.
The neighbor- thought .hewould
kindly suggest that the field could be
cleared in another way quicker and
"Why not throw the stones in this
Office and'Residence:.
Huron Street' ' Clinton;'Ont."
Phone 69
(Formerly occupied', by the late Dr.
C. W. Thompson) r;;., •' a,
)'' Eyes kxamihed and 'Glasses Fitted.
-Dr. A Newton BradV. a'vfield
etduate Dublin Uni4ersity,. Ireland.
Late' Detain - .Assistant- Master,; 1:o-
tnnda Hospital for''Women and "Child
Child -
rem Dublin.
Office at residence lately eneupled by
Mrs. Parsons,
Hours: -9 to 10 a.m., ` 6 to 7 D•m-
Sundays 3,, to 2 7).m.
taxi Residence:
.• e
Ontarlo`'Street. Clinton, Ont.
One door' wast of .Anglican Church..
Phone' 172,
now, in his accustomed way.
Mebbe I'd better .see bout date, dressmaker's .;apprentice, which is a
fool," said Uncle Isaac,' a-fedv 1010-L larger.' proportion than for>any other
nients-'later. ".He 'ain't no good :n0 occupation., Otowa successful "dress -
how, fur he don't hab de sense ob a maker has a beet: gergeptign of equal
chicken in de egg; but .Pll jes crawl .distances.- which: enables her to fold
down towa'd de fo'd an' see what does :her work, as in :hems and tucks, with
come ov him." accuracy, and to makestitches -of
When. Uncle Isaac arrived at -`the equal size. So the industrial s'cien-
scene of actidn, he saw a wagon and,tists - have invented tests, -such as
two old `horses being carried down dividing pencil lines in half without
corner, Tan? • It not seem notes- stream by- the 'rushing'watdr., The
sary that all of them should be thrown I driver was not in sight:
'Dar's 'd- lass ob dem shackiebones-
on the same pile,.and you would nob be ,
es fur • •de Won't be no mo' goof in
obliged towalkof back and forth -the abort a:minnit den dem 'Gipshun
whol$ length of the field with every
armful of stones,"
"Why, I began at, that end," ans-
wered Tim. "I threw the stones at
first into the nearest corner." --
"But is it necessary they should all
go to that particular place?" asked
the neighbor.
I never thought of that," said Tim;
"but, it seems to me they ought to go
"Then why not wheel them from
this end.•in ytour_whe'b-barrow? It is
a big job• to carry them ai;•,"
"Why, I bought that, wheelbarrow
for wheeling dirt when I :dug my
well," said Tim. 1
"And 'do you never expect to use
it for any other, work?" smiled the
"Never thought of ,that," answered.
Tint. "Might, perhaps, but'I began
by carrying the stones, and I must
keep it up, I guess," and off he moved
toward the distant stone -pile.
Tim harnessed his two old horses
one morning and went, as' was his
wont, to the mountains for firewood.
During the day, a -heavy. rain -storm
came sweeping down from the north,
swelling -the streams so that, by
means of their added strength, they
tore away, bridges : and dams, 'and
spread themselves, out in a freshet.
One of :these str'lams Tim• had been
to for r
accustomedd ofl his 'way to and
from the mountains:
Late in the afternoonofday the of
the great storm, ass old colored man,
shuffling about his cabin with an eye
to repairs rendered more than ever
necessary by the ravages of wind and
rain, caught the sound of an approach-
ing Wagon, and thrust his head out
of his ,cabin door to see • "who's de -fool
goin' dis way to town!"
A moment later, he caught sight of
Tim Bludderkin, Witha load of 'fire-
wood from the -rnount•ains, calmly erg -
ng on his superannuated beasts, with
list of eighty- r i forty groups n seconds.
The following question is, put with
thio object of measuring imaginative
power: "If people had no teeth, Indw
would their" life be different from that
it is: now?"
And hese are trials in. quick spell-
ing: `.
Woh ,nam sgel sad a woe?
Eerht sulp ruof ekain woh yam?
measurn of drawing freehand paral- These sentences ate Selected from
lel'Sines; and the girls who excel set a list of twenty: The words are'nrere
these, tests can 'be definitely advised Iy, written ba•ekwards;and you are' al-
to take up dressmaking. lowed five minutes to decipher the.
whole Ilst and=write suitable ens• ess.
