HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-07-30, Page 8THURSDAY, JULY 39)
We Extend Greetings to all cigar Old
CtIstomers' who are Returriltz or
Old wipe t eek.
Iilal e this store the meeting place with your Companions
o years ago.
will be a pleasure to serve you if in need of Chinaware
Eoncy Goods, Hosiery, Wall Paper
Stationery, etc.,
The Oldest Established Business in Clinton -
f'he Clintolt News-,Rcco',
Detroit; C. E. and Alta C'rrey,:De i
trout; J. W. t:d R Watt, Len Stev-
ens, Mr. arid -Mrs. Graham and Miss
Mary Graham and Mrs, S McI5'enna;•
London; W. Ti.- Gill, R, Whiddem
Toronto; Mr, and MFS, Shan•ralt, hods-
cion; :Mrs, and Miss SImosocrn, Miss
M. Garlick, MVIiss; Hand, "Mr. Harold
Prince, Margaret 'Vlorris (Edythe
Coombeo Nauey:Ian),ard Toronto;
'Mrs. L, Herbert AlexanderMrs.= T.
Hendorson S'ratiord,•.Mr. and Mrs.
Str adiay, Mises Baty and Marjorie
Stsadh?y of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs:
John Torrance e and little`randehild-
1 ren of •Chnten; .Mo. and Mrs. ' attere,
son ,o London; W. R. Darn -ion, Owen
R. Tyler end Do. and Mrs F. Tyler
of New Albany, Indiana.-
Mr: Wellington Johnston and 'Mr,
Percy 0. Parker of Nelcoi ii N Pah.,
ai'e visiting the latter's parent;, Mr,'
and Mrs. Chas, Parker.
Miss'' Helen Johnston of London is
visiting Miss Agnes Will;
Mr. and Mrs. W. Sherlock and arn-
ily of London are camping ncnar the
Miss` E. blougltton and little iVliss
Kathleen Milligan are guests of the
former's sister, Mrs. W. Hunt.
Miss Ruth Higgins has taken a
position as --stenographer .with the
Dominion Express Co,, London.
Mr. and Mrs, R. Faryan and family
of London are.. camping near . the
river. '
Miss Gertrude Cameron of Chicago,
Ill!, is visiting her father, •Me.
Cameron. '
Me.- and Mrs. Andrew Sturgeon
have moved into Mrs. Tough's holdse.
Miss Vera 'Tullah of Sault Ste.
Marie is visiting her aunts, =Mis.`Ed.
Weston-aitd,'Mrs. Malcolm Toms.
We would like 'to correct a state- Saturday to their camp by the river.
ment made in our column in the issue Rev. R. H. and Mrs. Fortesque•
of . July ,41.6th in which it was stated Gairdner -and little Miss Betty of
that James Lindsay won first prize' Washington, Pa., are visiting the
ill the Orange Parade at Kincardine former's brother, Mr .John Gairdner.
for best playing on the fife. This Miss A. L. Gower returned to Lon -
was a mistake. The prizes were don on Friday last.
awarded to H. Harris and W. Hend•
erson for best fifer and drummer and The guests registered at the Lake,
Sam Hewitt and Joe Carter, were se- view Hotel are as follows: Mr. and
cond. Mrs. Harry Hahrgang of New Ham-
burg; 0. Wyse and J. W. Wyse of
Mrs, B. J. Lingardand family and Ottawa; Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Cook of
Miss Annie Stewart of Toronto are Clinton; Mr. 11: A. Clark, Detroit; M.
visiting the' former's parents, Mr. -McDonald, Forest; j. Farrar, London;
:and Mrs. W. Hall. K. M. Burrows, G. L. Roberts and D.
Miss N. IIillborn of New Dundee is Humphries of Kitchener; Stewart
visiting Miss Izetta -Merrier. McKenna, RalphHarrison; Geo. n,
Mr. and Mrs. :C. Mahn -ion Storey and Harold Skinner, London; • Mrs. CI1ar1ie °Stillman of Stratford;
Idiss Kathleen of Peterboro •came on Bud •Richards and. Mrs. Richards of Mrs.: 0, Horn, Toronto.
Miss Margaret Waldock who' Pas
been a guest at Miss Ratfiwell's'for
the past two weeks, returned to Lon-
don on 'Monday.
Guests ' at Miss ,Fergusonsr r le.
and Mrs. ' Ij ,onson, Jim and Herbed.
Ronson, Walerville; Mrs. Taylor and
Miss Winnie Taylor, London; Mr.
Ross Taylor, Toronto; Misses Daisy.
Emma, Mary and Grace Dixon, Lon-
Miss . Groves and Mr. Scandrett of
London were guests at Miss Fergu-
son's, Mr. Anthony Tillman and son
Jack, with •a party of twenty, spent
Monday at Miss Ferguson's.
-Mrs. (Dr.) Moose and soh and
daughter of Detroit were guests at
Miss• Ferguson's for a few days.
