HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-08-20, Page 3theyclothes use
snowy white"
"1 a
ways had trouble with my
clothes --they used to come out
so yellow. .Then a :friend told.
me about' Rinse. I -found it
makes a wonderful soap sour
tion' This removed every bit,
of -dirt and then it all rinsed out
eonapletely. There was nothing_
left, to yellow, the clothes—as
there was ne soap to stick—it
was -all dissolved.
"I ani now delighted with my
wash—my clothes are always,
snowy white."
—A letter received by the
makers of Rinse.
Just shake some Rinso into
a saucepan,: add hot' water,
and you'll get the wonderful
soapy solution that is the only
soap you need for your set
tebs, your boiler, your wash-
ing machine. Rinso soaks
dirt out
Lever Brothers Limited,
\„ \, yam.
The latest addition to the growing
Met, of titled ranchers in Soeithern Al-
berta is
l-berta'is Baron Josef Csavoasy of Hun-
gory, wise, together with Itis brother,
Baron Andre.Csavossy, i,i,s' purchased
a kanch on the Bow Rivet: 'new Cocci
name, in Alberta, The ranch ceinslete
of about 1„600 acres, of dine land, and•
1t ie. intended to follow the raising of
dairy and beef cattle us well es' grain
growing. The •colony of old' world
nable,^se to Adopts farming in ties 'se-
laiLively limited area is.,swelling ant a'
remarkable rate.
There is, however,. additional adgaiJft
oance in this es,balaliehnsent. Upon the
fimiit. visit of. the two Hungarian stoble-
men,' which resulted in their own. ac-
quisdtion of the ranee, they were gxeait•
ly street with the opportnmitiee exist-
ing in Alberta for ethers of their coun-
tryaneee, and after having put the match
int order fora conbmenekutemt next
year, they have returned' to Hungary
wibh: the object of induolui,g others of
their compatriots to settle an the
prairie raecoh and, peer Mauls. The two
are oonfldetut of returning with: other
T3ungarien srehtlors for Alberta.
•Thontg,u Hungat'Lan.,imenigration has
nevem loomed up as a particularly largo'
item in the movement to Canada, wince
,there 1a no' great exodus at all froth
Hungary, there has been at all times e,
fairly stetady movement to the Do-
minion, um.til it ale estimated that at
the pi'eeant time 'there -oma between.
50,000 .and 60,000 "Hungarian Mimi -
grants, and their eeted en in Canada.
Faekatehewvan Is' the home of .0i -el -great-
er neenber of tlb,ese, about 40 per cent..
of the total being in that ,province.
' Proved Good Farmers.
Tlie,b.eavy aeftlednent in Saskatclse
,van has. been. laag,eiy dtse.to the efforts,
fare ago of Bacton. Elsterhazy, who
pioneered a movement .from. iungary
to ,Oho rich. fanning ooiustt•y ,east of
Saskatoon. Hungarians, ilavo -ome to,
own and control large edrl?ks, of land
in this province, to devetap them pros.
perously along egriculeurel Knee and
to establish =thriving little towns in
thelia.' Iinatgarien colonies are among
the most outstanding Damming settle-.
meats of dile provitsoe..
Tho I-Lengedam Sias proved himself
a good far riser in Western Canada. He
arrives, with, es. the result of early
• training at uaauit a deep realization of
the importfstoe of mixed farming; and
pnrsute it iaitehligently. Though us
ually'p,esueseee of lithe .capital, his
indwotny and pereeveilance early over
coins, this. Among the :many ihdivideal
ewes" of settee -ending success' may be
Mentioned merely that of a settler at
Oltatony Alberta., who, starting ant with
After" eating or weal ing
1Wri$leyb freshens the mouth
and sweetens the breath. ,
Nerves are soothed, throat 1a
refreshed atid.digestian aided.
5o easy to carry'the little pickett
a capital of $200, now owns. twenty
quarter seotiona of -land.