Many: other. "-ccupati�oris, -ranging w
chariots, " soliloquized the colored', from engine -driving to clerical work, To Gent - a. chiId'e glearness. oY
z, ncle,. Spect dat Tim's gone lords are being analyzed in the same way, thought: Draw a triangle unless there
bottom. Hullo! 'what's dater -bobbin?"
Something rose out .of the water
that had overflowed the bank, and
Uncle Ike recognized 'the dripping
form erf Tim Biudderkin.
"Whydidn't yer go down stream
wid, ver-hgsees an' chariot?" asired
Uncle'. Ike, as Tim came wading
through the overflow to the `dry land;
"I,jutnped!" said Tim,`
"Jumped? Dat's mighty strange.
chiropractor -,masseur,,
:0f Wiogham will. be at the. Conimoro-
lel inn, Clinton, on- Monday and
'Thursday forenoons. each, week, •
Diseases of all kinds successfully
handled. - ,
apparently no•tbonght'i;hat the roach
DR.. 3.0'M. ATKINSON might Bold 'obstructions which were
1Optometrlst & Optician , not there when lie passed in the morn-
Gradnate Royal- College of Science, ant a
Toronto. Licentiate-:Onrio'-Board of "Whoa, der! o' Whye gwine?" yel-�l-
,Exaininers and '-'Washtaington' State ed Uncle Ike, as Tim approached -the
Hoard of Examiners. Eyes examined
and glasses tilted, Will he Bayfield
every Tuesday and Saturdy, from 2 to
6 p.m. at. Dr. Cl. 0.Atkinson's Dental
Office, Main Street, Hayfield, Ont.
Licensed Auctioneer for the County
:of H' ro
u n
promptlY a
ered.immediate arrangements
can be made
for Sales Dale at .The Nowa Record.
Clinton,.or 1=y „Palling Phone 203, >
Charges Moderate and Satisfaction
Guaranteed. '
'Clinton, 'Ont.
General Fire and d Life Insurance. '
for Hartford Windstorm gent
Dive Stock,
Automobile and Sickness;•and Accident
insurance. iluron-and 'Did
"Going to town, of course," replied
'You s'imet you ever git der.'?" asked
the colored "mole,
"Get there?" Said Tinr, "why, of
course 1 expect to get there. Havewn't
I been over this road to town. tetice a
week, for'. five 'years, and always got
there? "What are you driving at, any-
way, Untie lice?"
"guess' .you 11 tink what you dri in'
yy4 drib
you go much--furder,"` said the.
colored man. "DOS Fountain stream's'
and appropriate ;tests devised.' hero are more days in the week than there
are some of the sinritle ones: • a;"..6 months in the year, in which case
draw a
It may seem etre e• that simple
m 1
Each of the above groups of letters
tests like these should give's reliable
can be rearranged be fbrm the name -index of one's' intellectual powers.
animal. - Most school, o can
of an h 1- bs Y But they are'not so simple as they ap-
complete a'list 'of twenty such navies' pear at first and have, in fact, been de -
in four minutes, i vis'ed by experts ofter a careful study
In the reaeoning test one of the oY the mental• characteristics . that
questions asked is this: "In a certain quake for good workmanship.
of the
d two- tongue/the
w ''Although it has a huge
Are ..whale' has very little sense of .taste.
Yer never jumped: befo'e. Hope ver business house three-quarters
jumped inter some common sense'dat employees can speak Spanish an
tine It neys' come nigh ye befo'e thirds of them can speak -Italian.
World's 'Biggest Cathedrals,.
St, Peter's, • Rome, is the largest
cathedral in the *mid. It covens. an
area of 227,099 square feet. Its length
Is, 718 feet, .and its dome rises to a
height of 448 feet, .85 feet higher than.
the cross of St. Paul's, London,
The . next' in order of size is the
Spanish cathedral at Seville, which
covers an area a little more than half
fhatt of . St Peter's. .Ite tower le 400
feet high: '
When .completed, -St. John's Cather
dral In .Now York will, take third place.
It is, designed to coyer 109,082- square
feet; and beats all 'the others in the
height of itsytowerewhich 19 500 feet.,,
" cathedral at
square feat.
