HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-06-11, Page 4•
• ,itS the 'thcarglit of
oiie to
t041i, the
'And ..all'qt.• inYaolf; saY
'leolced bacic
• LI.4.,:, thwktilfi, tikl,l-hielc• over these,
i fourteen Years' idtei. 'aye 'Aa2 'i--riStl!bat
rails avvity, and fi see before:it-lie .TiOW,
rhe s'eene when ,f, , was solenitITY -.set'
aMirt tO this' 0.1fice.. , 1 'doran-tem:,
fiber -it cooo;bock to Me as', r speak
-1,0V4 ea iih1i ineine110 1 ssid 10CW vain
awl. ti.t.c.l.s it wou-ld be , for. me to'
'talk then. and . there --of . plans that
Itri-elit -imer be fMfilled, hopes that
4 Mile;lit noVr-r bc . 'mPlized' All I Could
ask for. -was, prayer that,something. of
V,hat I desired and alined at reighthe
- gi'Ven -to -ine for the sake of others;
,s, ,-- , mr.,:. and that God might; give me grace to
‘,.......„........... ........,..,,,---,--......,==.--.,- finishtmy Course here -with joy: And
; ,
: now, . r'5t11,1 CU'ng at the end of that
1 •o 0 • 00 -arse, It is no af fectati on of hum il
4:T; 4,..,r0 lilt !lin A ri0 r e s oy t)i.,ie
, ..": (9.,:-' N, 11,-;,,, to sey,,, whaYe'very honest Man.
Must say who loolcs,hack on such a
Will lie11.1 tii0i0 spNites - period o -,f bis life, work and sees how
many failures, how -much thne lost,
hoW many ,o-pnortnnitles. wasted,-
,ift tile B6pfiz,t,Clairc.s2, "nod be.mereiful to me a sinner."*The•
Cira4au.,•.0Ltaria '.'. man' who'can tlnis Rok back' end not
:I",nd 'reason .to, 'pray for mercy and
• forgiveness, Int-mt he strangely ignor-
-Su day JulAe 14th 'at 11 o'cclock i zil
p • . 6 e • •
P",t. rtr''1,'461' 111.1+1,1,714'bill.11 nf the
'duties and res-Oonsibilities of life. ..!
. •-• •
. .
_ ' . .
• But-feelit,g, zi,s4,k-tle.eply do, thy owa
• MINSTER --Rev. 'R. C. McDerinia cf. Gnderich unWorthisiess, 1 sliduld', yet 'be untrue
, and 00j031 to, yoa if I .took no notice
SUBJECT--" 1'1h-is:lug Del:Soul". • of the kindly'and etcouraging exAres,
siting many ot'you have- used reps.rd-
• 'Sunday Scheel: gantist Church at 1.0.0'clock a.m.
ItveTyinsety elcome .• 0010 not altogether run and labored
hPaits -words -of mine havA brMight
eaufteld I tile guesiz of their niece Mx& F:-11. "'ease oaf] comfort, those - wh ,,,,I
M.' me., I thank Ged for the assur-
ance some of you hre given me
vain,that there are thdse to whose
in •i
1Pau'l at the Rectory on Sunday ,have been enabled to he beta ng
On Sund'ay last Rev. A. 1110cfar- the cares and sorrowa of this life os:
Mrs. Bingley; Miss Ada Dingiest
and Mrs.' Brown of Detroit* yisitet • stir to a nobler and' • higher life. I
' • • I i
lane pas:ached his farewell amnions
_ivtih Miss Rachel Taylor from Friday ; thank pod, say, for these things,
i St/• -Andrew's church. The ser- for •they are the. highest rewbrd a
till Sunday.
