HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-07-23, Page 3A Sweei Bre X11 limes 1 `Atter eating ea- site ne Wrigley's rieehealiethe'ntoutI -t=dsweetens the breath. ,• Nerves are soothed. throat • refreshed and digestion aided i So easy to carry the little pecicetl • -a &'f¢f gs%I teasfol Asa Ca'J The heart of Montreal., Here you will be catered to with 'true United Hotels' hospitality. Rates three•doll"ars a day and up. Vernon G. Cardy Managing Director Direction: United Hotels 'Com- • -many of•America- f vdi' CTO RAPID The - world's best • hair tint.' Will re- sto.'e gray hair tq its natural color' n' 1K minutes. Small size; $3,30, by mall - Double size, $6,b9' by mall The W. T.,FemberStores Limited 129 Yongc St, Toronto i In a Way to Learn. "Well, the pugilist was married last night."r , "So? he'll soon be knowing more about lila business, I guess. a They Won't Wash. , . It is reported that last year a speoial sanitary commission of the Soviet gov- ernment in Russia discovered in Si. Weida an isolated tribe 800 miles from any other Human community, They know about as much of the world in which they live as we know of Mars and .its possible inhabitants. Though, there was naturally no lack of, water, it was. found -that they never lased -it except as a drink. ;. Force had to be used to,. wash these strange people: Not only did they never" wash their bedrest they never. washed their clothes:• or their 'cooking. utensils. They were, in short; what Gilbert calls. in "The Mikado" "very imperfect-abluttoners." Dr. Johnson is reported ta have de- 1 Glared that he "hated immersion," but , the first Mall the commissioners at- tempted to bath actitally died, either of fright or of some form of auto-sug- t `'.gestion: • d Wise "Provisions of lattlre There is a,etirious xesemblanee be-' ttreen the stomach of a hen and a corn mill; the Drop-auswexing to the, hop per and the gizzard .'to the stones which 'cars)" tbo',00rn. Fiat the most emai4cible "reseiu_ bl'ance ..in, this -to prevent too mach corn fu'oin'goinginto the stones at once a rdcelyer is, placed' between•thenr and the' hopper so that the cern may be•dribbled out just' as fast as it Ir, required. The same pro- cess, takes place in the hen as the :crop' may, be, filled anti its food only enters, he guard gradually'and as F.11 -4t•' -as ft le able to digoot (1, A grub'called the,glow-'<saam gives out a:pliosphoric°llg1i in,t3ie darkness.' Why? :In order that her mate' may find her, for while she is a worn' he is a' fl -1 hon earth,lois y, and while She is in theair most of the time, The web (O1,the spider Ls a compel- sating cvittriv(nce. . The food 01, the spider 'is flies, yet how is he to catch them without his having wings? His. web is a net, and he net' only knows' how.io wertve --it, but he furnishes" the thread to weave' it from his own body. In many, species of insects the. eye is fixed and cannot be turned in socket; To supply this great refect, the eye of such insects 1 e multiplying ;the with a lens looking in every di- r•eotion-and showing every object that may be -near, Thus at first what seems ja 'filiation, is in reality -an" advantage, as an. eye ,so eonstracted seems better adapted to the wants of these crea- tures than any other type. The nock of the chameleon is stiff and cannot be turned. :However; Na- ture is, never at a loss. The chame- leon's eye ball stands out so far` that more than half of it- projects from the head and the muscles function so very curiously that the pupil can be turned in any direction. He 'can look• back- .wards ack-wards without turning his body. Tho parrot would have an 'neon. Yenience in the yery hooked shape of its upper mandible, if the mandible were . stationary like that of other birds. But it is not, and the hook can ,be used in suspending itself and it can be used 'in a variety of ways since it is capable pf being moved at pleasure. Many quadrupeds '-have •long ear that they can move backward and fo ward with great ease, and in this way detect the species