Misses. Marian Robson, . Bertha,
Charlton and Anna Douglas, Flor-
ence Coverhill, Margaret Scott,
M 1Iie Telfer,. Janet Campbell, Irma
Telfer; Sylvia Campbell and Mrs.
Telfer 'and Clarence Telfer of Ilder-
ton are oecupying a cottage in Tow.
ett's Grove.
Guests at the Albion Hotel are:
Miss Ethel Cortright and "Mr, Th,os;
Mahen of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Clif-
ford Dalmsiey a d family of Sarnia;
r .
a. .
A passion removes financial worry;
and gives leisure to enjoy the
good things of life,
An "Annuity Bond"
requires no medical
rf Peniion?
You may often have wondered how
much it is necessary to save each year, in
order to be.' sure of $50.00 or $100,00 a
month steady income when working
days are over -an income thatwill con-
tinue as long as you live, no matter what
may happen to your other plans, or what
financial reverses mayoccur later in life.
We can .tell you exactly what amount
to set aside. ° '
The Canada Life has•issued a new
"Deferred Annuity Bond"
`for inen: and women, which can be purchased
'by instalments spread over any ;number of
It is a bond which is backed bya Company
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and with the experience of more than three
quarters of a century as a guide.
A Savings Polity
"The "Deferred Annuity" plan is the most
reliable Bond. in existence. • .'The most con-
servative investors have always believed in
this form of saving because of its`unuestioned
safety. ''Nothing is so absolutelysure as a
monthly Annuity, and no other pan for sav-
ing can possibly take its place,
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Be -Fair to Yourself
Dependence upon relatives or charity in olcii
age should be guarded against: This can be
done so very simply by the Canada Life
"Deferred Annuity" that no man or woman
should neglect to set aside yearly the small
amount required to support them after age
Why not ask for information?
aztada Life
Assurance C.am alny
"Seveniy!.Eighi Years Id"
�. CTA,
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♦ �c et
hat ,.00
Geo. . . Elliott', District Representa'tive, Clinton
Mrs Ferguson and family of ICon-
sas:City are 'holidaying in Joweitu
I1s's. Foote`' and daughter, Miss
Florence Foote, of London, ',tee oc-
cupying Mrs. Roes' cottage,, Sum -R -
Miss Nina; heard ant ria inert her
Sunday school class on Tuesday af-
Mi'`. and Ms's. 0. J. Baker and fam-
ily, who spent o week in the village,
returned to Big Island,'Va„ on Satur-
day., 1 '
Mrs. L. B. Smith. of London came
on Tuesday to visit her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Chas, Parker,
Mrs, Roy D. Mess and Mos. A. de
Ruyter, who have been guests at the
Ritz: -hotel for the ,past week, se -
turned to' their' home in London on.
Wednesday, -
Mr, A, Ford of the London Free
Press and Miss 'Woolway of London
are gaests at the Ritz.
Mrs. A. McConnell, Miss Margaret
McConnell and Miss; Esther a Varna
are occupying' a cottage in Deer
Mr and Mrs. A. Seabrook of Owen
Sound aro visiting the latter's moth-
er, Mrs. M. Browrs
The nervous old lady came to New
York to visit her son, but through
some inadvectancy ;he was not at the
railroad station to..'tieet her. As the
.son lived several miles from the sta-
tion, the old lady was at a loss as
how to get to his 'home, She was.
afraid of the subways, street cars and
taxis. ,Finally a porter procured for
her an ancient cab, hauled by an even
more ancient horse. "There is no dan-
ger of the horse running away, is
there?" she timidly asked the driver.
"Why, no ma'am,' he cheerfully as-
ssured her, "This'"'horse didn° even
shy when the first railway trains
came in."
Following; are tilde :dates for Huron
County. It will be noted,titat Clinteit
will have two days this year, Oa. 7th
and '8th, This will give ;exhibitors ,a
chance to iiila'e tiselr 'exhibits to ad-
vantage and those interested to have
,a:good look at them.' "Keep the dates
mind and help interest the children
; these fairs:
St. Helens, Segt. 9. -�
Wroxeter, Sept, 10.
BIuevale, Sept. 11,
Ethel, Scot, 12,
Walton Sept 14..
Fordwieb, Sept, 15. ,
13e1°•rave, Sept, 16.
Ashfield, Sept,. 17.
Colborne, Sept. 18.
Zurich, Sept. 21.
Varna, Sept, 22,:
Goderich, Sept. 23.
Blyth, .Sept. 24.
Grand Bend, Sept. 25.
Dashwood, Sept. 26.
• Crediton, Sept. 30.
Winchesea, Oct. 1;
Ilensall, Oct, 5:
Dublin, Oct. 6.
Clinton, Oct. 7 and 8.
