HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-07-23, Page 5Clinton New♦-Recorai
e Measure • �f..
Your hicotinie
EALING chiefly 'with other people's money, men
rt to-th wise'admin-
give unlimited time and effo e ,
istration of business, while attention . to their owxi
affairs is oftencasual; and sometii ?es even careless:
You sell your time, efforts and abilities, from which a
profit is due you. Your " overhead" is the cost of living
and your sa-eings alone represents your profit. '
_Our booklet, "The Measure of Your Income," and our
Budget Book will help you to increase your personal
profits.' Ask for a copy.
Clinton Brands
R. E :A farming„Manager
fta $field
Mr. and Mrs. W. •Caiweli of Bay
City, Mich., are visiting the latter's
sister, Mrs: J. A. Ferguson.
Misses E. Silvester and K, School,`
. who have : visited at Miss. N. Fer
guson's for the past two weeks, left
on Tuesday for Detroit., •
Miss J. E. Whittaker of Toronto held here on Wednesday, July twenty -
is the guest of Mrs. 3, H.. McLeod. ninth. ., large program of sports is
Mrs. G. Park and; Mise Ailsa, who to be run off. ' The ladies of Trinity
_have been visiting the foriner'schurch plan to have a' lunch counter
brother, Rev. A. Macfarlane, left on at their booth, nd
Mrs. X. -Yellen, Misses' Goldie -And
Marigalil Virion and Master LaLiirie
Vehon of Detroit are occupying Mrs.
F .Martins' cottage, "Boulder Lodge.”
Mr, and Mrs. E. R: .Chamerlain,
Miss Chamerlain and Mrs. C. E.
Miss Ina K. Oliver of London vis- Turner of Detroit are summering in
Red Miss Alma McKay over the week- Miss - Rankin' -s• cottage, "Hillcrest"
end Miss Muriel Powell of Stratford .is
Mrs. Pitts and Masters -Douglas and
'Albert Pitts of. Petrolia.are '_oecupy..
ing Mr. J. Reid's cottage. Mr. Pitts
accompanied them here on Monday
but returned the same clay to Petrolia.
Miss',Coughlin of Montreal is vis-
iting her cousin,, Mrs. Dr. Tillman.
Mr. X. Moorhouse bf London is
camping near the south pier.
Mrs. E. Paull, -.of London is visit-
ing her son,. Rev. I'. H. Paull, at'the
Misses M. Halliday, Anita -Beadle,
Margaret McCully, Bernice'. Easson,
Lorenza ' Dempsy,. Christina Inglis,
Elaine Pfeffer, Jessie Cooper, Gladys
McMillian, Thelma Keil, and Ilia.
Clark of Stratford and Miss Helen
Honderich of Milverton are spending
their holidays at. Mr. R. Heard's cot-
tagQ at Sunset Polint.
Miq Betty Elliott of Toronto is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Thos. Elliott.
Miss Anna' Elliott- of Toronto is
spending lies holidays with he} aunt,
Mrs. John Fraser.
Guests at Miss' Norah Ferguson's
this week are: Mrs. Emma Edwards,
Mrs. C. C. Rance' and Mrs, (Dr.) Bel -
'den` of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Chas.,
Ivey, Peter Ivey, Bob Ivey and Joan
Ivey, "Capt. Cooke and Mrs. Cooke Mrs Fraser sees• eat changes as
and Stuart -Cooke, Misses Sarah and$x
Ruth Diver, Miss Susan Simmons, It is eighteen' years since she left
SVttiso,minice Jervis and Miss Ethel these parts,
The Union Circuit Picnic, which
was held in Jewett's Grove, Bayfield,
last Thursday afternoon, was a great
ouocess. Although the morning wa-s
threatening and looked' Bis if it might
be. a wet' afternoon the clouds and mist
dispersed and the afternoon was .all
that could he desire& All report a-
good. time.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Donald 'of ',Por-
ter's Hill. spent Sunday at the horse
of Mr. and Mrs, Weekes. ` •`
Miss Maude Parker of "Bayfield' is
visiting with, her aunt, Mrs. L. Epps.
Mr. and Mrs. L. •Epps spent a few
days'in Detroit last week visiting. the
tatter's sister.
Mr. Wm. Beatty of Mount Bridges
spent ♦Sunday in the village. -
Sonme of the villagers attended the
Chautauqua . at Clinton' Friday night
heard an a' excellent
and 'report having _ h e
musical programme.
