HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-08-13, Page 8ONS DING 3RiiEIIR STOfE
e welcome the 01
back to
ro eft
iDI a yep t°. That Means
X65 Iteasons
Come in gild 1'nstset our stock of
/a ,es„ Pins, Brooches, Etc.
for „owning a Flashlight. They pen.
nwetrate the murk of moonless nights,
lay a carnet of sunshine before other-
wise faltering feet and after dark
give the assurance of "all's well:
Good; for emergencies at night, lights
up dark corners, handy iny 'our car
or hunting en ina trouble, changing
tires or looking for sign posts. :ts, Wher-.
ever 'a temporary -light is needed a
Flashlight is the safest, most depend-
able, portable light .made. Ours is
the EVEREADY, the best we know.
Graduate of: -Toronto' College of Optometry
Fine Jewellery and., Repairs • Next Ilovey's" Drug Store
C 011
e are glad to be able to supply you with something;delic-
ionS and different for your noon day luncheon or evening
meal. Here are a few suggestions
Soused Mackerel per tin 20c
Served with Williston pickles per bottle 30c
Smolced.Haddocic, delicious with Lettuce 30c
Salad Dressing (Apex) per bottte 30e
Club house dressing ^30c
Pirnerto and Queen olives 39c
Sardines, in oil and, with Tomato sauce ,3 for 25c
Cheese Tid Bits, per pkg.
Canned Lobster; each
Crab neat
Mint Jelly, with lamb, per bottle
Kraft Cheese '
Ingersoll Cream Cheese
30 and 50c'
30c _
Women have ever had to
choose between luxury and coon
only in matters of dress AI
' most invariably one must be
sacrificed to the other. But in
Holeproof Hosiery are found
We luxury of stylish, snug -fit
ting hosiery and the economy of
long service and moderate price..
Holeproof pure silk $1.50
Holeproof silk and lisle and
Silk and art. silk plaited' $L00
ffieq .,
Every dollar that Ieaves
Clintonthat could be spent in
Clinton weakens • Clinton's
prosperity, and eventually
that • weakened : prosperity
must to some extent effect a
disadvantage to every ,person•.
in Clinton,
for $1.25
3 pkgs.-28c
Pail of soap, -regular r $1.55
Quaker Corn Flakes
Fancy Cakes, to clear, at
Special price on. Granulated Sugar by the sack
Sugar is advanci•
Me W D. Fair Co,.
Often the Cheapest—Always the Best.
Fresh Salmon Trout, Tuesdays and Fridays
Cooked Meats ---We have ‘a fresh supply of Cooked Meats, Cooked Ham, Roast pork, Jellied Veal, Beef Loaf
FRUITS ---California Peaches and Pears, Apples, 'Ontaaio'
Grapef, California. ' We redeem Lavoline Coupons
• PHONE 25,
I Cash and
.In the Morning First Delivery 9 a.m. In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m.
Welcome Home
A .hearty welcome is extended to all Old Boys'
and Girls.
We have a full supply of fresh goods for
t?Id Home Week Requirements.
Main Store, Phone 125 W. Branch Store, Phone 125 J.
0073,, �,4 i;, IltlupuuemuuaillleN
Kindly Order Early
Mr, D. Cantelon visited Toronto and
North :Bay this week.
Mr. Fred McTaggart was a week-
end vsitor at his home in town.
Miss Shirley Bawden Is visiting her
sister, Mrs. McDonald, in Detroit.
Mr. Walterby Sorby of - Guelph is a
guest of Mr. and Mrs, B. Higgins.
Miss Bessie Scrimgeour of Stratford
• was the, guest ,,,of Miss Florence
Rorke last week.
Miss Dorothy Rorke returned last
week from visiting with friends"in
Detroit and Chicago.
Mrs. George Chesney of Toronto vis-
ited Mondayof - fast week with
Mr. and Mks. 1t. Pearson.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sloman have re-
tiirned to Latchforit, -well-pleased
with the Old Boys' Reunion.
Miss Florence Rorke is the guest of
Miss Bessie Scrimgeour of Strat-
ford, at their summer home at Bay-
Mrs. J. Hall, who has been visiting
herd parents, 'Mr.. and ' ` Mrs. W.
Manning,', returns to Vancouver
next 'week.