Not,pnly are tbeyflue tillers of the
soil, but excellent craftsmen. Their
budlidhtgs are largely of native log,
splendus pieces at handiwork, making
for the meet economic far mectivity.
Other products of their spare hours'
are weaving, remelting, fancy needle-
work, hammered brass, aaidwool •carv-
Ln, At Regina the Hungarleuas have
a literary ebciety with their own club
b'ate's and flits organizationi
a vary
active in social and Canadian national
work. A Huugarldn magazine is pub-
lished with the object of carrying the -i
ideals of Canadian citlseeehip to Hun='
g'aritene throughout the country,.
Altogether to date I-Iungalian age!-
euiltural'settlement in Western Canada
has' provetd. satisfactory, and any sue -
ease which attends • the efforts' of Baron
Ceavesay will bo of distinct betabt ter
the Dominion.
1 o ant
1s tidingifeature of 1 grlcu;-.
tial e pur,^uea' in:.Westonn. Canada pf•
late years h s been the pro
tendeneS. tet s arch diver tt C c .lual 3
1•y 1'arme773are braiic1 ing out front the
few main..eues which used to consti-
.tate the. a ^rieultmn c; -v
b ,r t 1 a tl ity of the
terrttcry, luid farms devoted to what
used to be co tilidered minor phases .of
agricuithre hale been foiled'to be very
.profitable and are -coining -to-an in-
creasing extent
n-creasing'exteiut to dot the wide "ex-
panse. The success which.has, attend-
ed the applici.tion,to dairying has been -
nothing 'less than phenomenal; .fruit
laising, poultry, and apiculture are reel
ceiving increasing, attention; of late
there hes, been a remarkable amount
of interest evinced • iii fur farming, and
having regard to the characteristic
vigor with. which the Weat'pura'ees a,ny.
Where the Rub Comes Off.
I know a young girl, she's, an ace,
She's 'possessed of much beauty and
But one thing. elle abhors,
About summer sea -shores,
It washes. tie paint Prone her .facie
Musicians and Nationality.
Nowadays, when mu -real national-
ism is 50 much to the fore,we are apt.
to overlook the foot that many of the
greatest musicians have conte of a
mixed nationality, and some .people.
claim that the more cosmopolitan a.
-fancily is the more 'likely Wei to pro-
duce geniuses. In England, certainly,
there is the striking instance of the
,Novella family, which was very mixed;
and produced at least a number of
very highly talented members. Bee-
the n
vo- was a German of Dutch extrlc-
tion, and.Biaknas a German of Danish
extraction. • Periled° •Busonl, the
pianist and composer, was hall .Ger.
roan and half 'Italian; as is,: Wolf-Fer-
sari, the composer of "The 'Jewels of
-the Madeline; Sgambati,,the Italian
composer, had an English mother;"
Frederic IJelius, the .English composer;
cornea of a German family of remote
Duteh extraction;: Frederic Lamond is
a Scot, whose parents or grandparents
came from Middle Llu'ope, and Eugene
d'Albert is also 5 Scot of Teutonic cr
Alsatian extraction. And quite a',large
1 number of musicians who are general-
ly credited with ` being ''Germane::
Haydn, Liszt, Dvorak, etc., come from
the Slav;, races and, were born otitsielo'
Why Tigers.Are Striped.
At an ekflminatioii a boy was asked
to. state Wily a tiger is striped, and he
weefet: -
e It is striped beeause it makes. It bet-
ter for circus proprietors, If 1'a tiger
escapes from a circus it Is easier to
find him than if, he had no stripes. lie
will not go far ,without someone pa-
tieing that he. is not a horse or e. dog,
o,}t eceoeet 09 itis atripes, end palling
up and alsuing t e circus people if they
have lost a tiger,"
Go Ahead, Sir.
