HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-08-20, Page 5Clint it NeWS-RtetNrc oe Vighet Co °'"'HISfarmers cows pay ,him good monthly income. A larger milk cheque will reward the -farmer who is constantly add- ing better cows to his stock. . Ask for s copy oL out Fsrter•,'s Account- , Book. Yoq,'will find it useful in managing your firm,.` The Roya ank i..o Ca� ' Clinton Branch. R,.E. Maturing, Manage Brucerield. Miss Reah Rouatt of London is ,visiting at her home here.... Mr. arid. Mrs. Sowery and children •of Woodstock are the guests of Mrs. Sowery's brother, Mr. T. Wheeler. Miss Annie Walker visited Brus- ':•sels friends on Sunday. Mrs. James. Hill and children of i;Stratford are the : guests of Mrs. ',George Hiih. - • Miss Alice Rattenbury is the guest • of Mrs. George Handley of London. Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Dunlop and :sons Harry and Jack of Franlcford, who have been the guests of Mrs. Dunlop's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rat- ten'bury, went on to, Aylmer to visit at Mr. Dunlop's oldhome before re- -. turning to Prukford,• They motored Wedding heb1sare zinging in .our village this week. Miss Laura Ross is the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Alex. Ross, rthis,`week. Mrs. M. Driver and little daughter have returned, hone from Seaforth hospital', The painters and ,decorators are busy. decorating Union Church this week. Mrs: Addison has returned home .from a very'.: pleasant holiday with Rev. and Mrs. Armour at their sum- , mer cottage at Shanty Bay. Mr. Austin'. Wheeler and Mr. Doug- -los oug--las Gillespie, who were holidaying at • theheme of Mr. T. Wheeler,: have re- turned to Detroit:' kiss Viola Wheel- er "retuned ;-home with them for ,.a visit. Mrs. George Hill has returned hone after' a pleasant visit with Stratford; friends. . Mr. Jack Ross of London is the guest\of Mrs. Jas. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees and Miss Helen' are visiting at the home of Mr. D. McDonald and Mrs. T. ,Scott. Miss Aggie Beattie is in London. A pretty wedding took Place on ',Saturday, August 15th, at high noon at St. Clemen's church, Jones Ave Toronto, when Ida ' Belle Wilson youngest 'daughter of Mr. aiid Mrs. • Chas, Wilson, Toronto, and sister of Mrs. Geo. Swan, Brucefield, was mar- ried to Mr: Francis C. Temperton of ceremo beingo ' Toronto, the Ceremony p i formed bythe rector,Rev. Buschlam. v The bride, who was iven in marriage by her father, was dressed in Powder Blue Georgette over pink satin with Black picture hat and carried Ophelia -roses with lily -of -the -valley and baby's breath The bridesmaid, Miss Gertrude Wilson, a sister/of the bride, wore fawn canton crepe trimnied'with georgette and carried sweetheart roses, • Mr, P.' Ensrilinger assisted the gred i. During the sign- ing of tlte'regi4 er Mr. Jim Roulston sang -"Until." ter "theceremony • luncheon' was s rved at the hone of the bride's pa eats, ,.38 . Bloomfield Ave., Toronto.i he young couple left' 'by motor for icago, New York and Atlantic City: • Mrs. Geo. Swan and her daughters, Laura and Dorothy were in: Toronto. last Saturday attending the wedding of Mrs, Swapfs sister, Miss Ida Belle Wilson to Mr. Fra ncis C. Tempertton of Toronto. Mrs. Swanhas now .re- turned home but Laura and Dorothy will; be in Toronto _for ;some time on , Vacation. -. Mrs. 'William .114cQueen, ,fernrepiy, Miss Lizzie Foote, returned to Van- , couver August 18th. Mr, C. H. Reid has bought a new Overland six sedan. • . Mr. William Young,uncle of Mrs. Geo. Swan, was here from Toronto for a few days' visit.