The Clinton News Record, 1925-08-27, Page 2L ; arms of, Subscriplie t.00 per Ye . It advance, to bfiifiid 'Ildreasest .2.50 to 'alio teS eteee ,2fere1ge countries. No peeerieValeetee!I until all arrears r,ro paid,14}19PAL'..at tile option of the publislier:''' eye? date to' which every subscription is bRAK, TFiE. GOBI IN pale, le 'denoted on -the label. - Advertising Rates--eeranelent adver7 tBY AliitY LOVELL, Using, 12e per count 1 n • , Insertion, Se for (lice eilbeequeet In :the seventeenth centurY m'el soon spstid out on b, „counts. 2 a,duon, .lit;ett in the little:town of Goillne cr. due. order. ' • Sraall edvel•tteements, not ,e,;t"peeete,de leYet'lara egi, mat7paltgain, ttewsheott, tte 911,dafge, ihtoicsrel.reidr willitfectiel°eur such-ae "Wantel:"'ion .d cc les estree,e'l,;74, inSerted.' ,n,o, for looking' I'm: a, wife. Won't(' choose whit or yellow, Powder,. re,aoll subsequent ineertion 15c Now, ii' ehe were milY Young, sweet.. both being, fasitionnbler ...i5Thitta. seem-- Ative'rtisements sent 10 Wit11011 i11-, tempered,. gay, rich said prett.y an(' !he more tender and sentinientaL struelions as to the inumfier of in- of a, good fainily, nothing ,1'1.1.01711d took the ,PoiNder Puff and began . sortions wanted will run until order- be necessary; for Michael well IcneW th° operation on tile right side but , , ed out and b, charged ,-,:atord- ,is hest to be moderate in our de, just as be swas finishing lie -discovered t , nate,i.i.01.,, display advertising sree8i , ; that some invisible hand was .powder- ing the l'Ott side a golden hue, so that rimee Ictrown on application. Enf,ortunately,e there was re' his liead ' f ' 3 hal . ..'Conartunications Intended tor puble in Gaillao that -sedineci avorthY of his / .1„ d -1` , thin,11,1- eatioti must, as a guarantee of geed choke, A.11 ele.yeeng .11,with faith,' be accompanied by the name of „ . the writer., , , laults that were was gnow0, to say , , Michael, utterly stupefied hastened • ob_t cc•staib tot all, out,. and ineies Proprietor.' Editor. At last elicheel wee to.d of a young ness ;leached la• I a 0 1,1111 lady of Laver ,g te d with eulnhar- spool eccld In( to lees good qualities, and a: doavry„, of eenee, ' • • ' a llundred thousand crowns. . 'The sPool'eseaesd froM- fiUgera G. De IacTAGGAIIT M. D.. MeTAGGART MeTAGG T BROS: BANKERS A 'general Banking Business transact- ed. Notes ,Discomated. Drafts' Issued. Interest tAdlowed. on Deposits. Sale Norge' Purchased. H. T. RANCE ...Notary Public Conveyencer. Finanelale Real Estate and Fire 'In- surance Agent. Representing 14 Fire' insuiende Companies. Division Court Office,. Clinton. • • ' W." BRYDONE Barrister, sollcitoreNctary Publiceetc. sLoAte BLOCK CLINTON DR: J. c; GANDIER Office Hoers:-1.3e, to 3.30 p.m.,,6-3U, to 8.00 pee. Sundaye, 12.30 to 1.30 p.m. Other hours by appointment only.. Office end Residence - I/Iota/ea DR. METCALF BAYFIELD, ONT. Office Hours -2 to 4, 7 to 8. Otherhours be alMeintliAt. DR. 1-1..S. BROWN, LA/C.C. ()Mee Hours , e.30 to 3.30 pen: . 7.30 to e.00 P.m.„ Sundays 1,00 -to 2.00 p.m, .-, ,Other hours by apPointmene. Phones " Office, 218W Reslcience, 210 • DR, PERCIVAt HEARN- , . . . Office. and "Residexice: ' Huron Street Clinton, Ont, Phone GO , (Fornaerly occtipied by the late De, C. W. Thompson). . Ryee 'Examined and. Glasses Fitted. Di.. A Newton Brach/. BitveId Graduate Dublin University, Ireland. Late Extern Assistant Master, 'Ito. tunda Mospital for Winneei and -Child- ren, Dublin. * ' - Office at residence lately oceupled by ; • Mrs. l'areoas. ' Ziours:-.0 to 10 a.tri„ , 0 to 7 p.m. Sundays -1 to 2 p,m. DR. FRED G:TtIOMPSON `Office and R4idence: Ontario Street - Clinton, Ont. One door 'treat 'of Anglican Church. Phone 172, D. H. MeINNES ,,chiropra'ctor-masseur • Of Wingham, will be at the Coeitnerc- Ien, Clinton, on Monday and Thursday forendoes each -week, , Diseases .of ell kinds successfully heneled, DR. J. M. ATKINSON . Optometrise& Optician Geacluate- Royal College of Science, Toronto. Licentiate tentario Board of Elraminers and ' Washington State Docuid of Examiners; Dyets examined and glasses fitted. "Will be .at. IlayIleld every, Tuesday and Suturdy, from 2 to p.m. at Dr. G. S. Atkinsonei. Dental Office, Main Street.; Baeald, ,Ont, . GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensece.Auctioneer for the County Cerrespoedenee promptly- answered, Ithieediate eirrangementa mie be made for Sales Date at The "NewsIlecotd, Clintoe: or by calling Phone -203, Charges Moderate and Satisfaction , Guaranteed, , B. R.