HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-07-02, Page 131a-4,7112 Year wall WHICH CLINTCAT„ INC ONTA111(), "cCi,INTON [NEW ERA. - JULY 2, g925 CliAliTA111)1JA JULY 1416,5 1 C011,1E tiritil July 8 54te gives you your choice of the wide selection of 10 -inch, double -sided, 75c "His. Master's Voice Victor -Records" All the latest hits of ,the .most popular artists „ .PRESENT STOOKS WON'T LAST LONG. GET YOURS NOW!, Phone 174w , YL Iei1qar Agent for :Clinton JEWELER and OPTOMETRIST Residence 174j • •••••=••••••=••••••••n••• Ninomam. -BUSINESS BOOSTERS A New Shipment of Ginghams Just Arrived some of which should have been here earlier. We will run these out at 15c and 17c yd. Both lines are bumper value at these pries. Children's Straw Hats A Limited Number Lea Values up to $3.00 to clear at 49c Striped Broadcloth dresses sized 34 to44 Values up to $7.50 to clear at $4.95 1 It I ' S MENiS SUITS and Extra Tronsers $22.50 to $25.00 91010111M11. BOYS' SUITS and Extra Knicke s $8.90 to $10.00 Specials ill lell's Suits Men's Suits at $10. 10 only Men's Suits, some made with Slash pockets and Belt, Sizes 34 to 40, to clear at $10.00 1V1eres Suits at $15. 30 only Men's Suits in all wool, tweeds and worsteds medium and dark shades, in broken lines and sizes, ranging in rice from $18.00 to $25.00 Your choice of the entire lot at $15.00 Men's Snits at $25. At this price we are showing -a very ex. tensive range in all new styles, in tweeds, brown and blue serges, and hair -lined stripes. Some with extra pair of trousers $25.00 THE- MO11[11311 CLOTHING CO. " A Salaam Deal for Every Man " eeeeeeeeeeese LOCAL MARKETS. Wheat, $1.30. Barley, 70e. Buckwheat 60 to 70e, Oats, 40 to 45e. Butter, 30e to 32c. Eggs, 22q to 80e. Live Hogs, $13.00. ENGAGEMENT ANNOTTNCED. Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Field, of Coder- ich, announce the engagenient of their only daughter, Gladys Lorene, to El- mer G. -Beacom, Toronto, only on of the late Mr. and 'NITS, William Bea- com of Clinton, the inarriage to talce place the second week of July. TASKER--GIBBINGS At noon on Tuesday, at Ontario street church, the marriage was .sol- emnized of .Flossie Mae Gibbings, eld- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Gibbings of Hullett township, and Mr, William Richard Teske'', of Preston, son of Mrs. lithe Lawson of Clinton, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. C. J. Moorehouse. The bride 'wore a smart frock of printed crepe and French hat and carried a bouquet of -Ophelia roses, baby's breath and white carnations. The bridesmaid, Miss Evelyn GibIeings the bride's sister, also wore a pretty crepe frock, -with Gloria Swanson poke hat and caeried 'Enchantress carnat- ions. Mr. Leslie Tasker, the bride- groom's brother, was best man. After the ceremony the bridal party drove to the home of the bride's par- ents, where members of tied immediate families were •gathered and were the wedding luncheon was served. After wards the newly -wedded couple left on the three train for Toronto, leaving there by boat for Rochester, N. Y., on a honeymoon trip. They will reside in Preston. Their friends extend con- gratulations anti good wishes. AMONG THE CHURCHES. A general rally of all the Mission Bands of Huron Presbyterial will be held at Blyth on Friday, July 17th, with...two sessions, .at 10 a.nt. and 2 pan. A full prograrn . is being ar- ranged, every band taking some part. The special speaker will he Mt!. W. B. Bjang, B.A., a young Chinene student at Knok. College. Picnic lunch and games at the noon heur. Neighbor- ing Bands are cordially invited. Daptist Church The E.Y.P.17. will meet on Monday, july 6th, the topic being, "The Prod- igal Son," taken by Mrs. Russell Currie. Conte and bring yilur friends, Ontario -Street Church Fellowship service at 9 a.m., Sun- day school at 10, preaching service at 11 o'clock on Sunday morning. Mr. C. S. Hawke will oreachat both morn- ing and evening seivice on Sunday. The Juniors meet at sever: o'clock Friday evening, when a social hour Will be enjoyed. This will be the laet meeting, until after the -holidays. The Sundae', school picnic ivilf tae held on Atigust 12th. The Presbyterian Church Regular service will be held in the Baptist church on Sunday next at 11 a.m. Minister: Rev. A. Macfarlane, M.A., TIM. Sunday•schopl at 10 a.m. The annual picnic will be held at Grand Bend on Wednesday, July 8th. Cars will leave the Baptist chttich at from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. and from 12 noon to a p.m. -At a congregational meeting held on Monday evening it was decided to extend a call to the Rev'. A. Macfar- lane. St. Paul's Church The renter's subjects on Sunday will be: lVforning: "The Da" of Commun- icating." Evening: "Fluctuations in Religious Life." There will be a cel- ebration of the Holy Communion at the molting service. 