HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-08-06, Page 1• 2317-47 h Year WIT _ viiIIIC IS INCORPORATED THE CLINTON NEW, ,ERA, CI INTlhiq 40NTARIO, •tUCU1T 6. 1925 NEVIS AND ADVERTISING ewsw ecor iattvetttes of VllntGn Can be found at, Hellyar's Jeweler, Store. Souvenir Spoons from $1,00 up. Also a good line of thiwenir °china = kkmetiaincg Jpeeial call and seeour stock. eBiddlecombe's old stand.;. Opposite town hall Yiellgar JEWELER and OPTOMETRIST • Phone 174w Residence 174j 11 IR WIN"S ABYANCE SIO 1a: 1 ins For the Benefit of School Teachers and others leaving Clinton during the next few weeks .. we are requesting special delivery of a 'range. of the newest models in dress- es and coats for fall and winter wear. Many Of our customers take advantage of .this advance showing at which tianne the ver smartest seasonable creations are ondis :lay . p Y Dress Well and Prosper MEN'S SUITS and Extra Trousers $22.50 to $25.00 BOYS' SUITS and Extra Knickers $8.90 to $1.0.00 Dress Up and ook Your Best For w6 = t mm✓ Week" WHAVE made special " purchases' inn, WEp Men's Outfittinng for' "Old Home Week" in. Up-to-date Suits, Sport Sweaters, New Silk Colored S 1 Hats Sna Fa 1 �.Snappy Hose Hats,. Etc., Handkerchiefs, Ties, lits., aiso Fancy JapaneseappJapaneseese Parasols 'for. the street parade. Japanese Any of these , a rticles Make a nice nr for.your friends. • .. Souvenir W6�$ e;extend a hearty welcome to all the , .;,hopeto meet many old Old , oys, and friends. A E011111S11 GLOTHIN. CO. A Square Deal for Every Man." LOCAL MARKETS. Wheat, $1.15 to $1.20. Barley, 70a to 75c. Buckwheat, 60c to 70c. Oats, 40c to 45c. Butter, 30c to 33c. Eggs,' 23c to 53c. Live Hogs, $12.75. DIED IN TORONTO. The death took place in Toronto on Saturday Last of Miss Dorothy Robb Priest, daughter of. Rev. H. C. and Mrs. Priest, and granddaughter of the late William Robb. of -Clinton. Rev. H. C. and Mrs.' Priest are known to many in Clinton,' having on several- occasions visited here..- Their friends will sympathize with them in their bereavement A FAMILY REUNION.-- A EUNION,- A reunion of the fancily of John Stirling has been on this week at his home on James street, his children and their families coining back to the. town, for the Old Boys Houle -coming. The relatives arrived Saturday and, .have been here all the week. , Mr. Stirling ; is well ' known, he being a builder and contractor and he has erected some of the mansions and business blocks in Clinton. His wife died June 9th, 1920. The relations here are; Mr. and Mrs. James Fritts and daughter, Virginia, of Jackson, Micj,; Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. J. Hig- gins and Mr. John Smith of Marshall, ?Mich,; Mr. and Mrs. John Stir- ling an • Mrs,Reuben Stirling ling and Mr.b g of Detroit, Mich, and the latter's two sons; Mr. and Mrs: Howard Stirling and two sons of Toronto. SOME MISTAKE, SOMEWHERE. Many readers were interested last week in reading a little sketch from the pen of one of Huron County's most prominent old, boys, Sir John Willison, whose contribution to our special Old Home Week edition was appreciated, not only by us but by many others. In this, connection we heard an amusing little story the other day. When Sir Johneeomes up to Huron he always makes a point',to see his old friend, Mr. Thomas Fraser, who lives just south of Clinton on the hayfield road, and on the last occa- sion' 'after first greetings Sir John said: "You 'haven't changed your politics, yet, 1 suppose, Tom?" "No, Jack,' was his reply, "I haven't. Do you know, I've come to the conclusion that there must be something wrong with either your politics or mine, and, do you „know, Jack, I strongly suspect it is