HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-06-11, Page 5ruIni 1,1, 102; YOlie 5011 exix ,ptnghi obeitentang an nii,er rerearkS' e,;c1rin vie'lfunny Part of it is:that b Titers. seldom eonle. Intone nlity bag. Fedeiai GoYeeinnent ,Dloons ib ZIonie Bank depositors ib,.. 4i000, which, with assets realized yet to be ;realized will,,it.is expect- ntring tin: payments sip to 05 00 95. S - do not like.June when he be - ago July, and7,perhaps we like, 'On less ,wlieu she howl:, like e Wher. S he misek MOTs ati;ratt- VO ,:helt she wearS' hor 'Own modest h and smiles ber Winnipeg jadge blames women 'co, ths hocrease in crime a mong young people, The, judge is running true to form. The first man blamed the woman for the first offonce and every son of Adam has gone right an doing it ever since. 4 , 4 The Globe accuses Mr. Meighan of -"unjustifiable opthnism" because the poor' man expressed the belief that his party was booming. This is a change, anyway. The Globe has usually accused the gentleman of be: in., a pessimist, ' * now do you like these "gob'. caps 'the boys—and girls—Care wearing? Quite nifty, aren'ttey? A "gob", by the way, is an "apprentice" on a man- of-war,and this is the sort of cap he *Wears, so, :since "all the nice girls 'love A sailor" 'tis no -wonder. they take td 'the "gob" caps. • • A Paragrapher on a Toronto neWs- ' PaPer. SaYs that "since Lord Birken- head gets -$60,000 'per -year for his newespaper articles a 'May be that he " 'gets $59,000 for the name and $1,000 for the stuff." No doubt he's sjudgz ing the stuff by his 01741 contrilintions and the remuneration by his own , modest salary. * The Globe says that it may become necessary, if things continue to go as they seem to, be going at present, for a Saskatchewan man to ootne to Tor- onto in order to see what a Conserva-- tive *looks Perbaps, ancl„J ohn Ransford, Charlie Middleton and our old friend, "Davy" Beacons, would •agree that the sight Would be worth 4 * * t J -1111e is -the month for weddings", ne 'Therefore it is quite proper that the • union of the Presbyterian, Meth- •oadists and 'Congregationalists' should then be celebrated. Naturally the op': 'ening hymn, selected for the public •ceremohy will be, "Blest be the tie 'that loinds."—Brussels Post. Usually, though, there are but twoparties to a wedding. In this case -there are three. * * * "tril on -ent, past • ,$) loW,abodtit 'cidvea ; le. •Says; that A11.#01. land a1/0,..fal`in aadeoE 44,Ying .;their wares/' o t9 EngliSIL wjllaSk foi .A/UStl'aliall lamb, NOW Zealand' butter; etc,; and. he , got the impeesicOn 'that"; Fniglanci didn't think t. worth whllc botheidnwith. Can.: add vdey naeh a:*eit,,AY.P.144' 'soon be. ms o sg1-Tti:9•Cd3Skt•',4",•1'.VY ;10 8;aid he told,me*ClOto it "I"Ei," him:just .48 American ae it rile:S aoSeotehMilit to, Itot sallccl an ITtngilshanati' and he stressed his ,Eamiclien ;citizenship in talking to„Tfongliahr»mi. 50 As showing the isnosaiaeo. aVel'a/I`C` EllgiiS1/711all C011eeT1/112g ada, howeve r, Me, Maiming tol attending; a meeting of the Ro Club over there and sitting basic clergyn0n of the Englist; Chi who, whenthe found 11/1e. Manning a Canadian, seemed tnUch/intere and asked him many questiohs the country, "But what do you in the winter ?" the'-,Enalislo asked. IVIr.liranning- asehred him t he did much' the szime'in the -wii as he did in the summer:. cannot cdrry , your business, you? How can you'get about thro the snow?" He was Much surpri when Mr. Manning told him that 'as l his car -Most of the winter that so far as Ms busbiess was c cerried-it ran along just, as busily in the summer. In reply to a question about ?nth rial conditions Mao. Manning p there was .no dqabt a great deal anemOnYmient but that it was not the building trades. A.counle qf N York 501051whom he met 'said they_h seen More building,in London in tin weeks than they - had seen N York in as many ,years. One of t reasons, and -,both goornment-a PeoPle aie beginning to realize it, f so much unermiloyment is the "dol and someway