"Would yes like to take a nice long
walk?" ..she asked, •
'" -Whb 'd levo to, replied :the young.
after ePery mead.R83 1
Mau joyauS135
t�Wall, don't let rue detain -you.•'
icx exlier•lmont, leave th•rivel materia
ly better in the Western provinces,
where retof the auimll. itis,
e dio P 1 �
elateecannot he told
from these -in the
animal's native land-. Ilt was no doubt
a realize:Neu, of the seine excellency of
condition which Ind iced: important
Maritime fox breeders, to- locate near
Ca„gar7, xllberi,a;. what is; claimed'' to
Le the dat^goat4fox breeding e in world. •
Having seriously adopted tlio Indus-
try, Western Canada has sot out to
espand•at. The''Wesrt was;' the pioneer
ire doanestie befves raising, an activity
practically forced upon certain fann-
ers who, overpun:by these animals af-
ter a lengthy close season, had no re-
dresshat to apply to the Government
for perzni.eian to ffaren them. The first
coyote Minch on the continent has bee
objective 1t takes UP, considerable de-esitahlished in Western Canada,: and
yelopment may be expected. I from the that Canadian chinchilla rob -1
The fur -fanning industry, which orig- bit farnedeitile, sauce area, sleek is be-
ineter' hi Prince ,Edward Island, lies -leg distrihatedevel over the country.
been- slowly moving West. Far a while The domestication of the fisher, which
the induatryseenned to be confined to for so .long .� reeented-such difficulties
the Nast and little interest was` ex-Eateirri Canada, has been success-
hibited by thte West: But since West- fully aecomplishedi in British Columbia.
ern Canada came to seriously adopt Many New Ranches Established.
this newest phase: of farming, growth Tliere.has apparently been conceder-
has been rapid.. Stimulated by the first! able activity in this direction sincettie
sucees'see, this area heels not: only coats ginning of the•presierat;yeur. A'naiailt
to rival ,the Ease in ,bbe^Successful farm .lies been" established an .Van
breeding of tiro estiut lies
couver'1elaas1 British. Coliurnbia; with
sated fur -bearers, but h'a`s been the
pioneer in the dolnestioation of certain rancliei already 'strias tllaslca foxes,.
other of Canada's i uta. In the magi Minks leave likewise been hntroduced
Goveriehmet return, 143 fur -farming Ibto 'Allberta, where the: industry is'
•establanada, is are' credited to ,Neat- thrlierg. A State of'WasOiington.reel-
ern Canada, of which 23 are in Ment dent recently esibablished. ti eubptaartial
tabs 9 in Saskatchewan, 60 in A1ben+ta, muskrat much in Alberta, A rancher
40 lis lBr•itish Coluaubla, and 21 in the in Oregon, ai}ter scouring the whole 06
Yukon Territory, Th th
•imported stack tram Quebec, by a
ace cave' a Ithe United States' for a suitable lona.
rearing 01 eleven different animals•, fn dope foe a steelier enterprise leas rue-
whide foxes, naturally Lead, and others chased a large fleet of land in the Co -
etre coyote; skunk, chin•ohilla rabbit,.Rumble: Valley of British Colursiitila,;•on.
meslcru1 raceoon, Karakul sheep, bears which there are already several beaver
or, marten, mink and fisher: d; muskrat houses,
Becoming a Subsaci
Substantial Industry. 1 The Western provinces of Canada
The ccanbinetfon of Western 'Mita, have a way of going vigoronnler ahead
five and suitability of cox, Itlon should with any enterprises they adopt and
result in 'making .the fur -fanning in- whose err'aettcabltty they prove. This
flu„try of Western Canada” a substan- 10 reassembly to be expected of the
tial and pnosperouaindusitry in a short fer-faa'ming industry,„ especially. in
time. Conditions for the a•adsdag of rich view of the enthusiasms with which
re£itry. are probably unequalled any- this novel and interesting phase of ag-
WaCTO elec. This would seem to be ri.duitmre has ,been taken up andthe
proved in the case of the leasakul outstanding developments, of the last
sheep, which, distributed over Canada .-few 'yews. .
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Highly
Praised by a Nova Scotia Lady.
