HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-08-13, Page 1INCORPORATEti
47 fY+
ouuentrs of Vtrnton
Can be ftiurrd1 i _ ll
a e yarn Jeyvelery Store.
Souvenir Spoons frozn $1,00 up, Also a good line of
E1 e2
k f%end.t,
� ng ape"afar
call and see our stock.
Bi?dlecgmbes old stand.
Opposite town hail
ZO.. Itetlqar
Phone 174w Residence 174j:.•
A Month of Sales
For This Week We Will differ
Pullover sweaters, all wool, and silk and wool at one-half
the regular price.
Crompton Corsets, odd' sues and discontinued lines at
one-half the regular price.
The balance of our summer dresses; including crepes, voiles
and broadcloths, to clear at one-half the regular price.
Ladies' fine black lisle hose, regular 50q, five dozen only,.
to clear at 25c pair..
Children s Princess Rib •f lose, in black, brown and white
odd sizes, value 50 and 65c pair, to clear at 24c pair,
It,a. s to
Read Our
and Extra Trousers.
22.50 to $25.00
and Ertra Knickers
$8.90 to $10.00
Children's Suits at X1.00
We h veust purchased from
� a Cloth=�
. .
ng Facto
ds Suits r
Factory at . less
than halric
g� ars passing them
on to theash i
The range
of Twe
ed and
Sits ostly t dark shades sizes 2 to
years. Some � of the lines � s are- worth $3.
Your choice of
entire lot, :1.00 per snit
Boys , Bedford Cord ..::n�clie
K rs size 4 t®
i, clearing at 51:tc
1 5 o l'. Children's Wash Hats �' and Tams
aearIng at 39c.
ys Cotton S weatein Khak», and
v special a t 50c
d•:l .Fh:�R��y A CALFRS .t9k. ,Wicrau 'f. 1✓m➢IT
f08 NEIVs ANS A�VEB1151N6 C
Wheat, $125.
y, 5c.
Buckwheat; 85c.
Oats, 50c.
Butter, 300 to H.
Eggs 21e.
Live Bogs, $1.2.75.
Thursday last HI. rarlonde and
'Mrs. Bellinslci aapprared in the local
police court charged with breach of
the 0. T. A.
The former, after being very se-
verely-, admonished 'for' his .general
conduct by his Worship was convict-
ed andsentencedto three ninths in
the 'County goal and in addition a
fine of $300.00 or a further two
1. R. Darrow appeared on behalf
of the lady who escaped with a fine
of $200, which she paid. Neither of
the parties charged are residents in
St. Paul's Church
There will be morning' service only'
in St, Paul's church next Sunday, The
rector's subject will he "The univer-
sality of sin."
Willis and Wesley
The united service will be held in
Wesley church arch i
the ho mo • xm'g
n when
Mr. Holmes will take for his seb-
ject "Christ's new law of love." In
the evening the service will be in
Willis church and Mr. Holmes' 'sub-
jeet will be: "A living sacrifice."
Ontario, Street Church
Our Sunday school convenes at 10
Morning message: "Why we are
where we are as Churches.
Evening ''subJect: Christ's appeal
for us to do teanr`work.e
Mrs. Howard Humphreys will sing
in Ontario street church on Sunday
mbrning.' Mrs, M. Agnew Will; play,
The Presbyterian Church
Seryice will Be held in.the Baptist
church at 11.a.m... Sunday morning..
Mrs. Humphreys will sing "The Holy
Last 'Sunday we had an especially
interesting service •when Rev. Mi:,
l]ermott a
Goderieh )'
Mrs. Iiump1ireys sang L"Con c Unto
Me," and Mr. Robert Shrenk; e form-
er member of our choir, sang "My
One of the most original and . sue-,
oessful contributions to ' our Old
Items ;Week? ,'
"Maggie" and "'her,mon," we pre-
sume, ate there and all their house-
hold effects, "Maggie has her best
black taffeta basque and her print
skirt, yards upon yards of' -'white and.
pink chintz over immense hoops.
"Jock" is happy with his pine, his
adjustable "specs" and his' high boots.
Incidentally ale. of these articles of
elothing are 75 years old anyway.
Dight beside Jack ie his wooden boot-
jack for taking off those hong, heavy
boots. His chair is made of hickory
boughs, bent and t\visted into shape
"Maggie" •„ •
d n 'as
g iron..
ready for work, her spinning wheel
and reel right betide her and every
bit of it made by hand 75 years ago.
Ever ytime it clicked one skein was
wound and ready.