of curtailing it is boil sought— He was told that many m who are getting, say thirty-five ,sh lings per sveek dole, refuse to wo for thirti-eight or ...forty shilling "Why should I. -work for three sh lings or five shillings per week?" they ask. Everyone must iseln pay this dole. Eery servant maid add every. man, no matter how or by whom employed; must pay ,art of his os; her wages for this nurpose, and. the emnlover is responsible', for_see, ing that it is paid. , NIT, Manning told of an experienc he had -travelling. He was sitting i a third-class compartment opposite very Stiff Englishman who looke C &Tn :- (Iotary is a Who, was" 3Ol.1 bout bt 00 nan. hat iteli you ,can ugh sed and as aid - aid 00 in ew acl 'es ew he nods, sg en il- ric 5. • The Clintoniane resident in Detroit and Windsor are very enthusiastic -over the idea of Olinton's Old Home Week and are planning to coins over in a body. .The News-Reeord has re- ceived from the secretary of the new organization, which ia making ar- rangements ,for the hoine-coming, Mn. Lack Kennedy, a list of the names of ver one'hundred pem bple to whewe re asked to send this journal from oW until after the celebration. * By the death Colonel George aylor Denison it nrobto last week anode lost one of her moat distin- ensiled citizens. A mei-Mier of a vell-known family. a great imperial- st, a distinguished soldier. writer of everhi boo' ks one of which won a , ooze offered by the Emperor of me sissia soyears ago, and for over orty years police magistrate in T mim- nto, Col. Denison had a ore varied areer than falls to the lot of most en. Ile •won not only distinction ut the esteem of his fellows for, al- ough 'one might not always agree ith Col. Denison, one Leonid not but spect his -sincerity and integrity. * A shipment of live hogs i'501n Win- ipeg to Centralia arrived in London n Saturday in _ •a • serious condition 'isg to the heat 'and lack of water, itizens and railway hands carried ater by the bucketful to them and e Humane Society. having been not- ied, called out the fire -comna,ny d they turned on two or three reams of water, which had the ef, et .of reviving the suffering aniihals, though severn1 had died before re- f came. Shinners should see that ere, are facilities Tor tvatering stock fore shipping and railvvay compan- ; Should provide these means at all • ints-where they are needed. • W. IL,WLYMOUTH One of Mdlett township!s 'oldest izerm, celebrated his 90th, bimthday Sunday, June 7th. Mr. W'eymouth is born in Old England 'but came to Otada as a child and nobly did his rt in making this section of Huron iihty the prosperous land it All ROM' to these sturdy ,pioneers; who diligently sowed that their Chihl- i -and grmfdchildrea 'Might reap, 51 si zther to the right nor to the left and who completely ignored Ms fel- low-travellbr, as is the sociable little way some Englishmenhavo,e when they stopped at d station andanotherEnglishman got in. The newcomer, who was very ,plainly dressed, wao more communicative and seemed )•early to talk o thdy entered into conversation and lie found the °-Eng- lishman very intelligent and much in - tooted in Canada.. He asked Mr. Manning what he had son in London and, when the mentioned having been to the Hodsof CO`bamons, asked if he had been into the ,House of Lords. Mr. Manning said he had not and his new friend exprosed regret and in- quired if he would be In London again long 'enough to pay'1±„a visit, saying that he would be pleased to ,see that he 'ants shown about .X1'. Manning then -asked if he 'was connected with it and was surprised to ibe Add he was a member. "Would you mind telling me your name,” Mr. Manning asked. slicluld like to be able to tell my friends when I go luime that I, trat- elied in a third-class railway carriage with a snember of the House of Lords." He did so and he was the re- presentative of a very old family, an earl, in rank, So it is not always a Si02, of aristecratic birth to ge about with your head in the Mr. Mr.' Manning enjoyed his trip very