The Clinton News Record, 1925-08-27, Page 4• TkU12 sT)A• AUG Li.S 925 inns,- Q�d 1885 FORTY YEARS IN BUSINESS 1925 1 0(1, en Schoak.'.• The authorized Text Books -fQr ;Public and High Schools are stocked by; us, 'also the needed School Supplies. You'll find: our stockcornpiete arid' represents the `best cal sprocurable. School Stockings' There are no better Stockings made in Canada than the School Stockings made by the Wearwell Factory. We have a complete stock.° The colors are fast, and strongly reinforced, where most, required. , am ecial Values at 2 e,and5°c—Per pair. . T. COOPER. , R . The .Oldest Established Business ,in Clinton .UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO 'Ili this complex age the ambitious youth 1 deems auniversity education essential to his career. It opens the door'. to opportunity and, helps a man to make the most'of himself. Leaders are needed everywhere; in the professions, 'in commerce and in- dustry, in sigricultttre,: in politics in community and social life. - 'The cost of a university ' coursei s small considering the benefits.recaived. • The most'protltabie invest montpposetblelorayowl nun is •to puthisl?oneyintdan e4ucatton. !User, yau. . consideredddddd these. arta? For infureuition write to :Dr Z.P.LI EVILLE, Registrar London, •. Canada v-- 4 se Where Quaialy 'Cants IT IS EASY to buy inferiorgroceries. cheap. ^When you buy at DOMINION STORES the pricesare always low and the 'quality of every article you,buy is guaranteed with a real "money -back"' gnaraatgc. Lemons, 'per dozen , . , . 29r 'Cottage Rolls, per ib, 25( Te1epho[ne 1O. 60'. • KIPPER.- COFFEE ° a K1NG's PLATE s lid. PAIL SP111iS CLOVER 'SNACKS MAI BLEND H ONEY 4 los 25c t 53c ll .' 2;3llas 25c '75c ICH E'.CUOICEST, OUR SPECIALTY l3i ENRi OVAL TOY PAIL, PEANUT UTTER HAYFIELD BRAND AC ON Po ,ALLTHE BEST LINES CHOCOLATE 'BARS 3 FOR .. .OL,D, DUTCH' ,C CLEANSER lb B: * 'SIDE gRRANND E AS SIZE.4 NEW PACK LARGE SMALL23c �r SAVES YOUR: TIME AND S'1'RENGT1•I 040444.44.44,44.4444.... BIC TAKINGJUMP IN THE LAK OOL weather was not suti'i- cient to deter the Canadian .Weekly Newspaper ' party from enjoying dip in the waters of Lake 'Winnipeg'when the party visited Grand Beach on the Sat- urday following at- urdayfollowing their.Annual Con- vention at Winnipeg. The' spacious sands tlr6pted•many of the more hardy ones to doirbathing- suits while at the same time a splendid ;; orchestra in the large dancing pavilion coaxed shufflin' feet into real . snappy foxtrots 'and one- steps.-C.N.R.•Photos. ' News of''Happenings 113 the Coning and r District A Sivacoe mail, Mr..1i, 13. Fairchild•, has invented . a''real non -glare head -1 light and those who have witnessed the demonstrations declare , it to be a good thing. • Seaforth: The death occurred at his home on the Huron head, east, adjoining Sea2orth,—on - We"dnsday;` August 12111, Of _Mr. Robert ;Ritchie,' in his 47th. year.' Two weeks prey= iously the :deceased was seized' with anttttacl: of . pneumonia which he was unable to tlrr'ow:off, and lie grad na']ly weakened until the final. sum- mons -eame.: •The peceitsed was born in 'Watton,;- but moved to. S'eaforth during the war to woke in the nuhi tion .plant,' 1U:since then hacl been 'engaged in ;farming -in this -vicinity.' REPORT, OF HOG .II.S;t tiNTS -eek e'nding August 13 1925, Front ) ondesborp Total`"hags, 80:;^ s smooth, oled bacon 15thick, lc.lc . i nth 1+rom 33rucefield: S2otal:•hog5 39; Select bacon, 17; thick smooth, 17; 1 ts,and feeders, 1 loin Huron Gchnty: Total hogs, 42O; select bacon, 404; thick smooth, $Qb cavies 0 extra- heavies, 2; hELd=1}4gs,, 96, high'Mid feeders, 20 I;t1l'ROV17iti1I :NTS AT,. TEE LSTEIIN. FAIR ' Since the last' Exhibition the Wesst- ern Pah' Association has *. put 'forth every effort to improve conditions in all depattnients for the 1975 Exhibi- tion, which gives pi:ornise.of,,surpass- m alliprevious successes. ',Many - improvements' have been made by miter ing the :layout of the grounds and removing 'a number, `of buildings,' ilius. providing excellent'; tunedout to pass: C [! ' Ifooper of;, Exeter., The'''.auto".zig.