of sounds. The ears of the dog,: -oat and. horse are so co struoted. The- elephant's short neck ie coin pensated by the admirable device of a phobosefe. The queen beetle carries brilliant lamps which she lights'with hos lie tis furnished her...b nature P D. r y t e Moles' eyes are- tiny .and, fur -bedded ao that the dirt may not get in. you'd like 'a.'"little better' flea the o are using, please'' try "Red RoNils The swimining -pool at Crystal Gardens, 'Victoria, B.C., ,the largest alt water natatorium in the world. It is 140 feet long, The King and the Cow.? W A1AT USE I"eisal, warrior chieftain and ally of .. MMNGS. the British in Mesopotamia, now Icing of Irak, is is roan not easily lluetered. - After tale Peace Conference his friend Danger '8igftal� `That Everyoneand' eonlrade-in-arms, Cal. Thomas 'E, Should }lake Seriously. Lawrence, took ham for a tour of. the British Isles, ;and •while' -ie -Sootlane, -' Pain is, one of • Nature's warnings they were entertained at a formal din- that something is wrong with the body. nor in Glasgow, Indigestion, for instance, Is character - The Emir had been all day so busily tied by,,pains" In the` stomach; ;and of- seeing the' sights along the Clyde, re- .ten, Dabout the' heart; rheumatlsm by lases itlr: Lowell Thomas in Asia, that sharp palna the imba mfs s when the time came. to respond to the headaches areIn a'eignlthat tiffands nerve toast in his :honor he• was unprepared. or stomach are out of order. In some As Junk 'would have .it, the only -other ailments, such ae anaemia, pain' ie not person. present who could understand so' prominent. Inl this case Nature's Arable was Lawrence, who acted as the fam pallor, interpreter. So when' Feisal was call- breathlessnesswarningtakes after slightrexofertion, ed upon to speak he. leaned over and palpitation' of the heart, and loss of an- whispered in Lawrence's -ear: petite Whatever form, these warnings "I havep't a thing to say. I will re - . wise people will notignore the peat the passage from the Koran on foot that _:many diseases have their the cow, and you may tell them 'any origin in poor blood, and that when the tiring you like!" 'blood is` enriched the trouble disap- It so happens that the passage ex- pears, Dr. Williams' Pink Bills are. s trolling the cow 1s one of the most F most helpful in such eases because r- sonorous and euphonious parts of the ',they purify and build up the blood to Koran, and the business men of. Glas-, its normal strength. In this way'it, cow were accordingly much impressed. `tones up the nerves, restores the an- - Had that melodious outpouring been I petite and gives perfect health. Miss literally translated, this and more 011 Hazel'Bterndt, of Arnprior, Ont,; hoe: - it 19 'what the Scotch gentlemen would Droved the great value of this;medialne have heard: I and says;—"I am a young girl, and, . "Moses answered, He with she is have been working"in a factory for the ' neither an old cow nor a young heifer, ' poet four years: For two years 1 had but of a middle age between both; do been in sect poor health that at times , ye therefore that which ye are tom. 1 could not 'work. I was thin and pale,', mended. She is-`a'red Dow, intensely' and troubled with headaches and. red; her color rejoiceth in the behold.' fainting spells. I doctored nearly all ors, She is a cow. not broken to 'slough' this time, but It did not help me. My the earth or water til"e field;' a sound mother advised me to take Dr. Wil - one, there is no blemish In her, Then liens' Pink Pills, and after using them they sacrificed her; yet they, wanted for a while I could notice an improve - but little of leaving It undone," !anent in my. condition. -I used nine But Colonel Lawrence, keeping a boxes aud can truthfully say that my straight ;face, provided such a suitable, health is restored. When I began tak- Should Encourage Boys in In- , atrumental School Music. Every child spends a large part of his hast eighteen years in school. His music and school work must progress simultaneously