• HIGGINS • Ca triton. Ont. "General Fire and Life Insurance, Agent • for Hartford Windetorne "Live Steck, • Automobile and Sickness and eieFaent , Insmance. Iltron -and. Erie and data - (la Trust Bonds. Appointments made to .taeet parties 'at Prucefield, Varaa 'and 13aylleid. 'Phone 57. ,- . • OSCAR KLOPP Honor Gr.aduate Carey Zones' National School of Auctioneering, Mileage. Spa,. • cial cours,e • taken in Pure 'Bred Live Steck," Real-pslatc, .Merbhandise, and peerm Sales. - Rates in keeping with: preyailing Satisfa etion sigjotla, Write ,or wire, ...4arich., Ont. Flione18-93. . • : Trains will arriVe at and 'depart from Clinton as follows: , 'Maffei° and Goderich Ply, • • Going East, clepara; 6.25 ti,m, Going, West, ar. • . • '11,10 ar. 4.03 dp. 6.61 P.m. " er. .10.04 pen.. London, Heron & Elruce Div. • Going South, 00..7,56 ate' 7.58 , ,.. 4,15 11.0e, oinz North. depart • 6.50 " " 41,05 11.11 a.m. You never learn much fIciin a per - 00 you can Sal through. Now this *0.5 Precisely *hat our and fell on the door.- I -le ran to catch young man ;fleece o a is a is it butit o,eemed to 'fly before - position; therefore, he inneediately Twenty times he was on the peinc of fall in love with the young lad.v. " I seizing 'it, and twenty thnes his im- , ; . . , 11"Te was presMited to the 'family, Patient hand missed it. It was like who were phased wfth his 'appear- a cat playing with a "bird; ance, and received him kindly. - he lost all patieuce, and seeing la it was growing quite But the yeung lady lead many suit- darlt, he resigned hinaself to keeping ors, and she hesitated upon whonl to fix her choice.•• hiS old ribbon, and hastened to put on • , ' his morocco shoes. , At lehgth, after several interviews, Rs buckled, first; the right" shoe, it was decided that they should all then the left, and with his gazs. fitted as,semble on 'a. certain evening, an.d on. the latter,' he was admiring -the after comparirirtheir various qualifi- -. elegance of a foot which he thought cations; the parents„„,and young ?girl be no meaffs,vulgar, when he noticed should choose. danieS world's ,citampi on Iricklayer; busy handing them_ over. • ' flues' footlia's ,star, ,Wao"" s id •Uts. dovin 86,000, daily arid keeps -11;se- men sIi 15011i Well.Kliovoi eople Rightly, Classified.' ' ioug 1, e ,reeentlY ,eo-obroied his seventy-banal:1i birthday, Sir Oliver Dodge, tho famous scientist,: An still tell a gOoll .51,0ry. ' •, One•that•he fond. Of relating Con- cerns quiclolivitted professor of --geo- logy lu a eertaIff colleen in North ',.„-It Seems Hip:students 'fvere asked to talcs a Walk and to pick up various specimens of rocks andebring them to the class-eoom ,for the professor, to classify. . , • Ono smart young man' Melted up a On the day agreed u -Pan el'aziae' hanging on tha floor. He was busy table with the-othee 5pecimens. When or en, old 1-).0.1( ana laid it 00 the, ,,o, , , that the buckle of the first shoos wss 51500 set, out for Lasiatur. He had put .his replacing this 'when the buckle of the RIP 'class tad ifSefenibled the professer his -an eecond slice came undone: , ' picked up each Specimen and toldewhat hest attire en,„ his-. apple -green, coat, ' a - dove-eelored Hardly had he sat it right when the it was, saying that this a piece of tee waisteoat, his best black -velvet. ,breeclies, silk stockings embroidered other unclasped and fell to the Roos, sPar, this was red,granite, and so on. - With silver clocks, shoes with lofickles; So