HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-08-06, Page 4We supply cans and pay express
charges'. We pay daily by express
money coders, which can be cashed
anywhere without any charge.
To obtain the top Price, Cream
uu.st bo free "from bad, flavors;; and
contain not less than "30 per rent,
Bowes Company -Limited,
For refereneee—Iiead Office, Toronto,
Bank of Montreal„ or your local banker.
Established -'for- over 'thirty years,
An Inland Chanty...
Hare your heard the deep-sea char ties
in the branches of the trees;
When most. boisterously landward
lurches in the gusty breeze,
Like a drunken sailor swinging on hie
etout sealega and, singtug
Of the Wonders of adventuring across
the Seven Seas? -.
iia'rken, in HIS seething ciiy know
there is an ocean still
Blue and boundless, "ever heaving and
revive the olden thril],
You who used to read ol;.,sailbrsy'pi¢L
aites, buccaneers and whalers,
Hark. the wind 1e singing charities
with a right good sailor's will.
Ontire mainmast of the:maple he Is
reefing is the sheet,
Whilo the sile.ndler .elm Pee saplings.
are a ful'l-rigged sailing fleet,
And if you will only hearken, -when the
alight begins tb darken -
-You caaf- hear • the distant broaltere
roaringa;ll along the street.
You sae hear the cables creaking, and
'the slapping of the Sail;
-' And the seagulls'' mournful warning of
the rising of the gala;
While the ship careens to leeward as
she beats her way to seaward,
And you launch upon the ventures of
a buccasreeadng' tale.
—Doro¢ihe Choate fie rienan,
A Clerical Appetite.
The perusal of old^ boolce, whether
autpbiographical or other, fills • the
reader with an awe-stricken senses -or
the capacity of our ancestors for ab-
sorbing food, Such meals as they used
fA eat! According t0 modern ideas of
hygiene they Plight to fish@ d'•terf early
from diseases of overnutrition.. Yet
many of them lived do an edyan:ee l
age. A recently discovered and pub=
fished week, the' Diary of the Rev.
James Woodforde,'an IOngfish country
peasson, le full oj' evidence concerning
the Gargantuan appetites ot the eigh-
teentii ceatery. The reverend, gentle-
man takes simple delight in recording
his; menus.
He notes a country meal for fifteen
persons: "We had for dinner a boiled
. rump beef 45pd. weight, a ham and.
half a dozen. fowl, a roasted Saddle of
Mutton, two very -rich•h puddings and
a good Ballet with a fine cucumber;".
.As a fellow of New College, Oxford,
and' a subwarden, he orderer:I dinner
every day. "We had for dinner. two
. sine . Codds boiled with fryed souls
round them, and oyster sauce, a fine
Sirloin of Beef roweled, sortie pea soup
an an sotange pudding for the first
course; for the second we had a lease
of Wild Deck./ roasted, a fore Quarter.
of Lamb and sails'., and Mince Pies.
After the 'emend course there was a
line plumb _cake brought to the senr,
Table, as is usual on this day, which
also goes teethe 1latchelore after. We
bad Rabbits for supper rested, as is
usual for this day. The Sub -Warden
has one to himself; tate Bursars each
one apiece, the Sear, Fellows is n one
each, the 'limn Fellows a rabbit be-
tween threel"
But at the Reuel they had a "very
elegant” dinner. "The first course was
, part of a large Cod, a Chime of Mutton,
gone Soup, a Chicken Pye, Puddings
Mid Roots, ette pecend course Pid-
goons and Aspera) ib, a met of Veal
with Mushrooms and high Souse with
it, rusted Sweetbreads, hot Lobster,
Apricot Tart and In the middle a Pyra-
mid of Syllabubs and Jellies: We bad
a Desert of Fruit after dinner and
Maefra, White Port and red todeltic
as Wine. We were all very cheerful
and merry."
At Brasenose on Sheol% Tuesday they
had "Lambs Wee' to drink; .a compost-.
tion of 'ale, sugar, etc,, lobsters, ,pan-
calces, etc., to eat at Supper,and the
butler there gives a plum cake with a
copy, of verses .of his open snaking upon
it" ,
Mlnard's Liniment for Corns and Warta
Are Husbands'Ornamental?