The many friends of Mrs. Geo. Mc-
Linchey, who underwent a slight rip•
elation in Clinton Hospital, will be
pleased to hear 'that she is doing as
well as can be expected.
Mr.' and Mrs. W. McAsh motored
from London last' Thursday' and spent
the day with the Batter's mother, Mrs:
C. 'Weekes of the village.:
At a special meeting: of. the Stanley
township ''> cotmcil held on Monday af=
ternoon Clerk J. E. Harnwell was 'iri-
structed to send a letter of condol-
ence to, Mrs. Hanley, widow of the.
late Reeve George B. Hanley. The
resignation of Councillor J. A. Man
son was tendered and accepted and
arrangrnente were made for the hold-
ing of a nomination meeting,: to f111
the vacancy caused by the lamented
death of Reeve Hanley and the resig-
netion"'of Councillor' Manson. Proc-
lanations;have been issued calling •a
meeting of the . ratepaver3'for one
O'clock on Wednesday, July 29th, in
the township hall, Varna. The elec-
tion, if a poll be 'demanded, will take
place on .Wednesday, August 5t11:'
Mount Pleasant on Friday last.
Guests at the Ritz this. week are:
Mrs. de Ruyter,'Mrs. Mess and Miss
Page of London and Mr. Kennedy and'
Robert Kennedy of Stratford.
Mr. and • Mrs. Howden .motored
home td' Kitchener/With Mr. and,Mrs.
Weigand on Sunday. '
The annual Ford . Picnic is to be
!Saturday' for their home at Coiling -
wood, Mr. Parke having motored to
Bayfield for them.
Mr. Chas. Stillman of Stratford and
1VIr. Thos. Mayhen of Detroit spent the
week end at the Albion,
`W, A. rind rlon, sscd ,with, honors
her intermediate'' yodel' exam. 1n eon-
nectzon with tho Toronto Conserva-
tory of Mu ic_
Misses Anna May hough and Irene
,Snider " are attending the O R.E.G.
Summer school at Lake Couehiehing.
The united Sunday school and eon-:
gregationaI picnic will ' be held = on
visiting her grandparents,. Mr. and
Mrs. D. H. Leitch.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kuntz and
family of Kitchener visited Mrs.,
Kuntz's aunt, Mrs. F. Keegan,,Satur-
day Dist
. Dr, and Mrs. Silcox of Stratford
spent the week -end with - Mr, Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Nickel and Miss
Hilda Kirk of Toronto are visiting
Mr. and Mrs. James Sturgeon:,
Mrs. IdBerry's aunt, Mrs. 3. Mor-
rison of Wingliarn, is her guest this
it Wit:, a sudden call on Saturday
when ;Mr. George I1i11 passed away,
and it was a shock to everyone Mr.
Hill was born in t orkshire England,
sixty-six years ago, corning to Can-
ada forty-five yeaxfago. "In 1887 he
was united in rnarritge to Miss An-
na Chapman of Tneitersmith. They
settled in Brucefield` where Mx. Rill
conducted d business for twenty-five
years.. They then bought a farm
which they operated for some yyais
selling it ,when their, two ,youngest
sons' enlieted, and returning. to Brim-
field. Mr.
ra ce-
field...Mr. Hill` was a consistent
niemlber of Union church, he -Was
regular in his attendance 'at the week=
ly pi'iiyer service and his ,;pews was
seldom vacant at' the regular Snuday
services:: He was a faithful friend to
his 'pastor; _;the' . Rev.. C. G. Armour,:
•who conducted the funeral services,
at -the house and graveside, on -Mon-
day. Inte'mentwas lnade in Baird's
'cemetery. The funeral, was very
largely attended as Mr. Hill was •held
tri high esteem, and the floral
ings were very be utiful• The pall-
were special friends of: the
deceased: D. Tough, W. Hart, H.
Horton, W. Berry, J. -Allen and 3.
McQueen:- His'.wife,and a family' of
faun sons and .one :daughter survive:,
Jno.,. Moose Jaw, Jas, Stratford, 'Wm,
of 'Stanley and• Lyle and Mrs. Cornish
of Brucefield. Amongst' those who
came 'from a distance to attend the
funeral`, were, Dr. and Mrs. Rodgers
of Forest and friends .from Stratford.
Auburn •.