he Went on for an hour, buckling' When„ he came to the brick he -held first one; then the Other,fwithout be- ft up pia said; mehle is a piece 'of im- n. box of poWder for his hair, and -a ing--ab:e to bave both buckled at the P°I.tinalicel" thell eaet ft aside and Iresh. satin ribbon to tie uP his • cue. aama aim, ' • went in with !the others. His horse was gaily equipped in a _ In a rage he crave it up, and put on e handsome saddle -cloth; with long 'hid traveling shoes to end the metter, The .131shop's Pal. fringe, a- bridle ornamented with a and set about .taking his velvt . -When acting AS 0112111111a/1 of the knot of silk. floSs„ and is ' fine saddle bi.,,,,,,heo; but now indeed there:was Birkenhead Distress Committee during of hog's..leather. . - ' ' a ma.,..,701 , ; .the war, the Rt. Rey. F. S. Guy War- Moreoveie the'prudent trave'ler, not At the moraent -when he went to . . , having..pistols to put in his holsters,' the bed for them, the, breeches leaped ,s;;piltxd in a sinali flask of brandy and ., to the door and: ruShecl around the a few slices .of ,elmond cake. . i room, performing a' thousand antics.- .. Miehael wita,-iii fact, , Se anxious Michael, petrified with , aitonislx-- about . the approaching trial that he , , , . anent, s oo . • t d with open. mouth arid, felt tie eourage-lisertin'i-enra- extended hand, gazing.. in the most So when he first saw in the dis- terrified manner at this unusual per- tance the. church of Lavaur, he stop, e eormence: ped his horse; quite overcome. lie dismounted ;apd the better ,•,to reflect on what he should say OA the e-vmaing in, question, he tied bis horse to a tree and went into a litple grove and sat down. • -Ite.hael drawn 'froth the holster the flask and calce to lce,ep him company. Those he , placed hetWeen. his knees, and interspeised his ,reflections with a mouthful of cake Lnd a swallow' from the ilask. Thee helped birn tc. re- gain his courage .and confidence. 'Ho imagined in himself' An amount of grace, wit and virtue, that would insure him an 'easy victory over -.the young maiden's heart; and as the sun had disappeared below the hor- 'vim he was on the point of rising to continue his Way, when he heard ,a noise behind him in the leaves. It sounted like a multitude of little feet dancing over the grass to the music of the flute and cymbals, Michael, greatly -astonished, turned, and, by the light of the early dare, perceived oe' band of hobgoblins, led by their king, Tambettrinet, The c:own of this ,dwarl-cOmpany, the goblin, Dralc, came strutthig bee hia,ainittating the cries of a 3acit- daw.. - yhs hive surroueded Michael with a thousand marks of friendliness end many a warn% welcome. Miehael„. who felt quite brave, re- zeived them as 'old acquaintances, and noticing that all eyes ware' fixed on the allfiofid cake, he broke -it in bits and screttered tbe crumbs f or them as for' sparrows. But you may iniagine' his. greater astonishinent.when he saw his waist- coat, coat' and hat join ths breeches, take their respective places.and make Lunn, now Blehop of Chelmetorcrivali noted for a peculiar:knack he: had.of making friends with all and suearee. ` reds- traire• ine.ila character 'was, brought brought out strongly during recent visit;to, the Dast of leendon. INN:kering through is certain street, he hese occasion.' to asketbe -way of a. ragged little urchin. - "I'll 611cm 'you," eaid, the boy, and jumped up' on tho footboard of the can The bishmeengagod hine couversa- lon,. and to -such , good purpose that when, on reaehlng destination, poficeloan came foravard.ohd„ c sited, the boy'what he was doing, the loiter re - 'plied, Jerhing .thuriab to,w,ards-The bishop: ; _ 'It's all right, 'Mr. , Pi/Iceman!' 