Tho walnut table has a spread
woven front Irish, linen—perhaps
"Maggie" did, it herself because it is
75 years old.; The old brass candle
sticks were her treasured possession,
we know.
The, rugs are made by hand, rags
hooked together with infinite: 'care.
The knitted stands for tea-pots or hot
dishes are just: as good as -new,
wh t i e
were me
ad in
Serbia' 75. years ago, the plates,
bowls ws ar
)d mugs gs not even cracked—
one plateis a genuine -willow, wort])
its weight -in gold. The white tea -
set .belonged ; to' ]Maggie"s grand-
mother, 150 years -age. Two hundred
and fifty years. •ag•o they used those sign
iron kettles to Make porridge and it Hui
lvould, bo porridge. ,FoZ• making Mai
toast, they have a long wooden fork , A
With copper mronge, and when they the
camped out 275 years ago, there was deco
an ingenious arrangement made from, haus
steel and bone—a knife, fork And tabi
spoon that folded all together. When cent
it was 40 below Zero and too cold' whic
to sleep, they warmed their beds with ribb
a brass basin filled with coals_ or buds
hot water, and mounted on a long and
stick. This could be moved around wedd:
until everything. was cozy as a bug whit
in a rug. and.
yNorw•'for ""Jock." When he har- of f
vested he had h is wooden flail, and grow
he beat the grain between the two bank
long sticks. Then there was an old Diree
shoe --a Lane -shire clog,' used "even cereil
yet in factories in the 014 Country, the, a
The two pictures show the first liar- evade
vest i21 Canada sand explain how Jack
yoked =his oxen with that huge
double wooden collar. If he was lost
he' had his compass, made of wood,
two pointed sticks tied at end,
An old silver watch, 150 years old,
and 50 huge beside our thinwafeas
of - now -a days, and an old brooch
won by" Mr. 1'. O'Connor for dancing
''+oefar'e Queen' Victoria, ai•0 two of
lite main ' treasures of Ike Clinton
Furniture Co.'s Window.
"Flirty van„ 1'',alun, when you an I
'.runt y`artri t, 1Vooghgie,"
The council i to o '1 �'
n t n ,.londay
lug, all members present. '
A commumcat;on hoar , Mr; IIol
man, apportioning the; taxes The
Corporation of the Count of L
Y t
has directed the sum of $3,764:20, for
l,eneta1 ` County, lnurposes, 1 2,395.40;
rate, '
at 1308 so
The -
, $, ie
i aa.
1}, letter w'ts received from Mr.
Robert Holmes .concerning his gift to
the town of ,a life, -Size portrait of
himself., -
The street cone, presented
report. ' Motion one concerned
dens for the laying .o1'sidewal
North street. Moved„ by Com
Middleton, seconded by Conn
Paisley that this be approved.
A request from the council a
that the offices now occupied by
Massey -Harris Co. be iinmedi
vacated' On unction of Coun
Bozell and .Councillor Paisley,
was carried.
The account for decorating
Town Hall Sivas presented. On
tion of Councillors Reeell and Mid
ton, this was accepted.
The report of the Finance Com
tee was read, Moved by.Cotuiei
Paisley and Bozell that this report
even- One of Clinton's' most 'pop.
lc. 01l
be .beide on the arra of her father':
The bride looked charming in a
ton beautiful French 'gown 'of white gee
o1u- ette, daintily
with t sati
roses, with' Grecian veil of embrode
ed tulle, eaaught ` up with orang
lin- blossoms . 4Sho carried a shower
m- bouquet of ophella rases aucl,; wall
to lilies, Miss Isobel Draper, Sister
of the bride, made a dainty bridesmaid
ed She was gowned in blush.pink goer
ns, gette with hat; to match, and •carni
ith a bouquet of pale yellow roses.
The groom . was attended by Mr
al Gordon Jefferson of Gerrie,' Th
iclr ushers were Mr. H. R, Kilty of, Tor
n onto and Mi'. G. Draper of Clinton.
n- During -the sighing of the register
al s.
Wilfred If ed Tanner of Clinton sang
et very sweetly •"'Until,"
As After the ceremony a weddingre-
ed ce,;ation„was held at the home othe
nd bride's parents,. where ;a dainty bef-
ty fes luncheon waas served.
ty The bride's travelling costume was
• a :poudre blue georgette 'ensemble
w with heige Italian lace trimmings,
the with heige felt hat .and shoes to
e10h: She wore the groono's gift,
stone an martin n choker. Amid : ,con-
rretulations and'showers of confetti
he happy couple left on a. northern
otar trip.