. P• owell ,ce •word
c of his broth-'
j,. :Inaskew',
Ibo late' Mr...POWell' Went-
„0.tit •tv-elitY Years' age, This
break im a.farnily 01 nine,
'Ohara,- :and T(.71.11:, . sisters evomng of last.' Week: • Although -the day: afternoon to .cometerY, tane to break hisfiegvultile playing an
Millah;" 1`,,,...tchsaa:,•tintftialidahai:a•aga;'
• • • •
A. T. Scott wish , is cut s duty -to chronicle the right; ,wing, _kikonhsad and McC*.t.
k th.c resnv friends 01 B'rirectieki deaths et'• ord and very 2!o- nov' centre 4A/right! left 'wing'. 3ale
an'cl kindness.,cmci , spected citizens of the community and Fite-,eic-ild 'Referee 'Bid" Ball
pathy ,shovn). during his long illnejSft this week rii:1". Henry el! the of Brussels. The prfielSecle of the
A..anceessi:11.1' and, iminorous ;)lay • Itlital Line, pasted away last gaine will be apPlied foi7 the benefit
tya,s Flyer; in Walker's Dail Thursday weel(, the funeral being nEdd of Paul Doig, who 'had
:leaves Ibo 1010 01
a wife, mid two night Vvas exti'emely• Waran the atm-. Mr, Ilicicer Tor inaoy, yeses lived in ci.„.,:hynilloh. game with the Hurons at
sons.L:' ="N,o. loplars are'at band ahd Moily was^ grefited e large audience; Rippen, carrying, on :fine business of
.1.1,V1Iet.).111Pel,,evwe 1,,§...• not %aware that 12. -is ,tite, 1-;;,-11.1 ..beine; c;onfor,,tably„ filled. Tho 0 arria,,,,,e ;Ind wa gen ' 'maker ln the 1401liide: MI,: and Mrs. ,1411, .11, King
• ••••-u'"° s';gs,'93T9D1123'' .01 mgriteen lmmn- pliern..se16 ilow Occupied, by Alex; iti,,, 0,,,3,, ont,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0,,,,,,,. 0,,,,,,„,,!,
. boys ot Lae Kelly Cria-.1• 0 11011 the glay Renoie: lqincteen years ago he ment of their eldest daught-er, Pc':;), I,
Co‘,TliitrSd;ty afternoon last a Duro- ,,,,,,.,i, ' ...Th., "s..oh.,,,m,,, q,„„rition.,, horigiv,, tile stu,th, 0.0:, Tvh.,,, ;rohn
I3grrY, to .Mr. , , John • 111E, Ilta:chisail, 100c o'f,
11 a.n.:t1,1,e ladies' o 1' the soutll-eaSt , :,::::: leLii:
lici ,:1,1„6„,..tovleci,,3..hip„ 0n(1 . tile api,„.„ -1.41e,1:010 WrIAA, 7e•Ii 1.i(.1ed „mat and wa;•:, \vhere he lias Since ,rosidad 1.1131iii death Mrs. Hutchison and: 'the 11.1•te }In 'II
tr-',,iy,ifii,/....'flgiii: ;r0,0vis 01 the .Dayfield ''1'-' rile (luaint stYle5 gf: dress 0 f hts 1--horS. ased vVhs of "... riago to tzike plaee in june.
;'T•..in-•c:T,101fe' ',11.0lee,ctic',11.1g;tcf.li.),e, ilei.di)::iticl' . i'rfili.c. r'Cill'ecl-C1;oles't'tcli3iftecvs'rh9cifir:tgl'ercli'licasi,ecisi sa('''11.11.1n°0,..-1: (It'll's'', c."'!an1113.1-1'1;-:‘,3higcl (t.l':'se11110ts'li'leoluc1g1:hbdoovf°bteTidl'[.i'")
direCitor Cor South ' Huron, oecu.p.,,e,"1, 'Palli.0111T ISaTa.Phernalia whic/i goes to
o In'ot;at t'he h;Onc,,e. arnrc, ja8e'natMg. 11°111'614:1" 1a11 WE:ek- $1,11:10, ,Iiutchistat of Gbrrie, Oat, The '
Titigh Drim-e-field, Thlf.W.0:. te•d .Y.61-70.--Eig°' with all 'tie "001Th
1,11,3 mra..H. tav-lc, Te.„,i, inake.mp a real ladieS' .outfit
ry.u, je, ..t.::::egh9g4)9:0°fTlefs.sw.ot;rewivile:r.yhisinwteoil.,e.cis:r;ftla:1.-
01. 11. ,v,ms Present and addressed 1\.1.1% '7% t". who, Lu3 the
g smae mig 9 • rentodel,,To e transformin • 01 30 ld
°Taal-dr/Mien, its Werff' anci arma _and a
how • it, \vas e...pected. to benefit the
farm women of Ontario. Mrs. Haugh
made a short sliced). erenhabizino--the
social side of ihom clubs, how the
meetings bpught Pee.gle together, 10
they, got better acquainted. She atso
thought women 'should , study immici-
nal affairs and have a say in any-
thing pertaining to welfare oC the with her Scotch dancmg. Miss. Eva
home aid children. , Stackhouse gave a recitation and ur,
Ltoich was served and some time Bert Boyce...gave a, violin selection.