'e'a. a pal o' mine," • Dick Whittingteres Retorni. Siiiiefeur years ago a Norfolk boy, named; James 'Roll, left a' small farm to come' to London, where ho had heard the' pavements were covered wi,th gold. -EMI: some -years he worked as en effiee boy. - ' _ „Recently tee boy, new.a kindly, grey- liearded man, returned to his. native vil- lage as sir James Itoll,,eteLord Mayor -of London, toopen the hall whieli he has presented to it. Pig Roots Her Master Throudh College. e . , Pies is pigs -also, moneyniakees. Aubrey R. Peitner-of London, Ky., will ,soon have is college 'education, all due to thei efficient support ot a thor- oughbred named "London Ladye', The sales of her progeny, now num- bering 171, have eettea the yoinag'stil- dent dtotal of $1,815. - ' "fondbn "Lady:',,was One ot •eight purebred 'P'olaed Celua, hogs present- ed to eight diffe"-t-mit boys in the Lon- detedietrice on condition that-four,oe the early offspring lie returned as par,: ment for the. anintel. • Deitner received, el; oil theta and adopted as a slogan; !,'1'm going -to let tills Pig root nle through college." Iiq was right. • a- sort oteountsrfeit of himself, Walk- The Difference Between in aborit and imitatinkhis attitudes. Pale with 'terror, lie elrew back to Toads anclFrogs ,appearance turned to- Meny,peeple Inlay ideas. abolit the winclotre but at this mement 'the the differences' that exist between El, ward him and sheared, beneath the frog lied a toad. Te,thein. the creature three -cornered het, the gi-inning face is a frog 1111 ittnipS, a toad it it walks. of Dralt! The imp was laughing at But then a toad can hop quite well if hie discenifleure- - started, and a frOg Often walk's, iso this Mieheet. cried 'out: "It is you, then, pail wretch! upon, distinction is unite erranions. SOnie of the real 'differen'ce, however, are my soul, I 'will make 'you repentof painted -put -by M. 11 Crawford in The (our insolancet if, You do not give nie pageant or Nature. , my clothes instantly!" . :With theseWords he rushed to take -ferelinecre°s,att In eoir stYtavteest,Y.timiraoungy113oluft- life, from' the egg -chains of the toad and the egg -emeses , of .the frog, to the, toOthless toad sati the frog with teeth ili the upper Jew and across the palate. The tongue of the frog is lobed et the tip, ' but that of the teed is entire. Toad -tadpoles ditfOr from frog -tadpoles In that they are Stiialler, much darker in color, and rounder in shape. But one of thefundamenseledicifferences IS connected with. the toad's skin exude - Hone; which are admitted to Meer a very injuriotie riatere, What precisely the poison consists of may not be quite certainly lcnown, :but it is Probably of an excrementitleus chatacter, and, as such, nittY be of pse in sepplementieg the action 01 the lunge' in earrying oiT a portion qf eerben from the blood. .It inflamme.ble anctacrid, and theeefoie 'distasteful to mese birtle atel animals, though it is known that hedgehogs' will readily devour toads; thIS lattef fact shatters the theory that thetsole par. pose of /he exudation is to provide a protection tor the load against car. niVorous enemies,. pcperiments slrow that 1111 both cauetie and Meter, that it has a disagreeable, poisonous Smell, and 'a :yellowish color; that, exposed to 'the air1 itbecomes selid:and, placed' on glaasc scaly in appearance. Expeiri- ments have also -been made with a view to, testing its effect onibirds ana animaiS and the restilis Ilave been 0101.11011 end decisfi[e. It is en record that a child (Red from being Poisoned by these 'exude, tions from a toad that he had" taken out of a hole. It is possible.. But it is also certain that there have been peo- ple lsflicd by wasp ,stings.. The out. come depended in both eases on the state of the blOdd-of tho person poison- ed, and n.ot on the potency of the pois- on itself Toads, Like Music, them, hit Drak faced about and flew to the other'end of the roam. Michael, beside himself with anger and impatience, darted forwaid again to he goblin, who this time ran be- tween his legs and escaped to the staircaee. Michael pnrsued4mtly0 chasing him - up to the fourth Sforey, and even to the. 'attic. 