On their return they will reside in
t.' Cetherines '
The out of,towu guests were -Mrs,
e_ E. 'Morrison, Mrs. A, Morrison;, Mr.
et and Mrs. Leckie, Wroxeter; Mr, and
Mrs. 13. Cardiff, Brussels; Mr. and
Mrs, Gonion Morrison, London; Mr.
and Mrs. E. Rayden Fairy, Stratford;
as Mrs. Ford Ring, Toronto; Mrs. A.
0 Moreton, Sandwich; Mr. 11, R. Itilty,,
d 'Toronto; Mr.'and Mrs. 1t. L. Dunn,
er, St.,Catherines.
alar Two gentlemen; one a business man
bride -elects was Miss MadelonSh
who was --married on Wednesday
Mr -
Harold d i
1 T{
l or
Y orate
n was
at an
uminum shower rot the bride
Friday afternoon of' last' week:
Saturday Mis 'Mari
Marian ii
a x bbin �'
tertained at a dinner in her hon
f a the person v,ho was practising shoot
and she was . the raison d'etre o
china shower at Mrs: M. D..MeT
gaits: • On Monday, the Misses
Iglurchio a fridge, ' and Miss D
Sehoenhals a supper party, Tuesd
the, Misses1Middleton;,a bridge.
A very pretty wedding was solem-
nized in St, Paul's Anglican church,
Clinton,on .Saturday, August 8, when
Gladys, daughter of Mr: and Mrs.
4, Draper oe Clinton, became t
bride of Ashton A. Morrison .of
Catharines, son ' of the late Mr.I
Morrison and Mrs. Morrison at Wio
eter, the REy. C. Llewellyn Bilk
rector of St. Paul's' officiating.
church was artistically decorated wi
ferns, palms and gladioli. promptly
at four o'eloek, to the • strains• of
Lohengrin's wedding. match, played
by Mrs, Theo. Fremlin-of Clinton, the
bridal party entered the church,', the
aw, of this town were' seated in a motor.
to car out in Goderich township, when
a bullet shattered :' the "'windshield
al, and glanced off the arm of. one of the
en men. It was merely the position in
On which the man was: placed that pre-
en- ,vente
this from, Om`
a / •.
our result, because apparently, as far as
ag- ing was concerned, the car was in
ora - The, chief of police has asked.us to
issue' a severe warning to all personst
with guns, that aftairs1,,like the above.
must not occur again and if they do,
prompt punitive measures will be at
once taken.
he The death occurred on"Saturday
St. omorriing "o£ Miss Anna Stirling.,'15
E. sister of Mrs. Carrie Jervis of 'town.
x - Miss Stirling was born 53 years
ey° ago in Godetich township on the old
The homestead, where her brother•, Md-
th son Stirling, now resides. She spent
the early part of her life in this
neighborhood" until she moved to De-
troit, where:' she has lived` ever. since.
She was a member of Turnbull Ave,
Presbyterian church. and took'a
prominent part .in all its activities.
She is survived by three sisters, Mrs,
Andrew Currie of, Vanseoy, Sask.,
MisMiss Agnes t'•'
g Stirling • '
n g o3 Consul,.Sask.,
r- and Mrs. Jervis of Clinton; :'and two
e brothels; Messrs. Isaac ;Stirling of
Consul, Sask., and -Mason Stirling of
oy Goderich township;
Moved by ' Coancilloks Middle
and Rozeli tht the following res
the] of sympathy be seat to Mr
Wm. Jenkins and Mr. Frank Jenki
"That we, theenembers of the C
toil Town Council in session asse
bled at our August meeting, wish
place on record our ;keen settee
the great loss this town has sustain
in the death of Mr. Wtn. Jenks
which pad event.tools ;'mace` zv
startling suddenness in July, 1025
Mr. Jenkins, who ,spent sevot
years in public life ..in"Godes
township, and on coming to Clinto
became a member of the Town Cou
cll. He oyes a marl popular with
classes, a painstaking eond e0115eie
ions worker in;,all he 'dn�iertoolc,
well `as the Council, he identifi
'himself with church, hospital a
every other good and useful active
calculated for the up -1111 of human
and the relief of the suffering,
We extend to his bereaved wide
and son our sincere sympathy in e
great Toss they have, suffered and 1n
direct that a copy of this resolution: a
be sent to Mrs. Jeiilnhe, g
A committee composed. mof Coun- t
eillors Paisley, Bozell, and Johnston m
were appointed to meet Mr. McPhee
in ref'eeense to the amount due bine S
fa' accident in gravel. pit.
