The Clinton News Record, 1925-08-20, Page 2CLI1AITON
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U. ID. HALL, M. 11. CLARK,
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Boys arid Gir s
old ballad, which tells of Richard III
murdering his own dear little
"Cinderella, or the Glass &appal,
of -which, if any of, you 'have not
heard, I feel very sorry for you, is, a
very old story. Thousands of years
ago it was told to boys and girls, The
original read that an eagle stale the
slipper of a very pretty EgYptian
lady and bore it off. It dropped it;
and some one carried it to the king,
who made it known all over -the king
dont that he would marry the ;lady
Whose tiny foot it Should fit. And so
Cinderella, the cinder-gilt:1, became
queen. In France, Germany and this
country the story has taken several
shapes, and has always been a fav-
I must tell you of Little Jack Hor-
ner. In England, in the reign of
Henry VIII, there lived a Mr. Horner.
Henry, the king, wished to tear down
all the fine monasteries and abbeys
of England, sell their lands and pocket
the 'Money.
This Mr. Horner was butler, or
something, to an old abbot, who
thought he would gain favor with
Henry by -giving him twelve of his
very best and 'richest monasteries. So
the abbot sent deeds of „them to the
king by -this John Horner. But Hor-
ner„thoug•ht, as he "sat in the corner"
of the carriage on his way to the king,
that he would see what all those great
papers which he was carrying should
mean. "He put in his thumb and
pulled out. a plefra"-i. e., he opened
and read the deeds, put the one for
the largest piece of land in his own
pocket gave the rest to the king 'at
London, and came home and told his
master that I-Ieney VIII, for his
fidelity, had made him a present of
one of the large tracts of land.
"Blue Beard," too, is very old. Ile
is supposed to be Giles Delaval, Lord
of Reis, and was Marshal of France
in 1429.
"Jack, the Giant -killer," came from
India. He breaks forth in' all sorts
of doings all over the story -books of
the young. And so of "Jack and the
Bean -stalk."
"Babes in the Woods" is a very
touching story. I think the origin of
this may be considered a very, very
Notary Public -Conveyancer. „
FinanciaT: Real Estate and Fire In-
surauce „Agent. R.epreSenting IA Fire-
Insurapee Companies;
Division Court Office, .Clinton.
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc.
Office Hourst-l.g0 to 3.30 p.m., 5,30
to 8.00 p,m. Sundays, 12.30 to 1.30
• tether boars by appointment only.
Office and 'Residence - Victoria St.
Office Hours -2 to .4, 7 to 8.
Other hours by appointment.
Office Hours
1.30 to 180 p.m. 7.30- to 9.00 p.m.
' Sundays 1.00 to 100 p.m.
Other hours by appointment.
ce'ee, 218W' Residence, 2183
°Mee and Residence:
iltiron Street Clinton, Ont.
• Phone 69
(Fetinerly occupied by the late' Dr.
C. W. Thompson).
Gees Examined and Glasses Fitted.
Dr. A Newton Brady, Bavfield
Graduate Dublin University, Ireland.
teem Extern Assistaut Master, Ro-
tunda Hospital for Women -and Child-
ren, Dublin.
(Alice at residence lately occupied by
Mrs. Parsons.
Hdurs:-9 to 10 am., 6 to 7 Dam
Sundays -1 to 2 pan.
The story of "Little Red Riding
Hood" is found in the German, but
not exactly as we te% it in English.
-The Germane have a great variety
of young -folk -lore, or stories for little
"'Mother Goose" was a real person.
She lived 14 Boston. Her daughter
Elizabeth married the printer, Tom
Fleet, who gathered up the nursery
meirodies of his mother -in -low and pub-
lished then.
I must tell you of the meaning of
an old nursery rhyme: "Four and
twenty blackbirds made into a .pie";
these are the four -and -twenty hours
of the day. The "pie" is the space
between the earth and the sky -the
flat -looking ground being the bottom
crust, tho birds 'in between; and the
sky being the conbave top crust.