"Women who hate ornaments ere.
vteldom:very fond: of their huebandsy"elo
says tits anonymous author of "A Doc.
tor's Diary."
By Stuart C. IVIahairay
.What new and revolutionizing de
velopanents,)vil] appear: durth the cont
ng 'radio soaeonf
This ie a question wldeh ccinn wds
the interest tiitd attention not only of
those who are already'addicts, nbo,tho
hibit of dial twisting 'but to croputleeo
others who have cautiously delayed
buying' in theexpectu!oat that o,ne_on•,
mere '"revalutfontzing" invon'iion,s
would appear„like a holt -oaf ll'glu ring
from the clear sky and ' melte 'obsolete:
overnight the apparatus which to -dant['
sells for lotondreds of dollars;
There is probably, no one better':able
to answer than questton'witli a greater
degree, of accur•auy •.than the radio
d'ealen. Iifs,_jiusimese brings ihim in
(lose contact with the whims and fan-
cies of the buying paiblic, wdifch.iii the
final` analysis diverts with its purchase
fug power -the trend of development an
one direction or another.
It is the engineer's part to develop,
the manufacturer's to produce: and the
dealer's to 'make the sales, but it re,
maids for the consumer who pays' hard
earned money for all that he -gets to,
sit in final judgment upon its melts: -
Even the public at large has come to
expect each week to bring something
new and insproved which -milli better
reception and increase the range of
"present-day receivers,
• A very striking analogy may be
drawn between the :radio industry, at
the present time and the early history
of the automobile. The fittst horseless
carriages, equipped with only two
cylinders, rendered it certain amount
of service' aurl .siatisfaotton 'to their
owners-. Later developments brought.
the four-oy'jfntler oar and with it -mane
other reflnereent ere body design and
mechanical-perforjnance: Such tate•
traveled farther with greeted•: riding
aomtort,.' caused lees trouble and gave
proportionately more satisfaction' than
those of the earlier. period. : Ames -
series, -too, were unproved, -
In fact, a liistoty of the development
of the._modern antemobile is simply a
record of one improvement after an-
other. Yet esseh year's niewersmodelo
did not make the preceding modele
obsolete. They continued to serve
there -owners' and pes- oim just as ably
as they did before, the Advent of the
more refnerl. vehicle.
Working for Fewer Dials.,
So it is In the radio industry. There
is every reason to' suppose that the,
tireless reseeroh.work which is being
Carried on in radio laboratories in bilis
country and abroad will, from time to
time, bring forth developments and im-
provements, some of which may be en-
joyed only thorough the purchase of
new reeelver, but it seems unlike
that the near future holds any devi
or invention outstandingly revolutiom
ary which will relegate .to the sc
heap ail of the seta now in use.
However, the changes which may
expected during the coming season
ovenaents Jn•neechandcad workma
ship with a corresponding increase
efficLancy, -better quality 'of reprod
ton and simplicity of control: It
very likely that next season will se
more receivers having only two major
alai controls than ever. before, for,
since nature has endowed man with
only two hands, it is quite logical that 1
the more refined radio recedyer should t
have no more -than two dials which re
quire manipulation at tate sante time.
This' does vet mean' that the three -
dial receivers: which are now giving,
Satisfaction will lose' their value -any
more than. the advent of demoulrtable
elms and tires made it imperative to,
dlsoarcd the wheelie of the car ethic!'
lt,dked these conveniences. It was a
number of years before a leading
manufacturer of cow-priee'd care equip-
ped his automobilles with rims ° which'
were dieniountable, And SO it is more
than likely that, some threedlai re
°elvers will still be in evidence next
season, ...
The five -tube seta.. which were so
popular the past year will doubtless
find continued favor with many en-
thusiasts'dulling the coming se0som, ad-
'thougii in•seetein sye'teimy' of wiring. it
is possible to •obtain stellar results
with only three tubes; two of which
serve in a deal capaotty.• This:reduces
not only the orlginal outlay for tubes-
but the;uplreep_expense ,ao' welt, . How-
evmar,-only a ]dIn asel number of menu
Pecturers have intrerested.'.t'ihesnselves
thieg type of circuit,: probably .be-
oause of the, patents jnvolved 'Whieh
compi•etely coyer the. reflex 'prinelete,
of operation, •
The Light -Socket Tube.