Mrs. Henderson, Mrs: Woodward and
Miss Jean Woodward of Lansing,
Mich.; visited with Mrs. Jas. Shep-
herd during Old Home Week.
Mr: Clarence Shepherd and Misses
Margaret and Ruth of St. Thomas
and Mr. Ed. Shepherd of Toronto
visited Mrs. Jas. Shepherd over
Reunion Week.
Dr. John A. and Mrs. McLeod left
Saturday for their home in Brook-
lyn, New York, after visiting the
former's sister, Mrs. Robt. Pearson,
also Dr. Gunn and Dr, Shaw of
Mr, George A. Rorke of Rorketon,
Man., formerly of this place Was
the guest of Mr. H. E. Rorke dur-
ing the reunion: He came from
the West by motor, accorhlranied
by his son, Harold and family.
Mrs: Dave Armstrong, accompanied
by her daughter, Miss Mable, who
have been spending the past weeks,
with Mrs. Armstrong's sister, Mrs.
Robt. Armstrong and 'other rola
Lives, left yesterday for their
home at Pilot Mound, Manitoba,
We wish them a safe trip.
Mr. H.' E. Rorke and blaster Edward
were week -end guests of Mr. and`
Mrs. J. W..Tauner of 'Mount For-
est. H. E, had the pleasure of re-
newing many friendships of former
days, having resided there for
some years. Mr. Geo, A. •Rorke
accompanied them and intends mot-
oring from, there. to Windsor and
down into Pennsylvania.
Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Ross, Idaho, Mr,
and Mrs. Jas. A. Haber of Romeo,
Mich., Mr. Elgin Mason and Me,
Franklin Rogers, New York City,
Mr. and 11'Irs. E. E. Smith and Miss
' Ettie ,Mrs. Ella Richmond and son,
Wesley, and Mr. Will Perry of
Toronto, ''Mr. and Mrs. George
Beatty of:'Ingerssoll were Old Boys'
guests ofMr. and Mrs. Thos. Ma-
son, Mill' street,
Mr. and Mrs James C. Whinham,
Arden ,Manitoba, Jimmie and Rob-
ert" Whinham Arden, Man., Miss
Clark, Arden, Man., Mr. and Mrs.
I-fayes and William Jones, Brant
ford; Mrs." S Cartel and Mrs. A.
Cloakey, Belgrave,' Stewart Cloak-
ey,: Belg-case; Mrs. D. Richards,
Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Hansell, .Ux-
bridge, Ont.; Mr. and Mips. Lin-
ton and Miss Helen Linton, Ux-
bridge, Ont.; Mr, F. ,Willows, Lon-
don; Mrs, David and " Miss Hazel'
$ ' I ' David, London, Mo W tlliain" T lulc-
' �i't � z�+ �� ir�� er, Chicago, were visitors cflv'ing,
"The Ideal 'Snmmef Fabric"
The Cloth That Will Not Crease
All Combined In
Now is the time to, get your
Rayoso Suit -for the hot
Also see our sinecials in Greys and. Browns at $32.
Davis Herman
Old Troine Week at :lir Ed, Car.
ELECTRIC! WIRING tens home, Princess rceG,�
Adequate wiring
Brings Full End yi' eitt
ofi-dro Power
Our Store will, be Wide Open for Your
Inspection During Old Home Week
Homes that lack adequate electrie wiring miss many of the
benefits offered by Hydro current.
For instance,, wiring that is intended to supply current only for
lighting fixtures and a few small appliances, is far too light to
supply the power required for an electric range, iron, water heater
or similar appliance.
The wiring in any houso can be brought up-to-date at reasonable
eost,but in the ease of a new house it is cheaper and more satis-
factory to have adequate wiring installed while the house is being
built, to avOld• the necessity of having alterations made later.
Mrs. Searle has returned to London
until the fall.
Miss K, Taylor and Miss Gladys Jorw
dan spent Sunday in Bayfield.
Mr.. and Mrs. Dean Courtice: and Miss
Betty returned to, Hamilton on Fri
day. .
Mr. Arthur Sheaffer of Gopetown
spent a few,. days in Clinton last
1VIr. W. R, Miller of Toronto spent a
few days last week at'the home of
E. G. Com Ace. .
Miss Ethel McDougall visited her
cousin, Miss Aileen Atkinson dur-
ing Old Boys' Week.