or one or the other be neglected, if net entirely :abandoned. If he possesses musical ability of a marked, degree, the school studies are usually eacrillced, with a permanent educational deficit to :the child, If music' be to his dislike, he is most cer- tain to face later a regret -that mitsical instruction was discontinued at a time when mind and muscle was retentive and pliant. • ,Very few persdns acquire facility in any drill, subject' atter twenty, years of ages The concert artistsnow before the public were Masters of technic on their chosen instruments while still In their teens. It is imperative they, that music be part of the instruction re'' ceived during the school years, and for that reason it should be part of the curriculum of the school. All progres- sive school systems have music in some form; but it is more frequently confined to singing. In the last decade however, instrumentalmusic has at - traded considerable attention, and many cities have incorporated it in the programme.• This particular phase or music usually appeals to boys, Taste in art, literature and music can be acquired. The average boy of average intelligence, with good teach- ing,can learn to play almost any in- strument . and produce therefrom sounds that are quite above the aver- age, The unusual instruments of the orchestra, each as the oboe, bassoon, French horn,' string bass, flute and clarinet, fall easy, prey to thenimble, fingers and chert minds' 01 bright-eyed, vigorous boys, and they derive no small,pleasure from being able to play. If theboy can do it, and -he can, he should be given a chance to do it. A Wireless Warning. g A doctor`atates that•rnaiiy people us - ug wireless headphones develop ;the 'radio ear," a type of eczema, Young eople are particularly 'susceptible. The malady, 'if not recognized and reated in Its early stages,; is apt to evelop into an obstinate: and painttil ondition, which, du later stages, is.dif- cult to cure. The cause Iles in the fact that the eaclphones, fitting tightly- against the arexert considerable pressure on be ear cartilage and render the skin ensrtive.Earpiece covers. made 011 rouge rubber remove the pressure on,1 he ears and do not interfere much with eniilation; '.ince. they are more. or Minard's Liniment for Backache. - n Willing to Assist. Charles-- ",I'rn In love with a charm- e e ing girl, and P1 ',like to ask your ad- t vice." s 141aisie—"I'm willing to heap you all I can," t "Well, now, would you advice me to %v, propose,toyou`?" Ie and ready misinterpretation that they never suspected they had been hear- ing the proper qualifications of a sacri- ficial vow and not an eloquently -turned Oriental compliment to their hoepi- Wily. RED HOT JULY DAYS HARD ON THE BABY July •—• The month of oppressive heat; red hot days and sweltering nights; is extremely hard on little ones. Diarrhoea, dysentery, colic and cholera infantum carry off thousands of precious little lives every summer. The mother must be constantly on her guard to prevent these troubles, or if they come on suddenly to fight them. No other medicihe is of such aid to mothers during the hot summer as is Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate the bowels and stomach, and an - oc- casional dose given to the 'well' child will prevent summer compiaint, or if the trouble does come on suddenly will bahish it:. The Tablets are sold by Medicine dealers or by .mail. at -26 cents a boa from The .Dn, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. . Eupeptic and Dyspeptic. • Stories about Eugene "Field or that Eugene Field used to tell are always amusing, and 14I. C.. H. Dennis's book, Eugene Field's Creative Years, is full of them. • Speaking of ,the dyspepsia whioh wee so often a burden that made. Field's elteerfulnees a triumph as well as a gift, Mr, Dennis sayie 1 Sol` Smith Russell the Comedian, ' was not only aclose: friend but "a fel- - low dyspeptic, end ,Field used to tell with', huge "glee a story to the effect that one midnight, after giving a