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The Clinton News Record, 1925-07-23, Page 2
CLINTGd;-ONTAi410, Terms o1' Subcc Iption--2 2° P21' Year • des 'teb,ironi Demi' ton Buys: 000. Twenty pigs thirtyono of h fn alivange, to Canadian aldressce p`t p' t Yt ",50 to the U.S. or other foreign ''tt �n 7 ,end! 3 o'clockTlltil lav and a cressn separator worzdas';royed . e0 os. 'No paper Siiseml4#paei morningII,oinlaton and district re- in trio barns. • uiit(i ai( circt;s :.re,liaid uric>s a' c'i�icd the fulI fury o`f a violent t..ec-i. A despatch' from Be evil_esaYs.1 the option of the publisher, The trsca. Storni; iiiiiiompaniod by a high' A large section • of. Prince Edward date to which every slabseiriptle;n1a wind and torrential rain.' County was swept: by a terrific wind - Pahl to denol1ed 00 the 1., 001. don iderab�e damage vis 'dol.e to storm Thursday morning for the space . Jtdvertieine Rates--Tranaient wive,- trees, Many were uprooted, and ono .l of half an hour, and when it bad Using, 12e per count 11ne first et the Beach • fell over an timecctpaed ,pa sed it' W21.5 found to have left 'a insertion, •to for each eubsequeub •house and demolished it. ' Overhead very iheavy loss to- property 01 its insertion, :l-Ieading 0011nts 2 1'.nos, wires and pollssufferedmuch, wh;le wake. Thzstorm area was from Cherry 5tnatt advo:tihements, not to exceed dorgrqmid conduit systems were Vo:ley to' three orfoul' miles north aro damaged, by, reason or ,sewers beingrfie oded. Officials; of the Dell Tuleplione Co.. reported that at one time during the storm 2,goo telephones were pasoelyz- a accord ed, and service on mostly ..a1 long- o bout and will be eharged 1 3 distance lilies was interrupted, C- S PS. T one inch, such es 'Wanted,' "Lost," "Strayed," 'eta, inserted' once • ior 355c, each subsequent insertion, ile Advertirenlent9 sent. in without in- structions -as in •tilt "number of in- sertions wanted wilt rim until:0h•der• isgly. Rateo for display advertising inaade known- on. application. Comm all lekl 27 0215 intended for publi• cation trust, as a guarantee of.;goed .051.01„be accotnpanfed by the naive of the writer; G. El, I2ALL, 7I. 13: CLARK, Proprietor. Editor, G. D. HcTAGGAR'P a AI. D. 7sIcTAGGART MCA ART, BR.®S BANKERS A general Banicing Business transact., ed. Notes Discounted,, Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed on Deposits. ' Sale Notes Purchased, H. • '. RANCE Notary Public Conveyancer. Financial, Real Estateeend Eire in- surance Agent. 'Representln'g 14 Fire Insurance Coinpaniesr'' Division Court Office, Clinton, W. BRYDONE R D®NE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. SLOAN BLO Office: CK CLINTON DR. 3. - C. GANDIER ()Met. hours• -7.30 to 3.30p•nr.,r,6,30 to 8.00 p.m. Sundays, 12.30 to 1.30' D,m, •Other; hours by appointinentoiily. Office and ,:Residence — Victoria St. DR. METCALF BAYFlELD, ONT. Office Lours --2 t2 4:7 to 8. 'Other hours by appointment., - DR. H. S.'BROWNi , L. M.C.C. - Qntoe Roars 1,30 'to 2.30 p.m. 7.30 to 9.00 9,01. Sundays 1.00 to 2,00 p.m, .Other hours byappointmene ce,' 218W Phones Cell Restdeoce, 21$3 DR. PERCIVAL HEARN Office and Residence: Relent Street Clinton, Ont Phone 69 (Formerly occupied by the late Dr, C. W. Thompson): EYoe Examined and Glasses Fitted. Dr.A Newton Brady. Bavfleld Graditata Dublin University, Ireland, Late Extern : Assistant Master, Ro. Wade. 1:Iosptta3 for Women and Child. ren, 'Dublin, Office at residence lately occupied by flours: -9 tos. 10 retie 6 to 7 9,0).`' Sundays -1 to 2 pen. D. H. McINNES Chiropraotor-Masseur Qx Wingham, will beatthe Commerc- ial Inn, Clinton, on Monday and Thursday foreeoons each week.. Diseases of all kinds successfully Intuited. DR. J. ,M[. A T KINSON Optometrist. 