-zaggied across the xoad•:a couple 'times andfinally took to the ditch. The front ptrt of the -car. was damaged blit „t,•,titaculiidis- =ly ,t1Ce- bccrtpantn of the car escaped without a'scratch.; The dri<er claimed, she had her, foot., on .the .accelerator insteld of the .brake i l Goderich: ° Master 'Arthur Dui niet,with what might easily` have been a serious accident on Monday of this week.'- He was riding a horse which became frightened by -the ap- iproach'.of a swift -travelling -ear,. the result being that he was thrown off, alighting on his", head on the hard• road: ,HI was stunned andlt?d sev- eral outs on this 'head, and was nth, erwise bruised, although no bones were, broken. . " . s Gpderich:; On Monday' evening of last weal. the Goderielr,Baptist'toting People's Union motored to Winghain vlrer;e they were the guests of the. yVingham B. Y. P. H. The Clinton. union was there also and all spent a - very enjoyable..evening. Seafortli: 'A sudden and very sad death occurred -'at the Seaforth ?los- pltal early Wednesday horning of this' week, when. Mr. Thomas Flana- gan passed away in- his 39th year. Mr. Flanagan was in -his gagd health and working about the farm as usual until the i•irevicus. Friday, when he was seized: -with an acute attack 'of alipendieitis. He -'ryas at 'once taken to the hospital and an operation per - termed... For several days 'after the operation' he seemed to itchy and no Serious :c;bnserluenees' were exiaeeteclr but complications :•set in 'and he gradually • weakesied untilthe end came on Wednesday. ' Usborne: An unique colebiation rias been held at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Fred Johns, of Osborne,. taissionaries •fsioin China *Re are home on furlough. The events- was ttird fifteenth'wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.- Joins and took the ,fornn of a• Chinese feast lasting three days. On Monday, the first day, about • sixty first 'cousins were n'resont and heartily enjoyed the cel- ebration.' Bowls sof rice were eaten with ehop,stibks and all had to use then'i: It was an accotnplis'hment to do so. At *the conclusion each were; presented with 'the •chop sticks as souvenirs. .ESTERN 1. SEPw�veew��w,�pp� �j fu1, A: .. b��' Q.. . '- h� ?•'' .1 d� 4 9, 1925. ,. LONDON - ONTARIO • • This year the Midway and Grand Stand attractions" have, been' care- fully 'chosen. -and 'far Midway 'anything of this riattiie in previous A yerrS real rood tune;,full,of.fun, pleasure and interest 'o assured to all The Pure Food Show, Deg ',Shirk and '.other exhibitions are.: bigger and better than ,ever. Entries Close, September 3rd ,.g 000 in Prizes and'Attractions For further information apply -J. II.•'SAU.NDE'RS, Pres. ® tt W. D. JACKSON, Sec.,, London, Ontario • INTETtES ING 3 Tourists• - who drive ;on the lake shore road -toward' Goderieh; notice on their . maps that,, eight -'miles from Grand Bend is is place marked "St. Joseph,'.';` :It =would be 'hnost' as easy to go past there' without being aware of ;the -fact as to pass Moray, on -the Toad between Parkhill and the Bend, without being aware that a place with a name and recognition on,the snap had been approached; entered and left behind. Yet, thirty years ago the tourist, would have stopped at St. Joseph. It 'was 'no mere summer• resort but a dream city •in the making,- on the in- terseytion of the lake shore road and. the one leading'. to Zuribh and- Hen - sill. It' boasted a hotel off' no mean proportions a. larger one than any, in that district, -.a factory for the gearing of alttrninunlware, houses for the residents .to live. in. In those• days, it was no. unusual thing for a special train.• from Piont- real to pull into- Belleau; the dean - pants, mostly .of the high iiat variety, would be •driven•across to the great hotel at .St. Joseph, and there enter- tained as only Louis Contine knew how to entertain. The+lelen was to interest capital in the ventur . in or- der that St. Joseph might come a few steps furthers from the State of em- hi/is ; toward reality. Even Caaipet Ministers came, saw, and were im pressed to ^ the extent that a dock sprang into existence at the bottom of the -> _lay bhPfrs. What happened to the dock was significant of what lat- er happened to St. Joseph, By the time it faced the rigors of the win=. ter on the exposed shore of riven there. was no dock.'