"When the pie was opened," 1. e„
when the day Vegan Le break. The
birda began to sing," "1. e., The hours stamp newe, there 1V013 tio oolleCtOrjIT
to begin merrily. "The king in the Britain whose name she did not knew.
parlor counting out money"; the Them were:two at Blaeltharce ...for in -
"king" is the sun, the monarch of the -stance, -who were the kemiest rivals•.
day. There he is enthroned in the An hour. later Diana etepped into a
sky. He is said to' be Counting Mit 'taxi and directed, the dtriver to "Kes-
reeney, because the sunshine is gold ton Manor, -Stanton Heath." •
color; see hew he "counts it out," Presently sise found herself in the
iiinge it about him, the beautiful gol- presence of a shabby old. man, seated
don sunshine. , "The. cafeen upstairs
eating bread and honey." Of course,
if the king is the sun, the queen is the
moon. "The maid in the garden,
hanging out clothes.' This "maid"
is Autora, the goddess not of the aay,
but of the dawn. Now, "up jumped a
little bird and nipped off her nose."
The little bird who- dia this very un-•
gallant thing is, of course, the first
hour of the day, for Aurora, or dawn,
disappears as soon as the king, or
sun, arises.- I think that this old bal-
lad .had this simple and quaint sig-
The reason almost all these stories
have their origin in fact is that it is
a great deal easier to write anything
of the kind about something that has
happened than to have to "make it all
up as you go along," you know.
Ofilee and Residence:
Ontario Street . - Clinton. Ont:
One door west of Anglican Church.
Phone 172.
Chiropractor -Masseur
Of Wiegham, will be at the Commorc-
la -Inn, Clinton, on 'MondaY and
Thuraday forenoons each week. '
. Diseases of all kinds successfully
Optometrie(fe Optician
Graduate Royal College of' Science,
. Toronto. Licentiate Ontario Board of
Exatniners and 'Washington State
Board of Examiners.- Eyes -examined,
and' glasses fitted. Will be at Bayfield
-every Tueeday alid,Saturdy, from 2 to
6 pan. at Dr. G. S. Atkinson'a Dental
Ofilce, Main Street, Bayfield, Ont.
A rare arena" of three groat Canadian poets, at -Muskoka •assemblY,.
Charles G. -D. 'Roberta, Blies Carman and Wilson Maccidnald. •
maiseng eyei, -irnt soon, 1110)10 up her
mind: to return tile album.
"I -Ie had no idea he was giving me "
thirty tarty pounds,"- she told her"
self "Any dealer would, give that;
and, being out of werli, the money
'would be useful to him"
She opeaod the book again; Then
s:he leapt to her feet and ran to the
window. ,'
"I can't believe iti;! site gasped. "Ills ; „
too wonderful to be true!" . 1 The old man approached timidly and
As a phiftateldait and- a reader of Med: his hat. His hand tremble&
"Excuse me, madame,' he eald.
'Aren't you -aren't you Dulalle?"
"Monsieur. Caanaretl" -
The lettle old woman tried to laugh.,
By Maurice Renard
Translated by
William L. INIMPherson
. .
Licensed Auctioneer for the County '
of ' Huron. -
Correspondence promptly ansWered.
Immediate arrangements can be made
for Sales 'Date at The News -Record,
Clinton, or by, calling Phone 201
.Charges Moderate and Satisfection
c I I nton7"ent.
General Eire and -Life Insurariee. Agent
for Hartford Winelaterm, Live Stock,
Autornebile and. Sickness and Accident
Insurance. Huron and Erie, and Cana-
da Trust Bonds. Aeneintments Made
. to meet parties at Brucedeld: Varna
and' 13ayfielci. 'Phalle 57. •
on and on, walking through the storm
and darkness right to the world's end!