61. Optlolan Graduate Royal. College of Science, Toronto:: Licentiate Ontario Board of lexantiners, and Washington ' State Board of Examiners, Eyes examined and giasscs fitted. Will be et Bayfeid every Tuesday and Sattu'dy, from 2 to 8 pen. at Di: G. 8. Aikiuson's Dental 06 1ce, Main.Street, Solenoid, Ont. 12.8=p, GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auetieneer'for the County • of Huron Correspondence Promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be .made for .Sales Date at The Newe=Record, ' Ciintopor by calling Phone 203. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction 'Guaranteed, • B. R. HIGGINS Clinton, Ont, Pen'ar'an Fire and Life Iuaurance: Agent for Hartford Windstorm, Live Stock, Automobile and Sickness and Accident Insurance,,.iuron and: Erie end (atut da Trust Ronde. Appointments made to meet parties at'"Brueef1eld,' Varna. ,and ,Bayfield, - 'Phone 67." OSCAR KLOPP Boner. Graduate Carey Tones' ?Oationai school"of,Auctioneering, Chicago. Spe- cial'coursd taken in Pure Breit Live Stock, Real Estate, Merchandise and Farm Sales. Rates in keeping with prevailing market. Satisfaction as. sured. 'Write or wire,' Zurich Ont, Pholte 18,93. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Head Office, Seaforth, Ont. DIRECTORY: president, Dallies Connelly, Goderluh toe; James Evans, Beechwood; Sec. 'veasurer, Thos: E. Hays, Seaferth, Irectgra; George McCartney, ,Saa- ol•tl}; D, 2'. Mc0r's_gor, eeeorth; 'J G. riQ�v�_9t Welton; Win. ng, eleafoteji; , ldptlwen C iitoe;Robert ],erriee, ar ob ; 3olin ennewelr, Seedhagee; need'bnnolle, Goderich. Agents: Alex. Leitch, Clinton; J. W. Teo, Goderich; bid. Hinc1ray, See'' forth; W. Chesney, Egmondville; II. G.'earmuth, Brodilagen, Any money to' be paid in may be paid to Moorish Clothing Co., Clinton, or at Cult's, Grocery, $oderieb, . Parties desiring to affect Insurance or transact other business will be promptly attended to on application to Any of the above °encore addresses to heir respeptive post olipe. Lawes pepectee by the Director who lives' nearest ,the Scow, Power' lines of the Hydro-laectric' and the Dominion Dower and Trans- mission Co.. were also •'aifectecl, but not to a serious degree. Several barns and silos were report- ed" to have been bad ---y damaged at neat, by rural 'points, Serice; on radiallines and the street railway; was interrupted by fallen, wires and, trees which fell across!the track. One large tree w5s struck by light- ning near the Nurses' Home at the 'General Hospital: It fell within a few feet of the building. A despatch from. Cornwall says: g y conditions have fallen to the ground. reduce Lha service and- caesurae allow $1,26. No. 2, per the, rale lots, $14. Huge'. Painting for Doge's. Chnr:es Crites, aged about 38 years, con - Scores of barns were demolished;;: crops' were flattened, and 'fruit trees uprooted in various parts, many orch- ards being; badly dam t ed by the wind. A silo at the A. C. Miller _:ant r at Picton was de;rio;ishecl and phyte glass windows were blown in stores” Yerexville was the centre of the cy- clone, This place' is about' two miles' north of Picton. Thomas Alexander's' barn \vas'sirnply lalown to'pieces,, S0i Aptlt .