10600, t
an area of 7 a
covers q
er is
It is: 500, Yost -•long and its tON
'356 feet, in height. Three Enghimh
cathedrals conic :text in site. By far
the largest, cathedral in 'England when
It is completed will be the new one at
Liverpool, •des'igned • to cover 101,000
' square feet. 'York Minster comes
next, but it covers an area or only 63,-
3;800 square feet,-
eet. St. Paul's Lontlon,_comeg,seventh on.
the World's list of big• church}eta, cover-
ing 59,700 500110re feet, being 460 feet
long, 'and ita famous dome rising to a
rose erghtlfcet sense morning; an' it's
ragho' tit'-fbanlin'' an' spreadin' obt.
'ober de' country wuss0r'n, the sinal:
'pox scare!'
"Well, what of it?" said Tim, With
evident unconcern, .
"Now, see hyar, you -Tint," said
do Trust Bonds. Appointmetas
matte. Uncle Ike,, I a.'as: knowed'you didn't
to mReetfpa ties -at :Tirucelho ., Vitra a hab no sens.:`rtohow,,hut'pears tar me
ay to .• one 57. yes ought:ter• know null not to dribs'
ITenor .Graduate Carey Jones' National
School•of Auctioneeritig, Chicago., Spe-,`
ciai--course taken ins Pure Bred Live
Stock, Real' Estate, Merchandise, and. -
Perm Sales.' Rates in keeping• with
prevailing market. Satisfaction • as-
sured, Write or wire, Zurich, Ont.
CAINA -. ; tiafI Nni; `'al
'rains will arrive• arena' "depart, from '
Clinton as follows:
Go'Buffalo -anal Gedericil' Di'h -
ing East, depart 6.25 aim,
2.D., p,m.
Going West, ar. 11,10 a.m.
.ar. 6.08 dh 6.51 p.m, I
ar. . ', 10.04 p.m.
London, _Huron '& Bruce Div.
;o'ng South, ar. 7,56.. • dp 7:06 ani
: : , 4.1t p5.1
doing Nortil dopatt .6,5d 1 r . -
11.05 11.13 n,ot.I
A baby kangaroo is 1 cif'isiueh big
ger than. 0 ram 's thumb.' -
Cary 'Mending.
thiel'—"I3ow you goiirg to mend
those holes in'your stocichhgs?'
Ma'-- "Cass'; -1U01 roll 'em down."
rem a ..liner
' 21..f ter Nein * � released f
crossing the .At:antic to Europe, a
pigeon :fie' 1,000 miles over the sea
to its lo.[t in %?ew ,York:
REG'LAR FELLERS -By Geo'ue Byvnes
About ell- People
Stories ba � ��
An Apt Retort.
The fanrotis French avlator, Louis
Bieilot, • ,Who inade • history in .iuly;
1909, ''by. flying abre•ss "the Dogfish
Channel 1n his aeroplane, was ono of
the earliest to for-esee the' possibilities
of the heavier -.than -air ',machine.
Once,' while watching an aviator
make a trial' flight d3 sa Yew hundred
yards in one of the :eras aeropianes'to
be :built In' this country,' -a spectator
standing by said t0 him:
'Of what nee ,are theta power -driven
boxltites• anyway?"
in not alto-
was asense.
q Y
ti r
�unjustitiecl, tor thesepi
machines` were mere contraptions of
wood and canvas. But Bleriot, was
equal to the'oceaOiol?,
Turning on*his interrogator like a
$ash; he retorted ,quiekty: '"Of what
use is a new-born baby?"
Wrongly Described.
Solna of us do' not quite deserve our
descriptions. 'The great great humorist,
Mry Stephen' Leacock,-, :was 'once des-
crined at a meeting as: •
-Gentlemen, the. funniest roan in
the world,"
But the chairman who, made this
announcement happened, nfortunate-
ly, to push his wig back. zli this `mo-
ment, and pushed it:off.'eltogether, So
tile, audience decided that,fdr. Leacock
was only the second funniest.
Another cane of a descr1ption that
might'have,beenlucre apt comes: front
Vienna. A letter from_ this logon was
addressed io
"Mr. G. IS. `Cllestertolr, England's
Greatest Lotter -Writer, England."