By A. B. Cooper
But that was tile m
e first of any oc-
casions for seeing Miss Denton M. Fromembert, your successor,'
Why not? John's lodgings and Diana's "A jolly crowd they were then!"
meniien 103'- much in the same direc-
time. Besides, on a dark eight two's
in order to conceal her 'emotion. •
"And how are things with you,
"I am not a madame, Monsieur."
"Ali!" he exclaimed. He looked at
I-Iave you over -considered that there
are thou.samis of' people who live
bravely every day; •there they are
fighting poyeaty, oppression': disease,
and death In a happy fashion, never
complaining nor explaining ti -Way their
lot. There is little recognition for
them, and they ,clon't ask for it. They
just plod along :clayby clay, sampler
. ,
and winter. _ . • --
Ask them how they do it, and they
will pretend not to know. By, accept-
ing what eames they make the best oa Care of the _eareetly.
thirige. They ask for no sympathy and A word 01 warning, 1 am, sure, will
they will assure you they are as hap- be appreciated by iny.reacters; I rtreall
' B-01 think of their fight, Little to re- 'those who have an idea that thercatianY
must ba•- lung outeide for it to enjoy
11)1 as anybody else.
lieve their daily monotony, el v tI'm-
- 7
life, 'Just as 50011 115 the sun abeWs itS
aro always in the line of fire and never nose artnuul the corner, poor, "Dick"
get to the base of thing,s,. Sometimes ,
has to take his ,punishment; and out he
goes, to enjoy the ;sights and outdoor
they get wounded, but their courage
doesn't fail, dol somehow the wounds excitement, but nevee. do We give a
ing upon it and -defying it. Mere are
cheat by tita.euagall:, thought to -the' dangers we ^ subJect the
'become healed, - Traleii they
away, and trouble they bird to. Likely you have been doing
this, year atter year, and getting away
thousands of such people --in every I
land, and often beneath their laughter I \ltll it
and singing there lies an experience trouble. .
that has brought them through con- The folly of hanging the bird out:
Hat and Paina 1 side has 'already been shown. I have
Other peo,ple, who a-oem - to have had a number of cases brought to ray
everything clearable for a happy life, hospital for care within the past week.
are as anaemic, a$ lifeless as snails.
Case: of sunstroke, and in a bad way,
Surely, if 'anything alMuld make people having been bung in the direct sun for
happy, Money, pleasure, nice homes,, oeveral hours. A pot cat got another, '
and friends ought to secure it?, Often , and nearly- imveved WS wing,. Yes, it
11 10 the reverse. People who'have all,. othrld have, .aud 73.-p
:e rly did, put EL stop
-more than all-tbsy vvant ' are &Tito "blows „rig fp, keeps. .
miserable as humen' natitee ' can I- ..ere am eo 1
- teeny dangers
, , Well
R ts Barks
Herbs Berries
Such as physicians presmibe for all'
ments of the blood, stomach, liver
and icidneye are combined in Hood's
Sarsaparilla IVIendrake
Yellow Dock Dandelion
Uva Ursi Stillinoia
!Slue Flag Piasissewa
Genie° Juniper Berries,
Gentian Wild Cherry
and ?Aber excellent tonics, thus malus
Ing one of the moat successful of all
medicines. ,Get only Hood's.
ata huge writing -table in the middle her and saw that she was blushing. '
of a vast room, He was -the Mee of "It is thirty-five years since we last
IVItrgle,y. • saw each other," he went on. "I 510
"What can I de for you?" he, saidm
. in y seventy-second year. And you,
"Have you ever seen e. pair of blue Mademoiselle Lane? You are in your
Plearitus?" seed Diana, in a level sixty-second, it I remember rightly."
voice. "You remember my age, Monsieur
'The pld MELII'S features began to CanutTeti"
work eonvulaively.. He glared at Diana "I left Chalonsreut-Oise M 1899, in
as though she had deliberately and
groesly insulted him.
you here -to ask that question?" he
"No, indeed! Has he got one?"
asked Diana.
The question seteined to send the old
man frantic.
"Got one! Got one!" he fumed.