� That Ted F ealh�a Tilous,1nds take llood'3 Sarsapa- rilla as their tonic medicine for ttt,tt, tired feeling,' nervous wenknesa, im-'. pure blood, and testify that it rnakes' ' t!lem fuel bettor, eat and sloop better, Hood's Sarsaparilla has given en- tire satisfaction to" three generations in tete treatment of .general, ability. It restores the appetite, relieves that tired feoli0 , enables the system to zcs:Et infectious dlspaegs, Hoods Sarsaparilla aide' digestion and n1a0©s food taste good. A goof. cathartic' is tiood's Pete. :heataerr.iil oney Lures B. '2931 Vacatiotaists furl~,. Owed Isla A, , despatch from London = says ;-- llritons, like Americans, are .getting more rndlmore inthe habit of taking `ri�„'' "' '' ,,,� � 02 r:'s:�l: �� •'��a,�•�'' z .rfr� "'`.�%.�''"'�y ."' their ho:i7la 5 oil he Continent, not Y .",g'L"..�.,� s T fir. 'r`. Kit _.,.�� ��"�,;<•,ss-' "_, .a.�,,.., ,.,, r ,,._ r. .t",....s so rtUeh-be8atis. the .,., �..,,l,.r, zxn3seamz�xaam�a+.„w , _._,� i � y aro belied With their own" green island but because Tho swt nboat .which capszed at Pinafore.pa t; r r i Mice, St, Thomas causing the death of eight S'nntta school the 'poundirr d while ne'th g y I }s the po 1 , i.e a er pier ccels the frhric nor the lira looks: anything ��t likei pre-war self. • is I ova 1? me --WEEK'S - t r, be more than $5,000,” A barn belong; IiAa�`l ➢ IN �'22"CENTRE,� •REDUCTIO1" OF HYDRO Last wool' 2) 0.00 passports were toss. to this and other' buildings will. i a . It �ds���t� " issued by.:the Bs'itish Government, acid ing to Ii2r. Ralston was wrecked, fly- for several weeks the daily',average has approximated 3,000, 75 per cent. TORONTO. ing scantling being driven through Deen nd gar power Shows the house and striking• a- stove, set fire ---talk► Despite t �e�rc of N h MONTREAL. of them being for -Continental travel..' i e'Man. wheat—No. 1 North„ 51,711/,1; cote—Can. West.; No, 2, 71t/e• Nearby France and Belgium capture to the bolrse. The blaze was put outNo. 2 North 1most of the 7 n hsh Scottish and The Village of Hath, on the Beey o£ IaidllStrial De resei0G. �$ •69;"No. 3 North,, Can. West., No.'3, 65c• exta No 1 g ' the 51.62; No. 4 wheat, not quoted, feed, 651/2c—Man sprinkwheat Welsh who go abroad; but many Quinte, suffered severely from A despatch from Toronto says.—Tho Man. oats -No, 3 -CW; not quoted; pats., firsts,' $8.80; ,s' conds,•,$8.30' others go farther afield into the d1s- storm, and 'trees all through the vil-. 1 etron bakers, 8.10. Bran—.'28.25 to tint Y t that the' 01125,010-ITydro-Electrin No. 1 feed, 56'%sc;'No, 2 feed, G3 /sc. g $ `y parts of Europe. lage,and .surrounding .country which ac a had stood for many years under' all Power Commission has been able to All the above c.Lf, bay ports, 520`2e. Shorts—$3Q.25 to $31,25.' Ain"' corn ' track Toronto—No 2 Middlings - 36.25 'to :537.25. Hay- : sum tion a farmer, Anitsvtdle, was instantly• In the Midst of the storm wires were charges for power supplied to many of Calves, ,veals, $b.25 to $8; Nortli- n :of Mllfeed—Deb; Montreal freights, One of the largest paintings In the, killed when he :ran, into an automo ripped like so much thread, and two the rural districts represents o o west hogs, $13.25, -sows; 8D to $9.50. bile Is he was croi his barnthe -feistinessof the seventeentr'annual l bags _ ,iper Bran, per ton,. $28,_ •. Gireese finest worts.' 22 tc ' do world, exclusive of. panoramas, as e ss ng from s splendid silos, one belonging'to Albert h 1 • ,shorts, er: ton, 530; midden s' 36• ee the rand aloe of the Ai e's palace to hie home with 'a hat full of eggs. report just published. Coupled. with ' p g ' $ ' finest .eats., 22x/.rc. 7iutter, No, > t g • s g p - r good feed flour ,per bag - $2 u0. asteumzed 371/ to' 38c -do --'No. 1 at Venice, , -The painting -is eighty -,four A heavy electrical, storm was prevail- erwamery; 37 to 37Vac; do, seconds, 36 feet wide by thirty -foe feet high. Mohan and one to Fred .Franklin were destroyed. ing at the time and the '"man -had his A des ateh from: Montreal says:— head covered