1 The annual Sunday school plate 'will he held at tayfield on Friday, July 8rd, The that ttnek will leave the parish hall at 9 a.m., the seeond taiteT11110,eitite‘Biliolsf.bc'ePonfolrinlilaltri onn a totherdenlassteereol eleven prepared by the rector of $t. Paul's; at the morning service on Sunday last, and two prepared by the Rev. R. Perdue of 'Walkerton, who was also present and took part in the service. The Bishop's sermon sub- ject was: "Hallowed be Thy Name." Willis Church Arrangements have been made whereby Wesley and Willis congrega- tiohs will worship_ together -for the va- cation months. ' The program is as follows: On the Sundays July 5, 12, 19, 26 the morning ,service will be in .Willis church and the evening service in Wesley. Rev. J. E. Hogg will be the minieter in chaege. On Sunday, August 2n6, Old Boys' Sunday, there will be full services in both churches. On Sundays August 16, 23', 30, the morning service will be in Wesley church and the evening in Willis. Rev. A. A. Holmes the minister hi charge. The annual meeting of the W. M. S. took place on June 18th at the home of Mrs, John Pearson, Stanley, when 'about forty members and visitors present. Devotional exercieee we're taken by Mre, Glen Cook. Mrs. Hogg, the president, gave an interesting re- nort of the Provincial annual meeting held in London in May. 1VIrs. (Dr.) Gunn also gave a report of wonder- ful work done in Japan by Die Caro- line A social hour, was spent at the close of the nicotine, and the ladies of Stanley served a dainty and dlicious lunch. 111111•111111111.MININININI THE Fl APE 010 01:1'1'S'' REUNION AUG. 1, 2, "C. G."' AGAIN PRESIDENT. AEROPL1NE HERE IVIONDAS.r. „ . -At the annual meeting of the South Mr. Jack V Elliott and Mr W Huron tdberal-Conservative Associa- tion held in Hensel]. last Thursday, Clinton's energetic reeve, Mr. C. G. Michiletoe, was re-elected president. W. II. Barnum, jK.C., of Aylmer, N. W. TreWartha, M.L.A., South Huron, J. J. Meyeer, ex -M. P., South Huron, H. Eilber, ex -n L. A. South Huron,' and the president were the spealcers. Henry Eilber aild Wm. Consitt weve nominated for president - but both withdrew in- favor of Mr ' Middleton A convention fote the nomination of a candidate to contest South the Lib. -Conservative interests will not'he.called until -later in the -sum - DR. PECK OF HENSALL CALLED. Dr. John Peck of - -Henall, aged thirty-six years, who was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, a week ago suffering from apdendieitis and complications and whu was sub- sequently operated upon, died on Sunday. , The remains were brought home for interment, the funeral tak- ing place Tuesday afternoon. Much regret is felt over the passing of Dr. Peck in the prime of his- young man- hood. Dr. Peck was a nephew of Mr. Jeihn McKinley ,of town and a cousin of Mrs. J. B. Laois, He was a son of Nathan Peek, now of Hensel', and his brother Albeet Peck, is a Stanley township Lerner., LITTLE LOCALS. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Nediger have purchased Miss Georgina Rumball's cottage on Victoria street, 'which will make them a very comfortable home. Mr. Edgar Maguire who recently graduated from the Clinton School of commerce , has taken a cposttion in the office of the Fidelity Trust Co., Dettoit Miss Bessie Irwin, who has been spending the past year or so at home on account of ill -health, will resume her Deaconess work in the autumn, having been appointed to the Italian work in Montreal, Tarvia is being. applied to the streets this week. They ought to re- main in good shape for the rest of the summer. ,Fifteen -members- of • the Doherty Pianos staff went down to the Sher- lock -Manning pienic at Port Stanley on Saturday. An enjoyable time is reported. ELOWE-R NAMED AFTER BIM. The Toronto Horticultural Society had a flower show last week and in the Saturday edition of the Star Weekly appeared a long write-up of the show and of floral conditions gen- erally in the Queen City. Toronto is aiming to qualify for the nate, "The City of Flowers,' and the Horticultur- al Society is aiming to take over the whole transportation !building at the exhibition grounds. for the tlisplay next year. The article in question mentions several individual gardens where flacer lovers have been experiment- ing with various sorts of flowers ard have been producing some new var- ieties. Mrs. john Gilchrist, who has a Wonderful garden up north, has made a specialty of delphinium, or larkspur, one variety of which, the "John Moon" she has registered. This specimen was named after the first president a the St. Clair Horticul- tural Society, a gentleman well -known in Clinton and vicinity, he 'be- ing an old Londesboro boy. Mr. Moon has taken n great interest in community affairs ever since settling in the St. Clair district and flowers is one of his hobbies. s LITTLE LOCALS. Mr. Ed. Welsh took'over No. 5 mail route on W'eclnesciay. Mr. C. Allison has purchased the Irving property south of the C,N.R. ttacks. Wednesday next is Bayfield's semi - centennial celebration. It will be a big clay. In two weeks the Chautauqua will be on, Are you supplied with tickets • for 'same ? 1 Do not fail to read Isage seven . of this issue. It will be found of 'especiel interest. A short week and crowded columns accounts for some correspondence and news being held over this week. The monthly meeting of the Clinton Hospital Board will be held in the board room of the town hall on Mon- day evening at half past seven. The Rev. S. E. McKegney, Pord, formerly of Clinton, will preach the sermon at the -1Vlemee- ial Hall service in the hall at Blyth, on .1ally 5th. ' ' Dominion. Day was very quietly o - served in Clinton, some attending cel- ebrations in the sturotinding towns, others enjoying private picnics and still others spending the day 'quietly at home. The members of the county councll, with their wives and families enjoyed their annual picnic on Thursday last, this year at Goderich. Beeve Middle- ton and cx-reeves Cantelon and Tre- wartha of Clinton attended. Mrs. Margaret Aiken of Allenford,, an aunt of Mr. W. M. Aiken of Olin,' tom was injured the other day, wl en the car in 'which she --was riding, which was driven by her grandson, collided with -another car and WElF urned over in the ditch. Thr other occupants of the car were not injured. Emery of Hainilton were in town on Monday with their aeroplane looking over the place and sizing,things up prior to coming- for Old,Hoine Week. Mr. Elliott will be here during the five days of Clinton's Reunion and anyone wishing to take an air trkp will have an coportunity of doing so. He has four planes and will have two at Kitchener the same week. HONOR REV. S .The following from\ the Toronto Daily Star of Thursday last refers to a former welleknown Clinton resideht p4stor ofOntario street church. "The appreciation by the choir of the service and co-operation of Rev. S. J. Allin, assistant pastor of How- ard Park church, was expressed last evening when they presented him .with a sectional bookcase. A present of a silver cake basket was also inede to Mrs. Allin. MITCHELL FELL DOWN. Mitchell lacrosse team came up last Friday evening to play a return match with the local team. It was suppesed the game would be a snappy one, the game in Mitchell the week hetet." standing 4-4 at full time and Mitchell only getting a:nother goal at the end of telt minutes over time, The lane were somewhat disappoint- ed, however, as ' the visiting team seemed to lose their vim after the first period and it was a wallaiover for the home team. At the end of the first period the score stood 1-1, and that was the only goal the visitors scored during the game. At the end of the sedoncl period the score was 2-1 in Clinton'a favor, at the end of the third -period it was 6-1 and when thne was called the score had the, amiearance of a by with a bad case of mumps on one side. It was 10-1 for Clinton. NICRLE—SCHOENHALS. A -Very pretty wedding was sol- einnized in St. Paul's chuech at noon on Thursday last, June 25th, when Miss Roselle Margaret, daughter of 51r. and Mrs, John Schoenhals be - cant the bride of I*. Edwin C, Nickle, son of Mrs. W. Nickle. The ceeeniony was performed by the Rev. C .Llewellyn 'BilkeY) and the bride was given in marilage by her father. The bride wore a handsome bridal gown, of white georgette over aatin, With an ,apron of Italian lace, caught up -with a spray of orange blossoms, a veil of embroidered tulle, -with spray 'of orange blossoms) and car- ried a bouquet of roses and lily -of -the - valley. Her sister,' Miss Olive'was bridesmaid. , She wore a dainty, flow- cr.-trimmed 'frock, with leghorn hat with flower trinnnings and carried pink roses. Mr. Harold Lawson of Ottawa was .best man. The ushers were Mr. Prank Coleman of Stratford and Mr. M. Schoenhals, Miss Dora -Schoenhals, another sister, of. the bride, played the wedding inusic. After the ceremony the bridal earty and guests drove to the .home of the bride's parents, where the wedding luncheon was partaken of. Mr. and Mrs. Nickle left on the four o'clock train for a trip to London, Sarnia and Windsor. Gueets were present from Stratford, Kitchener, Waterloo, Port' Dalhousie and Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Nickle will reside in Albert stret and they have the good wishes of their friends for a happy and prosperous future. People You Know Mrs.. I. G. Steepe and Miss Aphrew are spending a couple of weeks with Toronto friend. 1V1iss Eva, Brown of Brantford is spending -part of her vacation with her stint, Mrs. R. Horsley. GoDErocu TOWNSHIP COUPLE WEDDED LAST WEEK At Willow Height, under an arch of evergreens and Dowers at 12 e'clock, high noon, on Wednesday, June 24th, a., wedding' was solemnized when Miss Jessie Aileen Murphy, daughter of Mrs. Henry Murphy of Goderich township, -became the bride of Mr. Harvey McArtney. ' ' The ceremony was perfornied by the Reve Ashlyn A. Tramper, of Ex- eter, Rev. C., Ll. Bilkey of Clinton, also being present. Mrs. Jas. Craigie, Port Credit, played the wedding music, while lVlasters Joe and Tom 1VIurphy and little Miss Peggy Wil- liams, strewed flowers in the path of the bride who was' given in -mai -lag° by -'her brother, Mr. R„1-1. Murphy. She wore a sleeveless gown of cream silk, trimmed with Pearls and over - draped with a beautiful embroidered silk shawl, an heirloom in the family, being two hundred years old and be- longing originally to the bride's greategre at -gran chn oth er. She car- ried a shower bouquet of roses and lilies of; the valley. Three nieces of the bride, Misses Emilie Ford, l3essie Murphy and Mildred Murphy, were' bridesmaids, wearing dresses of silk and enbroid- ered voile of dainty colors and carry- ing shower bouquets of sweet Fees and brange blossoms. ' The bridegroom was s,uppo-s bed by Mr. Mervyn Hanley of Stanley. Fol- lowing the wedding lunece m Mr. and Mrs. MCArtney left for Detroit and other points, amid showers or stream - confetti and good wishes. The bride travelled in a beautiful en- semble suit or burnt orange charm- clino and silk crepe and sand Milan a 1Peotile You Know Miss Margaret Ball ' fs 'berm from 'Normal. Miss Eva Bennett visited her sister in Aylmer on Sunday. Miss Marion Irwin is spending a few days in London this week. Miss Grace Shepherd of Ottawa is home for the vacation time, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Andersen motored to Aylmer to visit friends on Sun- 6ey. M0. .Clarence Shepherd of St. Thomas spent Sunday With his mother in town. Mrs. J .0 .McMath has gone to King- ston to visit relatives for a few weeks. Dr. and Mrs. Axon and Master Fred and 11frs. Axon, sr., spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. R. McGill, Mitch- ell, Miss Etta Hardy of Tiverton is home ,fre.