"Didn't he outwit and outbid me at the ,. "I stayed with thean until last year.
Gaston seale three years ago for the You might say, all my life."
only pair that has been in the market "And tho others who were there in
for forty -years? I was a fool. not to my. time: Isabelle, Lucienne, Marthe?"
go on, They're worth double to -day. "Oh! all of them are married! Moth -
But that's not all, that pair makes the ers, grandmothers! Plarthe married
the month of April" . .
"I recall it very well, Monsieur Caen-
arete Your leaving was a surprise te
everybody, you see. You stood so well
with our employeee! A model cashier!
And the ;United Calories was a very
good house."
"Yes, mademoiselle Dalie, it was a
very good house. I have never found
so good a one."
company and one's. lonesome.
It was thus that Diane. learned of
When Diaua Denton vMited "Owd
Joe!, she only „ming out tho John Barton's half -discovered secret.
She showed.such ardent and intelligent
radition bequeathed to her by her
interest that the young chemist poured
his story into her ears night after
night, " •
"If I could bit the formula," he said,
"it would revolutionize steel:We could
beat the world ag4tin."
"And you willi", thrilled Diana.
"1 might -if I had the means," said
John. "I've got -to a ,point where I'm
stuck, not for ideas but,for cash. With
was true. She often reminded herself a few hundreds, I might succeed in a
of it "%ilea her coneelence, pointing -an few months; without, it may be years,"
accuaing finger, saide "It's John, not
Joe, you go to see!" .
John Banton was as innocent of col
Melon. as a naw -born infant.
If anyone had told him that Diana
Denton" thought him "romantic -look-
ing," he would have laughed them to
scorn. He 'Was Probably dimly aware
that Mohair was black and wavy, that
his eyes were "a sort of 'violet," that
his nose was straight and inclined to
run to size, Mat his, mouth was large,
and that, lastly, he weighed 11 stone
9 pounds •and stood 521, 11%1n, -in iris
socks, but the knowledge did not in-
Something in a retort, something
aoaor Graduate Carey Jones''Netional
School of Auctioneering, Chicago. Spa -
dal coUrse taken in 'Pure Bred Live
Stock, Real E8 tato, ,Merchandise and
Vann Sales. Rates in keeping with
prevailing tnarket. Satisfaction as-
sured. ; 'Write or wire, Zurich, Ont.
Phone •18-93.
Trates will arrive at and depart from
Clinton as follows: -4
- 'Buffalo and Goderioh
Going East, depart ' 6.25 am.
" 2.52 p.m,
Going West, ar. 11.10 am
" ar. 6.0,3 dp. 6.51 p.m.
" ar, 10.04
London, Huron & Bruce Div.
Going South, ar. 7.56 dp. 731 a.m.
4.15 pen.
Going North, depart 6.50 p.m,
' 1105 1 1 1 3 e,m.
mother. Josiah Denton, the ironmast
or, was as hard as the metal by which
he had made his inoney--His workmen
were "bands"- to him, machines made
for puddling and. moulding and forging.
But the human heaat, especially a
woman* Is very subtle, That Diana
had occaseonely vimited "Owd
fore she had met John Barton. there,
The•average Angora goat will pro-
dino about 6 to S pounds of -mohair.
'Ask father," said Diana. "It's bus! -
"He hates me for the part I took in
the strike."
"I -I -didn't know you -then," whis-
pered Diana, her heart sinking. S•he
eaw John's face harden.
"It was nothing to me. My wages
remained the same whatever happen-
ed. But I knew the pud,diers were not
getting a living wage. Perhaps I was
a fool -I sided with them."
"But that's -three years ago. Dad
has forgotten.- Call to-ntorrow night.
I know he'll be in. Tell him what you
have told me. You can do no harm if
you do no gcod."
uevee have another chance.
Diana opened "Owd Joe's album.
"The pair!" the Earl almost scream-
ed. "The pair!, Child! Child! Tell
me -will you -part with them?'