Now,,Mr• Algei+nop• ssliton, who has
written more letters to newspapers
than -any other' man alive of deatl,'de-
s erves this title, and baht. Chesterton
should have been „nescribed as "Ping -
,land's Largest, Letter-STriter,"
The Prince's Wegeo.
tVlten the Prince. of Wales was in
Canaria, a fanner-'-unawere of hie
Identity --offered hiin a jab It was
-harvest time; 'and the paY war quite
S the, P •in ;e did
'good, ' Nevertlieles U e, o I
not accept the opening. --
has earned some -money hs Afri-
ca, however. While travelling through
Nigeria he preferred the engine .to.the
luxurious compartment•that had been
prepared for him-, and.. liurflig •' one.
half-hour actuallydroveathe train. He
had intended this sorvi_ce to be great
sous;' but on the" following day the
of pur•e'salts by the natural heat oe the
sun, ;Tho average percentage of salts.
in the brine; Is at least 26 per -egret.,
of which 34 pot• cent. as 9otltitnl chlor-
hdop 4•to'7' pe, cent. ,potassium chlor- I
ide, and up to 1 per -cent, or, morel
g brtimide. -
Salt Makes Up 7 Per Cent.
Tire- surface of the Dead Sea lies
1,29.2 feet below the sea level. It is'
forty-eight miles long and' nineteen
miles' wide—as big se the lake of Gen.
eve, It is estimated that 6;600,000
tons of water: fall into it daily. Be-
cause r va for
the e
xtraord n e
ansa of a y 1
tion ,caused .by the intense heat, the I
water is impregnated with mineral'
substances, of which common salt eon-
stitutes 7 Per cent. Fish, cannot live
in the Dead Sea, which destroys near-
ly all organic ,life.
The official announcement that the
government, is. prepared •to grant a
'concession for -the exploration of the
mineral resources of the Dead Sea
'follows' several, years' prospecting by
a group of Jewish financiers_ of Pales-'
tine and England." Recently an Ameri-
can oil company Jvliich h s been` Pro,s:
petting for petroleum iu the soutlresn
part of the Dead Sea region has dis-
player keen interest. in the bromide
'deposits. Other Ainericen ,companies
have sent' out • eiigineersr, fa examinee
the brine.
It Is understood that, because sof the
competition, the government decided
to' Invite tenders; froni all interested
parties before granting a concession.
Now: He's Broke.
Jones—"So' your friend- 13: poverty
Smith—"Yes„ absolutely penniless,
You see he lost bra=health in; getting
wealthy; then lost all his wealth
railway'otilcials presented hint with i; 'fag to get healthy."
10th m
1 h' showingat c
n large s eet, -
milt must be fastens
In Dogmatic 1
pang ace! iii his debt to the extent of :zed' even if it is only intended for
e ponce.
This tum ,ryas' solemnly `handsel to pig -feeding:_
]rim, adn the Prince sighed the ,sheet
and'tookthe money:
Musical Genfus money:.
h great IlenrWood, the t
or,. is, a practical man In more than
one way. Not many"of his great num-
lieraof admirers• know that he is .a;
first-rate carpenter. His skill in'this
line is at the Moment ' being utilized in
tire. building oca -concer417 ll at, It
counts•, home Hertfor-Iire;
Brevity the Soul of Levity.,
Canon Rollo,., of Trinity Co -liege,
Toronto, hes a repittatton for ready
wit,' which is only exceeded by his
fame as a'scholar. The following
Story is related -of him:*
When in Scotland, Canon Rollo Was
once accosted .on hie way to the 1)081
office by estranger. The latter sought
money, for a meal. Nene the ` less`
generous, the canon.. vas saisplcious.
To gain tine, he asked:
"Anel wlitit religion are You, may I
ask," •
'Not sa0' u ' i•epiietl
rho strange:Cite, pmeiousl.7y. YaBut510 what. does
that natter.? • 1TTe're both going to'Yho
same place,"'
"Not at all," smiled the canon.
'Youire-on 1)0311' - way to a restaurant;
kr fl1c"It'
Int going to the yo Lo
Scaling Fame's e
A few days ago the, British Prime
Minister told this interesting little
story, ;'The day I,was horn," said Mr.
Baldwin, "our cook wrapped me' h1' a
i blanket and, by way of ensuring that I
should rise. in Ufa, carried the to flies
top oY the house. Putting a. chair in
I the middle of one of. :the attic rooms,
she stood on it and hold mo as high
',as etre could in her arms. After that,"
he added, , "I could hardly help my
self l:',...
