HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-08-20, Page 8C'GINTOlii'S 'LEADING 3EWELLRY STORE Clinton Newt -Record USi' 20, 199i. We welcome the Old Boys and Girls back to Clinton Come ,in and inspect our stock of W ss tches, Pins,Brooches, Etc. ® H JHSC Graduate of Toronto ,College o`f Optometry Fine Jewellery and Reiiairs Next Hovey's Drug Store 1 emasmosemomarawawavauevelesamasoseammatamemmil d EcononiyP P Women ]lave- ever had to choosebetween luxury and econ- omy in matters of dress. Al- most invariably one must be sacrificed to the other: But in Holeproof Hosiery ; are found the luxury of stylish, snug -fit- ting hosiery and the economy. of long service and moderate price. ffokproof ffosiitr9 Holeproof pure silk $1.50 Holeproof silk and lisle and Silk and art. silk plaited $1.00 Piurnsteel Bros. PHONE"' 25 SMALL PROFITS MORE BUSINESS P L L. W. CURRELL—THOS. 'SHIPLEY Welcome Horn A hearty welcome is extended to all Old Boys. and Girls. We have a hill supply of fresh goods for Old Home Week Requirements. THE C, &S. GROCERS Main Store, Phone 125 W. Branch Store, Phone 125 J. 'RAYOSO "The Ideal Summer Fabric". COOLNESS COMFORT !DURABILITY ELBPANCE LIGHTNESS - ELASTICITY STRENGTH; The Cloth That Will Not Crease All Combined In •- RAYOSO Now is the time to get your Ra y o s o Suit for the hot weather. Also see our, specials in Greys and Brdwns at $32. Davis & Herman VETERAN TAILORS PHONE 224-W 1 Satter & Perdue IARDWARE , . L. PLUMBING ELECTRIC WIRING Imagine -This ° Situation A war torn soldier 'o've.•heax5 i;Iie doctors give up home for his re- cover'. roecry Ile has a feeling that if" he could go to the sea and get: -plenty of fresh air, exercise and sunshine, he might make a real elfgrt to cure himself. :tt 1 * H, So one day he slips out. of the government hospital]," and tottering; down towards the spa, he starts, penniless unci weals, on his great adventure. Within a few days he finds a home, becomes a hee4we,per in a green p:ittle; California valley and marries a girl he sees only 'through' a veil, whose very name is unknown to him. And five minutes after his . strange marriage his unknown bride departs without a word .of farewell! `The possibilities in sucha situation would make you read a book'by any, author. When its by Gene Stratton- Porter it's irresistible. Especially when it's another story like Mrs; Porter's THE HARVES- TER, FRECKLES, ;and LADDIE, a story filled with theflowerglory and nature wisdom that made those books sell over a million and a half copies each—the most popular novels in the World! To be received in the movies in September, PRICE $2.00 The: W. D. Fair Co. Often the-Cheapest—Always the Best I e are glad to be able to supply you with sonnething delic ious and $• lifferent for your nos'n day luncheonor evening meal. -. Here are a few•suggestions, Soused Mackerel per tin 20c Served,with Brunston pickles'.,,per bottle'' 30c,•. Smoked Haddock, delicious with Lettuce , 30c 211ad Dressine. (Ape) per bottte f 30c Club house,•diessing 30c Pimento and Queen olives 39c Sardines, in oil and with Tomato sauce '3 for 25c Cheese Tid Bits, per pkg. Canned Lobster, each Shrimps Crab meat Mint Jelly, with lamb, per bottle Kraft Cheese Ingersoll Cream Cheese 10c 30 and 50c 300 40c 40c THREE CASH AND - SERVICE SPECIALS' Pail of soap, regular . $1.55 for $1.25 Quaker Corn Flakes 3 pkgs. 28c -- 20c. Fancy Cakes,_'to clear, at Special price • n Granulated Sugar by the sack Sugar is advancing Fresh Salmon Trout, Tuesdays and Fridays Cooked 'Meats ---We have a fresh supply of Cooked Meats, `Cpoke„d' Ham, Roast pork, Jellied Veal, Beef Loaf FRUITS—California Peaches Peaches and Pears, Apples, Ontaaio Grapefy California. We redeem Lavoline Coupons— In the Morning First Delivery 9 a.m. Cash and Sen'vice In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m. Kindly Order Early • Phone 48 WePleiM Miss Dorothy Bartliff is visiting at Preston for :two weeks. Mr..Arnold Glazier has left for New York, where he will visit his sister, Mrs. F. J. Libby. Miss Luella Wailkinshaw has returned to Toronto after her holidays spent at her home in town.. Miss M. L. Walkinshaw has returned to Toronto after a three weeks' va- cation at her home in town. Mr. and Mrs. H. 