• Mr. C. It dein, M. Ham- and- Ben' were at Mr." James Swan'5s home. They left Sunday- aiternooh fox Fer- gus, the home. ' of Mr. Ilanr's: parents. Mr, Thomas Hindes is very ill at. the home of Mr. Jas. McDonald. ; A speedy recovery' is; the wish of all his friends. Mr,.and Mrs. Harry Twitthell of Windsor,and Mr. Mason of New York were visitors with Mrs. Geo. Swan. last Sunday. Constance' Mrs. Bliss and son of Detroit were calling on old friends in and around ',the village. The huni of the threshing -machine is heard now nearly.every.d, as far - niers ate ' getting their wheat and. oats threshed. Miss Phebe ' Wakefield held -a birthday ,pidrty at the hone of Mrs. T. Pollard on Thursday evening. • All report having a good time. Miss Mabel Livingston leaves this week' tor-r:Britlsli Columbia, where she will -Leach in an Indian school, Mr. Robert Grimbolby and Mr, Ben f. the village la Riley.V e were, down to 1�' Toronto for a week and each pm• - all ased a car. • .: Mr. Robert Grimbolby leaves this woek for 'Teeswater•; where he will thresh for, the season, Varna The many friends of Mr ,Steles, will bi socry to learn, of his. illness • but ,at time of Writing..he/is somewhat; improv ed. Mrs. Bace'S and Tittle daughter ni Toronto, 'who have bieen spending a few, days with Mss, W Clprke, •re turned to their home Monday: M3. T I-i.igan,• fornierrly or Stamey motored from Chicago last week and is renewing>old'acquaintances -in the vicinity, The -sound 'of the reaper will soon .be a thing sof -she .past for 'another" year. Razz>est is almost over ;red tlir'eshing is now the order of the Er: Evans and ,Eleanor have re turned itt their home in Seaforth waf- ter spending their holidays with Mrs. 'Wm. Clarke, Mrs. T. Mitchell of London, in corn- . pally with r'©latrves „from Winghain. called on her ;gsandsons,Masters,Jack and Gordon Raynrond'Sunday last. Mrs,' McQueen of Vancouver, who has 'Teen• summering with ler 'broth- er•,',Mr. A. Foote, is spending• a few, days with her sister, 'Annie in Lon- don, --before returning°'to her home. Mrs. S. Johnston of Flint; spent a 'few days at ' the home of Mr.' and Mrs. D. A. Galbraith, last week. ,Mrs. F. Weeks is visiting: hex; sister, Mrs. W. Weeds' of• Listowel, Who has been 111 for some time, but at time of writing is much hnpi'oVed. Mrs. Webster of Lucknow is visit ing' at the home of her , son, Mr. R' Webster. Mrs. 3. Keys and Miss Dorothy of Nashville, Tenn., are spending their 'vacation at the home of Mr. Will and Miss E, 'Logan, of the Parr line, X' iip pent. Mr..Roht. Cooper of _ Abe London road just north of the village is away on a motor trip to Toronto and Peter- borough. He is accompanied by three of : his sisters, Mrs, T. W. Forsythe, Mrs. Angus Brown and Mrs. Frank Upshall, all sof Tuckersmith. • Miss Mabel -Johns, who has been spending -Ver vacation in Chicago with relatives, returned hone• on Sat- urday'last and ra )orts 'having had a splendid time. Miss Margaret Mellis of the village is away on a trip to Detroit to visit her brother John who -is in the Job. Printing business there.. Mr. Alex. McKenzie of the -village is in receipt of a letter from his daughter, Mrs, A. P: Walker, of Tor- onto, who along -with her husband, has arrived safely. in Southampton, England. They purpose visiting, many points of interest in both Eng- land and Scotland before returning hone in October. Mrs. .Walker re- liorts a very pleasant voyage over on the steamer Minnedosa of the C.P.R. line and a 'beautiful sight of numer- ous icebergs on .the way. Tt was about six o'clock in the evening when the sun was getting low down in the west and described their appearance, heightened by' the days ,of the,sen era a lot of ,fairy pallaces, reeking•• a beauty ahii'gst indescribable: Births" • KING-In,Exeter; on Saturday, Aug. Sth,• to Mr, and Md. $auruel King, a daughter. SANGSTER---In HXensall,; on Monday, Augubt 10th,' to Mr. and .Mrs. Jas. Sangster, a' son. • Marriages- HOWE— EDGINTON' At Trivitt Memorial church, Exeter, on Aug. 11th„' by Rev. A, . A. Truinper, Gwendoline Ruth Edginton, only daughter of the late .Mir, and Mrs. .T. W. Edginton of Chichester, Eng- ` land and granddangater of the late ',,Major-General IbieLean and the late Mrs.' McLean of Beckenham, Eng- land, to Major Gordon P. Howe; son of.;Mrs. E. P. -Hovis of Toronto and the, late E, P. Howe. Insurance Men Wanted To work on a - large commission basis with a liberal drawing, account if. necessary.' --•-Experienced ;men pre-, ferred but not Essential: Apply 867 Royal Bank, Bldg., London. 19-1 Car For Sale • Ford` touring car in good repair, reasonable price for quick sale. Ap- ply Merritt Nediger, James street. r Stray Horse Strayed on the premises-of;the un- dersigned, a, the 'gelding, 5 ,or 6. years: old. Owner may :have same by paying, expenses,andproving prop: erty at lot 17, Bayfield boundary, Stanley, or phone 25 on 626. W. I3. Johnston, Varna.; 19-2 Wanted ' To board or rroom, students pre- ferred. .Apply Mrs. W. .H. Cole`, on Huron street, second house ,west' of Belptist church. ,Phone 133 1:1 Wanted - To robin or ;board, near School Of Commerce. Mrs. 10. Herman, Victoria street. 19,2 Roomers Wanted • Several roomers. Central location. Apply The News -,Record Office. 19-1:-p Wanted' d .. In Goderich, for'one month, a cap= able girtl.-fdr general housework Must be over 20 years.- Goodwage . Wrie immediately. Box 336, Goderich;- ,18 Boards • rs Wanted m Roo `m and meals. Teachers or' stud- ents ' preferred: Afply Mrs, Ed, Schoenhals, Huron street. 18 For' Sale Comfortable house,- 8 rooms, lig,Jits, tows t 1 WA Lr Good stable end, ad,small ,fruit orchard - in' connection. This pxgDerty: is in a good location and would make a comfoirtable home, Would Also conoider renting' by year. Apply at NeWs-Record. 18-1° 1111. ROSS SAVAUGE, R. 0., EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Will be at Burgess' Portrait Studio (Formerly Roy Ball's) Clinton Every Thursday Hours: 9 a.ni.:to 2:30 p.m. Expert Examination of Eyes And Fitting of'Glasses Phones: Office,' 194, Evenings, 10, Seaforth Burgess Portrait Oar Clinton studio is open every Tuesday. Have the children's „photos taken before school 'starts ,,• i Did you P,rot )oil cards of Clinton; Old Boys?. Be sure and nail some to your friends. •• You will find them on sale at Mr. 11ovey's 'Drug Store. and Mr. Cooper's Book store. We do` developing and printing for amateurs, BURGESS PORTRAIT STUDIO MITCHELL AND PENTON Where Good Portraits Are Made F• d o !`ARROW BARRISTER •SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC, Etc. CONVEYANCING • Over Hovey's Drug Store Phone 61 STANLEY VOTERS' LIST The Voters' 'List, 1925, for the Township of Stanley, County 'of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to .the per- sons mentioned in Section 9 :of the Ontario. Voters' List Act the copies of the List made pursuant” ,to the said Act, of all persons appearing by the last. revised` Assessment Roll of tilt Municipality of the Township of Stanley, to be entitled to vote in the said municipality it elections to the legislative assembly and at`inunieipal elections and the said list was first posted' in niy office at Varnaon the 11th . ddy of August, 1925, and re- mains here for inspection. I hereby call upon all voters to examine the said list and if any errors or omis- sions are .found therein to take im- mediate proceedings to have the ams corrected according to law. Dated at Varna this llth day of'Aug- ust, 1925.