rnuch. He says he wondered as he re. turned. last -year why he had over thought it`posmble Xo go before. But he prefers Canada as a place of resi- dence and says he "was never proud- er of his Canadian citizenship in the British Empire than 'when he visited Wembley." • Londesboro John Beattie, a respected farmer of the village, died here on Thursday morning last, following .injuries ns- Ceivecl through a team of horses throwing him -from a wagon .on the 2Gth of last month. Deceased was in -his 72nd year and is sUryivecl by his widow and one son. The remains were interred in the family plot at Londesboro on Saturday and the fun- eral was largely attended. Service Was conducted by Rev. James Abery. Tbe 'bearers were Robert, William and John Beattie, Keats •Hamilton, Robert Hamilton ancl John Leiner. On MondaY' the Bell Bros. of Por- ter.'s Hill finished the foundation of Wm. Snell's 'new hoilse. and'IVIrs. Howard Shobbrook returned last week froin their honey - At the regular meeting of the W. M. S. an: .Wednesday of last week 'Mrs. W. It. Osborne, wife Of the pas- tor, was ./,..-,i-oserited with a very hand- some old copper jardiniere, accom- panied by .411 -appreciative address, which was - read by the president, Mrs. J. W. Tamblym A very pleas- -ant, social hOUT ',NOS spent after the nresentation, lunch being served. Rev. SAf. R. and .MTS. Osborne lea.ve shoytity ler Highgate,' where they were" stationed at the last Cnrorence. Auburn The Wonien's 'Institute will have iheir regular monthly meeting in the Forester's hall on Monday, Juno 1511i, at 2:15+. p.m. Mrs. Douglas of Dur- ham will give \an address, -"How a II0me Can be Made out of a' House." The hostesaes will be Mrs,- MeNab, Mrs. Win. Thompson, Mrs, Erratt, Mrs,' IVIogridge, Mrs. Woods and Mrs. H. Armstrong, • Pelyalo PaYille11, qlospital, Toronto, an auuc, and Johot.,1R., :Rtoo n - ;ball,, 179 Albert:Lis Avin; a (laugh- STO'lli-TERS-L-At the Private ,Pat,- .ietiti' ,Toronto General •-kroseital,. on June 7tli to l!olr, and. Mrs. J:)C,,IStothers Bracebridge, .HIBBERT—In Glinton, bn June ,10th, Mat'gpret Baer, ,,widow 01 the late ; ' Sylvester S. Hibbert, 11005fE1t-1n Chilton' on ; May 611. -Albert Hooper, aged 69 years, ,REAVPIE—At Londesboiso, on June. ftli John Beattie, aged .72 years. ouNio,,,T.__At ;her Jute yesidence, 3 Rosedale 'Road, Toronto', on .,1-hu'e Mit, Jane EiSher Gudn, wiclo;v o 1- the late DOmild Guilla, in her Blith ..Ruptiare Expert Here Do you suffer froM rupture? IT so, your big apporteni‘tY has n'ow arrived. Reavely the';ioted rupture exbert will be at the Rattenbury Hotel for one day only Vliednesdag, June t7 and will be pleased to give free ex- , amination to any sufferer and to demonstrate his famous appliance, This appliance will contract the open- ing in 10 to 15 days and will -cure cases in from three to six month's. This appliance is positively: demon - stinted to you , right' on your own person withont charge. • You do riot spend a' penny utiles§ you are fully satisfied that it is the right. appliance for' you. A consultation with Mr. Reavely will cost you nothing. Don't let this opportuhity get, aWay from you, Reinember the date. 10-1-,2 Remember Goderich Races ' WednesdaY, June 17th. $1,100 in purses. Big Entry I,ist. 10-1 Scales EOM Sale Set of Tpledo scaleia.fan shape, 20 lb. capacity. Practically new, will sell cheap. , APPly John Pease, Bay - 10 -1 Scuffle For Sale , An Oliver 2-1iorse,` 2-rovio scuffler, almost Pew. Apply -to X. H Quigley, London Road, 11 Miles south ; -,D Clin- ton. ' ••• 10-2-p Wanted. ' Girl for housework. Work not heavY, Also, experienced farm- hand, ap51Y at once. Chas; E. Elliott,. Clinton, Ontario. Phone 157, Clinton central. • Wanted 'Girl 0or general. houaework. Apply. Mrs. .W. .M. 10-2-p Tenders Wanted Tenders will be, received up to Monday, June 22nd the tearing down and re -building of school house No. 10, 'Union, Ilullett and Goclerich. Plans and specifications may be seen at the home of the undersigned. Lova- est or any tender not necessarily ac- ceated. W., -K. Gooier, Secretary, Londesboro P.O. Phone 30-6, Blyth. Central. 