Moved by Councillor Livermore, s
oonded by. Councillor Sehoenhals th
this appointment by al_•iproved.
A lovely summer wedding w
solemnized on Wednesday,' at 3:3
p,nt. at the home` of Dr. J. W. an
Mrs. Shaw, when their daughte Me/knight, beeame the wi
of Mr. Harold Raymond Kilty
Toronto, the ceremony being pe
formed by the Rev. Mr. Westgate
Sandwich, The house was beaus
fully decorated with greenery, fern
gladioli and all' summer . flowers
one especially interesting part'of t
decorations was a flower -filled para
o the
bride's 9aad s
ra dm
n ter
g oh •
The wedding was of a semi -mil
tory nature, the officers of the 161s
regiment being. called out.
The bride, who was, given away b
her father, wore a wedding gown
duchess- satin with her grandmother'
beautiful lace veil ;and carried a bol.
griet of maiden -hair fern and sweet
heart roses. The charming brides
maids, who were Miss Dorothy Etat
tenb '
ury, of Peterborough and' Mis
Dorothy o nth, Marrs of Lethbridge, Albex
ta, wore frocks : of bloc and mauve
georgette with lace -trimmed hats •to
inatch and carried. shots of yellow
chrysanthemums. Little Miss '• Mar-
garet Westgate in pink georgette was
flower -girl' and Master Duddy More-
ton, train -bearer, The groom was
supported by Mr. Powell of Toronto.
The weddieg music was played by
of :. The funeral was from the home of
. 'Mrs. Jervis. Rbv. C. J .Moorhouse
- conducted the ceremony and the pale-
d bearers' were Messrs. Geo. Hudie,
John Hudie, Gee Cantelon, Peter Mc
Dougall, Jaonee Stirling and Stirling
e McPhail.
Friends of Miss Stirling who came
from Detroit to belpresent at the fun-
er. I
•i were
M. and Mrs. Jas,: Jaslitt,
Mrs.' Cotton, Mrs. Myers, Mrs. Walk-
er ,Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. John Trip and
r- Mr. Phil Crews, at one a pops
of ular jeweller in Clinton, but for years
l` a resident of Toronto, has opened a
S, jewellery store. at the corner of Blear
and Bathurst' Ste., Toronto.
Clinton Pipe Band received first
t- e as the he
Derry Day. Sincere congratulations
i- to Mr. Match and the boys. , Clinton
t' has every right to be proud of its
" 'There will be no band concert next
Thursday, August 20, on account of
the tattoo at Seaforth. Instead .of
i the Thursday..., evening concert the
band will play on Sunday' evening,
August 23.
s Clintonians will be interested in
- knowing; that Mo. Hale, the r'
i p Y
secretary of the Ontario Premier,
Pion. Mr. Ferguson, 18 a son of a
former Clinton lady, who yyas Miss
Carson before her marriage.
The aeroplanae" which was, used at
the "Old Boys": Celebration e i)
a xe to
Hiss Jean IlicMurchie and during- the;
ing of the'•register Mfrs. SIowatd
Hum sang "The Gift" and Miss
Ian Gibbing "37awning,"'
bullet luncheon was served on
verandah, where a scheme of
ration similar . to that in the
e was carried ' out. The bride's
o was in the : library. It was
red with a Madeira cloth, across,
h ran streamers of white satin
on caught up, with yellow rose-.
silver vases held yellow roses•
tiny'.sprays of green ferns. The.
ing cake was, surrounded by
e tulle interlaced: with yellow
white -buds, and trailing sprigs
ern., The table had as a- back-
nd the mantel -piece which was
ed 'with American Beauty roses•,
tly on the conclusion of the
:oily and tli0•ouglnoat the rest of
fternooi?.a highland Piper sen-
d the bride, a fitting. tribute
Jack to the daughter of a Highland
Later in the ' afieenoon, 111r, ` and
Mrs,. Kilty left an their honeymoon,.
Mrs, Kitty travelling ina silk'' sports
frock, white fur trimmed coat and
white felt
n@town guests :were present
from Wheeling, Virginia; Jackson -
Fla.; Winnipeg; ; Lethbridge;
Morris, Rich,, Montre', ; Temente;
Gu Mph ,Stratfor=d; Petirbro' SanYl-
teb' ';leuco0;;, Blytli; 1"ter and
People You know
Miss Helen Muir is a: guest at the
home of Dr. and Mrs, Shaw,
Miss Gazier of Toronto is the" guest
ofMr. and a Mrs. C. H: Keys.