Among the well known and esteemed
residents' of H•iemford, N.S.; 10 Mrs.
Amanda Wobs ee:eh. Some Pour year
ago Mrs. Woodworth had the misfor-
tune to lose her husband, and as a re
Milt of casing .far him' during his 111-,
nese, and attending to farm duties, she
became tcrrlbly sun -down." Mrs. Wood-
worth says ehe felt as. though her
blood diad turned to water. The least
exertion would leave her tired and i
breathless. Bbe was often attaelted
by spells of wealmees that left her al- 1
most speechless, and frequently sue
fared from severe headaches.. The i
medicines she took did -not help her,
and 'she alrpost despaired of gaining I
her Health. In this condition ehe one
day road in a newsiraper of a ease
very similar to her Own, in which
bealth was restored through the use
of Dr: Williams' Pink Pills. This made
her decide -to give these gills a trial.
After using a few boxes site Luund the
'pills were helping- her, and she con-
timed their use until her old-time
health and vitality were restored: Now.
tern Woodworth looks after a small
farm of fifteen acres, besides doing all
her hofsework, and says she never felt
better or neore energetic In her life.
She gives credit for her present 'splen-
did health to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
which she says are the beat medicine
she ever Used, and"s•trongly recom-
.mends'the pills to all' run-down people.
You can get these Pills - from any
medicine dealer, or by maid at 60 cents
a box,front The Dr, Williams' Medicine
Co., Brocltvllle; Ont, .
Cold Light.
The production of cold dight is a sub-
ject which continues to attract the
energies of Investigations. 'Anions the
latest workers' in this 'field" is ProfeaS.
or Ressler, of Paris, who has been try-
ing to emulate the p•erforniance of the
glow-worm, wlriois,gives out light with-
out heat. -
It is stated that He has seccseded in
malting a large tube which, it is 'claim-
ed, yields.a light of 12,000 candle -newer
for the expenditure of two and`a half
kilowatts of electricity.3is tubes are
filled w•ith'atmosplieric air at reduced
pressure;' and ate ercited by high -fre-
quency currents..
After the current has boon cutoff
from them, his teeatetl tubes continuo
to glow, though with diminishing
,brightness, for a period said to be
equal to that for which they have been
Some tubes that lie has exhibited in
London are 3neni-'in internal diameter,
,and require for their elicitation et cue-
rent"`of 'one-tenth of a milliampere s,t
a pr•esure of 6,000 volts, and 'Of fre-
quency in the neighborhood ,ot 1,000,-
,000;000—and they are twisted into forme
suitable for adaptation o16 tilamhrated
advertising Signa or lettems It may be
'mentiosten theethe term "cold light"
la, strictly speaking, a misnomer as
is certain amount of heatenust be gon-
-Talk is' Too Cheap,
• Members of the Swedish Anthers'
Onion are asking for compensation
from the radio service for the broad-
cutins ,of their sweat's.
To Survey a Desert,
The United States government is
planning the exploration and survey of
the Great Salt Lake desert in Mali,
one Of the largest nnsurveyed aCer,'S in
the public domain,
Minard's Liniment for Aches. and Pain
Apart front its world-wide reputatioif
as one 'of the inoat Scenically •beautiful
places on the map, Gaylen ranks ss the.
world's, largest. producer Of pearls; its
output being exceeded} only by that of
Northern Australia.
The' Oeylost dshsr'tes are operated' oh
banks covering an extensive area off
the north coast of the island;. but the
banks most famous in bygone times,
and stili ,the most productive, He close
to the share is the Gulf of elenaar.
A Ceylon pesrhoys'ter's life is dbout
eight years, and it is most productive
et its. coveted prize teem Its third year
on, both es regards, number and size oe
pearls. Very few three-year oysters
Contain pearl's' of any value; but when
a bed of oysters Is fished just as they
are dying of senile decay the peals"
then obtained are many and large.
The Diver's Share.