Rev. S. J. Alain was a guest at the'
home of E. G. Courtice while in
town for Old home Week.
miss Leona Taylor -has returned from
throe weeks' vacation spent at Erie
Beach, Hamilton and Niagara.
Mr. Harry Ambler of Pontiac, Mich,,
has been renewing old acquaint-
ances during. Old Home Week.
Mr, and Mrs. Brydone entertained
at -dinner at the Sunset Hotel for
Mrs. H. Humphreys, Mis. Cliucas
and Mrs. Brewer.
Misses Evelyn' and Margaret Heard
have spent ` the past 'week with
their grandmother, Mrs. John
Heard of Bayfield.
Mrs. Edgar Franks and son, Gordon,'
have returned to Windsor, having
visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Taylor dur-
ing Old lime Week,
Mr. and Mrs, G. R. Taylor and their
guests, Mrs. Fred Lowe and Mr.
WM. Falter visited friends at Au-'
burn and district last week,
Mr. Fred "Lowe .motored up from
Gopetown on Saturday' afternoon
and spent the week end the guest of
MS', and Mrs. G. R Taylor. IIe was
accompanied- on his rei.urn by Mrs.
Mr. Wm. Flukey of Chicago has re-
turned home after spending Old
Moine' Week with his sister, Mrs..
G. a Taylor. This is the first visit
Mr. Flnker has paid to Clinton in
21 years and he sees many changes,
In the town.:
ivtr, and IDS. French, Mips. Moore
and two sons, bis A; Upsilon,
Robert V. Hellen o is ppen, Mrs,'
Peart of ITensa,1, Mr, and Mrs.
Phil Collier of Rochester, N. Y.,
were guests during Old Home
Week of•FMrs. Chambers.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert;Kemp and son,
George, of London, Mr. George
Icemp of London, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Rath of Dundalk, Mr. and Mrs. C.
Coultice .of .Morris, Mr. Wesley.
Rath and Miss Rath of, Blyth were
Old Home visitors -with Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Kemp.,
Among., the visitors during the Old
Home Week with Mr. and Mrs. M.
T. Corless were Mr. and Mrs. Al-
bert Moore and Miss ;Ruth Moore,
Mr. ` and Mrs. James Moore, all of
Ransonville, N.Y., Mr. and M,rs.. W.
T. Colquhoun,. their two sons and
Mrs; A. J. Colquhoun of Staffa and
Mr. Barr of Detroit. Master Ben-
son Corless was home during the
whole of the week of entertainment:
We are here with' a complete 'stock of seasonable requirements
and we would draw your special attention to the best display of Elee-;
Iris lamps and Silk Shades ever shown in,jhis community. It will pay
you to look them over and snake your selections now. We will hold
ahem for later delivery.
Lots of sleeping equipment for our visitors, but you had better
order at once.
In the Hardware
We have a special display of Bargain Aluminum, 576 pieces at 15 each
Clintbn Old Boys Souvenir Cups
See our Special, ,Old Homo Week Windows '
ClintonHardware and FurnitureC
Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 196
We Pay Spot
Newlaid ..Eggs and Live Poultry
Now is the time to market your old. Roosters; old Hens; old
Ducks; old Tom Turkeys; also Young Ducklings and Broiling Chickens.
Our price list is free for the asking', also our "Cooperative mar-
keting" information. Waite us - today, or phone "Chnton 190" if
you cannot callat our Clinton buying station yourself.
Your neighbor can tell you that it pays to cooperate with us,
GUNN, LANGLOIS 8z Co., Lin ited
Head .office - Montreal, Que,
Clinton. Branch open each 'day from 7 ,a.m. to 6 p.m.
Also open Thursday and Saturday evenings from:7 to 9
Write, Phone or. Call for any farther information you require
R. W. WARD, Branch Manager
Night' Phone 254
Day Phone 190
Canadian National
°- • r ,;I t
47th Anniversary
To replenish your `supply of
graniteware. We have all kinds
at good prices. Look ours over
before you buy.
The.time is coming when -you
will soon ' need a new stove.
We have a new one whichwill
attract everyone, and will be
pleased,to show it to anyone,`
The Annual
'o id's Fair
Eclipsing anything previously
presented-uniclutc, monument-
, tal among Expositions.
!A 6g.2 Si bt e
Phone •2