Ie. sections of the country where in
te'f$ee- nee le not a serious ppeebiem and
where tarnsers are bear -enough . to sta-
in; broadcasting programs of enter-
ta3nm,ent" and value, sets having- lee's
an Jive tubes -have peeved highlysat-
8tctory. •
Dealers say the demand last season
equally divedSd between este
eh.:Operated' on dry cells and on
oa.•age• battenfes. The long expabted
e which derives its filament ouu-
from tlte,electric.ligbtsot tcet-has
eptly --i snide its appearance on the.
Tltet,,but it seems 'likely that in: its
swat stage of dovelopment it Will
materially affect the nsa'rket er
present typiesi of dry cdll„and setter-
-battery tubas.
eine owners of radio recolvers be,
e that the srooragetattesy'tubes
e m�ore.voham;e and perhaps'. -better'
ults tlsan..th'os�e which• -°derive tisivtr.
rgy from dry •oelds,' Nevertheless,
9f are a number of scientiflcali
designed seta on the market which, a
A4,1143, to their owners, give a-hued/tit'
ane and, very satisdyiii,g results
sting entirely .from drycellfg. Dry
ttelries aa'e believed to be less trou-
ile - then a torage-battecy - egpiip-
FIe'e is a new vessel which recently made its fz:at appearaeice on theCreat Lakes
' of 12,000 tons carrying capacity, built ay tiro MAdlamd Slsipbullding Com:puny.
eliminators . themselves but die to.
generator noises in the our•remt which
are not easily loitered out. Where such
disturbances ace 'entirely absent, or
present only to a limited degree, many
B -battery eliinvinat'ors give excellent
The - self-contained set L � rapidly
coming lntoegeneral favor. The con-
sole type''of oabinett, Mousing the re-
ceiver, batteries, and in some oases
the loop;aeriel, has Met with wide='
spread appa'ovab .especially by the wo-
nien; in tett the ad�ven•t of the cion-
erne model may have' Seen responsible
to a ]Oatg'o .degree for tine greater in-
terestin.radio on the part of the gent -
Sex which has, bean quite -evido
during the past year. They weleonne
anattraptive piece 08 furniture w
was an ornament to the •hone when
they would not peacpfu'11y tolerate
unsightly-Solieetion of wires, batteries
and knobs.
Another dietdnet advantage of man
of the ceneole types' is that should- th
owner find• 1±desiraable to change f
one type of receiver to another, it new
be accomplished with a minimum o
trouble by simply removing the
ceiver itself and replacing it with Es.
newer one. Thus- the console is fax
becoming'a permanent piece of furn
tore in countless homes. Next seas
will see many types selling at Tared
Perfecting the Loud Speaker.
The combined -phonograph and melt
appears to be' meeting with widespread
approval and it is `believed that it will
replace "many separate radio sets' and
talking machd1ies• during the comfit
and future seasons.
-There seems to be a continued siren
demand for the horn type of lou
sitheaker, and It •proatises to coutdnue
-throughout the coming season, It 1
quality of reprodu'etton, however, ,th
will determine -the trend of loud'apeak
a er'developnment.
ly If the horn type . will give fin
se quality than any other model, then i
is the S•S: Gleialffer,
- The: Golden Rule and the
Speak kindly to annuals as well as
to people. A dog's• sensitive ear suf-
fers-frons'lrarsh words or sounds.
'Animals' fatally hurt should be mer-
cifully killed by some one whd knows
how to`do it withthe least: suffering..
Do not throw stones at living crea-
Neve'. carry 'poultry with their heads
When the owner. does not object,.
um of'su
g ar` or other oz
g foo 'to
the horse that conies -to your gate.
Listen to the ery pf pain ordistress,.
nt and lend a helping' hand.
d Causing' animals 'to fight is cruel.
high Followers of cruel'animal sports show
depraved character. '
an Piek. up nails, glass, tin .cans, etc.,,
from wants, streets•.o0 public places;
re -
o rnent. .,
and place them where there will be: no
danger frown them.
Never keep an animal unless- you
San ppovide for its comfort and hapless
Never imprison wild animals or
blyde, as they cannot enjoy confine-
' Never consider anything pleasure
which causes pain or unhappiness- to
Give up your game or pleasure tit
comfort the entering or to inot'easie
the happiness of the less fortunate. _
diel Plant trees in your yard to attract
birds, thus adding to the beauty and
comfort of your home.
t Be considerate of the aged, and seek
frequent. opportunities of bringing
g them joy and happiness.