'Roseitor and Miss Kerr of Landon were guests this Week at Mrs. Waikinshaw's. Misses Marjory and Barbara, -M- aims of Detroit are visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Williams, Rat- tenbury street. Mr. and Mrs. Jas..Whenhaln and two children and Miss Clark of Winni- peg motored over and were callers at the Home of Mr, and Mrs. J. G. Medd. Miss Barry Combe ]left for Oakville, where she has charge of the swim- ming and basketball at Holyrook Camp. Later she leaves for Al- gonquin Park where she has, charge of the same subjects again. Mrs. Peasant and daughter, Lorna, of Qu'Appelle, -Sack., visited at tile home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Medd en route for Windsor, where they Will visit the farmer's daughter be- fore leaving for their home. .^ Mr. and Mrs. J. A. MacDonald, nee Bessie Harland and their wee daughter, Bessie, Mr. Harvey Har- land and Miss Leota Harland, all of Guelph, were guests of Mr. W. S. Harland, having come to attend the Kilty-Shaw wedding. Mr. and Mrs:' 'Win. Thornton, the Misses Eleanor, Agnes, Lyla and Willa Thornton, Preston, Mr. and Mrs. Keeling, Seaforth; " Mr. P. Beltry and Mr. Jack Gregory, Tor- onto, and Mr. arid Mrs. "Foster, Kin- cardine, were guests of Mrs. Batt- liff over the week -end. Guests 'of Mr. and Mrs. J. G 'Medd for Old Boys' Week were Mr. and' Mrs. Stark, Melbourne, Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Ben' Lyon,. Brandoh,. Man., Mrs: S, MtiVittie of East Wa wanosh,• Mr.. and Mrs. W. H. B. Medd and Mr. -Wilfred Medd and Mr. Lisle Bradford,, Trowbridge; and bir. and Mrs. McVittie,and two daughters, Florence - and Edna, of Goderich. , Guests during OldHome "'Week '.of Mr, W. S. Harland andMiss Mabel were Mrs. Jennie garland Kenyon' of Plymouth, Michigan; Mr. W. J. Harland, Miss Leota Harland and Mr. Harvey Harland GueTph Mr. J. L. Harland and Mies..Marian Harland, 'Toronto,, Itlr.. - Herbert Harliend Grant, ` artrd ;Miss Olive Harland, Toronto; Mr and Mrs. A. - T. "Bert" Harland and little daugh- ter, Betty, of Detrert, Mich. Following' were, the guests at the home of Mr.. Fred Lockwood for Old' Home Week: Mr. "and Mrs. G. H. Barr and Miss Ruth Barr, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Linton and Mr. Douglas Linton and Miss Janet Lockwood of 'l'Aitonto; Mr. arid,Mrs, J. C. Wiggins "and Master Jimmie and IVli±is Lois of Preston; Mr, and Mrs, L. B. Powers and Masters Bil- lie and Jack of Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lockwood and Master Jimmie and. Mr. J. Barr of Blyth; , Mr. W. H Lockwood and the Miss- • es Nacelle, Helen and Jean of Ex- eter; 'Mrs. W. Doke and Miss Ev- elyn Doke -and Mrs• ;,McKay and { daughter, Marion McKay of Goder4 cich. ,,.J DEAR MADAM:— Sweltering at a hot stove in the summer time is gruelling work and .just because cooking used to be done that way is no reason for longer enduring such. torture. • One 'might better revert to oil lamps and the horse and buggy, for there was romance in those -things. But in standing before a sizzling stove and moving about in a superheated kitchen none, absolutely none. But there is romance in the electric fireless cooker—at least time for it. Famous novelists have pointed out that it is instinetiye with -women to sacrifice herself for her family, but even the boldest would hesitate to ask his readers to believe that tha characters in his book derived any satisfaction from seeing "mother" doing time at a hot kitchen stove. Indeed, he would be hitting truer to the mark by picturing then as delighted that, she had an "Electric Cooker" and now could enjoy the afternoons outdoors, while the cooker safely attended to the pre- paration/6f the evening meal. We regard the "Electric Cooker" as one of the greatest (boons that has come to lighten the labors of housekeeping and take keen pleasure iii demontrating it. We invite you to stop in the next time you are pa,esing and see this wonderful servant; USE YOUR OWN ,UTILITY—IT PAYS HYDRO SHOP, Clinton - 1 Mrs. (Dr.) Gunn is visiting in Wind- sor. Miss Kate Parke is visiting in Bay - ie . ay-ield. Miss Maine Ciuf@ has been holidaying in Bayfield: Mr. Stewart Seottwis holidaying at his - home in town. Mrs. Kol!]s is visiting her' daughter, Mrs. Ed. Morrison, Miss 'Dorothy Bartliff has returned from a visit in Preston, Miss