spent 'in social chat. The • meeting --After three cheers ,for the .acting
closed with the singing of -the Natibn- nornnonv mid the singing of God. save
al Antlilm, • ' the King the meeting•was brought to
Mr. and Mks. Reginald Q. SowerhY a close._ The reeeipts at the door
have returned from their honcymocn am9nnted to 837.75.
- and -most ugly maids inte 130E1111111U'
girls. -Rev. 1VIr. AI'MOUT presided over
the meeting and also contributed a
solo in his usual acid voice, accom-
panied at the piano by las. Armour.
Mrs, Lyle Hill al„,so favored the aud.
iciliC0 with a pleasing eolci. Mrs. J, R.
1VIurdoek as accompanist, MisS' J,aret
Alicenhead brought doWn the housi.1
trip and -a' -e, settled at thermhorne, the
Bayfield 'Road.• -
IVIrs. A. RbbiusiM Detroit visited
her niece, Mrs. P. • McDorall the
past week, •
10115. J00 „Purling CT*.Sii.. Colamban
is visiting Tier fath'or, Mr. A.- M-
53111(0, 11/Ir, and Mrs. Jesek
Mr. snd Mrs. Andrew S'oari of
yl -t} •visited friends around here on
'Sunday. ' • s
Mr. and Mrs. Sam tinmeason and
i'srtrily orient Sunday at • 'Bela;rave.
They were neeompanied by Mrs. C.
Mestregor of Detroit. .
• Among those who took in the trip
to 'Detroit this week were the .Missea
Arillie And Kate IVIeDnugall, Miss
Leila Emmerson and' Mrs. Mason
SAirlinrs. •
..Arativersary services will be held
in Bethany etturah on &Imlay, June
isler.. The 'Rev, Mr. MeDermid of
Goderich will °adduct the services at
2:B0 in the afternoon and 7:00 o'elort:
in the evening. N'special choir will
furni~h the music. -
• Quite a number front around here
-took in the Moonlight on Monday
evening •
The Rev. A. Macfarlane preached
his farewell sermons to large crowds
at Bethany' and Bayfield on Sunday
last' '
Mr. tint] Mrs. Geo. • Laithwaite of
•North Dakoia -re visiting at the
horne of the lady's mother, Mrs. H.
Murphy. •
Preacher can claim! And I am thank -
Mrs. J, M. Stewart of Stratford is fat, also for 'what it has been -in niy
visiting her parents, Mr. mtd ,Mrs. power te accomplish hi- brightening
John, P011ocks Mr. Pollock having re- and improving the worship and ser -
turned from the West last week. - - vice of our church, and rendering it
11/Ir. Swaddling of London is -build- in some aspects More worthy of Him
to whom it is offered. I -wish to
ing -a summer cottage on Howard thank all those who have. been in'
• street for Mr. and Mrs. AaStevens 'of
London. 't • see him relinquish the charge which am: sense fellovt-laborers with me
MrRWEccles from Calif.
a. ori' he has so faithfully fined. During auct have helped me in my work here.
Ilia years that lie has'iaborecl 11 lieereAnd I ththe kindness, and sipiPathy which soank you from my heart for
s, . . na
is a guest at Miss 1Viartha Rathwell's, Menet only taken the lead-in
Mr. and Mrs. E. ASaucier, miss movements and the betterment a sag many of you have shown me all along.