- 3. E. Hammen, Municipal Clerk . , 13.3 BAYFfELD VOTERS' 'LIST The Voters' List, 1925, fr the Vil- lgae : of Bayfield, County of Huron. Notice- is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered `to the per- sons mentioned in Section 0 of the Ontario Voters' List Act the copies -Of the List made pursuant .tp the said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at elec- tions` for the Legislative Assembly and at Mriniebai :elections and the said list was first :posted up in my office at Bayfield on the 17th•; day of Auyust, 1925, and remains here for inspection:. I hereby 'call upon alt voters to examine the pit-1;111st and if any errors or omissions are found t herein to take immediate proceedings to have same corrected according to law. Dated at Bayfield this 17th day of August, 1925. JOHN"ERASER, 19-3 . Municipal Clerk. Farm For Sale ' Good faint,' 124 acres, clay loan, half of lots 8 and 9, Sophie line, on lake shore, 3 miles south'of Bayfield., Good dive shed,. 8 '- good barns,'one 46x72, with cement, stabling,' good. frame dwelling, .2 _.good . • wells, or- chard, 5 acres bush. Part Cash, easy terms 'for balance, ;Samuel Houston, Bayfield. 17-5 Wanted' Students to roan er board. Central to Collegiate or School of Commerce. Mrs., J. D. McDermid, Rattenbury. street. 1741 Articles For Sale One adjustable invalid's chair, like new. A•restful chair for any iperson.- Suitable for verandah or living, room. One Grand Rapids Vacuum Sweeper; one- infants • cot, (wicker);, one ,wash stand, like new; one fo1�d�r•ng child's crib. May be seen without obligation. .Apply W. S. Downs, opposite Ontario street church, Clinton. ; 17-4-p For Sale Qr exchange for larger jrroperty, sixr - hu woodshed, 'Toon house, nods ed cellar town water and cistern,•. small fruit, easy' payments. Mrs. Gunn, Mary street; Clinton. 17-2 Wanted Agent for Life Insurance, Co., to take ,over good.',• territory. Good con- tract ` for .the right, roan. Apply. Drawer LT, Clinton, Ont. 17-tf Fariir.For- Sale - Lot 28, con. 8 ,township of Hulett, containing 100 acres, with first class bun and large:', brick house, never-; farluig well, convenient to church and school. Foi°further particulars apply op premises. Tacit Nott, Londesboro, R. R. No. 1. Phone 28-18, Blyth. 16-3 House and Lot; for Sale' Prick cotta Corner o Dunlop ge, r r f and Fulton streets, in good repair, elec- tric lights, town wafer; furnace. Good garden with small fruits and ,apre le and plum strees. MissEIis'abeth Me - ish. ]Y-tf Clinton Neal aid Egg and oiiltry Holl e'. Eggs bought according to Domin- ion Government Egg iet;ulations. In- quire for prices of eggs 'You' will always find our, prices touching city prices. Fat Ilens and well -finished; chicks al- ways wanieri at highest prices Always' Rrhone our office for prices before disposing of produce else- where 0" appreciate your business and 'you are' pleased Office open for business on ' Satudayevenings N. W. Trewartha Phonies-0£1'ice, 214j Residence, 214w 5• The mi se Man Insures bib .property against 'lose - by fire • The Miser man Does not stop there but insures his • life also. How much are you worth to your family? Ali Lines of lnsuranee Agent for Huron County _tor, The Sun Life Insurance Co. of Canada H. E. RO- KE Office at residence,. cor. , Mary and Orange streets, opp. the rink Phone 253 90-` Farm For Sale - 100 acres, con. 6, Hullett. The late Henry MeBrien farm, good buildings and other' improvements, <. Close to school and general store. A first class farm. Apply to Mrs. Henry McBrien, Clinton, or W.. Brydone, Clinton. - 1341 Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and re- paired. Woolen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's barber shop, W. J. Jago.—83-tf Slabs For Sale A quantity of good. slabs. Apply A. McCartney, Clinton, Phone 256. 16-tf Safety Razor Blades Sharpened Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Single edge Sc. Double edge, 4c. J. E. Hovey, druggist, agent, Clinton. 