10-2-p `Cottage for Sale Desirable, home, in Victorra street, good frame cottage, •glassed in front and heck porehes. Town water, elec- tric lights, has and soft water in house. Bath, chicken house and large chkkert run, large g'arden sylth apple, plum and cherry trees, also raspberries mid strawberries, Apply on premises to Miss G. Rumba% 10-tf •• Wanted at Once 'a Loopers and [Knitters. Apply The Clinton Xnitting Company, Limited, Clinton, Ont. 09-3 Sale by Tenderp, Tenders be received tin to Tuesday, June 16th for the purchase of- the Irving Homestead estate, eoa,. sisting of approximately three acres, divided into town lots. To be •sold bit one block or three separate lots or blocks, one part to consist of the house and land adjoining; another the lot west of the house in Matilda street, and the last what is known as the block at the river. The lowest tender not necessarily °accepted. Terms:" 25% 'cash, the balance in 12 monthly payments at 7%. George W. Irving, proprietor. Address tenders 08-3 Auctioa Sale Of Household effects. Mr. George H. David has instructed the under- signed auctioneaso to sell by public ,auction on Victoria street, Clinton, on Saturday, June.13th, at 2 o'clock, sharp, the f011owing valuable ,'Curni- bee Coo19,,‘ stove with oven, nearly new;'Ndw Perfection coal oil stove, 8 bfirner, with oven; set oak dining chairs; extension table, ehipa 'cabinet, oak; sideboard, oak; 3 piece parlor suite, upholstered, oak; 2 small oak tables;' several small tables; cli'Op leAf table, cherry; bedroom suit; oak hall seat and mirror; oak 'umbrella stand; wicker rocker; large conch; springs and matrasses, choice feather mat. tress; chok!e . Wilton rug, 9x10,/s; BrusselS rug, 9x12; Tanestry„rug, 9„;%:12; i';ood Linoleum 141.7;... Singer sewing machine, good...as new; kitch- en tables; 6 kitchen chairS; flour bin; good copper boiler; Clothes wringer, clothes ,horse; ti gallon coal oil can; tits, ,benches; carpet sweeper: sev- eral' dozen ,sealers; 95 csiece dinner' set; Power pots; several house plants; canned fruit; pictures, dressimilier's form; garden tools; pists,,pans, dish - CS, anch other articles ,too numerous to mention. Don't 'Can't° attend tloi sale as this is a splendid line. Salo without reserve as proprietor is giv- ing too housekeeping. Terms: Cash.o Geo. H. Elliott Auctioneer. Geo. IT. David, PrePrietor% 09-2' M. ROSS SAVA 0 . D., 0PTOMRLST Will be at Bsress' Portrait Studio Every l'hotesday , o : 9 amt. to 2:00 p.m. Eyes cocamined—glesses Eitted Phone 194, Sosforth Crl -H01•4S:g a c ; Eggs bought ,aeeording to Dateln; ion Ooverroment Egg regtitations., In - 11 i 1 quire 'Pr prices ol eggs. You 'Will '. eaiways 'Sind din prices ,toucbing , eily prices; 1 I at. 'Hens; and st elI'fidjshsd ciick al i.„.'A'gs'95 svc.ttel. Otliglittf1(71!egeel 1 befote, ;disposing of. produce- olSeo-t where. .. I 60 o sure mad' have profes'sidnal,. MhotographsblIce3t. of 'the wedding party. Our studio in Clinton will be open every -TuesdaY 'Coins in on that d'ay, and 1-Pdve, 'seine „good portraits made. Fau'rilY Groups and Chilth•en's Fhetos a. Specialty ' .BURGESS •P,ORTIZAIT 'STUDIO , ,FILTCHE‘LT.,. AND CI,NTON. Raving taken over. the •ageney of the Singer Sewing lifachine 0 am ,pre- pared to 'supply; the' Wants of anyone requiring. machines, parts, needles', etc. Machines sold on 'easy terms, old -machines -taken as cash, ' W. GLEN C 00 Phone 1713 P.O. Box 201, Clinton • 09 • NOTICE TO CREDITORS The Ontario:Balk Sales Act Re Williain L. Johnson trading at Clintoo ae a Grocer under the style g Johnson & Co.; ' . Notice is hefeVY "given that Rus- sell E. Manning 'of Clinton Bank X anager, has been appointed Trus- tee by William L. Johnson, trading as johnson & Co. in connection with the sale of his business to Frank Watson. Creditors of -the said William Is. Johnson and Johnson & Co. are re- quired to Seliver to the Trustee at his `Office in Clinton, particulars 'of their claims duly, verified on or be- fore the 20tts day of June, 1925, af- ter which date the Trustee, will pro- ceed to distribute the purchase' mon- eye realized from the said sale amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard 'only to the claims of which he shall then have received notice. And Notice is further given that. the Trestee wlil not .be liable for any of the assets so distributed to any -person of whose claim he shall not then have notice. , Dated at Clintbn, Oat., ;this 27th day of May, 1925. 