-Betty and 1Vlaster I3obby Sander,' Mr. own church but also in 'the commun-
. And if there be those who have felt
Frank Erwin and Miss Charlotte
ity.,, ,During. the war he took a very called to speak hard and unkind
Geiser of Kitchener spent the weelc-
aCtitth part iii patriotic work aria words or to do hard arid unkind deed,
end in the former's ehttage cal Main mant' turned to. him for the splendid deserved or , undeserved, I desire tO
• street. ; adviee which he always gave, Fie will ferg0 and 10rgive all that at this
be missed on • the school board and moment, and to let my last words be.
Mrs. Cherie* McGregor of Detroit 1 - • as 1 have striven that my words all
visited Miss -Maude McGregor on 1, •through should be, words of peace.
' Thursday and Friday. . • 1 Another thing 1 with to say,. and
that is that if there is any ones, --and
to say; the're are not many
"turned on Friday, after a few days ./ am bold
---who can say of ine that I ever gave
visit in Toronto. him ;hist cause of offence by word cm
• deed. then. of that num .1 entreat los
Mr. Thos. 1VIcCurdY spent -last week Pardon.. and ask him to believe that
in ,Strhtford. , s the offence was at leaSt unintention-
Mr. John Faaser is attending the ally given. .
meeting of the General Assembly in 1111 •1b1d
• Toronto. Rev. A. IVIaefarlane left on
Monday tosattend the meeting this
Mr. Witif" L. Metcalf returned on
Saturday last from Ann Arbor Uni-
• Mr. ad Mrs. Win." Rehinson and
family of London "spent.. the week -end
in their cottage. s
Mrs. King,Mrs. Ilionklioula, MssKennedy 'and Misses Maurice and Ev-
elyn King of Stratford- spent the
week-pnd in Miss Kennedy's cottage.
Mis. 1VIcConkey5 Mr.., lielsoli Mc-
- Conkey and Miss Tilley of Stratford
spent 'Sunday in the village. •
• Mr. W. C. Attwood., who is now
surveying in the district near Kippert,
spent Sunday „with his grandmother
- Mrs.. . Attwood:
Mr. Lorne 13. Johnston of Thief
vices both morning and 'evening were
very. impressive. Fourteen years ago;
on May the ninth Mr. Macfarlane
tools _charge. of •the Presbyterian
'church here and Wis, with very deep
regret that not only his own church'
people but the comniunity as a whole
Dr. and Mrs. A. Newton -Brady re -
- •
One word more in closing. I do not
affect to minimize the anxieties which
weigh on /your minds owing to the
change whieh 1 air occasioning in
,your congregational history. But you
cannot expect me to take the view
that my going is .50 gr514 a loss 10 -
'you, .There is an 'old saying "God
buries 1 -lis workman and carries on
his work." .1 We may say also --arid
for me at least today I think it is
the only record -God a'forgives His
workman and carries on the work.
The ti -ch which falls from my hand
will shortly be caught up by an,oth-
or; and yeti' will believe when I
say that he has My best wishes fin;
his welfare and success. You require
another guide, another teacher, and
You will get a better one than - ever
I have been. Indeed, could I but for-
givikinyself for the manifest inadequ-
ncy of my service; I ihould carry
away from this place,. from your
midst, nothing but a 'wealth •of hal-
lowed memory and hapsnt inspiration.
I can never forget the moments when
by the mercy of God it seemed to
many of u$ that the Lord vvas in our
midst, when at ,communitin, 01 3110
smayer, or beside the open grave, our
eyes grew, dim hetanse the, Master
spoke ta us and gave us His greater
Consolation, , . His ley. I can
never forget the sainted death, the
•holy patience, the noble service, the
simple faith"- *least of all can I for-
get the responsive and sympathetie
affection- which made , my days so
bright and which- made 'me joyfully
secure to yomi unchanging friencishn.