1-lere,Drak made him turn about iikea wen -trained horse, until he chose to escape by the skylight., . Michael,' not to be beaten, followed. The malicious goblin led him on from roof to roof, dragging the \waist- coat, velvet breeches and best coat in the gutters, to Michael's utter de - Filially --after drawing him on foe some hours ainone• the' Pyrenees of ,eats ana swallows, Drabs halted at: a - The, king then wished -to vdint high chimney at the foot of whiCh p; the brandy was,. anMichael had to sto, d the flask was ,pascod from hand 1:2„ralc bent towards the young man, who. was breathless- and discouraged.' ease to. Drak, but it was empty, and "You see,. my 'handsome young there was not a drorfo,2„:„,him. ' man," sald be, smiling, "yoil forced Michael laughed out loud at his long face and aids me to spml your hall -costume on these tt s 13 2air, nay little man; for those lnessY l'eel7s;but Je.rtunate:Y 1 se who come itit-only regret remains." e down the , chimney the boiler of a , "1 will. Tait° You relneml-er your iaundeces, wile will soon set it all %voids!". 'cried 'Drak, "And in what way?" asked Michael Se saying, Drak waved ihe ve:vet cip.011 l • breeches over the chimilev aps . you un you „ ' are barge enough and iterenotteli to What aro you doing, You vil;ath.?". reveage-Yourseef 1' -, 011153 • "am goihg tO send YoUr costume brak 'disappeared. without 41.115111011:, to the wash," said Dralc; and the hat, ing the 'taunt, and.Michael nsmounted t,11k,n leave.... waistcoat and coat followed the _his horse, after .having of Ktitx Temhourieet. breechekInto-the -smoky gulf. Hardly hd he gono a litmClred The young suitor seated himself en the roof with a groan ef despair, but, steps when his sadd:o turned' and riS"ing .altnest immediately - tumbled him unceremoniously into the; Well,". Ise cried, "1 will go th the dust. He rose, quite ,stunned, buckled ' the girths 'and remounted; but a lib.- bai- l M my traveling ,enitl" tle further on, as was passing a - "listen)" cried the gehlin• lisbened,. and. a ringing was short bridge, Om right stirrup sud1)211050 - den:37, gave, Way end he :found him; heard from the neighboring church.' 11 v as singing thn nu .d , Is true that'toads 0110 11Ve inside se,f sitting in 'the midd:a of the- brook. food? As - lie came out of, it exasperated and a n. Md. i ce ohuni2".d1- 4,n°outntreo(,s1 ttrii7-11- tl"Tioienlvi se: 18t.. nr r,arrle'321.3,\V;it't,ilhneaitohterto.tr.."I't. eeeae ead.' a 'third fall 00 the pebbles of the This -01,5.B the hour hppointed by the L'o"' huttste.°t°rIlY"-ItT0Ilati that the - roads .P -Caring, lest if he, persisted in trying to ridehis horse parents to ammunce to, -the a'ssembled toads that have liopped out of broken not be able' to resent h'ims, e I suitors who was the favored one., , rockS and stones have had absolutely •p'ehe ehotel lf Micel clasped his hands in deep 110 ase•C°.'" to the - whole condition 'to the i'amily of Ms haWhat', hes happened certain& moro beloVed, he deolded to mount hared de ;„ . than once is this: very young toads back and carry the Saddle C11 his „t 2 tave been was_ied down me), fissures shetddet% vNitre, swhien 1 reach the house all '1Zi Ihis manner he entered the town I '`,.' e 'et , and t--eY wIll all laugh ,, - lad rt , -1- in rocks, in stoma quarries. The flood areas of prints of the "master" ncga- ."A, lid .001 01,0. not tli 'at be fair, that washed the toele'down will,also elve are made and sent to all corners 61 the inhabitants, .Whe 01C.110 takillg '' my tall washicltywn,afft?it it -tiny i,pccimens et of the globe, of Layout., to the great amusement , a'' alel" Raish,g the Family. G LONG AGO. 1.-12;,opPelins, and )1124.t,Fif,41.fffil' „'"c. .. , , 1 rue' ,0S, PIle l"eRillAICAVVIt4,-.51e t" hese. da), . of, eircummayegneen ta'ajli'llelile'le.1:eilg':ifc)f.,t'''Ittrat'Iltifel'°411'ile*ir!tli.:0111-12 prostration. 'It 1s sirepiy' won orfol Tho first airinee. was the mythical to_give strength to yolar whole body..., I tfecialus, who, according; to an- -an-. ...,./t is agreeable, 11.1.