Service will be held in Knox church
next Sunday morning at the, regular
hour, ten -thirty, ' The eininister will
preach. "
Sympahty is felt for Mr. and 1VIrs..
W. J. Andrew in their bereavement
in the death of their little foster son,
Allen QArtwright,, aged four years,
The little lad has been ailing for the
past couple of months and all`, that
was; possible was done for him,' but
without avail: Mr. and: Mrs. Andrew
had cared for the little lad since birth
and had become very much attached
to him, The funeral takes place to
Clinton cemetery this afternoon.
Miss Gladys Mountain, . pupil of
Miss Winnie • Howson,' passed with
honors her elementary exam in con-
nection with the London conservatory
of music. Congratulations are in
'Varna - order;
The members of St. John's chrueh
held a meeting on Tuesday evening
to arrange for `a' concert to be held
some time in the near future.
Mr. Bert McNaughton .motored
from Kitchener and spent the week-
end, with relatives -in the. community.
Wedding bells again rang in . our
village for another of our Varna' boys,
when Mr, L. Keys brought home` his
young bride on'Satuirday evening. The
young; couple have the good wishes of
a host offriends as they start put on
their new voyage of wedded life.
Mrs. Fraser and family of Califor-
nia are renewing old aquaintances and
visiting relatives' in • the coin -unity.
ShoIdice of London; 1Vfr. and Mrs.
Walter Watts, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Gardner and Miss Esther ;Abram of
Chatham; Mrs. Spooner of New
York and Mises Gladys Hardy and
Etbelyn Shannon of London.:
Mrs. Walter Hartung and daughter,
Ruth, and Mrs. -Irvine Greb and
daughter, Mae, ,of Ritehener are
guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Sander.
Mr. Norman Hagen of Kitchener
• spent^the•'weelc-ond'With -.;Mr E. A.
Mr. Frank Erwin and Mr. Dougla's
Humphries returned to Kitchener on
Monday after spending a week's va=
cation here.
Mfrs. Erie H. Detling, Miss Elide -
guard belling and Master Eric Dell-
ing •of Philadelphia, Pa„ axe occupy-
John e cottage.
Messrs. P. Johnston. and. 0, Mc-
• Donald of Stratford are tenting near.
Mr. Will Cameron of Detroit -is vis-
iting his father, Mr. A. Cameron.
Miss Ethel Geminhardt returned to.
Toronto:on Saturday after having
.spent her holidays with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. A .Peek and child of
Akron, Ohio, are summering in the
W. H. Robinson's cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Hart and babe
of Toronto motored to Bayfield on
Saturday and spent Sunday with
Mrs. Hart's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. King.
Mrs. C. Si'Maadonell, Miss Aileen
1V3acdonell and Mr. Chas. Macdonell
-of Winnipeg „are the .guests of the
former's sister, Miss Rose Kennedy,
Rose'Cliff eottage,
1Vliss Evelyn •King Of Stratford is
a guest of Mrs. B.,;. L. Monlchouse. •
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. King' of Strat-
ford were week -end visitors of 'Mas,
B. L. Monkhouse in Jowett's Grove.
A handsome cup has ♦been offeeed;
by the merchants and Others for con-:
petition on the golf course. The first'
game was played. on Saturday last,
the result being a tie between Mr. ,II.
S. Reid of ,,Detroit and Mr. Walker
of Goderich, As Mr. Reid had to re-
turn to Detroit he could not play off
so conceded the win to Mr.: Walker.
The cup has to be won four times.
A very successful bt•idge and
eiichre-was held on Mre. W'. F• Met -
colts lawn ori Friday. afternoon for
' the benefit of -. the Golf Club. Ther,
siren of; thirty-seven dollars was real-
ized, A well, club -house and latera
courts are
enniis c
bowling green and t ,
being planned, -.
Mrs, L undboln of Warrbad, Minn:,
is visiting, her daughter, Mrs. J. W.
The Misses Ranknt formerly of
*Detroit, returned to their ',home at
United Chureh parsonage; on July
8th, by Rev. D: M. Guest, Elsie
Johnston, daughter of George, and
'Mrs. Johnston, sof Bluevale, r. -'to
Frank James Shaw, son of Anson
and Mrs; Shaw, Morris Twp.-'
United Church, Oakville, on July
14th, by. Rev. Dr. Munro,,, assisted
by Rev. Palmer Westgate, Justine.