s'. s ,
also on'the library board. It'was dUe
to his activities .that the interclenom-
River, Mum., i visstmg Mr. and MrS; 'national Yount, People s Society was
Chas. Parker. • . ass
organized, which has proved sueh 11
lila. and Mrs. W.' D. Stevenson and benefit to the young people of the
family of Londbn oceupied their cot- village and surrounding eounthy. In
;Lege over the week -end. ' fact tISIr. Macfarlane has always taken
' Mr. and Mrs. Wylie of Detroit •and the lion's 'shave in any effort which
Mr. and Mrs. J. Aikenhead Mr. E, has been made for the betterment cat
Harrithn andMr. Percy Harriion of the lunch or community. •
• • ,
Brucefield were tveek-end guests of The service on Sunday evening was
Mts. F. W. Baker. . • naturally of a verysad nature, Mr.,
Mr. arid MIS. Walter Bong of Wind- Macfarlehe's text, was taken from 2
sor are staying in their home on the Colt 13:11, "Finally, brethren, fare -
Terrace for a few days. well," arid in closing he said, "It
Mrs. W. Shannon and Miss Gladys ,was ine,vitable that in the circum -
Shannon of Toronto, and Mrs. F. Jen- stances of today, the personal note
nings 'of London are spending a few shonicl have .largely predianinated in
weeks, in the former's cottage in what I have said to you, and I ask
' Lakeside Park, you to hear with ine if my closing
1VIr. Andrew Dunn of Ingersol tris-'
ited friends and relatives in the vil-
lage and vitinitY last.' week. -He re-
turned to Ingersoll on Monday, ac-
' oomPallled bY Mies Margaret call1P- achrthen years. It is a step whiels no
bell, who intends visiting t4re for a ,
o a- certainly not I. COUld take
1 700k, ."‘" '' .. lightly or without deep pain and sor-
Mrs. R. I-Iicks of Egmondville as
'visiting her brother, Mr. Robt. Del-
M,s. L. M. Day and family of De-`:
troit came on the Greyhound to sPend
a few da7s in, the village.
Mr. E. Hunt .,,of • London came on
`Saturday last toltay with his mother
ivnile their cottage is being re)aired.
Mr. Donald Atkinson - camp, on the -sake as much and more than my own,
. Greyhound on Monday. ;Mr. and Mrs, my duty lay in this direction, since
j, Atli-Aliso/1_41nd Dr. and Mrs, A.. S. I- announced nay intentions to you, T
Atkinson of Detroit and Miss Mar- Ilitive been • exceedingly 'touched by
• ;Tarot Morris of TorOilth cane from the urgent and kindly pressure which
Detroit by motor. ',_ ' - So many of you .l3ave brought to bear
Mr. F. V. Martin, Mrs., Peter Mar- , upon 01e to reco slier my_ decision,
tin and 'Airs. John Rockl.,of Detroit i and it, stained ole more than I cart
look advantage of .the Greyhound ex- • toll to 'feel obliged to diseourage,yout
cursion to spend a feW 'days in the ,-efforts. ,„ Frankly 3. had no idea you
former's cottage "The D'oulder's'.I eared ,so much for me, for indeed T
,- A number of the villagers wept"to 0 have done noihnig to deserve suclii
(Inderich on Monday night for the regard. Rut I ,trust that the step 1
"MOonlight." . , • ' i have taken may prove Candricivs. do
•,-Miss Drew and ,Mr, and Mrs. i your welfare and eventually also to
Wright and family -of London were my own. - , .7
words are of. a. still -snore personal
nature. You eve all atVare of the,
step I have You,
constrained to take
in, retiring froin the olsarge of this
field where I have slabored dbw for
row, _meaning, as it does, the wrench-
ing asunder of Many ties and deep-
rooted attachments. It -was no hasty
conclusion to which T came, The
question had pressed itelf unel, mo
often during the past year. And af-
tea serious and prayerful considera-
tion of all the circumstances and in-
terests infolved, I felt that for your,
• .