°2-34,1104.re, icolley.bathfetibrylro.o, jafir,wda-ithrIciee,b-c;ciailittuirniecsrabtee- L it'pentigit_Trticdtoantaakiee,u; padn.drril• 00.10"..i.ftjirm.a. f tie famotis labyrinth.„13elng impr.so.- or YA cm) ,bY,the aY YOU fool. You need- , grati's ,Sareaparilhi to in1i your,1 „red. and pin tu151111g wIt ell ,1,,every,Ff;an. 'ion need' it if 'We ealaY 10 and (la) eet., If. poor, sleep fin re kbuft.,. for 1UMP/0, boils, ere ela,, :heel -nal heedardee bus 0,1 Wi111 11111, 5011, learus,-by Kele:Minos, „, I e Invented instrtunents of flying, the -"Fraifiy„Cai. idngsbeing fastened•On with fios, The., that yoa 050011 c data of Icarus, who flew 50 high that qA,,hsaVr,u712,,y i,).' g ' C I record says t its cau.e. , he -Able' heat of tho- sun melted the wax thfit y9„ 11;',IpM thht hail found its way into, the heart - or a rabic by`means: of a ordek would 167,0 for a long iime in a fairly healthy eendetiee,. Troge and toads are alike in. one matter, they can both easily be 'tamed, uri to e certain degree. Pith, and, sthiall, 'quickly: moving., worths are ;the best means „ to emploly. Toade are also very sensitive. to inesic,, and will come into a rooin to listen to it. 'Both seem to like ale, sound of the human Voice. . . , For Some reason best known to themselves, frogs and toads are not happy in (etch. other's company; they ere, seldom seen together.. Otherwise; there are a hundred' polntS of differ-, ence by which they might immediately' be distinguished. A Toad -ahwaYS squats lower .on the ground than a frog; its head is ale() huddled down be- tween its fore -legs. When. It is touch- ed .pt otheywIse dial:tame It turnS, eeiekly aside and waddles away! it can jump, bus it much, prefers to waddle, Eind it can do this 'very (1111041Y- If yeti tohch a frog it- site• holt uptight and stares, at' you, and suddenly it takes a huge, startlinglYleng leap, It is able .13 Jamp teems ite own' length: A good- wee' to visualize -this- enornions Juinp is to compare it with a man's lamp oVer walll a hundresTfeet high. FARO See Only Small Paif of DevqiOped The footage In the IllmilasheditImu and'. the wings droppee olf. Daedalus in your etee of nnsetf g°1- t° s'etis King. 10f old , is sitarp distress. pi isoner escaped by oar! ' Theta is an old -Indian 'legend wmch a11:11uli/01'glitol:vrliti °kRias 14: fe,bA;Yel ciaad:leiYx0a1 i1e111ane, jungles of the Deccan. The demon mcmarch of Ceylon, Ravana, abducted Site while she was wandering in the forest, and carried hey off to his is - Rama, with the assistance aovf otnii:e`mthoenT1olicue:t•rivtakgoingeh.k,elynaKrci s au o 'est have been surprfeed when his Th • te little you can see As you turn yolir ,eyes, on me Of the boy who lased to be,' Yet the tirrie,syeat when Lknow Afl the JoYs or:Suramnfr,, too,. And Went 511//10aling, lust y°11. „ , . The monkey king built a ,seeiee of stepping -stones over wlitch •the oxen: gers marched on to the, islind. There Rama slew Ravana need rescuea bre lag), alive and emburt. Tlip problem Ibsen -Was bew to get back teAeoehea., A great air machine was fitted one according to the story; -aecleeo 'capaci- ems was it .thet it containeda splexidia rooms, ,furnistied 'with eeets end cus- hions. Rama' wee able to invite the monkeys and -.beaes Which-ahd helped hini em expediticiti to eccompany him and hisewife as.feilow-Dassenger,s: when 'the 'plane passed over the capital -of the monkey -king, Site. beg- ged :her husband to step and. pick ue the ruonkey's 'wives, and invite 'them to 'Ayodhyse This was done, ante one can more easily imegine.than deseribe the astonisinuenF.aid joy of tee wet - come given te the. royal pair, when at length 'theY reached naoymihea and glided down -to the hellagged streets. - An Ancient -Legend., To the Hindu, aviation is riot imtew de' parture. In view 6f this aneientqe. send, it Is rather.a eediecovery. The ideehas-been weeking in men's Minds froth. remote antiquity.. Aladdin $ pal - 'ace, .flYing%.fr.ota coentry :to aq- Otlet %Wendel -Billy Miticipated theracre- dem at' vessel, eVen as the =wee- trions of -Jules Verne foreshadowed other 'scientific discoyeriee. , In a letter -of -Dr, Saniuel ',Isom dated 1784, he says: "We have, a dar- ing projector who, disclaiming dig help ot• fumes and vapors, fs making better than Maclellan wings, v,•itlf which he will maste,r the balloon, as an *eagle -masters a goose. asos hes been ratted ter the workmanship of iron,. 