Apply the Golden Rule in your deal-
ings with animals.' ;
Do an aot of kindness every day. It
will be your greatest source of happi-
at - s
Bret Harte's Headache.
fine Beet Marto was once', lecturing at
t Rlchnoud,- in 'Virginia, and on the
-t morning of his arrival had such a ter-
rible headache that he wound cheerful
ly: have died there and then. He went
d fora walk, accompanied by the perron
a1 who was to take the'chair at his lee-
- ture.'The later told him : that Riole
mond was a very healthful place, that
1 the death rate --averaged only one per
n- diem,
"Good heavens!” said Bret Harte-
- who had been telling his companion
c• bow he felt. "Has'to•day's man died
yeti, -
.7,1QrlflT UIWa.A vNtrt a mr5�v'ir rrDr
will unqueetionablybe the' meet popu
rap alar. On -the other handy. If the cone
type will reproduce with sniveler 4gne
be quality,' .then it will have the flet
a , stone. Should they bath deliver equa
n- I (reality, then the whole matter will re
in solve itself into a selection of the type
tic• I. which makes the etrongest appea
Is tdsrough, its adtractivenese. to the i
Quality, however, will be the doom
Want feature of sill future loudspeai
ing devices, A continued improvement
q. assumed by. reason of the fact that
Ino leading speaker manufacturere are
spending thoueamds of 5011eh annua'1- i►xiViJ1Kj3 II�I'�I�! �lll
ly in research work to improve and
perfect present models, r
En conclusion, the most pronounced
and ou•ts'tauding teatimes of next sea-
son's radio reoe1veats• will be improved
quality of reptoduotion, eimpticity of
operation and' better mechanical Work-
manship with correspondingly in-
he "Value of Corners.
Makers of kitchen cabinets, lay
stress on the rounded inside corners,
which can catch? neither dust net
crumbs and require no extra poking
out when cleaning. But the • same im-
provement ran be made in aux cup-
board, shelved closet or pantry, by
inserting the little metal Courtier pieces.
made for use on flights of stairs. They
come in brass, nickel and dark: bronze,
and can be had at almost any store
where stair :rods, buttons, and so
forth, are sold. These little curved
metal: triangles are also invaluable
- for the corners of bedroom closets,.
iy rearis'.and any place where one
c Bans woodwork and floors with; duet
mop' er patent dustless duster.
MWnard a Llnlment,for'Dandruff,
Bride (consulting cook -book) : "p
my, that cake is burning and'I can't
take it out for fve mihaites' yet" `'
This Sounds, Good.
Athletes. have a higher. scholagshic
average, in -colleges than n,on-athletes.
devices hope proved their merit during
Pass at:`arotmd
after e 'ery'' uveal:
(wive the fatat.11y,
the IDenef3.t of its
to- digestion.'
Cleans 'teeth too..
Keep it alura+ivo
lin the-, house. Rol
Costs Xdttle-he s
. mach"
number of 5 -battery eliminating
the time thiat they have been on the
pas -keit and it is' probable that
season will see Mucti- lanrger`niarkets• for
• these sabalitutes. The chief drawback
in connection with theta is that theydo
not give eatisfe.ction on an. electric.
Iigiht circuits, through no fault, of ahel
Cholera in8antuni. Le one hi the fatal
ailments, of childhood. It is a trouble
that Domes, on suddenlyyespecial'ly der-
tug the summer months and unless
prompt action is. taken the little one 't
may soon be beyond• aid, Baby's' Own 0
Tablets are an ideal medicine is ward-
ing off this trouble. They -regulate the
bowels and sweeten, the stomach and '
thug prevent the dreaded summer tom„ 8
plaints. They 'are an absolute safe h
medicine being guaranteed- to contain' a
neither opiates nor narcotics- or other
harmful drugs, They cannot possibly
do harm -they Always do good. The
Tablets are sold• by medicine dealers
or ley mail at 25 cents• a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
English Are. Conservative
Often All. That is Needed is a
Tonic to Build- Up the Blood.