per- formance in an E'''astern city, Russel went into a "restaurant to get some- thing to eat. While be partook'spar- ingly of bread and milk he saw an old • friend of the name of Parsons attack ing with gusto•, a plateful of corned ' beef and cabbage. Russell. •"How' dare you fill yourself with such vitua:s at this time of night?" "Oh, I can stand it," refilled Parsons happily. "But my dear fellow " D 1 ] t 'd Russell, "do you know how longe.. it takes corned beef and cabbage to ;di- gest?" Ing the pills I weighed -97 pounds and now I weigh 114. I feel that owe my good health to Dr, Williams' Pink Pills and hope other ailing people will give them a fair trial," You can get these pills through any Medicine dealer pr..at 60. -cents. a box from Tile Dr, Willtanis' Medioine Co., Brockville, Ont. Weighingg a Sunbeam. What pressure can a beam of light exert? - A beam of fight, like' a let of water, pushes against any, obstacle placed in 1te path, but• the push, al- thbugls very minute, ban be measured. The English physicist,. James Clerk Maxwell, was'the first to suggest that light can exert preseure, and he 'work- ed out mathematically what the force should be ,It web ,not till nearly thirty years later than an attempt was made to measure it experiniontally. The rmanwho made the experiment was Professor 'Lebedeff, a Russian scient- iet. - From a delicate fibro of quartz he hung a small vertical rod, across the lower end of Which wore securod•two shorter rods,carryingat their 'outer ends discs of very thin metal. Two of the discs were blackened and two were polished. The whole arrange- ment was in 'reality an'eXtremefyBen-. eitive balance, and the twisting was measured' by means .Cf- a tiny mirror attached to the apparatus andturning with it It was enclosed In a globe of .-glass from which alr• had been ex eluded. A beam ,of light was concentrated. on to the pelt of blaelreneci disc. The pressure of light caused the quartz. fibre to twist slightly'', .and ,the angle of deflection was measured by reflecting a spot of light -from the attached, mir- ror on -to a. fixed scale. The; beam was then played on the polished discs and the angle measured again, in this case beingabout twice the previous amount. In this way a very,aeourate determina- tion of the. force 'of lightpressare was obtained•. . The effects of light -pressure aro :fa miliar to the astronomer. Perhaps the best-known case is that of comet's tails. The materials. composing the tail of a comet are so�-light'.that the pressure of .sunlight has .more effect on thein than the sunt;; gravitational attraction, Consequently" a cornet's tail always points away from the sung "Merciful heavens, Parsons!" cried fCHeft l k �. _ . f ourQzu 2 i�tc%ien a very feel o f X4.willrma e o w' i,balances. yeti ant to-pwir it,, t 6 o nicely, 1 seems; `l�o y,et be rust: . right. 4. handle,1,... a ged handle.- rigid means no t tip around like a hinged That slipping, scalded hands or accidents.' See how yon fill it? You and c t u tap forby dipped :, I stn fill it right under the tap or by dipper because opening is at the side,' not the. centre iii t1 1 J., an a oldfas 4heea ne,wupdo-i Etc kettles coat no more t than. the old fashioned fcetdo,. , exp s ai a e "No, I haven't the remotest idea," said Parsons.' 'Well, I happen to know," said Rus- sell;'' "it takes five htnlrs-five solid, Hours." "Oh, that's all right," said Parsons. I've got just about that much time to devote to it," ' A somewhat similar story of J. Is, Toole was, told -,to Field in London, Dropping inat the Garrick Club one evening, Toole fonnd Irving eating: a Welsh rabbit. After gazing frxeclly,at the concoction, Tonle shook 'hands with Irving and said; solemnly; "Give my Love to dear old Charles Mathews," Then he surliecl rand :Walked away. PVldthews had jioen ;lead three years! Ancient Eclipses. Eclipses as far back as 1207 B.C. are recorded at Oxford University Obser- vatoi•y. ' Isi Cho same huge book 'are 1 predictions concerning future eclipses as far ahead as the yoar A,.D, 2163, ` Australia's Child Br'Ides. _Australian marriages;1 during 1923 included 483 brides under seventeen • ;years ofage,,the youngest being only thirteen,' and. seventy'thres women of. sixty-five years' and over. The oldest -- bridegroom was eighty,six. 0 n .mothers' a I Among the. Y u g was a child of twelve, while slit girls of. only tlrtrteen• years gave birth- to children, Referring to Intent s nortality, W. 