yours.,, • AMONG THE CHURCHES. Willis and Wesley The united service of the two con- gregations t will be held in Wesley church on Sunday, and for the ensu ing Sundays in August, the evening service in Willis church, The Rev, A. A. Holmes will be the pastor in charge. The sermon subject on Sun- day morning will be: "GO in the Midst of His Church.", Evening sub- ject: "Man's Place in the Universe." Mrs. H. Humphreys will sing at the morning service. •Ontario Street Church. Sunday school at ten o'clock. The serinon subject at the eleven o'clock service: "The Guests at the first Table," Lord's vg subJ Evening ect . .r, The Self Destroyer." De er. Communion will be, y admini.lered at the morning service and the afternoon service at Turner's. The pastor will be in charge of Sunday's services. He will appreciate a visit at the parsonage or any of the church services from any Old Home comers. TEt IEI<t��@ill PAPER' A nnot Be urpassec .ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. Dr. J. W. and Mrs. Shaw announce the engagement of their only daugh- tre, Madelon McKnight, to Mr. Har- old,Raymond Kilty of Toronto, young- est' son of the late ;Rey,' G. M. and ' Mrs, Kiltyrof Clinton, the marriage o take place ' Wednesday, the 12th day of August. t People_ You' Know Miss Minnie Falk of. 'Gadshill is the ] guest of her aunt, Mrs. C. Akacn.: Mr. Karl Wilken, Windsor, and 14liss' Ida Wilken,' Detroit, have been vis itingeet their home in town this eek: ea Dr.wand . Mrs, . Kay and two `little grandsons are the guests of Mr. M. J. Gibbings. They intend going on to Bruce Beach for a few weeks, Miss Winnifred Hunt, Toronto, spent the holiday at her home in town. Miss Hunt leaves in a few days to spend her vacation in Atlantic City, N.J., and Washington, D.C. Mr. Mervin Farquhar• .4 of Toledo an\i Mr. and Mrs. J. ,Clegg and little Master Jack of Brussels spent' Old Home' Week with their mother, Mrs. • Farquhar' of Rattenbury street. Mr. and Mrs. John , Murray of Eg- rnondvbille and Misses Olive and Mabel Workman, Hensall, spent •a few days this week astheguests of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Fisher, Mill street. Mr. Benjamin Webb of Detroit carne thefuneral over last week to attend of his mother, who was buried here on Thursday. He regretted very much that he was unable to remain over this week. Dr. and. Mrs. J. W. Daiken and fain- orn Detroit, Mich. fly motored up fr o ., for the old boys and girls reunion. Mrs. Dailcen was formerly Carrie Rentgeh, daughter of the late Mrs. J. Becker of town. Mrs. J. A. Spooner anti daughter of Flint, Mich., Mrs. Wm. Kerr and children of North Mornington, Miss • Gladys Blanchard, Aylmer, and Mr. Harry Fennell, Stratford, were vis- itors at- the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Downs- for Old Home ,Week. Mr. and' Mrs. Joseph Webster, Londes bore, Mrs., Joseph Addison end daughter, Miss Gladys, Brucefield, Mrs. Jaynes Twitchell and Miss Ida, Windsor, . Mrs, G. E. Stotts, Mrs. Wnc.. Thornton and Mr. and Mrs. Wahvin, Detroit, have been the guests during Old :Home Week of Mr, and Mrs. G. E. Saville. Miss. D. Bone of Washington Court; house, Mrs. Paul Bone, Tecumseh, Mich., Miss Belle Paisley, Highland Park Hospital, My. and Mrs. R. J. DunCmore, St. • Thomas, -Mi. and Mrs. lticLean and daughter and Mr. J. McGregor, Wroxeter, werevis- itors at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. 