1541 - Free Tickets For Star Theatre One thousand half fare tickets a are being given away: With every purchase of one dollars worth" of goods at Watson's Grocery Phone 111 Clinton COAL We have a supply of Furnace, Stove,' Nut and Soft. Also some good dry slabs. Leave orders at residence, E. WARD Phone 155. ,Huron Street. COAL Having erected new coal sheds will have on hand full stook of coal for immediate delivery, Prices reason- able. . R. J. MILLER Orders taken at residence, phone 119' Clint 1i ns 4,(014 *i+ •: 'YES MA'AM! THIS IS THE •PLACE' UJE 'DELIVER ONLY 14 KT. SOLID COAL' THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 19 r Por those who ,trait until Saturday morning at,9 a,m.-to do their • . Shopping:, r THE GREATEST SALE EVER MELD Will .Shirt at' this Time Shooting Prices Down Remeiilber how glad yen, we},et by -the return' of the old folks . You wilO again be name happy by the retuiri ref the OLD.PRICES'. IND REMEMBER FREE Trip to Western Fair, FREE gifts to the first 50 at `0 a.m.. FREE Coffee every night. 111 Rowland's Old Stand 'TELEPHONE 53 CHT-NAMEL STORE -MR CEO SEWING MACHIN! -Gold Medal Twine either eight or five lb balls. Special price for cash to July 1st. FEEDS Have complete stock.'of Bran, Shorts, Screenings, Cracked Corn, Fine and Coarse Chick Feed, let us know requirements as feed will be quite scarce before new crop. ROOFING , Agents .for Toronto. Asphalt Roofing this 'is the best by test. We guarantee every job, carry complete stock and several colors See ours before buying. J• ,r. FORD & SON Phone 123 Flour and Feed Merchants and Grain Buyers Raving taken over the agency c the Singer Sewing Machine I am pre pared to supply the wants of anyon requiring machines, parts, needle: etc: Machines sold on easy terms, of :machines taken as cash, . GLEN COOK Phone 1713 P.O. Box 201, Clinton, 0' CREAM WANTED 'I The` deinand for our butter is isa creasing To supply this demand we requir more cream. We request you to ship us you cream. We guarantee you the Highes Market Prices, accurate tb.ste ani prompt service. Our firm is known to you and need: no further recommend. We pay all express charges, furn ish cream cans and, pay twice eac month. 'Write for tans or furher 'inform tion to the THE SEAFORTH CREAMERY CO ;0. A. BARBER, MANAGER C. H. VENNI1i, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other Appliances wiring and Repairs. ■ Phone t5Iub CORNS end the pain quickly, safely In one minute yon can end the pain of corns with Dr. Schol l's Zino -pada They end the misery of•corns by eliminating the rise, friction pressure. No danger of infection from cutting or ve acids. Zino -pads are `thin; •antiseptic, water- proof. aterfpproof. They protect while they heal. Sizes for corns,.callouses,and bunions. Call today and get a box of thi's Tum..' magic corn treatment ,rrt z„ tz„ o i' Put one on—the pain is gone! i Matto camiscorleg dfl•iefDr.Sebdrs { Fool Coesfl** AAbtlanrts a1 Riel ate • Footwear and Foot Comfort FRED !JACKSON The Big Shoe Store Opposite the Town Hall atommaawanit Somebody's drder•ng : some plea- sure -packed coati lea- sure- accedecal1 aSome od s steal- ing a march ` on the winter. soma - body's awake at the switch—and We' hope its you. Happy is the man who, sees the Heat Folks tucked away in his 'bin before September wanes. If' you value your comfort and Peace - of -mind now is the' time to invite the'' heat Polka into your cellar. If you want to measure the wisdom of a man, take a peek at•fiis,coal bin be- fbre October: Call the lamEtit for good, dean coal COAL COMPANY PONE 74 - 'CLINTON Glebe View Ifreellbouso Cut Flowers Floral .i/Vork Plants and Vegetables . I ', GreenhousePhone ne 141-r-3 Greenhouse. Ove Evenings'