HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-08-06, Page 8Ciro Ne ec&srd rlIURSDAY, AUGUST e 9215 L,IIiLON's LEADING WELLR" STORE e welcome the Old ;os back to Clinton, and Girls Come in and inspect our stock o,f fri/i aches, Pins, Brooches, Etc. JOHNSON Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Fine' Jewellery• Next IIovey's Drug Store ■ and, EconomilY I Women have ever had to ; • choose between Iuxury and econ- • j only in matters of dress. M- 1 11 inert mval.lably one _ must bd • Sacrificed te' the other. But in Holeproof Rosiery are found the luxury of stylish, snug -fit- ting losierr"y,and the economy of long service and moderate'priee. Holeproof pure silk $1.50 plu SMALL PROFITS *4 Holeproof: silk and lisle and Silk and art. silk plaited -61.00 steel Bros. PHONE 25; MORE BUSINESS L. W. CURRELL-THOS. SHIPLEY Welcome Ho= lie A hearty welcome is extended to all Old Boys and Girls. We have a full su ly o f fresh goods for PP Old Hone. Week Requirements. THE C, & S. GROCERS Main Store, Phone 125 W. Branch Store, Phone 125 J. RAYOSO "The Ideal Summer .Fabric" COOLNESS COMFORT DURABILITY ELEPANCE LIGHTNESS ELASTICITY STRENGTH Tho Cloth That Will Net•'Crease ( All Combined In RAYOSO _ Now is the time to get your cosec R ay o s o Suit for the hot weather. Also see •our sipecials in Greys and Browns at $32. Davis Eic Herman VETERAN TAILORS PHONE 224-W totagroustaiseasseserstamosomis McCiar HARDWARE THERE ARE 3'65 Nights in a year, That Me ins; 365 Reasons r,.roeer. for owning a Flashlight. They�pen etrate the hurl of mobiiless nights, lay a carpet"of sunshine before other- wise faltering•feet and after dark give the assurance .sof "all's well." Good for emergencies at night, Iights up dark' corners, handy in your car • for hunting engine trouble; changing tires or looking for sign posts. Wher- ever a temporary dight is needed a Flashlight is the safest, most depend able, •portable, light made. Ours is. the EVEREADY, the best we know. Every,„dollar, ,that leaves Clinton that could be spent in Clinton weakens Clinton's . prosperity, and eventually .that weakened prosperity Must to some extent effect a disadvantage to every person in Clinton. The VE D. Fall Gam Often the Cheapest—Always the Best '' � , Adw11{If{lslllmnnona nmun-y,,.muu,pu Miss Phyllis Cooper of Toronto spent the week -end with her aunt, Mrs, W. C. Brown. Dr. and 14Irs. Archer of North Haiti- ' more, Ohio, are -eititing Mr. and Mrs. Geo. IL Elliott. ` Misses Jean and. Mary Chidley and Miss Dorothy Crighton of Toronto are guests of Mrs. T. Jackson. Messrs, Will, Taylor of London .and J. Ty1or and farnily of Toronto were among the Old 1 onme•Week visitors. Miss Minnie Aitkin of ,Keeton, form- erly of . Clinton, is the guest' of her aunt, Mrs, Adam Seott, during the week. Miss Florence McKinnon of Avonmdre and 14Ir .Grant Davidson of Wood- stock are the guests of Mr. and Mrs: A. IFfeKinnon. Rev. J. H, Colclough, and Mr. Little motored tip from Creemor•.e. and spent,'a couple of days in Clinton the beginning of the week. Rev. T, B. Blatchford' and Mrs. Blatchford, '' Lambeth, and Mrs. Blatchford, Flensall, visited Mr, and Mrs. C. S Hawke last week, Mrs, (Dr.) Belden„ Mrs. Janette Rance, Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Ranee, Toronto; and Mrs. Haynes, King- ston, are the guests of Mr.. and Mrs, W. Jackson. - Editor Davis and family and Mr. Ben- nett of the Mitchell Advocate mot- ored up yesterday afternoon, after, running off the week's issue, and took in the sports. Mrs. Allan Vatcher and little son of St. Johns, Nfld., arrived the other day on a visit to the lady's parents, 'Rev. A. A ,and Mrs, Hobnes of Wesley parsonage. Ool. J. A. Cooper, Mrs, Cooper and Mr. John Cooper, jr., of Toronto were the guests over the weekend' of the former's brother, . Mr. A. T. Cooper and Mrs. Cooper. Mr: E, J.