But I must not linger on this per-
sonal note. I have no right ,to ask
anything of you in my, own name. but
in the Mas'ter's name I do heseecy,ou
that you hold together in the teS,i-
rnony of Our Lord; that you forget not
.thiS s'anctunry so dear to us all, and
with a work 00' urgent and so splend-
id yet to /IQ, as I believe, for the King-
dom of our. Lord; that you cltyell to-
gether in the 'unity of the spirit' and
grow M. faith and widening sym'-
'nathy; that you believe with all your
heart in Qod's purpose for you Sep-
erately and as h people. This is the
,nrayer r shall over •pray .for you:
Wherever I may go 1,3111131 never for -
"get my friends and the. years I have
spent among. them. I MA net Sayind
O ifinal goodbye`, I trust, we shall of-
ten meet again; and in any case -there
is no final goodbye lietween,„ the'se
who are in. Christ arid charity. But I
do Say from my 'heart, • Qod's peace
until the daY, of Jesus The,
Tsorci forbid that I should eVer cease
101 pray for you and yours. And God
grant that you may always aiVe to
me and mine a place in your memory
and in Vour pravers. And so breth-r
rem farewell! May God foe ever with
'youor in more homely phrase --
Goodbye!" '•
43.e.0. Hill is spending • the
week-eryt in Toronto. . '
Miss Ada Reid. of Toronto Univers-
ity is home for the vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey of Godericli
called on Brucefield friend& recently.
Mrs. Geo, Swan,spent e few 'days
in Toronto last week. •• '
Mi..Fartharn ,who has held a posi-
tion in .the. bank here for smite time,
has teen transferred to - Clinton' and
Mr. Hovey has taken his place here.
Rey. and Mrs. C. G. Armour Jeft
Monday morning for Toronto. Mt
Ara -oar has been attending the Gen,
eral Avembly. •
(Crowded oilt last week) .
tcuncil meatilig-fiouneil met on
l'aesoay, May Zlion, aS a Cotirt of Re-
vision. The following dog tags were
returned: r.. WiSe, z; .theron Bet-
ties, W. H. Johnston and -Sam Ern-
merson. • °
•W, A. McPonald's appeal on S 20,
was considered. This was lowered
31. II. Lindsay' on lot 26,, eon. 1.
Lowered $100, B. II. Lindsay', on
lot 25, con. 3. No action.
It. 'Wallis, lot 35, con. 3, no aes
Mon. ,
. Mos. G Price, lot 28, don. 3 loW-
ered poi).
Blue Water Beach. No one apaear-
ed anti no action was taken.
Miss Proctor having sold her farm
on Con, 4 to Mr. J. A. Cox, this was
changed acordingly.
A few other „minor changes were
made in name's omitted, ,eto.
The question of income tax was dis-
eutsed and the clerk was instructed
to inail the proper forms to the per-
sons mentioned, returnable by June
Business meeting -A letter from
Mr. Finglancl; clerk of liullett, was
,read re expenditure on Base line.
Moved by touncillor Corey, aeeonded
by touneillor Sowerby that the Clerk
and Councillor Jervis wait on ,Hullets
council and- have -the matter settle&
Mr. Howard Williams was appoint-
ed fence viewer and sheep valuator
in place of Mr. C. W. Willialns, de-
cease& •
,Supt. Emmerson was authorised
ID' purchase a strong plow for road
ditching, the former one triecl"riot
being satisfactory.
The following accotints were ord-,
ered paid: Gus Bisback, timber for
drag, $5.00; Jas. A. McMillan, asses-
sor, salary, $85,00; Jas. A. lVfelVlillan,
postage. $4.00; Sam Emmerson, Supt.,
salary, $31,80.
The Council'. decided to inspect the
roads and bridges to see what work
must be clone and •etable..-thern to es-
thriate the cost. -
The coencil then adjourned to meet
on Monday, July Oth, at WO p.m.
-R. 6. Thorposon,
neighbors. He 10 300
nrclurn the ' loss of a devoted hus- ^qi.U0p V
1 1 1 0 WI'
f-mnd g -a flitrwr 10 1 ' Shingling bees are the order 'of the
Dora 'Squires, two dangoters, Mts. dq.‘,. •
Mr D McCowan had a bee two
Norman Pybus and Mrs. Gordon Py-
bu's of Wbyluirm, Sask., and one sop,
Arthur1 on the homestead. Tbe SYm-
nathy of the community' goes- out to
the „widow aad family, in this, .the
hour of the'v, great sorrow.