08-8 W. BRYDONE, R. E. MANNING, Solicitor •Trustee. MORTdAGE SALE Under ancL,by virtue of the powers centained in a •Ortain mortgage that will be produced at the time of sale there will he offered for sale brPub- lie Auction on the property in the Township of Goderi0h in the County of Heron on Tuesday, the sixteenth day of June, A,D. 1925, at the hour oP2 o'clock -in the afternoon the fol- lowing lands and vrernises, viz: Lot Number 34 in the 7th ConceSsion of the said Township of Goderich, con- estimatitni 80 aor.es of land More or less. • On the premises are a. good frame house with 7 rooms, a bank barn about 34x150 and a shed /lbut 24x40; 12 acres of good bush and. about an acre and a half' of- °milord., The soil is good; the farm is in pasture. It iSa doirable. farm properbY.• TERMS -1,0% at time, of sale, bal- ance within 80 days. Sale subject to a reserie hiti. , 1For particulars applY to W. Bry-,' done, Clinton, _Ont., Solicitor for Mortigagee. ` 08-3 O 09000(25.50 :055 e.es, a d hope you are pleased Office-, 00 515 ,COr' laisinese on SatuodaY evening's iqu W. ra-11:ca4v59.a.-lli14 Phones --Office, 214j Eesidonce, 211w Dd Kf 5 hances` Vo -0 cannot look up your buildings in a 0 Is proof vault, but you can have then; value guarantead against loss by fire in a good ,Insuranco Company. All Lines of Insurance , Abtonnibile Iosurance at a big reduction Agent for Huron County for , The Sun Life Insurance Co. of Canada E. HOR Office at residence, cor. Mary and Orange streets, opp. the rink • Phone 258 90- ' The :biggest word in the Life In - Milano world, arid the hardest, seem- ingly, for the enstolner te pronounce - has always 'been the word • We have NOW a full coverage for Temporary. Sickness and Accident, Total and Permanent Disability, Double Indemnity for Acci,dental Death and all plans of Life, Limited and Endowment Policies, The Ontario Equitable Life /And Accident Insurance Co. M. T. CORLESS Phone 193 General Agent June Prices For S. C. White Leghorn RARY OHICKS 313,00 Per Hundred Custom Hatching 4c Per Egg 'Inglenook Poultry Yards E J. TREWARTIIA ,HOLMESVILLE Phone 22-611, Clinton central 96-tf Clothes Cleahed and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and re- paired. Viroolen goods dry cleaned. -Rooms over Heard's barber shop, W. 3. Jago: —88-tf COAL. ,•• 'We have a supply cif Furnace; Stove, Nut and Soft' Also some good drY slabs. Leave orders at residence. 1 . ' E. WARD Phone 155. Huron Street. • Clinton's5 1. 414 OLD M. COLDBEEN WENT TO HIS 'comwm. TO START:THE WINTERS FIRST FIRe WHO) ME GOT:MERE THE COAL BIN WAS BARE, HE PAID MORE 'FOR HIS COAL ,,Wasn't he a foolish man to wait until October? He didn't know about the -Big Spring and -Summer Cbal Sale. And now the question is— "Do You 'Po Folks' profit . by some summer sales arid 'overlook the big- gest bargain of the year. This sale ,of "Black Goods" happens every spring and summer. • Now 0 the time when all coal is reduced. We, would like to see 'you profit by this knowl- edge. So— CaII. the kvawftrM for good, clean coal B.' 1111111STAII COAL COMPANY PHONE 74:CLINTON „ , COAL Having erected new coal shed's will ,have on hand full stack of coal for immediate delivdry. Prices reason- able. -- R. J. MILLER Orders taken at residence, phone 116' The Pore Bred Clydesdale Stallion GENERAL 1V1ILLER' No. 21,163 , Enrohn.ent No. 1808 , Form 1 Will stand for season of 1925 Tuesdays at Joe Flynn's', 6th con., Hullett, for noon. Saturday all day at Graham House barn, Clinto. Bak• anee of each week at his own