evith,a coator bag to Several s ores on St. Catherine Street, .the revenue obtained .from the crane . Ont. wheat -4,1.20 to 51.28,- f,o,b. keep the downpour of, rain away. the chief business street of the" city, sinners bas been more, than sufficient shipping points, according to freights. A despatch from London says;- were flooded as a result of torrential to meet the full cost of generaeing and Barley—Mailing, 74 to 77e, . -Lightning, during a heavy thunder- rains which fell :•around :noon. The, transmitting electrical energy, as well Buckwheat -No. 2, 78c. storm which swept the district Thum- rainfall was accompanied by a terrific as to provide for all operating ox- 1•ye-1c. 2; .nominal. San. ,9our r t day morning, struck the barns of Dun- thunderstorm, but no serious damage Poses and iLxed charges of the muuiel- r fl st pa ., $8.80, .To- i3 thiel there is the tact that the Commis.' Ont oats ----48 to•50c f'ob shipping sten is' able once again to report that p 1points,. can" Campbell' of the Sixth Concessibn was done outside of that to stocks .in pal utility equipments. The third fea- of Lobo, causing a loss of about $10,: the several stores, on Iow-lying. streets, tore of the report Iles in the statement that; in spite gf;the general industrial depression, there has been a conelder- able growth in the dennind_for power on nearly all systems, and on several systems the Commission has.reaclted the limit of the capacity of ,the existing generating plants,._ So far as the reduction in charges is concerned, Sir Adan Beck an - SWIM FOR LIFE IN ICY ARCTIC CURRENT Conquest of Mount Logan Fol- lowed by Adventure for �. Three of Party. A despatch from McCarthy,; Alaska, (via Cordova), says:—A wild ride down the turbulent Chitties River on' a flimsy raft, which capsized in the rapids, a Swim for life in the' icy water and a 70 -mile tramp to safety, gave tltree :members of the victorious Mount Logan party an 'adventurous termination to their expedition. News of the -conquest of Mount Lo- gan, nearly 20,000 feet high; has thrill- ed mountaineering circles all over the FRENCH ROYAL ARMS PRESENTED TO CANADA Lord Willingdon Recalls His- toric Days of Wolfe and Murray. A despatch from London says: In brilliant sunshine and amid elaborate ;,decorations, thousands "gathered on Thursday est the entrance to Hastings pier to witness the ceremony of hand- ing over the royal arms of France to '' > ggigs_-.,Fresh, extras, in cartons 4x P. C. Larkin, Canadian High Commie- of' 90 rural power dietricts established to 42c; loose, 89 to 40e; fresh firsts, sioner, who will take them back to by the Commission. A number of these 86 to 87e; seconds, 32 to 33c. Quebec, The mayor presided and rural power districts have been operat- Live poultry --Chickens, spring;.lb., metnbers of the Corporation 'Council ing since 1920,' and in many or thein 36c; hens, over 4.fo 5 lbs,, 20c; do, 3 and distinguished Canadians and rate adjustments; have been made from to 4 lbs., 18e; roosters, 15e; dackiings, Frencliinen . were present, including time to time. 6 Ibe. and up, 22e. ronto; do,seeped and at. 8.30 Toronto. Pastry flour, bags, 56.10. , Ont. flour -Toronto, 90 per cent. pats., per barrel, 'in carrots,' Toronto, $5.76; seaboard, in bulk, $6.50 Straw—Carlots, per on, $8 00 58.50. Screeniuge Standard; recleaned, f. o.b, bay ports, per ton, $21. Hay—No. 2, per ton, 513 to 514; No. 3, per ton," 511 to 512; mixed, per ton, $9 to 511; lower grades, 56 to 59. Cheese—New, large, 22% to : 28e; twins, 23 to 233'se; triplets, 283 to pounces a revision of -rates in the rural 24e; "$tiltons, 25 to 26e. Old, large, power distrlots now being served by 27 to 28c;'twins, 