On Saturday afternoon the 6111-; of
June the remains _el the late John
Doig ,were lail o rest in the Bruce -
'field cemetery. Mr. Doig was wide-
ly and favorably innyven, hav,,pfr lived
to a good old age in the tett/misty of
TuCkerSini1,11, a short distance east or
Mown. TTe was one of the old pi'ao-
13011 Mall of stirling hon-
c.sty, -kindly disposition ancl noted all
through thd community for his many
eaDocl qualities .01 mind and heart. A
wave of tender sorrow pasees over
the contrAunity as a man among men
has -ceased from his.labors. I -Hs wife
Dredeceaaed him many years ago and
.a ion, Thomas, was accidentally Shot •-•
throe years ago. Those now left -are 4
William and Andrew at home, Alex- S. -H. LIB. -CONSERVATIVES
ander. Customs officer at Port Huron;
and Mvs. Craft Simpson of Egmond-
ville. His brother, William a barris-
ter el Port Haven. was over attencl-:
ing the 'funeral, which was very large,
It was' held under 1\4sonic attaeices,
deceased being a Member of Zurich
Lodge, Hensall, the pallbearers being
members of his lodge.
On Sunday last the services in St.
Andrew's church were taken hy a Mr.
Woods of London, representing the
Lord's Day Alliance. It te-76.----source
of regret' as well as humiliation to
think that we as a Christian cOUntry
have tO actually fight away year af-
ter year fop, the pueaceful pos-
session of God's great gift to us, a
Holy Sabbath day, one out of seven
and theve are evilly disposed people
who are continually trying to desi-
crate the sanctity of that one- day of
all days.
. ,
. . „
days last week, shingling ins barn,
and Mr. John Scott; sr„ had one on
Viednesday, Also Mr. 'joins. McDow-
ell pill1pOsea haying „One the end all
the weolc at lais large ben house.
Roxboro No. 3,3 school 1.iold its an-
nual „picnic to. Bayfield last Wednes-
day, N.yhen a crowd of about seventy.
five spent an enjoyable day at the
lake, They also had an ,exceltent
program of sports and a number of
pri%es were given, Their Levess'rfaiths
tui._ teachsr, MisS Hutton, took all her
pupils out fol a motor lsoat ride dur-
ing the afternoon. Eiesaloody load a
fine tune and a social day was spent,
The Maitland Bank Cemetery com-
mittee is preparing to erect a new
fence along the front of -the cemetery,
• Which will greatly improve the a,a-
paarance of the place.
Miss Violet Mcelymont has re-
turned home after spending the past
weeks tv.th friends in London.
Mr Andrew Foote is •sporting a
new Ford coupe.
We are pleased to report that Rev.
Mr. -Durrant, who wasataken sudden-
ly ill on Saturday, is greatly im-
proved, under the skillful ' attend-
anee-of Dr. Newton -Brady and Nurse
Miss E. Loga-fi soent the week -end
in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson," MeAsh oft
London spent Sunday with Mrs. C. grounds on Kay 30111 was witnessed
Weekes 'of the village. • by a very large crewd. jtinburn had
'Quite a number took in the Moon- the edge of the play, but they had
light excursion on Monday night. ,
Mrs. M. McNaughton left on Tues-
day1 for Victoria B.C., to visit her
sister, Mos. A. H11itt.
Our township road master, Mr.
John RatInvell, is having the road
widened on- the -4th concession of
Stoley. This Is quite necessary as
the car traffic these days demand
wide roads. '
A union' League 'meeting was held
in the Presbyterian ahurch Friday ev-
ening. Rev. Mr. Durrant took the
Seaforth: Ihe football game in
the senior W. F. A. series played be-
tween Kinburn and Tuckersmith Hur-
ant' at the Seaforth recreation
Mr, Peter Lindsay is spending a
coupleOf weeks with his brother in
Clevehincl: •
Col. Hoare and wife of Stratford
spent Sunday 'as the gnests of 1VIrs.
Don Snell. ' •
Messrs. Ben Snell, D. Wilson and
Arnold Colclough shipped carload
of cattle ;le Toronto on •Saturday.
They accompanied them to Tabnto.
The, Mission Band met last Satur-
day at the lidine of Mrs. Wm, Jam-
• ieson.