"I thought you would like to s,e:e too polite. You are just like you al -
them" said Diana. "I'm just going to ways were. I was never pretty. I am
Medan House -I've kept my taxi -to aware of that, Even In my youth,
shoW them to Sir Robert 'Pitchford, when you knew me, I was not very at -
Then, of course—"
tractive. I was awkward and con -
"No! No" cried the Earl, "You strained. I lacked confidence and to -
mustn't. You really must not. He'll quetry. Those girls often enough
persuade you -aye, I believe he would', made sport 02 100!"
rob you rather than, I should haveibat • . ,"Is it possible?"
pair. I'll write a cheque, this moment I "I don't hold It against,them. They
for fifteen hundred pomade. „ Don't Fay were. Young; they didn't think; they
AO. 1 had no pity, could tell you, Monsieur
"Make it two thousand. and the pair Camaret, of many jokes they Played on
me. They meant 130 berme certainly.
Is yours.," sale Diana, and. five minutes
later the Ilarl bowed her out with the "And then one day, Monsieur Cania-
words: ."It's worth two thellsand if ret -one day they did something else
only to see Titchford's face when he to me. They sent nte a letter, and
knows he's no longer top dog," I they found a way to imitate your hand-
• I
As for Diane, she Went straight to Writing."
John BertOn's lodgings. He came up! "No? 'Fell me about iL"
from the stellar, his face and bands I "Yea, Mensieur,Camaret. One morn -
stained with chemicale, to find Dianai,,,,s,,111.rgitttoblie 011 liogbtniunion paper.
brought iteellaovleeattelt•
in his little peeler.
"Oh, I've' Each wonderful news for firs,,it_Ad
ll: CoatsneeefrefamtopaYou.Rtisolidto. id:
you!" sheaim
exclaimed. "I've sold a pair 1
venture to tell you to. your face what
of stamps out of ''Owd Joe's' album for
two thousand pounds -and you'll be my heart,repeates again and again. 1
able -to buy all you need -tor your ex- love you madly, It my love dbes not
perlinents-acd--aud-oh, John!" 1 displease you do me the favor to come
.A. minute later her -head Woe en this evening to the Promenade.' "
"How is that, Mademoiselle Lane?
John's ehouldere and his arms were I
I That letter -you know it by heart!"
holding her tight. He was saying the
most uttheard-of things -things, she "Yes,Monsier Camaret, I know it
never dreamed he could say -and she ley heart. That Is the right way to
wee thrilling to every syllable, . put it. I can tell you 60 to -day, since
we'lere old and our lives are, behind us,
* 0 *
I have kept that letter always. It may
Two months later John Barton pre--
not have been genuine, bat it was good
seated him -self again atethe traumas. to read, all the same,"
ter's door.' •
Diana admitted him. .
• -- - "Mademoiselle Lane!"
'For a moment I believed. that It
She tapped eon the library door. was genuine. And I wee' so !happy that
There was no ateOponse. • r felt almost beautiful But suddenly
A sudden fear ' cluteleed her heart. lifting my eyes I noticed the calendar.
She opened AIM door, and then ran fore •
It was April lst. Then I Underetood
Ward with a Ilbtlft orr°f 101511 '1 that 'tV.1 t 1 33 on y ano her, jo re They
The irodritaster's arms were out- 'would be there near thebandstand-
which fused and hissed and spat, Bet even Diana did not realize how
which. glowed .111te the heart of the sun implacable her father could be.