` Archibald, Mrs. Archibald, l' sr., and Mrs. _Geo. Robertson of Montreal, Mr. J. °Archibald, Elora,' and Mr. R. Goats, Ottawa, have been the guests of Mrs, W. W. Tar ran during the celebration week. Mrs,' W. 3. Baird, Vancouver, formerly Miss Mary Lough, and Miss Mary Stewart of Winnipeg, daughter of Rev. • Dr, and" Mrs. Stewart, were guests of Rev, J. E. and Mrs, llogg at the manse during` Old Home Week, • Mr. Otwell A. Todd, son of the late A. PI. Todd of Clinton, accompan- ied by his wife and two •children, and his wife's mother, Mrs. l Blosem, motored up from Toronto' for the celebration. They were the guests of Mrs. J. G. Steep. Mrs, Todd and children are remaining for a huger visit. - Mr. Norman Sheppard, chief officer: on the S. S. Saco, Mobile, Ala, ar- rived unexpectedly Monday and is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. I'. Sheppard. ',gr. • Sheppard was not aware until he got to -Lon- don that Clinton's celebration was on but he' has enjoyed seeing many of his old friends: 1V11. H. J. Clark of Toronto, and Mis- es, iss-es, Janet Allen and Annie Munroe of Wroexeter and Miss Eleanor Sevington of Cleveland, Ohio, mot- ored down, from 'Wroxeter on Mon- day afternoon to take 'in the, Clin-. ton celebration. They were the guests of Rev. A. A. and Mrs. Nolmes while here, e Mr. and Mrs. George hind, Stratford Mrs. F. E. Brown, Mitchell; Miss Lillian Brown, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Williams, Corrie and Mr. 'Hewett Williams of the Bank' of 1Vlontreal, Brampton•, have teen -lett en's, the �^ me o d• �r� ;visiting at the ho f I.- PLUMBII?G EI EGTI;TC WIRING ]parents, Mr, and M rs. G. W .W _.-_._. Hams, Rattenbury street. 1 lack, tea, special value 65c Capned Pineapple, each . 25c Soap pail deal, regular $:.55. Pail and Contents $1.25 While They Last GROCETER IA SP CIA S Large bottle Pimento Olives Large bottle Queen Olives Large bottle Sour Pickles, this week Small ° bottle sweet :Pickles ` Loose Cocoa, special this week lb. Cocoanut per lb". 39c 39c 45c 20c 10c 30c CAMPERS AND PICNIC SPECIALS Olive Butter 20c ' Large size 35c Bodley's Spongue cakes, each 20, 25c, 30c U- Lika Drink, "Orange, Lemon, Cherry, 1Oc Marshmallow Toppings, pink and white 25c Toilet Swap, 6 bars - 25c /` Fresh Tomatoes, Peaches, Musk Melons, Water Melon, 'Blue Berries Granulated Sugar, special in Sack Lots Is the Morning First Delivery 9 a.m. Cash and Service In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m. Kindly Order Earrly 0 kittUafi 'Nell Phone Weraltownaseas Adequate wiring Brings Full Enjoyment of Hydro Power Hames that lack adequate ,electric wiring miss many of the ' benefits offered by hydro current, For instance, wiring that is intended to supply current onlyfor lighting fixtures and a few small appliances, is far too light to- swpply the power required for an electric range, iron, water. heater or similar appliance. The wiring in any house can be brought up-to-date at reasonable cost,but in the case of ndw house it is cheaper and more satis- factory to have adequate wiring installed, while the house is being • built, to avoid the necessity of having alterations made later. ' . USE YOUR OWN UTILITT—IT PAYS HYDRO HOP, Clinton Londesboro A quiet ,wedding took place at the manse, Londsboro,. on Saturday, Aug- ust 1st, at ,four o'clock, ,When Mary Crawford, only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. E. -J., Crawford of Londesboro, became the bride of Frederick Ole-. hent Prest, only son of Mrs, C. Freest of London. The Rev. James Abrey- officiated./ The bride was attended.by her cousin, 14liss Florence Johnston of Clinton,' and her :brother, •14Mr. John- ston Crawford, acted as best man, The bride wore a dress ': of Powder ` blue canton crepe with, lace trimmings and a sand picture bat, Best wishes ;are extended to. Mr. and. Mrs. Prest, who will reside in London. Constance Quite a ntimber around here attend- ed the decbration service,. at Clinton on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Archer of Baltimore, (ihio, Mr.. W. Stanley and son of Toronto and Mrs. Jas. Graham of Clinton were callers on Mrs. D. Tudor on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay and son of Florence, Mo., Mr. Rector Lindsay of