The • W. 3M. S. • will meet this,
Thursday, afternoon at the tiome of
Mrs, C. IVIcGregor, when the report
yof the Branch meeting at Sarniawill
be given by the delegate, 1VErs. Robt.
The Huron's of Tuckersmith 'will
play with Hinburn football team on
local ground on Friday, tomorrow,
evening. It 11 le be hoped the boys
will he whiners, aa -they have at oth-
er game. We wisthem kluck.
Mr. Edwin Britton is shingling his
house, this weelc. •'
Col olT)ti-theg.eliinaily r Gilead sgeda teMolisear.shaoie
improving. •
Mr. Will Johnston .4 Flint is re:
netving old acquaintances in the com-
Mrs. Jolln Rathwell of the village
went on the Greyhound excursion to
Detroit on Tuesday.
Mrs. E. A. McAeh of Exeter spent
Sunday in the village -
Zurich: Mr. Nathaniel Ogden is
confined to his home with a fractured
leg, the result of a fall off it roof.
Mr. Ogden was working on the roof
of his brother-in-law's -barn near
Dashwood when he fell and received
O conspound fracture of the
hard luck on account of the condition
bo the field. Their opponents scored
two lucky -go als, one front a long, shot
and another from a rebound. The
game resulted in a score of two -all.
The teams: " Kinburh-goala Clark;
backs, Dodds tind Armstrong; half-
backs, 'Stephenson, Govenlock and
Taylor; left wing; Willis Muscles and
Torrance Dundas; centre; R. Dundee;
right wing, Armstrong and Geddes.
Tucicersmith Hurons -goal, -Keizslake;
wzr,r, DIEEt
'k -The Lib.-ConservatiVes of South
Huron intend, holding' their annual
meeting in the, town hall, Henson, on
•Thursday, Jime 25th, at 2 pan. The
usual 'business of the ammal meeting
tvill be thansaeted, and a special'
speaker will he present to discuss
federal polities. It is hoped a large
turnout of members will be prei-ent.
Ladies are especially invited.
Following are the dates for Huron
County. It will be noted that Clinton
will have two days this year, Oct. 7th
and 8th. This will give exhibitors. a
chance to place their exhibits to ad-
vantage and those interested to have
a good look at them. Keep the dates
in mind and help interest the children
in these fairs:
St. Helens, Sept. 9.
Wroxeter, Sept. 10,
Bluevale, Sept. '11.
Nthel, Scot. 12:
Walton, Sept. 14.
Fordwieh, Sept. 15.
Belgrave, Sept. 16.
Ashfield, Sept. 17. -
Colborne, Sept. 18.
Zurich, Sept. 21.
Varna, Sept. ,,2.
Goderich,‘ Sept. 23.
Blyth, Sept. 24.
Grand Bend, Sept. 26.
Dashwood, Sept. 26.
Crediton, Sept. 30.
Winchesea, Oct. 1,
Clinton, Oct. 7 and 8.
The University offers four courses
for nurses. One five-year course for
the degree of B.Sc. (in Musing), i.e.,
two years in Arte _and three years in
Nursing and Public Health. Three ono -
year courses for graduate nurses lead-
ing to the certificate in Public Health
(C.P.H.N.)s certificate
Instructor in Nursing
(C.I.N.); and certifleate In
Hospital • Administration
The C. P. H. N. coartio is
recognized as the best DOUrS13
111 kind. The other scones are
new bot the standards will be
ovally high,
For additional in-
• formation apply to:-
II" K. P. R. Iowan
ph.n., Registrar,
London, Canada.
Every item
of satisfaction
in the
at prices
k 4.
line is
, , •
4 "
low. This
a "money -back"
is why
• '
Bread, per loaf , 10e I
Cooked Ham, per lb. 58c
Picnic Hams, per lb. ... ... 24c
Mayfield Butter, per lb. ...... ..
Lard, per lb. 21c
Kippered Snacks 4 for 25o
C 11 KED SPA . 41E711
11 S fL•4t,
• .....,,,_ _ _. „, ..
Shoe „
'oliialt f*IS
.... .... ..... _.......... --A.....,....
• >e . A i
.17 A., RN .,, , .
r41 A • WD
1 bv I am s.. . .."., - i _ _ , 14
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