Two hundred and twalye thousand
two hundred and ten tons offish pass
through Billingsgate market'•yearly.
Wicliillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
Heed .OfficeSea€ortlx Gat.
Drr EcTo0V: '' m
president, James Connolly,. Goderich;
Vice, James Evans, Beechwood; 5qc,•
Treasurer, Thos 10. Bays, Sealorth.:
Directors;. George ; MCCart-ney, Sea.
Forth: D. F. McGregor, Seaforth;
ev, WalArm. Ring, Seafo
ill,GrtMeOEwen, Clintoton;n; Robert fierriesrth:,
Iiarlock; John Benneweir, Brodllagen;
Jas, Cnolly, Goh.
JegentszonAlex- Ldericeitch, Clinton; J. W., '
Teo, Gocierieli; 1d. Hiuchray, Sea.
forth; W. Chesney, 'Bgmondville; 11.
G, Jh, Brodhagon• '
n money to be- paid'in iubs
A yarnlut.
paid. to 1?oar1s11•Clothi a
nom- Co„ Clinton,
or at Cutt's Grocery, Goderich.
Parties desiring to affect ;Insurance
or transact other business will be
promptly attended to 021, applleation to
any ot..the ,above officers addressed to ;-
their respective post office, Losses
inspected :by the Directorwho lives
nearest the scone.,.
1c 10'EiS c»s
Many women with disfigured comp x
never seem to Y
think that the need an ocdasional cleansing
de as well as outside Yet neglect.neglect.of. this inside w
bathing shows itself in spotty, and sallow complexions -as
well es in dreadful headaches and biliousness. Its because
the liver becomes sluggish; wad waste natter accumulates'
which Nature cannot remove without aseistantlo. 'lhe best '
rethedy'is Chamberlain's Stomach andLiver Tablets, which
stimulate the liver to healthy activity, remove fermentation,
ently cleanse the.stornach and bowels and tone the whole
digestive system. Suro;, safe and reliable.' Take one At
night and you feel bright and sunny in the morttibg. Get
Ghemberlgin;e tochey—druggists 25c., or by mail from
Chambetisin Medicine Company, Toronto 15
FC ticreesfa
' R i.t So'!il n hod done, ion nun riot 15 y5 tame thin
Rood T
hely Amixin.. :dt'hecte you ctid`cbsily molitet 4eracdrefa-or senega that make
Stories of ne b e sac Styou may
bo n3'V 0W--W1hathvor S.O 51''10tc010 tas il, a —whatever'
r,.,.a , { -s ppu mnruo coin$ ifott ,ehethrr or not you that, you call nett....-`
t n this nucnttgn..Aro..iaa ¢mb:tlous l e ,1 ,1 , 0
.t.,,-rao:..ea wo : rust nasty r 1,
u, .itit touch -104h n� rn r. I will to i
fl e. 't nnh t t I n c.
kI e
'u c Wit o
rr' .771 n
e 7 a �,.
11 Si•: botanic :l .'+'111'
!'nn that •ou -n a .i brc m t
'i 1 � t.
in-:`'• cost obi n. n
ee a or J
tahull a C
Ss1oou. F
e: C.rn {
v,nh u,n''Nin
al rl'. ,
ni itl
v.4'. ui roar, 'rte shoe, V {V th tin USIt1ni1'hl -i 1.
ob d 1 s C.
a. ;_h n tie o
',tat h
'ale, man. :i
a 9 ,
._.. .•. . �,.. .,..r,,. ,+.. � 1,-„a{ lrtplzgineltb kexria'a of thuh'S.'i'. A. fel!: help you to geidt
uuronO. tot SO/Intr.
$1 0,000 :a Ya S
el i.. ng Secrets
The Swots ci Ster Solostenneilly We tau til: by 1.1. 1, S. T 0. h-.
e¢ bt d h ee ui, Rita - ser is t tb 1 v lbh , d f r be 15,11.000;
.d at sir WY S3 d 11 , .10.... tyac led Ahem • *1 metier v l nt y a
o not. tii Rte. field ct oaring. 1r 11gala lig;ut e. C t'tl eft,
cal er .rite
a Salesmen's. Training •'sla.ticu.'
1'•lataon I 7
Condign Moo ,#less 30,2 'rnronta. Oat..
es HeD e
t: tr It1 0i'