-sonletiting like that did Intereeahien, "There's John Barton to pee you,
it excited him because he was a metal. father," she said, as ' she pus•lied the
etergist. ' young man into the. presence .of his
He had been 'drawn to "Owd Joe". employer. Then, although she shut
/iartly by his kind heart paid partly by aim do -or imon them, she deliberately
their mutual love of books. Now that listened on the other side. She heard
the old puddler was unable to see to John's rather lame explanation of his
read for .hireself, 'it was only natural experimente, .hits lack of ca8h, and his'
that John should drop in occasionally diffident suggestion that Mr. Denton
to read to him. The. olcl chap's library should put a300 at his disposal on
was ill a box under the bed. It in. terins to be arranged if his. work turn -
chided Plutarch's "lAves," "LaVengeo,"i el, cat' a slulees'st
Lamb's. "Dssaye," and th.e `Tilgrines1 She heard her father's hard laugh,
Progreso," "Owd Sot" would say; 1 She 'heard hina eay: "Aye! you indite
"Dip in t' lucky bag and read fust yo'. the men to rebel. You Mulct me in
grab, lad," and thatte what'John did. 1 thousands a year extra, wagds-then
' One night it was raining when Diana -YOU expect me to h.elp your bare-brada.
essayed to go home. She had happen- ..ed schentes.. I shouldn't help you in
et to dean in at "Owl joe'e" with some any ease, and eapecially after vehat I
new -held eggs. She could have called heard to -day, You've been seen in the
earlier in the day.- 'Phere *was no ma- oompaslY of my daughter a little -too
son why a girl of leisure should pay a".'" otten.- I want no hered- agitator even
visit to "Oevel Joe",at S pan. That gh,6 epdaking to her. 1 should have sacked
actually did call at thdt lloar.had do' you three Years ago. I was too tender-
con.nectiOn aVR1C Wetineeday and the hearted. I ,sack You now. Go! 311 ole
Witty of John Barton being there you off the prenskes "
That, at least, is what she told herself. * * T. . *
She •alwais affected great surprise John Bartein eat disconsolate inehis
to find "Owl Joe" had other company; basement laboratory at ,his lodgings in
and Jo - 1 , e sou -accepted her .
hn In mbl 1 Foundry Street.. "Owd Joe' -a" box of
surprise at its fa:ea value. Bat to -night, books Was dumped on the brick floor.
Mlle. Lail° smiled sadly, .
"Yes; they were pretty girls."
"Anti you were, too, Mfie Lalie."
"Oh, no, IVIonsieur Camaret, you are
They are fretful and whining, worry-
connecteu with hanging the bird out -
0. side ' t4avi.feel it. my duty to warn -
lug -about their possessions, weth n
tim-e to give to other elaime of lite.
1 those whocare, against such practice.
They have but little heroism ebout , 1 .floi - _ _
on r PeSition to know wherein
„them. 'Yes; it's 'a Withering thing. to '
these einngers, come, and have had so
live only for oneseif. ,
' many eases hi:might to my attention
Who are the people you admire most' that I ,..e .
- .
t ei sure Yon will see the MIS -
In life? Not tbnee•for whom every -1 taita.
thing is -done by someone else. ' Ser. You. may, without intention, place
vents are all very well, but eon- the.lne
portant things the best' help is self-
help. The men who stand highest in
the world are those who accept whift
is, improve .it if possible, but -always
go through with. the job and smile at
apparent imposelbilities..
If you complaia, yp.0 will never win,
neither will you get anuCh. joy le you
are always comparing your life ewith
seineone else'e with one that appears
more favorable. The .herollem of life
your bird ht a draft, or You may hang
his 'cage in a nide sha.dy inace, as is
often done, early in the morning and
foeget 'all abdut him for the rest of the
day„ and when the afternoonstul gets,
around mid the -poor little chap is left
therelo cook,' he has no w,eee of telling
his troubles, and who cares? e
Tryou have. au idea that ie does the
canary good to hang him out, you are
wrong. Keep him where you can en-
joy his "company a.nd. he will be a bet -
comes out when you run In spite of .
• ter bird for it. P.eamaps your neighbor
handicaps aad try your best to win.
OT friend hangs the canary out of doom
You need not be great in order to
and she may be glad to know it isn't
be heroic. You can never be heroin well to do so. Please pass the word
without being great. Lite's mistakes . ...•
aiong.-wanace C. Jones.
are made when we think we doa't
count. So long as life is in our veins
we must be of value. .