'The whole is `inid to Weiilt two hundred pounds -too spedious,Prepara- tion for flying, but.there are those who' 09ect to see:him in 'the ;Bey.' In Samuel' Johnson's uoVel, "Russelas," oecurs thio pc,seage: "The' ranker ap- peared on a little prdmontery, furnish- ed the.. Right. 110 waved his' Pinions aeelille to gather the air, then lealit from his amid, tied in,an instant drop. pod into thelake:" 'lust as you, at 12 Ye.ars old, , was walla with blood and :bald>, Aad I laughee 'at water cold ; Laughed to liear the 'Ma folks sigh ' "It's toe ehilly," just eel, In lee 'slimmer time -gone hY. , Now My ;bleed is running then, - And I watch yorewith a grin., Give a shout and plunge right in; And theeed Who' once was bold And'undanntee by the cold .,, StaYs at home air.ong the old. "Fraidy cat!" you -call your dad, And it's tone, my healthy led, "Prieidy cat!" I aim aud sad, . When you've run your boyhood through ,You may bear a youngster, too, Calling eFraley Cat!" Fit you. - -Edgar A. Guest RobiosoTtCrosoe's Hotel - Theee will be were- little. hardSlitil in. store for aiayoire who in tlie future may 33 ,wrecked on Juan Fernandez, ,nia which Alexander Selkirk, the original Robinson Grimm) -spent part oferis life. The Governinenent chili Is proposing to' erect a bbtel. On thRir "Oslo of ro- mance" and to eitablish a regular ger, vice of .pasSenger staameri for the benefit 6f Defo.e's enthusinsts. The best -loved, story. in the world hag, already given its name to a hotel . In .,the IsIca,Hthe Crastio Hetet at Largo, the little 'Plfeshire'village iitich.,:...Glainis--Aleicaniacier 'Selkirk as i,tts reiat famous son. Largo ale° boasts *a Statue of the hero, set in the wall .gt the' cottage ,Whicli...replaced his old holne. This. statue IS a favorite, sub. lect with ania4nr photogrkPliet's Who And their way to the iilre coast during 'the holiday season. 'When It Should be Hereed,- Frientl-"Don't yell think the office shonld seek the maul" . yes, unless ole - ‚0010418 extreme tbnidityein the (emit, -when 1 thinleit oughtlo he helped out" Deeds, Not W,ords. Judge -"And whaV did the prisoner say when you told him thateeou would have him areested?" _ Complaintaiet---"He anewered me- chteicalle, Yer bener-'' .. Judge-lib:Tittle." the. aqheen in the, motion pit:time 'Complalintant---;',112 hit nie• en- the ,theatre is but a fraction of thp ereMen- head with a hammer." 'dpus ammints `used in Its production , says at. -Associated Press dispatch Tliere aro three c.asses that . need . , .from toe -Angeles. Theu,sande of feet sanetuare more ' than others ---birds, Of the nerrow.eterps:pasa clatlyelarOugh wild fiewers,eend Prime •Ministers. cliirlt rooms and laboratories of mOtion -Mr; Stanley Baldwin. picture studios that dot the vicinity oe Lo Angeles.' At one large productline plant -emir- ' here eppreximatelY 770,000 -feet of elm weekly or 40,000;000 feet Seari-r go - through ',processes that result in the ' pialeiree which ease i nreview `before millions of theatre-goeris throughout I Although the audience see.ii in f1 SiX- reel production only, about 6,000 feet of dim, often a; mucli 150,000„, to 400,000 feet, are taken. Two cameras are trained on the scene being 1311010 - graphed, .while sometimes es matiy-as five others aro Used in order that the ecene may be taken from every. pos.. sible angle and at different speeds. ' -Out re the mass of film developed ct. each production, the cutting depart- men,t and editorial workers- select the "master" negative from which the re- led's° Prints. are made.' These are printed by Machina and placed on Mammoth drums whiehirevolve slowly through developing solutions, I-Inn- f • d • -I I) ..,41 agr• illSOCG lite on which it can feed. this • 1.0111 doars.