'Springthorp president ` of" the Health Association 'fol';I Women, and Children in Victoria, stated that Aus- tralia lost 122 473 children tralfa had unclog the ago -of five years between 1913 and 1922. What the Boy Thinks! _An address was' presented li3 the. boys`of the Teeswater Troop to the tiring Scoutmaster. It makes.interes't-. log reading -and" also Shows' -that Sir Itobort Basten -Podell built wisely and well when lie fashioned the Boy Scout organization on lines that appeal to the boy, the address read: ' Dear Scoutmaster, ' Wewho-have ` `_1noftted by your lnstructlone in the school (the Scoutmaster Is a school teacher), wit- nessed your painetalciug industry 111 our, behalf, and benefitted by -your en.- thusissm'iri the Boy.Scout movement, desire to express_ our appreoiation of your services, and our regret at sever - lag our happy and profitable .relation ship. As a teacher you have always been interested in our welfare, patient with our imperfections, lust in your reproof, and ever -ready toexplain away, our diftleulties: and enlighten as Mr as was In your power our under- atandleg. - We have apiireeiated your efforts, and while perchance; often- an- noyingr you by our iiiisohlef, or thought- lessness, or.our indifference, we meant no disrespect but were actuated only by the impulsiveness of youth: Let ibis be• our apology. We 'held you always ,in the highest respect. The Scout movement appealed to us most strong- ly. In lt'.we were brought more close- ly together. The physical exercise, the hikes into the country, the' training in observation, reeourcefulnese;. self-re- liance, . honor, courtesy, and general helpfulness, will not soon •lie forgotten, while 'the get-together: feeling 6f the Camp' FIre with the Camp Fire yarns created a feeling of comradeehip such as no other relationship could -arouse. We will remember the teaching and the experiences forever." What the Magistrate Says, "Bob, Scouts do 'good turns for peo- ple, not annoy them," declared'ansagis- trate recently in the juvenile court, when releasing two lads with instruc- tions to join some Scout troop. The boys were in court for destroying fences and cherry trees. They pro- mised ta join a troop. _What Simcoe Thinks. Theeo le o i f Simcoe think the. p D Scouts of their town are really living up to their 'motto—"13e ,,,Prepared." Fifty seven minutea;;after the call from Fisher's -Glen for Boy Scouts was re- seived four auto loads of Simcoe Scouts were fighting a bush fire re- cently, twelve miles out of town, What a' Wolf Cub Did.' 'Everyone has heard the story of Sir Walter Raleigh; the gallant . courtier who spread his cloak '90 the road that the. Queen, alight pees over dry shod. But listen to this story that a gentle- man recently told about a Cub, having witnessed the event himself. In a city last winter there was lined up boys and girls, poor children, waiting to get `into a free concert given at a mission. One.thinly clad little girl; whose shoes were also in holes, seemed to feel the Gold more than the rest and shifted from foot to foot. Along came a boy who noticed her. He Hatched for a moment then suddenly pulled off his cap and throw it on the ground, at lief, feet and said, "Stand on that, kid." Who do you think did the greatest deed, Raleigh or the Cub?" We think the glib, for his act was done simply as an hnpulse of thoughtfulness. and without expectation of recognition' or reward. "How did I know that he was a Wolf Cub?" said the gentleman who tells and witnessed the Ineldent. "Why, he was, wearing the same little Mathis on his coat that my own Wolf Cub