Alter all, it never has been entirely'
true that the great performances of
life haire been .the most important. It ;
is much more neceseary that a. man
should light his own corner than that .
he should enter Parliament; that a
woman should keep her house clean
than that she should be a magistrate!
The best way to make things better
than they are .is to live wholesome
lives; and for that we need a constant
heroism that is never off duty. ,
When we have finished here it will
matter very little whether we have
made money, but it will be all Import.
ant whether we have made good.
It is- •
Bettee to fall than not to climb,
Better to fail than not to try , .
Make for the highest, anti achieve the
Sqch are hero smile.
Water -Drop Wonders.
Interesting pictures of the myriad
foeme of life that exist in a single drop
of water were ehovvii reeent film.
.4 'fiend covered, with green slime and
apparently -still le inereality a teeming
massof life. A droP Of water taken up
in the eye of a needle and magnified
eleven million times reveals EL swarm
of ,wriggling creatures that in the or-
dinary way are invisible; they appear
ti be ruled by a great Jointed monster
that looks. like a sea serpent, but
whos,e actual length is less than three -
sixteenths of an Mph. .
The rotiner, an inhabitant of stag-
nant ponds, has a "water -wheel" eta
trance to hie internal system end
catches his victims by. meane of suc-
The Devil's Funeral. - .
A small girl, late for achool, excesed
herself by saying she had lingeeell on
the way in to see the Devil's
"The Devine amoral," said the teaoh-
ee• "what nonSense is this?"
"Well, replied the ohild,, "I am sure
stretched, and hie head had fallenup-Marthe, Ivabelle and Lucienne-hiding it was the Devil, bebatee Iheerd is man
on theih.
At the sound 'of her voice he lookoa behind the trees," • SaYllig, "Poor devil -only theee days
... And that is why, You didn't come 1:1,' "
. .
up. But she halt never Seen him look to the promenade that evening, Mo- .____-
10 haggard, so tragic! I demoiselle Lelia?" '
"Dad," she said, "what, Is it?" I "Yes, fortunately. I ignored the let.
"Pll have -to shut down," he said, lu tee: Because if 'I axed evert spoken of
a hopelege voice.: "I can't -me on. 'All •
, it I believe I should have burst into
the big conteactte,are going to Sweden..
. tears before the others." •
'the Borkel Secret Proctess has knoblai .. m-
"But, ademoiselle Lane; r wrote
ed the bottom out of the steeL trade." that letter --that blue letter. I-1
"But what alitiht the, Ballon Secret -waited for you until it grew dark- A.nd
Process, dad?" 1, ' 1 if I went away"—
'Phea-Banton!, I never heard *of ., Mlle. Lalie had turned pale. She
euch a precess,;!, ' looked at hen. writukled hands..
"Because you wouldaa listen." "NO, no,"'she sdicl. It was an Abri!
"Do you mean that-bhat—r 6,1 You Etre' very_ polite Monsieur
'Yes! t. John Barton has revolution-
Camaret. '
had she not stayed a full hour, she It was the old puce:Hee legacY- ized this process' of steel ma.nBut, you zee, would beufac- •
might have been home Ionbefoie alie give and bequeath to John Barton,
- ture!"
s'torin came on. Now, in her flimsy kindest of frieol'ds, all my books," "Has -child?" • that I made a mistake. So don tell
dress, she must face it, Being -now unemployed, he might
"Weil, lie hd
as found' a for111111,a that me a fib just to please me,'
gamy " bald Joe. "It's as big as a ettertlitig. "Lavengro," the "Pilgrim's "1 avvear 11, Lane!.