Best of all Fly Killers, 1.0c
per Packet at an Druggists,
Grocers and General Stores
The Fort Garry
r-- q -us is one of the chain of splendid
hotels owned and'operated•by the
;,Canadian National Railways. It is
situated in Winnipeg and it was there
that delegates to the annual convention
oa the Canadian Weekly Newspapers'
Association wel•e entertained to a supper
dance. The siteof'fhe Port Gary is close
to the original site of the old trading •
post; which grew into the City of Winni-
peg. The vine -covered gate of the original
FortCarrystande a few yards from the
hotel, which perpetuates its name.; loo
Satisfaction -Service --Sure Saving
There is a real satisfaction in chopping at your nearest
DOMINION STORE. The service is complete in every detail
grocery order well worth while.
and the savingo
n your complete
Just received a big supply of Picnic Hams
We solicit your Old Houle Week grocery orders olc
16 oz. Rllauon Jar
Kensington Custard-
35c lb.
BLEND 59 4.0
39c lb.
HANDSAI cro Bz1.0pNxcit.
,;� G,
Receptiiin and Registr'aion
Services in all chtrrches conducted byClintonl
1:301:30--UnionAFTERNOON ntton Old Boys
Decoration Parade to Memorial Tablet and Cemetery,
headed by Clinton Iiilty Band: "' Addresses by Brig. -Gen, W. B.
King, G.B., D.S.O. and others.
7:30 -Open Air Service in Recreation Park, addresses by Home -corn-
ing Ministers: Music led by combined choir of all the churches,
conducted by Mr. B." J. Gibbing's.
1 i0RNING .'
Grand Trades Procession and" Oalithumpian Parade. Will commence'
from Park at 9:30. a.m.
Trades $15 $ 150
Decorated Auto
Decorated Auto -Farm Produce .
Decorated Bicycle .. .
Best Comic Lady ...
Best ComicMan. .
Best Comic Girl .
Best Comic Boy .
15 10 5
2 1 ' .50
2 1 .50
2 1 .50
2 1 -.50
Best Comic Organization" ... 2 1
Best Organization ... 10 5
Best National Organization . 2 ' 1 .50
Best Clown , .. 2 1
Best 'Comic Groin ---5 persons .or more 5 3
Car Coming Farthest Distance. 3
Person Coming Farthest Distance ......' . , 2
Best Jazz Band .... , 7 • 3
Best Decorated Team of Horses .. ,. , , , 8 5
In all sports of parade classes competition =list amount to one
class more than arises offered or last prize will notbe awarded.
1:30 -Official opening by Gen, W. D. Otter,-C.V.O., G.C.B. Address-
es by others of prominence.
LACROSSE -St: Marys vs, Clinton,
FOOTBALL-t•ICinburn vs. St. Columban
SOFTBALL -Toronto va. Detroit.
7:30 -Open Air Concert ,given by Clinton Old Boys and Girls, in-
cludingMrs. Howard Humphries% Jacksonville, Fla.; Wm. Har-
land, uelph• H. Stanbury Detroit; R. B. Foster, Toronto; Robt.
Downs, Woodstock, and otters, assisted by R.C.R. Band, ondon.
Professional °i aseball
LONDON, Ont, vs. SAGINAW, Mich.
AT 2:15. P.M.
At great expense the Clinton Old Boys' Association have been
successful in completing arrangements to have the regular London -
Saginaw, Michigan -Ontario League game transferred from London
to Clinton for the 4th of August. This attraction will give the
Sport Loving Palle of this vicinity their first opportunity of seeing
two great teams in a real game. ' Both teams are fighting hard and
playing great baseball and a great treat is in store.
AT 6:30 P.M.
, C rand Tat o I and Fireworks
Bands in Attendance -R. C. E., London; C. N. R., Stratford; Mitchell;
Seaforth; 'Goderich; Kincardine Pipers; Henderson Juvenile' •
Pipe Band, London; Clinton Kitty Band t
Softball Tournament -Teams from Gederich, Mitchell and Wingham
Events as follows: 100 yd. dash; 220 -yd. dash; % mile relay, 3
inert; Running broad jump; Pole vault; Shot put; Sack race. Prizes
in each class to value of $4.00, $3.00 and $1.00.
Open Air Concert by 1VIrs. Humphries and company, followed by
Henderson Juvenile Pitpe jBand of London And Alice Dunbar, Com-
ediennet 4:
Amusement Tax Included in all Above Prices
Children 15c . Cars .25e, at Tattoo 50c
Jack Elliott's Aeroplane will be at your Service..'
,Joyes' Midway all week.
Dancing is the rink every Evening..
McKenna's Orchestra, London '
Red Caps will be on hand to meet all trains and give all information
required •
The Clinton Lawn Bowling Green will be open to all visiting bowlers
Bring your bowls and have a good time. Games will be arranged;
to suit everyone
Wicker Chair for Oldest GM registering who was born in Clinton:'
Donated by C. Broadfoot,. Moose Jaw
Club Bag for Oldest Boy registering who was born in Clinton
Donated by,J. Broderick, Seaforth
The First Official Home Coming
in Fifty Years.
For Further Information Write or Call
A. J. McMurray J. W .Shaw, M.D. M. D. McTaggart., $. B, Stotheis
President Vice-Ps'esirlent Treasurers Secretary