Miss Bess' ChoWet spent' last iveel. Tn
Rayfield with Miss Laois Holmes.
Mrs, and Miss Jeffery of Guelph were
the. guests of Mr; and Mrs. W. M.
Mrs. George Warring iof Sarnia is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George.
Mr. 4, B. Lucas of Markdale was a
guest of Mrs. E. Hovey for Old
Boys' Week. -
Mr, Fred Lawrence has secured g
position on the staff' of the'Mil-
berta school.
Mr.; and Mrs, J. D. Atkinson and
Miss Aileen have gone on a motor
trip to Cincinnati.
Misses Ruby and'Gladys Johnston of
Ashfield are visiting Councillor F.
W. and Mrs. Johnston,
Mr. and Mrs. James. of Stratford
spent Old Boys' Week with their
cousin, Mrs. George Stevens.
Mr. and Mrs, Wilson on
Elliott.and lit-
tle on
s of Edmonton oaten r
n are visiting
his brothers for 01c1. -Home ' Week.
Miss ;Minnie Rudd and Miss Mabel
Clark left Saturday • morning . on a
, trip to New Brunswick and Neva
Scotia” "
Mr. and Mrs. William Henry returned
on Friday from a couple of months'
visit at Winni_ceg, Man., and Port-
land, Oregon. •
Mrs. John Mason of Dr'umbo and Mr,
and. Mrs. John Bioor, Mount For-
est visited the f rme •'
o r s niece; Mrs.
Ephraim ,Brown,
MissKate ate Govier returned to Tor-
onto oil Saturday after' spending_
theWeek with her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Richard Gooier" .
s Emma Higgins returned , on
Saturday from Toronto.' "Miss Hig-
in ken •
gins Was to tag a special summer
grief Wednesday night when it flew ....,,-- in Physical C.0 -
between a eoirole of trees, breaking
a- telegraph h auric
g p and landing
field "of beans. No one -vainured
in the mishap, D
A monster Conservative picnic will
beheld in Springbank Park, London,
Ont., en 'Wednesday, August 19th.
There will be an excellent program
of sports, nursey tent for; babies 'and
excellent speakers;' among 'them the.
Rt. Pion. Arthur-Meighen, 'M.P., L.
J. Gauthier, Esq. Montreal, Frank.
White ,Esq., London, and Miss Adel-
aide Clayton of Listowel,
Mr. J. A. Yuill of Wyontissii)g, N.Y.
who left here forty yeas ago, was
an interested visitor tiering Old_
Home Week. Mr. Yuill Says he was
lonely at first, as there were so few
he knew. Some Clintonians may re-
member Mr. Yuul's bookstore, which'
was near" where 'O'Neill's' .,Grocery
store is now situated )lie left town
on Friday but intends returning later
far a visit.
Air, Cree Cook reports that on Inis
way in from .Bayfield on Wednesday
morning he surprised a deer, fully.
three parts 'grown, standing on ,the
road about !00 yards ahead, of, .tin
the -ear,
It was not the least bit frightened an4
remained there until the ',carr was
within 25 yards when it 1u'nped tlie.
feneo into Bir. Lou Thompson's prop
01.'ti' 1 -dens et large is, indeed,
rail Ccc'.tri' 001 ion 11nis vara , 00 tiro
1011 3,
Miss Marian Lane oil Wiarton and
M]ss Mary Conn of Sarnia were
guests of Mt'. and Mrs. Jas. 1tle-
Murchie for Old Boys' ;Week.
Mr, and Mrs. D.:J, Bans and -family
of 'Owen Sound and Mr, and Mrs.
Langdon of London spent Sunrley
with Mr. and Mrs. W. 11I. Aiken,
Mrs.' Robs. Dunbar and tiro children
of Winnipeg Mr. and TVIrs, T. Bo-
ber and family ofSarnia ane vis-
iting tbeir parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Burnett, ,Princess 'St.
Mr. W. J. Binge" of Guelph, Mr, and
Mrs. Charles Copp of . Goderich;
Thomas R. Giiln of .Detroit, 1Mr,
Nelson Markdale and Mr. Earl
Steep of t.ondon were visitors with.