• the vacation time: Miss Hardy expects to teach at Manilla after the holidays. , , Misi Gertrude Wallis of Midland and Miss Freda Wallis of Macdonald Institute, Guelph,, are home for the summer vacation. . Miss Amy Howson, who spent the winter with relatives at Vancouver" and Portland, Oregon, retitled home on Thursday evening last, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Carter and IVIiss Eva, accompanied by :Mrs. Webb of Kitchener and Miss Bell of Goa- erich, spent the week -end with friends in Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Tanner of Agincourt are visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walker. Mr. Tanner joins, the staff of the Wallaceburg High -School after va- cation. e Miss Margaret Davies, who has beep visiting at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Davies of Heron street, left Thursday last to eesume her work as a Deacon- ess in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George Evans of Tor- onto and their niece, Mies Alice Church a Vancouver, were -guests Saturday anti Sunday with Miss Minnie Rudd of town. They also called on Goderich friends Satur- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Stephenson leave today for Hyde Park, where they intend meking their home in the future. Mr, and Mrs. Stephenson have been lesidents of Clirten ic.r some years, coming in, from the London Road, and they have nuide many friends here who regret to see them leave town. Amongst the teachers home for the Summer vacation are: Miss Isobel Draper, Brantford; Miss Amy Hellyar,, Massey; Miss Annie Law- rence, -Cayuga; Miss Elizapeth Ford, Oshawa; Miss Agnes Walker, Ring, sten; Mr. Erskine Evans, Dunn- ville. Mr. Evans intends taking a summer course at the University. .13agfield Mr. James Cameren and Miss Isobel' and Master Evans Cameron of Toron- to are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Thos. Cameron. - Misses Elva and Annie Dewar of the Toronto Public School staff are home for the summer vacation. Mr. J. M. Stewart of Stratford is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Pol- lock. Rev.' A. Macfarlane returned o 21 Friday last; accompanied by his sister, Mrs. G. Park, And Miss Ailsa Park. Mrs. Dixon and Miss Carrie Dixon of Galt came on Wednesday last to vi.psit atuhi.ejformer's daughter, Mrs. F. H Mr. R. Denim and Mr, G. White - sides of Atwood are the guests of the Rev. and Mrs. F. 11. Paull. Mr. and Mrs. .Morley C. Hart and babe of Toronto motored to the vil-, Inge 'on Sattwday to visit Mrs Hatt's parents,,Mr, and Mrs. Geo. King. Mr. P .Bigelow left on Thurs- day last for his home at Orono. Mi'. G. W. and Miss Anna Woods motored to Longford Mills on Mon- day, Mrs. Chas. Edwards of Toronto is a guest at 1Vliss Nora Ferguson's. Rev. I. McKeown, first missionary of the United Church of Canada to be sent to China, conducted the ser- vices in. St Andrew's church on Sun- day last, Mrs. N. Alexander and'1V1r. George Alexander of London have come to their cottage forthe summer.. The smniner visitors are coming now, Among those to arrive at Deer Lodge are Mr. and Mr. J. Fitzgerald of London; Mrs. Hyland of Gerrie; Mr. and Mrs. Lane and family, Dr. and IVIrs. Slack Find family, of Lon- don; Mr. and Mrsellastints and fam- ily of Galt; Mrs. Kennedy and little daughter of Toronto and Mrs. Conn and fereilv of Sarnia. Mrs. Geo. Somerville and Mrs. Stratton and family of Toronto are occupying Mr. Dick Glass' cottage. Mr. and Mrs. McConkey and 111r. Nelson McConkey of Stratford have arrived to spend the summer in their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Day and Master J;namy Day of Detroit have come to spend the summer in their cottage. Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Ring and 'little Miss Betty of Detroit arq occupying their new cottage, which has just re- cently been completed. Miss V. Vance, who has been visit- ing Miss Garrett., left on Monday for her hoirm in London. Mrs. F. A. Edwards returned on Friday frOM Kitchener, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. E."I Fisher. Mrs. Alavay and Miss Mae Stone , of London are visiting Mrs. W. Cot- ton. • Rev. 3. Jay and Mrs. Johnston left ,no Saturday last for,g)ringfielti, Ont. *Rev. H. F. Kennedy and Mrs. Ken- nedy arrived on Wednesday, last to take charge of the work relinquished by Mr. Johnston. Mr, John Pease spent the week -end here: He returned to London on Mon- day and Mts. Pease and babe went to Kitmen to spend the summer. S. Megerma's Oechestra is back agate to supply the music at the pay.. ilion tor the. summer. The different instruments are Played as last year pbryMryiII.iz . IaroladipShkinHnearr,riMsorn. Len yi