• •d " , • 1 Willhappen again and again, and the • "Laegli away! laugh, 00 muola as • • r, . 10 51 yoio p:occe; you foolish creatures!, Is for theseei tfhoar50 t 501n1.4011[11.,tie it a wonderful thing that a 'Kean: s,ervb y S1101.1 carry his sedd1e when it -Mil prevent you another time 11-0111 not carry ,:aughing at ilia weak, for you itilow When he reached the lull; be 318- 110\g tbet \'ebY' nrne:i. being 15 eige mounted, nnd asked ler .a room ellellgb, which hp might retire and change -his Australan Sheep t1.toolies clothes, .preparatory to Malting the i51.0 01105p .paileiTes visit to the. house of his be.oved. Ho opened his valise with great ca.11. Mika) etiirli 111 area nearly. the 11111041 tion, ansi aa thepieces of his toilet tc.u.,,t1; if it has spacd'ainough, will grow; if not 'If will die and -nothing ffirther 0)3) 00 10011 01 1 1, 'If it liveg, sooner or Pater a Woricinan_mity S"p/flt the li-ock 'hint release, itt„ `Pim lassure ,by "that titno nary be almost invisibie, filled Rip \vita carrli and ,peayclerod Stone arid cloy; the workman 'will seo 1110 toad, le 001±1.1 never notiee the crack In 7'0 7.',5 that ftdolittell dm toad. Toads tsn ealst mi very ilttle food, provided 11,3'Lo tot Laim oseiolso, and 11 toad * A Negro manimy had .a family of, boys scir well-behaved that one day her inistress' askecte, ' ' "Sally; ho'- 3111 you raise your lmys 50"e'Ne'l' elli'll.Pt. '• ell yo'," thistverect ll A 15130 el CD) Oyc 01111 11 barrel stave, aL' AOl raise 'i1) fret/eerie" 12 wereen isi2 emcee o thee.0 woe, be more bachelors top Harrowing for Him. "What did you think of that,carmees tale of woh?".• "Too harrowing 2011: 1001," ^ • The ItileKillop huii Fire Insurapcgompany Head- Office, Seaforth, OM vrrieeesat jaaamteJsanlafeaslasc,oveloectihy,,vocboad;ersiceac.;. Treasurer, Thos. E. Mays, Seararth. lil:loitireho;toprsir.,,GlyrecoGrgreegotr,le8Ceaarttouretyn.: 43:00a; Grieve, waiton; Wm. Ririe, eeaforth; M. McEwen, Clinton; Robert Terries, Harlock; John Geuneweir, 13rodhagen; jaAs.gCenotnsn:oAllylexG°Laeeirtlecich.'Clinton; J. IN. Yen. coderich; Ed, Hinchra,r eea. teeth; W. Chesney, Flgroond OM; 11. 01 Jannute, I3rodhagen Any money to be mild in may be paid to 'Mot:dish Clothing Go., %Mon. or at Cutt's .Crocery Parties desiring to street insurance or eramatt other ,bitsinese wilt be Prompilv"attontied to on application 10 any of the above officers addressed to tbeir respective post office, Losses inspected by the Direeter who lives nearest the scam. ` -1 you feel bilions, "headachy" anelrritable-. for that's a isign. your liver is out of order. Your food is not digesting -it stays in the stomach a sour, ,fermented mass, „poisoning the system. Jost talte is dose of chanaheriain's Stomach end LIV01,1 Tablets-- • they malie tlie liver do -its work."-theyeleanse. ed grid tone tho.wholeidigostivo oyotern, feel fine in the morning. At. rill druggists, 21e., or bsi mail from Cloanstierign Medicine Company, Tomato 14 uzilca ' Read Those Anuating Stories of Success In efts,* eYovrs,. What thesoitieMinwAstone, you can do/ 1m youO sFutzemtipo, InnitCr thoiseerets Of Selo „ t t er just shower this question: Are 5,O0 ambitious to earn 510,000 a Your ,)50111005 has boen-wha lieu may be doing now..,Thothee or notiyou think you (as trben aqt in tenth with ran at once I. I will proVe to you wiih2st cost or thinuitiOn that you can easily become a Star SalesSinn, I will show 500 how the 'Salesmanship- Training and 6Fur,e1600E0iniunlosyeramonngt, St:1110 the N. S. T. A. will help you to quick $10,000 A Year Selling Secrets 10,0 Seerefr 3 Sthr Salm/lane/11p prt tauellt Fr the Td. B. Si. A Ts, e0011c,1 thsosss,b, aleaosteovelnight, to leave Dellrd far ever the dredRery .d mall Pay pi Idh cl alley Jabs that lead nos),,, lie Platter at yea arq wlor, d4r1Fr, tee kV 55 esee °lee 000 a 0 I51l 051 150 5.100. Naii011C.1 Salesmen's Training Association - -- Rost 362 'foroute. 13