Mr. and Mrs: David Steep last
-week. •
Mr. and Mrs ;Feed and, little Bobby:
from teoridon, 'Mrs. Nair from De-
trait, Mr. and; Mrs. W. t,. Lindsay
and Harold and•:Eveline' from Oril-
lia, Mrs, Clare Elliott and little'
Miss Katherine from Toronto were
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Lindsay last week.
Reeve J.. F. Johnsto.o. Ma's. Johnston:
Mics Edith and Master Reith, Mr.
and Mrs A Johnston
n.d fnn`lilre
Mr. and Mee,. ;> R McCe ight of
Ashfield roti, and Pt, T. Johnston,
?fusses Effie and 1liria o and Mi'.
r1o,i)nr •John Lo11 aC 0oderirh and
Mrs. . `P. ,C. Jolmaoi' find 14i.
t ,:ol, ,b , +t, d" n•ith 'totroci11, t P.
601, Prid 1 r.,• lo'innto+1 01:1 Home
okms.% k.`,:t PA
is oneof our best-known citizens. He
was born in Goderich iri-"1843 and
has Lived in this county all his life.
On Wednesday he celebrated his 82nd
birthday, end our sincere congratula-
tions are heartily' accorded him. Six-
teen of his relatives' gathered to cele-
brate the occasion apd all the Way
from Grand Rapids canoe a wonderful'
birthday calve, a gift from his only
Iiving brother, Mr. Charles Curling-
hanie of Grand Rapids.
It was only two 'years ago that Mr.
Cuninghante retired froin.active par-
ticipation in the 'express business,
since cariedeen by his son, Sir, Gordon
W:-Cuninghame, 'He has devoted
himself to his flowersand his green-
houses are the result of his unceas
nig care:.
People You Know
Mrs. John Hilliard of Toronto and
Mrs, Joseph Kinsman ,of Mitchell
were guests of Mrs. George Watts,
Princess ' street" over 01d Home.
1448. John Lawson of Auburn and
Mr. J. H. Stevens of Toronto vis-
ited her sister, Mrs. .Bphraine
tv and d took' in the Clinton,'
Old Boys. •
Mrs. Thomson of Toronto and Mrs..
J. T. Cuerio of East Wawanosh,;
the Misses Ellen and Margaret.
Higgins of • fifty years ago spent
undby, Aug. 8rd at Clinton Old.
lloys and Girls' reunion.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Coming-
haine for Old Boy's Week: 'Miss
Eva Stevenson of Toronto, Mr. and:
Mrs, C. M. " ColviIle from Grand
Ledge, Michigan, Mr. Charley Cun-
inghaine and his daughter, Mrs,
Maekley of Grand Rapids.
Mise D. Shaw, Winnipeg, Miss D.
Harris, Lethbridge, Mr. and Mrs,
Muir and Miss Helen, Montreal,
Mr. C. Cr Shaw, Wheeling, W. Vir-
ginia, Dr. Wan. Shaw, Morris Mieh.
are hose guests of Dr. and Mrs
Shaw for the Kilty-Shaw wed-
Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Plewes Mr.
, W..
was' 'r.
and little a sol -
e dag
u titer .
Lillian, of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont,.
Mrs. E.- Plewes. and Miss Leota
Plewes of Toronto, Mrs." W. G.
Wright and daughter,' Mrs.. D, De
Digges and son, Harold, were
-guests last week of Mr. and Mrs.
L. Stong. •
Mr. Jas, Pickett, of 13rawleYr a C I
who has been visiting for the past
two weeks at the home, of Mrs.
Margaret Pickett, leaves today to
visit with -'friends 'in Park Hill and.
Detroit, before returning to' his
home.. It'" is thirty-four years
since Mr, :Pickett left Clinton and
he came to be present at the 014
Boys' reunion.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reinhardt rn tardt and Eam-
ily. of Kitchener,: frit. and Mrs,
Iiugh Flyn; Dublin, Mr. and Mrs.
F. P. White and babe of London,
Mr. and Mrs. T. Regan and "fam-
ily` of Sebringville
M; Mc.
Court of Dungannon, Mrs. Wm.
Adamson of Port Huron, Miss
Mary Flynn were 'visitors of Mr.
and Mrs. Jas." Flynn' over, Old
Home; Week.
o.f Jacksonville, Florida, one of Clin-
ton's best-known daughters h'Iio will
sing in a ze
c)taat the Town $aIl
on Tuesday, August 18th. 1Met,
IItunphreys is well -knave to all o1•
us, due tO her appearances ori our
Old loj program and bee ; r -• s •
given he, services- Lo .:rd tiro
T o .pital fungi.