son wears here at Mime." What Twenty-five Thousand Scouts Promleed. At the Wembley Exhibition last year there were gathered together a great concogrse ;of Scouts from every part of the world. In connection with a Sunday afternoon meeting held in the stadium, Sir Robert Baden-Powell, fol- lowing other speakers, addressed the Scouts. "I bid you pause for a mo- ment," he said, "1'ower flags, and bend your heads; and think of your Scouts promise—that you will do your best to do 'your duty to God and the King, to Help other people at all times,- and obey the Scout Law. I want you to go forth from here eager to serve God, and the Ring,_and your fellow men: Those who will do' that stand up and tell me." And immediately twenty- five thousand Scouts stood on their feet and with bands raised high in the. shouted—"I will." same good tea for 30 years, Try it! The'` Oxen. � iadsified Advertiserssnte Oh, while are the oxen white as the i11T6-i rlsEver i'nnISANENTI,Y s:rokrrn. b1'Oolt 51. by T., ash's nep,edy, Senate home lrcntmenW 6 pante' ,tuacgna. ihoutondn lgetlmoelalo. lVrltv'. at, That spangles to foam on the rock; endo To Iran ;wok, 10s511'5 itemndliu visas& Dept - And they plod the length of the wood- Y' 79 Addald° nna4 Toronto, cans• ' {cut udu °°t.) land road Under the situ's recLelockt' , They go down the shadows of even - . time; They thread their way 60 slow, Ohl there in the fading purple light-- There, there In the afterglow! The farm -boy slugs from his, laden rack; He whistles with long day:,done, While the great wheels rumble along • the track - Toward the rim of the setting sum! The oxen clash: a spreading horn And quicken their pace .a bit, For yonder are Dribs -of yellow corn_ And'la:hea of the,farm=house lit! Oh, yonder is peace in the drowsy stall Beyond the tug of the day; Beyond the lanes of the forest tall ,And the ring of the axe alwayl.. It is good to be back in the twilight •hour ' To the orib and the clover=mo'w • With a -fragrance there of the withered flower= , A dream of the slow trails' novel Leslie CIare Manchester. Singers' Please Note. - Why is it that singers, :geed, bad and indifferent, invariably Ignore on'their programmes, the writers of the song- veriee? Surely the poet ie' entitled' to some slight: recognition, for the poem is the sourceofinspiration'to the com- poser, the foundation of the interpre- tation and the current of understand-. Ing between singer and audi'enee., -Who would want to hear a singer, n6 matter how' beautiful the a voice: and •melody, - stand up • and give sixty mea- sures of Tra=la-la,.and call it'a song? We look for a poetic sentiment besides a well -sung' melody, and we can only find it in the verse that existed before' the song, and without which the song could not exist. Moreover, do not some powerful songs, such as "The Blind Plowman, "The Grey Wolf," "Fland- ers Fields," de., although coupled with very beautiful music, make their dra- matic appeal and- lasting impression through the words? There is no more reason to ignore the writer of the words than the writer of the melody, yet Such is generally the case; and still worse, the prograin- mes of -many choruses, which even go 'so far as to print 'the poems in full, omit the. names of the poets, A 'Change of Climate, Fly—"My " it's hot down here in Sbuth America." Bug—"Why don't you come up here at the North PJole, where it's nice and cool? Keep Minard's Lrniment in the House.. A Cisme Observer. "Oh, mamma," little . Margaret ex. claimed In an awed tone onreturning from a visit to a spinster aunt noted for the'prim neatness with which she kept her house. "I saw a ily in Aunt Maria's house. - "But," she added thoitglltfully, as if half justifying its presence, "it was washing itself," Use U A! EYES IF:IUT'ATBD ny SUN WIND,DUST.6 CINDEI$S 95 °1 07,41 D .; ¢ ieZ DkUaarsrs 6: opr2Ctn5 V a{se ren raen ovs SAne non¢ MVntNeca, NnrappA,y,t See That This Label,. is: on Your Fox Wire "Prince Edward" .Brand English FOX Wire—recognized by the above label on every, roll—has