There are many women who have
been lnvaltee or :genu'. -invalids' eo long
that thay e,acept their "condition as a
Ii4e burden. Tray have endured' bro-
ken sleep, stomach trouble, nevem-
nese, headaches sand, weakness' ee long
that they have given up hope of en-
joying good health. In most 02 these
oases a well Sheen diet, fresh aAr acid
a tonic to build up the blood would do
won -dohs. To all rundown,. nervous
people the expeelence of Mrs, 11. J:
Canneron, Watervale N.S., will be of
deep interest. She says.:—"About two
Yeast ego I..was in a nniserable, run-
down condition: I was unable to do
my •.work, my head ached day and
night, my nerves were all unstrung,
and for three weeks'. I could'. not eat or
sleep, I then decided to. give Dr. Wil -
Moms' Pink Pidl9' a trial and got six
boxes. By the ti?tte I had used half of
them I felt mulch better, and when I
had taken the six boxes I was as'. well
as ever, 1 could work all day and not
feel ,tired and have been: strong and
healthy ever since. I have never taken
any medicine that did me se much
good, and will always' highly Tecom-'
Mend. Dr. WJllleentr Pink Pil1e.
You can. get nesse Pills from any
medicine dealer, or by mail at 5t1 cents
a b from The Dr. Widldams' Medd-
cine Co., Brookville; Ont.
An Exchange of Courtesies.
The helplessness of acquaintances
nefthersef whom can speak the other's
language is pretty nearly complete—
unless both are gifted pantomhnbetst
Mr. Robert Cushman Murphy, !n Bird
Islands of Peru; describes such a,
friendship -1f it can be dignified with
that name -sand the single ludicrous at-
tempt of htnsaele nand hie roommate -to
hold convenes. '
At.Paita I had acquired perforce a
titbit-state—an edticate'd, self-suffici-
ent, fat but neatly •clad little mountain'
Indian, who never smiled, He -traveled
first class as the accountant of an es-
tablished British commercial house.
Like most of the Andean people, he
frankly had no use fo the Pacific Ocean:
and not only slept with big clothes • on
and hie baggage packed- but also
sprang to the door at dny hour of day
or night if the steamerje engines per
eeptiblychanged their revolutions, We
conversed mostly by signs,, for' When-
ever I blundered into faulty Spanish.
phrases fie would •lose all thought of
helr meaning in his eagerness to re -
tate then'. correotly; and ha always
Mowed his ministrations with a sharp
schoolnaaetery command, in English.
'Please repeat!" He made meunder-
tend that he had studied English, but
e was too wary to give me the advant-
ge in OUT exchanges, .On the third
morning of opr campanionship, how -
ver, he looked down pelemnly from
tiie upper berth, and announced:
"Save a t'ief from de gallows and he
tviil cut your t'roht."
To this. gallant and complimentary
effort 1 felt obliged to respond inikind,
so 1 answered with a proverb of San-
cho Panza, learned perfectly from the
Russia add Japan are the latent
honograph: •
"Emla tierra de los oiegos el tuerto
0 rey (In .the hind of the blind the
ne-eyed ntan is- king),"
My cabinmate said: no more, and at
an Lerenso Island he departed from
liarantine without a word or a wave
f the hand.
cultured •Spanish, professor in the
countriea to adopt officially tate mettle P
system of Weights and 'Measurers In-
deed Greet :Britain tend the hatted e
States are the only civilized *counteres'
et any importance that'still Mold' out .
for the •pints and gallons, -tie pounds S
and ounce3, 02 our faathers, -Enterers-o
ing as they tie in eh many ways, the
Eniglleh-speaking pestles- do not lilte
to give 05 the things they axe aeons -
touted to, i M
'nerd's Liniment for Aches and Pal •
(1)—"Thee Wild Wave" of Sherries,
(2)•—Capbain P1. Landy of the "Mont-
e 1 os e."
(3)—Tito Canadian ' Paciilo S. S.
e? ontrose."