Williams Chisholm daughter of the
late Major Frank `EI. Chisholm and
Mrs. Chishohn, to Clarence George
Kilty, of Clinton,
,9iisses Anna and Violet. Petrie': of
Sault•Sto. Matie -visited at the home
of Mr ,and Mie.Janes Ililooclie last
Mr. and Nlrs. Zap.Ee and Aiacters
Austin and Orton, who'` had been vs-
iting ilii Detroit: fa- a fortnight, re-
turned last week.
Mr. and Mrs, Alex. McItcniie•'are.
visiting in Detroit, -
Mrs, 1tohner has gone t> f ayfield.
Lor a .time.
(Crowded' oat last weer.)
Miss' Irene Snider, a apupil of Mr:
EYESIGHT-EC71Afitt.' ' -
Wili be at
Burgess' Portrait Studio
(FormerClint ortly' R
• Every Thursday •
Floors: 9 eau. to 2:30 p.in.
EN:port Fxaminatioai; of Pies
And Fitting of Classes
P1*o.nes: Office, VI,' Evenings,
Old Sotls:Week
Our Photo Studio 'M. Clinton will be
open every clay of Old Boys' Week.
A specialty roadie of Groups of all
kinds at your horse and at our studio.
Get the family togetherrand hare por-
traitsmade. Portraits that you will
be pleased to give to Tour friends, and
at reasonable prices.
Where Good Portraits Are Made
STURGI.ION-i-At Bayfield,. on July
13th, -to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon,
a daughter,' Helen Louise.
PHILLIPS—sin" Sarnia, Si July 10th,
to Mrs and Mrs. W. Edward Phil-
lips, a son.
CHIDLEY-At- the Thames Road
manse, on July 16th, ,to Rev.'' and:.
Mrs. G. M. Qhidley, a son.,
LARKIN—At Windsor,' Ont., on July
11th,,_to Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Lar-
kin, (Ruth Eliot Hamilton of . God-
erich), a son,—Richard Hamilton.
McDONALD—In Colborne township,
on July 14th, John W. McDonald,
:: aged 6
Slabs For .Sale
A quantity of good slabs.
McCartney, Clinton, Phone
Owing to the severe frosts and
dry weather this9 v t
r season the stn-
berry crop will only be about half
what it generally is and 1.weuld ad-
vice ,those who *ant berries' for can-
ning or other purposes` to' get their
order in early and not be disappoint-
ed. The season will be very short
this year.
Can take on a few good berry pickers
• immediately
Phone 33-w Clinton' 11-4
Free Tickets or Star :Theatre'
One thousand half fare tickets
are being given away.
With every purchase of one
dollars worth of goods at
Watson's Grocery
Phope.111. ' - • 'Clinton
Farm For Sale
100Meres,•con. 6, Mullett.The late
Henry McBrien farm, good buildings
and other improvements. Clpse so
school ,and .general 'store. A first
class' farm. .Apply to Mrs. Henry
McBrien, Clinton, Sr' W. Brydone
Clinton. 13 -ti
Clothes Gleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned pressed and re-
paired. Woolen goods dry =cleaned..
Rooms over Heard'§ barber shop,
W. J. Jago. • —83-tf
Annton:- New Laid Egg' „attl
Poultry -I --louse
Eggs bought according ,to Ut in
ion Government Egg -regulations. In -
tire for pmces of eggs, You �RI1
always find our. prices touchipg city;
Fat hens and tveli:I`inishecl clucks al-
ways wanted .athighest prices
Always phone- our offset for ,prieeg,
before 'disposing of produce else
Wo appreciate pan' business and"
hake ycri
are pleased.
Office open for business on
Saturday -evenings
N. iii. Tt"ti:wurthu
Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w
The >..Mn.
Insures his •property against loss
by fire
The Wiser Man
Does . not stop there but insures his
life also. How much are you'
worth to your family?
All .Lines of insurance
Automobile Insurance at a big,
Agent for Huron County for
The Sun Life Insurance Co. of Canada
Office at residence,,, cor. 1Vlary and
Orange streets, opp, the rink
Phone 253 96-'6
What is Your -
'Replacement Value''
To cover thematerial replacement
value of, an individual ' to his family,
or to hjs'business, it • is .necessary to
create an estate, either, in cash or
'properties, the return from which,cal-
culated on. a reasonable basis,: will
'equal the average annual salary or
net earnings of'the individual. •
Assuming 6% as a fair rate of re-
turn on your assets, how far have
you , recovered- YOUR replacement
Clearing Auction Sale
Of ,farm stock and. implements. Mr.