28 to 29c; triplets,, the Commission. The Commissdon has 28 to 3Oo. Butter—Finest creamery prints, 89c; No. 1 creamery, 38e; No. 2, 36 to 37e. Dairy whits, 26 to 28c. contracts with 140 ,townships situated in i'arious parts tie the Province, 138 of, which -are now being served as part, world. Col. Easter's vivid descriptionDqr. Justice Du if and H. P. Biggar. Dressed poultry—Chickens, .sprang, of the sinal dash, after' weeks of ar-: The MarseiUaise was played on the ib„ 45c; bens; over 4 g 5 lbs,, 224; do, duous preparation, portrayed the dao- 3 to 4 the., 22e; (geeing chickens, 4 lbs. nriovalof the French ambassador and ��' 4 kg + t s y : and over M:Fe 86e; do,corn fed, 32e; gars and the difhbulties faced in icy t >• fit fx , slopes of Canada's loftiest mountain. Now conies news that the mountain- ears were nearly lost it the Chitina while returning to McCarthy, Capt. A. FI. ,MacCarthy 02 British Colembiie, leader of the a:teed-Rion; Col, W. W Foster of Vancouver and Allen Carpe of New York constructed the raft, to make the descent of the Chitina from Hubrlak to McCarthy. stitutions, ,,.Aftera reference to the Logs, planks and- boxes were utilized, Battle of Hastings, Lord Willingdon and tee sun-tanned climbers embarked said that it was peculiarly appropriate in the belief that the hardeet part of that Hastings shouldreturn to CAM - their trip was over. ada the dseutcloeon, recalling that The Chitina visas running strongly, British and Canadian troops fought and great cant was necessary to keep alongside the French for civilization, the craft clear of rocks'and snags. ,42p- The citizens of Hastings, he contin- preacliing the junction of .the Short ued, made the gift with feelings of River the current began to take con- friendship and affection and with an tool, and despite the frantic- efforts of earnest. and .intense desire to promote the three it swept the craft into the unity and brotherhood throughout the main channel, where It was overturned in the rapids.' British Empire, and as a symbol of ' the lasting friendship between Eng - MacCarthy and Carpe clung to the land and France whereof Quebec upturned raft, while Col. Foster swam. 'would always. be the most binding The three managed to reach a sand link, bank in midstream, where they rested. Then they shoved off on the remains of the raft and reached shore, Prom this point they had to mush into McCarthy, a distance of 70 miles, rea4hing there on Wednesday, just as a search party was leaving to investi- gate their non-apllearanc°, then the. Maple Leaf., Lord Willing - don, who is -freeman of the borough, in presenting the escutcheon, said that in the days of Wolfe and Murray Eng. land •and France had Wattled :for su- premacy in North America, but Can- ada won the they, Canada, he said, was fortunate to possess besides true British character- istics French blood, traditions and in - Old Sarum. Two Miles north of the town of Sauls- bury, England., is "au enormous heap 'tnefislt is almost as big 'as the of ruins which once composed the ail- tie tot. Both halt front Lake of tient town "of Sarum, now known ae Woods• Fostet'e despatch, a}ihonneing "Old Sarum, a rotten boro," Sarum was lit - the roosters, 20; ducklings, 5 lbs, and up 27c. • Beans—Can., handpicked, Ib,, 63.31 primes, 6e. ).'.Maple produce --Syrup, per imp. gal., 52.40; per 5 -gal, tin, 52.30 per gal.; maple augar, 'Ib,, 25 to 26e. Honey -60 -Ib. tins, 13t,4o per lb.; 10 -Ib. tins, 13%e; sob, tins, 14c; 24 - lb. tins, 15% to 16e. i Smoked meats—Hams, med., 32 ,to 38c; cooked hams, 47 to 500; smoked rolls, 22c; cottage, 28 to 25e; break- fast bacon, 30 to 34c; special brand , breakfast baron, 87c; backs, botuless, 86 to 42e. Cured nteats--Long clear bacon, 50 to 70 Mee 522 70 to 90 lbs.,;. 