1 W: ` J. Paisley during Old Home Week. Mins Dorothy Shaw, Winnipeg; Miss Dorothy Marrs, Lethbridge, Miss Dorothy Rattenbury, Peterboro; Mr. Calvin Shaw, Wheeling, 'Va., Dr. William- Shaw, Morris, Mich., Gen- eral Otter, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. R S. Hays, Seaforth; Mr. Neelin, Seaforth; Mr. McClelland, Toronto; Mrs. Geo. Hiscox, Londrii; Mrs. Elizabeth Cinch, Hamilton; Mr. -.Ind Mr's. Duncan Ferguson, Stratford; Judge and Mrs. Jackson, '.eth- bridge; Mr. Wm. Sloan, Toronto; Brussels, guests � Mrs. Sherriff, Br sl, are this week with Dr, J. W. and Mrs. Shaw. _TATTLE LOCALS. 'The band will not play tonight Miss Ella Akam had the misfortuneh to fall off the verandah the other day and fracture her arm. •- Owing to a tattoo in Seaforth dn, Aug. 20th, the band will give a sac- red concert on Sunday, Aug. 23rd, We have had to curtail news :this. week, owing to'„ lack of time and space. Can't celebrate and work at the same time. An overheated•.engine occasioned il call for the firei'nen.on Wednesday af- ternoon and put the merry -go -around out of commission for a few hours. L. 0. L. 11'.4). '710 will hold their reg- ular, meeting Aug.'. 14th, and will con- fer the`;` third degree. All members are requested to be present. Lunch. Mr. F. Hanley took a prize in a race for Ford dealers at the picnic at Bayfield on Wednesday of last week and his baby , came second`. in the baby show. Mrs, Howard Iiumphreys has offer-. ed to 'put on a benefit concert for the Clinton "Hospital while in' town. It will likely be .arranged for some even- ing -next week, At the U. F 0. Convention held in Hensall last Thursday Mr. Robert McMillan' was chosen as the candidate. to represent that party's interests in the comiii" Dominion election. Mrs. H. 11. Chant will have a recep- tion for her mother' and sister, Mrs. Ilolin'ee and Miss Holmes of St. Cath- alines, tomorrow afternoon :from four to sixand in. the :evening from' eight to ten. Something went ,wrong with the engine o£ the aeroplane Tuesday and it came to ground. Fortunately it was not up very high and nobody was 'hurt. The,inachine, however, suffered lsome damage. Auburn Mr. and Mit. J. Johnston motored to Stratford on Wednesday to visit their daughter, MTS. Ray Farrow, who is i11 in the Hospital at: that place. Quite a number front" -here attend- -ed the Decoration Day: services at Clinton on Sunday. 'Miss <Zella McDonald and her niece, bliss M. Sinall, ' have been visiting friends here. ;Miss Ethel Washington spent a few days camping at Port Albert. • Mr. Chas.: Nirino spent the' week= end at- Kitchener. Rev. R. and 'M'rs. Miller of Cottam' are renewing old acquaintances here this week. Mr. and Mrs. T. Manning and child of London spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. H. rMogriclge and other friends last week. Messrs. R. and Hpwaed Adams of Toronto, spent the week -end here. Mr, Jas. Mutch is, veey,ill. His manyfriends wish' for his epeedy re- covery, 1 Mrs. J. Bennett of Guelph spent a few days with her brother, Mr, J. IYlutch, last week, Miss Alma Mitch left on Wednes- day to visit her brothers in Alberta and intends, • taking a trip 'to the Coast ,"before returning..... Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carter. of Port Elgin visited the former's par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Carter, over the week -end, , Mrs. Alp and Miss Alp of Granton are visiting Rev, W. R. and Mrs. Alpr at the manse, The Vv omen's Institute'spent a very pleasant day at Port Albert last Wednesday, • `Mrs. Erratt is in Clinton enjoying Old Home Week. Mrs. Rhodes of London is visiting friends here, Mr, and Mrs. Mogridge and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Manning of London were at Clinton on Sunday for the opening of pid Home Weelc OLD HOME' WEEK' EXECUTIVE CON'MIITTEE Top Row: Fred Mutch, J. A. Sutter, Hugh Miller; .C.; G. Middleton, Dr. J. W, Shaw ' A. J. Itiorrish, Oa L. Paisley, F. A. Jenkin.., J. A. Ford. Sitting: D. Cantelon, M. D. McTaggart, F. Jackson, A. J. McMus rays S. B. Stothers, N. W. Trewartha, H.;.Wiltse, J. Zapfe. Clinton Celebrates, Its Fiftieth Anniversary' Gloriously. Front°the minute it' opened, Satur- the part of the Lions Clubs of God- day morning, until it closed, what time did it close` -this morning? Clin- ton's Semi -Centennial Celbbration was an unqualified success.. Hundreds of old 'boys anti girls, from all over the Continent of Amer- ica, flocked home for it; they carne eecpeet' gg a good time and they hadi it. nup regis- tering ' was take with r is - tering ,visiting, etc. Sunday morning services" were hold /ft all the churches. the pastors or visiting old boys be- ing in charge. In' the afternoon a decoration service was hegld. The vet- erans, in charge of Col.' Combe and Col. Rance, the Oddfellows and the Orangemen, headed " by the Clinton Kilties, marched td the postoffice, where Gen. King gave a short address, recounting the work of Canadians ov- erseas. - Mrs. H. Humlihreys sang, re- sponding to an encore, the last post and reveille were sounded, the mem each, Wingham and Seaforth was .to, put on an entertainment at the Huron County Home yesterday afternoon. The., Club membas came in goodly numbers and put on a nice open-air program, of speeches, music, .etc., af- ter whish an excellent garden tea as s served v „e d t o the e inn aces of the Honie, the staff and members of the County Council Committee.. present. The members of the Henderson ,Kilty Band assisted with the entertainment, Miss Lavis driving them down in her first -prize deeorated Car. ¶¶ 11 Excellent weather helped unite the eelebration a success, and the'erowdds were here for each and everylevent. Tuesday bad the largest number but, owing to the number who sat in their cars in the park, it wpb impossible to make an estimate of how many were orial tablet was decorated and then p>esent the march made to the cemetery, , ¶ ¶ ¶ ' The biggest trouble the police had where another service was gone during the week was in directing traf- through and flowers were laid upon fie. With a few exceptions it "vas a the graves of departed comrades, very orderly and well-behaved holiday The community service on Sunday crowd. evening brought out "a vast crowd, the new grandstand being packed and ;, ¶ ¶ ¶ 11 as many mere on chairs, in cars and l„ Holloway's'Peerless Troubau- en the ground. The service was in"dours created a sensation on Tuesday eliarge of the Rev' A. A. Holmes and night. After entertaining, the erowds the resident clergymen and Rev, on the streets' with old time melodies Frank: Herman of Craighurst, taking they serenaded some of their old part, The address was given by the friends, in the wee, sma' hours. The Rev. A. E. M. Thompson, London. A. outstanding members of the organiza- united choir led in . the service of •tion were: "Chauncey" Fisher, Bill song. A broadcasting service was Harland, "Lack” Kennedy, "Bill'' used both. afternoon and evening, en - old and Bert Kerr. 'Tivas like abling all":the' people to hear. old times to hear -them. The official welcome was given 1111 ¶¶ Monday afternoon at the park by Following is the complete list of Mayor Fred Jackson and General Ot- prizes: ter, a former Clinton boy, in a very Trades Floats — Gunn, Langlois, happy speech declared the celebra Doherty's, Holmesville 'Co-operative .tion "open." Other speakers were Mr. Co. Special -Department of Agricul- E. Floody and Mr. R. Holmes, Toron- .tire. to. Decorated Auto—Miss Lavis, Ciin- The parade on Monday morning was tone v, M. Lindsay, Clinton,' Glen one of -the best ever seen in Clinton, Cook, Clinton. The floats and .cars ,comic costumes, Decorated Auto, Farm Produce= etc., were