Malcolm Montgomery has instructed
the undersigned auctioneer to sell by
public auction at lot 7, con. 3, Mullett,
(5 miles north east:. of Clinton) on
Friday, July:3lst, at I: o'clock, sharp,
the following; Horses—Span work-
ing horses; registered filly,.rising"3'
years; driving mare, •owlet and -reli-
able. Cattle -4 cows supposed to be.
in calf; cow due in the fall; Short-
horn registered cow; heifer, 1 year
old, registered; 2 heifers 1'' year old;
5 steers, •1 year old; 5 -spring calves.
Brood sow, supposed to be in pig; sow:
with 10 pigs 3 weeks old; 12 chunks
about 125 lbs. each. 70 hens, mostly.
Rocks, and 75 Rock chickens. Iniple-
ments — Massey -Harris seed drill,
combined, nearly new; 1Vlassey-Har..
ris cultivator, nearly new; steel land
roller, 'walking plow; :set 'of harrows;.
riding plow, new; gang plow; scuff-,
fier, new; wago,n nearly new; "hay
rack, gravel box, new; pea' harvester,
stock rack; set of Canadian bob
sleighs, set of Maniteba bobs, new,
root pulper; cuttings box; fanning.
mill; erean5 separator; set of Ren-
frew scales, nearly, new; road cart;
open buggy, top buggy, good as new;
gas tank, barrelof syrup, set of
double harness pearl a set of
Y new, .
plow hal neer ndssiber p33 horse col-
lars; quantity of 4 inch 'tile, quant-
;ity of elm lumber, quantity of oak
Apply A. and. elm. plank; Daisy churn;`clash
256. 16-tf. churn; 500 lbs. bran; 500 lbs. screen-
ings; number ,..of grain bags; stone
Auction Sale Postponed
The auction sale offarm, fares crop,
stock and implemeuts.Set for Monday,
July 27th, has been inzfefin'itely;post-
poned. Robert Cant. 16-1
For Your Lunch
.Have your; lunch at the Bayfield
Anglican Church_ Booth on Wednes-
day,• July 29th. Sandwiches, cake,
pie, icecream, hot dogs, tea,' coffee
and lemsonade served at all hours.
Flopie-made candy on sale. • 16-1•
Fdrnt,For Sale
-Lot 28, con. 8 ,township of .Hullett,
containing 100 acres,' with first class
barn"and'large brick; house, never -
failing well, convenient to church 'and
school, For nrtiler paeticulars .apply
on premises. : ert Nott, Lo.adesboro,
1 h.•
�B e B
R. 1t,, No l .28-18, Blyth.. ,
Safety Razor Blades Sharpened
Satisfaction guaranteed or. money
refunded. Single edge 3c. 'Double
edge,,4c J. E. llovey,di'uggist, agent,
Clinton, 15-tf
Wanted '
A small farm, 25• or 30 acres, suit-
able for raising poultry; good build-
ings; viciniyy of Clinton or Seaforth.
Box' 63, Clinton. • • 15-3
/louse and Lot for 'Sale
Blick cottage, corner of Dunlop and
Fulton streets, in good repair, elec-
tric' lights, town Water, furnace, Good
garden with small fruits and apple
and •pl un`xtrees. Mitss Elizabeth Mo-
Tavish. , 15 -ti
boat; forks, whiffletrees, neckyakos,
chains" and numerous-: other' articles..
,Everything -,.to be. 'sold .without :re-
serve as the proprietor has sold his
farm ,,Terris: All sums of X10 and -
under, cash, - over'tha mnotint, 12
months credit will be given -on furn-
is$ing ,approved joint notes or a dis-
count of 3 per cent. allowed for cash
on credit amounts. . Malcolm Mont-
gomery, Proprietor. •, Geo. 1.1. Elliott,
Auctioneer. 15-2
The Ontario Equitable Life
And A
ad /ArnidenttInsurance Co,
•r 1. I.. T. CORLiE"Sias
Phone 193 General Agent
Having taken aver the.ageney of
the Singer Sewing Machine I am pre-
pared to supply the wants of anyone
requiring machines; parts, needles,
etc. Machines sold' on 'easy terms, old
machines taken as, cash,
Tenders Wanted
Sealed'tenders'will he received up,
to July�30th for installing a r ipeless'
furnace in. school 'house , No. 8, Hul-
lett, .same' to be i11. by Sept., let. The
lowest or any tender 001' necessarily
accepted., Wm. Lyon loo. 1,
Blyth. • -' 15-2.