stable, lot 18, con. 3, Hullett. . TERMS To insure in foal;'$12, Payable -When mare is known to ,be in foal, mares not returned 'regularly to the-herse will'be cahrged full insurance price whether in foal or not. Parties dis- posing et' mares before foaling time Will be charged full insurance. All accidents at risk of owners of mares. I can take a few mares en pasture at $1 per week. ED. JOHNSTON, Proprietor. " R. R. No. 4, Clinton, Ont. Phone 3 on 636 ' 06-41 CREAM WANTED • The demand for our Initter, is in- creasing. ,To supfily this demand wo require mere creani: We., request you to ship us your cream. We guarantee you the Highest Market Prices, accurate tests and prompt service. Our firm is known to you and needs no further recommend. We pay all crtpress charges, furn- ish cream) cans and pay twice each month. Write for cans or fovher informa- tion to the TOTE SEAFORT1T CREAATERY.CO. C. A. BARBER, MANAGER IJCKSON • FRE The, Big Shoe Store Opposite the Town Hall 15 17 15 eirrottses iV 15a/7e tahsan Ccdre' q/e Agency for tb ?llaftRCPAIN 1 vester Compa CaA:ada IM./Corn m s, e,g and itnm te4tionak Lfnes • ,c4 Macluneis, „ Cremn bey.,ratoiec, Fktnr C3iL/ Tracks, etc. ectsan,'s..fole aI Wo ane prepared to give you Service at all times by having otir store ,apen for you and a man always °a hand. We vrill specialize all repairs and have them on hand when wanted, Mr.A. 0, McMurray, District Repr.esentativo 'of the InLernationai, Harvester OomounY -will be here every Saturday to consurt with, TELEPHONES ---Day, Na. 53;, Night, No: 3 Seed Corn ...u—orttatcyczameratrnsgatrammattirperetwor,..tes Have a complete stock of No. 1 Gov't Standard Seed Corn highly test- ed for moistere arid germination. Our prices aro reasonable. Also Menges \ and Turnips, both swede and fall feeding. CHICK. FEE Blatchford's Milk Mash, Prates Buttermilk Mash and Royal Pimple Scratch. Grain Small inquiry for grain at present. In -the market for Wheat, Oats and Barley. ROOFING' See OUT stock before buying and coinpat•e quality. We -honestly think we have the hist and' Will stand be- hind every sal(' JA. FORD & SON Flour and rAonedelVI1e2r8chants ahd Grain Buyers VINIMMIIIMIONMIENNINIptoMmame:ffitsgsraolome 'Ili toll_ Garage We Repair all Makes of Cars and Batteries • Lawn Mowers Sharpened Baby Buggy, Buster Brown, etc., tires' put On -while you wait. Remington typewriter for sale. No reasonable offer refused. Do you want your little son to enjoy himself? We have a joycycle in stock for boy -or girl age 5 to 7 years. . ,A, C. 0. M. cycle in stock, Walk its and see it, if not the right size we can go it. SERVICE WITH A SMILE AT ALL rtouro A. S. INKLEY Garage Pls. 80 • Res. Ph, 167r 2 C.. H. VENNER, Electrician . Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other Appliances Phone 15Inr Wiring and Repairs. COR• NS 'end the pain quickly, safely In one minute yon can end the pain of corns with Dr. Scholl's Zino -pads. They end the misery of corns by eliminating the cause, friction -pressure. No danger iof infection from cutting or corrosive acids, O -**.• Zino•pads are thip; antiseptic, water- proof. They protect while they heal, Sizes for corns, callouses and ,bunions, Call today and\get a box of thia new, magic cora treatment. Dr, Scitioirs Zin -pads Put one on—the pain is gone! We a; cam a complete line et -Dr. Sekell's Fott Cseekieri APPliances and Remedies Footwear and Foot Comfort .41.st POAP/MUIMITC.. • Piants and' Flowers Tomatoes Cabbage Cauliflower Celery Sweet Peppers ' In aLl Varieties Asters Marigolds Petunias Snapdragon Zinnias Verbena Balsams and Pansies now blooming in boxes Geranithns; Cannas, Salvas Lobelias and Allyssium, White Leaved Ger- anium, also Rosy Morn Petunias and Dwarf Old Rose Snapdragon for 'bedding For Hanging Baskets and Window Boxes we have—Vineas Ivy, Ar- tillery Cuphea (Cigar plant) Dracaena, etc. Cut Flower Specials * Gladioli, Roses,. Valley, Carnations and Sweat Peas Special Attention to Fiera' Work' W, JE..NKI.NS.fi SON Greenhouse Phone 141-r-3 oenhouse Open Evenings