- Even •today, ,residents who • were 'there. at the time recall: the odd ex- periences of these hectic days. ; One week workmen would 'be paid in full from money .held in a dishpan;. next` pay day. they :would be willing. to sell their pay slip§ for thirty cents on the dollar. t The guests never came to the 'great htltei;-the bottom fell out of the fac- tory schemes;' no great -boats ever slippedin beside •the wharf. Bats and,hoot-owls took up their residence in the° hostel. Today, : if. the driver looks carefully on the west side of ,the road, he may set the' exeavatien that.was made for tine great central, building just a hole in the ground, that's all. St. Joseph, like. Moray, does well to retain its grip on the affections of those who design road maps for On tario.-Lonclon Advertiser.. - Eclipsing' anything previously presented—unique, thontsmen- tal among Expositions. Brussels. Councillor Robert Bow- man, of Brussels, ' narrowly escaped death last Thursday, when, as lie' was working in the flume at the chopping mill, 'a large Crowbar fol] SPRINCv WHEAT 'DATES £roan'about•thirteen feet Overhead, the point dust missing. his body, 'hut Returns received at Ottawa. show striking his foot.'. The point 'went• al- that the sowingof spring' Wheat- in.'i Most through the foot `just hack,, of She I rdvinces'named was generally a the toes.. A couple of ,bones were little earlier this year than.in 1924,` badly smashed "and the joints -laid Alberta excepted: In Quebec April bare.. ;Several stitches were regairtrd 11 as against Aitch 1s; in. Ontario, to "close. `the avound, wh]ch was very March 28 against April 12; in .Mann 3aipful, toba,,Maeh 30::against ,April 5i'.Susi Exeter: A quiet wedding was sol- katchewan, April'1 against Aui•il 10; emnized in'James St. parsonage on in Alberta April 6 against April i, Saturday,: August 1510, at 1045n. and British.. Colurnbia, . April 1, In when Ver:•a,:`Irene;:youngest daughter some districts .,in A1betta-. surfede of Mr. and JVjxs.•:Thos.• Jones, Exeter, water delayed sov'nig.. Germination and Mr. Francis Brian: Rice, Brant- was slow owing to the cold nights, ford, Were united M marriage) Rdv, 'the average being about 13 days. E. Sheppard officiating. The- bride, The eaalrest; dates of appearance wsa ,attended by heio1sist'er, Mils E: above ground 'this year were: Que-' Jones,'while:the grooni was support- bee; April 24; 'Ontario, April 14;, ed by his brother, Mr;. Albert Ride, of Manitoba, April 10.; Saskatchewan, Owen Sournd. • The haiypy couple will April 15•;' Alberta, April 12; British be at-home after Sept.' 1st at, 167 Coltmibia, ,April 7, Market St., Brantford: - Grand Bend: Mise Mary Adams, of London suffered painful burns The. g. and stand stage at tire. ,Can - and the summer:home of A. J. Walk- adieu National Exhibition is 1,000 er, of London was destroyed as a re- feet wide and':the scenery wilt be SO sult of an- explosion of the gasoline feet high in places, . - range when something- . wont =wrong "Ties That' Bind" is, the title of the with the'- stove.:- Miss: Adams was Caiyadian National, Pxhibition: Spep- burned` in: attempting' to rescue her tacle for •1925. It will be a living, b0longings from the • blaeing framl*,vibrant dramatization of the •Einpire structure. Miss- Lea11Haycock' Of theme and will have 1,500 performers. London' ands Bliss Graham and Miss The career o, the wool front the, Lumley: of St. ,Thomas narrowly. es- -sheep's 'back tithe finished article of caped .iirlusy. fashion is to be1llustrated• by a spec- -Exeter: On Saturday afternoon ial exhibit at the Canadian National an auto accident occurred, on the Exhibition. Thspnes' Road near •• :E0eter, when a Auto plishball, said to :he more lady from Stratford driving a 3155 'thrilling than auto polo to the dat tiaughliu •tourinj; " car in which Were est dare-revil pastime to be intro - several ethers, ,lost -control' of the en clucell at the Canadian National Ex - which took 'to 'Um xwhich'took'to'te ditch and struck a lilbitiomthis year. It; - is, played with telephone pole',: breaking the pole in four cars and a " huge "rubber ball two .places. The cast was travelling weighing- 250 pounds. Ttlias a spine"- at pine=at an excessive