given more than fourteen years of perfect service on' pioneer ranches and is being ':used' for most ofthe new ranches. "There's a reason." Write or wire for free_ sample and prices, • IIOLMisaleltJ Summerside- P, E, Island Ontario Sales Agent W. H. C. ijUTHVEN , ALLISTON ONT. L Say Bayer, - Insist! Unless you see the "Bayer yer Cross" on tablet; you are not getting the genuine Bayer prod- uct proved safe by millions and • .prescribed by physicians for 25 years, Accept only a 4 Beverckage ,which contains proven directions Handy "Bayer" Boxes of 12 tablets Also bottle° of 24 and 100—Druggists dwlrtn Is the. trade malt (registered In Canada) of Bayer Mnuufaeturo of Mono• aceticscldaster of aalloyllcaeld, Cuticura Clears The Scalp ri' f , Dandruff Regular shampoos with Cuticura Sean, preceded by light applications of Cuti- cure Ointment, do much to cleanse the. scalp of dandruff and promote a healthy condition necessary to producing thick hair.. Cutioura Soap and Ointment'are ideal for °every.dnytoilet uses meeting every want or the skin and scalp. °angio Saoh Pree.bty Mau. Adde,s,p Cana+Hae `Depot: m eohama, td., Moalcum M Prleo, gong M. Ointment 2b and ape Talcum rbc, Culcura ShavingStick25c. "]f" Is a little rockyislet in the o 1 -' f gu IIS of Lyons, Frande, two miles southwest of 1liarseilles. ' Fcr Cver ,1. I P, n c _ Ihiment• Y I - � - Wlr �WAl'dT`CI'iUFh1lNG Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegeta- ble Compound a Dependable Help for Mothers There's Alwaya An If. Coal Mine in Street. Coal'discovered while Iaying a sewer in a. busy Street in Coatbridge;; Scot: land,- is being dug up at the rate of nine or ten tons it day, The "pit" is thirty-eight. Leet deep. For ;{irst Ald--Alinard'a LInilnen'a "Does Fred Bite parties?" "He saya'I'm the only party he's, trlterooted n,'1 Old Ways 'i3est• They still like the'.oltl ways best on the west bailie of the Tibor, When it Was detorrlrined to illuminate the dome of St. Peter's in Gonne, tion with the ceremony of canonizing a new saint'.' the idea of '..csing electric larups that could be turned en and DPL by 0 switch I' was at. once dismissed. Torches and candles were used, and three Hundred' men were heft busy lighting incl tend- ing theta. we ,epply, cans and ;fay ex prosy charges. We pay daily by express money orders. which "can bo cashed enyebe1e without any charge. • To • obtain the top price,'' :Cream must h@- res from: bad. iluvors'and contain not lean' titan, 30 ;per centL Butter Fal., -Bowes 'Company Latnite3, I oroozko For references—Head 011lce, Toronto Bank el Ilontreal, or your, local banker 1etablished • ter -ever thirty :years.,• H d IVIIt IACK3 Massage with MI:lard's and feel the pain disappear. P611 Greville, Nova Scotia,—" I took your medicine for a•terrible pain in my side and, for weakness and headaches. I seemed ; to bloat all over, :+,too, and my feet and hands were the worst. I am the mother of four children and I ala nursing niy baby -the first one of four I could' nurse: I took Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound' before the baby'sebirth, ao you can see how much -- it helped' me. 1 cannot praise it too highly for what it has done for me. I' tools all kinds of medicine, but the Veg- etable Compound the only one that. • Isar helped me for „any length of time. I recommend it to any one with troubles `> like mine and y u may use my letter fora: testimonial.'' -Mrs. RRomaxov McCuangy, -Port Greville, Nova Scotia.:. • Before and afterchild,birththe mother will find Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a blessing. Many, many letters are received giv- ingthe aaine sort of experience as is given in this letter. Not only is the mother benefited, ;but these good results pass on to the child. No" harmful drugs are used in the preparation of this medicine-5ustroots and hobs—and it can be taken in safety by the nursing mother. 98 out of every 100 Women reported, benefit from its use in a recent canvass among women users of this medicine. C •ISSUE No. 29—!25