20• lbs and up, $19.50; lightweight ;rolls, in bareels, 529,50; heavyweight Irolls, 524.50 per barrel. Lard—Pure. tierces, 18 to 18%e; ;tubs, 18% to 19c; pails, 19 to 10i4se; prints, 20 to 20%e; shortening, tierces, 1434c; tubs, 1451c; pails, 15e; blocks, 16c. Heavy steers, choice, 58 to 58.25; do, good, ,$7.26 to 57.75; butcher steers, choice 57 to 57.40; de, good, 56.50 to 57; do, med., $6 to $6.253 do, con., $6.50. to 56; bu0eher heifers, choice, $6i'115 to $7.50; do, Hied,, $6 to 56.75; do, con„ 55.50 to 56; butcher tows, choice, $6 to 55.75; do, fair to 5cod $4.25 to 55; canners and cutters, 2.20 to $3; butcher bulli, good, :54,50 to $5.60; do, fair, $3.75 to $4; bologna 53 to $8.50; feeding steers, good, 56,261 to 56.751 do, fair, 54.50 to 55.25; founded by the Romans, became a calves, choice, "S9 to 510; do, mete, 57 the success of the climb, was taken to to 58; do, cont,, 54 06'$5.50; mulch considerable cite' 0110 had a gt'eat bisii- Ontario Children for. Ontario McCarthy on a raft planned by Nor- mail Read of Boston, 13. F. Lambert, op's castle. War came along and re' I O1i1e5. cows, choice, 570 to $80; do, fair, $40 to $50; springers, choice, 575- to. .$90; of .Ottawa and AndyTaylor,formerly(laced the city to ruins, and everybody , „ zeal 'light.. sheep, 55.50 to'56:50; Y , de cited. In 1826 Lord Celedon a d Children's rd Societies - heavies and. bucks, -.8.50 be 4.50; good of Ottawa. They made a record' run p p i C A oc fes arc con $ $ down the Meets. and get through With- out mishap, Compared with Englishmen, Scots- men, and.. WeIshtneli, the Irish have much the largest heads; TIME TABLE 'Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton as follows: ` Buffalo and Goderich Div.. Going 'wast,.deparl : 6.25 a.m. Going West, ar. 11.10 a.tn,' nr. 6,09. dp. 6.51 liar. ar. 10:04 p.m. London. Huron a Bruce Div. Going South, ar. 7.58 dp. 7,56 a.m. 4.15 On. Going North, depart 6,50 p.ri, 17.05 .1.1;13 a,m.. sixty thousand pounds 'for the whole staiitly receiving applications from iambs, 516 to 516.50 do, mod., $15 to thing, and froth that time ehe "rotten residents o f the United States Wish-; $15.50: do, bucks, $14 to $14;50; do; boyo" regularly returned two members ing to adopt oliiPlren,-and in answ115 culls, 512 to $13; hogs, thick smooths, to Parliament, Ole elections taking to enquiries Mr. Kelso has replied that do, and watered, 513.10; d,f.o.b., 51place on the field lvhere the 'city hall homes for Ontario children must be off c ;tie, orm 513.50; select et, 512.25; do, off cars, select premiums, once stood, • fouti:1 in Ontario. 1 52.50. - ereeteiree1 Don't /skit run ext y xt e h. A xt ; too long, it will let}dto chronic,cyc}i , t, digestion•In 1 �r t e Sf ltnwhile you suffer froth miserable; e i it headaches ner tY..... vousness depres sion and sallow compplexion Just try C14AM5BRLAIN•Si STOMACSe LIVERE R TABLETS'. Theyxe- ieve ,farmentati0n andf cation --: entl nt Y hurt au al ole b the o e hen rteelac Y Myelin va5rm end 5000 the h n,�it rtn perR,p t Yt?nni soar7or. .e 5l ctr•a$4,, fth pp 55n • edea irt9, 11 k!inth.....,.t � ... �? .. P9e'Jlelt'far+4t+' TRAGE DY STOPS ALL. -NICHT DANCE IN ir . BOSTON— the bodies of fburteen women and29 nenhave been n•emoved from tire g I:l,,,ons°hin• t::1 0Wn Wilicll collapsed recently, during an all-night dance arranged by the Pickwick Club to usher in July 4: \Voll-icpown 1 ng tits ictfni The live -store building was empty except for the: Plekwfolt•O: ib, underworld ellaracLt:}s were ono 1 v Y as thoresult or a lire two montbs.ego w111eli is believed to have Weakened