True pearls, which are the result of
disease sometimes brought'about, by
the intrusion into the shell of some for-
eign body, such as a grain of sand, an
undeveloped egg, but more ottdr a
parasite, are formed 1n the tissue of
the oyster. When the irritant matter
reaches seek a alze as to cause great
discomfort to the unwilling Owner; It
either dies, or forces the intruding mat-
ter towards the edges of the valves,
where: it is retained by an absolutely
transparent eel/elite substance. This
increases in growth, and eventually
becomes the prized bauble destined to
go towards a necklace or adorn a fin-
The pearls are broughtsup by diverts
-in charge of a etindei," or represents,
tive of the owner of the boat tbey work
from, and a "peon," who safeguards
the•interests of the Government. The
banks are under the control of the
"Master Attendant of the Port of Co-
lombo." '
As patment for their hazardous
Put the potatoes in. an S5fiP
Enameled Potato Pot. Cover
with water. Add salt to
taste. Boil until soft. When
ilnishod, drain oil ail the
boiling water through the
strainer spout, No danger
of steam -scalding the hands
because the handle securely
locks the cover on. of your
family uses pdtatoeis, you
require one of these.'i
work on these- eharlc-infested, eeeits'
the divers are, rewarded by -one -thin{
of'the. oysters brought up, while the
Covernisreet auctions off the remain-
der on the beach clay by day.
• One, in a Thousand,
The divers • rl
e go do n�nl th aid of.
w .i o a
a forty -pound 'weight tied to the line.
by which they aro lowered. ,They
gather the shells, into baskets slung
sound their necks and hanging 1n front,
and after fifty to eighty-seconds''ra,pid
work are pulled to the surface.
00 an average, about one shell in
everythousand brought up contains a
The buyers place their purchases in
"kottus," or enclosures; and the oys-
ters are allowed to rot for eight or ten
days ,nra box covered in from the sun.
Flies are allowed free access, as they
aeseI t in'tlie'pa•ocess, of hotting.
'Later, the. `whole decayed niitss is
thoroughly we.3hed', they shells, 'stoues,1
and byssus (the •green, fibre.hke sub-
staneo by which 9kie oyster attaches it-
self to'the favorite melt) are piclted
out,. and the; residue placed on long
strips of black canes) to dry. '
While drying; the whole• mase is, care -
.fully goneever
y er again and again, and
many' smell "seed' .pearls- are found
and added. to the larger ones previous-
ly discovered.'
At the fins sign of,illness during the
hot weather give the little ones Baby's,
Own Tablets or in a few hours he may
be beyond aid, Theme Tablets: will
prevent summer complaints if given
occasionally to the well child, and will
promptly relieve these troubles if they
come on suddenly. Baby's Own Tab-
lets should always be kept in every
home where there- are young children.
There is, no other medicine as good
and the mother has the guarantee of a
government analyst that they aro ab-
solutely safe. The Tablets are sold •by -
medicine dealers or by mail at 25c a
box from The Dr. Williams'' Medicine
Co., Brockviile, Ont,
Birth of the Moon.
In the opinion of Dr. 11., IL Recital'
the moon is made of material that was
once part of the earth's crust. Dr. Ras.
tall's theory 12 that a layer of the
earth's crust, about forty-one miles
thick end' covering about two-thirds of
its total area, was peeled oft- by the at-
traotionof the sun. This „action of.the.
sun was effective •while the cruet was
still in a plastic state, and the moon's
owngravitational attraction causedIt
to roll up into a •hall of the form we
now see in the sky. The orustal area
left on earth formed the continents.
This theory also' accounts for the
fact that while, according to generally
accepted ideas, masses of lighter den-
sity snick as make up the earthly con-
tinents should cover the entire surface
of the globe, they A.0100111 cover only
about a third, the missing two-thirds
consisting of the moon:
The new' theory aleo fits in with the
ideas al a German'geologiet, Professor,
Alfred Wegener, who believes that the
American continent wag originally
united with Europe and Africa, and
that .1t floated away to its present
place. This would not have been pos-
sible so long. as the entire earth was
covered with such a crust, but alter
the moon had been torn awity It woe,
possible for the continents to separate
from their, long embrace.