nnStevr- s,M. Stewart McKe-nna. They are alleglad to le" back to Bayfield again, ,as Lee " anyone who has ever visited here. They are guests at Lakeview hotel. Mrs. Itarry Brendon 'and little Miss Frieda returned to London on Satur- day. IVIiss Barteri of London is the' guest of Miss M. E. Garrett, Miss Welsh of Varna Public school presided at the Entrance examina- tions held here' last week. The Misses Banicin of Detroit are spending a few days in their cottage,. "Hill Crest." Mrs. W. R. Hill and family of Lon - den are in their smelter home. Mr. and Mrs. A. Suppniek andfarn-- ily of Detroit and Mre Holley ar- rived on Friday to spend the summer iLno:..a.tehe„ir ,sumaner home " "'Holley Mr. and Mrs. Stevens and daughters of Lotion are occupying Mr. Percy Weston's cottage. ' Mr. and Mks. W. E. Manness and family of London are now occupying their summer home. '• Messrs. Wm. lVfutCh and Frank Mutch arid Ken Roberton. of Clinton are tenting on the flats. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Doherty and fam- ily of Clinton and Mrs. Kerepthorne and family of Whitby are opending a few days in a dotthge in "White -- City." • Wir. and Mrs. Quarrie and family of Detroit are occupying a cottage in "White City." Also Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Owen and son of Stratford. Don't forget the big celebration here on July 8th. It is going to be the best on record. Come and enjoy a lay of fun and sport at Bayfield, 1:Weseositet.rn Ontario's favorite summer - NIL and Mrs. Robt. Reid and SOD ' of Windsor and IVIrs. Green .of Wind- sor are guests of Miss M. Rathwelt. Misses Marie Granger, Marks and Olive Harrison lAwilelarne amongst the pupils from Stanley township who wrote on the Entrance examinations here that week. Those from Goderich township were Misses Cox, Mary Stirling and Lindsay, Stirling, Fred Wallis and Lloyd Picot.. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shannon, Mrs:. H. Shannon, Miss Shannon and Mrs.. LeRoy Hiles and Mrs. F, Jennings,, who -have spent the month of June in the former's cottage, left for their homes in Toronto and London on Wednesday. Be sure and see "Blundering Billy" in the town hall on the evening of July 8th. It is put on by local talent and is a laugh from beginning. to end. Miss Vine Heriry of the staff of Toronto 'Business College, and Miss ' Olive Ferris a Whitechurch are Visit- " ing their aunt, Mrs. W. J. Foster. Promotion examinations in Bayfield Public school: „ 4th—Fred Weston, Isabel Lind- say, Margaret Elliott, George Finley, Lottie Higgins, Agnes Kerr, Jessie Lindsay, Newton Sutrgeon. -- -Sr. 3rd--Jno. Brown, Grafton Wes- ton, Berthena Sturgeon, Doris Gemin- harcit, Harold McLeod. 41"r, 3rd—Mary Widcombe, Craig Kerr, Kenneth Merner. Sr. 2n6—Thelma Parker Idabel-Ca- m:and, Emma Sturgeon, Edith Merner, John Lindsay, John Wild. . 2nd—Sandy Mustard, •Lawrence Johns, Brown Lindsay, :eines Lind- say, James ,Lindsay, Keith Gemin- hardt, Louis Wild. , Sr. lst---:Dean Castle, Mervin El- , liott Carson Johns. , Primary—Wm. Osmond. Varna , .As the village postmaster has been granted a half holiday the stores will be closed at twely4 o'clock every Thursday during the summer Moxiths, beginning July 9611, The merchants would be very grateful to their cus- tomers if they would try and keep this date in mind and if there is any- thing very urgent they anight pho.cie either store in the morning and they will try to have the article sent with Mr. Austin, our worthy mail courier. Mrs. Shell of Detroit is soending her holidays with her parents, Mr. ',and Mrs. A. Austin of the village. , Mrs. Elliott' of Windsor is visiting. her another, 11/Irs. Wm. Rathwell. Miss Margaret Johnston of London is renewing old aquaintances in the village. . iVriss Mossop spent the wbek-end at • her brother's on the Brunson line. Mr. and IVIrs. R. Thompson spent Sunday with Mrs. L. Beatty. Mrs. jno. Reid, J. H. Mary and Ida visited at the holue of Mr. Jno. Beatty and family, A number of the ladies of St. john'S congregation, Varna, attended the reception given by Mrs .(Rev.) Paull at the rectory, Bayfield, bask Thursday afternoon. Miss Emma Connell of Toronto is pending her holidays at her home on the Parr line. Miss R. A. Colclough of IJ,etrbit home for her holidays." ,