Thedemand for our butter is in-,
To supply this demand we require
more cream.
We request you tb ship us your
cream, : i
We guarantee you the highest
Market' Prices, accurate ;tests and
prompt service.
Ourkirnr is known to you: andneeds
no further recommend.
We pay all express charges, furn-.
,ish cream cans and; pay tv'tice each
Write, forcans or furher informa-
tion to the
Phone 171J P.O. Box 201, Clinton
We have a supply of Furnace, Stove,
Nut and Soft. Also some good dry
slabs. Leave orders at residence.
Phone 155, Huron Street.
Having erected new coalsheds will
have on hand full stock of coaly
immediate delivery. Prices reason-
Orders taken of residence, phone 119
Clinton s
THERE 15 A MAN IN OUR-row(51
• 15•I T C
TIIi'iRSDt1Y, JULY 23, 1925. - fp
To Farrners of
This VicllliltU
We have taken over the Agency for the
International Ha •vester Corps
of Canada,
including all McCormick, Deering and International Lines
Consisting of IVIqghines, Implements, Cream Separators, Motor
rucks, eta;: with repairs for: all
We are preparedto give you service at all times by having our
store oven for you and a man always' on hand. ,:We will specialize
on all repairs and have them, on hand when/wanted:
Mr. A. 1. McMurray,District Representative of the International
`Harvester Company -wp be here every Saturday to consult with.
TELEPHONES --Day, No, 53; Night, No. 3
Rowland's 01d 'Stand
Gold Medal Twine either eight
or five Ib balls, * Special' price for
cash to July lst.
Have complete stock of Bran,
Shorts, Screenings, Cracked,Corn,'
Fine and Coarse Chick Feed, let
us know requirements as feed will
be quite scarce before new crop.
t. ,
Agents for Toronto Asphalt.
Roofing this is the best -by test.
�We guarantee ,every job, carry
complete stock and several colors
See ours before buying.
'There is no secret about the advan-
tages of buying 'coal early. -Prices are
dower during. the Summer • months:'
-The yard has ample time to give your
order special attention. Delivery can
be scheduled: to meet your` conven-
ience. . And" once your ;coal' is in 'the
bin, ,you've nothing more to 'worry
about, It used'to'be the fad to put
off ordering coal ;until the first' cold'?
snap. But now, more. and; more peo-
ple every ,year Jay in their winter's'
supply as' regularly as: Summer, roils
around. Have -you ordered yours,
Call the va.cRaParrgt
or good; dean coal'
C,; •,�O � 1`i
!, C��qq
P Ohlla
Phone 123
Flour and ,Feed Merchant's and
G. am.A. FORD• & SON
Minton Garage
Makes of Cars
and Batteries
Lawn Mowers Sharpened
Baby Buggy, Buster. Brown, etc„
tires put on while you wait.
If youhave car• or battery•trouble
consult our mechanic.
Do you want your little son to
enjoy himself? -We have a Joycyole
in stook for boy or girl age 5 to 7
C. C. M. cycles in stock.' Come in
and look them over. We can get any
size you may requireon short notice.
- A. S. (LEY
Garage Ph, SO Res. Ph. 167 r 2
-C. H. VENNE " Electrician
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons,. Fans and other
Wiring and Repairs.
Pl►one 75iw
end the pain
quickly, safely
In one minute yon can endthe pain of
> corns with Dr. Scholl's Zino -pads. They
end the misery of corns by eliminating
the cause, friciron:pressure, No danger
of infection•from cutting or corrosive
Zino•pads are thin; antiseptic, water-
proof. They protect while they heal,
Sizes for corns, callouses and bunions.
Call today and get a box of this new,
magic corn treatment.
Dr Sch;
Put one on—the pain is gone!
Wealao carrya eombletelinaofDr. Sehotra
Foot Comfort AApllances and Baaidka
Footwear and Foot Comfort
The Big •Shoe Store',
Opposite the Town Hall
S a ed uck,heat
Cood clean grain for seed
under il@e
Special:prices'for cash this month
vine VVeddings
Good quality Flowers at reasonable prices'
Satizfaction Guaranteed
Greenhouse Phone 141-r-3
Greenhouse Open ,Evenings