exceptionally well gotten Alex, McEwan ,Clinton, Jas. Stirling, up. A Toronto visitor was heard to Bayfield. remark thathe had seen many par- Decorated Bicycle— W. Cudntore, J. ades but - bad never seen anything Cuningliame, Clinton. pr eitier than thedecorated car which . Best 0r a 1.zat ion—Wom en � Inst", took first prize on Monday. The par- tute Unity Club,Holmesvilie, ade'was headed by the Clinton and Best " National Organization - Seaforth I{iltio hands, while several O'Neil's Tea Room, Japanese; Dog jazz bands added to the merriment.; and churn, Canadian pioneer; Jean The Monday evening concert ,given 1?IcEdwen,National Representative. by old boys and girls, was a fine one Car coming' greatest distance-- crowd. thoroughly „enjoyed by a large David Cantelon, Vancouver, B. C. greatest dis anee— Person comingt crow . d Tuesday was a full and happy day..Lewis Pattison, Voncouver, B. C., vis - The baseball game in the afternoon tong Walter Manning. gave the crowd the opportunty of see- Best decorated team of horses ing a game between two professional Dept. of Agriculture, Chas, Stewart, teams, London and Saginaw, the ]Massey -Harris, former. winning. The tattooin the Best comie lady—A. Castle , Mrs. evening, eight bands taking part, was Forrester, Mrs. Boyes. No. of entries,` one of the. finest, 1.'h the opinion of 10, many, ever given in Western' Ontario. Best concic man—Wilfred Hudson, Itcertainly was a treat. Cap Cook, I•h S. Brown. No, of en- \Yesterday afternoon a number of tries, 5. sports were run off, in the pant and in Best comic boy—Jim Turner, Harry the evening Mrs. Humphreys, Miss :Watkin, Ernest Brown. No, of en - Alice Dunbar and the. Henderson Kilte tries, 5. Band of London put on an 'excellent: • Best comic girl—Pearl Churchill, entertainment, M•."zrion Pickett, Muriel Downs, No. ¶ ¶ If ¶ of entries, 7. Every evening there was a street Best comic organization- Lion parade and carnival and a merry time Tamers. No. of entries, °1. generally nmol -the wee sma'' hours. Best concic group—W. Fowler and Tuesday evening's parade being taken company,; Geo. Jenkins, ,Jun Turner,' part in by several surrounding towns.: Harry Watkins, No, of entries, 4: .¶ ¶ ¶ .¶ Best clown—Mrs. Marie Thornton,', The band mus Burin the five Detroit, Dorothy Levis, Harold Giew.. a No. of entries, 7,:: days was of an excellent order and Best Jazz band --Harold Glow, Mar - many words of commendation of it` jorie Beaton° were heard. All the bands did well Decorated Window: Clinton Hard and Clinton's own Kilties, being on ware Co., representing pioneer days;' hand during the "whole celebration, Plumsteel.Bros. s''' rendered excellent service. Decorated Home -C. G. Middleton;, .Finch, Dickie, Flint. Baird,Mrs. Wni., Toronto. Bouchner, W.' J,, Toronto Beechley, Mrs,' H. G., Flint. Beechley, Mary L., Flint. Brickenden, Mrs. T., Toronto. Beatty, Mrs. Geo. E., Ingersoll. Beatty, G. B., Ingersoll. Bell;: Mrs. Win., RoyalOak, -Mich. Bower, Mrs, M., Blyth. Brickenden `G. -F., Toronto. Bramfield, Mrs., Toronto. Bawden, John, Hamilton. Gulley, Eva, Toronto. Boyce, Mrs. Geo., Toronto. Boyce, ce' Y , Leslie, Toronto. Brown, Mrs. E. E., Petrolea. Clark, Robt .J., Detroit. Clark, Ella G., Detroit. Coats, R. H., ' Ottawa. Cantelon, Harriet, Toronto. Cantelon, G. M., Toronto, Cantelon, Inkerm an, Watford. Cindreski, Mrs. L., Bay City. Churchill, B., Duncan. Cole, Mrs. Wesley, Michigan. Cole, Mrs. Wesely, Michigan. Cumper, Mrs. 0.,. Michigan. Cummins, Mis. G., Michigan. Cummins, C., Michigan. Cook, Mr. N. It, Hamilton. Cooper, Phyllis, Toronto. Cotton, Mrs, E., Detroit. Counter, M., Buffalo. Counter, Mrs. M,. Buffalo, Counter, Billy, Buffalo. - Cook, D. W., Toronto. Churchill, R., Detroit. Cfee ,M,, London.' Collyer; Mary, London. Collyer, Phyllis, London, Collyer, Ruth, Undone Collyer, A. F,, ;London. Collyer, Mrs. A .F„ London. Cooper, J. C., Giielford. Gluers, W. L., St, Louis, Mis. Cooinbes, Mrs. 0, Blyth. Crich, P. Be Toronto. Combe, M. M., St, Thomas, Cudinore, Joe, London. Collier, W. W., Tornio. Collier, Doris, Toronto. Collier, Audrey, Toronto, t .z I Cook,Mildred, Toronto. Claris, Alderman, Stratford. Curran, J. J., Clarkson. Conner, C. H., Dundas. Cook, Elsie, Corrie. Cook, H., Gorrie Cook, Mrs., Gerrie Coats, Wm., Goderich. Claris, J., Goderich. Cluff, Mrs, L., Godericl, Cooper, C. W., Toronto. Cooper, Earl, Toronto. Cooper, Mrs. Bari, Toronto. •Cooper ,Cecil, Toronto. Cooper, Mrs. Cecil, Toronto. Carter, E. J:, Goderich: Cantelon, J. H., Lucknow. Cantelon, Mrs. J. H., Lucknow. Cantelon, Bill, -Lucknow. Cantelon, Bruce, Lucknow. Carling, k Fra ,Seaforth. Frank, Cook, W.; Buffalo, Cornish, W. 5',• Mitchell, Clark,, D. W., Peterboro. Clark, Mrs. D. W., Peterboro. Clark,J. R., Peterboro. Chowen, K., Hamilton. Chowen, Mrs," K., Hamilton. Chowen, "Betty; Hamilton. Cook, Mrs. M. J., Sarnia.. Case, 151. A,, Seaforth. Grich, W. A., Seaforth. Colciough, Vera, Seaforth. Colciough, Cliff, Seaforth, Colclough, Mrs. A., Seaforth. Foster, Mrs. c"�:rge, Windsor. Foster, George,` Windsor.Foster, Bruce, Windsor. Flynn, D: N., Montreal. Ferguson, A. Porter, Kincardine. Ford, W. H., Peterboro, 1 Fowler, W. J. R., Guelph. Fowler, Mrs.'. W. J. R., Guelph. Fowler, Miss, Guelph. Finch, E., Stratford, Finch,' Mrs, E,. Stratford. Finch, W., Stratford. Finch, Mrs, W., Stratford.' Finch, Richard, Flint, Finch, Mrs, Richard, Flint. Finch, Dorothy:,..Flint, Z , S ¶ 11 11 ¶ .A«J.,McMurray' Fraser, 1 r., aini ton, Fraser,, Mrs.,_Hamilton. Flynn, Loretta, Toronto.;• Flynn, Eulala, Clarkson.' Ford, fW .J., Glencoe. Ford,' F. L., Detroit. Floody ,Mrs. E,, Toronto 1-" Floody, Miss 0, Toronto. Floody, E., Toronto. Fraser, Rae, Fort William. Fraser, Mrs. M., Fort, William. IIolines,:lTobt., Toronto. ' ILodgens ,Edith M„ Toronto. Higgins, J. J.,.Miehigan. Haber, Mrs, Jas.,Borneo, Mich.Maher, Jas„ Borneo, Mieh. Bottom Mos, Madison, Sask. Holmes,' Miss E., St, Catharines. Holmes, Mrs. A, St. Catharines. Holloway, Mrs, Peterboro. a,, F ountaiii ,Mrs. Chas::; Port -Huron. ' The decorations were fine, the town • • . *,K . T lI H 1 looked gala, with bright lights, flags This is a partial list of the Old and buntings The citizens responded Koine visitors who registered, during splendidly' to the sugestions of the the week. We cannot publish all this decoration committee. week but, willfinish them 'text.' Not ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ even any one letter 'is complete. e .executive commAbout sixteen hundred registered and stone uwturned to iiial.e ittee the affleftairno a good many, we presume, failed to success and that their efforts were do so: successful it was .:but necessary to Brown, Mos, F.,.Brantford. look at the hap3y faces of the throng Brown, 11';, Brantford, at any and all tines. Brown, Clinton -' Brantford. ¶ -¶ Brown, Doi ie, Brantforrd. The Concert Monday night was en- Barge, .Win AChicago. joyed by a great .crowd' of old boys Brown, Mrs. W. M. Kincardine. and girls. Mrs, Howard Ilumplci•eys, Brown, Thos.G., Amberly. 7I "Bob" Downs, "13111"Harland, 'Bayley, W. , Comma, , Mich. "Chauncey" Fisher and Mrs. Sismans, Burnet, Mrs Jas.,. Toronto. all former Clintonians, were the. en- Burnet, Jas., Toronto, tertainers.: Mayor Jackson acted as Bernard, Florence, Detroit. chairman. ` Belden, Agnes, Toronto„ ¶ .,- Baird, Mary L., Vancouver, 13 C. One very nice, neighborly ee` on Baird, ni,, Toronto (Continued on