C1eXeIand, Ohio, were callers in our village on Monday. Mrs. McCully of Stratford is visit- ing her brother, W. Rinn. Mr. Sidney Dulmage and 'sister, Mrs. eiman a nice Turner`. is visiting the former's mother, Mrs, Jas. Mann and other friends. CLINTON'S CELEBRATION (Continued from Page Four) Sugars, Miss W. 13., Toronto, Stevenson,: M., Toronto. Smith, 1'., Bay City. . Smith, Mrs., P., Bay City. Stark,' R., Florida. Stark, 1frs,R., Florida. ' Smith, Chas., Toronto. Smith ,Mrs, Toronto.,, E. Toronto, Struthe s, W. Sanallieombe, Delma, St. Catharines. Seale, Earle, Detroit. Smith, Mr., Toronto. eloome TO ALL OLD BOYS AND GIRLS Give .us a call while in town; we may have ,something for you to take back to the friends who couldn't come. Lots of the best coal ori' for all the booths. Mos PLUMBING and I-IEATING Phone 244 Smith, Mrs,, Toronto. Smith, Mrs., Detroit. Smith, W. J., Detroit. Smith, Syd., Detroit Smith, Betty, Detroit.. Stirling, Annie, Detroit. Snell,, A. .L, Toledo, Ohio. Snell) Mary, Toledo, Ohio. Scott, M. J.; London. Slornan, Jno., London. Sloman, Joe, London. - Sweet,-Robt., Sarnia. Sweet, Mrs. Robt„ Sarnia. Sweet ,Merle, Sarnia.. Stewart, W., 'Winnipeg,' Stewart, J. A., Seaforth,' Twitchell, ,Mrs. J. H., Windsor. Twitchell.,,I ,H., Windsor. Twitchell,Betty, Windsor. Turner, . Cecil, Consul, Sask. Trowhill ,Geo. I„ Toronto. Our Store will be Wide Open for Your, Inspection During Old Home Week We are here with a complete stock of seasonable .requirements and we would draw your special -attention to the best display of Elec- lrie lamps and Silk Shades ever shown in this Community. It will pay you to look them over and make your selections now. We will hold them for later delivery. Lots of sleeping equipment for our visitors,. but you had better order at once. In the Hardware 'We have a special display of Bargain Aluminum, 576 pieces at 15 each Clinton Old Boys Souvenir Cups See our Special Old Home Week Windows Clinton Hardware and FurnitureCo. THE STORES WITH A STOCK Hardware 195 Furniture Phone; 104 We Pay Spot C sh for Newtaid Eggs and Live Poultry Now is the time to market your old Roosters old Broody liens; old Ducks; old Tom' Turkeys; also Young Ducklings and Spring Broilers. • Our price list is free for the asking, also our "Cooperative Mar- keting" information. Waite us today, or phone ."Clinton 190" if you cannot call' at our Clinton buying station yourself. Your neighbor can tell you`that it pays to coopeyate with us, Let ns prove to you that we can pay a premium for quality. Gt1NN LANGLOIS &. Co., Lit ited MONTREAL, QUE. R, W. WARD, Manager Clinton Branch open Thursday and Saturday Evenings. Waite, phone or call at our Clinton office, Day phone 190 Night Phone' 254 Trowhill, Mrs. G. I., Toronto, Troit'hill Helen, Toronto. Trowhill, Geo., Guelph. Trowhill, Mrs, Gdo., 'Guelph. Towne, P.:C.r Calgary. Tdmblyn, W. J., Toronto, Tain?lyn, Mrs. W. J., Toronto. Truscutt, Win., Dundas. Twitchell, Ida, Windsor; Thornton, Mrs. W: R., Detroit, 'Taylor, Jacob, Toronto, Taylor, Mrs J., Toronto. Taylor, Dell, Toronto. Twitchell, Mrs., Windsor. Treleaven, J. W., Timmins. Treleaven, :Mrs. J. W., Timmins. Treleaven, Norma, Timmins. Taylor, Estelle, IH.ollywood. Thoinpaon, Robert, Brussels, Thomson, Mrs. Robt., Brussels. Tan*, W. A., Blyth, Wil on, Vera IT., Sarnia. Wats, S. Oshawa. to as. ()shown. Wt�M s. alter Mary . Harrow, Webb, A. B., Detroit.; Walker, Mrs., Goderich, Walkinshaw, L. ,Toronto. Wood, Mrs, E. W., Toronto.: Watkins, Chas., Toronto. Walker, C. J., Toronto. Wise, Mrs. F. W„ Pickford, Mich. Williams, H., Detroit. Williams, W. G., Detroit. West, Edna, Preston. W iltsey Fred, Detroit. Wairun,,Mao. W. A., Detroit. Wairun, W. A., Detroit, Wallace, Mrs„ Blyth. Wallace, Mr., Blyth. Warman, L. J., Toronto. Wasman, Mrs. L.- J., Toronto. Wheatley, W. P., Toronto. Matto, Tr R , Toronto. i Matto, A, Toronto. Webster, James, Toronto. Webster, Hate,Toronto: Wheatley, L., Woodstock. , Watson' ,Mrs. W, D., Whitby,,,Pa-, Watson Lena, 'Whitby, Pa. Watson; Effie, Whitby, Pa, (Continued Ned•Week)