Norma : Bentley has returned to. London after a holiday in town. Miss Margaret Mahaffy has been spending a,few days in Bayfield. Mr. Wilbur Ford'r@turned last week 'to. Peterboro• after :holidaying in town. Miss Lottie Ker of Flint, Mich.,vis- ited in town during Old Honie Week. Mrs. Morton ,and children of Sand- wich have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Draper. Miss 3. A. Bartliff returned last Sat- urday to Toronto after •; spending her holidays jn town. Mrs. John Cluff has been visiting at the home, of her son, Mr. Robt. Cluff, in Goderich township_, - Mr. B. W. Charlesworth' and Mr. Wilmer :Wallis left for the ;West Tuesday,,, taking in.the rharvest'es- eursion ' Mr. and Mrs. -James Webster of Tor- onto were here for old Home Week, Mrs; Webster is visiting Mrs.. Vod; den ;and Mrs. Saville for a few weeks, Mr.. and Mrs. i3: Portlow of Toronto; returned home on Friday after spending a 'couple of . weeks with Mr. and Mrs: G. -E. Saville and, other friends, Mrs. S. E, •MeKegney and children of Ford • havebeen visiting Mrs; Harry -Thompson of the 16th' con,, Cioder- ich township, and are now visiting Clinton friends. • - Mr. and Mrs. Clarence. Paisley of. Montreal' ' with Mts. W. Paisley,. spent a' dew • days last Week at. Grand Bend and then" they motored Mrs.Paisley' to Clinton and ,spent a few days here, Mr. Paidley' re- / turning to Montreal 00 'Mo5lclla!d Morning. Miss Vera Poaper and Miss Jean Lindsay visited at Grand Bend last week. Miss F. 11. Burke of St. Thomas spent a few days this week with Miss Hattie Conrtice. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dunbar and fam- ily of Sarnia and Mrs. Robt. Dun- bar of Winnipeg have been visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bennett. Mr, E. G. Courtice and Miss Hattie. are leaving Friday on a'motor trip to Toronto and Peterboro. At Ham- ilton Mr. and Mrs. Dean Courtice and Miss Betty will join them. Mrs. Howlett and daughter of Ypsi- lanti, Michigan, accompanied by Mrs. Ben Cole of Clinton, -were guests at the home of 'Robt: Pear- son Thursday of last week. N�w is the To replenish. ,your_,.supply of granifeware. We have all kinds at good prices, Look ours over before you buy. The time is coming when you willsoon need a new stove. We have a .new one which'will attract -everyone, and will be pleased to show it, to anyone. T. awkins HARDWARE and"PI UMBIN'G Phone, 244 fake Your games Attraetive We have the largest and best assortment of Floor, Bridge and Table Lamps and Shades ever shown in this community, which- you are cordially invited to inspect. If you say so we will reserve 'tiny. of them for latdr delivery. Of course you. know our furniture stock is always right up to date and Prices right down to the Lowest. Bring in your Old Home pictures and have them framed it is the only way to save them HARDWARE DEPARTMENT You will be wise to look us over for your "requirements in roof- ing, etc. We always carry a full line of the olid Reliable Brantford Roofing, Extra Special Prices on Red Barn Paint $1.75 Per Gallon We are offering. special !prices on Coap. 0i1 Stoves and Ovens Screen Doors and Window Screens Clinton Hardware and FurnitureCo. THE STORES WITH A STOCK - Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 We Pay Spot Cash Newiaid Eggs . and Live Poultry Now is the time t3•. market your old Roosters; old Hens; old Ducks; old Tom Turkeys; also Young Ducklings and Broiling Chickens. Our price list is free for the asking, also our "Cooperative Mar- keting" information. Wi,ite us . today, - or phone Clmton 190" if you cannot call at .our Clinton buying station yourself. Your neighbor can tell you that it pays to cooperate with us. LET US PROVE TO YOU THAT WE PAY. A PREMIUM. FOR QUALITY: , $. Day Phone 190 GUNN., LANGLQIS & Co., Limited Head' Office - Montreal, Que.: Clinton Branch . open each day from e7 a.in. to 6 ,p.m. Also open Thursday and Saturday evenings item '7 to 9 Write, Phone or Call for any further information you require R. W. WARD, Branch Manager ' Nig.t Phone 254 AXUtom, U EHUUTIO 1 TORONTO j 00,1.11104 , Canadian National Toronto 47th Anniversary The Annual World's Fair fficicpairig auytkiing petiously precentcd ,• uni ue, moetumcss ¢a0.'aunong position® SerYt.,12 clti®ii+er ,"" u