Do, Not- Let It Pesti
The Ontario Agrtcu'ter.el College;offore you an eltticstlon that will 116
you for-practicel. ep-to-date bustnecre farthing. or professional life,: An'
education' to a farmer is a iito-itree gift. The yearn of youth ere *best.
Conte td the O.A,C.'•on September 18th. •
Tuition:fee"'for the first year, only e20.• (Board and room ertly $6.50 per
week. 700 -acre farm, fine live etock, modePo, well-equipped bulldinos,
I' In conditions .he bet.
living c n s
Write for College -Calendar, deaorlptive of alt science and practical
J.' B. REYNOL08, M.A. A. NI:. PORTER, U.S.A.
President Registrar.
'A' Poem You Should Know.
The Wandering Wind.
Felicia Hemans 'has the distinction
of havingwritten seme of the beet-
Icnowie poems in the ?.an gnage, lnolud-
ing "The Batter Land," "Casablanca,"
and "The braves of a ,Household."
Here le one of the less familiar of her
The wind, the wandering wind
Of,ethe golden summer eves -e
Whence 10 the thrilling magic
O1 ,its tones amongst the leaves?
Oh, is it from the waters,
Or'from the Long tall grans?
Or is 1t front the hollow recite
Through which the,breathi'nga pass•?
"Or it from, the velem;
Of all Iii one combined,
That it wine the tone of meaning?
The wind, the wandering windi
Nol Nol the strange: sweet accents
That with it come and go,
They are not from the osiers,
Nor the ilr-trees, whispering low,
They are not of the waters,
Nor the Oavern'd hill;
'Tis the human lave within us.
That gives, them power to thrill!
Thertoucli the links of mem'ry
Around our spirits twin'd, -
And we start, and weep, and tremble
To°•the wind, the wandering wheel
Tattoo Englleh Pigs.
English farmers propose to tattoo
their initials on their pigs after this;
instead of marking them: by notching
their.. ears, using black pigment for
Chesters and Tamwonbha and light-
ightcolored pigment for Berkshires•. Cattle
also are to be narked in this. fashion.
Always Acceptable.
Author—"Tire very fnsit thing 1 seat
to a magazine was accented."
. 'Yonne Wrlenf—"Was it poetry 0r
:Aubhoc—"Prose. It wars a Chegee for
a year's! subscription."
Mlnard's Liniment for Burns.
The word "telegram," which means
-"writing from a distance," was first-
used in England in the issue of the
"Illustrated London News" for July,
The world's best
hair tint.` Will re-
store gray bair to its natural
color in 16' minutes,
Sreati size, ii.3O by mall
Double size, $5.50 by :mall
The W. T. Pestlber Stores
129 Veep, Bt. Toronto
Just So It Was Kept Dark. ,
- "Can I get a beer here without any-
one knowing it?
"Anything -just so you keep it
dark." •
Ye that have faith to look with daunt-
Upon the tragedy of a• world at
Andsee that out of death and night
shall rise
The dawn of ampler lite
Rejoice, whatever anguish rend the
That God hath given you a priceless
To live in three great tines and have
a pale
In Freedom's crowning, lieue;
That ye inlay tell your sons who• see
the light
High in the heavens (their Heritage
to talee) :
"I sew the powers of darknessputto.
I saw the morning break."r
—(Poem found' on the body of an un-
known Australian` soldier in the
We supply cans and pay express
charges. We pay dally by express
money orders, which can .be cashed
anywhere without any charge.
Toebtaln the top price, Cream
,ntust be free from bad Savors and
contain not less than 80 per cent.
Butter Fat.
'Bowes Company Limited,
For references—Head OfRce, Toronto,
bank of Montreal, or yourloual banker.
Established for ,over thirty years:
• Sentence Sermons.