the structure and caused the collapse, A. general view ofthe ruins iS .altown above. to 86,4.c. Eggs, fresh specials, 42c; -ee, do, fresh extras, 40e; do, fresh fiesta, -- 86e. 860. a Answer to last week's puzzle: Free Bend Concerts for : Montreal. S, Free band 'concerts,"under the pro- visions of the will of the ,late Charles S. Campbell, K,C., as carried out,last Year, will again lie in force this season 111 Montreal.: Each band is to be con posfall- ed of no,lees than thirty-five musi- cians. These band concerts are held In various parts of the city during the whoie summer and Iete on until the GQY, 0 = -0 ` S E' . R K .r.T P A U LQ_ :S 0 1t,' E P., R :I e uryi c R 1. D�., . ,,.f, . r -' -Y O n:- T © AGEyr SHEER Y S U E,,n r! ' e A R re Y 'H .1 RDEM P A'' P .SONNY :. S AL ' M Heei- RAY LEA •. •;U L'eeerOuL T` HORALA An 5J 'P ge FOx E Dea1UPgA'l1 AY CROSS-1141AD PUZZLE 3 44 GI yet INTER ATIONAL a NMOATS SUGGESTIONS F012 SOLVING CROSS -WORD PUZZLES Start out by filling in'the words of which you feel reasonably Jure. These will give you a clue to other words crossing them, and they in turn to still others. A letter belonge in each white space, words -starting at the numbered squares and running either horizontally or vertically or boils. HORIZONTAL 1—Territoryof an earl 7 -Enclosure for chickens 18—A coronet , 14 -Embellish eti—God of the midday sun 117--A garden famed In Bible antes n-to love • 119 --Myself 120—Near the stern' 22 --Make suitable 124 -Disagreeable, aplteful woman (�5--Correlative of '!neither" e6—Elderly women 12.7 --Corroded 28 --Distrust 31=Challenges 33 --Barren 34—Those who glide over Ice 35—indefinite article 36—Island near New York (abbr,) 37—A tool 38—Substance similar 'to•varnish 45 --.Entrance or passage (pl.) 46—Oldtime'rneans of conveyance 47—Thus (Latin) 48—Factions 51-1/1000 of an inch 52—Part of the foot , 53—Make 'a law 54—Addition to a house 58 —Printer's unit • 56-SIIm 58—An amphibian 61—Abbr.for "each" 62-•An,eastern State of U. S. 63—To. follow 65—Goinrnenced 60—,5egrets VERTICAL 1—Trips with messages 2—Right (abbr.) 8 --Fib 4—Father (familiar) 6—Wood nymph 6—A command • 7—Occurs • 8—Prepares for: publication 9—In no manner 10—Sob 11—Upon i2—Female who writes verso 16—On the move ' 19—Mother 21—Faithful 28—Expressing: present exietenoe 24 -Guardianship 29 -Modified leaf Ina flower otueter 30—Part of -a fork (pi.),, 31—Little valleys • 32—At an angle 87—Stinkers 38-Pecullar spirit of a 15110u503 39—Delicate 40—Whirled 41 -Ghost , 42—Crippled 42—Spry 44—Part of house (pl.) 48—A fish. net 49 --,Baby's name for father 5e—Rock 66—Sailor 87—Struck 59- Poisonous serpent 60—OWing, 62—A parent (abbr.) 04 -al elf, are ern- - • tre 41 4910 1 ct'LW upne rou cpn do In y aur 9 cline tilno� akk ro et Yotl pili ail)' e!astoY eperioefs of ndling twtp$ mv11, 511• Sal do:' neotoSe' your or not nca-thi been—whatever o5 you May bo doing lot tehotUcr m not yon think 5011 1110.5511-.' Just answer 'hie question; Areyen ombiticies to cern 410,000 n. year? Then get in toaeh with me at once! t 1 will Prove to,5'1a without cost or obligation that you .car. basil,. become a Star Sarcoman 1 will chow 0014 howthe Salesmanship Training. and. 1'.o Eop;oymont Seroiel th Oe e NST tt, win help you 40 oekk success in Se0isg, " "'"'- £ 0,G r i �.Re, S l sig S rete` - -Th' a -o6 01: Eta 1 on,Nnil.n a t tri t:Cy tl e I s '5,'A, ring 1,015, th000sads 1(50 f. oo,rn5ht,.4 1C ? bahlnd t t th0. dPnIY?}Y - nd ambit pry C1 0 ,I•5llcy, tehn toot Isn4 N tl 'tiab 5va, aro now d 5 a, tiiC:d M ae polling orals 104.0 bisoowh>rs, tnhm. "Get Iha inns, Nacional Salosmeat'e Troiniitg Aosociatien '► Canadian Me, Fitts 3sS TT0cogto, Ont.