•'t make, it, hard ler me, Mon -
'I've 110 \1,1 to offer yo' Mit a howd. look aver' his beheritance. Notiling will melte Borkel the most ,hopeless „Don
Mach more painful now 111discovered
back number--anali-he's here to offer
ci11;!!s 'tent .a.n.' wad cover ton. o' your Progns8s," Lamb's ','EseaYs' --all what It to ,01.1„_,at -,s, pertain _price."' . '
Siso," is ails? ' • . - '13 t -b rtI haven't the =neat"
. - la 'bottom f the u u '
, "It Mis.s Benton would allow Me cau ' lee reached to the o box.
sea her to her door--I--o11 tho -"No, daddy but you have the price!"
umbrella -over her," faltered'JOhn, "MFL-claddy! = Ile witlitS' ME---aud
"lit 1,8 very kind of you," said:Diana.
for a lieek lying there covered with
dust. Evidently it had not been ai3,
turbed ,for yeara•
"Well,. A etatup
He turned over a few pages' witheut
Much interest. Then his face bright.
"Diana! She'e i'riad on Stamps:"
,It Was thus that'Diana received next
I want -BIM." •
The upshot was that they faced the "Show blatiln, Liana," said the iron-
s:tot:01 together.
"1 1 you -wouldn't mind-holdiag on muster. ' '
to my arm ---Miss Dentoia---"
It was pitch dark os' he -would never The leernest Resary.
have dared to say it; and -perhaps- What is believed to Pc the largest
Dialla r'Ould never have dared 00 hoar , luorninra mysterious package accona rosary- in the world has been presented
it. But she linked her hand throng -III panted by a brief note :deuailing,the cir- to Pope Pius by an expert 'wohdcarver
the crook of his arm, and tried to make I cumstinices of Its diseoyery, and ask- of Merano, who made it. The rosary
oned He held tli`e umbrelln low. Sao i "10 0 100 happy evenings with 'Owd feience. las ch Lear, = , carved The iik plush of every Puiltnan and
her Little feet 1-, eee Pace' with his big nig her accept anep, ,e -fit in mernery of measures -more:than A5 -feet in .cireunt-
. _
felt shut in from the avericiL:s-With ' , wood is lax cr. than can 'average -sized Wagner ar.or car is made of AteOra-
acat beer,
John felt 111:1 NV Cl1 1(1111co, to' go en aati aria il,rued 000, 110l'asg-^, a11- °Eg•
sieur CaParet. W.,p are old. It would
be too -late. Como It was an fool,
wasn't it?".
In -fixed on ,her his Poor, weak eyes,
to which the teare mounted. Their
stiff hands clasped awkwardly, ,and,
bending his head, he murmured:
"Yes, iny Lalle-yea----it was as you
• Built Like a Nut.
Teacher ---"What is an oyster'?"
Johnnie -An oyster is a fishbuilt
like a nut, tniss."
Gem of Her Collection.
"Does May seem aeased with the
enga.genient ring Jack gave her?"
"Yes; she says it's really the met.
tiest one she 110e."
Wirelese in- Ireland,
A. Scotsman declared that telegraphy
was known in Scotland at the dawn of
"We've dug up the wires,' he said,
To which an erishman replied, "We
had wireless telegra,phy thousands of
years ago."
"How can you prove that "
"Sure, we've not beeu able to rebid
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
Head Office, Seaforth, Ont.
President, James Gennolly, Goderieb;
Vice, James Evans, Beechwood; Sec. -
Treasurer, Thos. 16. Hays, Seaferth,
Directors: George McCartney, Sea.
forth; D. F, McGregor, Seaforth; J. G.
Grieve, Walton; Wm. Ring. Seaforth;
12. alcIlwen, Clinton; Robert Ferries,
I-Tarlock; John Benneweir, Brodhagen;
las. Connolly, Goderich,
Agents: Alex. Leitch, Clinton; J. W.
Yee, Godericht Ed. Hinchray, Sea -
forth; W, Chesney, Egmondville; R.
Ce....Jarmuth, l3rodhagen.
Any money to be paid In inity be
paid to Moorish Clothine Co., Clintota
or at Cutt's• Grocery, Go.derIch.
Parties desiring to affect Insurance
or transact other business will be
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any of the above officers addressed to
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