The Wild Wave, of Sherries',Dublin sailed. the
seas over half a century ago, with. Captain Andrew Dandy as
skipper and P."I Dandy his San, aisle of Sherries, as boy. To -day -The Wild Wave stilt skim'.; niezaXil•over the'Iris7i
nel, and hes first cabin boy, a little older than. she is, is incoMinand of a, blg Canada -ail Pacific Liner, the ;'.Mont-
rose. Captain: E.Landy, who is veay Irish -and every 1/1:611 a sai'•or,•fs one of the in'ost'o hilar slti peas afloat.' FIe
1 1 p
served with .distinction in the great wee end lilts.bacl, on the whole a pretty eventful career, bait ,-tis atiel speaks
affectionately of the good oJd-Wald Wave anti hie li i • ray • ' h
Cleans Like China
When you use. • SidP Uniuneled Ware
Iltetlslle,'you never need to serape, scour
and scrub the way seine weres demand.
Hot ivtttea, soap, a cloth—that's all you
need•t0 clean thorn. It washes litre
china, has the cieaitiinestq' and aur -
face of china, but wears like steel:
:, Don't be the slave of your cooldng
ware; equip with clean, pure earu-
tary, lasting •
Enameled mele.
it 'O D 9 D e e
.:....gym -- - �.,...,ea: -,�-�-�..�.�• ,"�,,'
Prescription for Sleep.
Think of tall grasses bending. in.
v d,
Tbink.of amber ands onyx,
(Colons to ,snuff' out thought with I
Bussed),- -
Think of nothing
But the silence cif a cloud
In a great gale. •
Thhtyk of the gdi'ttee� noon
Hung like an eaaring
On. all dark cheat, of -night-
a Song ea sweet
It is 'Perilous te listen.
Think 'of courage,
� • i
�3� otbrmusale�,,
Moving quietly through he worlds •.
And think of'happiness
Poured, in the empty cup'
Of a dream..
—Martha Banning Thom
An Upsetting Experience.
Every menagerie has its Repel Ben-
gal Tiger, advertised as the most ter
rlfyiog bloodthirsty beast alive to -day.
Few, however, know, much abort the
royal cousin of this great cat, which.
;ivies in Siberia and rivals the Bengal
eat both in size and ferocity: 'At a din-
ner of the Adventurers Club of Los
'Angeles an American couple told the
writer of their introduction to the Si-
berian tiger.
They were travelling through Bur-
ope and at last reached Petrograd, as
the city was then called. While there
some one advised them to see the Si-
berian tigers in the city zoo. Deter -
raked to miss nothing worth seen,
they went. Four enormous tigers, as
shaggy au this Bengal tiger is sleek, lay
or walked about in a 'huge cage, ey
ing the visitors malevolently.
"My wife is rather fearless, and s
desired• a closer view," acid the Ante
can. man; "50 we walked nearer an
stopped quite close to the cage. T
tigers glared tit'Ss and licked th
lips. • Their eyes all glowed, green a
cruel. 'Secure in our faith in
strengthof t
steel bars, we paid no
tendon to their glaring except to
mark on the way .their eyes cban
All the human races, including th1
the ,African negroes, and all'.savages, liay,
the same origin, according n to a '
g' n Asn
erlcan scientist; but the difference it
intellectual.. development makes ft inn
- possible for them to be equal.`
..MORNING CT' -..,..,.,_
INr Ce G
.➢ irD D
Let Minard's takethe itch
out of them. Excellent for
all stings and bisect butes:
he Say 'Bayer"- Insist!
a - For Colds Headache
11e Neuralgia Rheumatism
the _
the ' Lumbago Pain • .
at Accept only
Ba e
r package!
' whichcontains proven directions
"We heard others enter behind ue,
glanced at then,; Mien' looked back at
the tigers, As we stood there in care
Sere oonfldence, commenting upon the
difference between the Siberian and
the Royal Bengal tigers, all the tige
rose to their feet. That gave us adde
pleasure, for we could compare the
Behind us we heard the door open
once more, and all four tigers faced us
sharply. Suddenly,' with no warning.
whatever, eiU,four• of the great beasts
launched themselves at the front bars
of that cage.' Crash! The impact of
the quartet was thrilling. The cage
fairly rocked on its foundation. The l
coughing roars of the big cats • sounded
horrlbiy in our ears. Tely wife decided
upon immediate retreat. She is not a
large woman, as you me, but her'nove-•
meats were so swift that they must
have aroused the admiration of the
tigers. In a flash site had upset three
big Russian men and was at the door,
fleeing like a scared antelope, I cer-
tainly Was proud of herepeed,"
"Perhaps he 'was," said the wife,
"but I doubt his observing much of it,
He was so prompt In following my lead
that he knocked over four men and on
richly ,dressed- woman tourist, wh
wore costly furs. I learned then a
there that 1 could count on my h
band to support me in any =vermeil
to •the rear in time of danger.