You Can Never Know—Truelove un
1170 you are w6ilbmrg Sb give everything
for" your• bolove'd,
Real happiness. until you love Life
more than things•.
Genuine friendship mitt you have
dismissed all spirit of blbternese.
—Lasting euceee5'' if you neat your
claims on mere pretensions.
—The; highest joy until you have
evade eomle thing useful'With your
—Llfeer 'greatest thniii until you
have^made your snipers effort,
Life's deepest sorrow until your
child has .turned ingrate. •
• Education does 'tot stop with the
school, but with. life.
Minardes Ltnimentfor Dandrpf.
Tho 1'argest leaves are be be found
on trees of the palm family. The
leaves of the double cocoanut palm teee
'Often thirty feet long and several feet
wide; only one leaf is produced each
year, and they are so strong and so
firmly attached to the stem that a
man may sit on the end of one and
rock to and fro In perfect safety.
Agents Wantsied
iii every town in Ontario, to sell MISS
Sells for $93 cash ar on time payments.
Good side line. We can tell you what
otbers are doing Write now. Eerie
Electric, 197 Richmond East, Torc'ato.
See That This Label
is On Your F'oit Wire
"Prince Edward" Brand English
Pox Wire—recognized :bY the
above label on every roll—has
given more . than fourteen -years
of perfect' service on • pioneer
'ranches and. is being used for
Most of the new ranches.
"There's a reason."
Write or wire for free sample
anti i'rt.:os
HOI 111 AN'SSumersids
P. island
Ontario Sales Agent
fort YoUR
bolesOmoc!eanem Refroshbq
Cuticura Baths
Comfort Baby's Skin
The absolute purity "and delicate
medication of Cuticura Soap
make it ideal for baby's tender
skin. Used daily,with touches of
Ointment to little skin trottbles,
it keeps the skin smooth, clear
and healthy. Cuticura Talcum
is soothing and cooling, &deal
for baby after a bath.
Sempte Balli Pre. by Mail. Addrass Canadian
Cason at,e1,o, a Ltd, Mon „ Pelee, San)
158. Ointment, Pb and 60e. Tslenm :se.
ice. 'Cutieurd Shaving Stick 25c.
in .fie •, REOEAINS
Say Y "Sal er" - Insist!,
Unless ' you see' the "Bayer -
Cross" on tablets you are not
getting the genuine Bayer prod
set proved safe by millions and
prescribed by physicians Tor 25
Accept only a
. �( Bayer package
World War.. ' whichcoptains proven directions:
Minard's Liniment for Corns and Wart,, Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists
Wants OtherWolnentoKnow
About Lydia E. Pinkhann's
Vegetable Compound
Mount Forest, Ont.—'Before I took
Lydia E.'Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound l feltweak and
miserable, and had
pains all through me.
I was living in .Ailsa
Craig at the time,and-
one dayafriend•came
in and told me her ex-
perience of using the
.Vegetaba Com-
pound and advised
me to take a bottle,
which 1 finally did.
strohgcr e d th se
pains left ,me. 1; am glai ' I found outt'
about this med'cine as I thinl> asere is
pone equal to it for women who have
trembles of this lend. I cannot praise
;the Vegetable Compound too highly for
the good it has done me. Whenever I
know of a woman suffering 1 am glad
to tell her of it."—Mrs. Wm.1:tI.bfDtLn ,
11,R. No.1, Mount Forest, Ontario.
•Women throughout the Dominion are
finding health in Lydia 11. Pinkhem's
1 Vegetable Compound:
Noharntful drugs are used in its preps -
1 ration justtoois and herbs—and le can
be taken in safety even by, a nursing
mother.. For oak by all druggists, 1
( IduuE No, 38•—'26.
Handy, `Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets' t
— Aspirin In the trade,. inol: (Tegisteted 15
Sore muscles, strained liga-
the healing infleence
OT'' "°
,rumrum �,n., ,J li orapl r +Ye "
ti s r i ,
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