rate of . speed and Creeping' affect on the spectators. acconanicdlatlonGfor all ournidc n hir- its coil anruseirents, The buildings have al o been ready improved, especially for Live Stock °aecormnoda-, tion. A number of iiew buildings have been provided with the, most -ee cellent sleeping quarters atadroinir but entirely separate, from the Lice Stock buildings, Other iniportant, a it era tions and' improvements' have been made- which will racy greatly to the comfort and, Convenience, of the large erowdii at- tending. throughout the week. Monday, Sept. l 4th, will he Child reh's'�D when children "emdei 13 years of age from all parts of 'On -,1 i tario will ibe admitted free. r ; •' . People Dion -1,411e rural"commnnitiei and towns and cities will find it to theiradvantage to attend on Child- ren's Day, when children under 12 exhibits will be at:their best„ and the Exhibition'Board, as well as the ex- hibitons in all departments,—are. '•teak, ing a:special ,effort to'.provide every- .thing that can. he desired for the in• struction and amusement of the child- ren. . General admission'to the Exhibition v,'ill be 255, :' Stri'IY t14lc-ets el five all inissiorr� for $1.0'(2 aa;e .tiro on sale and'''inay be secured rip to September 9th, With the epeci et sailwdy'rates and, special 'admission 13t0 ' prevail- n'authorities,ore fig, the +,xlttUrtron making arrangements to handle ca- pacity crowds cac41.1 day, • WHEN:USING WILSON'S PADS CAD NAS ,N AND FOLLOW THEM \) "'EXACTLY Rest of .all' Fly Hillers, 10e - per Packet at all Druggists, Grocers and General Stores twin itsentsmatentiessoirrstussese THE will make' display of :their; Fall and Spring Samples:. Its the Windows of Cooper's Fridayl ust variety St�r� ay.-. .29th Thiswiltinclude a sample of everything made, by this cornparny, in all colors and shades. These Goods are not on Sale IS i!tia IscidgistrjudeallFroXIMMFFFFEFIRENIFFEREFFFORLMEFEFInrantaninillanlittnanaSea maezremimassewialbsawareemovasepecominsomarsomarrawaramermemzumasuamm est wassmaseraikvilreastre GOING ' nBTuRNINo T® WINNIPEG From WRRIMPEi',. 'Plat Id cent , ar Jolla to pointe beyond,tit not west Plus 35 coat Der mite, etartlaG el t •.monton, MacLeod andguilat'y point to W3unIDtB. (� From Stations In' Ontario,: Smith's Palls Wand hxluding'Toronto on Lake Ontario Moro 6 ' Pirelli all. Stations g�(iIngeton toReatillW ' 3frptt1cn, Inoluelvs. • ..a FromArenas! Station, to PortMoiVleoll enal,laurketon'to Beboaygeonr lncineire.' - Se '� n, 'let Bnim'til Station.' on TorontoSudb '. 41rbot [.rue, ....• tnt��t��;:. as qus' n, ricin , •.0 .''an. crest. Toronto to an • a pomlitoa. '', W,. and, lagara.F.f=i. wIndtor. 'roto 011 9tatlona on Owen und, w�k,,q�n t Oeongoollls, Toewater, Etora, Uotoaele Godarloii Bt. Marva, Pool Norr¢aB..and St.I omae Pi'I'm' ss• m a11 Ste tlone Toronto and. North tt otlloltan, 1nolud�ro.. • �, ppyy�o S tar oog.':th.Mlohf •art Central, Pere Marquette, Windsor B.eete'Ba Lek. Fhtom os Stat one In On S$11 , theta wallaoeriurg &l Lekea Errs. drsnd Maar, Lake Bee& hawthorn end Tor.tate, ton dt.8u Isle Rnihrays.. SPECIAL THIN SERVICE FROM 7C011014'•TO ""' PRY 4Indian Sind Chtldran--,Se dittCsro wi11'bereem al for theeaeluelve me of ladled, ohtidren cadlr re teens. ravel Full mEormtntion firm tsny Canadian Pacific Agent. wia Septa 4th HARVESTER. �y. ,,. �L 1�+�3 NTED TO WIINNE'i' EG - Plus half a' cent a.mile beyond to all points in'1Vlnni- • toba, Saskatchewan, Alberta,-,Edinonton, Tannis, Calgary, MacLeod and Bast. • Returning—Ham ascent per mile to Winnipeg, plus $20.00 to destination. GOING .DATIE‘St SEPTEIVIHER tat and •4th SEPT. lst -Toronto; Caledon East,' Becton, Medford; Penetang, Midland; Parry -'Sound, Sud bury, Capreol, and east thereof in Ontario. e SEPT 4$h, —Toronto, Inglewood Jet. and all Stations south and worst thereof in Ontario. SpecialTrains. Leave Toronto . ° Sept. 41h,-12.30 p. sept. 44139 8.35 P.m. Thrnnag,•h irzdiaeds Ctxadi$®rtsa&elyas Colonist: Cmrtn. vyaisic.aarl Casta•fff.!, �alaern and philgarera Purchase your -ticket to Wminpeg'via Canadian National Railways, whether or not your final destination nt the West is" a point ori the 'Canadian National. 'rickets and all information from nearest Agent,. s,arf. u re. t11.