"The cause of that concerted for
ward leap by the tigers was situp!
this: two men had entered behind u
when the door swung. open the • las
time, carrying ,neat to feed the tini
niale,.and it.was meat that was etil
warm and bloody: It was that the
tigers wantea,. not us!"
m .
Sandy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tabiete
Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists
Aspirin IS the 'trade mark (registered is
Canada) .of Bayer Manufacture of - Mesar
acottcaotdcater of eaifeyltcacid.
a Should Be
In Every Home
Daily nee of Cuticura Soap keeps
the pores active and the akin clear
and healthy,' while the Ointment
heals pimples and other irritations.
Cuticura Talcum is a delicately med-
icated antlaepticpowder of pleasing
aaDmrte 5.01 5ro b tins. A,tddrara ?amen
Depok!: "ateaoarr, LSd, Mantre,1 prteo,Non. goat
So Ointment Pit end 600.. Tele¢m k
i"' Cudcur, 5haviog Stick 255.
- i
Who Invented Cross -Words? ; Manitoba Woman Thanks
�- Lydia E. Pinkhana's Vege-
table Compound
Oroes•word puzzles'. seem to have
been popular as Sar' bank as 1,700 years
ago, inthe days when the early Ro-
mans were in oc cupa;tton of Britain.
Our authority for earth an assureip-
`tion (says the 'SCJbntid•c Americas') jlt,
a fraganlent of . painted wall pdaabed
now on exhibition in the Oorinitim
Musetam, the property 00 Earl Bat -
hunt, et Cinenoeetee. The gaide of the
Inusieuani says that this fragment was
found s-mring exeavat1 era•- at Chem-
oesit0r in 1808. St is an ihdis'puta.blly
genuine relic of Roman times, ,
Tho words scratched, tihn'ough the
sua'face cololr of the p10stea' react: "rio-
. tas� op00a' tenet Atr+opo siatoi" do four.
directions, and • 'Seton Arens- tenet
opera rotas" in four ether "dtreetione.
1t hlas been inteapareted as meaning:
"Ate5a, tiie sower., guides the wheeIa
at work.'>,
Not Guilty.
Tlie magistrate regarded' the urchin
with a loot, in which cyaspatby foe his
sad plight and 'deseperoval bf his leis
deed were egiai1Iy`b:endecL
Nty Haas boy " hie exolat.med, "what
even ro'r-_�otmed 'you to steal the tor-
tois e?"
"I"Sul 'tete'a ll�
n t," wks; the a ex zr �c .
U 1 L
e8 retort It followed nsabonne;"
r Crandall, Manitoba.—"When I was
a young gift at home and working I had
terrible pains, almost more than I could
bear, arid I was not regular, These
troubles kept mo so tired all the time
that I had no strength and no ambition , .
to join in with my friends and have a
good time. I wasust tired'arld miser-
able lways and life just seemed as if it
wasn't ::worth living. 1 saw s0 ranch- in
the papers about Lydia E. Pinicham'S
Vegetable Compound, and then I had a .
friend who had taken -it and told me
about it, so I got seine. Every month
af�er taking it I got strongger and I soon
di not suffer every month. It atoppa
the pains sed helped the other ways;
Then when sny babies were coming I was.
, tired and worn out the ff •st three Menthe
and-ached badly. I took the Vegetable
mpgund right pion and in et
say it
de"a new wolhdut oil sold and ahble to
my work, and io helped me trough!
cdnfinement• You see I am a farmer's
ife with a big house to look after, and
babies now, •I have told ever so.
many *omen about your medicine. Just
last week I get a.letter from my old
chum in the East. • Iter baby was born
fifteen days before thineand she told
mo she was not feeling vert' well her
back aches so much, and that she is -
' gqoing;to take the 'same medicine ltook.
You can tee ni� letter and I hope.s site.
one will h helped
] . o elpc .. by 10."-M1s. JoS. TX;
ItlnD, 13ox 58, Crendall,'Manitoba. 0
InStlr,:No. 31—'25.Y
Minard's Liniment' for Burns. 1